
Wow! When you think of the ability to find information at the palm of your hand, it can be a little challenging to find those unique spots … the ones that not everybody is aware of, the difficult ones to search for on the Internet. Well, in our Four Seasons Fun Guide, we are hoping to provide some ideas of unique places to go and things to do as you plan your year-round fun.
Whether you are exploring a new lake on a paddleboard or kayaking, locations for cross country skiing, courts for Pickleball, or looking for a nature park to explore, we have some unique ideas in this Guide. Along the way, we hope you support our local business community, as they help support local schools and non-profit organizations. If you are looking for concerts or shows or wanting to be in tune with our community festivals, this Fun Guide is a quick reference tool. And remember to leave
no trace when you are camping or backpacking. If you are a first-timer at paddleboarding or kayaking, make sure you learn tips and tricks at the boat launch. If you are cycling one of the beautiful trails, make sure you are following the rules. If you are walking a multi-use trail, remember to walk single file as a cyclist may be approaching. Our parks and recreational areas are beautiful places to visit and enjoy and abiding by simple rules helps keep them that way.
The following are area events scheduled by press time and subject to change. Please check event websites for updates and more information in 2023 and 2024. Also check calendar pages in your weekly community newspaper or at www.presspubs.com for updates about what’s happening in the area.
Maple Syrup Festival
When: 2-4 p.m. Saturday, March 11
Where: Wargo Nature Center, 7701 Main St., Lino Lakes
Details: Learn about the tradition of gathering maple sap and cooking it down to make maple syrup. Maple crafts and scavenger hunt. Registration $7.
Contact: 763-324-3350 or anokacountyparks.com
“Calendar Girls”
When: 7:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and 2 p.m. Sundays, March 10-26.
Where: Hanifl Performing Arts Center, 4941 Long Ave., White
Bear Lake
Details: Lakeshore Players performs this bittersweet comedy. Tickets $30-$35.
Contact: 651-478-7427 or lakeshoreplayers.org
Shake Your Shamrock
When: 10 a.m. - noon Saturday, March 18
Where: Kelly’s Korner, 7098 Centerville Rd., Centerville
Details: 5K or 7K run on flat course. Cost: 5K $40, 10K $50. Contact: 651-440-9625 or mmraces.com
When: 2-4 p.m. Sunday, March 12
Where: Zephyr Theatre, 601 Main St. N., Stillwater
Details: Singer, songwriter Ann Reed and pianist and accordionist Dan Chouinard will lead a community singalong in celebration of the Academy Awards. Free, but reserve a spot.
Contact: 651-342-1542 or stillwa-
Noodles for Northwoods
When: 4-7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 25
Where: Forest Lake American Legion #225, 355 West Broadway Ave.
Details: Annual fundraiser for Northwoods Humane Society includes pasta dinner, silent auction, raffles and wine pull.
Contact: 651-982-0240 or northwoodshs.org/fundraising-events/ noodles
When: 7 p.m. Saturday, April 1
Where: Chautauqua Fine Arts Center, 8000 75th Street N., Mahtomedi
Details: A capella performed by male and female groups, including Mahtomedi Middle School and High School, Carleton College, Macalester College, The University of Minnesota, The University
When: 10 a.m. Saturday, April 8
Where: Shoreview Community Center, 4580 Victoria St. N.
Details: Kids can hunt outside for eggs filled with candy and visit with the bunny. Registration required; $12 person.
Contact: shoreviewmn.gov/parksrec/special-events
Taste of Shoreview
of St. Thomas, North Star Chorus and Lake Country Chorus.
Tickets: $25 adults, $20 seniors and $15 students.
Contact: 651-605-1124 or wildwoodartistseries.org
Rotary Strive Scholarship Spirit of White Bear Lake Race
When: 9 a.m. Saturday, April 1
Where: The Boatworks Commons, 4459 Lake Ave S., White Bear Lake
Details: 5K run along the lake to Matoska Park; 5 mile course continues through local neighborhoods. Register online; proceeds go to the Strive Scholarship Inc. Fund. Awards will be given to the top three male and female finishers in each group. $25 advance registration, $35 on race day. Contact: midwestevents.com
Waffle Breakfast and Fire Truck Tours
When: 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Sunday, April 2
Where: Vadnais Heights Commons, 655 E County Rd. F
Details: All-you-can-eat Belgian waffle breakfast put on by the VH Lions Club. Other participants include Minnesota Lions Diabetes, Vision and Hearing Foundations,
Can-Do-Canines, and vision screenings for youth. Information about camps and dragon boat races. $9 adult, $8 seniors 63+, $5 kids 6-14, 5 and under free.
Contact: 651-204-6000 or www. cityvadnaisheights.com/262/Waffle-Breakfast
“La Cage Aux Folles 2023”
When: 7:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and 2 p.m. Sundays, April 28-May 21.
Where: Hanifl Performing Arts Center, 4941 Long Ave., White Bear Lake
Details: Lakeshore Players performs this rather gaudy, but rather grand play. Tickets $30. Contact: 651-478-7427 or lakeshoreplayers.org
Community Showcase
When: 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, April 8
Where: Stillwater Area High School, 5701 Stillwater Blvd. N., Oak Park Heights
Details: Live local entertainment, local food, kids games and activities, exhibitors from local businesses and organizations and job fair. Free and open to the public. Contact: 651-439-4001 or greaterstillwaterchamber.com
When: 5-8 p.m. Thursday, April 20
Where: Shoreview Community Center, 4580 Victoria St. N.
Details: Sample local restaurants, wine and beer, bucket raffles, silent and live auction. Proceeds support Slice of Shoreview community event.
Contact: 651-490-4750 or shoreviewmn.gov
Family Earth Day Celebration
When: 1-4 p.m. Saturday, April 22
Where: Wargo Nature Center, 7701 Main St., Lino Lakes
Details: Make earth art project, explore trails, entertainment, Sound Garden, and visit the EcoFair. Free.
Contact: 763-324-3350 or anokacountyparks.com
When: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Friday, May 12 and Saturday, May 13; 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday, May 14
Where: Upper St. Croix Valley, self-guided tour
Details: Visit eight pottery studios featuring 71 artists from around the country on a self-guided tour;
items for sale. Free admission. Contact: minnesotapotters.com
Shepherd’s Harvest Festival
When: May 12, 13 and 14
Where: Washington County Fairgrounds, 12300 N. 40th St., Stillwater
Details: Sheep and wool festival events include Minnesota’s largest fleece competition, sheep shearing, fleece skirting demos, book signings, dog herding demos, classes, farm work stock dog trial, and vendors. Admission $5, kids under 8 are free.
Contact: shepherdsharvestfestival. org
When: 3 p.m. Sunday, May 7
Where: Trinity Lutheran Church, 114 Fourth St. N., Stillwater
Details: Celebrate a musical journey performed by Valley Chamber Chorale.
Tickets: Student $10, Senior $22, Adult $27.50
Contact: 651-430-0124 or valleychamberchorale.org
Canine Carnival
When: 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, May 20
Where: Wildlife Science Center, 22830 Sunrise Rd. NE, Stacy
Details: Guest speakers, presentations by the staff on the resident wolves and visiting canine groups, demonstrations, food truck and merchandise. Dogs on leashes welcome.
Contact: wildlifesciencecenter.org
When: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturdays
and Sundays, May 20-21, June 24 & 25; July 22 & 23; Aug 26 & 27; Sept. 23 & 24
Where: Washington County Fairgrounds, 12300 40th St. N., Stillwater
Details: Free outdoor flea and crafter’s market celebrating 10 year anniversary.
Contact: 715-557-1785 or rsgdevelopment.com/fleamarket
When: 8 a.m. Saturday, May 27
Where: Pioneer Park, Laurel & N. 2nd St., Stillwater - Runners shuttled to start areas.
Details: Half marathon, 10K and 5K with route through downtown Stillwater.
Contact: runstillwater.com
When: 7:30 p.m. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays and 2 p.m.
Sundays, June 1-11.
Where: Hanifl Performing Arts Center, 4941 Long Ave., White Bear Lake
Details: Watch ten short, never-before-seen plays from around the world presented by Lakeshore Players performers and directors. Tickets $30.
Contact: 651-478-7427 or lakeshoreplayers.org
St Croix Valley Art Opener Studio Tour
When: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday, June 2, Saturday, June 3 and Sunday, June 4
Where: Artist studios throughout the St. Croix Valley
Details: Features demonstrations and artwork for sale by local artists at their studios.
Contact: artopener.com
Hugo Good Neighbor Days
When: June 8-11
Where: Lion’s Park, Hugo
Details: Annual festival includes carnival rides, parade, bingo, beer garden and live music.
Contact: Hugo Lions or goodneighbordays.com
Kickoff: Shoreview Farmers Market
When: 3-7 p.m. Tuesdays, June 6-Aug. 29; 3-6 pm Sept. 5-Oct. 10
Where: Shoreview Community Center lower level parking lot and pavilion, 4580 Victoria St. N.
Details: Check out new amenities, weekly themes and live entertainment. More than 30 vendors. Frequent Shopper Program.
Contact: shoreviewcommunitycenter.com
When: 5-9 p.m. Tuesdays, June -Aug. except Tuesday, July 4; Farmer’s Market continues through August.
Where: Lakeside Park, Forest Lake
Details: Concert series, crafts and farmers market
Contact: 651-209-9723 or forestlakeparks.net
Kickoff: Concerts in the Commons
Kickoff: Centerville Music in the Park
When: 6:30-8 p.m. Tuesdays, June and July
Where: Hidden Spring Park, 1601 LaMotte Drive, Centerville
Details: Community concerts with various artists/bands.
Contact: centervillemn.com
Kickoff: Stillwater Farmers Market
When: 7:30am-noon, Saturdays, June - October
Where: Riverview parking lot, 3rd and Pine Sts. across from courthouse
Details: Local organic food, vegetables, fruit, crafts and other specialties.
Contact: 651-704-9996 or localharvest.org
Kick-off: Cruisin’ on the Croix Hot Rod & Vintage Car Show
When: 4-9 p.m. every other Wednesday, June 14 through Sept. 20
Where: Lowell Park,
downtown Stillwater
Details: Admire vintage and hot rod cars, food vendors, live music, free family-friendly festivities. Contact: cruisinonthecroix.com
Kickoff: Midwest Ski Otters Shows
When: 6 p.m. Sundays beginning second Sunday in June through August
Where: Goose Lake on Hoffman Road in White Bear Lake
Details: White Bear-based team of 120 amateur skiers from metro area
Contact: skiotter.com
Kickoff: Bald Eagle Waterski Club Shows
When: 7 p.m. Thursdays, mid-June through August
Where: Centerville Lake in Centerville
Details: Members of all ages perform waterskiing tricks. Club also performs at summer festivals throughout the state.
Contact: baldeaglewaterskishows. com
When: 7 p.m. Wednesdays, June 14-July 26
Where: Shoreview Commons, next to Shoreview Community Center, 4580 Victoria St. N.
Details: Open-air concerts. Bring blanket or chair. Concessions. See website for lineup.
Contact: shoreviewcommunitycenter.com
When: 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Saturday, June 17
Where: Washington County Fairgrounds
Details: Community event includes over 40 food trucks, beer and wine tent, marketplace, live music, and kid’s activities. $5/ person; 5 and under free.
Contact: greaterstillwaterchamber. com
Kickoff: Marketfest
When: 6-9 p.m. Thursdays June 15 through July 27
Where: Downtown White Bear Lake
Details: Free family festival includes more than 150 retail and
food vendors, live music, children’s activities, farmers market, classic car show.
Contact: marketfest.org
Manitou Days
When: June 15 to July 4
Where: Events throughout White Bear Lake
Details: Three-week long, annual summer festival showcases the best of the White Bear Lake community. More than 60 events including parade, beach dance, community picnic, family fun night, antique boat show, fireworks and more.
Contact: 651-653-5122 or manitoudays.com
Kickoff: Bayport Farmers Market
When: 2:30 to 6:30 p.m. Mondays, June 12 -Oct. 16
Where: Barker’s Alps Park, 5th Ave. N., Bayport
Contact: 612-518-7110 or bayportfarmersmarket.com
Vadnais Heights
Ice Cream Social
When: 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, June 21
Where: Berwood Park, 780 Berwood Ave., Vadnais Heights
Details: Free ice cream, activities for all ages, representatives from community organizations, and live music.
Contact: 651-204-6000 or cityvadnaisheights.com
Kickoff: White Bear Lake Farmers Market
When: 8 a.m.-noon Fridays, June 23 through October
Where: Clark Avenue between 2nd and 3rd Street
Details: Produce includes organic produce, natural meats and cheeses, honey, syrup, baked goods, plants and flowers.
Contact: 651-747-3650 or whitebearlake.org
Afton Strawberry Festival
When: 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday, June 24; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, June 25
Where: Town Square Park, Afton
Details: Artists, flea market vendors, live music, food and fun for the entire family.
Contact: aftonartfair.com
Lift Bridge Road Race
When: 7 a.m. Saturday, June 24
Where: Lakeside Park, Bayport
Details: 10 mile, 10K and 5K race through Bayport and the St. Croix Valley.
Contact: runstillwater.com
Vadnais Heights Music in the Park Series
When and Where: 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays, June 28 at Bridgewood Park; July 12 Bear Park; July 19 at Westfield Park; and July 26 at Lily Pond Park
Details: Celebrate summer with free outdoor concerts.
