Meet Luke Schauerte
Meet Luke Schauerte
The federal government announced B.C. will receive $189 million over 10 years, with almost $8 million of that to go to Sea to Sky municipalities
INDIGO LEMAY-CONWAY ilemayconway@squamishchief.com
The Sea to Sky region is set to receive a funding boost from the federal government to help maintain transit services
On Friday, West Vancouver–Sunshine Coast–Sea to Sky Country MP Patrick Weiler announced almost $8 million in funding will be dispersed between Squamish, Whistler and Pemberton over 10 years.
“Through the new Canada Public Transit Fund’s Baseline Funding stream, BC Transit will receive an annual funding allocation amounting to more than $189 million over ten years,” reads a press release from Weiler.
“Funding will upgrade, replace, or modernize public transit infrastructure for 33 transit systems serviced by BC Transit, and
A night of letting loose through music and a carefree vibe
maintain them in a state of good repair.”
At a press conference in downtown Squamish on March 21, Weiler said the funds would be used for “ongoing maintenance of existing services.”
“It creates funding that allows municipalities to plan for expansions of service.”
However, it is not being used to implement regional transit along the Sea to Sky.
Over the 10-year period, Squamish will receive $1.68 million, Whistler a total of $5.45 million and $750,000 for Pemberton.
The funding will begin in 2026 and be dispersed yearly over a decade.
For the announcement. Weiler was joined by West Vancouver-Sea to Sky MLA and interim
TRANSIT: Continued on 2
leader of the BC Greens, Jeremy Valeriote, Resort Municipality of Whistler Mayor Jack Crompton, District of Squamish Mayor Armand Hurford and Town of Gibsons Mayor Silas White.
“As an extremely fast-growing community, it’s become an expectation that people can move around without needing to rely on a private vehicle. So I think this funding is a key part of us being able to rise to that expectation of our community as we continue to grow and have transit being a core part of our planning,” Hurford said.
The funding will see Squamish’s fleet of transit vehicles upgraded and replaced “as needed” over the next 10 years.
But exactly how has not been determined yet.
“I believe that [the funding] can also be used for things like bus stops and that type of thing. So now that the funding has been secured, we can go into that detailed planning around exactly how we’re going to implement it inside the envelope of allowable expenses,” Hurford said
“So, it’ll feed into our transit capital planning and that can be, my understanding, everything from bus stop infrastructure to buses themselves.”
Crompton said the funding was an “exciting decision” made by the federal government
“I’m grateful that we will see this decision add to our big moves in Whistler and really move us substantively forward, as we try to get cars off the road and more buses on the road,” he said.
While the new funding helps to maintain existing transit services, regional transit is still in limbo but Valeriote has his sights set on the end of this year.
“I’m very happy to be in a situation where the BC Green caucus agreement with the current provincial government is to implement
regional transit in the Sea to Sky in 2025,” he said at the press conference
“We signed that agreement in December and finalized it last week There is a fair bit of work to do to iron out the details of what that looks like, but that is the commitment that we’re working with
“It’s very much a work in progress, but I hope that work in progress to be concluded by the end of this year.”
Hurford said the new funding helps municipalities focus on transit expansions without the worry of current maintenance costs.
“Any investment in transit by the other orders of government allows us to drive those expansion pieces and not have what funds could be used for expansion, to be used for the types of things that are covered by this program,” he said.
“Any help above and beyond that really facilitates us being able to direct our resources towards those expansion efforts, rather than purely the upkeep of what we have today.
“Examples of this are our transit futures plan here in Squamish, we’ve been planning for an aggressive expansion of our service hours, and unfortunately, we haven’t had the province come through with their portion of that so we’re behind in our transit plans.
“Hopefully this is an example that we can see the province follow through with their transit expansion funding so we can continue to advance service and not just maintain the service that we have.”
Crompton echoed similar sentiments and highlighted that regional transit is still a burning need for locals.
“Whistler has been able to move forward a number of important expansions to our service over the last couple of years. We intend to do more. We need a lot more internal transit in our community, and certainly, we’ll continue to push for this regional service to be realized,” he said.
For more information on current transit services, visit the BC Transit website.
your news tip or story idea to: jthuncher@squamishchief.com ilemayconway@squamishchief.com
Greenlaw discusses her commitment to environmental issues, community engagement, dealing with Trump and what she hopes to achieve in the upcoming federal election
JENNIFER THUNCHER jthuncher@squamishchief.com
As Canadians collectively wait for the federal election to be called, another candidate has stepped forward to represent the West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast-Sea to Sky Country riding. Squamish councillor Lauren Greenlaw is the candidate for the Green Party of Canada. The Squamish Chief caught up with Greenlaw for a conversation about why she is running, what she believes and what she hopes to accomplish What follows is a version of that conversation edited for length and clarity.
Q: What made you want to run to be our MP?
A: I’m an earth scientist, so I have a pretty good sense of where we are environmentally and I’m also a mother, and frankly, our federal government is simply not doing enough to address the very serious environmental issues that we are currently facing. There’s just been too much, I’m going to call it, corporate welfare. Effectively, it is the subsidizing of large industrial projects that are not beneficial to individuals at a time when we simply cannot afford to give away our public assets like this.
We have people, especially in this riding, who don’t have housing security. They’re worried about getting food on the table. We have an affordability crisis Our federal government has no business giving away billions of dollars a year in industry
subsidies at a time when we should really be allocating those funds to build heavily subsidized affordable housing, which we’ve been lagging on for, I think, 40 years now. Also, health-care funding is lagging Our hospital in Squamish is serving 270,000 people with a 22-bed facility
Q: What can you do as an MP that you can’t do as a sitting councillor?
A: One of the big things is those systemic pieces, like trying to get transparency around lobbyists in governance Advocating for electoral reform Those are pieces that can’t happen locally. Same
with advocating for cutting fossil fuel subsidies, for instance, and bringing that money back to the community.
I enter these roles to help people It’s been really difficult for me to be on a municipal front and really just not have the tools accessible because they’re being held by higher levels of government. The other piece that I really want to do through this role is to connect up and down the entire riding, with small businesses, individuals, nonprofits and chambers of commerce to create a strong network of businesses so that we can facilitate [more] buying locally. So, facilitating producers and agriculture businesses and small businesses, facilitating them getting their products to market, facilitating a network so that people can find who’s out there to buy things from I want to do this regardless of whether or not I get elected because I think it’s an important piece for our community
Q: With MLA Jeremy Valeriote being elected provincially, we have seen the power the two Green Party members can have. But on the flip side, we’ve also seen the limitation of being two people. What can you actually accomplish as a small party federally?
A: For me, the biggest thing is to start conversations. One of the things that has been reflected to me, even in my role on council, is you change conversations just by being there.
