The Lowdown

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THE Lowdown Vol. 11 No. 9 September 2023 | $2.00 PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 9 CIRCLE PINES, MN Press Publications 4779 Bloom Avenue White Bear Lake, MN 55110 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED MARINE FOLK SCHOOL HOSTS FALL FESTIVAL | 14 ST. CROIX VALLEY FALL FESTIVAL COMMUNITY EVENTS | 8 OUT & ABOUT STILLWATER BUSINESSES | 6 WHAT’S NEW WE DON’T JUST PROMISE QUALITY... certified collision repair, hail damage repair and auto body services WE GUARANTEE IT, FOR LIFE! 24408 Greenway Ave | 651.464.6477 | A FAMILY-OWNED AND OPERATED AUTO BODY SHOP IN FOREST LAKE, MINNESOTA. 751006 773273 See Coupon Inside For Wyoming Location 651-462-2560 • 5471 260th St. River Valley Riders

Forest Lake Area

Chamber Spotlight


Associated Bank – Michael Mehsikomer

It’s all about relationships, understanding the client’s needs and working with local businesses where we know the community dynamics. Associated Bank works with businesses of all sizes from start up to corporate banking, but Michael’s team specifically works with clients who have $5MM - $25MM in annual

revenues and lending needs of $500MM – $10MM. Michael and his team directly manage all aspects of their business banking relationship including lending (working

capital, expansion, owner occupied & investment real estate, acquisition, equipment finance & SBA loans and lines of credit), deposit accounts, cash management solutions and strategic advisory services. Call Mike today at 651-523-6496 or email at michael.mehsikomer@

About the cover


Managing Editor |

I do like a good pumpkin spice latte, however, I want to enjoy them in October, not August.


Staff Writer |

Yes. Personally, I prefer the creme brûlée latte over the pumpkin spice one.


Designer |

Most pumpkin spice drinks taste so artificially sweet due to condense milk and pumpkin puree. There is no subtlety to the flavor. So, certainly, it is overrated.

Abra Kadabra Environmental Services

Since 2005, Abra Kadabra Environmental Services has operated as a family-owned business, serving Minneapolis metro residents and business owners with exceptional pest control services.

They recently added a second location in Forest Lake.

Matt Eickman and his team provide the absolute best, giving their clients peace of mind when it comes to pest control and personal safety. They have seen first-hand the many damaging effects of our local pests and are familiar with all sorts of

pests and solutions that work. They have a genuine concern about the health and hygiene issues caused by these insects and rodents. As a family-oriented team, they wouldn’t settle for anything less than the best for their family. That strong desire for excellence transfers into their business, providing the best, safest pest elimination programs for you and your family. Contact them to get started at 763-363-4470 or email at info@


Photojournalist/Website Editor |

Yes, I’d be surprised if there was anything real about the pumpkin or spice in these drinks, so I’ll stick to a triedand-true double espresso.




Results. Relationships. Resources.

651-464-3200 |

Three member benefits offered by the FLA Chamber of Commerce that contribute to local business RECOVERY.

2 THE LOWDOWN SEPTEMBER 2023 Publisher Carter Johnson General Manager Patty Steele Marketing Director Randy Roberts Managing Editor Shannon Granholm Staff Writer Madeline Dolby Designer Zoey Nguyen Photojournalist Paul Dols CONTRIBUTORS TURN THE PAGE
River Valley Riders is an organization that provides therapeutic horseback riding to those with disabilities. They will be having their first open house on Sept. 10. See more on page 3. Is pumpkin spice overrated? The Lowdown Vol. 11 No. 9 COPYRIGHT © 2023 PRESS PUBLICATIONS Material may not be reproduced in whole or part in any form whatsoever. News 651-407-1229 | Advertising 651-407-1200 | Circulation 651407-1234 | Classified 651-407-1250 | Production 651-407-1239 DISCLAIMER: Paid advertisements appear in Press Publications’ publications, including print and other digital formats. Press Publications does not endorse or evaluate the advertised product, service, or company, nor any of the claims made by the advertisement. Advertising does not nfluence editorial decisions or content. Press Publications reserves the right to refuse, reject, or cancel any ad for any reason at any time without liability.
Consultant |
14 3 8 9


More than just a trail ride at Afton Arena

River Valley Riders was created in 1999 and is continuing to expand. The nonprofit program creates a supportive community where those with special needs can connect with horses and experience life-changing benefits. River Valley Riders offers therapeutic horseback riding, therapeutic carriage riding and hippotherapy.

Riders include children and adults with special needs who have autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome or other conditions. Participants gain confidence and self-esteem, build strength and improve balance while building relationships with peers and animals.

The lessons consist of four to seven riders. Each lesson is about 45 minutes long. It starts with a warm-up, then is followed by lesson activities that are adapted to the riders’ abilities and focused on their individual goals. The lesson then will end with a game such as freeze-tag, all while the rider is on the horseback. Lessons can be held in indoor or outdoor arenas.

“River Valley Riders provides equine-assisted services that help over 140 people with special needs,” said Kathy Jo Hanson, the development director for the program and a PATH-certified trainer.

There are nine instructors, over 200 volunteers and 23 horses that provide therapeutic horseback riding, carriage driving and physical therapy.

River Valley Riders owns two of the horses, while the rest are brought in by volunteers each night.

This year, the River Valley Riders will host its firstever open house at Afton Arena. The goal of the event is to show off the new addition made to the barn that began in 2018. Donors gave over a million dollars to help with the upgrades.

The open house will offer the opportunity to learn more about the organization and the benefits of the program. Visitors can tour the new facility, see demonstrations of the lessons it offers and meet the therapy horses.

The goal of the event is to “reach out to the community,” said Hanson. She hopes that by hosting this event, the program will be able to expand even further by gaining more donors and volunteers.

community, the great outdoors and homegrown bluegrass music within the county’s parks, which are celebrating another successful summer season.

Bring your lawn chairs or a blanket for an afternoon of enjoyment. The event is family-friendly. Food trucks will be on-site, along with other activities to enjoy.

The event is supported by the Minnesota Bluegrass and Old-Time Music Association.

See parks for maps and more information on the event.

Music and much more at Lake Elmo

The Washington County Bluegrass Festival is back for another year. The event will be held from 2 to 6 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 9, at the Lake Elmo Park Reserve.

At the event, there will be multiple bands for visitors to listen to: Blue Hazard, The Pale Ales, Chicken Wire Empire and Barley Jacks. All of the artists will offer hourlong sessions. The annual festival fuses

Bingo, live music and fireworks at Stagecoach Days

Stagecoach Day is an annual event that celebrates the small city of Wyoming, Minnesota. Not only does the event celebrate the town, but it also supports the local fire department.

There will be games, food vendors, merchants, live music, a parade and fireworks at the end of the weekend to close out the festivities.

The parade will begin at 10 a.m. and will start at East Viking Boulevard

She says that the River Valley Riders program “wants to grow to serve more people year-round.”

Presently, the program runs from mid-April through early November. There are hopes to expand lessons beyond November when more renovations are completed.

River Valley Riders hopes to add a stable so that 12 horses can stay at the arena all year round. The organization also plans to add a hay barn. By making these changes, lessons would be able to be yearround.

“There are so many physical and emotional benefits for our riders and volunteers from the connection with our very special horses. And also an important part of River Valley Riders … everyone is having fun. We want to share this message with the community as we look to the future to be able to serve more people with special needs,” Hanson noted.

The River Valley Riders Open House will take place from 1 to 3 p.m. Sept. 10 at Afton Arena, located at 2007 Neal Avenue South, Afton.

Madeline Dolby can be reached by emailing or calling 651-407-1226.

and Friesland Avenue. It will go around the block.

At the intersection of East Viking and Felton Avenue, there will be food trucks and a tent. At noon, purse bingo will begin, hosted by the Forest Lake Area Athletic Association. From 4 p.m. to midnight, there will be live music on East Viking Boulevard under the tent. Other activities include a bouncy house, a helicopter landing and a beer garden.

The fireworks hosted by the city of Wyoming will be at Goodview Park and begin at 9 p.m. to close out the weekendlong celebration.

League of Women Voters meets Sept. 14

The League of Women Voters –White Bear Lake Area invites the public to its Sept. 14 meeting at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will take place at the Mahtomedi District Education Center, 1520 Mahtomedi Ave.

Two speakers will present the 2023 legislative accomplishments and progress in implementation. Lilly Sasse, Campaign Director of “We Choose Us,” will present voter rights,

voter access and election law changes. Sam Streukens, the civic engagement director of LMVMN, will present recent legislative accomplishments in climate change, firearm safety, civic education and more. Learn the details and ask questions.

More information on the event can be found at the League of Women Voters of White Bear Lake Area website at

Introducing the new president of the St. Croix Valley club

The St. Croix Valley Camera Club welcomes a new president. Richard Crombie will be taking over the club.

The St.Croix Valley Camera club is an all-volunteer non-profit club that conducts, promotes and supports community arts, education, photographic events and activities throughout the St. Croix Valley region in both Minnesota and Wisconsin. Meetings are generally held every third Monday of the month. To find out more about the club, reach out to Crombie. He can be reached at 651728-3833 or through the website at

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PHOTOS CONTRIBUTED Volunteers and a rider on a trail ride that goes around the arena. CONTRIBUTED Brent Borgen cut the ribbon with his family, staff, DJ’s and fans at the Chamber Celebration on July 19th, 2023 A River Valley rider playing cornhole on horseback
Volunteers and a rider during a lesson outside

Local guitar enthusiast returns to Minnesota

Todd Lunneborg has been no stranger to the Minnesota music world. After being away for almost a decade, he has returned to restart his guitar business after a seven-year hiatus.

Before he left Minnesota, Lunneborg had his own standalone shop in Andover before moving to Georgia due to a job change in the family. Now that he has returned, he wants to restart his business and build it back up to where it used to be.

“When I left Minnesota, I was super-exclusive and high-end. You had to know someone to know me,” he said.

Lunneborg worked his way into the music scene from the age of 13 and has been a part of it ever since. Over the years, he has worked with many artists you have heard on the radio. Bon Iver was just one of the artists he worked directly with, going on Iver’s second world tour as a tour tech, helping exchange guitars between songs and repairing them if needed.

“I did everything as a tour tech that I would ever want to at the level anyone could ever dream of and now, now, it’s just nice to be the Stillwater mountain bike coach and be able to see my kids before they set off to be the adults they’re kind of growing into,” Lunneborg said.

His guitar business is not new for him, but it will be new to the Stillwater area. The business will be a three-room shop that he will use to create and repair guitars.

From a young age, Lunneborg has been in the music business. He talked his way into a job at the local music store in downtown Alexandria. From the ages of 13 to 18, Lunneberg worked at the store dusting pianos, taking out the trash and cleaning guitars. He did it all without pay. Instead of a paycheck, he got to pull guitars off the wall and work by the hour.

Lunneborg grew up sitting side stage, watching his grandfather’s country dance band in the Fargo area perform at weddings and other events. He got his first guitar when he was 7 and was told he could


New trails added to Big Marine Park Reserve

Those living around one of many Washington County Parks can expect new trails to be added in the future. As of now, there is a parks master plan in place that dictates the future use of multiple parks.

For upcoming trails, the reserve is currently focusing on a 10-mile singletrack mountain bike trail system at Lake Elmo Park Reserve. Mountain biking is currently allowed on some of the multiuse trails within the Lake Elmo Reserve. The project won’t introduce a new use to the park but will instead provide a separate, dedicated facility for those trail users.

The single-track trail is a one-way unpaved trail that is usually the width of a bike. The trail varies in difficulty and is designed to flow through park areas, following natural inclines and declines of the landscape. The singletrack trail can be used in all four seasons, primarily by mountain bikers, but can also be used by hikers and snowshoers.