Contact: 651-204-6000, cityvadnaisheights.com
Kickoff: Kidz Concerts in the Commons
When: 10 a.m. Wednesdays, July 5-Aug. 2
Where: Shoreview Commons, next to Shoreview Community Center, 4580 Victoria St. N.
Details: Free outdoor concerts geared to kids. Bring blanket or chair. Concessions. See website for lineup.
Contact: shoreviewcommunitycenter.com
Fireworks on White Bear Lake
When: 10 p.m. Tuesday, July 4
Details: Manitou Days celebration culminates with a fireworks display over White Bear Lake.
Contact: manitoudays.com or explorewhitebear.org
Fireworks at Lowell Park
When: 10 p.m. Tuesday, July 4
Where: Lowell Park, Downtown Stillwater
Details: Fireworks show over the St. Croix River at 10 p.m.
Marine on St. Croix 4th of July Celebration
When: Fireworks 10 p.m. July 3; Running race and kids parade on July 4
Where: Marine on St. Croix
Details: Annual all town parade on Main Street in downtown Marine on St. Croix
Contact: marineonstcroix.org
Birchwood Annual Community Parade
When: 10 a.m., July 4
Where: Begins at E. County Line and Wildwood Road
Contact: 651-426-3403
Afton Fourth of July Parade
When: 1 p.m. July 4
Where: Downtown Afton
Details: Parade through downtown Afton with food and beverage vendors.
Contact: 651-439-4001
Kickoff: Summer Tuesdays
When: 5-9 pm Tuesdays July 11 –Aug. 15
Where: Lowell Park, Downtown Stillwater
Details: Free family event includes market vendors, food, music, stage performances; family movie at dusk.
Contact: summertuesdays.com
Fete des Lacs
When: July 11-16
Where: Centerville
Details: Week-long community festival includes music, parade, inflatables, softball and kickball tournament, 5K walk/run and fireworks.
Contact: fetedeslacs.org
Lumberjack Days
When: July 14-16
Where: Lowell Park, 101 Water St., Stillwater
Details: Past events have included live concerts, fireworks, parade, medallion hunt, kiddie carnival, tethered hot air balloon rides, vendors, chef’s competition, log rolling, axe throwing, fishing tournament, boat rides, lumberjack competitions and fun on the river.
Contact: lumberjackdays.com
Slice of Shoreview Days
When: July 21-23
Where: Island Lake Park, 3611 N. Victoria St., Shoreview
Details: Past events have included carnival, parade, car show, art and food vendors, helicopter rides, Dock Dogs, petting zoo, live entertainment, fireworks, golf tournament.
Contact: 651-483-2416 or sliceofshoreview.com
Anoka County Fair
When: July 25-30
Where: Anoka County Fairgrounds, 3200 Saint Francis Blvd., Anoka
Details: Motocross, bull riding, tractor pulls, demolition derby, live music, rides and games.
Contact: 763-427-4070 or anokacountyfair.com
White Bear Lake Area Relay for Life
When: 6 p.m. Friday, July 28
Where: White Bear Lake Area High School South Campus, 3551 McKnight Road
Details: Typically more than 100 teams and 1,500 participate in a run/walk and stay overnight to raise funds for the American Cancer Society and celebrate local cancer survivors.
Contact: relay.acsevents.org
Washington County Fair
When: Aug. 2-6
Where: 12300 N. 40th St., Stillwater
Details: Thousands of exhibits, live music and entertainment, motor sports, rides.
Contact: washingtoncountyfair.org
Night to Unite
When and Where: Tuesday, Aug. 1 throughout local communities
Details: Evening intended to heighten crime prevention awareness and community partnerships. Residents hosting block parties may register for visits by local police and fire departments.
When: 3 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 5
Where: Lowell Park, 201 Water Street N.
Details: Raise money for the American Cancer Society and celebrate local cancer survivors.
Contact: acsevents.org
Vadnais Heights Heritage Days
When: Aug. 14-20
Where: Community Park and Vadnais Heights Commons, 641 and 655 E. County Road F. in Vadnais Heights
Details: Past events have included a medallion hunt, movie in the park, photo contest, senior picnic, Lions pig roast, kiddie parade, children’s games and inflatables, bingo, car show, food and merchandise vendors, fireworks, live bands, Grande Parade, Booya, bean bag tournaments, softball tournaments, pickleball tournaments, a water ball tournament between local fire departments, and more.
Contact: 651-204-6000 or cityvadnaisheights.com
North Hudson Pepper Fest
When: Aug. 18-20
Where: Pepper Fest Park, 400 7th St. N, North Hudson
Details: In honor of the community’s Italian heritage, festivities include Italian food, carnival, parade, live bands, bingo and contests.
Contact: 715-386-0797 or pepperfest.org
Scandia Taco Daze
When: Usually second Saturday in Sept.
Where: Scandia Community Center, 14727 209th St. N. and various locations in downtown Scandia.
Details: Annual community festival includes tacos, parade, dodgeball tourney, beer garden, arts and crafts, car and tractor show.
Contact: scandiamn.com/tacodaze
Annual North Oaks Children’s Hospital Guild II Rummage Sale
When: September
Where: Shoreview Ice Arena, 877 Highway 96 W, Shoreview
Details: Has generated more than $1 million for the Children’s Hospital Association.
Contact: 651-484-3792 or northoaksrummagesale.org
Spirit of the St. Croix Art Festival
When: 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 23; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 24
Where: Lakefront Park, downtown Hudson.
Details: Free. More than 80 juried artists, entertainment, food vendors and more.
Contact: 715-386-8411 or thephipps.org/events/art-fair
Afton Art in the Park
When: 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 23; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 24
Where: Town Square Park, Afton Details: More than 100 vendors showcasing fine art, live music, food, wine and beer garden, crafts and activities for kids.
Contact: aftonartfair.com
Waffle Breakfast and Fire Truck Tours
When: 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Sunday, October 1
Where: Vadnais Heights Commons, 655 E County Rd. F
Details: All-you-can-eat Belgian waffle breakfast put on by the VH Lions Club. Other participants include Minnesota Lions Diabetes,
Vision and Hearing Foundations, Can-Do-Canines, and vision screenings for youth. Information about camps and dragon boat races. $9 adult, $8 seniors 63+, $5 kids 6-14, 5 and under free.
Contact: 651-204-6000 or www. cityvadnaisheights.com/262/Waffle-Breakfast
Rivertown Fall Art Festival
When: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 7; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 8
Where: Lowell Park, Downtown Stillwater
Details: St. Croix Valley’s largest juried art festival features the works of more than 100 artists from around the country, food vendors, beer and wine tent, live music.
Contact: greaterstillwaterchamber. com/rivertownfallartfestival.com
Harvest Fest & Giant Pumpkin
When: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 14 and Sunday, Oct. 15
Where: Lowell Park, 201 Water St., downtown Stillwater
Details: Giant pumpkin weigh-off, chili cook-off, carving exhibitions, games, music, pumpkin regatta, tractor pull, street dance.
Contact: harvestfeststillwater.com
When: Usually 2nd weekend in Oct.
Where: Veterans Memorial Park (formerly Triangle Park), Mahtomedi
Details: Past event included pumpkins for sale, inflatables, petting zoo, games for kids, bake sale, and much more. Sponsored
by the Wildwood Lions Club and Kramer-Berg American Legion Post 507.
Contact: wildwoodlionsclub.org
Scare in White Bear
When: 5-8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 28
Where: Memorial Beach, 4958 Lake Ave., White Bear Lake
Details: 5K and fun run on torchlit paved path along White Bear Lake. Strollers and dogs welcome. Prizes for best costume. Halloweenie roast.
Contact: 651-440-9625 or mmraces.com
Christmas at the Historic Courthouse
When: Usually end of November
Where: Washington County Historic Courthouse, 101 W. Pine St., Stillwater
Details: Historic site decorated for the holidays. Live music, open tea room, Holiday Bazaar and bake shop, guided tours, photos with Santa. Friday night gala.
Contact: 651-275-7075 or co.washington.mn.us
Fast Before the Feast
When: 7-10:30 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 23
Where: Boatworks Commons, 4495 Lake Ave. S., White Bear Lake
Details: 10K, 5K and 1.5 mile Turkey Dash
Contact: 651-440-9625 or mmraces.com
Nutcracker Suite Ballet
When: Usually Thanksgiving weekend
Where: Stillwater Area High School Auditorium, 5701 Stillwater Blvd. N.
Details: Family-friendly version of the classic Christmas ballet featuring students and professional dancers from St. Croix Ballet. Contact: 651-439-2820 or stcroixballet.com
Small Business Saturday
When: Saturday, Nov. 25 Where: Businesses throughout the area
Details: Shop small and locally-owned businesses for deals and specials the day after ‘Black Friday’.
Hometown for the Holidays
When: First three weekends in December
Where: Throughout downtown Stillwater
Details: Month-long celebration with events and shopping specials at various businesses throughout Stillwater. Past activities have included strolling carolers, Victorian Wagonette rides, and Biercycle caroling tours; strolling Santa. See website for opportunities to have breakfast or lunch with Santa at various local restaurants. Contact: mainstreetstillwateriba. com
White Bear Lake Winterfest
When: Usually the first three Saturdays in December
Where: Downtown White Bear Lake
Details: Horse-drawn carriage rides, photos with Santa, shopping and dining specials. Events free with donation to the White Bear Area Emergency Food Shelf. Contact: downtownwhitebearlake. com/events
Those looking for their fix of artistic entertainment, cultural education and recreational fun in the area don’t need to venture all the way to the Twin Cities.
Visual, musical and performing arts venues, as well as sites bursting with historical significance and information, abound in the northeast suberbs.
In White Bear Lake, year-round programs and activities are offered at the White Bear Center for the Arts. The Lakeshore Players Theatre — which is in its 70th season — puts on multiple shows throughout the year at the Hanifl Performing Arts Center that are sure to appeal to a broad range of audience members.
On the western banks of the St. Croix River, the city of Stillwater — also known as “the birthplace of Minnesota” — boasts a host of historical landmarks and repositories of state and local history. The Washington County Heritage Center, Historical Courthouse and the Warden’s House Museum are just a few places in town that are rich with information from years past.
The Stillwater Lift Bridge, which spans the river and connects to Houlton, Wisconsin, is a historic site and walkable.
Stillwater also has a bustling arts scene, anchored by the nonprofit ArtReach St. Croix, The Zephyr Theatre and a collection of
art galleries located along the St. Croix Scenic Byway.
Proximity to lakes and the St. Croix River provide a slew of water-focused activities in the area, such as swimming, boating and kayaking. Disc golf, farmers’ markets, hunting, skating, skiing, and tennis are among the countless other types of outdoor recreation available in the region.
Whether you’re looking to fill out a vacation itinerary with arts and cultural stops or are an area resident looking for some weekend fun, check out the following guide for information on places to go and things to do.
Looking for something fun to do? The northeast metro area offers plenty of opportunities, all within an hour’s drive.
White Bear Center for the Arts: 4971 Long Avenue, White Bear Lake. 651-407-0597 or whitebeararts.org
ArtReach St. Croix: Historic Courthouse, 224 N 4th Str, Stillwater 651-439-1465 or artreachstcroix.org
Gallery 96 Arts Center: 651-484-8710 or gallery96.org. Work on display at the Shoreview Community Center, 4580 N. Victoria St., Shoreview
The Phipps Center for the Arts: 109 Locust St., Hudson, WI. 715386-2305 or thephipps.org.
Marketfest: Downtown White Bear Lake. Thursdays, June - July. Marketfestwbl.com
Arts in the Park: Lakeside Park, downtown Forest Lake. Tuesdays, June -Aug. ci.forest-lake.mn.us/192/arts-inthe-park
Summer Tuesdays: Lowell Park, Downtown Stillwater. Tuesdays, July-Aug. summertuesdays.com.
(see parks for other local beaches)
Bellaire Beach: 2499 South Shore Boulevard, White Bear Township
Big Marine Park: 17495 Manning Trail N., Marine on St. Croix. Some 400 linear feet of sandy beach, rest rooms, changing rooms, vending machines, picnic area, nearby playground.
Rice Creek Chain of Lakes: 7555 Main St., Lino Lakes. Swimming beach, playground, trails
Chautauqua Park: 75 ½ Quail St, Mahtomedi. Unsupervised sand beach.
Lake Elmo Park Reserve:
1515 Keats Avenue N., Lake Elmo. Swimming beach, restrooms, picnic area, playground.
Mahtomedi Beach:
1045 Park Avenue, Mahtomedi.
Memorial Beach: 5000 Lakeview Ave, White Bear Lake Swimming beach, playground
Square Lake Park: 15450 Square Lake Trail N., Stillwater. Swimming beach, boat launch, fishing pier; clear water for scuba diving.
Turtle Lake County Park: 4979 Hodgson Road, Shoreview. 200 ft. unguarded swimming beach, playground
Vadnais-Snail Lake Regional Park: 4191 Snail Lake Blvd., Shoreview. Swimming, volleyball, playground, concession stand, more than five miles of paved trails.
White Bear County Park/Ramsey County Beach:
5050 Lake Avenue, White Bear Lake. Beach, play area, picnic tables, boat launch.
Golden Lake Park: 53 West Golden Lake Rd, Circle Pines. Beach, Boat Launch, playground, sports courts
Wahoo Adventures: Bicycle rentals and tours. 651280-7299 or mywahooadventures. com
Biercycle Adventures: Pedestrian Mall on Water Street. 651-300-2202 or biercycleadventures.com. Tours of Stillwater with guide.