Councillors weren’t willing to support a temporary use permit for The Casual Sport, but said they would entertain a rezoning application from them in future
Squamish will not be home to a new virtual reality sports centre just yet
On March 18, council knocked back a temporary use permit to allow The Casual Sport to operate in a “non-entertainment” part of the business park.
But while they weren’t all in favour of issuing a TUP, councillors did say they would be willing to consider a rezoning application in the future
According to the report to council, District staff first received a TUP application for 1111 Pioneer Way in November 2024.
The TUP was for four units located in the mixed-use district-1 (MUD-1) and proposed a virtual reality facility with a cafe/ restaurant
Inside the facility would be three VR simulator rooms with a VR treadmill arena. District manager of current planning,
Continued from 3
So, bringing representation, bringing the conversation around these issues, making sure climate change remains on the forefront, making sure gender equity remains at the forefront. Another piece is, if I do get elected, you look at Jeremy and the Green Party provincially and it has a surprising amount of power in that legislature So that could potentially happen on a federal level as well, because we are likely going to have a minority government situation, where, let’s say five Green MPs—let’s be optimistic—can still actually be influential.
Q: You previously mentioned housing. As a councillor, you have voted against some housing projects. What could the federal government do that would make councillor Greenlaw feel comfortable voting for housing?
A: In the book Broken City, Patrick Condon argues not all density is created equal. Just continuing to increase supply will not meet the demand, and it certainly won’t meet the demand for affordability. And what he proposes is to add density, yes, but make sure that half of it is affordable That’s kind of where I’m coming from And I feel strongly that every, area has a carrying capacity,
right? And there’s liveability. Can you get a doctor? Can you get a childcare space? Do you have teachers at your school? Can your teachers and doctors afford to live in your town? So getting federal support for increasing the carrying capacity of this area. That’s one piece that I would like to see move forward But also, again, investing in heavily subsidized affordable housing.
Q: What will happen when the election is called in terms of your council position? Do you step away? Are there things you can’t vote on?
A: If there was something that came up that I thought there might be a conflict of interest on, I could declare that I have spoken to the mayor and our staff. We’re not very concerned about the conflict of interest piece. I can take a leave of absence during the campaign if I choose to. I don’t have to. And then if I get elected, most likely, I would end up resigning, and there would be a by-election.
Q: What do you feel is the right way to handle U.S. President Trump’s government on the national stage?
A: It’s a difficult question because it is so volatile and unpredictable. But I really do suspect that what’s happening is
they’re using chaos as a tool And so first of all, we need to try to not be reactionary because that’s what he’s driving at I also think you have to stand a firm ground.
Also, coming back to fostering community, focusing on making your community, your neighbourhood, as resilient as we can.
Q: You’re on the inside, politically, being on council, and now running federally. Currently, parliament is 70% men and 30% women. Can you see the barriers from where you are sitting?
A: These roles are very difficult to access if you don’t have a supportive family and community. With the MP positions specifically, it’s about 120 days sitting in Ottawa That makes this role pretty inaccessible to most mothers, frankly. Our kids are under 10 and, emotionally, that’s a strain, but also that’s not realistic for a lot of women.
Another piece from my personal experience through my career in geology, and this is true in a lot of fields, women often experience not only a massive gender pay gap that widens drastically after they have children, but they’re also effectively pushed out of their careers, which makes it very difficult to re-enter careers.
Jessie Fletcher, said the area requested for the TUP was considered the “most restrictive” of the MUD-1 zone and permits light industrial and similar uses
“This [TUP] use is classified as entertainment in the zoning by law, which is described as a commercial use within a building providing recreational opportunities to the general public, including cinemas and arcades, entertainment use is not permitted in this location,” Fletcher said.
“The use would drive a parking need of approximately 15 to 18 spaces, while the zoning for the site has allocated fewer than that.”
Fletcher also noted that the applicants stated they could move and their lease would only be for four years, however, the business is not “transitory in nature” which is the required intention for a TUP.
The units have not been tenanted since they were approved for occupancy in late 2023
Staff recommended the refusal of the temporary use permit and for council to direct the applicants to return with a rezoning application if elected officials were
TUP: Continued on 5
If I were in another position, I would probably quit my job to campaign for this role When you’re talking about affordability and financial viability, that’s a pretty risky situation to put yourself in.
Q: Anything I didn’t ask you that you wanted to say?
A: I hope that I can help reinvigorate people, and bring them back to engaging in their democracy. That would be a great outcome for me, in running, period Just to inspire people I feel like a lot of the conversation is people afraid of X winning [the election] or Y, depending on which side of the field you’re on. The last few elections that we’ve had, have been voting against someone and voting against something. I would like to be someone who people want to vote for.
Other candidates for West VancouverSunshine Coast-Sea to Sky Country include Conservative Party candidate Keith Roy, incumbent Liberal MP Patrick Weiler, newly acclaimed NDP candidate Jäger Rosenberg, People’s Party of Canada candidate Peyman Askari and Animal Protection Party of Canada candidate Sanaz Mani
According to the Canada Elections Act, the 45th Canadian Parliament has to be held by no later than Oct. 20, 2025.
TUP: Continued from 4
in favour of the business model as a whole.
For Whistler locals, Melanie and Sean Martin, The Casual Sport came out of a passion for exploring new things
“We both come from the hospitality industry with a background in food and beverage While neither of us would describe ourselves as the most active individuals, we share a passion for exploring new experiences,” Melanie said at the meeting.
“That’s why we created The Casual Sport, a unique space where people can stay active, have fun and connect with others.”
She said the business was designed to offer a fun space for the Squamish community.
“Just to give a quick overview, the main corner unit will be a deli-style restaurant offering quick, casual meals with a patio space for outdoor dining, and then the other three units will feature virtual sports simulators available for hourly rental,” she said.
“These high-tech simulators allow people of all ages and ability types to play real sports like golf, dodgeball, bowling and others, without needing a large field, court or expensive sports gear It uses a large screen, sensors and special software using motion tracking
“Players can swing, kick or throw real equipment with their movements being mirrored on-screen for an immersive
experience. The mezzanine levels on the second floor will provide cosy virtual reality experiences, adding another layer of interactive entertainment.”
Melanie urged councillors to consider the broader benefits the business would bring to the community, including engaging the youth and providing an inclusive recreational environment
She also said the duo have been working to provide the council with possible parking solutions.
Coun Andrew Hamilton moved a motion to issue the TUP to the Martins and also direct them to pursue a rezoning application
“Interestingly, this use seems to fall into a use that simply wasn’t foreseen in our zoning, because it kind of didn’t exist,”
Hamilton said.