By making the trail a singletrack system, the hope is to reduce existing conflicts on the shared multiuse trails at the reserve.

Washington County Public

Works plans to complete the remaining portion of the Hardwood Creek Regional Trail for walking and biking that runs through Hugo. Currently, there are no future plans to expand the horse trails. Washington County did open additional horse trails at Pine Point Regional Park. Future horse

trails are called for in Big Marine Park Reserve but are not currently scheduled to be established, as land acquisitions for trails have yet to occur.

For more information regarding the plans, visit to see the intended design information.

How to: Use the Stillwater Passport Parking app

The city of Stillwater will now require visitors to use the Passport Parking app to pay for and manage their parking in downtown Stillwater. Drivers should park where they see a Passport Parking sign or where a decal is placed, pay for parking from their phone and be on their way.

The app is very userfriendly. All one has to do is download the Parking Pass app from the app store, create an account with a mobile number or email address, park anywhere they see an app sign or decal, then pay for the parking session via a mobile device.

Users will then receive an emailed receipt at the end of their parking session. Expenses are made easy and can be managed through parking history through the app.

The city of Stillwater hopes that the app will provide an easier and more convenient way to pay for parking in the community. The city will also be able to access realtime parking insights and data to operate parking more efficiently in the future.

not keep it unless he learned a song by the next morning. He quickly learned “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” and got to keep the instrument.

He had one rule growing up: he was not allowed to play his grandfather’s guitar. Every summer when Lunneborg would go visit him for two weeks, his grandfather would set out the guitar in front of his bedroom door in the mornings and put it away at night. Lunneborg never played it.

He said, “the guitar became magic when I was a kid.”

Another influence that got him into the guitar repair business was a man named Reuben, who spent his time in the basement of the music store repairing amplifiers. Lunneborg learned from him and gained his knowledge of guitar repair through tasks such as changing guitar strings.

His job evolved from cleaning to repairs to teaching lessons, and snowballed into him into an offer to start his own store.

Lunneborg attended St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota. During his time there, he worked his way into the music scene with local Minnesota bands. He went to their shows, exchanging guitars between songs, did the stage setups and performed the guitar repairs.

At St. Olaf, they had a program called the “paracollege,” where students could create their own major. Lunneborg decided to follow that route and combined a music major with an English/ journalism major. He left the college with a major in creative music and literature.

“I kind of manipulated my way into doing what I am doing now,” Lunneborg said as he talked about his past and current experience in the music world. “That cleaning job that I talked my way into just kind of evolved into doing repairs and setups, then evolved into me being in charge of the combo, which is guitar, bass and drums department …” he added.

Along with repairing and crafting guitars, Lunneborg writes for the FretBoard Journal, which is the most popular guitar magazine in the country.

“I can’t wait to be part of the Minnesota music scene again,” he concluded.

Taco Daze Craze in Scandia

Taco Daze is back for another year at the Scandia Community Center from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

According to the ScandiaMarine Lions Club website, the daylong celebration has been a part of the community since 1975. It was begun to help raise money to build a tennis court for the Scandia Tennis Association. The celebration continues, and funds other Lions Club projects.

In the first year of Taco Daze, a fish fry was held outside Meister’s Bar and Grill. The following year, the club held a brat feed. The next year, tacos were sold, solidifying the event that has brought the community together for more 48 years. The tennis courts were paid for after the first five years, but the community kept the tradition going.

A parade was added in 1982; when the new Scandia Community Center was built, the event moved to that location.

The all-day event is a major source of income for the Scandia-Marine Lions Club, funds that the group invests back into the community. Over the years, money from the event has gone to pay for fencing around the tennis courts, playground equipment and amenities around the community.

This year, the theme is Tomte Taco Daze with Everything Swedish.

According to the Daily Scandinavian, “The Tomte is an essential part of Scandinavian folklore. He’s a little gnome of sorts, dedicated to one home or farm, looking out for the animals and children of the place, pattering about at night, unseen, to check on everyone’s welfare.”

Taco Daze has become bigger and better each year, with the addition of other community activities and opportunities. At various locations in downtown Scandia, visitors can take a trolley to different locations to participate in activities.

Gammelgården will have its Running

of the Meatballs along with tours of the museum. Scandia Parks and Recreation plans to host a pickleball tournament. 4-H will provide children’s games and a bouncy house. The Scandia Fire Department is on hand with trucks and its firefighter waterfall competition.

Along with various other activities, there will be vendors and a variety of food options along with the famous tacos.

Meister’s will continue to supply bouncy houses for children and live music for adults. Meister’s also will host Lions bingo on the lawn. There have been multiple themes throughout the years at Taco Daze. This year, Scandia celebrates its little Tomte, and all the people who “patter about” the community at odd hours to enrich people’s lives and check in on their welfare.

The front of one of Todd Lunneborg’s acoustic guitars. PHOTOS CONTRIBUTED Lunneborg will be bringing his guitar repair talents back to Minnesota. Madeline Dolby
PHOTOS CONTRIBUTED The 2024 Scandia Taco Daze schedule
Tomte is an essential part of Scandinavian folklore.


More than just a trail ride

Ever since I was about seven years old, I have rode horses. I used to ride with my uncle, my aunt or my dad when he was brave enough around my aunt and uncle’s property till my butt got numb. When I wasn’t riding, I was out in the pasture leading around my miniature pony, Maisie, till my hands were rubbed raw from the lead rope.

The end of summer is coming

Every year around this time I start thinking, “Where did summer go?”

A nother wedding anniversary and birthday are now in the books. My family vacation to Wisconsin Dells has come and gone and most of the city festivals have already happened.

Shannon’s Shenanigans

Shannon Granholm

Where has the time gone? Can we hit pause or rewind? I can’t believe it’s already State Fair time. Before we know it, the school year will be here and it will be the season of pumpkin spice lattes.

I do love fall, but it never lasts long enough. And I HATE what comes after fall. I do have some things to look forward to this fall and winter though. This fall, I’m looking forward to the Sunflower Festival at Waldoch Farm, Fall Fest in Lexington and the Withrow Car Show.

Each fall my family and I always have to visit the apple orchard, specifically Applecrest orchards in Hugo, Pine Tree Apple Orchard in White Bear Lake or Aamodt’s Apple Farm in Stillwater.

My dogs, Frosty and Twinkie’s, birthdays are also this fall. Frosty’s birthday is

Oct. 26 and Twinkie’s birthday is Nov. 16. We always celebrate with presents and pupcakes. I’m really praying that Frosty is still around for her 10th birthday.

(See dog update below for more info.)

Something readers can look forward to this fall is finding out the results of our Readers’ Choice Best Of the Press Contest. Winners will be announced in a special publication in October.

This winter, the main thing I’m dreading (and looking forward to at the same time) is my son Royce’s first birthday the day after Christmas. That will be quite the milestone for him and our family. I’m especially looking forward to watching him devour a smash cake.

Dog update

If you read my previous column you probably recall that both of my dogs have had quite the year. Frosty, 9, was diagnosed with degenerative myelopathy (DM) and Twinkie, 5, had to have her left eye removed.

DM is a disease that affects the spinal cord in dogs, causing progressive muscle weakness and loss of coordination. It acts similarly to Lou Gehrig’s disease, or ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), in humans.

It has been so heartbreaking to watch my once able-bodied German shepherd not be able to go up and down stairs and to fall over doing simple things like

Madeline’s Mail

going to the bathroom or eating her food.

Every day her condition seems to get worse and I’m not sure how much longer her body will let her make it. She can no longer do the things she so loved to do like playing fetch, going for long walks or swimming. We do have a doggy wheel chair to help her get around when she is outside of the house, but our split-entry home has too many steps for a wheel chair to work. She still seems like a happy girl but I dread the day when she no longer is.

Thankfully she is not in pain, but it must be scary having your feet fall out beneath you all the time.

Twinkie, who was diagnosed with neurogenic dry eye, didn’t have any luck with any of the eye drops we tried. Right after Royce was born, she developed an ulcer on her eye, so we had to remove her eye before it ruptured or we would have lost her.

Twinkie didn’t skip a beat thankfully. The worst part was coming off anesthesia and having the incision heal. But she was back to her sassy self almost immediately and doesn’t seem to notice the loss of her eye at all.

Dear time, please slow down. Please and thank you.

Shannon Granholm is the managing editor of the Lowdown and can be reached at 651-4071227 or quadnews@presspubs. com.

THE LOWDOWN | letter guidelines

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L etter writers are limited to six letters per year and at least four weeks must lapse between publication. Exceptions may be made for rebuttal letters.

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R epeat letters by the same writer about the same subject matter will not be published.

S ubmissions containing libelous or derogatory statements will not be published.

S ubmissions containing facts not previously published in The Lowdown must be accompanied by factual verification.

At the age of 10, I finally got permission to ride on my own. My uncle allowed me to ride around in the quonset. I stayed out there well past sundown just learning how to steer the horse on my own. When I was about 16, I got to go on trail rides with my cousin. We would only go for about thirty minutes, but it was the most relaxing 30 minutes of my life.

Those trail rides quickly became a part of my routine when I went up there. Once, we were gone for two hours. No phones, no distractions, just quiet conversation.

It seems silly to think that riding a horse changes your mind and muscle connection, but it does. After every ride, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. All my problems seemed to wash away when I was in the saddle.

When I heard about River Valley Riders in Afton, I knew I had to do a feature story on them. They are an organization that helps those with disabilities through horseback riding and carriage rides. After talking on the phone with the director, learning more about the program and their mission. I knew I had to see it for myself.

I got the chance to visit the River Valley barn and see a lesson for myself. I rearranged my schedule and made my way down on a sunny Tuesday. As I made my way down the driveway, a smile was on my face the whole time because I was so excited. I love horses and I love the mission behind River Valley Riders. It was the best of both worlds.

Now most people don’t care for the smell of manure or the constant horse flies buzzing around their heads—I am one of those people— but I put those dislikes aside and embraced my six-year-old self who was first introduced to a horse that seemed larger than life at the time. As I watched the lessons and saw the smiles on the riders’ faces, I realized that they enjoyed riding as much as I did growing up. They also felt a sense of calm on the horse. They feel better after riding through the barn just like I did when I was 10. I loved writing about the program just as much as I loved leading around Maisie. I hope you enjoy the story as much as I enjoyed experiencing it.

A ll letters are subject to editing.

Deadline is 5 p.m., Wednesday of the week prior to publication.

To submit a letter, e-mail it to lowdownnews@presspubs. com, fax it to 651-429-1242 or mail or deliver it to Press Publications, 4779 Bloom Ave., White Bear Lake, MN 55110.

Madeline Dolby CONTRIBUTED Staff writer Madeline Dolby on Ruger before a trail ride.


What: Apartment building

Where: 200 Chestnut St. E, Stillwater, MN 55082

Contact: 651-237-2950/



What: Chiropractor

Where: 2510 Curve Crest Blvd W. Suite B, Stillwater, MN 55082

Contact: 877-442-4476

Website: locations/stillwaterchiropractic-care/


What: Real estate agency Contact: soldwithskidmore. com/contact-us

Website: soldwithskidmore. com


1 About Us | ChiroWay

Chiroway of Stillwater provides affordable and locally-owned chiropractic care in the area. Services are affordable and great for individuals and whole families.

2 About Us | Boba4Eva

Stop into this tea shop that offers a wide variety of different boba tea combinations, conversation and plenty of photo opportunities.




What: Barber shop

Where: 222 3rd St S. Stillwater, MN 55082

Contact: 651-414-1350 or 651-303-3233

Website: www.