Beach House Marina: 1 Lake Circle, Bayport. 651-2750229 or bridgeportmarine.com
Centermart Twin Lakes
Outdoor Stop: 1801 Main St., Centerville. Pontoon and kayak rentals; fishing supplies; ski and wakeboard lessons. 651-426-3460.
Eric’s Canoe Rental: 1155 Chisago Street, Taylors Falls, MN, 651-270-1561 or ericscanoerental.com. Canoe rental and shuttle service available with 4 different location options.
Hallberg Marine Inc.
Rental & Leasing:
26470 Fallbrook Lane, Wyoming (in the Wyoming Industrial Park). 651-462-4516.
Pontoons on Bald Eagle: 4444 129th St., White Bear Lake. Rents pontoons. 651-426-0365 or pontoonsonbaldeagle.com Boat, kayak and paddleboard rentals
Stillwater Boat Club and Rentals: 422 E. Mulberry St., Stillwater, 651-439-9000 or stillwaterboatclub.com.
Tally’s Dockside: 4441 Lake Avenue S., White Bear Lake. Rents canoes, motorboats, pontoons and pedal kayaks and paddle boards on White Bear Lake. 651-429-2633 or cghooks. com.
Taylors Falls Canoe and Kayak
Rental - Wild Mountain: 307 Milltown Road, Taylors Falls, MN. 651-465-1080 or taylorsfallscanoe.com. Trips available from Taylors Falls to Osceola Landing (7 miles) or William O’Brien State Park (17 Miles). Canoe base located inside Minnesota Interstate Park.
Wahoo Adventures: Kayaking tours and lessons. 651280-7299 or mywahooadventures. com
Wargo Nature Center: 7701 Main St., Lino Lakes. Canoe and kayak rentals. 763-324-3350
William O’Brien State Park: 16821 O’Brien Trail North, Marine on St Croix. 651-433-0500. Canoe and paddleboard rentals, MayOct.
Your Boat Club:
Locations on White Bear Lake (4424 Lake Ave S.), Forest Lake (97 NE 1st St.), and the St. Croix River. Offers boating memberships at 10 locations throughout Minnesota. 612-208-1800 or yourboatclub.com
St. Croix River
Afton-Hudson Cruise Lines: 3291 St. Croix Trail S., Afton. 651436-8883. Stcroixrivercruises.com
St. Croix Boat & Packet Co.: 525 South Main St., Stillwater. Paddleboat cruises down the St. Croix. 651-430-1234. Stillwaterriverboats.com
Taylors Falls Scenic Boat
Tours: Highways 95 and 8, Taylors Falls. Daily excursion, lunches, history cruises, private charters, weddings and receptions. 651-4656315 or taylorsfallsboat.com.
Gondola Romantica: 425 East Nelson Street, Stillwater, MN. 651439-1783 or gondolaromantica. com.
Bayport Marina: 200 Fifth Ave. S., Bayport. 651439-2040 or bayportmarina.com
Boom Site: 9369 St Croix trail N, Stillwater 651-275-0229 or bridgeportmarine.com
Beach House Marina: 1 Lake Circle, Bayport. 651-2750229 or bridgeportmarine.com
Ole Sawmill Marina: 2009 Lake St. N., Stillwater. 608412-1507 or olesawmillmarina.com
River Park Marina: 340 Lake St., Bayport. Store-andlaunch dry dock. 651-275-0229 or bridgeportmarine.com
Stillwater Marina: 575 N. Main St., Stillwater. 651439-5658 or stillwatermarinadrystack.com.
Sunnyside Marina: 6413 St. Croix Trail N., Stillwater. 651-439-2118 or sunnysidemarina. com
Tally’s Dockside: 4441 Lake Ave. S., White Bear Lake. 651-429-2633 or cghooks. com
Timm’s Marina and Campground: 9080 N. Jewel Lane, Forest Lake. 651-464-3890.
Wolf Marine Inc.: 514 East Alder St., Highways 95 and 96, Stillwater. 651-439-2341 or wolfmarine.net
Your Boat Club: Boat memberships on White Bear Lake, Forest Lake and the
St. Croix River. 612-208-1800 or yourboatclub.com
St. Croix River
(see parks for boat launches on White Bear Lake, Forest Lake, and other area lakes.)
Boom Site: 9369 St Croix trail N, Stillwater bridgeportmarine.com
Beach House Marina: 1 Lake Circle, Bayport. 651-2750779 or bridgeportmarine.com. Overnight parking available.
Beanie’s Marina: 16777 N. Seventh St., Lakeland. 651-400-9383 or beaniesmarina. com. Located just below the I-94 bridge in Lakeland. Fee to launch.
Lakefront Park: Located along First Street and the St. Croix River, west of downtown Hudson, WI. 715-386-4774. Fee required.
St. Croix Bluffs County Park: 7 miles south of Afton on Stagecoach Trail. Fee to enter park, but no fee to use access. 651-4308240
Windmill Marina: 16065 32nd Street S., Afton. 651436-7744 or windmillmarina.com. Full service public launch ramp for a fee.
11351 Ulysses St. NE, Blaine. Blacklight bowling, arcade, play area, laser tag. 763-561-2230 or bowlero.com
Flaherty’s Arden Bowl: 1273 W. County Road E, Arden Hills. 651-633-1777.
7520 32nd Street N., Oakdale. 651-770-8000 or pinz.com.
Split Rocks
Entertainment Center: Cosmic Bowling, arcade. 5063 273rd St., Wyoming. 651-4626000 or splitrocksmn.com
Stillwater Bowl and Lounge: 5862 Omaha Avenue, Oak Park Heights. 651-439-2444
Big Wood Brewery: 2222 Fourth St., White Bear Lake. 612-360-2986 or bigwoodbrewery.com
Forge and Foundry Distillery: 223 Main Street N., Stillwater. 651-342-2247 or forgeandfoundrydistillery.com.
Lift Bridge Brewery: 1900 Tower Drive, Stillwater. 888430-2337 (BEER) or liftbridgebrewery.com.
Invictus Brewing Company: 2025 105th Ave NE Blaine, 763208-3063
University of Minnesota wall: 123 Harvard Street SE, Mpls. 612625-8790 or recwell.umn.edu.
Vertical Endeavors: 855 Phalen Blvd., St Paul. 651776-1430 or verticalendeavors. com.
Arcola Heights Park: Arcola Heights Park is located at the corner of 100th Street North and Perkins Avenue North. From MN Highway 95 (St. Croix Trail
N.), go west on 100th Street. The park is half a mile up the road at the end of 100th Street.
Brown’s Creek Park: Corner of McKusick Road and Neal Avenue, Stillwater Brekke Park: 5500 Omar Ave N, Stillwater.
Lakewood Hills Park: 2110 Orchard Lane, White Bear Lake. Has a 14-hole disc golf course that winds through the park and surrounding woods.
Lochness Park: 11121 Lexington Ave, Blaine, MN 55449
Bayport: Barkers Alp Park, Highway 95 and 3rd Ave. 2:30-6:30 p.m., Mondays June - October
Forest Lake: Tuesdays at Lakeside Park, downtown Forest Lake. 651-464-35503
Shoreview: Tuesdays 3-7pm, Shoreview Community Center, lower-level parking lot and pavilion, 4580 N. Victoria St. shoreviewmn.gov
Stillwater: Saturdays, corner of 3rd and Pine Streets. 651-275-7075 or localharvest.com.
White Bear Lake: Fridays, Clark Street, between 2nd and 4th Streets. 651-747-3650 or whitebearlake.org.
Aamodt’s Apple Farm Inc.: 6428 Manning Avenue N., Stillwater. 651-439-3127 or aamodtsapplefarm.com.
Afton Apple Orchard: 14421 90th Ave. S., Afton. Pick your own strawberries. 651-4368385.
Applecrest Orchards: 7306 24th Avenue, Hugo. 651583-5209
Autumnwood Farm: 19435 Granada Avenue N., Forest Lake. Family farm and on-site micro creamery that sells dairy products and offers tours of the farm. 651-464-0776 or autumnwoodfarmllc.com.
Axdahls Garden Farm: 7452 Manning Avenue, Stillwater. Minnesota-grown produce and CSA. 651-439-3134.
The Berry Patch: Pick your own strawberries, raspberries and blueberries. 10456 192nd St N, Forest Lake. 651433-3448.
Blueberry Fields of Stillwater: 9450 Mendel Road N., Stillwater, Minn. 651-351-0492 or blueberryfieldsofstillwater.com.
Covered Bridge Farm: 18655 Forest Blvd., Forest Lake. Pick your own blueberries and apples or buy fresh pears. 651-4640735 or coveredbridgefarm.net.
Hassu Lintu Emu Ranch: 15554 Zodiac Street, Forest Lake. 651-464-7866
Pine Tree Apple Orchard: 450 Apple Orchard Road in White Bear Lake. Pick your own strawberries, apples. 651-429-7202 or pinetreeappleorchard.com.
Pinehaven Farm:
28186 Kettle River Blvd., Wyoming. Seasonal special events. 651-462-1702 or pinehavenfarm.com.
Waldoch Farm: 8174 Lake Drive, Lino Lakes. Pick your own produce. 651-780-1207.
Golf Courses
Applewood Hills Public Golf Course:
11840 60th St. N., Stillwater. 651439-7276. applewoodhillsgolf.com
Castlewood Golf Course: 7050 Scandia Trail N., Forest Lake. 651-982-4707. Castlewood.
Chomonix Golf Course: 700 Aqua Lane, Lino Lakes. 763324-3434. chomonix.com
Gem Lake Hills Golf Course: 4039 Scheuneman Road, Gem Lake. 651-429-8715. gemlakehillsgolf.com. Also offers Foot Golf.
Keller Golf Course:
2168 Maplewood Drive, Maplewood. 651-766-4170
Island Lake Golf & Training Center: 1000 Red Fox Road, Shoreview. 651-787-0383. islandlakegolf.com
Loggers Trail Golf Club: 11950 80th St. N., Stillwater. 651439-7862. loggerstrail.com
Manitou Ridge Golf Club: 3200 N. McKnight Road, White Bear Lake. 651-777-2987. manitouridge.com
Oneka Ridge Golf Course: 5610 120th St. N., Hugo. 651-4292390. onekaridgegc.com
Oak Glen Golf Club: 1599 McKusick Road, Stillwater. 651-439-6981. oakglengolf.com. Also offers Foot Golf.
Shadow Ridge Driving Range: 1297 Ash St., Lino Lakes. 651-4817003.
Tanners Brook Golf Club: 5810 190th St. N., Forest Lake. 651-464-2300.
Victory Links: National Sports Center, 2010 105th Ave NE, Blaine. 763-7173240, victorylinks.nscsports.org
Dellwood Country Club: 29 Highway 96, Dellwood. 651426-3218. Dellwoodcountryclub. com
Forest Hills Golf Club: 7530 210th St. N., Forest Lake. 651-464-3097. foresthillsgc.com
Indian Hills Golf Club: 6667 Keats Avenue N., Stillwater, 55082. 651-770-2301. www.ihgolf. com
North Oaks Country Club: 54 East Oaks Road, North Oaks. 651-484-6311. northoaksgolfclub. com
Stillwater Country Club: 1421 4th Street N. Fourth St., Stillwater. 651-439-7979. sccgolf.com
TPC Twin Cities: 11444 Tournament Players Parkway, Blaine. 763-795-0800, tpc. com/twincities
White Bear Yacht Club: 56 Dellwood Avenue, Dellwood 651-429-4567. wbyc.com
Highway 8 Driving Range: 8640 Green Lake Trail., Forest Lake. 651-675-7356
Midwest Golf Dome: 1815 VanDyke St., Maplewood. 651-777-0500. Indoor range.
Ironwood Golf Range: 11480 Scandia Trail N., Scandia. 651-675-7356.
Island Lake Golf & Training Center: 1000 Red Fox Road, Shoreview.
651-787-0383 or islandlakegolf. com.
Shadow Ridge Driving Range: 1297 Ash St., Lino Lakes. 651-4817003.
Victory Links: National Sports Center, 1700 105th Ave NE, Blaine. 763-7173240, victorylinks.nscsports.org
Anoka County
Historical Society: 2135 3rd Avenue N, Anoka. 763421-0600 or anokacountyhistory. org. Museum with exhibits and tours. including ghost tours.
Forest Lake Area
Historical Society: 612-963-1975. forestlakehistory. org.
Hill Farm Historical Society: 35 Hill Farm Circle, North Oaks. Hillfarmhistoricalsociety.com
Stone House Museum: 241 Fifth St., Marine on St. Croix. 651-433-3636.
Ramsey County
Historical Society: 75 W. Fifth St., Room 323, St. Paul. 651-222-0701 or rchs.com.
Shoreview Historical Society: Shoreview City Hall, 4600 Victoria St. N., Shoreview (mailing). shoreviewhistoricalsociety.org 651-3034667
Washington County Historical Society: Housed in the Warden’s House Museum, 602 Main St. N, Stillwater. 651-439-5956 or wchsmn.org.
White Bear Lake Area Historical Society: 2228 4th Street, WBL in the WBL Armory. 651-407-5327 or whitebearhistory.org.
Bunker Park Stable: 550 Bunker Lake Blvd. NW, Andover. 761-757-9445 or bunkerparkstablemn.com.