“I see how staff see this as entertainment, as an arcade, but I could certainly see an argument that this is indoor recreation. I could certainly see that this is an argument that this is fitness, and I completely understand that both of those uses are not strictly allowed in this section of that building, but indoor recreation is allowed just a few units up
“So I definitely understand the tension points here, but I fall on the other side of looking for, or supporting, more inclusive zoning that allows our businesses to operate in zones that work for them.”
It was an unforeseen use for this area, but given that these lots are sitting untenanted for several years, I think this is a viable use for them.
Coun Lauren Greenlaw was the only member to support Hamilton’s motion.
“Lately, I’ve been reflecting on what teenagers can do around town. I love the accessibility piece of this project as well, but I think this could be a really good resource for a lot of members of our community, including especially teenagers having something to do around here and more fun,” she said
“It was an unforeseen use for this area, but given that these lots are sitting untenanted for several years, I think this is a viable use for them.”
While the other councillors didn’t support issuing a TUP, they were in favour of the applicants returning with a rezoning
application in the future.
“I think if the proponents are really adamant on this particular location, then they can go through a rezoning process and or I would encourage them to look elsewhere,” Coun. Jenna Stoner said.
“We know that there are huge demands on the limited amount of industrial space that we have left I don’t think that issuing a TUP is a fair process at this point, given that there are probably 100 other businesses that would have loved to move into that space if it had been available.”
Coun Eric Andersen said if this business were to have been around in his youth, he would have been excited by it
“As a youth in this town, this type of facility in my day would have been something I would look forward to It’s the pinball arcade of today, I suppose,” he said
“I feel that a rezoning application would also, perhaps in a more wholesome way, address the parking concerns of the neighbourhood. I would like to understand them better. So in the end, I won’t be supporting the motion, but would support [a] zoning application on the part of the applicant.”
Councillors Greenlaw and Hamilton voted in favour of the motion Councillors John French, Mayor Armand Hurford, Chris Pettingill, Andersen and Stoner voted against it
For more information on The Casual Sport’s business proposal, visit the District of Squamish website.
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It has been almost five months since Luke Schauerte became Woodfibre LNG’s chief executive officer.
Schauerte, a professional engineer by trade, was previously with LNG Canada, helping the facility near completion in Kitimat.
Before that, he held various positions with Shell.
Earlier, he had a nine-year career as a combat systems engineer with the Canadian Armed Forces
The father of two teens sat down with The Squamish Chief at our office on Second Avenue on Wednesday for an approximately 30-minute conversation about his role, how he perceives opposition to the project, touting net zero and where he thinks LNG is heading.
What follows is a version of that conversation edited for length and clarity.
Q: Why did you want this position with Woodfibre LNG?
A: I have been in the energy industry for just about 20 years. I’ve always been really excited about Canadian energy overall. And so when I had the chance to be part of
the LNG segment in Canada, I really thought: How do you actually make it into an industry?
activities As energy has that demand, we have the opportunity to apply for it, and I want to see that continue to grow
Q: When you talk about the regulatory approvals, what we hear from some in the community is that it is sort of a rubber stamp. That there isn’t enough regulation. What do you say to that?
A: I’ve had the chance to work in a lot of different regulatory frameworks internationally and across Canada. I think that everybody in B.C. has every reason to be proud of BCER I think the same for the Environmental Assessment Office and on a federal level, the DFO [Fisheries and Oceans Canada]. I think the regulatory bodies that look after and understand what it means to be able to do business in Canada, what it means to be able to build and operate facilities in Canada, I think they do an incredibly great job. I think that it is sophisticated. I would tell you that the amount of work we do to achieve those outcomes and to get those permits, and then the everyday work you have to do to meet the expectations, I think they are world-leading. And I think that you see that in the types of facilities that are coming through, where people are building lower and lower emission facilities here, where people are working every day to meet the thousands of conditions that are put on these projects So no, I am absolutely certain, having done it elsewhere, this is a high bar, and rightfully so. I think that it’s something that we can be proud of.
I had the chance to join LNG Canada and contribute to that business. I was at a couple of different tables where we were working to support Cedar LNG as it came forward. So, I’ve gotten to play a really small part in that When I looked at Woodfibre LNG, I thought, there’s another one. If you have three facilities that are actually doing this type of business in Canada and doing it well, you’ve got an industry You’ve got the ability to export at scale. You can be part of the community. You have the ability to contribute to economic reconciliation. So for me, it was really about purpose, and saying I wanted to be part of making sure there was this industry in Canada.
Q: You said you are excited about energy. Can you expand on that?
A: I think there’s a strong global demand for energy overall, and for a lot of the energy industry, it’s the ability, from this perspective, to provide that energy and do it responsibly, do it well
I’ve always been proud of the Canadian regulatory infrastructure that’s in place. The BCER [BC Energy Regulator] is a powerful, strong regulator, and I think that often you don’t have the chance to actually get into that business and ultimately complete those types of
Q: You have been in Alberta and Kitimat, places that have a different attitude towards these kinds of projects than in Squamish, where there has been quite vocal opposition. What do you make of that?
A: I think context drives reality for everybody. I’d be the first to acknowledge the context in Squamish is different, than, let’s call it, up north. I think that a lot of the communities up north have experienced being involved with the energy industry and major industrial players for a long time, and that gives a certain flavour to the interactions that you have with that community in terms of what they expect, what they know to be true, and what kind of jobs they’re looking for. When you think about Squamish, and you think about the heritage of this town, I think there was a period of time where it would have been quite natural for this [project] to have happened Now there are different expectations from the community. I think there’s some of the community that definitely struggle with having another industrial player in Howe Sound. There
Continued from 6
are others who are strongly supportive; who actually see this as a business coming back—the ability to employ people, to make a contribution to the community. Understanding that there are those different views in Squamish, we have to be able to meet those audiences where they are, and we have to continue to live up to their expectations.
Q: What do you think is misunderstood about LNG?
A: I think that LNG has had a really long history, so it’s not something new. But as far as its contribution to the energy transition, it’s definitely become the transition fuel There are lots of different views around that, and I accept that, but ultimately, I think [LNG] has emerged as being that fuel that will allow us to go to a lower emission profile and make the ultimate transition over time to renewable energy, and everything else So, I feel like it’s hard to see the difference between other products that are produced and LNG, because it’s got a big infrastructure, it has ships, it has those types of features, and sometimes people don’t see that it’s actually a differentiated fossil fuel. And ultimately, it’s a part of that energy transition.
Another part for me that I think about with Woodfibre LNG, particularly, is that it’s a net zero facility
Part of the attraction coming to Woodfibre LNG was setting a new bar. It is powered by BC Hydro, it’s going to lead the way in acknowledging the Squamish Nation as a regulator There’s a series of firsts that I think LNG is capable of that actually puts Woodfibre LNG in a place of saying this is part of the solution to the energy transition.
