Whistler Pet 2017

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located above Samurai Sushi & Subway in Whistler Creekside


Josie is loving every second of her first year experiencing snow. Photo submitted by Dean Olynyk

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Editor Alyssa Noel Writers Megan Lalonde, Jennifer Treptow Advertising Sales, Whistler Amy Allen, Susan Hutchinson, Tessa Sweeney, Kate Whitley Advertising Sales, Squamish Jennifer Gibson Production Manager Karl Partington Art Director & Production Louise Stevens On the Cover Two-year-old Frankie, a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, enjoys the first snow of the season. Photo by Claire Ryan. Produced by Whistler Publishing LP A division of Glacier Media 1390 Alpha Lake Rd, Whistler, B.C., V0N 1B1 604-938-0202 President, WPLP Sarah Strother

whistlerpet.com WH I S T L E R P E T 20 17  / 20 1 8

CONTENTS Whistler’s working pets


When pets and wildlife mix


Local businesses toss out the “no dogs allowed” rule. Advice for keeping your four-legged friends safe.

Meet a local vet

Dr. Melinda Lopez offers insights into keeping your pet safe.

Whistler Unleashed Map

Off-leash parks, beaches and pet ammenities.

10 12

Furry friend photography


Shopping guide




Photographers talk about the joys and challenges of pet photography Top picks to treat your furry friends. Pet-friendly accommodation and services in the Sea to Sky.

Thank you to all of our local readers who submitted photos of their four-legged friends!


PRINCIPLES OF RESPONSIBLE PET OWNERSHIP Leash, licence and pick up after your dog Provide training, care and adequate exercise Ensure vaccinations are up to date Spay or neuter your dog or cat Do not leave pets in hot vehicles Do not allow pets to become a threat or nuisance in the community

Resort Municipality of Whistler whistler.ca


W HIST LE R PE T 20 17  / 20 18

By Megan Lalonde


Local businesses toss out the “no dogs allowed” rule and bring their furry friends to work.

In Whistler, it’s not uncommon to stroll into a business and be greeted by a furry, four-legged “employee.” With resident pups spending their days everywhere from tattoo studios to art galleries and ski rental shops to hotels, outdoor recreation sites and offices, it seems like more businesses in town are dog friendly than not. At the Four Seasons Resort Whistler, guests arriving to the hotel are often greeted by a 10-month-old Alaskan Malamute named Maola — “the face of our property,” explained Christine Kim, public relations and communications manager for the Four Seasons Whistler. While Maola — named after the traditional Lil’wat word for raccoon, “maolalaus,” thanks to her distinctive markings — technically belongs to the hotel’s director of engineering, Kim said she’s become part of the Four Seasons family since coming on board. “Everyone from housekeepers to bellmen to restaurant servers takes turns taking her out for walks around the lake,” she said. “We want everyone in town to know who she is and be comfortable going up to her.” Maola, a playful pup who Kim said is particularly fond of meeting young children and has been “a really good student at her puppy school,” is on the property Mondays through Fridays, splitting her time between the lobby and the ski

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Maola, a 10-month-old Alaskan Malamute, is often on hand to greet the guests of the Four Seasons Resort Whistler. Photo submitted.

concierge. The Four Seasons’ younger guests are even given a stuffed Malamute toy to remember Maola by, while canine guests are treated to amenities like special treats and cozy dog beds, in addition to playtime with Maola. “We have so many guests travelling from very far away to this winter wonderland escape. Just to have a friendly face — I will say it gets busy in the lobby at the time of check in or at the concierge — it kind of slows people down and makes them take a moment to enjoy and be in the moment with her,” Kim explained.


But in Whistler, it’s not only visitors who are a long way from home. For seasonal residents of Whistler Blackcomb’s staff housing was might have pets somewhere overseas, canine “employee” Slim (yes, he has his own WB name badge) is frequently around to offer a dose of much-needed puppy time. “Certain residents who are missing their family pets certainly enjoy passing by the office to give him a rub,” said Slim’s owner Brent Warren, who works for WB as a maintenance supervisor. Having Slim around the building “makes them happy,” Warren continued. “Slim will always (accept) pets and cuddles by rolling on his back. (He) loves to perform his tricks.”