Dawn till Dusk Stables: 3843 Oakgreen Ave. N., Stillwater
Exclusive Equine Center: 9610 140th St., N., Hugo. 651-7751489 or exclusiveequinecenter.net
Hardwood Creek Farm: 2306 E. 80th St., Hugo. 651-3185526
Hors’n Around Stables: 1565 E Holly Drive, Lino Lakes. 651-429-6748, horsnaroundstables.com
Idylwood Farms: 11490 Julianne Ave. N., Stillwater. 612-385-9131 or idylwoodequestriancenter.com
Madline Horsemanship Clinics: 12582 Otchipwe Ave. N., Stillwater. 651-468-6050
North Brook Eventing Center: 13311 Square Lake Tr., Stillwater. 651-528-9833 or northbrookfarm. com
Rocking S Horse Company: 1288 Main St., Lino Lakes. 651247-1380 or rockingshorsecompany.com
St. George’s Dressage Academy: 8765 68th St. N., Stillwater. 651795-8427 or stgeorgesdressage. com
Stonegate Farm: 11130 Julianne Ave. N., Stillwater. 651-206-6773 or stone-gatefarm. com
Woodloch Stable: 5676 170th St. N., Hugo, 651-4291303 or woodlochstable.com.
Running Aces Harness Park: 15201 Running Aces Blvd, Columbus. 651-925-4600 or runaces. com
Aamodt’s Hot Air Balloon Rides: 6428 Manning Avenue, Stillwater. 651-351-0101 or aamodtsballoons. com.
Stillwater Balloons: 135 Saint Croix Trail N., Lakeland. 651-439-1800 or stillwaterballoons.com.
Wild Wings of Oneka: 14814 Irish Ave, Hugo. Private hunt club offers sporting clays and hunting options. 651-439-4287 or wildwingsofoneka.com
Bald Eagle Sportsman’s Association:
6557 N 125th St., Hugo. Rifle, pistol and shotgun practice areas. 651-429-9874 or besamn.com.
Oakdale Gun Club: 10386 10th St. N., Lake Elmo. 651436-6946.
Maple Island Hunt Club: 16173 Manning Trl N., Marine on St. Croix. 651-439-3575 mapleislandhuntclub.com
Aldrich Arena: 1850 White Bear Ave, Maplewood.
Centennial Sports Arena: 101st Ln, between east and west buildings of Centennial High School. 763-792-6091 or isd12.org.
FLAAA Sports Center: 5530 206th St N., Forest Lake. 651-464-0176 or flaaa.org.
Hippodrome Ice Arena: 4855 Bloom Avenue, White Bear Lake. 651-653-2126 or whitebear. k12.mn.us.
Hugo Elementary School: 14895 Francesca Avenue N., Hugo. Outdoor rink with warming house in season.
Super Rink: 1700 105th Avenue, Blaine. 763-785-5600 or nscsports.org. Includes cafe and pro shop.
Shoreview Arena: 877 W. Highway 96, Shoreview. 651-766-4000.
St. Croix Valley Recreation Center: 1675 Market Drive, 651-430-2601 or stcroixreccenter.com.
TCO Sports Garden: 1490 E. County Road E., Vadnais Heights. 651-481-1000 or ramseycounty.us
White Bear Ice Arena: 2160 Orchard Ln., White Bear Lake. 651-748-2515.
White Bear Lake
Sports Center:
1328 East Highway 96, White Bear Lake. 651-429-8571 or whitebearlake.org.
Shoreview Community Center: 4600 N. Victoria, Shoreview. Also, Tropics Indoor Water Park. 651490-4700 or shoreviewmn.gov/ parks-rec/community-center
Zero Gravity:
2292 Woodale Drive, Mounds View. 763-231-3033 or zerogravitymn.com. Trampoline Park and Laser Tag.
Admiral D’s: 4424 Lake Avenue, White Bear Lake. 651-426-3444 or admiralds. com
The Dugout Bar: 96 Mahtomedi Avenue, Mahtomedi. 651-429-8640 or www. dugoutbarmn.com
Ingredient’s Cafe: 4725 Highway 61 N., White Bear
Lake. 651-426-6611 or ingredientscafe.com.
Macaluso’s Road House: 3857 Labore Road, Vadnais Heights. 651-429-1716.
Manitou Grill: 2171 4th St., White Bear Lake. 651426-2300
Myth Live: 3090 Southlawn Drive, St. Paul 651-779-6984 mythlive.com
Tally’s Dockside: Music by the Water, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday evenings in the summer, 6-9 p.m. cghooks. com
Washington Square Grill: 4736 Washington Square, White Bear Lake. 651-407-7162 or Washingtonsquareonline.net
White Bear Lake VFW: 4496 Lake Avenue S., White Bear Lake. 651-426-4944 or vfw1782.org
Wildwood Artist Series: Diverse and family-friendly performing arts events at the Chautauqua Fine Arts Center, 8000 75th St. N., Mahtomedi. wildwoodartistseries.com.
Alamo Drafthouse: 9060 Hudson Rd., Woodbury. Full dinner menu, craft beers and other beverages. 651-346-0370 or drafthouse.com
Emagine White Bear: 1180 County Road J, White Bear Township. 651-653-3243 or emagine-entertainment.com. Luxury seating and bar service.
Lake 5 Theatre: 1480 South Lake Street, Forest Lake. 651-464-4222
Marcus Oakdale Cinema: 5677 Hadley Ave. N., Oakdale. 651-770-4992 or marcustheatres. com
Carmike Wynnsong 15: 2430 Hwy 10, Mounds View. 763785-8900
Afton Historical Society Museum:
3165 S. St. Croix Trail, Afton. Free. 651-436-3500 or aftonhistoricalsociety.com
Boutwells Landing Museum: 5600 Norwich Pkwy., Oak Park Heights. Free admission. 651-2755000.
Golden Wings Flying Museum: 8891 Airport Rd, C-6, Blaine. 763786-5004 or goldenwingsmuseum.com
Historical Society Museum: 2666 7th Ave, North Saint Paul. 651-777-8965 or northstpaul.org.
Fillebrown House: 651-407-5327. 1879 lakeside cottage at the corner of Lake and Morehead Avenues in White Bear Lake.
Hay Lake School and Erickson
Log House Museum: 14020 195th St N, Marine on St Croix. 651-433-4014. Open May through October.
Warden’s House Museum: 602 N. Main St., Stillwater. 651439-5956. Open May through October. Originally built in 1853 as the residence of the Stillwater Territorial Prison warden.
Washington County
Historic Courthouse: 101 W. Pine St., Stillwater. 651-2757075 or co.washington.mn.us/hc
Washington County Heritage Center: 1862 Greeley Street South, Stillwater. 651-439-2298
Centennial Community Band: Community band with members from the Blaine, Lino Lakes, Lexington, Circle Pines, Centerville area. Centennialcommunityband. com
Lakes Area Chorus: Open to female singers of all ages who perform throughout the area. lakecountrychorus.org or 651323-7877
Shoreview Northern Lights Variety Band: Community band. snlvb.com or 651-470-5625. Vallee de Croix Chorus.
Sweet Adelines: valleedecroix.org. Four-part a cappella chorus singing pop, country, gospel, patriotic and show tunes.
Valley Chamber Chorale: 651-430-0124 or valleychamberchorale.org Highly Skilled Amateur Choir
Afton Alps:
6600 Peller Avenue S., Hastings. 1-800-328-1328, 651-436-5245 or aftonalps.com. Opens mid-November. Ski, snowboard, snow tubing, terrain park. Full-service specialty ski and snowboard shop. 48 runs, 18 chair lifts, chalets and rentals. Limited restaurant service in chalets and bar area.
Trollhaugen Outdoor Recreation Area: 2232 100th Avenue, Dresser, Wisconsin. 651-433-5141, 800-826-
(See Park listings for more information)
Arena Acres Park: Playground, basketball, tennis. Located at 519 Andall St., Lino Lakes
Bear Park: 475 Bear Ave. S., Vadnais Heights
Beltz Park: 11th Avenue SE and South Shore Drive, Forest Lake
Berwood Park : 780 Berwood Ave., Vadnais Heights. Also pickleball.
Bloomquist Park: Between Birchwood and Cedar avenues, Birchwood
7166, 715-755-2955 or trollhaugen. com. Open mid-November to March. Ski, snowboard, snow tube, cross-country, zip line. 22 runs. Rentals, ski and snowboard shop, snack bar, arcade room, Kaffe Stuga and Skolhaugen Lounge.
Wild Mountain Ski & Snowboard Area: 37200 Wild Mountain Road, Taylors Falls. 651-465-6365, or wildmountain.com. Opens mid-November, often the first to open for the season in Minnesota. Ski, snowboard, snowtubing. 26 runs with a variety of terrain from green to double black diamond. Chalet with food service, rentals, terrain park.
See Park listings for more information:
Tamarack Nature Center, Brown’s Creek Nature Preserve, Cottage Grove Ravine Regional Park, St.
Croix Bluffs Regional Park, Lake Elmo Park Reserve, Pine Point Park, Afton State Park, William O’Brien State Park, Gateway State Trail
Irish Avenue Park: Groomed ski trails. Parking on Irish Avenue
Troll Hollow: 2232 100th Avenue, Dresser, Wisconsin, 2.0 km lighted, groomed trail. 651-433-5141, 800-826-7166, 715-755-2955 or trollhaugen.com.
Green Acres Recreation:
8989 55th St. N., Lake Elmo. 651770-6060 or greenacresrec.com.
Trollhaugen: 2232 100th Avenue, Dresser; 651-433-5141 or trollhaugen.com.
Wild Chutes Snow
Tubing – Wild Mountain: 37200 Wild Mountain Road, Taylors Falls. 651-465-6365 or wildmountain.com
Bobby Theisen Park: 3575 Vivian St., Shoreview. Also pickleball.
Bridgewood Park: 4224-1/2 Bridgewood Terrace, Vadnais Heights. Also pickleball.
Columbia Park: 1756 County Road 96, White Bear Township
Community Park: 641 E. County Road F, Vadnais Heights
Eagle Park: West side of Dupre Road near Center Street, Centerville
Eagle Park: 5485 Township Drive, White Bear Township
Four Seasons Park: Park Avenue and Hugo Road, White Bear Township
Goodview Park: Goodview Avenue and 262nd Street, Wyoming
Kohler Meadows Park: 365 County Road F, Vadnais Heights
Lions Park:
5524 N. Upper 159th St., Hugo
Longville Park:
5300 Portland Ave. and 2675 First St., White Bear Township
McCullough Park: 915 County Road I, Shoreview
Mead Park: 5130 Dillon St., White Bear Township
Perro Creek Park: On Highway 95 and Third Avenue N., Bayport
Shamrock Park:
5623 Snelling Ave., Shoreview
Shoreview Commons Park: 4580 N. Victoria St., Shoreview.
Sitzer Park: 4344 Hodgson Road, Shoreview
Tablyn Park: 8735 Stillwater Blvd. N., Lake
Elmo. Ballfield, tennis courts and picnic tables
Val Jean Park: 17271 Val Jean Blvd, Hugo
Wilson Park:
815 County Road F, Shoreview
Westfield Park:
520 Westfield Lane, Vadnais Heights
White Bear Lake
Sports Center:
1328 East Highway 96, White Bear Lake. 651-429-8571. Racquetball, handball and wallyball. Drop-ins
$5.50 to $8.50 an hour.
Children’s Performing Arts: Hanifl Performing Arts Center, 4941 Long Ave., White Bear Lake. 651-336-8613 or www.childrensperformingartsmn.org. Theatre education for children.
Lakeshore Players Theatre: Hanifl Performing Arts Center, 4941 Long Ave., White Bear Lake. 651-426-3275 or www.lakeshoreplayers.com. Community theatre offers performing arts productions and classes.
Masquers Theatre Company: Performances at Forest Lake Area High School, 6101 Scandia Trail N. 651-464-5823 or masquerstheatre.com
Phipps Center for the Arts: 109 Locust St., Hudson, Wis. Also concerts, classes, art exhibitions. 715-386-2305 or thephipps.org.
The Zephyr Theatre: 651-342-1542 or stillwaterzephyrtheatre.org. Professional theatre providing live performances, music, dance, education and artistic opportunities for all ages. Held in the old Zephyr Train Depot in Stillwater.
Stillwater Trolley Co.: 400 E. Nelson St., Stillwater. Narrated historic tours or kids Storytime tours of Stillwater. 651430-0352 or stillwatertrolley.com.
River’s Edge: 1820 Raleigh Rd, Somerset, Wisconsin, Tubing down Apple River and water slides. 715-247-3305 or 888-247-3305 or appleriver.com.
Tube The River: 712 170th Ave, Somerset WI 54025 920-543-6802 or tubetheriver. com
Bunker Beach Water Park: 701 County Parkway A, Coon Rapids. Outside. 763-324-3310 or bunkerbeach.com.
Tropics Indoor Water Park: Shoreview Community Center,
4580 N. Victoria, Shoreview. 651490-4700 or shoreviewmn.gov/ parks-rec/community-center/ waterpark
Battle Creek Waterworks: 2401 Upper Afton Road., Maplewood. Outside. 651-501-6340 or co.ramsey.mn.us/parks/waterpark.
Wild Mountain Waterpark: Outdoor waterpark, Alpine slide, go-karts and new Freefall Xperience. 37200 Wild Mountain Road, Taylors Falls. 651-465-6365, or wildmountain.com
7 Vines Vineyard: 101 Hwy 96, Dellwood. 651-4786300 or 7vinesvineyard.com
St. Croix Vineyards: 6428 Manning Avenue, Stillwater. 651-430-3310 or scvwines.com.