What: Bubble tea shop

Where: 5831 Neal Ave N., Oak Park Heights, MN 55082

Contact: 651-342-2392/

Website: www.facebook. com/people/BoBa4Eva/100091243231920/

Do you know of a new business in the area? Tell us! Email us at


Kraus-Anderson will oversee remodeling of county Law Enforcement Center

Kraus-Anderson will provide construction management for the remodel of the Washington County Law Enforcement Center in Stillwater. The Law Enforcement Center was built in 1993 and an expansion was completed in 2009. In 2022, a long-range plan was completed and it was determined that there was a need to replace the remaining finishes and furniture, replace the life safety systems, update the design of the building to maximize the space’s flexibility and update critical systems.

The County Board approved a contract with the company at the last Washington County Board of Commissioners meeting on Aug. 22.

Washington County will maintain snowmobile trails

The Washington County Parks will participate in the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) snowmobile trails assistance program. The county administers the program for the Star Trail Association, whereby the county agreed to sponsor the snowmobile club and act as a pass-through agency for funds from the DNR snowmobile trail maintenance and grooming grants-in-aid program. The snowmobile club cannot receive the grant funding directly. The agreement will allow Star Trail Association members to enter the county regional parks to improve and maintain 12-footwide snowmobile trails that are open to the general public for snowmobile use. The agreement allows for entry into the Lake Elmo Park Reserve and Big Marine Park Reserve.

Charges amended in Forest Lake hit-andrun

Additional charges have been filed against the driver who struck and killed a pedestrian in Forest Lake last month. At 1:22 a.m. July 16, officers with the Forest Lake Police Department responded to 95 Broadway Avenue W for a report of a pedestrian who was struck by a vehicle. The victim, Darisha Tela Bailey Vath, 17, of Stacy, was located in a municipal parking lot and lifesaving measures were attempted by officers, EMS and fire personnel on scene. The victim tragically succumbed

3 About Us | Blades Barber shop opened inside J Bellissima Salon

Bellissima owner Janelle Haskins and Blades owner Al aka “Blades” have decided to join together at one salon location. Haskins has been in the industry for 23 years. Al has been in the industry for 30. Both are excited to bring their passion to Stillwater.

4 About Us | Sold with Skidmore

Sold with Skidmore is built on faith, family and integrity. With superior communication, the group focuses on teamwork with all involved to ensure the best experience for the client leading to a successful closing day. Sold with Skidmore is the experience both you and your client deserve.

5 About Us | The Miller Apartments

These new apartments are located in the heart of downtown Stillwater. The Miller offers vibrant and modern living in a historic setting with views of the river and a short walk to downtown life.

to the injuries and was pronounced dead at the location by EMS personnel. The driver was identified as Dylan Robert Simmons, 20, of North Branch. In the days following the incident, police obtained security video from a nearby office building that captured the incident. This video shows that Simmons’ vehicle was initially parked but that he quickly drove forward in the direction of a group of approximately six bystanders, narrowly missing them. Simmons then looped around and again rapidly accelerated towards the group bystanders, this time again narrowly missing


them but striking the rear end of a parked vehicle. He then backed up and again lurched forward, striking and then driving over victim before leaving the parking lot.

Simmons has been charged with two counts of murder in the second degree, criminal vehicular homicide and three counts of seconddegree assault with a dangerous weapon.

Forest Lake Police officers were assisted by the Minnesota State Patrol, Wyoming Police Department, Chisago County Sheriff’s Office, Washington County Sheriff’s Office and the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension.

WHAT'S NEW 6 THE LOWDOWN SEPTEMBER 2023 4941 Long Avenue, White Bear Lake | 651.478.7427 4941 Long Avenue, White Bear Lake | 651.336.8613 782937 4971 Long Avenue, White Bear Lake | 651.407.0597
36 36 95
St Croix River



Medallion Hunt - $500 prize! (New clue at the Legion every hour)

Bayport American Legion Hesley Jensen Post 491

11 AM

9 AM 11 AM

11 AM - 2PM

12 AM


4 - 6 PM

5 - 8:30 PM

Duck sales - $5 per duck (Pre-purchase ducks at various locations around town)

Circus Manduahi sponsored by Bayport Public Library

Story Stroll by Bayport Public Library

Duck Derby - Cash prizes!

Pet Parade – Pre-register at 1:30 PM Prizes for all participants + drawings!

Live Music & Vintage Baseball

Food + Drinks (including beer)

Perro Park

Perro Park

Perro Park


Lakeside Park

Perro Park Lakeside Park

second $100 and third $50.

• The race begins on September 16 at noon at Perro Park.

7:30 PM

6 - 8:30 PM 8:30 PM

DJ + Dance

FREE Ice Cream while supplies last


Lakeside Park

Lakeside Park

Lakeside Park

Come watch the adorable rubber ducks race down Perro Creek. Yours could be the lucky duck that wins!

SEPTEMBER 2023 THE LOWDOWN 7 Bayport DERBY DAYS Sept. 15-16 110 N. Third St. Bayport, MN 55003 651-351-1475 747604 612-840-0414 Your local Bayport & St. Croix Valley Realtor Give me a call to see how much your home is worth! 747602 781347 FSBT.COM | 747603 • Short & Long-Term Dockage • Canvas Department • Mechanical & Refinishing Service Department 200 Fifth Avenue South Bayport, MN • 651.439.2040 712148 651-351-9799 | 425 5th Ave. N. Bayport Before you hit the road get your vehicle inspected FREE! - Free EstimatesAutomotive Repair Foreign - Domestic - Diesel B r a u n 747599 Join the Duck Derby:
Ducks are $5 a piece.
First Prize is
5 - 10 PM Party in the Park
at 6 PM) • Performance by Junk FM • LIVE MUSIC • FOOD TRUCKS • OUTDOOR GAMES • DUCK SALES • AND SO MUCH MORE! Perro Park/Legion Field, Bayport, MN
(music starts
BAYPORTCOMMUNITYACTIONLEAGUE.COM (651) 429-0648 | (877) 360-1713 9500 Dellwood Road N, White Bear Lake 2022 of the Press Best Dog Groomer Best Pet Sitting/Boarding • Boarding • Grooming • Doggie Play Days • Pet Boutique • Online Shopping Over 150 years of experience!


When: 9 a.m.- noon Saturday, Sept. 9

Where: St. Croix River and Browns Creek Trail

Details: Volunteer to help clean up several miles of the river and trail.

Ages 14+.

Contact: signature-initivatives/river-rally


When: Noon - 5 p.m. Saturday Sept. 9 and Sunday, Sept. 10



When: 2-6 p.m Saturday, Sept. 9

Where: Lake Elmo Park Reserve, south pavilion, 1515 Keats Ave. N.

Details: Free family-friendly festival that includes concert performances by Blue Hazard, The Pale Ales, Chicken Wire Empire and Barley Jacks. Bring lawn chairs and blankets; food trucks will be on site.



When: 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 6

Where: Stillwater Zephyr Theatre, 601 N. Main St.

Details: Mystery lovers and authors come together for conversation and reading inspiration. The September event features author William Kent Kruger. There will be a cash bar. Tickets can be purchased online. Contact:


When: 4-9 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 6 & 20

Where: Lowell Park, downtown Stillwater

Details: Admire vintage and hot rod cars, food vendors, live music and free family-friendly festivities. Contact:


When: 8 a.m.- 2 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 9 & Sept. 23

Where: Forest Lake Transit Center, 19987 Fitzgerald Trail N; Lily Lake Ice Arena, 1208 S. Greeley St., Stillwater

Details: Recycle and dispose of electronics and household hazardous waste. Confidential document shredding. Contact: 651-430-6702 or co.washington.


When: 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 9

Where: Scandia Community Center, 14727 209th St. N

Details: Tacos, beer garden, food trucks, kids games and activities, vendors, crafts, farmers market, car, truck and tractor show, bingo, pickleball tournament, firefighters waterball competition, Running of the Meatballs and more. Parade 4 p.m. Starwatch at the Hay Pavillion from 8- 10 p.m.



Where: Saint Croix Vineyards, 6428 Manning Ave., Stillwater

Details: Grape stomps, tours, live music, food trucks, mini massages. All activities are free to the public.

Contact: 651-430-3310 or


When: 1-3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 10

Where: River Valley Riders, 2007 Neal Ave. S., Afton

Details: Learn about therapeutic horseback riding programs for children and adults with special needs. Tour the new facility, meet therapy horses, refreshments, games, face painting and door prizes.

Contact: 651-439- 2558 or



When: 1:30 to 2:30 pm. Wednesday, Sept. 13

Where: Hardwood Creek Library, 19955 Forest Road N., Forest Lake

Details: This book club meets the second Wednesday of the month to discuss books set in Minnesota or books written by Minnesota authors. No registration is required



When: 1- 4p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 13

Where: Hardwood Creek Library, 19955 Forest Road N., Forest Lake

Details: Come be a part of the Hardwood Creek Jigsaw Puzzle Tournament. Teams of two to four people will compete to finish the same 550-piece puzzle in the least amount of time. Prizes will be awarded to the first two teams to finish the puzzle. Register online, in person, or over the phone.

Contact: 651-275-7300 or washcolib.


When: 5 p.m. Friday, Sept. 15; 9 a.m.8:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 16 Where: Perro Park and Lakeside Park

Details: Live music, food trucks, games and more throughout the Bayport area. Contact:


When: 8 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 16

Where: Ends at Boom Site Park, Highway 95 north of Stillwater

Details: Mostly downhill course with a 5k, 6k or 12k option.




When: 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 16

Where: Lent Town Hall, 33155 Hemingway, Ave., Stacy

Details: A 1.5 mile walk, silent auction, bake sale, raffle, dog and cat nail trimming and microchipping for purchase, food for sale, shopping and other activities for pets and humans. Contact: fundraising-events/25th-annual-walkwith-the-animals


When: 10 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 16

Where: Minnesota Interstate Park, Taylors Falls

Details: Explore the outdoors with your little one through a fall-themed story, engaging activities and a hands-on craft. This program is designed for children ages 3-6 and their adults, but older or younger siblings are welcome. The program is free, but a Minnesota state parks and trails vehicle permit is required for vehicles.



When: 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 16

Where: Marine Folks School 550 Pine St., Marine on St. Croix

Details: Free community festival with artist marketplace, crafting demos by skilled artisans, children’s activities, live bluegrass music and dancing, sheepdog herding, food and raffle. Contact:


When: Noon- 8 p.m Saturday, Sept. 16

Where: Washington County Fairgrounds, 12300 40th St. N., Lake Elmo

Details: Fundraiser benefiting veterans, service members and their families. Features live music by Arch Allies, GNO, Westside and Wayward Boyz Klub. Beer garden and food trucks; bring your own lawn chair. Ticket information can be found online. Contact:


When: 11 a.m.- 3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 17

Where: JX Event Venue, 123 2nd St. N., Stillwater

Details: Play with adorable puppies and watch a drag show. Brunch buffet and drinks. The event will support For Furever Animal Rescue. See ticket prices online. Contact:


When: 5 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 19

Where: Hardwood Creek Library, 19955 Forest Road N., Forest Lake

Details: Create your own woolen strawberries by learning different needle felting techniques to create life-size berries perfect for a centerpiece in this class for teens. Registration is required. Register online, in person or by calling. Contact: 651-275-7300 or https://



When: 6:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 20

Where: Hardwood Creek Library,19955 Forest Road N., Forest Lake

Details: The Third Wednesday Book Club is an adult book club that meets the third Wednesday of every month. No registration is required.



When: 5- 11 p.m. Friday, Sept. 22; 11 a.m.- 11 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 23; Noon5 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 24

Where: River Siren Brewing Co., 224 Main St. N., Stillwater

Details: Beer, German-inspired cuisine and live music at the brewery and in the parking lot. Free admission.