(Above) As the resident Whistler Blackcomb dog, Slim is no stranger to snow. Photo submitted. (Left) Scooby likes to hangout in the lobby of the Westin Resport and Spa where he gets to enjoy all the new smells that guests bring! Photo submitted.

Slim has been accompanying his human to work four days per week since Warren and his wife adopted him as a puppy from Whistler Animals Galore (WAG) in 2011. annual “Woof Weekend” in October. “Depending on the day, he will range between the front office greeting residents, to bounding through the snow piles in the winter, to nap, and helping clean up the lunchroom floors,” Warren explained. “Slim is the mellowest creature while he’s indoors. Get him outside to (help) shovel or chase squirrels and he erupts with energy and excitement.” At the Westin Resort and Spa, visitors can also catch a glimpse of the office dog, Scooby, on his daily lunchtime walk through the resort, a stroll that normally earns him a fair bit of attention. “He loves it,” said Shannon Williams, a reservations agent at the hotel. “He’ll lie in the hallway and demand a belly rub.” Scooby, a former wild dog who was picked up by animal control in Mount Currie, has been a part of the Westin team for five years, shortly after his owner, the hotel’s director of revenue, rescued him from WAG. Now, he’s always a part of the hotel’s canine-friendly events, such as their


“He’s such a valued member of the family and the team,” said Williams. Meanwhile at Cutting Edge Signs in Function Junction, clients are greeted by shop dog Nellie, a French Bulldog who will more often than not present you with her favourite toy: a well-loved soccer ball. “Everybody loves her,” said Nellie’s owner Greg Cutten, adding that having Nellie around provides stress relief for the team when work gets busy. It’s clear that wherever your day in Whistler takes you, you can expect to meet a furry friend or two along the way. Having dogs around “is a huge part of Whistler in general,” said Williams. “It’s a really outdoorsy place. People are constantly going to the outdoors and enjoying them, and what better way to do that than having a dog as a companion.”

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WH I S T L E R P E T 20 17  / 20 1 8


By Alyssa Noel


(Left) Chilko is at his happiest in the mountains. Photo by Alyssa Noel. (Above) Bobcats, black bears and cougars are often spotted around the Sea to Sky region. Be sure to keep your pets on leash. Stock photos.

Advice for keeping your four-legged friends safe in the mountains Whistler’s array of wildlife is part of its appeal. Tucked among the forest and in the mountains that surround the resort are birds, marmots, pikas and other tiny creatures. And then there are the bigger animals like bears, cougars, coyotes and bobcats. To that end, the number one rule for enjoying Whistler with your four-legged friend: don’t let them chase any wild animals — big or small. “The wildlife act states that you should not allow your dog to pursue wildlife,” said Tim Schumacher, a conservation officer for the Sea to Sky corridor. “That’s anywhere — in the backcountry or within municipal boundaries.” While Whistler requires all pets to be on leash outside of its off-leash parks, the backcountry is a little different. If you’re taking your pet for a hike in the backcountry, Schumacher said unless they have top-notch recall you should keep them on leash.


“If the animal won’t respond to you when another animal is nearby you should be keeping them on leash, but if your dog listens well and if a bear was there you could control them by voice command or a training collar, those are good tools,” he added. If your dog chases a bear, for example, the bear could swipe at it and cause serious injury. “If the bear feels he needs to stand his ground because he can’t get away… dogs have been swatted and people are left with expensive vet bills,” Schumacher said. Cougars are a bit of a different story; if one of them snatches an animal there’s little you can do. That’s exactly what happened last December when a Squamish couple stopped to let their dog have a pee break at the Duffey Lake Road pullout, north of Pemberton. Although the lhasa apso and Japanese chin mix was near her owners, a cougar came out of nowhere, snatched her and ran off. Sometimes, in cases like that, it’s very hard to

