Passion Week

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Passion Week Luke 19:28-44 In today's topical discussion we will reflect on the events that occurred leading to Jesus' Crucifixion and Resurrection. 1. On Friday Jesus arrives in Bethany which was six days before the Passover celebration to spend time with Mary, Martha and Lazarus His friends (John 12:1). It was during this visit that Mary anointed Jesus' feet with her expensive perfume as an act of humility and expressing her willingness to serve Him. 2. Saturday Jesus spent time resting as this day is the Day of Rest-Sabbath, as there is no mention of activities except rest in the Gospels. 3. On Sunday Jesus made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:28-44; John 12:12-19). The crowd cried Hosanna and laid Psalm branches down before Him. 4. Monday He cleansed the temple of money changers, drove out the crowd and turned over the tables (Matthew 21:10-17; Mark 11:15-18; Luke 19:45-48). 5. Tuesday, the Gospels records this day as one of Controversy and Parables because of the events that occurred. The priest tried to trap Jesus, but He evaded their traps. He taught the people warning them against the Pharisees and their tactics. Jesus predicted the destruction of Herod's temples and taught His disciples about His return and other future events. 6. Wednesday. This can be seen as another Day of Rest, because the Gospels record no events occurring. Mark 14:1 does records this, "After two days was the feast of the Passover, and of unleavened bread: and the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might take him by craft, and put him to death." The religious leaders plotting to kill our Savior. However, everything worked according to God's divine plan. 7. Thursday-Passover Last Supper (Matthew 26:17-30; Mark 14:12-26; Luke 22:723; John 13:1-30). This meal took place in the Upper Room with Jesus and His disciples this is where He gave new meaning to Passover. The bread represented His broken body and the wine represented His shed blood for all humanity's sins. Jesus and His disciples sang hymns after which they went into the Garden of


8. Friday-Crucifixion (Matthew 27:1-66; Mark 15:1-47; Luke 22:66-23:556; John 18:28-19:37). Jesus was hung on the cross between two thieves, where one asked for remembrance while the other failed to recognize Jesus as Lord and Savior. Jesus endured horrendous pain during His hours of crucifixion. Several dramatic events took place during those hours. The earth reeled and rocked like a drunken man, the sun refused to shine, the moon hid itself. The veil in the temple tore from top to bottom, and the earth became dark as night at mid-day. 9. Friday Evening Jesus was placed in a borrowed Tomb. It was the Jewish custom His body be placed in the tomb before 6: PM Friday night because it was the beginning of the Sabbath and all work ceased. Jesus lay in the tomb Friday night and Saturday, but O! Sunday morning! Thank God for Sunday morning and the empty tomb. 10. Resurrection Sunday (Matthew 28:1-13; Mark 16: 1-20; Luke 23:50-56; John 19:38-42). When the women arrived at Jesus' tomb prepared to anoint His body, they found an empty tomb and the angel told them that Jesus was alive and instructed them what to tell His disciples. Study resource: Life in the Spirit Study Bible, King James Version

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