When: 11 a.m.- noon, Saturday, Sept. 23

Where: Minnesota Interstate State Park, Taylors Falls

Details: Use watercolor pencils on paper to discover the beautiful details in fallen leaves. This hour-long class will focus more on the process than the product. Enjoy the opportunity to relax, quiet the mind and spark your creativity. Space for this event is limited. Reserving a spot is recommended.

Contact: 651-538-4504 or jenni.


When: 9 a.m.- 11 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 24

Where: Forest Lake Masonic Lodge, 119 8th Ave. SE

Details: Drive-thru or dine in and get pancakes and sausage or a European breakfast wrap with proceeds benefiting the Forest Lake Area Children’s Fund.



When: 12 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 24

Where: Minnesota Interstate State Park, Taylors Falls

Details: Discover the stories hidden within scenic river views and unique geologic features as you explore with a park guide. Peek into the Bottomless Pit and marvel at the river gorge. Expect rocky terrain and short stains on the ¼-mile walk. This tour is best for ages 6 and up.



When: 7: 30 a.m.-noon, Saturdays, through Oct. 28

Where: Riverview parking lot, 3rd and Pine Street, across from the courthouse.

Contact: 651-704-9996 or localharvet. org


When: 2:30 to 6:30 p.m. Mondays through Oct. 16

Where: Village Green, 3rd St. N., adjacent to Anderson Elementary and the Bayport Library.

Contact: 612-518-7110 or

Your Local Remodeling, Custom Home MARVIN License: BC692167 771549 Register Now Fall Classes Begin September 5, 2023 Since 1950 Keep dancing the Larkin way Scan here for class schedules 1400 East Highway 36, Maplewood | 651-770-0764 783179 Voted Studio of the Year at Nationals!
Lake Superior & Mississippi Railroad Saturdays & Sundays 10:30 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. 218-624-7549 DULUTH RIVER TRAIN Fall Color Rides 8 THE LOWDOWN SEPTEMBER 2023

Meet-and-greet: Introducing the new Lino Lakes Ambassador

Q: Why did you want to be a Lino Lakes ambassador?

A: I wanted to be an ambassador because I wanted to be someone that people could look up to and be able to help everyone in our community.

Q: What other organizations/activities are you involved in (sports, clubs, organizations, jobs, etc?)

A: I am on the Forest Lake Dance Team along with being a competitive dancer and teacher assistant at Lorenz Dance and Tumbling Studio and this year I will also be a Link Leader at Forest Lake High School.

Q: What are you looking forward to about your time as an ambassador?

A: I’m looking forward to meeting so many people from our community and from other communities all over the state and also being able to make a positive impact in our community.

Q: What do you hope to get out of your experience as an ambassador?

have grown so much just through the candidacy process and made lifelong friendships that I would have never made without this amazing program.

Vander Vegt will be joined by Lino Lakes Carley Gooder and Katie Kerr. Both Gooder and Kerr attend Centennial High School. Gooder will be a senior, while Kerr is going into her junior year this fall.

Libbie Vander Vegt, a Forest Lake Junior, is one of three Lino Lakes Ambassadors.

The Miss Lino Lakes Ambassador program was established in 2004 as part of the Blue Heron Days. Ten candidates vie for three spots. The ambassadors represent the city at various parades, coronations, volunteer events and fundraisers throughout the Twin Cities. The goal of the program is to empower young women by giving them the opportunity to be leaders, strengthen their communication skills and build their confidence.

The Quad Community Press recently interviewed the new ambassador out of Forest Lake to learn more about her and introduce her to the community.

Libbie Vander Vegt

Q: Do/did you attend Centennial High School? If so, what year are you in school or what year did you graduate? If you graduated, what are you up to these days?

A: I will be a junior at Forest Lake High School this fall.

A: I hope to better improve my public speaking and also really use my year to get out of my comfort zone and try new things.

Q: What are your plans after your time as an ambassador?

A: After high school, I hope to attend a four-year college where I can major in sports management along with a minor in dance education.

Q: Is there anything else you want the community to know about you or the program?

A: Something I think people should know is if you are thinking about joining the program, give it a try. I


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Compiled by Shannon Granholm PHOTOS CONTRIBUTED The Lino Lakes Ambassadors from left to right (Forest Lake’s Libbie Vander Vegt, Lino Lakes’ Carley Gooder and Katie Kerr) Libbie Vander Vegt is crowned as one of the 2023-2024 Lino Lakes Ambassadors

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among men. In 2022, the American Cancer Society estimated there would be about 268,490 new cases and about 34,500 deaths from prostate cancer. The American Urological Association suggests men ages 55 to 69, with an average risk for prostate cancer, talk to their doctor about whether prostate cancer testing is right for them. For men with a higher risk of getting prostate cancer, which includes African-American men or men with a family history of cancer, think about talking to your doctor as early as 40-54 years of age.

The prostate and seminal vesicles are part of the male reproductive system. The prostate sits below the bladder, in front of the rectum, while the seminal vesicles are two smaller glands attached to the back of the prostate. The main job of the prostate and seminal vesicles is to make fluid for semen. Prostate cancer develops when abnormal cells form and grow in the prostate gland. Not all abnormal growths, also called tumors, are cancerous (malignant). Some tumors are not cancerous (benign), such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and are not life threatening. Cancerous growths, such as prostate cancer, can

spread (metastasize) to nearby organs and tissues such as the bladder or rectum, or to other parts of the body.

Prostate cancer stays “localized” when cancer cells are found only in the prostate or even a little bit beyond it, but do not move to other parts of the body. If the cancer moves to other parts of the body, it is called “advanced” prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is often grouped into four stages.

• Early-stage | Stages I & II: The tumor has not spread beyond the prostate. This is often called “early-stage” or “localized” prostate cancer.

• Locally Advanced | Stage III: Cancer has spread outside the prostate, but

only to nearby tissues. This is often called “locally advanced prostate cancer.”

• Advanced | Stage IV: Cancer has spread outside the prostate to other parts such as the lymph nodes, bladder, bones, liver or lungs. This stage is often called “advanced prostate cancer.”

What Causes Prostate Cancer?

The cause of prostate cancer is unknown, but researchers know many things can increase a man’s risk for the disease.

• Age: As men age, their risk of getting prostate cancer goes up.

• Ethnicity: African American men have a higher rate of the disease. Prostate cancer occurs less often in Asian American and Hispanic/Latino men than in non-Hispanic white men.

• Family History: Men who have a history of prostate cancer in their family face a higher risk of getting the disease. Having family members with breast and ovarian cancer also raises a man’s risk for prostate cancer.

• Weight: Studies link being overweight in your 50s and later to a greater risk of advanced prostate cancer. Doctors advise keeping to a healthy weight to reduce risk.

What are the Signs of Prostate Cancer?

In its early stages, prostate cancer may have no symptoms. When symptoms do occur, they can be urinary symptoms like those of an enlarged prostate or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). A prostate cancer screening assessment tool can be found on under Early-Stage Prostate Cancer Basics. This information was found on Urology Care Foundation: www.

September is... PROSTATE CANCER AWARENESS MONTH — American Cancer Society’s (ACS) 60% of prostate cancer cases are diagnosed in people age 65 or older. 765998 In Office and Telehealth... 17 THERAPISTS - JUST A PHONE CALL AWAY CENTERVILLE | 7039 20th Ave S. | 651-288-0332 WHITE BEAR LAKE | 4444 Centerville Road, Suite 235 | 651-289-3111 763140 Repeat Winner of Area’s Best Clinic 651-746-4582 | Bonded Insured | Lic #BC638094 • Custom Decks • Footing Repairs • Remodels • Pole Barns • Garages • Additions & Porches • All Repairs • Fences • Roofing • Siding 783059 450 Apple Orchard Rd, White Bear Lake 651-429-7202 PINE TREE APPLE ORCHARD Kirk Possehl MEDICARE 612-747-2726 774959 3598 Linden Ave., White Bear Lake (651) 779-0365 774955 JON’S A-1 MAINTENANCE, INC. Phone: 651-771-2654 Email: Website: Credit Cards Accepted 769804 Let’s Cut a Deal Tree Removal Tree Trimming Stump Grinding Shrub Pruning

burger & Fries (comes with lettuce, tomato, & raw onions)

Tuesday Deep fried tacos $3.00 for 1 or 3 for $8.00 or taco salad for $11.00

Wednesday $8.00 Goulash with Garlic Bread stick

Thursday $9.00 Chicken stir fry

Friday $14.00 Fish fry after 5 ( 3 pieces of fish,Fries,veggie, and a roll)

Saturday $14.00 BBQ ribs after 5 (1/2 rack , veggie, and potato)