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mitigate risks with wildlife, Schumacher said. “It’s like trying to tell someone to not walk down a street because they could get hit by a car. That’s why I have a healthy fear for my dog; because I hear every one of those stories, but it’s such a one off. People have to be aware they’re in amongst wildlife,” he said. If the worst does happen and your dog gets into a fight with a bear, cougar, or any other type of wild animal, it’s important not to put yourself at risk. The only real way to help is to try and call your dog away from the animal. “If you see the scrap happening in front of you, it’s like with two dogs: you’re never supposed to get between them. Picture a wild animal and a domestic dog and you trying to get between there. It would be carnage,” Schumacher said. When it comes to pets and safety it’s important to remember the risk to our feline friends too. While bears aren’t so much of a concern when it comes to protecting house cats, bobcats and coyotes have

proven to be major threats. “We’ve had a number of reports that bobcats have been attacking house cats,” Schumacher said. “I spoke to one lady (recently) and she brought her cat into the vet after it was attacked. There was another cat in there already being stitched up for the same reason.” There are a few steps you can take to mitigate the risk to cats, including supervising them while they’re outside and ensuring you don’t leave any pet food outdoors. “You don’t want that food out there for other animals — or for the food to attract rodents that then attract predators,” Schumacher said. Keeping wildlife attractants inside is also important for the safety of wild animals — which is equally important to keeping pets safe. After all, this is their home too. “We live in a community with bushed area and treed area all around us,” Schumacher said. “Animals live there too.”

For Emergencies and After Hours Care please call 604-962-0838 Visit our boutique 10am-5pm daily for unique pet clothing and accessories, organic gourmet dog treats, and local artwork and photography featuring quintessential Whistler mountain scenery.

(604) 962-0838 | #106–2067 Lake Placid Rd. Creekside www.twintreesvet.com WH I S T L E R P E T 20 17  / 20 1 8


By Jennifer Treptow


Dr. Melinda Lopez offers insight into how to keep your pet safe in the Sea to Sky corridor Whistler emergency veterinarian Dr. Melinda Lopez knew from a young age what she was meant to do.

What are the biggest emergencies you’re seeing with pets in Whistler and the surrounding areas?

“It’s a common quality in a lot of children,” she said. “Kids come in here interested in what we do, wanting to help the animals and care for them.”

Wherever you live you’re going to find a different set of problems. Here it can range from a dog coming in because his tendon was accidentally sliced by a ski to drug intoxications, which are quite common, both of which can become life threatening.

It was only a year ago that she opened Twin Trees Veterinary Clinic & Pet Boutique in Whistler’s Creekside neighbourhood, but already they’ve seen over 1,000 pets. With extensive experience caring for animals, Lopez offered some insight about how we can become better pet guardians — and even make a difference in improving emergency pet healthcare.


Drug intoxications are a common occurrence for pets in Whistler? In Whistler we do see a lot of drug intoxications with dogs. In other places I had gunshot wounds, dogs getting dragged behind trucks and other kinds of bad things we don’t see here, but

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(Top, far left) Opal Doo, a retired local sled dog, enjoys relaxing in the sun at Rainbow Park, Whistler. Photo submitted by Desiree Lee. (Bottom, far left) Dr. Melinda Lopez runs her clinic, Twin Trees, from Creekside, Whistler. Photo submitted by Jennifer Treptow. (Left) Jackson loves to help out with DIY job around his Alpine home, Whistler. Photo submitted by Amanda Munnings. (Inset left) Nova keeping warm at Millar’s Pond, Bayshores, Whistler. Photo submitted by Joanne Fogolin. (Inset above) Ziggy loves adventuring in the Soo Valley. Photo submitted by Bridgette Burton.

