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BELIEVET DAYS: Rescue dogs save lives
training service dogs for veterans. He offered to set up the business side if Daly would set up the training side.
Canine Service Partners, now Believet, was born. Its vision is “To empower military men and women who have served and sacrificed for our country, our goal is to help them return to civilian life with dignity and independence.” Since then, the organization has trained and placed over 40 dogs with wounded veterans, free of charge.
Service dogs are expensive — it costs about $30,000 per dog, despite significant volunteerism in the organization — and training is time-consuming. Volunteers train, foster and provide veterinary care for the 12-18 months it takes to turn rescue dogs from shelters and donated puppies into accredited service dogs. It’s a high-level “military-type” operation Believet staff members coordinate daily, getting the dogs to and from their fosters and trainers and their veterans for all the different training sessions.
“So many vets who need these dogs aren’t applying for them,” said Brian Smith, Army veteran and Believet chairman. “They think there are other vets out there who need them more, or they don’t think they are worthy. It vexes me every day when I come across these veterans who would be ideal candidates but they won’t sign up and do the stuff needed to get one of our dogs. And it would enrich their lives so much … and maybe even save their lives.”
Believet runs pretty exclusively on donations. Veterans must complete 120 hours of training after selection to show their commitment and help show suitability before they start training with their dog. This is fairly unique to Believet, but the practice contributes greatly to the organization’s extremely high success rate.
Tim Luckey, formerly an armored crew member in the Army, lives in Medford with his wife and three kids. His PTSD was getting so bad that he was starting to listen to the dark thoughts going through his head. His VA doctor suggested a service dog. Luckey was dubious, but finally agreed. The VA program
When: 7:30 p.m. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays; 2 p.m. Sundays, June
Where: Hanifl Performing Arts Center, 4941 Long Ave., White Bear Lake learn about different kinds of fish and different ways to catch them. Equipment provided. Free park entry and fishing license not required.
Contact: co.washington. mn.us/parks
CONTRIBUTED wasn’t going to get him a dog until 2026. Luckey searched for programs nearby and found Believet. He then got Nova, an English cream golden retriever, who was donated to Believet. He said it changed his life.
Since its inception, Believet has placed over 40 dogs with wounded veterans.
“Next to my wife and kids, she’s my most important family member, and I take her everywhere,” Luckey said. “Dark thoughts still cross my mind, but now they just pass through and I pay them no heed. She helps me cope. She calms me. She keeps me from doing stupid stuff. I couldn’t do it without her.”

Asked if he had any advice for veterans who have thought about applying for a service dog, Luckey said, “Just do it! The application looks huge and intimidating. The VA will even help you with it. I recommend doing it on the VA app on your phone. It seems hard, but once you start, it’s over and you’ve begun working with Believet, which is amazing.”
Believet spends 97% of the donations it takes in on operational costs, relying entirely on word of mouth to generate publicity. But many veterans in the area still have not heard of it or its mission.
Many north metro service clubs are hosting “Believet Days” over the second weekend in June. These events will feature an official proclamation from Gov. Tim Walz. Events are listed below.
• The North St. Paul American Legion will hold a benefit from 5 to 8 p.m. Friday, June 9.
• The sixth annual Believet Motorcycle Ride will be held Saturday, June 10, at the Lino Lakes American
Legion. Registration is from 8:3010:30 a.m., kickstands up at 10:30 a.m. The ride goes to the Forest Lake VFW, then on to Vets Campground on Big Marine Lake for a flag retirement. It next heads to Sal’s in Withrow, then on to the North St. Paul American Legion. The ride will end at the Roseville VFW by 4:30 p.m., where a benefit will take place until 7:30 p.m. At 7 p.m., there will be a parade of checks to Believet. At each of the benefits and stops, Believet veterans and their dogs will make an appearance for people to meet. There will also be merchandise available for purchase. Believet is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit; donors will receive receipts in kind with their donations.
“There are lots of great organizations that help veterans with service dogs and we support them all, but Believet is something really special,” Roseville VFW Commander Kent Emmert said. “They take rescue dogs, train them to be service dogs for vets with PTSD, then give them free of charge to our brothers and sisters, and it saves their lives. And the dogs that don’t make it through the training are all given to veteran families as pets! It’s win-win-win, and it’s the most important charity that we support at our post.”
For more information, go to believet.org.
Details: See 10 never-before-seen plays from around the world performed by Lakeshore Players actors.
Contact: 651-478-7427 or lakeshoreplayers.org
When: 7-8:30 p.m. Thursday, June 8
Where: White Bear Center for the Arts, 4971 Long Ave.
Details: Discussion with minister, author, actress and visual artist Beverly Tipton Hammond, part of the AHHA! Series. Free with registration.
Contact: whitebeararts. org

When: 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, June 10
Where: Wargo Nature Center, 7701 Main St., Lino
Details: Children 5+ can learn about turtles, find them on the trails, meet live turtles and celebrate with a turtle ice cream cake. Bring a picnic cloth and lunch. See registration information online.
Contact: 763-324-3350 or anokacountyparks.com
When: 6-8 p.m. Saturday, June 10
Where: Lake Elmo Park Reserve fishing pier, 1515 Keats Ave.
Details: Learn how to set up a rod, put bait on the hook, cast like a pro, and take fish off the hook. Also,
When: June 10-11
Where: Century College
Details: 2-day, 150 mile bike event begins in Proctor and ends at Century College with overnight in Hinckley. Twin Cities riders bus from Century College. Fundraiser for National MS Society.
Contact: mssociety.donordrive.com
When: 6 p.m. Sundays, June 11 through August

Where: Little Goose Lake
Details: White Bear-based team of 120 amateur skiers performs weekly throughout the summer.
Contact: skiotter.com
When: 9 a.m.-noon Sunday, June 11
Where: Blacksmith Lounge, 17205 Forest Blvd. N., Hugo
Details: All makes and models welcome; same day registration. Proceeds benefit Guide Dogs of America.
When: 3-7 p.m. Wednesdays, June 14-Oct. 4
Where: Back parking lot, Lexington Municipal Liquor Store, 4139 Woodland Rd.
Details: Open air market with local vegetables, crafters, and baked goods. Rain or shine.
Contact: 612-272-3386
Saturday at 4:30 pm Parish Community Center
6995 Centerville Rd, Centerville
Sunday at 8:30 am St. John’s Site
14383 Forest Blvd N, Hugo
Sunday at 10:30 am Parish Community Center

6995 Centerville Rd, Centerville