Chateau St. Croix: 1998 Wisconsin Hwy 87, St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin, 715-483-2556 or chateaustcroix.com.
Wild Mountain Winery: 16906 Wild Mountain Road, Taylors Falls. 651-583-3585 or wildmountainwinery.com.
WineHaven Winery and Vineyard: 10020 Deer Garden Lane, Chisago City. 651-257-1017 or winehaven. com.
Forest Lake YMCA: 19845 Forest Road N. Forest Lake. 651-259-2133 or ymcanorth.org Shoreview YMCA: 3760 Lexington Ave. N., Shoreview. 651-483-2671 or ymcanorth.org
White Bear Area YMCA: 2100 Orchard Ln., White Bear Lake. 651-777-8103 or ymcanorth. org
Trollhaugen Aerial Adventure Park: 2232 100th Avenue, Dresser, Wisconsin 54009; 651-433-5141, 800-826-7166, 715-755-2955 or trollhaugen.com. High ropes and
Thousands of Minnesotans enjoy spending time quality time in the great outdoors, and the Northeast Metro boasts some of the best parks and natural resources in the state.
Anoka, Ramsey and Washington County have expansive park systems with many wild spaces to explore, as well as interactive nature centers, miles of multi-use trails and waterfront access to some of the best fishing in the Twin Cities.
For a family-friendly outing, check out the programming and playgrounds at Tamarack Nature Center in White Bear Township, or Wargo Nature Center in Lino Lakes.
Sucker Lake-Vadnais Lake Park is one of the best lakes for wildlife enthusiasts, with an open channel of water that attracts ducks and trumpeter swans all winter long.
White Bear Lake and Forest Lake are a must-visit for boating and water sports, and many anglers enjoy fishing for panfish, northerns and muskies in the waters of the local lakes. Bald Eagle Lake, Centerville Lake and Big Marine Lake are some of the preferred fishing lakes in the region. Those looking for a quiet kayak paddle might enjoy the reeds and water lilies of Otter Lake in Ramsey County or Square Lake in Washington County.
Those who enjoy being on the move can take advantage of trails such as the Hardwood Creek Bike Trail that travels parallel to Highway 61, or the Gateway Trail that traverses the heart of St. Paul all the way up to Hinckley. The Rice Creek Chain of Lakes park system in Anoka County offers a wide range of nature experiences. Dog owners in the area can also take advantage of off-leash parks situated among the natural landscape of Otter Lake Regional Park or Rice Creek Regional Trail.
However you choose to enjoy your nature experience, the Northeast Metro has a little something for everyone.
Carlos Avery Wildlife Management Area: 5463 W Broadway Ave, Columbus, 651-539-3300; Headquarters 7 miles west of Forest Lake on Anoka County Road 18. Primarily used for hiking, hunting and bird-watching.
Tamarack Nature Center: 5287 Otter Lake Road, White Bear Township; 320-acre park preserve with picnic shelter, half-mile paved trail, more than 5 miles of woodchip paths, indoor exhibit area with restrooms. Building hours: 9 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday- Saturday, noon to 4p.m. Sunday. 651-266-0360 or www.ramseycounty.us/residents/ parks-recreation/tamarack-nature-center
Joseph E. Wargo
Nature Center:
7701 Main St., Lino Lakes; Trails, gardens and a visitors’ center with restrooms. Exhibits, summer camps and other youth activities, as well as senior programs and other special events. Home to native plant and animal life including muskrats, red foxes, grey and red squirrels, woodchucks, weasels, deer and birds. Part of 5,500acre Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Regional Park Reserve. Rents canoes, kayaks, snowshoes and kicksleds. Hours April through October: Closed Monday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. open Tuesday to Thursday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. Winter hours: Closed Saturday through Monday, open Tuesday through Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 763-324-3350 or anokacountyparks.com.
Wildlife Science Center: 22830 Sunrise Rd. NE, Stacy;
Nationally recognized education and research facility; home to 90 animals of different species and Minnesota’s largest wolf pack. Tours available. 651-464-3993 or wildlifesciencecenter.org.
Please note:
A Minnesota Ski Pass is required for skiers and a Horse Pass is required on trails for riders age 16 and older in any state park or state forest. Purchase at the park ($6 daily ski pass and $5 daily horse pass), by telephone (1-888-665-4236) or at any DNR-licensed facility (dnr.state.mn.us/licenses/agentlist.html).
Afton State Park
Description: Rugged, rolling landscape of 1,620 acres; trails follow prairie landscape, deep ravines and bluffs, overlooking scenic St. Croix River. Adjacent to Afton Alps ski area, popular downhill ski spot for the Twin Cities.
What to do: Hike, cross-country
ski, ride horses, backpack, picnic, swim and camp. Visitor center. Contact: 651-201-6780, afton. statepark@state.mn.us; Group camp reservations: 866-857-2757
Location: 6959 Peller Ave. S., Hastings
William O’Brien State Park
Description: 1,653 acres of rolling, wooded hills along the banks of the St. Croix River.
What to do: Hiking, fishing for northerns, walleye, bass and trout, bird-watching, canoeing, snowshoeing, skiing and camping. Contact: 651-539-4980, williamobrien.statepark@state.mn.us
Location: 16821 O’Brien Trail N., Marine on St. Croix (12 miles north of Stillwater on State Highway 95)
Interstate State Park
Description: 298 acres along the scenic St. Croix River with spectacular views and a variety of recreational opportunities. Minnesota’s oldest state park was established in 1895 in a joint venture with Wisconsin Interstate Park directly across the St. Croix River, creating the first interstate park in the nation.
What to do: Hike both sides of the St. Croix River in Minnesota and Wisconsin, canoe, kayak, fish, camp, rock climb and view unusual glacial potholes.
Contact: 651-539-4500, interstate.statepark@state.mn.us
Location: 307 Milltown Road, Taylors Falls
County Park
email addresses:
Washington County: parks@co.washington.mn.us
Ramsey County: parks@co.ramsey.mn.us
Bald Eagle-Otter Lake
Regional Park
Description: 885 acres including Bald Eagle Lake, Otter Lake and Tamarack Nature Center. Hiking, snowshoeing and cross-country skiing (rentals available), boating, picnicking (one shelter), off-leash dog area, and activities at Tamarack Nature Center. Dog park is located at 5793 Otter Lake Road (nearest intersection is Otter Lake Road and Meadowview Drive).
According to the DNR, Bald Eagle is the most popular muskie lake in the east metro area.
Contact: 651-266-0300 or co.ramsey.mn.us
Location: 5800 Hugo Road, White Bear Township - Bald Eagle Section or 5750 Otter Lake Road, White Bear Township – Otter Lake Section
Big Marine Park Reserve
Description: 1,800 acres of excellent natural resource features, including the St. Croix Valley/ northeast ground moraine and high-quality upland and wetland
wildlife habitat. Boat launch, fishing pier, and swimming on Big Marine Lake; paved hiking trails, cross-country skiing on packed trails, picnic shelters, nature programs and play area.
Contact: 651-430-8200 or co.washington.mn.us
Location: 17495 Manning Trail N., Marine on St. Croix
Battle Creek Regional Park
Description: Playground, picnic areas, off-leash dog area, Waterworks family aquatic center, biking, walking, mountain biking and cross-country ski trails.
Contact: 651-266-0300
Location: 2300 Upper Afton Rd., Maplewood - East Section. 75 Winthrop St, South Saint Paul –West Section
Bunker Hills Regional Park
Description: This 1,600-acre regional park offers a wide spectrum of recreation opportunities. Bunker Beach water park has a large wave pool, swimming and water slides; Bunker Stable offers horseback riding; the park features a playground, biking, hiking, archery, golf, camping, cross-country skiing and picnic facilities. The Activity Center (550 Bunker Lake Blvd. NW) includes four meeting and event rooms that can accommodate up to 300. Contact: 763-324-3300 or anokacountyparks.com
Location: 550 Bunker Lake Blvd NW, Andover MN
Island Lake County Park
Description: 22-acre picnic area on the east side of the lake, 41-acre golf course and teaching center on the northwest side of the lake and a 30-acre natural area on the southwest side of the lake. Guarded swimming beach, picnic area, shelters, ballfield,
two sand volleyball courts, boat launch, fishing pier and trails, playground, shoreline fishing.
Contact: 651-748-2500 or https:// www.ramseycounty.us/residents/ parks-recreation
Location: 3611 N. Victoria St., Shoreview
Lake Elmo Park Reserve
Description: 2,165 acres; 80 percent of acreage set aside for preservation and protection. Gently rolling hills with a variety of landscape, including forest and prairie. View wildlife, canoe, camp, fish, picnic shelters, swim, cross-country ski under 5.5 miles of lighted ski trails, Nordic Center with restrooms and vending machines, snowshoeing, dog walking trails, mountain bike, archery, boat launch, orienteering course, equestrian trails, hiking, play area. No recreational equipment rentals.
Contact: 651-430-8370 or https://www.co.washington. mn.us/492/Parks
Location: 1515 Keats Ave. N., Lake Elmo
Lake Gervais County Park
Description: Picnic area, unguarded swimming beach, play area and fishing pier.
Contact: 651-266-0300 or co.ramsey.mn.us
Location: 2420 Edgerton St., Little Canada
Lake Owasso County Park
Description: 430-acre park, primarily composed of wetlands. Playground, unguarded swimming beach, boat launch, picnic tables, shelters, playground. Small wooded “islands” intersperse the large wetland area. The eastern half of the park consists of agricultural fields, woods and evergreen plantations. Hiking trails with wildlife
Tony Schmidt Regional Park
Description: On 230-acre Lake Johanna, with wetlands surrounded by steep wooded hills. Hiking, biking, swimming (lifeguard services), boat launch, fishing, picnicking (one pavilion and one shelter).
Contact: 651-266-0300 or co.ramsey.mn.us
Location: 3500 Lake Johanna Blvd., Arden Hills
Turtle Lake County Park
observation areas have been proposed. The park is currently closed for construction with plans of being open for the summer season.
Contact: 651-266-0300 or co.ramsey.mn.us
Location: 370 North Owasso Blvd., Shoreview
Pine Point Regional Park
Description: 296 acres with pine forests, lakes and marshes. Five miles of multiuse trails; the park is a major trailhead to the State’s Gateway Trail. Cross-country ski on 4 miles of groomed trails, bike, bird watch, hike and ride horses on an equestrian trail loop featuring some of the finest trails in the metropolitan area.
Contact: 651-430-8370 or co.washington.mn.us
Location: 11900 Norell Ave. N., Stillwater
Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Park Reserve
Description: This 5,500-acre regional park contains some of the most significant wildlife habitat in the metropolitan area.
Includes Chomonix Golf Course, Wargo Nature Center, Rice Creek campground, Centennial Lake Beach; also picnic areas, boat launch, paved biking trails, hiking trails, canoe and boat launches, playgrounds, and cross-country ski trails. Note: A fishing pier is located on Peltier Lake east of the entrance to Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Regional Park Reserve. Contact: 763-324-3340 or anokacountyparks.com
Location: 7373 Main Street, Lino Lakes
Square Lake Park
Description: Square Lake Park is designated as a special regional recreational feature by the Metropolitan Council and offers some of the clearest waters in Minnesota, drawing scuba divers from throughout the region. Boat launch, canoe (access to Square Lake), fishing (pier), picnic area, scuba diving, swimming beach.
Contact: 651-430-8200 or co.washington.mn.us
Location: 15450 Square Lake Trail N., Stillwater
Description: 11-acre park moderately to heavily wooded. The park is narrow and positioned between residential properties. Boat launch, 200-foot swimming beach (unguarded), play area, two small picnic shelters and a game field area.
Contact: 651-266-0300 or co.ramsey.mn.us
Location: 4979 Hodgson Rd., Shoreview
Vadnais-Snail Lake Regional Park
Description: 1,019 acres consisting of five lakes and wetlands surrounded by wooded hills and ridges. Swimming beach with lifeguard and concessions, fishing, bike and pedestrian trails, picnic areas, children’s play areas, boat access, sand volleyball, more than five miles of paved trails.
Contact: 651-266-0300 or co.ramsey.mn.us
Location: 4191 Snail Lake Blvd., Shoreview
Vadnais-Sucker Lakes Regional Park
Description: Playground, shoreline fishing, biking and walking trails.
Contact: 651-266-0300 or co.ramsey.mn.us
Location: 4500 Rice St., Vadnais Heights
Description: 900 feet of shoreline on 2,400-acre White Bear Lake with boat launch, fishing, playground, picnic area. Swimming at Ramsey County Beach currently prohibited due to low water levels.
Contact: 651-266-0300 or co.ramsey.mn.us
Location: 5050 Lake Ave., White Bear Lake
Bayport Barker’s Alps:
901 Fifth Avenue N., west of Bayport; Wooded hiking trails along bluff, playground, picnic tables, grills, soccer and softball fields, sledding hill.
Lakeside Park:
95 Central Avenue; East of downtown along the St. Croix River; Beach, beach house, playground, picnic shelters, charcoal grills, volleyball courts, softball field. Boat trailer parking for a fee.
Perro Creek: Ice skating/hockey and tennis/ pickleball, softball field, playground and tot lot. Downtown on Perro Creek, 374 2nd Street N, Bayport.
