Contestant Agreement

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MISS OAK HARBOR Contestant Agreement & Contract REQUIRED FOR APPLICATION TO MISS OAK HARBOR PAGEANT Completed application Signed Contestant Agreement & Contract Letter of recommendation School attendance record Birth certificate (copy) Residency verification erification (if homeschooled) School transcript (unofficial) $50 application fee (checks made payable to Miss Oak Harbor Pageant) Pageant),, which will be applied to $250 registration fee upon acceptance as a contestant or returned upon denial (Please Print) Name Address

Age City

Date of Birth Zip

Your acceptance as a contestant in the Miss Oak Harbor Pageant is contingent upon up the signing of the following two-part part agreement agreement. All terms and conditions herein must be agreed upon and adhered to while a contestant in the pageant. The subsequent Royalty Contract ontract will be activated upon your coronation, should you achieve the title of Miss Oak Harbor or Princess.

PART 1 As a contestant in the Miss Oak Harbor Pageant I certify that I meet the required criteria, criteria and if I should fail to meet such criteria at any time during the program, I will resign from the competition, ompetition, forfeiting any fees which were paid on my behalf, either by a sponsor or myself. * I am a fulltime resident of the Oak Harbor area * I have consistent school attendance * I possess moral integrity * I have never been convicted of a felony * I have never held the title of Miss Oak Harbor (Queen)

* I am single * I have never been married * I am not pregnant * I am female

I also agree to the following: 1. If I am under 18 years of age, a parent or guardian will accompany me to Orientation. rientation. 2. I will attend and be on time to all of the scheduled events required of me. 3. I understand that I will be allowed to miss two (2) regular rehearsals for academic, religious or family purposes (such uch absences MUST be approved in advance advance). 4. I will come fully prepared for all rehearsals and scheduled events. 5.. I will give my undivided attention during all pre pre-pageant and day-of-pageant activities. 6.. I will limit my cell phone usage at rehearsals and activities to emergency purposes and breaks only. 8. I will sell a minimum of 10 0 tickets to the pageant or purchase them myself. 9. I will at all times conduct myself in such a manner that is in keeping with the prestigious image that is associated with the pageant. The pageant reserves the right to refu refuse se any contestant application for just cause. Such causes may be any past or current action, by or on behalf of the applicant, which have proven or are considered detrimental to the welfare, reputation, integrity and success of the pageant.

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MISS OAK HARBOR Contestant Agreement & Contract

PART 2 In the event that you are awarded the title of Miss Oak Harbor or Princess, the following terms and conditions must be adhered to throughout your reign. OBLIGATIONS TO THE TITLE AND USAGE OF CROWN 1. All public appearances must be cleared with the Pageant Director irector or representative. a) In most cases, local public appearances will be scheduled through the Pageant Event Coordinator. b) All Ribbon Cuttings, Grand Openings and Mixers will be arranged by the Chamber of Commerce. c) The Chamber will usually not call you. You should receive a monthly schedule of events or cards in the mail. You must sign up to get on the mailing list via email. Keep in touch with the Chamber or its representative. If you don’t hear from them for awhile, call and touch base with them. d) You are required to attend all events scheduled by the Director, Event Coordinator and the Chamber. If you work, you must make arrangements with your employer. employer e) Miss Oak Harbor may suggest an event (read your newspaper to keep informed of local events) from an outside source, but the coordinator of that event must call and clear it through the Pageant ageant Director or representative. You are encouraged to seek out community events to assist with and attend. f) Miss Oak Harbor and Princesses must agree upon a platform (cause) for which they will work together to promote and diligently pursue throughout the year. 2. As Miss Oak Harbor,, you will be expected to atten attend d several local events, such as ribbon cuttings, grand openings, luncheons, mixers mixers, and special events. This is your opportunity to meet local dignitaries and business community members and to strengthen your communication skills. You will be given the name of your contact person for the event you will be e attending and are to report to him/her for instructions when you reach the event. You must provide your own transportation to these events. a) Dress ess appropriately. b) Always be at least 5 minutes early. c) A parent or guardian may accompany you. d) Socialize with business owner/person in charge and other guests while you are there; there DO NOT just eat and run run. e) Average time spent at these events should be approximately one hour. APPEARANCE REQUESTS AND PERSONAL CONTACTS 1. Miss Oak Harbor cannot commit or obligate her title or pageant to any written or verbal contractual agreement whatsoever, whether stated or implied. 2. Requests for your appearance should be made in plenty of time for you to make arrangements with your scheduling. Any last last-minute notifications will be made by phone and will be considered optional. 3. Transportation to most functions (grand openings, mixers, pageants, etc.) is YOUR responsibility. 4. Under NO circumstances should you commit to anyone regarding your participation in an event eve without prior approval from the Pageant D Director or Event Coordinator. oordinator. If someone contacts you directly, refer them to the Pageant D Director or Event Coordinator. PERSONAL CONDUCT AND APPEARANCE 1. Miss Oak Harbor must not drink alcoholic beverages prior to or during an event (regardless of age). 2. Miss Oak Harbor must not smoke prior to or during an event. 3. Appropriate undergarments must be worn with outfits outfits: no bra straps showing, no inappropriate see-through or sheer fabrics without a proper undergarment, no excessive cleavage. Page 2 of 3