Sunday Chef’s choice

SEPTEMBER 2023 THE LOWDOWN 11 COUPONS | September 2023 Not valid with any other offers. Only valid at Carbone’s Pizzeria in Centerville. 1861 Main St., Centerville • 651-653-7755 Expires 9/30/23. 1861 Main St., Centerville • 651-653-7755 1861 Main St., Centerville • 651-653-7755 FAMILY MEAL DEAL - Large 2-Item Pizza - 4-Piece Cheese Bread - 2-Liter of Coke Not valid with any other offers. Only valid at Carbone’s Pizzeria in Centerville. 1861 Main St., Centerville • 651-653-7755 Expires 9/30/23. $2 OFF ANY LARGE PIZZA $2599 DELIVERY & TAKE OUT 781647 Dilly Delight Pickle Pizza DELIVERY & TAKE OUT Frozen Pizzas Available! Gift Cards Available for all occasions! 651-653-7755 • @carbonespizzacenterville 1861 Main St., Centerville $500 OFF BUY 2 GET 1 FREE Any purchase of $50 or more. Trees, Shrubs & Perennials Discontinued Paving Stone & Retaining Walls 50% OFF 25% OFF Concrete Lawn Ornaments & bird baths 651-490-3058 6074 Hodgson Rd. (Hwy. 49) Lino Lakes/Shoreview 1 coupon per customer per visit. Exp. 9-30-23. 1 coupon per customer, Not valid on sale items. Not valid on bulk rock, mulch or dirt. Not valid on deliveries or special orders. Not valid with other coupons, specials or offers. 651-490-3058 6074 Hodgson Rd. (Hwy. 49) Lino Lakes/Shoreview 1 coupon per customer per visit. Exp. 9-30-23. 1 coupon per customer, Not valid on sale items. Not valid on bulk rock, mulch or dirt. Not valid on deliveries or special orders. Not valid with other coupons, specials or offers. 651-490-3058 6074 Hodgson Rd. (Hwy. 49) Lino Lakes/Shoreview 1 coupon per customer per visit. Exp. 9-30-23. 1 coupon per customer, Not valid on sale items. Not valid on bulk rock, mulch or dirt. Not valid on deliveries or special orders. Not valid with other coupons, specials or offers. Code: LD 651-490-3058 6074 Hodgson Rd. (Hwy. 49) Lino Lakes/Shoreview (3 blocks N. of Cty. Rd. J on Hwy. 49) Black Dirt • Garden Blend • Sod • Boulders Lawn Edging • Sand Box or Beach Sand Wood Chips & Mulch • Decorative Rock Paving Stones • Lawn Ornaments Weed Mats & Poly • Fairy Gardens • Excellent Quality • Excellent Prices Check out our website: You pick up or we deliver mulch! Landscaping Supplies Garden Center & Nursery CELEBRATING OUR 34TH ANNIVERSARY 651-490-3058 6074 Hodgson Rd. (Hwy. 49) Lino Lakes/Shoreview 1 coupon per customer per visit. Exp. 9-30-23. Limit 1 FREE plant per customer visit, & not valid on increments over 3. 781654 Code: LD Code: LD Code: LD WWW.BOBSCYCLE.COM CHECK OUT ON OUR WEBSITE 65 VIKING DR W • ST PAUL • 651.482.8181 • MENS RIDING GEAR • WOMENS RIDING GEAR • YOUTH RIDING GEAR • PARTS • ACCESSORIES • AND MORE! 15% Off ANY REGULAR PRICED ITEM Some exclusions apply. Not Valid with any other offers. Expires 8/31/2023 651.482.8181 779734 (651) 464-2600 • Special Events BINGO Wednesday - 6 PM Sunday - 2 PM Meat Raffles Wednesday, Friday, & Saturday Saturday Mega Meat Raffle 225 FOREST LAKE 355 W Broadway Ave, Forest Lake, MN 55025 Daily 9 am – 1 am *Events are subject to change. Please visit our website for upto-date event information. SPECIALS ARE NOW Monday $7.00 6oz
HOURS: Live DJ Thursday through Saturday 782290 Lic. # G-00131 Rush Hour Monday-Friday 10 am-Noon Bargains in the Morning Drink Specials Phone: 651-771-2654 Call now for all of your landscaping needs FREE ESTIMATES Insured • 28 Years in the Business Residential • Townhomes • Commercial Services: • Landscaping • Tree removal, Tree Trimming & Stump grinding • Fall Leaf Removal • Irrigation Blowouts • Shrub & Tree Care • Planting • Hauling & Disposal Let’s Cut a Deal Tree Removal Tree Pruning Stump Grinding Shrub Removal Professional Shrub Pruning and Maintenance 5% OFF Discount! Phone: 651-771-2654 Limit 2 coupons per year. Expires 9/30/23 Limit 2 coupons per year. Expires 9/30/23 5% Discount on the following services and delivery JON’S A-1 MAINTENANCE, INC. Phone: 651-771-2654 Email: Website: Credit Cards Accepted SAVE ON VINYL PLANK & MORE $150 OFF Any Purchase of $1,000 or more on in-stock items* Valid Through 12/31/23 * MUST PRESENT COUPON 6585 Hwy 8 Forest Lake, Mn. 55025 651.462.5698 We Will Beat ANY Competitor Estimate! 6585 Hwy 8 Forest Lake, MN. 651.462.5698 776829 Sigstad Flooring Sigstad Flooring 2022 of the Press
12 THE LOWDOWN SEPTEMBER 2023 780731 651-492-1888 | 995 Wildwood Rd, White Bear Lake rescue, adoption, rehabilitation, & hospice in partnership with Secondhand Hounds. Full Service Grooming Packages Pamper your pooch with a luxurious groom, bath & blow dry by our professionally trained stylists –the Spa Experience! P.O. Box 10533 White Bear Lake, MN 55110 651-771-5662 A nonprofit 501(c)(3) all volunteer dog and cat rescue organization 782275 781424 (651) 429-0648 | (877) 360-1713 9500 Dellwood Road N, White Bear Lake Over 150 years of experience! 2022 of the Press Vadnais Heights BEST DOG GROOMER BEST PET SITTING/BOARDING • Boarding • Grooming • Doggie Play Days • Pet Boutique • Online Shopping Tues-Sat Days & Eve Appts We are Forest Lake’s Orginal Grooming Salon since 1989! PETSTYLES Grooming Salon For 34 years we’ve been #1 in price, quality, care and service Styling your pet is our ONLY business! 651-464-6996 Call one of our Certified Master Groomers at Over 100 Years Combined Experience! Award Winning Pet Grooming! 143 North Lake Street, Forest Lake | 651-464-6996 2015 - 2021 2017 - 2023 782697 @petstylesgrooming @petstylesgroomingshop “Frosty” 2006-2022 “For All Styles” 2022 of the Press
Aspen Beau Clover and Willow
Lolli-pup Olive
Keaton Moey Romeo Luna Frosty and Twinkie Vinny and Gemma Benny and Bexley Rio Sassy Jo Wallace Mini


The original photo from the 1901 Dance Here event in Stillwater, MN.

The recreation of the original photo taken at the 2023 Dance Here.


agreement on Aug. 1. Local nursing homes in Stillwater and Forest Lake will receive another significant one-time payment on Aug. 1, 2024.


Chamber celebrates new location for Valley Friendship Club

The Greater Stillwater Chamber of Commerce celebrated the Valley Friendship Club’s new location with a ribbon-cutting. The club was joined by Executive Director Karen Keenan, staff, board members, founders and members. The Greater Still Chamber Ambassadors joined in the celebration.

Valley Friendship Club is a local nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote and provide safe, accessible social opportunities while fostering friendships. The vision of the club is to create opportunities for every person with a developmental and/or intellectual disability to build enduring friendships. Its new location is at 6201 North Osgood Ave. in Stillwater.

SEPTEMBER 2023 THE LOWDOWN 13 Connect Anywhere, Anytime. CALL TODAY (855) 524-0889 • Medicaid • SNAP • SSI • WIC • Veterans Pension • Survivors or Lifeline Benefits • Tribal Assistance Program • Housing Assistance 781064 REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. Contact a Generac dealer for full terms and conditions $0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS (651) 964-7237 7-year Extended Warranty* – A $735 Value! FREE Whether you are home or away, protect what matters most from unexpected power outages with a Generac Home Standby Generator. 781065 VINTAGE
CONTRIBUTED Executive Director Karen Keenan cut the ribbon at the Chamber celebration.
Stillwater state representative announces new funding Stillwater native Rep. Josiah Hill has announced that St. Croix River Valley nursing homes will receive a significant amount of new state funding as part of a bipartisan CONTRIBUTED

Marine Mills Folk School will host fall festival

Marine Mills Folk School will host the Marine Fall Festival, which celebrates the beauty of autumn in the St. Croix Valley, on Sept. 16. Festival activities will include an Artists’ Marketplace featuring the work of more than 50 high-end artisans; crafting demonstrations by skilled weavers, woodcarvers and others; children’s activities; live bluegrass music and dancing; food; a raffle; sheep dog herding demonstrations and more.

The Marine Mills Folk School was founded in 2018 and has a mission to enrich lives and strengthen community by inviting all people to discover the joy of creating together from a folk school tradition. The folk school was originally created as a community effort to keep young families in the St. Croix Valley together in the community and fill the void left by Marine Elementary School, which closed in 2017.

The school offers adult and intergenerational classes in traditional arts and craft skills such as woodworking, fiber arts, visual arts, outdoor skills, crafts and culinary arts. A typical weekend of classes might include Build a Wooden Paddle, Expressionist Painting, Photography for Kids, Foraging, and Barn/Hex Signs. In addition to weekly classes, the school hosts free weekly knit nights and free monthly repair and mend clinics, bluegrass jams, wood carving sessions and a beginner’s bridge group.

Led predominantly by local artists from the St. Croix Valley and Western Wisconsin area, the school seeks to bring people in the community together to learn hands-on skills.

“We know that doing things with

your hands is really good for your brain, and the folk school model takes it a step further by creating community through those activities,” Communications Manager Kate Sietz said.

The school currently shares a building with Village Marine Elementary School, a charter school that recently opened in 2022. Village Marine Elementary will assist with the children’s activities at this year’s festival.

Before the debut of the Marine Fall Festival, the Marine Art Fair was very popular in the St. Croix Valley, but shut down five years ago. Sietz hopes that the festival revives some of the same traditions started by the Marine Art Fair.

“This [festival] is not to take the place of it, but we like community celebrations, and this a great way to bring artists in, which people missed because of the art fair, but then tie in our mission of teaching and passing on traditional skills,” Sietz said.

At the festival, Koru Farm will put on sheep dog herding demonstrations featuring Australian shepherds.

“The reason there’s a connection with Marine Mills Folk School is we are full of crafty people, and a ton of them work with fiber — and wool is that main fiber. It’s a way to look at what we’re using in the crafted items from a different perspective,” Sietz said. “Sheep provide the wool, which goes into our knitting and weaving projects.”

One artist that looks forward to participating in the festival is woodcarver Erik Vevang.

Vevang specializes in “green wood carving,” which uses wood that is freshly cut and hasn’t been dried. The green wood is softer than dry wood and is easier to carve with traditional hand tools. Vevang has recently focused on carving wooden spoons,

which will be available for purchase at his booth.

Vevang has been teaching at Marine Mills Folk School for its entire history, and is ready to support the school due to his appreciation of the opportunities it has given him.

“It’s a great way to support Marine Mills Folk School, which has been very generous and kind with their time,” Vevang said. “I’m just out there to support the folk school, and it’s fun to meet some of the neighbors and folks in the area as well”

The Living History Society of Minnesota, a group of enthusiasts who celebrate 18th century life, will bring children’s games and reenactments of 18th century life to the festival.

“They walk around the grounds and bring a bunch of toys and memorabilia from that time that people can use and

play with,” Sietz said. “That was very popular last year.”

North Shore Trail will bring bluegrass music to the festival throughout the entire day.

“Music is a super important component of folk schools,” Sietz said. “Bluegrass music is an open format that invites everyone to participate.”

The festival, which begins at 10 a.m. Sept. 16, takes place at Marine Mills Folk School, 550 Pine Street, in Marine on St. Croix. This familyfriendly event is free and open to the public. More information on the school and the festival is available at

Sebastian Studier is an intern at Press Publications. He can be reached by calling 651-242-2775 or emailing

When you need us, we are here to help. *Servicing all brands Read our reviews and check out our current promotions at Licensed, Bonded, Insured Serving the St. Paul and Surrounding Area 651-426-5220 24/7 Emergency Service 2022 of the Press 771774 FREE TRIP CHARGE With repair $109 value! Valid during regular business hours • Expires 7/31/23 779326
Koru Farm demonstrating sheep dog herding PHOTOS CONTRIBUTED North Shore Trail Bluegrass Band