Village Green Park: Shady open space located 400 3rd Street North, adjacent to Andersen Elementary School and Bayport Library. Birchwood Village
Bloomquist Park: 210 Birchwood Ave between Cedar Street and Birchwood Ave; Tennis courts, playground
Hall’s Marsh: Lake Ave; Undeveloped nature preserve
Tighe-Schmidt Park: 410 Lake Avenue; Playground, picnic area, ballfields, ice rink with warming house
Acorn Creek Park: 1874 Revoir St; Playground, swing set, picnic tables and a lot of open space.
Cornerstone Park: 1670 Main St; Small courtyard, Veterans Memorial, plantings and a kiosk along the Main Street Trail.
Eagle Park: 6955 Dupre Road; Tennis and Pickleball court and playground.
Hidden Spring Park: 1601 LaMotte Drive. Picnic pavilion, benches, grills, rain garden and walking path. No swimming, fishing or boating.
Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park: 6970 LaMotte Dr; Soccer fields, softball fields with bleachers, hockey rink and skateboard park, adjacent to bike/walking path.
Royal Meadows Park: 7161 West Robin Lane; Basketball hoop and backstop, swing set and playground.
Tracie McBride Memorial Park: 1875 Fox Run; Playground and open green space.
Trail Side Park: 7145 Main St; Bench to stop and watch the sunset while walking along the path; site of White Bear Waterski Club shows.
Circle Pines
Baldwin Park: 400 Keith Dr; Picnic shelter, ball field, hockey rink, pleasure rink, line skate in summer, playground.
Carl Eck Park: 2 Firebarn Road; Picnic shelters, Little League fields, batting cage, playground.
Center Park: 26A Center Road.; Picnic shelters, playground.
City Hall Park: 200 Civic Heights Circle; Playground equipment, community gardens.
Golden Lake Park: 67 Golden Lake Road W; Fishing pier, playgrounds, picnic pavilions, concession stand, volleyball, tennis, half-court basketball, restrooms and swimming beach, boat launch.
Golden Lake School: 1 School Road; Picnic shelters, baseball fields and playground equipment.
Heritage Commons: Village Parkway on south side of Lake Drive, clock tower, history walk, pavilion, labyrinth.
Indian Hills Park: 52 A Indian Hills Drive; Nestled in Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Park Reserve, playground and open space.
Inner Park: 6A Inner Drive; Baseball field, hockey/skating rink, pickleball, basketball, picnic shelter and playground.
North Star Park: 234 North Star Lane; Playground equipment.
Forest Lake Bay Park: Ninth Avenue and 17th Street SE; Picnic table and tot lot.
Bayview Park: Bay Drive SE and 15th Avenue SE; Play equipment, basketball, picnic table.
Beltz Park: 11th Avenue SE and South Shore Drive; Playground, ballfields, tennis, basketball and sand volleyball courts, ice rink with warming house, picnic tables.
Bixby Park: Open space at Second Avenue NW and Seventh Street SW.
Bridal Pass Park: 6558 210th Lane Court N. Playground, open spaces
Cedar Park: Second Avenue NW and Seventh Street SW; Playground, ballfield, picnic tables.
Clear Lake Park: 5803 213th St; Playground, basketball court, picnic tables.
Eagle Bluff Park: Farnham Avenue N and Farnham Drive N; Playground, picnic tables, ballfields.
Fenway Park: 5530 206th Str N, Ball Fields, Soccer, Play Equipment, Trails and Open Space
Kulencamp Park: 8398 230th St. N; Playground, ballfields, picnic shelter, wooded area.
Lakeside Memorial Park: 95 East Broadway at First Avenue NE. Play equipment, picnic tables, picnic shelter, gazebo, barbecue grills, beach, beach house with restrooms, boat launch.
Manor Park: Harrow Avenue N. and 213th Street N; Play equipment, picnic tables.
North Shore Circle Park: 7621 North Shore Circle; Mowed open space and shore fishing.
Preserve Park: 20809 Granada Ave N, Open Space
Shawn B Silvera Memorial Park:
Between Evergreen Circle and Elston Ave; horseshoe, playground, basketball, picnic areas
Schumacher Park: Eighth Street SW and Third Avenue SW (school district park).
Sherwood Park: Imperial Ave N & 210th street North; Open space, picnic area, sledding hill.
Shields Lake Park: 8787 212th St. N; Fishing pier, canoe access, picnic area.
Southview Park: Forest Blvd. and Georgia Ave; Play equipment, trails, picnic shelter, prairie restoration area.
Summerfields Park: 206th Street N. and Everton Avenue N; Play equipment, picnic tables, gazebo, barbecue grills.
Tower Park: 8435 W Fourth Street; Hockey rinks and warming house.
Hugo Arbre Park: 14180 Arbre Lane N; Playground, baseball/softball fields, soccer fields, sand volleyball, basketball court and benches.
Beaver Ponds Park: 12710 Fondant Trail N; Playground, picnic shelter, soccer fields and benches.
Clearwater Creek Preserve: 4826 Fable Hill Circle; 96-acre passive park with wood chip trails.
Cove Park: 14227 Oneka Pkwy, Playground and Park Shelter
Diamond Point Park: 6355 145th St. N; 12.6-acre park; playground for variety of ages, picnic shelter, baseball/softball field, sand volleyball, basketball court and benches.
Frog Hollow Park: 5945 159th St. N; Playground picnic table and benches.
Hanifl Fields Athletic Park: 7032 137th St. N; Asphalt path, playground, picnic shelter, soccer fields and benches.
Hardwood Creek Trailhead: trailhead at 146th Street N; Paved and turf trails from Hugo to Forest Lake along Highway 61/Forest Blvd.
Heritage Ponds Park: 15541 Empress Ave. N; Paved trails, playground, picnic shelter, large grassy open space and benches.
Irish Avenue Park: 14420 Irish Ave. N. 125-acre passive park with grass trails and horseback riding.
Lions Park: 5524 Upper 146th St. N; Playground, skate park, Ball fields, soccer fields, tennis/ pickleball court and benches
McCollar Park: 4656 Fable Hill Parkway; Playground, exercise equipment, picnic shelter overlooking a pond.
Oak Shore Park: 12790 Exhall Ave N; Asphalt path, playground, picnic shelter, baseball/softball fields, soccer fields, horseshoes, sledding hill, basketball court and benches.
Oneka Lake Park: 15369 Goodview Ave. N; Play-
With over 10,000 lakes in Minnesota, there is plenty of water to go around for anglers and boating enthusiasts at Square Lake, located about three miles from Grant in Washington County, fishermen can find a variety of fish including bream/bluegill, gar, largemouth bass, pumpkinseed, bowfin, carp, bullhead, crappie, rock bass, perch, warmouth and green sunfish. Whether you’re fly fishing, spinning or bait casting, your chances of getting a bite is good at Square Lake. So grab your favorite fly fishing rod and reel, and head out to Square Lake. It is one of the clearest lakes in
the Twin Cities metro area which allows for a great experience for scuba divers and snorkelers.
Forest Lake is a popular fishing lake in Washington County. Largemouth bass and walleye are favorite targets of many anglers, and it is becoming an increasing popular site for muskellunge angling. Willow Point is a favorite spot for ice fishing, especially in the early season. Lakeside Memorial Park is located at 95 East Broadway Ave. Features of the park include beach, benches, boat dock, lake access, gazebo, grill, picnic tables, restrooms and a playground.
White Bear Lake is located on the east border of the city of White Bear Lake and is shared by White Bear Township and the cities of Dellwood, Mahtomedi, and Birchwood Village. There are public access sites in several locations and a municipal swimming beach. There is an abundance of species of fish for anglers and the lake has sail boat races in the summer.Author F. Scott Fitzgerald was a summer resident on the lake and it is believed that he used White Bear Lake as the backdrop for his book, “Winter Dreams.” The name of the town in the book is Black Bear Lake.
ground, picnic shelter, soccer fields and benches.
Val Jean Park: 14271 Val Jean Blvd; Playground, picnic shelter, soccer fields, tennis court and benches.
Victor Square Park:
14650 Victor Hugo Blvd; Sidewalks between gardens and pond, picnic shelter, tables and grill
Tower Park: 5030 130th St. N.; Picnic tables, grassy spaces and benches.
Lake Elmo
Carriage Station Park: 5036 Marquess Trail N; Playground, Basketball court, sledding hill, trail access.
DeMontreville Park:
5700 Highlands Trail N; Basketball, volleyball, soccer, football and softball and playground.
Firefly Park:
4115 Lavender Ave N, Playground and Trail Access
Goose Lake Park: pavilion, Grills, Canoe Racks, Dock, Picnic Area. 820 Keats Ave
Hammes Park:
9337 6th Str, Playground, Zip Line, Trail Access
Hidden Knoll Park : Gaga Ball Pit, Playground, Tetherball, Sledding Hill. 5772 Lily Avenue
Ivywood Park: 717 Ivywood Circle; Picnic Pavilion, Pickleball Courts and Trail Access.
Kleis Park: 5285 Jamaca Blvd, Playground, Ball Field, Open Field and Picnic Areas with Grill
Lions Park: Lighted baseball field and tennis
courts, skating/hockey rink with warming house, basketball, volleyball, horseshoes, picnic shelter.
3525 Laverne Ave. N.
Pilot Park:
3217 Linden Ln; Playground, Open Space and Trail Access
Pebble Park:
8160 Lake Jane Trail N; Natural resource area, lighted tennis courts, ice rink, picnic tables, sledding hill, softball, basketball and volleyball courts, mountain bike trails.
Reid Park:
11430 30th St. N; Lake, playground, basketball, ballfields and Trail Access.
Ridge Park:
1839 Ivory Ave N; Ball Field, Playground and Trail Access
Stonegate Park:
750 Jasmine Ave; Ballfield, football field, playground equipment, soccer field and walking trail.
Sunfish Lake Park: 10000 Stillwater Ave N; Ecological area with 9 miles of cross-county ski, hiking trails, and bird-watching.
Tablyn Park: 8735 Stillwater Blvd. N; Playground, softball, soccer, football fields, lighted tennis courts, sledding hill and picnic tables.
Tana Ridge Park: 11620 44th St N; Playground, Soccer, Ball Field, Trail Access
Lexington Lexington Memorial Park: 9100 Hamline Avenue; Half-court basketball, ice rinks, playground, pavilion, picnic tables, grills, five softball fields, tennis courts, concession stand, recreational community room with kitchen facilities and horseshoe pits. Reservations
accepted for pavilion and community room at City Hall.
Lexington City Park: 9004 Dunlap Avenue; Playground, picnic area.
Lino Lakes Arena Acres Park: 519 Andall Street; Playground, basketball, tennis.
Behm’s Park: 7699 Mustang Lane; Playground, basketball court, picnic shelter, trail.
Birch Park: 6520 Pheasant Run South; Playground, ballfields, skating/hockey rink.
Birchwood Acres Park: 572 Lonesome Pine Trail; 18-acre park with playground, ballfields.
Brandywood Park: 1300 Velvet Leaf Lane; Playground, trail.
City Hall Park: 1189 Main Street; 14-acre park with playground, ballfields, skate park, and skating/hockey rinks.
Clearwater Creek Park: 2270 Tart Lake Road; Playground, basketball, picnic shelter, trail and open space.
Country Lakes Park: 6600 West Shadow Lake Drive; Fishing pier, picnic tables, trails on 22 acres.
Highland Meadows Park: 624 Arlo Lane; Playground, basketball court, picnic shelter, trail.
LaMotte Park: 6936 LaMotte Drive; 1-acre open space park.
Lino Park: 7850 Lake Drive; Playground, baseball fields, soccer fields, picnic shelter, lacrosse field, trail.
Marshan Park: 7204 Lake Drive; Soccer fields and playground.
North Pointe Park: 6690 21st Ave South; Playground, picnic, Basketball and Pickleball Court
Pheasant Hills Park: 6659 Sherman Lake Road; Playground, basketball court, trails.
Shenandoah Park: 475 Arrowhead Drive; Playground.
Sunrise Park: 6918 Sunrise Drive; Playground, ballfields, soccer, picnic shelter, skating/hockey rinks, warming house
Sunset Oaks Park: 7481 Leonard Avenue; Soccer field and playground.
Wenzel Farms Park: 7139 Ivy Ridge Lane; Playground, basketball court, trails
Woods Edge Park: 720 Village Drive; Fort Building Area, Playground, Trails
Woods of Baldwin Lake Park: 6130 Oak Wood Lane; Playground, trail.
Katherine Abbott Park: 1000 Lincolntown Ave.; 76 acres of woods, meadows and trails, picnic area. Katherine Abbott Center building available for rent.
Chautauqua Park: 75 1/2 Quail Street; Picnic Area and Sand beach on White Bear Lake.
Mahtomedi Beach: 1045 Park Ave; Sand beach, picnic facilities, restrooms.
Mahtomedi District Education Center: 1520 Mahtomedi Ave; Baseball
fields, outdoor skating rink.
Southwest Park: 29 Long Lake Road; Baseball and soccer fields, playground, picnic area.
Wedgewood Park: 211 Wedgewood Dr; Sports court, baseball field, playground and picnic shelter.
Wildwood Park: 345 Lincolntown Avenue; Fishing pier on Long Lake, playground, sand volleyball, picnic facilities and baseball field.
Oak Park Heights
Autumn Hills Park: 5697 Norwich Parkway near
Boutwell’s Landing; Playground and 2,000-square-foot shelter facility with kitchen and restrooms.
Brekke Park: 5500 Omar Avenue , South of Anderson Corporation Building; Playground, picnic area, shelter building with restrooms, grills, ballfields and skating rink with warming house.