this is definitely the highest per capita recreational drug intoxication place for pets I’ve ever lived in. What precautions should owners be taking? The truth is that most of the dogs that are coming in for this — it’s not their owners faults, it’s just the environment. They’re out doing healthy, active things like bike rides, or hikes with the family, going by campsites where the dog is just picking up a little something and getting sick from it. THC is the most common drug that we see and luckily one of the least dangerous toxins to ingest. Most of the time they’re not getting extremely ill from it, but the signs are there: staggering, urinary incontinence, low body temperature. We’ve had positive drug tests for cocaine, methamphetamine, opioids, oxycontin. Owners just need to be mindful and keep an extra set of eyes out for what their pets are picking up on the trails. I only recently learned that grapes and raisins can be very dangerous for your dog to ingest. Is the list of natural and homeopathic remedies to watch out for growing? It’s important to understand the risks in the world that we live in as far as foods, poisonous plants, natural supplements and over-the-counter medications. For example, a pet owner bought cranberry supplements to help support her dog’s

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urinary tract. The first ingredient in the cranberry pills was Xylitol which is an artificial sweetener and it’s extremely poisonous to dogs; it can cause liver failure and death. It’s in grapes, sugar-free gum and it’s finding its way into peanut butter. It never hurts to check with a veterinarian before applying or giving anything to your pet. With Whistler being a resort town, what do people travelling with pets need to consider? Dogs can get influenza and a whole host of respiratory infections. Pets that are being kennelled, boarded or even routinely taken on group walks should be vaccinated for the upper respiratory viruses because they are at a higher risk. Cats can also get an upper respiratory infection from a virus that most cats carry. There is a natural supplement called Lysine that helps prevent recrudescence of that in recurrent infections — something you’d want to consult with your vet about. You mentioned an initiative that owners and their furry loved ones can get involved with. Can you tell me more about that? We are developing a Community Blood Donor program for cats and dogs. Our website has a page about blood donation with the basics of what would make an ideal blood donor and what it entails. It would be optimal to have a database of the dogs in the area, healthy donors, we know their blood type and we could call them in an emergency at 2 a.m. and say, ‘hey we really need some help, could you come down and donate some blood?’ If you’re in a situation where a pet needs a blood transfusion, it’s typically a life-threatening situation and blood transfusions can be life saving. In our longterm vision we would like to have blood products on hand at all times for every blood type. You can find more information on the Community Blood Donor program at Twintreesvet.com, and on Instagram @twintreesvet.


Off-leash Park

1 2 3 4 5

Dog Beach / Dock Dog-friendly Nordic Skiing Dog-friendly Trail Access Veterinary Clinic

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Function Junction and Cheakamus Crossing (see inset), Squamish and Vancouver AROUND T H E V ILLAG E Rainbow Park   3 can be reached via Alta Lake Road or by walking along the Valley Trail. Walking from the Village will take around half an hour or so, and dogs must remain on leash until you reach Barking Bay at the south end of the park. In the winter you can cross-country ski with your pup on the multi-use trail between Meadow Park   6 and Rainbow Park   3 (It’s free!). Lost Lake Park   4 is just a short walk from the Village. You must carry a leash on the trails, except at Canine Cove, where dogs may swim freely. The new Skywalk Trail can be accessed from the top of Alpine Way, Valley Drive or Mountain View Drive in the Alpine Meadows neighbourhood.


Dogs are welcome on the multi-use Emerald Forest trails, located between the Tapley’s Farm and Alpine Meadows neighbourhoods. There is a pet supplies store in the Nesters shopping area, with WAG – Whistler’s animal shelter – just down the road. Left your pet at home? You can volunteer to walk one of WAG’s current resident dogs, or snuggle up with the kitties in the cattery! The Ancient Cedars Trail, north of Whistler, can be accessed by turning left off the highway on to Cougar Mountain Road, just past Green Lake.

C R E E KSI D E Alpha Lake Park   2 is located on Lake Placid Road, just past the Husky Gas Station and Nita

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To Pemberton and Ancient Cedars Trail To Pemberton and Ancient Cedars Trail

Lake Lodge. Arfa Lake Dog Park and dock is situated close to the parking lot, past the tennis courts.