Q: There is going to be pushback to the net zero comment, as there is whenever it is said about Woodfibre LNG. What about the fracking up north that is associated with this project?
A: Everybody in the value chain has to do its job very well, the upstream, the midstream pipelines and ourselves. I think that the ability to do that well defines if the product is differentiated If it is truly net zero. I go back to the BCER, and the expectation of B.C. You see the electrification of the upstream up north. You see continued strong regulatory outcomes and strong regulatory enforcement around pipelines, and then ultimately, for our facility, it’s really been a bar raised for saying we’re doing it net zero, we’re doing it with E-drives We’re doing it in a way that’s been different. We’re doing it air-cooled to minimize water impacts. I think it’s natural to have that pushback There’s an expectation being raised around emissions overall. But I do feel that that integrated value chain and everybody doing their job well in B.C. is a differentiator itself.
Q: Another aspect of the pushback on the project has been towards the workers and the housing of the workers in the community. Can you address that?
A: I realize that Squamish has grown significantly in the last five or six years. So, having a mayor and a council that are concerned about the pressures on housing is a natural outcome, with them saying everybody’s showing up, and ultimately, putting more pressure on isn’t helpful. I accept that, and we’ve done a lot to be sure that we address that. The floatel has been very key to that; Sirocco has been very key to that, and we’re continuing to provide that housing to not have an impact. When we get to gender safety and talking about worker impacts. I think that the work we’ve done, the gender safety and the Gender Safety Advisory Committee, the commitments to strong representation in our workplace, around what we expect from workers show up, I thin incredibly we from a family in it I do thin do good work night to make families, they can put their ki say that the in and a legacy I But I also want incredible peop on our site, an paint them wi
Q: We recently sp federal candid mentioned sh calls “corpora subsidies for LNG and othe subsidized el Can you addr
A: The ability to country is depe Part of the reas for the LNG in have large BC provides gree this product. I debate that’s be much the indu tive It’s a conv between ever government an we have to ackn thing where if frameworks to just don’t have show up here appreciative of opportunity to agreements in FortisBC, with that allow us to tive facility he
Q: With everythi U.S., and tariff before, the an impact to the
A: We’ve done a fairly detailed analysis of where we are in our construction phase and how that’s going to impact us. We see a very small impact, as far as that’s concerned. And I think we’re positioned really well, as Canada says it wants to be more connected to global markets. We’re in the middle of doing that, right? So, when it comes to what can we do and how do we contribute? We’re doing it by finishing this project, getting ourselves online and putting our product into market.
Q: Was there anything you really wanted to say that I didn’t ask you?
A: I do think that we’re working hard on being a good neighbour. Some of our community sponsorship programs that we do—the ability to actually see small businesses and small nonprofits getting some funding that actually makes a
And you’re seeing a lot of the vibrancy come back to the site and now we will maintain that as we develop it.
Q: You note you financially support organizations, but then there have been some who have said they don’t want your money due to it being a fossil fuel project. What is your perspective on that?
A: I feel like we’re turning a page We’re building, it’s real We’re going to be here for the next 40 years. We’re going to employ local people and local businesses. And I do think that the discussions that I’ve had with the District have actually been ultimately engaging. And I think that there’s an opportunity to get into some of those discussions around infrastructure and how we show up as a good neighbour, and I’m excited to have those discussions with the District and
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Please be advised thatthe DistrictofSquamishis holding surplus money received from the 2023 tax sale of the property legally described as: PID: 031-195-300
1. the surplus is payable to the former owner of the Property,Charles Edward Hope,oranother person otherwise entitled to the surplus;
2. the surplus became payable on September 26, 2024; and,
3. the amountofthe surplus is $70,170.11.
Anyone having anyclaims on such surplus mayapply forthe surplus by emailing propertytaxes@squamish.ca prior to June 27, 2025.
If aclaim is made by aperson other than the former property owner,please attach proof showing that youare legally entitled to receivethis surplus.Ifno claims arereceived,the surplus will be deemed to beanunclaimed deposit and transferredunder the Unclaimed Property Acttothe Administrator as per Section 659 (6) an (7) of the Local GovernmentAct. If youhaveany concerns regarding this Surplus Notice, please contactthe DistrictofSquamish property tax departmentat 604-815-5035 or email propertytaxes@squamish.ca Arena schedule: squamish.ca/rec/ arenaschedule
Long-time local Brian Ward on navigating the challenges and positives of ride-hailing in town now
JENNIFER THUNCHER jthuncher@squamishchief.com
The job is part people mover and part therapist, says Brian Ward, Squamish’s first Uber driver
In May 2023, Uber received approval from B.C.’s Passenger Transportation Board (PTB) for a licence transfer from Richmond-based ReRyde to operate across the province
The company announced in November that Squamish was one of the places it was expanding to Ward launched his SUV, a 2023 Chevy Equinox, as an Uber a couple of weeks ago.
He worries about the timing, given the tariff war with the U.S. and a movement to support Canadian businesses at all costs.
He hopes that it doesn’t mean boycotting his ride-hailing service because of it.
Uber was founded in 2009, originally exclusively operating in San Francisco.
It now operates in 70 countries.
“We’re driving for Uber Canada,” Ward stresses.
“I’m still buying gas [in Squamish] every day. I’m still eating out lunch, I’m still paying my rent, I’m still paying GST. All you’re doing is hurting Canadians,” he said, of folks who boycott companies based out of the U.S. without looking at local factors that play into it
Ward has lived in Squamish for 40-odd years
In the early 1980s, he and his young family were living in North Vancouver, but they needed more affordable housing.
“I wanted to rent a house for $300 a month. I’m not kidding,” Ward said, noting he found it in Squamish
He and his then-wife had two young kids at the time
They moved to Valleycliffe, renting the top of a house, which included three bedrooms and a beloved fireplace for that low monthly price.
At first, it was a bit of a culture shock to move from a relative city to Squamish, Ward acknowledges.
When he first drove up, he asked someone where the main street was.
“The girl says, ‘That’s it,’” he recalled with a laugh.
“There was no McDonald’s ... There was a pulp mill, there was a logging mill, there was a chemical plant, there was BC Rail.”
He drove a taxi for 20 years and had a lot of interactions with folks who worked at the now-defunct BC Rail, he said
“I did all their Christmas parties, I did all
their events I’ve got a rich, long history doing all this stuff. It’s all involved moving people from A to B. That’s what it’s always involved.”
He later drove for Whistle, an earlier ride-hailing company, in Whistler and Tofino, which no longer exists
When he saw that Uber was starting up in Squamish, he reached out to them
With the need for rides likely out pacing the availability of taxis and other options, he thought it was the “perfect time to do this.”
With both taxi driving and ride-hailing, people tend to pour their hearts out from the back seat, Ward said
“You’re a psychiatrist Everybody tells you their problems As soon as they get in the car, they start telling you the problems. I don’t know what it is,” he said, with a laugh.
