1 minute read
BERLIN, 27-28TH MAY 2021
On 27-28th May, Global Solutions Initiative held the Global Solutions Summit 2021.
Named ‘The Great Realignment’, the summit focussed primarily on global issues highlighted and exacerbated by COVID-19, which have revealed a need for support and drastic reform in systemic, governance, ecological, social, economic and technological areas. By bringing together top policymakers, business leaders and civil society, the aim is of a universal call to action: to put people and the planet back at the heart of change.
On Thursday 27th May, Gareth Presch moderated the Moving forward during COVID-19 while implementing SDG3 Good Health & Wellbeing session, where sustainable initiatives were discussed to revolutionise the healthcare system to support health and wellbeing in alignment with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 3. Panellists included Felix Tshisekedi President of the Democratic Republic of Congo and African Union; James Sanderson, CEO, National Academy of Social Prescribing; Roland Schatz, CEO, UNGSII; and Päivi Sillanaukee, Ambassador for Health and Wellbeing, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Finland.