Cover Park: 15000 block of 58th Street; Tennis courts, skating rink, playground equipment and it is handicapped-accessible.
Oak Park Crossing Park: 15125 60th Str N; Playground and Park Shelter
Swager Park: 5800 block of 58th Street; Tennis and basketball courts and a playground.
Valley View Park: Osgood Avenue on the south border of the city; Picnic area, playground and hiking trails to explore prairie restoration and wetlands.
Bobby Theisen Park: 3575 Vivian St.; Soccer field, hard court/basketball area, hockey rink, paths, general skating and tennis/ pickleball courts.
Bucher Park: 5900 Mackubin Street; Ball fields, hardcourt/basketball area, hockey rink, paths, picnic area, playground equipment, general skating, tennis courts and volleyball.
Lake Judy Park: 900 Arbogast St; Paths, picnic area, playground equipment and volleyball.
McCullough Park: 955 County Road I; Paths, picnic
The Northeast Metro is home to some of the best golfing in the Twin Cities, situated among the scenic hills and woods outside the bustle of the city.
The private White Bear Yacht Club is one of the oldest and most storied in the region. It was founded in 1889 as a sailing club, and has played host to some of the most notable visitors to the Twin Cities in its time. The club still holds regular regattas and hosts the largest “A” boat fleet in the U.S. GOLF.com rated it among the top 100 courses in the nation for 2022-2023.
On the eastern side of things, Washington County boasts a number of expansive courses including Stillwater Country Club, Oak Glen and Stoneridge. Stillwa-
ter Country Club was named the 2020 Minnesota Golf Association Member Club of the Year in recognition of the facility’s support of the MGA Associate Member program and its willingness to host MGA events, such as the MGA Senior Tour and Member Days’, MGA amateur championships, including, most recently, the 2020 MGA Women’s State Amateur, and USGA qualifiers.
Dellwood Country Club is a private club nestled in the wooded hills just north of White Bear Lake, a stone’s throw from 7 Vines Vineyard.
Oak Glen offers public leagues and many youth golfing opportunities to get kids and families out on the course, while StoneRidge was named among the 2022 top
10 public courses in Minnesota by Golfweek.
Keller Golf Course and Gem Lake Golf Course make popular public options with an 18-hole and two 9-hole courses respectively.
Ramsey County is home to several public courses within easy driving distance of the heart of the cities.
Further west, Chomonix Golf Course is settled among the natural setting of the Rice Like Chain of Lakes Park Preserve. Chomonix, like many other local courses, offers cross country skiing trails and rentals during winter months.
Whatever kind of golf experience you’re seeking, there’s a course to suit your needs in the Northeast Metro.
area, playground equipment with climbing rock, hockey rink, general skating, football/soccer field, hard court/basketball area, tennis courts and baseball fields.
Ponds Park:
190 Sherwood Road; Picnic table, bench swing, path and playground equipment.
Rice Creek Fields: 5880 Rice Creek Parkway; Picnic tables, softball fields, paths, playground equipment, ball fields and batting cages.
Shamrock Park: 5623 Snelling Avenue. Picnic shelter, football/soccer field, hard court/basketball area, hockey rink, paths, playground equipment, general skating, tennis courts and ballfields.
Shoreview Commons Park: 4580 Victoria Street; Football/ soccer field, hard court/basketball area, paths, playground equipment, picnic shelter, grills, tennis courts, ballfields.
Sitzer Park:
4344 Hodgson Road; Hard court/ basketball area, hockey rink, paths, playground equipment, baseball fields, general skating and tennis courts.
Wilson Park: 815 County Road F; Hard court/ basketball area, hockey rink, paths, playground equipment, general skating, sand volleyball courts and baseball fields.
Stillwater Brown’s Creek Nature Preserve:
McKusick Road and Neal Avenue. Multi-use trail open to hikers, bikers and cross country skiers. Trail is 5.9 miles long and connects to the Gateway State Trail.
Lily Lake Park: 1208 S. Greeley St. on Lily Lake; Indoor ice arena, ball field, basketball, tennis courts, boat launch, fishing pier, swimming beach, playground and picnic shelters.
Pioneer Park: 515 North 2nd Str; Overlooks downtown and the river; includes picnic shelters with electricity, grills, bandshell and playground.
Lowell Park: 201 Water Street; Located along the St. Croix River in downtown Stillwater and includes picnic tables, restrooms and gazebo, open space and walking paths.
Washington Square: 815 S Greeley Street; Picnic facilities, playground equipment and a ball field.
Northland Park : Adult and Little League ball fields, horseshoe pits, lighted tennis courts, playground, skating rinks and picnic tables. Corner of Myrtle St. and Northland Ave.
Teddy Bear Park: 207 East Nelson Str; Park play equipment designed for children 7 years and younger, gazebo, picnic tables, and amphitheater hosting programs throughout summer.
Meadowlark Park: Crestwood Terrace off of Fairmeadows Rd; Playground, sand volleyball, basketball court.
Ramsey-Grove Park: 150 S Grove St; Playground, basketball court, sledding hill.
Staples Park: 351 Wilkins St W; Playground, ball fields, tennis courts, community garden.
Schulenberg Park: 1950 2nd St N; Playground, ball fields, sledding hill.
McKusick Park: Owens St. and McKusick Rd; Walking/hiking path, canoe launch.
Benson Park: North side of West Orleans St; Walking path, playground, picnic area, ball fields, sand volleyball, basketball.
Settlers Park: 3841 Abercrombie Lane; Hiking paths, tennis courts.
Heritage Square Park: Liberty Parkway and Heritage Ct; Playground, hiking/walking paths.
Legends Park: Barons Way and Delano Way; Playground, ball fields, outdoor rink.
Skateboard Park: Skateboard and BMX bike facilities. Curve Crest Blvd. west of Washington Ave.
Stillwater Township Arcola Heights Park: Corner of 100th Street N. and Perkins Avenue N; Hiking trail and 9-target disc golf course. Leashed dogs OK
Little Carnelian Park: On 113th Street N., west of Stonebridge Trail; Trail provides walking access to Little Carnelian Lake. No lifeguard on duty. Dogs prohibited.
Otto Berg Park: Next to Town Hall, bordered by Highway 96, Norell Avenue and Stonebridge Trail; Pavilion, picnic tables, playground, softball field, basketball and volleyball courts. Dogs prohibited.
Vadnais Heights
Bear Park: 465 Bear Avenue S; Basketball hoop, picnic area, playground, ballfields, soccer fields and tennis courts.
Berwood Park: 780 Berwood Avenue; Playground equipment, tennis courts, and trails.
Bridgewood Park: 4224-1/2 Bridgewood Terrace; Basketball hoop, picnic tables, playground equipment and tennis courts. Community Park: 641 East County Road F; Basketball hoop, hockey rink, open skating, picnic tables, picnic shelter, playground equipment, ballfields, soccer/football fields, tennis courts and trails.
Elmwood Park: 3892 Elmwood Avenue; Picnic tables and playground equipment.
Greenhaven Park: 4470 Greenhaven Drive.; Picnic tables and playground equipment.
Heritage Park:
4345 Heritage Court; Trails.
Kohler Meadows Park: 365 County Road F East; Picnic area, playground, ballfields, soccer fields, tennis courts and trails.
Lily Pond Park: 325 Lily Pond Lane; Picnic tables, playground equipment, ballfields and trails.
Morningside Park:
4485 Morningside Drive; Picnic tables and ballfields.
Oak Creek Park: 485 Oak Creek Drive; Picnic tables and playground equipment.
Vadnais School: 3645 Centerville Road; Basketball hoop, playground equipment, ballfields and soccer/football fields.
Westfield Park: 520 Westfield Lane; Basketball hoop, hockey rink, open skating, picnic tables, playground equipment, ballfields, soccer/football fields, tennis courts and trails.
Wolters Park : 1351 Wolters Boulevard; Picnic tables, playground equipment and trails.
White Bear Lake Bossard Park: 3765 Bellaire Ave; 17 acres west of Bellaire Avenue and south of Cedar Avenue. Softball and soccer fields, picnic area and playground, sledding hill.
Cottage Park Nature Preserve: Across from Lions Park at White Bear Avenue and Cottage Park
Road. Benches to enjoy the view of White Bear Lake.
Ebba Park: 3450 Ebba Str; Picnic tables, softball field and playground.
Hidden Hollow Park: 4150 Myrle Ave; Nine acres between Bellaire and Myrle avenues with picnic tables, Dog Walk
Jack Yost Park: 1856 Florence Str; Playground, Picnic Area, Baseball Fields, dog walk
Lakeview Park: 2165 Lakeview Ave; Boat dock, canoe landing, fishing dock, picnic area.
Lakewood Hills: 2110 Orchard Lane; Four baseball fields, picnic area, shelters, fireplace, fishing, hiking trails,
skateboard park, playground and disc golf course.
Lions Park: 4410 Lake Ave. S; Picnic area with shelters, restrooms, fishing dock, canoe rack.
Matoska Park: 4810 Lake Ave. N; Historic Geist Gazebo, picnic area, restrooms, boat and canoe launch, sailboat marina, Seventh Street dock for swimming and a dog beach. Speiss landing marker commemorates Gerry Speiss’ sail across the Atlantic in his 10-foot boat.
McCarty Park: 1799 Elm St; Child play structures and picnic area.
Memorial Beach: 4980 Lake Ave. N; Picnic tables, restroom, outdoor shower and drinking fountain.
Podvin Park: 1700 9th Street; Softball, soccer and football fields, picnic area, shelters, restrooms, playground, ice rinks with warming house, skateboard park and basketball court.
Railroad Park: 4752 Hwy 61; Gazebo, flower
gardens, benches and history monument
Ramaley Park: 1883 Park Street; Playground, restrooms, ice rink and ballfields.
Rotary Nature Preserve: 4840 White Bear Parkway; Pavilion, picnic tables, park lights, trails, restrooms, dog walk
Spruce Park: 3653 McKnight Road; Playing fields, playground equipment, basketball court, picnic tables, ice rink with warming house.
Stellmacher Park: 3930 Linden St; Picnic area, shelter, playground equipment, baseball field, Basketball court and sledding hill.
Varney Lake Park: 2051 Orchard Lane; Dog-walking area.
Veterans Memorial Park: 4520 Highway 61; Fishing pier, foot bridge, picnic area, benches
West Park: 2350 11th St; Beach, restrooms, picnic tables, ballfield, park shelter and playground.
Weyerhauser Park: 1705 Ninth St; Baseball fields and restrooms.
Willow Marsh Reserve: 1710 Fair Oaks; 15-acre park.
White Bear Township
Apple Tree Park: 4399 Oakmede Lane; Playground and basketball court.
Anderson Park: 1188 Anderson Lane; Half-acre of undeveloped park.
Bellaire Beach: 2499 South Shore Blvd; Picnic area, shelter, swimming beach and swings.
Bellaire Park: 2560 County Rd. F; Trails, picnic areas, inline skating, sliding hill.
Birch Park: 2150 Overlake Avenue; Playground, picnic equipment and small ballfield.
Brandlwood Park: 5801 Meadowview Drive; Playground, picnic area, skating rink and an open field.
Columbia Park: 1756 County Road 96; Playground,
ballfield, skating rink, tennis courts, picnic shelter and soccer field.
Deer Meadow Park: 2625 Parkview Drive; Facilities include a paved trail, a picnic shelter, a playground and open space
Eagle Park: 5485 Township Drive; Playground, picnic equipment, shelter, skating rink and tennis court
Four Seasons Park: 5287 Hugo Road; Playground, tennis courts, picnic shelter and ballfield.
Fox Meadow Park: 4230 White Bear Parkway; Playground, picnic shelter and open field.
Garden Creek Park: 5383 Portland Ave; Playground equipment, ice skating rink and picnic area.
Garley Park: 5560 Peterson Road; Small ballfield.
Gilder Park: 2626 Suzanne Circle; Playground equipment, sledding hill and basketball court.
Longville Park: 5300 Portland Ave; Baseball field, tennis courts, picnic shelter and area, trails and benches.
Mead Park: 5130 Dillon St; Playground, baseball field, skating rink, picnic shelter and horseshoe pit.
Manor Park: 2569 Stacker Blvd; Playground equipment.
Meadowlands Park: 4600 Stoddart Circle; Playground, passive trails and benches.
Moon Lake Park: 4701 Greenhaven Dr; Trails.
Otter Park: 5868 Otterview Trail. Playground and sledding hill.
Polar Lakes Park: 1280 Hammond Road; Two baseball fields, two multi-use fields, lighted soccer fields, playground, picnic shelters and amphitheater/ stage.
Red Pine Park: 5860 Red Pine Blvd; Playground, ice skating, basketball court and sledding hills.
Rutherford Park: 2673 Lake Ave; Benches.
Sandterra Park: 5891 Pintail Ln; Trails.
Walhof Park: 5335 Reed Place; Playground.
Willernie Willernie Park: Corner of Stillwater Road and Dartmoor Road; Basketball and playground.
Wyoming Ashton Park: Galen Drive, 261st Street and Flint Trail; Playground equipment and picnic tables.
Banta Park: Fondant Avenue south of 250th Street; Playground, ballfield, pavilion, picnic and grill
Blue Spruce Park: End of 262nd Street.; Playground equipment, picnic table and basketball court
Centennial Park: Two blocks from City Hall at Fenwick Avenue and 270th Street; Picnic area, grill and shade trees.