MISS OAK HARBOR Contestant Agreement & Contract 4. Appropriate shoes and accessories must be worn with outfits. 5. In order to represent the title in a positive light, fad ad jewelry (nose rings, eyebrow rings, excessive multiple earrings [more than three per ear] ear], tongue bars, etc.) are NOT allowed to be worn at any time while acting in the official capacity as Miss Oak Harbor or Princess.. Naval rings permitted if not visible at any time. 6. Tattoos must not be visible at any time while acting in the official capacity as Miss Oak Harbor or Princess. 7. While representing your title or participating in any pageant pageant-related d activity, the use of cell phones or other communication devices will be restricted to necessary/emergency use only. 8. Dresses, skirts and blouses, s, or suits are appropriate for most functions and should be worn to all events,, unless the event or activit activity y necessitates other attire (such as sporting events or when the weather is inclement);; dress pants or tasteful skorts may be worn to some outdoor events, where appropriate. Never wear short shorts or skirts that are shorter than your fingertips at thigh. 9. At all public appearances, you must maintain a professional appearance, which includes good personal hygiene, dress and accessories appropriate for the occasion, and make-up make in good taste. 10. In order to properly represent the pageant at public appearances throughout your reign, reign your physical appearance at the time you won your title, along with a positive attitude, must be maintained throughout the year. 11. You may bring to your director’s attention other pageants which you may wish to enter. enter However; they must be a step-up up pageant and be approved by your director. 12. If you make an appointment for services (hair/nails) awarded as a prize and fail to give a 24-hour 24 cancellation notice, you will be required to pay the technician you booked the appointment appointmen with a $20 nonappearance fee. 13. Keep all social media content dignified and proper. Any inappropriate language, bullying, comments, or innuendos that you make reflect badly on your character and the Miss Oak Harbor title and may result in removal of any title awarded. JUDGING 1. Miss Oak Harbor cannot judge other pageants unless approved by the Pageant Director. D 2. When judging pageants, you are to wear your sash sash; your crown is to be removed and placed on the table while judging. 3. Miss Oak Harbor must resign from a panel of judges if she feels the pageant has been tampered with or demonstrates unethical practices. FRIENDS AND BOYFRIENDS 1. When you are acting in an official capacity as Miss Oak Harbor or Princess, you have a job to do. do Refrain from socializing with friends, boyfriends, or family members when you should be focusing on the event you’re attending. 2. If an escort is needed for an event, arrangements will be made by the Pageant Director or Event Coordinator. I have read the above-stated stated terms and conditions and agree to abide by the them.. This signed document, document in its entirety, constitutes a legal and binding contract contract. (Please make a copy for your personal records.)



Parent or Guardian (if under 18)


Pageant Director

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Miss Oak Harbor and Princesses are role models whose conduct shall be beyond reproach at all times. They represent all the young ladies who have won or competed for their title and are, in fact, goodwill ambassadors for their community.. They must realize this and conduct themselves accordingly AT ALL TIMES.

Upon being selected as Miss Oak Harbor or Princess,, I do hereby agree to accept the duties, responsibilities, terms, and conditions associated with the title for a term of approximately imately one year, in exchange for receipt of the promised prize package which includes but is not limited to: (Queen’s) (Que Crown, Sash, Scholarship, and other assorted gifts. I further agree to the following:

a. I will cooperate ooperate with the Pageant Director,, Event Coordinator, pageant representatives during the term of my reign. b. I will keep all scheduled appointments and appearances requiring my presence presenc and will arrive promptly. c. I will let my Pageant D Director or Event Coordinator know when I am unable to make an appearance for an acceptable reason. d. I will continue ontinue to abide by the criteria required of me as a pageant contestant. e. If I ever act in such a manner that causes any negative publicity for the pageant organization or Oak Harbor Harbor, I will submit my written resignation immediately. f. I will maintain aintain open communication with the Pageant Director irector or representative. g. As Miss Oak Harbor royalty, I will assist with this year’s pageant “Thank Thank Yous” You as well as promotion for next year’s pageant pageant. h. After the successful completion of my reign as Miss Oak Harbor,, I may be invited to serve on the committee. I fully understand that should I, in the opinion of the Pageant Director, breech any issue covered in this contract and previous agreement or fail to discharge the duties required of me me, I will forfeit the title as well as all rights to any practicable pri prizes awarded me. I am aware that the scholarship cholarship associated with winning my title will be awarded to me within 45 days of the Miss Oak Harbor Pageant. Pageant If I am a junior, I will receive my scholarship upon arrangements with the Pageant Director. If I am a senior, I will receive my scholarship on stage during Senior Awards Night at Oak Harbor High School. I have read the above-stated stated terms and conditions and agree to abide by the them.. This signed document, document in its entirety, constitutes a legal and binding contract. I understand that I will receive a copy of this complete document for my records, if I am awarded a title.



Parent or Guardian (if under 18)


Pageant Director


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