Alpha Lake Rd Millar Creek Rd

There are two veterinary clinics located in Creekside Village, just on the other side of the highway.

Across the highway in Function Junction you will find a vet, dog spa and a pet supplies store, as well as access to the scenic Flank Trail.

WH I S T L E R P E T 20 17  / 20 1 8

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From here you can easily access the Sea to Sky Trail (follow the signs from Bayly Park) as well the Riverside Trail. Keep an eye out for hikers and bikers on these multi-use trails.

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W H ISTL E R S O U T H Bayly Park   1 , with a fenced, off-leash dog area, is located in the Cheakamus Crossing neighbourhood.

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Please pick up after your dog and dispose of the waste in a garbage can.


(Left) When it comes to getting the perfect shot, ditch the studio and head outdoors. Photo by Dan Carr

By Alyssa Noel

(Above) Pet photography has been a rewarding career choice for Tanya De Leeuw. Photo by Tanya De Leeuw

FURRY FRIEND PHOTOGRAPHY Photographers talk about the joys and challenges of pet photography

For most pet owners, pictures of their furry friends take up the bulk of the storage space on their camera or phone. Particularly in the Sea to Sky corridor it can be hard to resist snapping endless shots of your pet in front of a scenic backdrop (or rolling in snow, sunning themselves in the grass or doing pretty much anything else, if we’re being honest). But the disappointing truth is a lot of those photos end up going in your trash folder because they’re blurry, poorly framed or just don’t capture the beloved creature in front of you.

myself and I got him as a puppy and started taking photos immediately,” he said. “I’ve documented his life around the Sea to Sky corridor. Once I realized a lot of people were really liking these photos of my own dog I thought it might be something other people would appreciate as well.” There are plenty of different approaches you can take when hiring a professional photographer to snap shots of your pet. Some people want to capture their pooch in the brief months in which they’re still a puppy. Others want to document their growth. Some just want a nice, professionally shot set of images of their best friend.

That’s where professional photographers come in. Local Dan Carr typically focuses on landscape and wildlife photography, but decided to expand his services after seeing how popular his photos of his dog were on social media.

“They change so quickly,” Carr said. “That’s another consideration. Some people might want to book a single session or book a package where you can document their growth.”

“My photography is pretty broad, but I have a dog

His approach to photographing animals of all ages


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is the same: ditch the studio and get outside. “One of the important things is to capture the dog in a place they’re familiar with,” he said. “When you look back you want to remember the whole experience of having a dog as well.” For Tanya De Leeuw, another local pet photographer, it’s also important to get on the dog’s level. “People who have some training in photography, especially with animals, will know to get down on the animal’s level,” she said. “If you’re kneeling or sitting on the ground or lying on your belly, you can get great photos — even if it’s on your phone.” However, that tip comes with its own risk for owners. “For a lot of dogs if the owner lies on the ground it’s a wrestling match,” De Leeuw said, with a laugh. “It’s tricky. With animals you can’t necessarily pose them as easily as you can with people. You have to watch them, learn how they think and interact with other people. Watch their expression and be ready to catch it.”

legged friends in the best light: carry a proper camera. “The problem with most pet photos is the dog ends up being blur,” he said. “If you have something with more control — even a pointand-shoot style — those cameras will have a mode setting. Using sports mode or a mode that tells the camera it’s looking at something moving quickly will help.” While dogs tend to be the most popular pets to photograph, they’re not the only animals that local pet photographers are hired to capture. “The most unusual pet I’ve taken a photo of is a bearded dragon,” De Leeuw said. “It was awesome. I was really surprised… The owner met me at One Mile Lake (in Pemberton). I was terrified (the reptile) was going to leap off into the reeds and disappear, but she was really good. She sat on the bench and looked around and we got some great photos.” To see De Leeuw’s work visit tanyadeleeuw.com. Check out Carr’s photos at dancarrphotography. com/pets.