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18 Thank You 52 Cars 104 Hauling/Moving 160 Hire Me 300 For Sale 369 Want to Buy 451 Rentals/ Commercial We Buy Vinyl Records Lps, 45s St ereo Equip We make house calls by appointment. Wh ite Bear Lake Records 4775 Banning Ave, WBL m 651-224-4947 One stop shopping Offers an array of different contra ctors from yard work handy man re pa irs, junk removal, carpenter painter, electr ician,etc. Ryan, 651-303-8053 Thank You God, Saint Mary and Saint Jude for favors granted! 2011 Toyota Sien na XLE loaded; low miles est. 112k, rear DVD player all accessories, great condition garage kept, spent winters in Florida. Serviced by Maplewood Toyota all records available. $14,995 six one two 599-1729 Press Publications We Need You!!! Now accepting resumes Part-t ime and Full-time ppinfo@pres 65 1-407-1200 Toro Power Broom Used for clearing sidewalks, ice rink & driveway. Toro professional series $2,950 61 2-599-172 nine EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY, all real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Ho using Act which makes
familial status or nationa l origin, or an intention, to make any such preferen ce, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 livin g with parents or legal custod ians; pregnant women and peop le securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not kn owingly accept any ad vertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers ar e hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newsp ap er are available on an equal oppor tunity
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Office suite: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, as well as Microsoft Office. Now Hiring Please send resume to: 4779 Bloom Avenue White Bear Lake, MN 55110 or email resume to: Now Hiring! Pay dependent on experience. CDL helpful. Call 651-426-8660 Year-Round Tree Service Worker up to $30/hr & Benefits Counter/ Mechanic Positions Now Available! Shop Local Work Local Come Grow with Ruddy’s Rental Family Business Mechanic Duties Include: Counter/Customer Service Duties Include: Part Time, Possible Full Time Flexible hours • Planning maintenance schedules • Small engine diagnostics, troubleshooting & repair including gas, diesel, hydraulic & electrical systems • Documenting repairs • Trade school training helpful • Putting customers into the correct piece of equipment • Computer/contract writing of contracts • Phone answering skills • Scheduling/reservations • Maintain a clean facility • Work local and save money • Learn how to use equipment • Skills can & will be transferable Apply in Person Ruddy’s Rental 21380 Forest Blvd Forest Lake, MN 651-464-7368 like working with your hands on cars, snowmobiles, 4-wheelers, lawn mowers or any engines? Would you like to, or do you have an interest in learning small engines? Ladies of the Lake Quilting Society Stitches in Time Q U I L T S H O W Fri., Oct. 20th 9 am - 5 pm Sat., Oct. 21st 9 am - 4 pm Redeemer Lutheran Church 3770 Bellaire Ave White Bear Lake ‹ Raffle Quilting ‹ Vendors ‹ Boutique ‹ Garage Sale ‹ Refreshments Admission $6 No Strollers Please • Employment • Employment • Employment • Employment • 349 Exercise Equipment Treadmill. Best offer. 651-323-8781 358 Firewood Dry Oak, Maple, and Birch Cut & Split Firewood $75 fo r a p/u load or tr ailer load 65 1-426-1249 403 Boutiques READ REUSE RECYCLE If every person takes one small step toward being more conscientious of the environment, the collective effort will change the planet. 651-407-1200 651-407-1200 Your best source for community information $1,000 BONUS OFFER! Use reference code Lowdown for $1000 of additional free advertising with the code per-email when you sign up for our ERTC consulting services Promotional offer: some restrictions apply. Easy Tax Credits not responsible for fulfillment of promotional offer. Business owners: Don’t leave money on the table. Be sure you choose an expert to help with your ERTC claim. The Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) is one of the best kept secrets around and was recently expanded to benefit more businesses. Even if you received a PPP loan, you can still qualify for this Covid-19 benefit for up to $26,000 per employee. We’ve helped thousands of businesses claim hundreds of millions of dollars in ERTC funds. Book a free, no obligation phone call with the expert lawyers and accountants at Easy Tax Credits today! Phone: 1-234-CREDITS $1,000 BONUS OFFER! Use reference code Quad for $1000 of additional free advertising with the code per-email when you sign up for our ERTC consulting services not fulfillment of promotional Business owners: Don’t leave money on the table. Be sure you choose an expert to help with your ERTC claim. (ERTC) recently expanded to benefit more businesses. Even if you received a PPP loan, you can still qualify for this Covid-19 benefit of businesses Book a free, no 100% 3 YrDryRed Oak Fireplace Cord $150 RedOakFullCord $425 Call 651-214-0718 CLASSIFIEDS SEPTEMBER 2023 THE LOWDOWN 15 PHONE: 651-407-1250 | EMAIL:

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16 THE LOWDOWN SEPTEMBER 2023 SER VICE DIRE CTOR Y EVERY DAY Pawesome ! Pawesome ! PET SER VICE DIRE CTOR Y MA KE EVERY DAY Pawesome Pawesome ! PET SERVICE DIRECTORY 612-807-7850 MJ The Critter Sitter Professional Pet Sitting & Dog Walking Services Owned & Operated by a Veterinary Technician with 20 years experience in animal care - Insured & Bonded - Veterinarian Recommended -References available We’ve been keeping pets happy and comfortable at home since 2009 White Bear Animal Hospital We treat your pets like they’re our own. 651.777.1393 1909 East County Road E White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Dr. Stuart B. Dalton Dr. Gwen Zupancich Dr. Sarah Prochnow Dr. Mikayla Nicklay Personal Touch Pet Grooming “When Quality and Service Matter” 763 784-4833 TDD 784-0662 Dial 711 for Relay Assistance Deb Molin Certified Master Groomer 200 Marian Ct., Circle Pines, MN 55014 Since 1989 Let’s Talk Herbs Did you know that dogs can take natural herbs and vitamins and it might be beneficial for them. Herbs and Vitamins could help your dogs live a healthier and happier life. You can learn more on my website: - where you can
Canine Holistic Health and Therapy Diploma Tami Lytle Fancy Pawz Nail trims and bathing services by appointment! Robin Udstuen | owner 15190 Everton Av. North, Hugo, Mn. 55038 651-485-9774 Free Pupcake with Every Appointment. KATIE’S K9 Obedience School Puppy Classes Private Lessons Beginner I Phone Consults Radio Show KTK9.COM 651- 429-5433 BACK TO SCHOOL 100% dedicated to your pet’s grooming in a cozy, intimate pet spa, not a big box store! Check out our social media to see all of our happy clients! 143 North Lake Street, Forest Lake 651-464-6996 Nail Trims by appointment only. 782606 2015-20202017-2023 | petstylesgrooming petstylesgrooming PETSTYLES Grooming Salon Foorest Lakke s Or g na Grooom ng g Sa on s nce e 1989 Tues-Sat Day & Eve Appts. Cal one of o ouur r C Cert fied Maaster G Grooommers a at t A nonprofit 501(c)(3) all volunteer dog and cat rescue organization WHITE BEAR PRESS | VADNAIS PRESS | QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS | SHOREVIEW PRESS | NORTH OAKS NEWS | THE CITIZEN | THE LOWDOWN EMAIL: callaspecialist@ PHONE: 651-407-1250 Honest Work for Honest Pay 651-270-7360 Reasonable Rates - all jokes and laughs are free Servicing All Major Appliance Brands Major Credit Cards Accepted APPLIANCE REPAIR EARTH WIZARDS 763-784-3833 Asphalt Concrete Eco options Driveways, Sidewalks, Garage Floors, Aprons Family-operated for 3 generations Woman-owned, employee-centered PAVING for smart living ASPHALT 1 AUTO SERVICE • Auto Repair • Oil Lube & Filter Service 20 Years of experience serving White Bear Lake & Centerville - Friendly, Honest Service 651.226.4235 Monday - Friday 8 am - 6 pm 7137 20th Avenue North - Centerville 1 1 H UG E SAVING S! Lic. #20060261 651-257-4706 • Design • Bath Repair • Remodeling • Tub Surrounds • Free Estimates Bathrooms by BATHROOMS BLACK DIRT Screened Black Dirt Delivery Available 651.387.2098 Small Job Specialist 45 years experience 651.653.9920 / 612.816.8544 Basement Finish/Remodel Exterior & Interior Painting Doors/Windows/Siding Ceiling Textures/Roofs Kitchen Remodels/Counter Tops Decks/Landscaping Odd Jobs Bathrooms CARPENTRY 1 Schneider Custom Woodworks Custom CABINETRY! Free Estimates &Callbacks within 24 hours 651-213-6638 Commercial & Residential CHIMNEY/FIREPLACE • Chimney Inspections/Sweeps • Chimney Repair/Rebuilds • Tuckpointing • Stainless Steel Liner Installations • Gas Fireplace Services • Fireplace Installations Masonry, Chimney & Fireplace 651-565-9916 CLEANING Household Waste Construction Debris Appliances Furniture FULLY INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES 651-308-1101 BillLe e • Specialist in Driveways/ Garage Slabs • Sidewalks/Steps • Repair & Replacement • Block Repair • Interior/Exterior • Residential/Commercial CONCRETE 1 1 Sidewalks Patios Steps Driveways & More! MJ’s Concrete, LLC 651.795.9736 Settled Concrete? Lakes Area Mudjacking - Since 1983Don’ t replace it, RAISE it and save $$$! Walks • Patios • Steps • Garage Floors Aprons • Driveways • Fill Voids Free Estimates Guaranteed 612-310-1485 Ask for Jim lakesarea mudj ack in g. co m Deck Cleaning & Staining Professional - Prompt Guaranteed Results 651-699-3504 DECKS 1 651-746-4582 Bonded Insured • Lic #BC638094 Custom Decks/Footing Repair Screen Rooms/Additions Garages/Roofing/Siding Aluminum/Glass/Cable Railings All Repairs Custom Decks/Footing/ Repairs/Remodels/Pole Barns/Garages/Additions & Porches/All Repairs/Fences/ Roofing/Siding 651-746-4582 Bonded Insured | Lic #BC638094 LORENZ DRYWALL • CHANGING CEILINGS OVER TO KNOCK DOWNS • TAPING • SPRAYING • ADDITIONS • BASEMENTS • NEW HOMES • GARAGES No job too small! Kerry 651-653-9021 (Cell) 651-271-4221 DRYWALL Wolf Bros. Drywall Co. Total Drywall Services Residential/Commercial New Const & Basement Finishes Family Owned & Operated Forest Lake Insured CALL LEE (651) 428-0229 40 yrs • Since 1979 DRYWALL/PLASTER ELECTRIC New Construction/Remodel Residential Commercial Competitive Rates ELECTRICAL SERVICES 651-307-6502 HANDYMAN “ TH E LE AK S STOP HER E” Leaky Roof? 763-742-7500 over 40 years experience Full Service Contractor MN Lic. BC639211 Roofing • Siding • Windows Doors • Gutters • Decks Interior/Exterior 763-742-7500 WE DO EVERYTHING! We do it all! “ TH E LE AK S STOP HER E” Leaky Roof? 763-742-7500 over 40 years experience Full Service Contractor MN Lic. BC639211 Furnace & A/C Installations and Service Licensed, Bonded & Insured 651.426.4233 HEATING & COOLING HOME IMPROVEMENTS  Basements ♦ Foundations ♦ Garages  
FREE ESTIMATES - -    LAWN CARE Dave’s New Look Services Your time is valuable! Let us take care of your lawn! • Spring/Fall Cleanup • Mow/Trim • Snow Removal 651-500-1758 (Servicing Metro & Surrounding Areas) MOKIE’S Lawn Service 1ST T IM E DISCOUNT LAWN MOWING • TREE TRIMMING • REASONABLE RATES • 651410-3889 CONCRETE
SEPTEMBER 2023 THE LOWDOWN 17 Cedar Specialists & Best Painting We’ll bring your cedar back to life! Staining, Painting, Cleaning, Repairs and Restoration, Siding, trim, shakes, fences, decks, pergolas, gazebos Call or email Brian 651-238-1850 | brian@ Residential and Commercial Family owned since 1967 Call for Fall '23 and Spring '24 Specials 1 1 • Interior only • Wallpapering • Stain & Varnish • Painting of Home Furnishings (furniture, cabinets, mirrors, light fixtures, frames, etc.) Free Estimates • Established 1987 L D MARSHALL PAINTING Scott or Linda • 651-426-9135 (office) • Drain Cleaning • Hot Water Heating • Hot Water Heaters & Disposal • Well Pump Service • New Construction • Remodeling Lic. #005402 Tom Thill 651-433-4866 PLUMBING 1 1 white bear plumbing inc. ResidentIal CommercIal (651) 426-6000 www.whitebear REMODELING Room Additions • Kitchens Basements • Decks All Remodeling For more info visit Lic. #BC-516217 612-868-6837 APPLEWOOD BUILDERS 612.670.7004 3 "House Call LANDSCAPING Northern Lights Landscape Construction Inc. Since 1989 >>> Free Estimates <<< CALL STEVE TODAY for fresh new landscaping ideas! 651-592-6678 www.nelsonsnorthernlights Ehman Landscaping Specializing in: • Sodding •Seeding •Grading •Sod Repair • Sod Removal FREE ESTIMATES Call Ron 612-720-1893 PAINTING Painting Pro Pro Livin g Colors • Professional, Residential House Painting • 35 Years Experience • Interior & Exterior • Kind, Respectful Service CONTACT RICHARD 612-394-8978 AAA Painting Free Estimates! 612-381-6614 EXTERIOR • INTERIOR PAINTING Paint any home interior room and get that room closet painted labor free today Fully Insured J & G Home Interiors Residential/Commercial Painting Specialists 30 years in business We do: interior painting, stain and varnishing, Ceiling conversion to knock down, enameling kitchen cabinets Insured & Bonded FREE ESTIMATES 10% OFF ANY JOB WITH AD Scott – 651-426-0288 Specializing in: • Cabinet Enameling • Interior Painting and Exterior Painting. • Hardboard Painting (Hardie Plank and LP) • Texture Removal/Repair CALL US FOR A FREE PROPOSAL 651-336-0561 16 years in business servicing the North East Metro. Discounts for Veterans and Senior Citizens. Warrantied work done by insured Employees. Google and Angies List reviewed for more than 10 years (see our reviews online) 24 years and going strong! FREE ESTIMATES • Roofing • Siding • Storm Damage • Windows & Gutter • Free Inspections Bill 651-775-8396 BATHROOMS ~ KI TCHEN S BASEMEN TS ~ TILES 651-238-6751 No rco nHome Locally Owned Since 1994 Insured / Lic #BC105943 Twin Cities Premier Home Improvement Company ALL REMODELING TIME TO REMODEL? Kitchen / Bathroom Basement / Deck Check out our Models for design ideas. *1 yr financing option available* SHERCO CONSTRUCTION 651-888-4138 License # BC627690 Quality Home Building and Remodeling TREE SERVICE GENE’S TREE SERVICE & STUMP GRINDING Licensed/Insured • Free Estimates Call Today! 763-785-1629 A Cut Above TREE SERVICE Cameron Tree Service (651) 775-8602 • Affordable Tree Trimming & Removal • Hedge & Shrub Shaping • Senior & Vets Discounts • Stump Grinding Licensed & Insured ROOFING/SIDING TH E LE AK S STOP HER E” Leaky Roof? 763-742-7500 over 40 years experience Full Service Contractor MN Lic. BC639211 “ TH E LE AK S STOP HER E” Leaky Roof? 763-742-7500 over 40 years experience Full Service Contractor MN Lic. BC639211 TH E LE AK S STOP HER E” Leaky Roof? 763-742-7500 over 40 years experience Full Service Contractor MN Lic. BC639211 • Roofing • Siding • Storm Damage • Repairs • Windows • Doors & More WM Hayes Roofing & ReModeling, llC Call 651-429-2682 Storm and Hail Damage Roofing • Siding • Additions MN License #BC002810 Locallyownedsince1972 Your Local Insurance Restoration Contractor 651.333.0007 Exterior & Interior Licence #BC700945 Fire Damage I Storm Damage Water Damage ROOFING/RESTORATION ROOFING 728200 Roofing Siding Windows STORM RESTORATION SPECIALISTS 612-284-5329 Storm Restoration Specialists 651-287-3720 Roofing Siding Windows TIMBERLINE ROOFING AND CONTRACTING PAINTING • Hail Damage • Insurance Claims Call Matt 612.246.7079 ALL BUILT RIGHT CONSTRUCTION Lic# BC638717 • Insured Roofing&Siding Free Roof inspections & estimates WHITE BEAR PRESS | VADNAIS PRESS | QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS | SHOREVIEW PRESS | NORTH OAKS NEWS | THE CITIZEN | THE LOWDOWN EMAIL: PHONE: 651-407-1250 ROOFING STUMP REMOVAL STUMP REMOVAL Same Day Service BACKYARDSNOPROBLEM! Fast, dependable, insured Major Credit Cards Accepted 651-426-8660 STUMP REMOVAL Free Estimates NO PROBLEM! Fast, dependable, insured 651-426-8660 budg ettree se rvice@ 1 ROOFING/RESTORATION Roofing • Siding • Windows (763) 315-3911 License # BC545108 Avenue N. Brooklyn Park, MN FREE ESTIMATES! Roofing • Siding • Windows (763) 315-3911 License # BC545108 4105 85th Avenue N. Brooklyn Park, MN FREE ESTIMATES! License #BC545108 Free Estimates! Financing Available 776964 Roof to Deck Restoration has been restoring decks and fences like yours since 1995. We’ve been certified in wood restoration by the Power Washers of North America. In fact, we do more than clean and stain decks and fences. We also clean, repair and seal cedar shake wood roofs. Moss that is allowed to grow on a cedar roof actually feeds on the wood causing it to rot. We also clean and remove black streaks and stains from asphalt roofs. The black streaks are caused by an algae that can be killed and cleaned away. We also clean gutters and we also wash houses. All of our technicians are employees and are covered by Workers’ Comp. insurance. We do not use sub-contractors. We have a limited warranty on our services. We are accredited by the Business Bureau with an A rating. We also have an A rating with Angie’s List. Our website has videos that show you how we perform all of our services. Visit us at to view our videos or to request a free quote. Or call us at 651-699-3504. REMODELING Meet Your Specialist STUMP REMOVAL A Cut Above Tree Service Licensed Insured Free Estimates Tree Removal Tree Trimming Emergency Storm Damage Senior and Military Discounts Local Family Owned Business 651-334-9063 Licensed Insured Free Estimates Stump Grinding Tree Removal and Trimming Emergency Storm Damage Local Family Owned Business List your business in the Call-A-Specialist section. Call for details: 651-407-1221 Ads are placed in 6 papers! That’s over 124,000 readers!


