WHIS Inspire | Edition 4 | October 2021

Page 34


AN INITIATIVE OF THE WORLD HEALTH INNOVATION SUMMIT. AUTHOR: DAVID DICKINSON – PART OF WHIS Activity for Health (Social Prescribing). Doctors are increasingly encouraged to prescribe activity, often as an alternative to drugs, in a process commonly known as social prescribing. This process is backed up by community champions whose role it is to match people with local opportunities such as walking groups, choirs and gardening, etc., monitoring their engagement and feeding it back to the healthcare professionals. The initial success of this movement, fronted by the Global Social Prescribing Alliance, has been exhilarating. Particularly gratifying has been the way in which student doctors have taken this healthcare strategy to heart. Activity prescribing is now a driving force alongside medical prescribing, further engaging and involving patients in their own health and wellbeing.

Information for Wellbeing. To provide additional stability for the people’s healthcare, this paper introduces a third leg to the stool - Information for Wellbeing. There is ample research to suggest that people cope with illness more effectively if they are properly informed and emotionally prepared. This has a bearing on hospital bed occupancy, the prescription of pain relief drugs and, perhaps topically, the management of epidemics and the aftermath. That preparation requires a new approach to information, so that each person can gain relevant, timely, focused messages and make meaning from them in the context of their own lives.

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