The software with Uber means it is safer for the drivers than it used to be.
“I’ve been assaulted. I’ve been beaten. A guy tried to stab me. I had my shoulder dislocated, all because they’re drunk and they don’t know what they’re doing. Had my hearing aid smashed. Had a guy punch me in the side of the head,” he said, of things that have happened over his driving career.
Driving for Uber, people can’t get into the car and be anonymous.
“The thing with ride-hailing [software] is we know who you are. We have your phone
number; we have your email. We have your credit card, we have your full name,” he said
On the flip side, the passengers get to see passenger reviews of the drivers and can track the car as it comes to them
Ward has a Class 4 unrestricted licence, he noted.
“And you have to keep your abstract clean,” he said
“You can’t get a bunch of tickets.”
And there are criminal records checks for drivers.
Also, neither the passenger nor the Uber driver needs to carry cash, as everything is done online, another reason Ward feels safer driving now, he said
“You’re tracked all the way from wherever I am Like, if I’m at McDonald’s and I have to come to The Squamish Chief’s office, you can see McDonald’s on your phone, and you can see me driving right to The Chief’s office. And as soon as I pull up, you know that I’m here because the app will tell you that I’ve arrived,” he said.
“‘OK, I know Brian’s coming to get me. I don’t have to worry about it. He’s a good driver.”
Find out more about Uber in Squamish on the Uber site, or download the app.
T: 604-892-9161
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JENNIFERTHUNCHER jthuncher@ squamishchief.com follow @thuncher
INDIGO LEMAYCONWAY ilemayconway@ squamishchief.com
CATHIE GREENLEES cgreenlees@ squamishchief.com
DENISE CONWAY dconway@ squamishchief.com
PUBLISHER SARAHSTROTHER sstrother@wplpmedia.com
There is adifferencebetween blameand impact, whichwesometimes forget in our current “woe is me”culture.
Take theBrennan Park pool closure.
It hassuckedfor many:folks whotakelessons, teams preparingfor competition, andespeciallyfor thosewho rely on it forphysicaltherapy or amental health boost. It hasbeena real hardship forsome, andaninconvenience formanymore.
Butthe vitriolthathas flowed toward theDistrict foritseems alittledisproportionate
Afterall,it wasVancouver CoastalHealththat called forthe closureofthe pool,not theDistrict.
Andifitwas no longer safe,for whatever reason,it needed to be investigated andfixed
Somethingcan be hard,but thatdoesn’t always mean punishment need follow.
To be clear, TheSquamishChief is lookingto obtain freedom of informationreports from VancouverCoastal Health to find outmoreabout what ledtothisclosure.
Perhaps thereis accountability to be found.
With accountability,wefindout whysomething went wrong andensureitdoesn’t happen again.
Andsure,wecan bemoan that we don’talready have abetterfacility. Didpreviouscouncilsdropthe ballongetting us anew poolsooner? Perhaps.
Butthere is somethingunsettlingabout thepeople who pick up pitchforks,seeming to feel personally slighted,every time somethinggoeswrong in town.
Journalist,professorand author FrankBruni’s book TheAge of Grievancetakes aimatthe culture ofblame in theU.S., butitis a culturealive andwell northofthe border,too.
TheSquamishChief is amemberof theNationalNewsmedia Council, whichisanindependentorganization establishedtodealwithacceptable journalistic practicesand ethical behaviour. If youhaveconcerns abouteditorial content, please contactEditorJenniferThuncherat jthuncher@squamishchief.com. If you arenot satisfiedwiththe response andwishtofilea formal complaint, visitthe websiteatmediacouncil.ca or call toll-free1-844-877-1163for additional information
Reproduction of anymaterial containedinthispublicationis expresslyforbiddenwithoutthe prior written consentofthe publisher.
He says it ledtothe election of PresidentDonald Trump, whousedrealand perceivedslights as a rallying cry.
Once youstart looking, ‘woe is me’iseverywhere.
“It infusesour cultural andpolitical debateswith an illwill that preventsusfromforging compromises and findingcommonground. Everything is grievance, andgrievance oftenfunctions as the enemy of progress,” Bruniwrites, in acolumnin
Next BigIdea magazine
Of course,thisdoesn’t mean therearen’treal victimsorthateverything that happensdoesn’t includesomeone or somethingtoblame
But not everything is aslight. Sometimescrappy things happen andcollectivelyfinding asolution beats bringing outthe pitchforks.
It is federalelectionseason. Watchthe politicians. Somewilluse ourhabit of feelingslightedtoattack theother guy. It is atactic, as used by Trump, to makeus feel wrongedand give us someoneto punish.
Expect andlookfor informationonwhatthe politician andparty will do to make things better andcreateunity,ratherthandivision.
Thatishow we progress,aspeopleand as asociety.
Ifthere wasone skillIlearned back in high school thatItotally took forgranted,itissewing.
Overthe last fewyears,there have been countlesstimes when either aclothing item has broken,orI’vethought to myself,Wow,Ireallywish I couldalter this myself
WhileIhaveslowlyre-learnedhow to hand sew—smallholes in tops andpants—the fact of the matter is,there is only so much onecan hand stitch
This brings me to my latest discovery. Asewing club at theCreateMakerspace.
As some of youmay know,Ihaveavan that we oftentravelwith, andoccasionallyliveout of.With summer around thecorner, my partnerand I decidedwewantedtodosomemodifications to make vanlifealittleeasier.
Thoseinclude;reducingthe size of ourmattress to make pullingout ourbed aone-personjob instead of two, andsomecurtainstoblock outthe lightand keep thewarmthin(or outdepending on theseason).
Now, Idon’t know if you’ve ever triedtomakea mattress coverbefore, butone thingisfor certain, hand-sewingthick fabric together just does not bodewell.
So,withalot of nervousness, maskedwithahint of courage, Itookmyselftoadrop-in sewing club at theMakerspaceonMarch 18.
SEW: Continuedon11
Ha7lh skwálwen cht kwis emút cht iy sts’its’áp’ cht iy kw’shétsut cht na7tkwa temíxw tl’a Skwxwú7mesh Úxwumixw
(We have good feelings that we live, we work and we play on the lands of the Squamish Nation)
And, in a room of about six people, some familiar, others not, I learned how to use a sewing machine again.
The club isn’t a class. There is no teacher who instructs you on how to sew; instead, it is a group of people who come together to work on their individual projects in a social setting. This gives beginners like myself the chance to learn different tips and tricks from those who are far more advanced in the world of sewing Plus, who doesn’t love making new friends while picking up a new skill?
Re: B.C. failing to show how it calculates forest carbon, audit finds [Published March 18, online].