Bayport plans party in the park

Bayport will be having a party in Perro Park on Friday, Sept. 15. The party will begin at 5 p.m.; the band will begin its session at 6 p.m. The theme of the night will be a throwback to the ’80s. Junk FM will perform. There also will be food trucks, games and much more at the park.

On Saturday, Sept. 16, there will be multiple events scattered throughout the area. Beginning at 9 a.m., a medallion hunt hosted by the Bayport American Legion will take place. There will be an announcement every hour. At the public library from 9 a.m.- 3:00 p.m., a scavenger hunt and book sale are planned. Duck derby races will also take place at Perro Park.

Croixdale will have a pet parade, where participants will receive prizes.

At Lakeside Park, there will be live music in the evening. There will be food, drinks and dancing for those who attend. The night will close out with fireworks at the park at 8:30 p.m. More information about the event can be found at

Final food event for Forest Lake Masons

The Forest Lake Masons will be holding its last food-related event of the year on Sunday, Sept. 24.

The Sunday Brunch Drive Thru or Dine In will be held at the Forest Lake Masonic Lodge from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Two types of breakfast will be offered. Visitors can either select a European breakfast wrap or a huge serving of pancakes with German country sausage. Either option can be eaten at the lodge or can be taken to go.

The Masons will be match funds donated at the event to the Forest Lake Area Children’s Fund, Coats for Local Kids Drive.

Stop in, say hello and enjoy a delicious breakfast.

The Forest Lake Masonic Lodge is located at 119 SE Eighth Ave., in Forest Lake. More information on the event can be found on the Forest Lake Masons’ website at

Pancakes, planes and many more motors at Osceola Airport

More than 8,000 car, planes and motorcycle enthusiasts will arrive at the Osceola Airport on Sept. 9 to come together for a day of fun.

At the Wheels and Wings events at the Wisconsin riverside airport, one can attend a car and motorcycle show, a plane show and breakfast — all in one place.

The day will begin with a Fly-in Pancake Breakfast from 8 to 11 a.m.

At the Car and Motorcycle show, visitors will see over 700 entries of different colors and models of motor vehicles. There will be classic cars, custom cars, vintage cars, hot and rat rods, muscle cars, imports, modern classics and many more. Cycle buffs can expect to see antique, custom and modern motorcycles. Awards will be given out for best classic, hot rod, import and modern cars, Judge’s Choice and Best in Show. The gates for the event open at 8 a.m; judging will start at 9 a.m.

Aircraft viewing runs from 8 a.m. to noon. The Air Show begins at 12:30 p.m. and will end at 1:30 p.m.

For this year’s air show, the performers will include ExtremeFlight and Franklin’s Flying Circus.

There also will be food vendors, merchants and a live band at the event. The North of 64 Band will perform.

The Osceola Airport is located at 495 North Cascade Street, Osceola.

Waiting Child

Ethan,15, is polite, kindhearted, and gets along with peers and adults easily. When first meeting Ethan, he can be reserved. Once he gets to know someone, he loves to make them laugh by telling jokes or playing pranks. Ethan has an awesome sense of humor. He is the first to stand up to a bully and ensure that others are always treated fairly and equally. Ethan has a love for gospel music and watching Monster High, Winx, and Disney movies. He really enjoys going to school; especially his jewelry making class. Ethan also enjoys swimming and going shopping. Ethan participates in softball, soccer, and floor hockey. Ethan enjoys all animals, but he is not a fan of spiders or snakes.

Ethan needs a family who can provide a lifelong commitment to him.

Following adoption, Ethan will need to maintain contact with his siblings.

Washington County builds new environmental center

The construction of a second county environmental center is planned near Highway 61 and Headwaters Parkway in Forest Lake. The project is set to begin in September 2023 and has an anticipated opening date in late 2024.

The new center will provide more equitable disposal options for residents in the northern part of the county. Residents can dispose of household chemicals, fluorescent light bulbs, electronics, used oil, batteries and other items that do not belong in the trash. There will be self-serving recycling of cardboard, scrap metal, mixed recycling and food scraps also to be offered at the new site.

Additionally, the Washington County Northern Yard Waste site, which is currently located in Hugo, will move next to the new environmental center in Forest Lake.

County Road 65 finally reopens after two weeks

The culvert replacements have been completed on County Road 65 (Oakgreen Avenue). The rolling closures that have been occurring for the last two weeks have come to an end.

Crews will continue to work at the culvert crossings. This will include paving at the culvert locations, as well as turf restoration around the culverts.

Upcoming work includes paving in select areas on the east side of the road to prepare for 2024 works. The shoulder will be widened. As part of this widening, a few driveways were temporarily modified and will be reconstructed as part of the 2024 construction. The remainder of 2023 will be used for the relocation of private utilities. Gas relocations have already been completed.

18 THE LOWDOWN SEPTEMBER 2023 24408 Greenway Ave • Forest Lake MN 651-464-6477 • Sat: 8am-Noon M-F: 7am-5:30 pm Where Quality Comes First • Immediate Collision Repair • Free Computerized Estimate on damage repair • Rental Cars available • Free Pick Up and Delivery Shuttle within 15 miles. 707565
We’re Forest Lake’s original grooming shop, operating since 1989. Your pets are like family to us. We remain 100% committed to your pet from start to finish. It’s all we do and we make your pet look and feel its best! Always have and always will! Be sure to check out our photos of happy clients on Instagram/Facebook @petstylesgrooming Contact Petstyles today at 651-464-6996 for all of your pet grooming needs. Trimming • Shampoos •Ears • Nails • Grooming • Anal Glands • Dyes Voted BEST GROOMING SALON since 2015 when this category was created! From L to R: Kari, owner and groomer; Sandy, groomer; and Jackie, groomer. We are proud that for the sixth year in a row, we were awarded “Best Pet Grooming” 2015-2020 2017-2021 696737 IN N & SUI TE S BY RADISSO N WE CAN HELP! 651-982-9799 Monthly Meetings? Birthday Parties? Business Lunch? 1954 West Broadway Avenue, Forest Lake, MN Meeting room available for private use 750934 Tues-Sat Day & Eve Appts. We are Forest Lake’s Original Grooming Salon since 1989! Grooming Salon FALL IN LOVE WITH OUR STYLES 100% dedicated to your pet’s grooming in a cozy, intimate pet spa, not a big box store! Check out our social media to see all of our happy clients! Nail Trims by appointment only. 143 North Lake Street, Forest Lake 651-464-6996 Call one of our Certified Master Groomers at Visit our web site and Take a Virtual Tour! Award Winning Pet Grooming! 750933 2015-2020 2017-2021 | petstylesgrooming | petstylesgrooming PETSTYLES
Grooming Salon BACK TO SCHOOL 100% dedicated to your pet’s grooming in a cozy, intimate pet spa, not a big box store! Check out our social media to see all of our happy clients! Tues-Sat Day & Eve Appts. Cal one of our Certified Master Groomers at 143 North Lake Street, Forest Lake | 651-464-6996 Forest Lake’s Orig nal Grooming Sa on since 1989 782606 2015-20202017-2023 | petstylesgrooming | petstylesgrooming
Submitted by Foster Adopt Minnesota, a state organization whose vision is to have zero kids waiting for permanent loving families, and mission to find and strengthen Minnesota adoptive, foster care and kinship families. To learn more, go to
Around the Lakes
NOW ENROLLING Before and After School Program Serving the Forest Lake School District APPLE ACADEMY IS OPENING A NEW SCHOOL AGE PROGRAM! 5350 E Viking Blvd. | Wyoming, MN 651-502-8782 781957 We are dedicated to providing exceptional quality education for your child. Apple Academy Learning Plus LEARNING PLUS Call Ashley today for a tour.