Carr’s tip for pet owners to capture their four-


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WH I S T L E R P E T 20 17  / 20 1 8

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By Alyssa Noel

Top picks to treat your furry friends

Shopping for yourself might be fun, but seeing your pet light up when you surprise them with a treat is arguably even more enjoyable. Whether it’s a toy, tasty eats or maybe even a new sweater (that one might bring you more joy than them), there are plenty of ways to spoil your four-legged friend. Here are a few of our picks from some of our local retailers.


LOCALLY MADE DOG TREATS There’s been an explosion of locally made dog treats in the Sea to Sky corridor in recent years — just take your pick. Khyber Treats offers all-natural pork liver jerky, which is made in Whistler with B.C.-raised pork. Also made in Whistler, Tiger’s Paw creates natural and homemade salmon and flaxseed biscuits. Your pooch might also enjoy Squamishmade Auntie Kim’s Better Bickies — which come in flavours like cheese pizza — with 100 per cent organic ingredients. Available: Whistler Happy Pets, Animal Barn Pemberton, O’Brien Pets Squamish, Nesters Market Squamish

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LOCAL CAT TOY Happy Pet’s Hayley Wirsching might be best known for her work at Whistler’s pet store, but she’s also a talented knitter with signs of her “yarn bombing” around town. For a local treat, grab one of her cat nip-filled yarn satchels for your feline friend. Available: Whistler Happy Pets WARM SWEATERS

INDESTRUCTIBLE TOYS Does your dog destroy tennis balls in 10 seconds flat? West Paw Zogoflex dog toys are meant for dogs who play hard and chew their way through conventional toys. Their Frisbees, balls and tug toys are made to bounce and float — and they’re dishwasher safe.

Whistlerites might sometimes be reluctant to dress up their rugged mountain dogs. But that will change when they set their eyes on Chilly Dog sweaters. The company is based in Philadelphia, but sources its sweaters from Inca artisans in South America following fair trade standards. Made with 100 per cent wool and plant dyes, the cute designs will make your pooch the envy of the dog park. Available: Whistler Happy Pets

Available: Whistler Happy Pets, Twin Trees Veterinary Clinic Whistler, Summit Lodge Boutique Hotel Whistler, Animal Barn Pemberton Cycle Dog offers equally rugged toys with an environmental twist. Made up of 100 per cent recycled materials (or even re-recycled), their big-eyed green turtle at Happy Pets is a triple threat — it squeaks, floats and you can hide treats in it. Available: Whistler Happy Pets Most dogs go bananas at the sight of a Chuckit! fetch toy. But did you know they make an “ultra ball” for extra enthusiastic pooches? As a bonus, they float. Available: Locations throughout the Sea to Sky

WH I S T L E R P E T 20 17  / 20 1 8


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W HIST LE R PE T 20 17  / 20 18

LEG END Pet-friendly Accommodation Dog Walking & Adventures Pet Boarding & Daycare Animal Training Pet Grooming Pet Food Pet Supplies Pet Photography Veterinary Services Bylaw & Information Dog Licensing Animal Shelter / Adoptions Kane waits patiently for a treat. Photo by Katie Brockett.

DIRECTORY Aava Hotel Whistler 4005 Whistler Way 604-663-5644 aavawhistlerhotel.com Adara Hotel Whistler 4122 Village Green 1-866-502-3272 adarahotel.com Alpenlofts Veterinary Hospital Squamish 40376 Tantalus Way 604-815-0057 alpenloftsvet.ca Alpine Dogs Whistler & Pemberton 604-902-WOOF (9663) alpinedogs.ca Annie Let the Dogs Out Squamish 604-892-8005 squamishdogwalking.com