British Columbia’s auditor general is not the first to raise concern about the lack of transparent reporting of greenhouse gas
Squamish Chief
After a lot of planning, and with some much-needed advice and endless amounts of patience from a friend (I’m looking at you, Cassie Power), sure enough, I was sitting at a sewing machine that I had just threaded all on my own.
So here’s some things I learnt along the way:
1. Going to a club and trying something new isn’t that scary—people are actually very nice and willing to share advice
2. While the aim is to sew in a straight line, that might not happen on your first (or 20th) attempt, and it’s OK
emissions associated with forestry Canada’s Office of the Auditor General raised similar concerns in 2013, and a study published last year in Frontiers for Forests and Global Change found that Canada has been underreporting GHG emissions from forestry by almost 100 million tonnes a year. Until Ottawa and the provinces
Chances are it’s not that noticeable anyway.
3. Always sew with the presser foot down—trust me on this one.
4. If the machine starts making funny noises, stop and assess You could be making thread spaghetti in the machine. Those who know, get it
But the burning question I know you all must be thinking—did the mattress cover and curtains work out?
Somehow, the answer to this is yes. For those interested, the next drop-in sewing club is on April 15 from 6 to 9 p.m. in the Create Makerspace textiles studio.
Did you go away or stay in town for Spring Break?
Have your say at squamishchief.com
Have you already decided who you are voting for in the federal election (Top 3)
acknowledge the true extent of GHG emissions associated with logging, Canada won’t be able to implement effective policies to reduce carbon pollution and help prevent the irreversible overheating of our planet.
Michael Polanyi, Policy and campaign manager with Nature Canada
Squamish council rejects TUP for virtual reality facility
This week, Indigo LemayConway checked out the Cliffside Night Market See this and many other videos on our TikTok channel @squamishchief TOP TIKTOK OF THE WEEK
As Dale Rockwell prepares to leave, he reminisces about his time in the town and encourages newcomers to embrace the local outdoor lifestyle
Dale Rockwell, 84, stands on the front steps of his two-storey grey house with white trim in Valleycliffe. There are two sets of deer antlers on the right side of the porch—one a four-point buck, the other a five—and a large moose antler is mounted on the other side The outdoor thermometer has graphics of shotgun shells
A leather saddle sits to the left of the door There’s a pickup truck and trailer in the driveway
All are signs of a life of outdoor recreation experienced in Rockwell’s 60 years in Squamish.
The house isn’t actually his anymore. It is sold and he is moving away in a month.
Anyone who has lived in Squamish during those six decades of his tenure here, has likely encountered Rockwell
He has been enmeshed in town for all of his years here
He was most recently an accountant, and before that worked for MacMillan Bloedel in various capacities.
In terms of his time with organizations, he believes so far he has given about 140 years all told of volunteer time He has been with the Squamish Valley Rod and Gun Club for 60 years, being one of its first members. He was with the Howe Sound Minor Ball Association for 30 years and the Squamish Senior Citizens Home Society for 16, to name just a few of his many affiliations.
The Squamish Chief sat down with Rockwell in his home, at a wooden table where he plays crib with a friend each week, for a wide-ranging chat about his life, leaving town and his advice for those who remain
What follows is a version of that conversation edited for length and clarity.
Q: You have been here your whole adult life, basically, correct?
A: Actually, I first came to Squamish in 1960 for three weeks.
I started working for MacMillan Bloedel on April 1, of that year at a Vancouver plywood mill I started as an entry-level office clerk, but it was quite boring My boss called me in one day and asked me if I wanted to go and work in the logging camp. Being young and single, I said yes, perfect. So, I came to Squamish.
We were logging on the other side of the Squamish River over the swinging bridge, and that was a pretty famous bridge We had a camp, cook house and bunk houses. And so I spent three weeks here, and then they finished logging, and sent me to Vancouver Island.
I stayed there for five years and worked my way up from timekeeping to cost accounting.
Q: Then you came here for good in 1965?
A: Actually, Squamish’s MacMillan Bloedel operation reopened in 1963 or ‘64 and logged in the Mamquam area In 1965, I asked them if I could be transferred back here. They must have liked me because they said yes. The road from Britannia Beach to Squamish was a paved logging road; that is probably the best way to describe it It was very windy and narrow Then they reconstructed the Britannia to Squamish stretch of highway. Our office was actually just below the Stawamus Chief, where the Malamute hill is
Q: What do you make of all the changes in Squamish in your time here?
A: I always got my mail at the post office. And every time I went downtown, I always saw somebody I knew, saying “Hello” on the street And now I go downtown and golly, I don’t see anybody I know And if I do, it’s a major event. So yeah, I think Squamish has grown, and I guess that’s the sign of the times, but us old-timers don’t like it much.
Q: What else about it don’t you like?
A: It’s hard to describe, but I really liked that little town feeling. For years I always said that Squamish had the best of everything because we’re close to the city where we have the best medical services and more expertise. And yet, we’re in the country where there’s so much recreation, mountains and rivers and a great golf course. I’m a life member of the Squamish Valley Golf Club. [Where he had three hole-in-ones.] I played golf for about 30 years, and it kept me pretty much physically fit—but I have to give Dr Cudmore credit for keeping me going.
Q: You are moving to Princeton to be nearer to your son, Jeff. What else are you looking forward to in Princeton?
A: Princeton is an old mining town, and it has a small hospital like our first hospital The main industries, of course, are mining and forestry, which are really, really important. In Canada, if we didn’t have forestry, we wouldn’t have a house. And I think Princeton is down to earth, with hard-working people like Squamish used to be.
Q: With leaving, what’s your advice for the new people here who are making Squamish home?
A: Squamish has all the great outdoors
There are mountains and rivers and you know, there’s still areas to explore here The way I look at it, being up in the mountains is like going to church I am going to miss that. I have pretty much been up the mountains here several times. So, enjoy what’s here and give to your community.
You get out of it, what you put into it
I am not the smartest guy in the world, but if you have a little expertise at something, you know, share it with the younger people, and they might like it too.
Rockwell is hosting a Farewell Celebration at the Squamish Valley Golf Club, on April 6, from 2 to 5 p.m.
If you knew him over the years, come on by and say so long, he says
About a local is a semi-regular column featuring an interesting resident If you have a suggestion for someone we should feature (and their permission!) email jthuncher@squamishchief. com.
Next Village Vibe Collective women’s event on April 12
JENNIFER THUNCHER jthuncher@squamishchief.com
The music is thumping, the lights are low and a group of women of all ages, shapes and sizes is dancing in a loose circle
Suddenly, the music shifts and the women spontaneously form a conga line Later, during another song, they spontaneously line up like Rockettes, only not like those famous U.S. dancers because these Squamish women don’t match— and likely don’t care to
Over the course of the three-hour event, women dance alone or together Some take to a corner to chat.