Comfort Park: 25495 Iris Ave; Walking trail, bridges, play area, picnic table and Disc Golf
Comfort Lakes Access: 260th Street; Boat access and parking.
Fireside Park: 251st Street and Elk Trail; Playground, Groomed winter trail
Goodview Park: Goodview Ave south of 262nd Street; Picnic shelter with grills, playground, trails, soccer fields, tennis courts and State of the art Skateboard Park
Hawk Meadows Trail: Near 255th Street and Grenada Avenue; Hiking trails and groomed winter trails
Lions Park: End of 263rd Street; Pavilion, Picnic and grills, ballfield, basketball hoop, playground and groomed winter trail
Swenson Park: Playground, ice rink with warming house, tennis courts, ballfields with bleachers. 26929 Flintwood Avenue
Sunrise Trail: Paved bike trail runs between I-35 and Highway 61 from Forest Lake to North Branch. 18.5 Miles
Tolzmann Park: 274th Street and Finland Avenue; Softball field, pavilion, sand volleyball, playground equipment, paved trail.
Town Hall Park: 7665 Wyoming Trail; Softball field, playground, picnic tables, bleachers.
Verges Memorial Park: 258th Street and Goodwin Road; Playground, basketball court, sand volleyball.
Apples for everybody. Apples in pies, apples in doughnuts, rollovers, muffins and bread. Apples in the freshest cider you’ve ever tasted. Apples for every taste and purpose.
C’mon out . . . we know there’s an apple to make you smile. PLUS... Strawberries and pumpkins in season.
Whats Happening at Pine Tree Apple Orchard
Pine Tree Apple Tennis Classic
August 3-6, www.ptatc.com
Taste of White Bear Lake
Community fund raiser presented by White Bear Lake Rotary, Sept. 9, 2-5pm
Corn Maze
Late September
Music for the whole family
Sept. 30 & Oct. 1
Pick your own Pumpkin Patch
Early October
Run and Walk for the Apples
9am, Oct 21
Pride of the Prairie – Bill Cagely
Music of all ages for all ages
To be announced
Strawberry Season
Pick Your Own & Ready Picked and Strawberry Bakery, Mid-June through Early July; Hours vary with Harvest Apple Season
Mid-August through February, Weekends in March; Seasonal Hours
Thanksgiving Day & Christmas Eve
Reserve your pies and gifts. Open until 12pm Visit our website for more information and for schedule changes or find us on facebook!
Visitors and residents alike in the area are spoiled when it comes to local dining options no matter the time of year.
Sandwich shops, coffee houses, pizzerias, Mexican restaurants, steakhouses and so much more populate White Bear Lake and surrounding communities.
Nearly all eateries in the area have opened their doors and indoor spaces for sit-down dining following the worst years of the coronavirus pandemic, though
most also still take orders for pickup. Additionally, bars and breweries are back to serving thirsty patrons and dishing out pub food.
The past few years have been a tough time for local restaurants and bars, as with many other types of small businesses. Owners eagerly welcome hungry customers and look forward to filling them with high-quality food and drink all while providing great service.
Locally owned dining establish-
ments rely not only on an influx of seasonal visitors during summer months but also on regular patronage from people in their communities; keeping the local economy flush with local dollars is critical for them.
That said, make sure you have an empty stomach before paging ahead to the restaurant guide, which features information on a wide range of dining spots including where they’re at, what their contact information is and where you can find them online.
A warm Minnesota welcome awaits you at the BEST WESTERN PLUS White Bear Country Inn. Enjoy hometown hospitality, first class accommodations, award-winning food from Rudy’s Redeye Grill, an upscale, casual American restaurant offering two full bars, a classic indoor dining room, and a seasonal rooftop patio. Our hotel combines all of the amenities of a charming inn with the high standards of the Best Western Plus chain.
Our Hotel in White Bear Lake boasts “Minnesota Nice” service and state-ofthe-art services.
• Connected to Rudy’s Redeye Grill
• Spectacular Rooms and Suites
• Fireplace/Whirlpool Suites
• Indoor Saltwater Pool
• Exercise Room
• Complimentary Hot Breakfast
• 24 hour Business Center
• Weddings and events
• Meetings
Rudy’s creates a one-of-akind dining experience by combining award-winning food with great ambiance. Enjoy the summer months on Rudy’s Rooftop, a favorite local destination. Our White Bear Lake steakhouse and event venue are best known for our pan-fried walleye, Drunk ‘n Dirty Pork Chops, Bull Bites, charbroiled steaks, and amazing martinis.
For 40 years Green Mill was a neighborhood staple and it’s still the oldest licensed pub in St. Paul. Our menu includes made-from-scratch pasta, sandwiches, and hand-crafted cocktails which are fan favorites. As our menu grew so did our pizza delivery options.
We are attached to the North Metro Event Center, a popular wedding venue. Our dedicated events and catering team is ready to help you create the perfect event!
Shoreview, MN 55126
Phone: (651) 482-1600
Hotel Phone: (651) 482-0402
(Connected to the Best Western Plus St. Paul North/Shoreview)
1000 Gramsie Road Shoreview, Minnesota 55126, United States
Toll Free Central Reservations (US & Canada Only): 1(800) 780-7234
Hotel Direct Number: (651) 482-0402
This hotel features
• Green Mill, on premises, Full Service, American, Open for: lunch, dinner
• Menu features legendary pizza
7 Vines Vineyard 30
Location: 101 Hwy. 96 E., Dellwood
Contact: 651-478-6300
Business type: Vineyard/ Orchard
A-1 Maintenance ...................... 61
Contact: 651-771-2654
Business type: Tree
Trimming & Removal
Afton House Inn and St. Croix River Cruises........ 50
Location: 3291 St. Croix Trl., S., Afton
Contact: 651-436-8883
Business type: Restaurant and Cruises
All American Roofing & Restoration 62
Contact: 763-315-3911
Business type: Roofing & Siding
All Built Right Construction 61
Contact: 612-246-7079
Business type: Roofing & Siding
All Star Pet
Hotel Day Care ........................... 62
Contact: 651-330-2681
Business type: Pets
Anna’s Hallmark 50
Location: 1073 Hwy. 96 W.,
Contact: 651-482-1284
Business type: Retail
Bear Roofing & Exteriors ..................................... 61
Contact: 651-407-1987
Business type: Roofing
Best Western Plus .................. 59
Location: 1000 Gramsie Rd.,
Contact: 651-482-0402
Business type: Hotel
Best Western Plus ................. 57
Location: 4940 Hwy. 61 N.,
White Bear Lake
Contact: 651-653-6718
Business type: Hotel
Black Sea Restaurant .......... 52
Location: 1581 E. County Rd.
E., White Bear Lake
Contact: 651-484-0600
Business type: Restaurant
Camp Invention ........................ 34
Location: See website for more information
Business type: Camp
Carbone’s Pizzeria & Pub 56
Location: 1350 Hwy 96 E.,
White Bear Lake
Contact: 651-429-7609
Business type: Restaurant
CenterLife Counseling 40
Locations: 7039 20th Ave.,
S., Centerville
4444 Centerville Rd., Ste.
235, White Bear Lake
Contact: 651-288-0332 (Centerville)
651-289-3111 (White Bear Lake)
Business type: Health and Fitness
Complete Custom Painting ............................................ 62
Contact: 651-336-0561
Business type: Painting
Dog Training by Tiffany ...... 62
Contact: 612-978-3612
Business type: Pets
Green Mill 59
Location: 1000 Gramsie Rd., Shoreview
Contact: 651-482-1600
Business type: Restaurant
Jones Mulch Service............. 60
Contact: 612-501-1191
Business type:
Katie’s K9
Obedience School .................. 62
Contact: 651-429-5433
Business type: Pets
Krinkie’s Heating Air
Plumbing ........................................ 60
Contact: 651-426-5220
Business type: Heating & Cooling, AC, Plumbing
Lake Area Dental ........................ 2
Location: 4801 Hwy. 61, Ste. 301, White Bear Lake
Contact: 651-762-8474
Business type: Health and Fitness
Lakeshore Players Theatre .................................... 11 & 34
Location: 4491 Long Ave., White Bear Lake
Contact: 651-478-7427
Business type: Arts
Larkin Dance Studio ............. 34
Location: 1400 East Hwy. 36, Maplewood
Contact: 651-770-0764
Business type: Arts
Mathnasium ................................ 34
Location: 4715 Hwy. 61 N., White Bear Lake
Contact: 651-888-2541
Business type: Education
MJ The Critter Sitter 62
Contact: 612-807-7850
Business type: Pets
Music Connection ................... 20
Location: 77 8th Ave. SW, Forest Lake
Contact: 651-464-5252
Business type: Arts
Northland Landscape & Construction 60
Contact: 651-746-4582
Business type:
North Star Mini Storage .... 20
Locations: 3880 Labore Rd.,
Vadnais Heights
483 W. County Rd. E.,
Contact: 651-771-3880
(Vadnais Heights)
651-483-1100 (Shoreview)
Business type: Storage
Olson’s Sewer Service 4
Location: 17638 Lyons St.
NE, Forest Lake
Contact: 651-464-2082
Business type: Sewer
The Phipps Center for the Arts 34
Location: 109 Locust St.,
Hudson, WI
Contact: 715-961-1003
Business type: Arts
Pine Tree Apple Orchard 50
Location: 450 Apple
Orchard Rd., WBL
Contact: 651-429-7202
Business type: Vineyard/
Red Luna Taco Factory ..... 55
Location: 5960 Hwy. 61 N.,
White Bear Lake
Contact: 651-788-7136
Business type: Restaurant
Red Luna Seasons 58
Location: 114 Mahtomedi
Ave., Mahtomedi
Contact: 651-330-6001
Business type: Restaurant
Rivard Cement
Contracting ................................. 60
Contact: 651-780-9031
Business type: Cement
Rudy’s Redeye Grill ................ 57
Location: 4940 Hwy 61 N.,
White Bear Lake
Contact: 651-653-6718
Business type: Restaurant
Schneider Custom Woodwork .................................... 60
Contact: 651-213-6638
Business type: Carpentry
SCH Services .............................. 60
Contact: 651-210-0061
Business type: Lawn Care
Sherco Construction ............. 61
Contact: 651-462-1817
Business type: Remodeling
Smokey’s Pub N’ Grill 54
Location: 552 Lincoln Dr., East Bethel
Contact: 651-464-6046
Business type: Restaurant
St. Croix Casinos ........................ 18
Location: Turtle Lake, Danbury & Hertel
Contact: 1-800-846-8946
(Turtle Lake)
Business type: Entertainment
Timberline Roofing and Contracting ................................... 61
Contact: 651-287-3720
Business type: Roofing & Siding
Trollhaugen Outdoor Recreation Area .......................... 6
Location: 2232 100th Ave.,
Dresser, Wis.
Contact: 715-755-2955
Business type: Recreation
VFW Post 1782 ............................... 4
Location: 4496 Lake Ave.
South, White Bear Lake
Contact: 651-426-4944
Business type: Restaurant
White Bear Center for the Arts - Hanifl Performing Arts Center ......................... 11 & 34
Location: 4941 Long Ave.,
White Bear Lake
Contact: 651-336-8613
Business type: Arts
White Bear Eye Clinic 67
Location: 4750 Washington
Square, White Bear Lake
Contact: 651-429-3379
Business type: Health and Fitness
White Bear Heating & Cooling 60
Location: 5198 130th St. N.,
Contact: 651-426-2044
Business type: Heating & AC
White Bear Lake Area Schools .................................. 3
Location: White Bear Lake, Birchwood, Gem Lake, Hugo, Lino Lakes, Little Canada, Maplewood, North Oaks, Vadnais Heights, White Bear Township
Contact: 651-407-7500
Business type: Education
YMCA of the North ................ 68
Location: 651 Nicollet Mall, Ste. 300, Minneapolis
Contact: 612-230-9622
Business type: Camp
The Winkin’ Rooster ............. 53
Location: 3600 Lexington
Ave., Ste. 106, Shoreview
Contact: 651-484-2585
Business type: Restaurant
Your Boat Club............................ 31
Location: 4424 Lake Ave. S., White Bear Lake
Contact: 612-208-1800
Business type: Recreation
Fun activities, special themes, exciting field trips, clubs and more keep kids active, engaged and motivated all summer long!
SUMMER POWER Grades 1 – 5
Fascinating adventures and field trips in a safe, quality, childcare program. No two weeks are alike!
SUMMER UPROAR Grades 5 – 7
High-spirited adventures result in growth experiences for youth. Community involvement, leadership activities, team building exercises, goal setting.
SUMMER SPORTS Grades 1 – 6
Learn new skills, practice and play new sports during week-long summer sports.
Please visit our website for a list of our weekly schedules and more information.
Membership is not required for participation. Financial assistance available.
Ages 4-14 daycampheritage.org
Great introduction to camping - kids home each night Day Camp, like many Y programs, is about learning skills, developing character and making friends. But few environments are as special as camp, where kids become a community as they learn both how to be more independent and how to contribute to a group as they engage in physical, social and educational activities.
• Swimming
• Canoeing
• Archery Range
• Field Games
• Environmental Ed.
• Arts & Crafts
• Fort Building
• Climbing Wall
• Gaga Pit
• Gardening
• Pioneering
Head out on an adventure with the whole family on a self-guided, outdoor, scavenger hunt-like experience. Download the map online, follow the clues, and unlock letters that, when unscrambled, form a keyword. Once you have the keyword, submit it online and enter to win fun prizes.
Learn more and join the fun at ymcanorth.org/adventurelab