WH I S T L E R P E T 20 17  / 20 1 8

Auntie Kim’s Better Bickies

Canine Valley Education Centre


Squamish 604-815-7668 betterbickies.com

Squamish 39660 Government Road 604-250-5097 caninevalley.com

Barkbusters Home Dog Training Sea to Sky Corridor 1-866-418-4584 barkbusters.ca Bear Aware Whistler & Squamish 604-935-0751 604-815-5066 bearaware.bc.ca Bosley’s Pet Food Plus

Whistler 4154 Village Green 604-932-2221 crystal-lodge.com

Coast Blackcomb Suites

Delta Whistler Village Suites

Whistler 4899 Painted Cliff Road 604-905-3400 coasthotels.com

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Coast Mountain Veterinary Services

District of Squamish Animal Control


Whistler 203-2011 Innsbruck Drive 604-932-5391 coastvet.com Country Ranch

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Crystal Lodge

Squamish 1032 Finch Drive 604-815-0006

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Dog Haven

The Green Dog

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Dooshi   21

Whistler dooshi.ca Eagleview Veterinary Hospital   23

Squamish 38147 Cleveland Avenue 604-815-6808 eagleviewvet.ca Evolution  4

Whistler 2020 London Lane 1-888-583-8046 evolutionwhistler.ca Fairmont Chateau Whistler 4599 Chateau Boulevard 604-938-8000 fairmont.com/whistler Four Seasons Whistler 4591 Blackcomb Way 604-935-3400 fourseasons.com/ whistler FurFriend Adventures Squamish 604-848-4809 Golden Dreams B&B Whistler 6412 Easy Street 604-932-2667 goldendreamswhistler.com Garibaldi Veterinary Hospital Squamish 40376 Tantalus Road 604-898-9089 gvh.ca


Hilton Whistler Whistler 4050 Whistler Way 604-932-1982 hilton.com/whistler It’s a Dog’s Life Dog Adventures Pemberton 604-935-9145 LeeLee’s Grooming Lounge Squamish 1005 Industrial Way 604-892-2275 leeleesgroominglounge.ca Listel Hotel Whistler Whistler 4121 Village Green 604-932-1133 listelhotel.com Nita Lake Lodge Whistler 2131 Lake Placid Road 778-966-5700 nitalakelodge.com O’Brien Pet Food and Supplies Squamish 1103-121 Commercial Place 604-892-9035 Outward Hound Canine Care

LOST YOUR PET? Call the RMOW bylaw services at 604-935-8280 Pinnacle Hotel

Ruth’s Pet Hotel

Whistler 4319 Main Street 604-938-3218 whistlerpinnacle.com

Pemberton 604-894-5466 ruthspethotel.ca


Paw in Hand Pet Services

Shampooch Mobile Grooming

Squamish 604-892-4278 pawinhand.com

Sea to Sky Corridor 604-902-5512 shampooch.ca

Pemberton Dog Ranch

Spectrum Animal Massage



Pemberton 7342 Clove Road 604-902-5512 pembertondogranch.ca Pemberton Vet Hospital Pemberton 5-1345 Aster Street 604-894-1119 pembertonvet.com Riverside Resort Whistler 8018 Mons Road 604-905-5533 whistlercamping.com Resort Municipality of Whistler 4

Whistler 4325 Blackcomb Way 604-935-8280 whistler.ca/dogs Ruff Stuff Dog Services 9

Squamish 40667 Government Road 604-733-6483 ruffstuff.ca

Sea to Sky Corridor 604-848-4453 animalmassage.ca Squamish SPCA Brackendale 39901 Government Road 604-898-9890 Squamish Veterinary Hospital Squamish 38131 Second Avenue 604-390-2727 Stoney Creek Properties   15

Whistler 4335 Northlands Blvd. 1-888-755-0999 whistlerstoneycreek.com Summit Lodge and Spa Whistler 4359 Main Street 604-932-2778 summitlodge.com >> Lulu and Haiku enjoying the views fromt he valley trail. Photo submitted by Tobias Douglas.