Laughter and encouraging choruses of “Whoot!” interrupt the conversation
The only male in sight is the DJ
By the end of the night, the 20 women in attendance, some of whom didn’t know each other when the night began, are sweaty and smiling. Some, including this reporter, have made plans to meet up to walk with their new friends when the weather is better.
This is Ladies’ Night Out put on by Village Vibe Collective at Match Eatery & Public House. It is a judgment-free zone, where women can come together, without the male gaze, and dance and socialize freely, its organizer says.
Annissa Adams hosts the nights with her DJ partner, Patrick Mallan, who owns Howe Sound Event DJ.
(Adams’ main business is Feminine Leadership Muse.)
The accepting, carefree vibe of the event is deliberate, says Adams.
The pair have a “wild” backstory, with previous struggles, including dissolved relationships and the pandemic, which didn’t lend itself to their event-dependent business
They came out from Ontario to Squamish for a fresh start.
They had sold all they owned and ended up living in their minivan with their young son in the Walmart parking lot for a good stretch.
“When we got here, we were homeless,” Adams says, noting it was not an RV, but a minivan.
BUNCH of daffodils to Erik, Shaun, Jody & the whole team at Good to Go Automotive for providing the most excellent care to their customers and the vehicles they work on.
to the young mom with two children and two dogs in Brackendale on Friday. We should have had our dogs leashed. You had a lot on the go, and we may have ruined your day. I am so sorry.
“I think it was the first time that I actually understood as a woman that I needed to receive help instead of always being the person who’s giving and giving and helping and helping,” she said. “It was such a humbling experience, because I walked into PearlSpace and I, like, collapsed,” she recalled, getting emotional.
“So, it was in those couple of months … where we entered into a community that didn’t know us, but gathered around us.”
Fast forward five years and they have a stable life and home, but are changed because of it
Adams said she hopes sharing their story gives others hope too.
“The past is what has given us this present and our vision for what we want for the future and I think that resilience needs to be shared Our world is a bit of a dumpster fire and people are going through it—I think our wild ride gives people hope,” Adams said
Getting from where they were to now, took “resilience and a lot of following the signs.”
“I think [signs] are everywhere, and I think we ignore them And if there’s anything you get from this story that we can offer people, it’s follow the signs and the things that you feel align with you.”
They were helped to get on their feet by a community of people in Squamish and so when they sat down to figure out what they wanted to make of their life here, community building was the answer
“Another big thing was [creating] a village,” Adams said “We call ourselves, Village Vibe Collective, because my mom grew up in Guyana, which is in South America, in a small village— everybody knew everybody. It reminds me so much of this [place]. I never lived there, but obviously, the beliefs that I grew up within were a very village-like mentality.”
With their collective talent, the couple started to hold local Family Dance Parties, which included up to 140 attendees, at Brennan Park Recreation Centre (before the space was closed for renovations).
The idea for ladies’ nights came from seeing the moms of kids at the dance parties and realizing they likely needed a space to let go, too.
And a place to “fill their cups” after giving to others all day.
“What we do is we bring people together, and we offer them this very safe, empowering space where they can just feel free and just be. The whole idea is just to be.”
She praised the general manager at Match, too, for helping create a safe and positive environment
for women to let loose.
But she and Mallan play the largest part in creating that safety Mallan switches up the music if there is a lag and is approachable for requests, while Adams is often moving through the crowd dancing freely herself; an example of how free others can be
No one is ever on the dance floor alone, as she is there too.
Adams said that she thinks that showing up authentically, as people who identify as women are doing with the Ladies’ Nights, is what most people are craving and that society is moving toward
“I think we’re just moving into more of an energetic time where we’re looking for spaces that are empowering and that are energetically sound. And I think that’s across the board. I don’t think it’s just a Ladies’ Night out thing. I think it’s a business thing. I think it’s just the way that the world is starting to operate,” she said, hopefully.
The next Ladies’ Night Out is Saturday, April 12th from 7 to 10 p.m.
Tickets are $10 and offered on Eventbrite or by e-transfer.
Find out more by going to Village Vibe Collective on Instagram or Facebook.
Disclosure: reporter Jennifer Thuncher paid to attend Ladies’ Night. She did not gain any benefit for pursuing this story.
Got something nice to say or some constructive criticism? Send your Darts & Daffodils: Email: news@squamishchief.com or drop off at The Chief office (38117 Second Ave.) during business hours. Deadline for submissions is Monday at 4 p.m. for Thursday’s paper. All submissions must be signed and include a phone number for verification. Maximum length is 75 words. Darts are intended to be an anonymous critique between private parties Darts must not directly or indirectly identify an individual or business.
Whether you are looking to adopt anew furry friend into your family or would like to know more about how you can make difference for animals in our community, we are here to help. The BC SPCA is anot-forprofit organization which relies primarilyon community donations to help animals in need. Please join us in the fight against animal cruelty!
To view moreofour adorablepetsup foradoption, please
The U15 girls and U16 boys will head to Kamloops in July for the BC Soccer Provincial Championships
Two Squamish United Football Club youth soccer teams are headed for the BC Soccer Provincial Championships in July.
The Under 15 girls and Under 16 boys teams came out on top of their Division 2 league to directly qualify for the competition that will be held in Kamloops later this year.
Squamish United Football Club technical director, Peter Weiland, told The Squamish Chief that it was an exciting achievement for both teams who have missed out on qualifying over the past few years.
“We have 18 clubs in the BC Coastal Soccer League, and all age groups from years 11 and up, and those two teams were our most successful teams this season,” Weiland said
“The boys were undefeated, so that’s a feat in itself and the girls U15 team, they only lost one game.
“We won the West division, and both teams have the highest point-per-game average, and so they qualify automatically [for provincials].”
It will be the first time in eight years the boys have made it to provincials and 15 years for the girls.
“I think it’s validation for them, and especially the stronger players who’ve stayed here and had the opportunity to play soccer with their classmates and friends,” Weiland said of the achievement..
“It’s [also] a testament to the coaches of both teams who’ve been coaching these teams since the kids turned 10 years old So five and six seasons total, that’s a lot of hours and rain and shine on the field with them
“And for our club, I think we always try to present that message, you don’t need to go to Vancouver and drive three times a week to play quality soccer.”
Head coach Mark Appelman and assistant coach Tim Shier are behind the success of the
U16 boys, with Tricia Duncan, Gillian Bigsby Frantz and Kristy Black leading the U15 girls to their best season.
Weiland said that the fact Squamish is a very athletic town, can often have a negative impact on youth soccer teams’ success.