Special Photo Feature

Stillwater Chamber of Commerce

welcomes new leadership class

The Greater Stillwater Chamber of Commerce Foundation is pleased to announce the Leadership in the Valley 2023-24 class of participants. This is the fifth year of Leadership in the Valley and will be the largest cohort, at 32 participants.

Members of the cohort will begin their journey with a welcome reception and kick-off day on Sept. 13 and 14.

Leadership in the Valley is a nine-month program that runs from September through May. Classes meet in different locations around the community each month and explore a major topic covered by knowledgeable speakers and panels, class discussions and demonstrations and more. Topics addressed at these meetings include agriculture, government, economic development, health and wellness, education and other topics.

For more information on the event and Leadership in the Valley program, please contact the Chamber office.


Warden’s House Museum site manager named

The Washington County Historical Society is excited to announce that the new Warden’s House Museum site manager is Heidi Heinze of River Falls, Wisconsin.

Following the resignation of the previous site manager, the Historical Society held a two-month search for the next person to guide the Warden’s House Museum. Executive Director Brent Peterson noted, “It is important to find the right person to oversee this important historic building. Much of the history of our community, county and state is in this museum, making it one of the most significant historical structures in the Midwest.”

Heinze’s background includes 10 years as the site manager of the Octagon House Museum in Hudson. She also has been on the River Falls Historic Preservation Commission for 13 years, many of them as commission chair. She earned a bachelor’s degree in American History at the University of Wisconsin – Madison and completed an internship with the Goodhue County Historical Society in Red Wing, Minnesota.

This is not the first time Heinze has been at the Warden’s House; she was a volunteer guide for several years before the pandemic closed the museum. She has also volunteered with the Pierce County Historical Association in Bay City, Wisconsin, working with the collections and exhibits.

The Warden’s House Museum is located at 602 N. Main Street, Stillwater, and is open Thursdays through Sundays with tours at 1, 2, 3 and 4 p.m. This year, the Warden’s House turns 170 years old: it was constructed in 1853, five years before Minnesota became a state!

Stop in, welcome Heinze to the Warden’s House Museum, and wish her well. Special tours can be arranged by calling the museum.

For more information about the Washington County Historical Society, call the Historical Society at 651-439-5956 or email at

St. Croix Valley Orchestra welcomes 2 new members

The St. Croix Valley Orchestra is excited to announce two new musical leaders to the orchestra’s leadership team.

Matthew Poon will join as the new musical director. He brings an impressive array of musical credentials to his role, and has a degree in music performance from McMaster University and a doctorate in music theory from the University of Toronto. Poon has cultivated a strong foundation in both performance and academia. His previous experience leading multiple orchestras has allowed him to hone his skills as a dynamic and engaging conductor.

Joining Poon in this new leadership team is Zachary Bartsch, who will take over the role of associate director. He teaches grades 5-12 as instrumental music teacher at the Prairie Farm School District and also previously taught for four years at the Hillsboro School District.

Bartsch has a bachelor’s degree in music education from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire with an ongoing pursuit of a masters of music in music education degree from Concordia College, Moorhead.

Heads up: Afton native honored for upcoming birthday

Afton, Minnesota native Jessie Diggins will be honored at the National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum.

The bobblehead features

the Minnesota native recordbreaking Olympic cross-country skier. Diggins is the most decorated American crosscountry skier of all time.

Diggins began skiing at the age of 4 and has appeared in three Olympic Games. In her second appearance in 2018 in South Korea, Diggins and teammate Kikkan Randall won the United States’ first-ever cross-country skiing gold medal at the Winter Olympic in team sprint. At the end of the Games, she was the flag bearer for the United States in the closing ceremony. As Diggins approached the finish line, announcer Chad Salmela jubilantly called out “HERE COMES DIGGINS!” at the end of the stunning victory.

At the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, Diggins won silver in the 30k freestyle and the bronze medal in the individual sprint to become the first American to win an individual Olympic medal in a cross-country sprint. She made her debut in 2014 in Sochi and has a best finish of eight in the 15k skiathlon.

Diggins will receive her own bobblehead in the National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum to celebrate her 32nd birthday and achievements. Her birthday is on Saturday, Aug. 26.

The bobblehead is being produced by the National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum in conjunction with Diggins.

Upcoming Games

August 29-September 3 vs. Columbus Clippers

September 19-24 vs.

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Heidi Heinze Zachary Bartsch Matthew Poon
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PHOTOS CONTRIBUTED Minnesota native Jessie Diggins will have her own bobblehead at the National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum. PHOTO BY TIM PALM Main Street in Stillwater during the “Dance Here” event on Saturday night.

Ongoing Wine Club membership. See website for info. Two Silo Winery

Ongoing Winey Tour every Sat & Sun 4-5 pm Two Silo Winery Ongoing Open to public Th-Su unless closed for private event. Belle Ame Vineyard

Sept. 3 Wine and Canvas Painting Party 3-6 pm St. Croix Vineyards


20 THE LOWDOWN SEPTEMBER 2023 *Note: Events are subject to change or be cancelled. Please call or visit the websites or Facebook pages for the most up-to-date information. Vineyards & Breweries 61 95 35E 96 694 WBL Stillwater 36 SEPTEMBER UPCOMING EVENTS DATE EVENT TIME Vineyard/Brewery Rustic Roots Winery Scandia, MN Dancing Dragonfly Vineyards St. Croix Falls, WI Belle Âme Winery River Falls, WI 94 35 8 Big Wood Brewery Saint Croix Vineyards WBL Meadery WBL Dellwood Grant “A premier destination for all good things” 101 hwy 96 East Dellwood 7 651-478-6300 7 Vines Vineyard 774116 771004 DRINK LIKE A VIKING. DRINK MEAD! MINNESOTA’S FIRST MEAD HALL 1320 COUNTY RD. D. CIRCLE, MAPLEWOOD WHITEBEARMEADERY.COM | 651-352-9552 FIND US ON FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM •Gluten Free •Barrel Aged •Private Event Space See our website for tasting room hours 774110 780202 W10829 875th Ave - River Falls, WI 612.405.4388 | 774113 During the week and many weekends we offer wine tastings, community events, and light fare catered by local businesses. 7 774119 6428 Manning Ave., Stillwater Since 1992 • 651-430-3310 Open 7 Days a Week 10-6 771005 Follow detour signs near the Manning/Hwy. 36 intersection. “ Come for the view. Stay for the wine TWOSILOWINERY.COM “ 774108 7 Vines Vineyard Two Silo Winery 772687 Take Comfort. Drink Well. We invite you to take in our beautiful views of the St. Croix River Valley while you enjoy one of our award-winning wines, wine slushies, hard cider and Uncommon Loon craft beer. Join us for live music every Sunday afternoon from 3 - 6pm 651.433.3311 • 20168 St. Croix Trail N
3 Music:
1-4 pm Dancing Dragonfly Sept. 3 Music: Jeff Brooks and Andrea Lind 3-6 pm Rustic Roots Sept. 5 Vinyasa Yoga 6-7 pm Rustic Roots Sept. 5 D&D Learn-to-play 7 pm White Bear Meadery Sept. 6 Live Music 3-9 pm 7 Vines Vineyard Sept. 7 & 8 Food truck: Mindful Fork & Basil & Honey Belle Ame Vineyard Sept. 9-10 Grape Stomp! Noon-5 pm St. Croix Vineyards Sept. 10 Grapes & Crepe Brunch (Resv) 11 am-1 pm Belle Ame Vineyard Sept. 10 Music: Garret McPhae 2-5 pm Belle Ame Vineyard Sept. 10 Music: Big Mike and the Funkton 1-5 pm St. Croix Vineyards Sept. 10 Music: Sage Leary 3-6 pm Rustic Roots Sept. 10 Yoga in the Vineyard 11 am Dancing Dragonfly Sept. 10 Music: Billy Johnson 1-4 pm Dancing Dragonfly Sept. 12 Kowalski’s fashion show (tickets) 6 pm 7 Vines Vineyard Sept. 12 Paint and Sip party Call for time Big Wood Brewery Sept. 13 Music: Gary LaRue 5:30-8:30 pm 7 Vines Vineyard Sept. 14 Food Truck: Mindful Fork and Basil & Honey Belle Ame Vineyard Sept. 14 Music: Sten Carlson 5-8 pm Belle Ame Vineyard Sept. 15 Food Truck: Mindful Fork and Basil & Honey Belle Ame Vineyard Sept. 16 Grape Stomp Festival w/ music 11 am-7 pm Dancing Dragonfly Sept. 17 Grape Stomp Festival w/ music Noon-5 pm Dancing Dragonfly Sept. 17 Music: Tuscany Trio 2-5 pm 7 Vines Vineyard Sept. 17 Music: Riverside Unplugged 3-6 pm Rustic Roots Sept. 19 Vinyasa Yoga 6-7 pm Rustic Roots Sept. 19 Charcuterie class “Boarding school” Call for time Big Wood Brewery Sept. 19 One Shot D&D Adventure 7 pm White Bear Meadery Sept. 20 Music: Cole Thomas 5:30-8:30 pm 7 Vines Vineyard Sept. 21 Music: Sarah VanValkenburg 4-7 pm Belle Ame Vineyard Sept. 22 Art at the Winery – Paint & Sip 6-8:30 pm Dancing Dragonfly Sept. 23 Yoga and Mead 11 am-12 pm White Bear Meadery Sept. 24 Music: Becky Rae 2-5 pm 7 Vines Vineyard Sept. 24 Music: Mary Hall 3-6 pm Rustic Roots Sept. 24 Music: Tim Fast 1-4 pm Dancing Dragonfly Sept. 26 Paint and Sip party 6 pm White Bear Meadery Sept. 28 Farmers and Artisans Market 4-7 pm Rustic Roots Sept. 28 Food truck: Mindful Fork and Basil & Honey Belle Ame Vineyard Sept. 28 Music: The Swongos 4-7 pm Rustic Roots Sept. 28 Music: Andy Hanson 4-7 pm Belle Ame Vineyard Sept. 29 Movie Night Belle Ame Vineyard Sept. 29 Pure Barre Pop-Up 6-8 pm Belle Ame Vineyard Sept. 29-Oct./1 Oktoberfest party w/food and music Big Wood Brewery Sept. 30 Oktoberfest 10am-9pm Dancing Dragonfly
Tim  Cheesebrow

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