Squamish 778-266-0117 outwardhound.ca Pan Pacific Village Centre Whistler 4299 Blackcomb Way 778-966-5500 panpacific.com

W HIST LE R PE T 20 17  / 20 18

Healthy, Tasty, Fresh pet treats – locally made

Pet & Farm Feed & Supplies Equine Feed & Tack

604 894 6740

#1-1348 Portage Road, Pemberton Open Mon. to Thurs. & Sat. 9 - 6 Fri. 9 - 7 & Sun. 10 - 4

WH I S T L E R P E T 20 17  / 20 1 8


Tantalus Lodge


Whistler 4200 Whistler Way 604-932-4146 tantaluslodge.com

Pemberton 105-7445 Frontier Street 604-894-3647


Whistler Animals Galore (WAG) Animal Shelter

Tanya De Leeuw

Teebo barrels through the fresh snow. Photo by Jon Parris.

Whistler Olympic Park  7


Whistler 8000 Nesters Road 604-935-8364 whistlerwag.com

Whistler 604-932-7888 tanyadeleeuw.com Twin Trees Veterinary Clinic & Pet Boutique

Westin Resort and Spa

2 2

Whistler 106-2067 Lake Placid Road 604-962-0838 twintreesveterinaryclinic.com

Whistler 4090 Whistler Way 604-905-5000 westinwhistler.com

Wag n’ Wash

Whistler Dog Sitting   21


Whistler 604-967-3221 whistlerdogsitting.com

Pemberton 1384 Portage Road 604-894-1800

Whistler 5 Callaghan Valley Road 604-964-0060 whistlersportlegacies.com

Whistler Dog Walkers Whistler 604-907-0083 whistlerdogsitting.com

Whistler Vet Clinic   16

Whistler Happy Pets

Whistler 7-1100 Millar Creek Road 604-905-5088 whistlervetservices.ca


Whistler Function Junction: 101-1085 Millar Creek Road 604-932-3050 Nesters: 70066-7007 Nesters Road 604-962-2992 whistlerhappypets.com

Whistler’s Fun for Dogs  7

Whistler 604-905-9344 whistlersfunfordogs.com



*  Please call in advance to ensure hotel policies haven’t changed.

FREE RANGE BOARDING and doggie daycare for friendly

well-socialized dogs.

1 to 3 HOUR HIKES depending on each dogs energy level

included in boarding.

LARGE, CLEAN indoor and outdoor play areas and plenty of comfy beds to cozy up on after a day of fun.

OWNER OPERATED professional, friendly staff and fully insured.

SPA-W services available.

22 Ruff Stuff - Pet Mag - 17127.indd 1

40667 Government Rd. 604.733.6483 | ruffstuff.ca info@ruffstuff.ca

W HIST LE R PE T 20 17  / 20 18 2017-02-27 1:46 PM

We We are are a a full full service service hospital hospital with with a a holistic holistic approach. We are dedicated to integrating approach. We are dedicated to integrating conventional conventional and and alternative alternative veterinary veterinary medicine, to provide a balanced medicine, to provide a balanced approach approach to to

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Dr. Dr. Melanie Melanie Armstrong, Armstrong, Dr. Dr. Julie Julie Mountfi Mountfield, eld, Dr. Dr. Briony Briony Sturgess Sturgess 604.815.6808 604.815.6808 www.eagleviewvet.ca www.eagleviewvet.ca 101-38147 101-38147 Cleveland Cleveland Avenue, Avenue, Downtown Downtown Squamish Squamish

Visit Whistler Happy Pets for all of your Pet Supplies Whistler’s source for dog, cat and pet items. Tasty foods, toys, treats, crates, beds, collars and more! We carry your favourite local Sea to Sky and Canadian made products.

Approved by discerning area locals! NOW TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU: Function Junction: #101- 1085 Millar Creek Rd 604-932-3050 Store Hours: Monday to Saturday 10 am - 5:30 pm And Sunday from 11 am - 4 pm

Nesters: #70066 - 7007 Nesters Rd 604-962-2992 Store Hours: Open 7 days a week 11:30am-7:00pm

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