“The athletic area is exactly part of the problem because a lot of our kids here are multi-sport athletes. So often, eventually, they choose [another sport],” he said
“We coached Jackson Goldstone, who is now world champion in mˆountain biking and Teigen Pascual, who is in the top three or five in Canada in BMX. Soccer is a great foundation for agility and it’s a great foundation to branch out in other sports
“So a lot of these kids have all been
multi-sport athletes, and so often we lose some top talent to other sports.”
Despite this, he is confident both teams have what it takes to bring home the win at provincials.
“Both of these teams are the top teams in the Lower Mainland in their division and traditionally, lower mainland clubs do really well at provincials,” he said
“So my guess would be that they have a chance to go all the way, if it’s their day. It’s a four-day tournament, so if luck and good form and everything coincides then I think both teams have a great chance to at least get on the podium.”
Both teams will also take part in the BC Coastal Soccer League’s Coastal Cup prior to
“The Coastal Cup is the best 16 teams from the Lower Mainland in their division, so they play four rounds. And because our teams were both division winners, they have home turf advantage and will play up until the semifinals here in Squamish, that’s all in April,” Weiland said.
The top two teams from the competition will also head to provincials, but for the Squamish United teams, they will enter just for some friendly competition as they have already secured a spot
“They can enter it without the stress of having to make the finals so the Coastal Cup is a bonus, and I hope, actually, that they will win that too,” Weiland said
For more information on youth soccer in Squamish, visit the Squamish United Football Club’s website.
Held from Aug. 22 to 24, the event will include clinics, music, mentorship opportunities and the addition of trail running programs
INDIGO LEMAY-CONWAY ilemayconway@squamishchief.com
The Arc’teryx Climb Academy is headed back to Squamish this summer
Held from Aug. 22 to 24, the event will mark its 18th year in Squamish and see climbers of all skill levels take to the granite to celebrate all things climbing
“The Arc’teryx Academy Series is a cornerstone of our brand’s commitment to education, community, and progression in the mountains.” Arc’teryx senior manager for brand experience, Shannon Reynolds, said in a press release.
“These events empower outdoor enthusiasts of all levels to learn from the best-in-class guides and athletes, connect with like-minded individuals, and push their limits in a supportive environment.
“With an increased focus on both climbing and trail running, we’re bringing even more opportunities for attendees to develop their skills and experience the mountains in new ways.”
Participants will have the opportunity to refine their skills through technical climbing
clinics, affinity sessions for women and Indigenous climbers, and adaptive climbing experiences, all led by top athletes
This year, three professional American climbers—Ashima Shiraishi, Amity Warme and Jonathan Siegrist—will be on hand to share their expertise, as will a number of other pros
According to the Arc’teryx website, the event will also feature “sustainability initiatives through ReBIRD repair and trade-in programs, expanded Pavilion Park programming with educational seminars, a bouldering competition, and a two-night Academy Music Series that will bring the community together to celebrate the sport.”
Expanding on last year’s academy, this year will see an expanded selection of women-focused clinics, mentorship opportunities, and community gatherings designed to foster inclusivity and progression in the sport—all run by female athletes.
And because many climbing spots require some venturing to reach, a selection of trail running and mountain movement clinics will also be offered.
Registration for the Squamish Climb Academy Clinic opens on April 16.
Full event programs will be released on the Arc’teryx website soon.
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1. Bathing-suit tops
5. WhiteHouse staffer
9. Boring instrument
12. Every individual 13. Trickle
14. Feathery stole 15. In anyway
16. Teamster’srig
18. Bowler’sbutton
20.Bouncing sound
22.Slender traces
25. Other 28. Summer quencher: 2wds.
Nearer the facts
Prom wear
Road covering
44. Twirler’sneed
48. Five-and-____-cent store
53. Choir wear
54. Very small
55. Broad expanse
56. Frosty’smaterial
57.Advanced in years
58. Changed the color of 59.Observes
1.Milwaukee product 2.Acclaim
3. Expertfliers
4. Clever
5. Classified notices
6. Outrage
7. Small coins
8. Long heroic poem
9. Definite
10.Seek the love of
11. Lick at
19.Book name
21. “Tell About It”
23. Neptune’sdomain
24.Cloth emblem
28. Thing
31. Ache
34. Murmur fondly
37.Turf unit
43. Weight
45. ActorDanza
46. Certain woodwind
47.“Broadcast ____”
48. Pair
52. Heavy-hearted Crossword puzzle answers use American spelling
ARIES March 21-April 19
You’ll begin the processof lookingfor apropertyor apartmentthat trulymeets your needs. You’ll feel gratifiedwhen shoppingfor your family
TAURUS April 20-May20
You’re determinedand ready to takeonnew professional and personal challenges. No matteryourage,takingcare of your children demands your full attention. If you’re single,you’llattract many admirers.
GEMINI May21-June 20
Feelingfatiguedcan make youmoresusceptible to germsand colds.It’s importanttotakeiteasyand rest,especiallyifyou’vebeen workingovertime
CANCER June 21-July 22
You’ll notice that many people around you are feelingdisorientedand lost. Sometimes,you need to takeastepbacktofind peace.Consider adoptinga spiritual practice to help you relaxand regain yoursense of balance
LEO July 23-Aug. 22
Your time is precious,and managingitmay provetobe achallenge. Stay focusedat work to finish all yourtasks on time.Inyourlovelife, embrace the joyofbeingwith yourpartner to strengthen yourbond.
VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22
You’ll be inspired to plan atrip abroad or explorea new area closetohome with yourpartner or friends.You’ll embrace change at home with tasks like rearrangingyourfurnitureto refresh yourlivingspace
LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22
It maybetime to kick certain habits to achieve the professional successyou seek.Yourlifewillbefilled with abundance after abit of healthycompetition. This will open doorstoaposition you’vebeeneyeing.
SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21
Youmustnegotiateand compromisetoreach afair agreement. Fortunately, you’ll receivelegal counsel to help resolvea dispute before it escalates.
SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec.21
You’ll be busy this week! An attractivejob offer maycome yourway from acompeting company.Emotionally, you’ll feel specialand cherished by yourpartner and those around you.
CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Your knackfor liftingspirits and making thosearound you smile will setyou apart this week.Expecta warm round of applause.You may even receivea reward for this ability.
AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb.18
Youhavemanylittle things to do at home or for your family. You’ll completethem all and look likeaheroto yourloved ones.You’rea pragmatic person and know howtoset yourpriorities straight.
PISCES Feb. 19-March 20
Youhavea waywithwords, whichwillempower you to defend youropinions passionately. Youmay need to have deep discussions on certain topics,but with the rightinformation, you’ll be unchallenged.
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3box contains the numbers1through 9only once. Each 3x3box is outlined with adarker line. Youalready have afew numbers to getyou started. Remember: youmust not repeat the numbers1through 9in the same line, column or 3x3box
Explore Squamish-based opportunities at: woodfibrelng.ca/careers