4 minute read


Around Town

P.M on July 11, 2023.


In accordance with the Americans With Disability Act, a hearing impaired individual, wishing to attend the Public Hearing, you may request a sign language translator by contacting City Hall (763) 784-2792 within one week prior to the hearing.

Bill Petracek, City Administrator

Published one time in the Quad Community Press on June 6, 2023.





Thursday, June 15th, 2023, 2:00

1. Centennial American Indian Education recently honored graduating seniors with a senior honoring ceremony. The event included a feast of buffalo and wild rice as well as keynote speaker Miss Minnesota Rachel Evangelisto. Each of the students was presented with blankets and eagle feathers. — Contributed

2. These bears were spotted in the area of Bluebill Lane and Main Street in Lino Lakes. — Chad Bruner, contributed

3-4. Centennial Preschoolers, incoming kindergartners and their families were invited to enjoy a DJ, crafts, photo booth, bubbles, chalk and ice cream sandwiches at an end-of-year celebration at Rice Lake Elementary School. — Contributed

5. If you keep your eyes high to the sky and listen for high-pitched whistling, you might spot the cedar waxwings that are back in area neighborhoods building their nests. — LeAnn Michael, contributed

Send us your photos for possible inclusion in Spotted Around Town. Please email your best shot to quadnews@presspubs.com. Please include information about when and where it was taken and who is in the photo.

Weekly Wag

Church Brief

It’s Big Dog Day, and Chevy is the sweetest big dog you’ll meet. He is a beautiful Great Dane mix and weighs about 90 pounds. Twoyear-old Chevy is a mellow couch potato who loves to snuggle. He sometimes forgets that he is not a little lap dog. Chevy is social and likes everyone he meets. He also gets along well with other pets and is respectful of them and their space. Chevy is not super active, but he does enjoy going for walks and he is very good on a leash. Be prepared, however, when out in public, because Chevy is a showstopper. He draws a lot of attention and his walks are often interrupted several times by people who want to stop and meet him.

Chevy knows his basic commands and listens well, but he is guilty of counter surfing, which obviously is very for him. Chevy sleeps through the night on his dog bed and lets you know in the morning when he needs to go out. He is a mellow, easy-going, gentle giant.

St. Mark hosts garage sale

Upcoming Games

If you are interested in learning more about Chevy or adopting him, please fill out an application at www. ruffstartrescue.org. Once your application is received, Ruff Start Rescue will contact you as soon as possible.

MDAN ads to run ONE TIME, the week beginning 6/4/2023 Metro

St. Mark Lutheran Church will host a parking lot sale from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, June 17. The public is invited to either attend the sale or shop the sale. Just pay for the parking space and bring your own tables/display items. For more information, email Karen Gregory at kgregory244@gmail. com or call 763-786-2926. St. Mark is located at 1 North Road in Circle Pines.


Do you have a Classic or Vintage Boat? (Outboard, Inboard, or Non-Motor)

Join us at the WBL Boat Show on June 24th 2023. Call 651-407-1200 to reserve a spot

Do you have any Nautical themed items to sell? Join the Nautical Market at the WBL Boat Show on June 24th 2023. Call 651-407-1200 to reserve a table

MorningsideMemGdns Co on Ra pids Burial Plot, Tranquility55C -3, $2000, 651-497-51 04

CASH FOR BEER & LIQUOR SIGNS: Neon s, Light Up, Metal, Mirrors Wood, New, Old. The more the better. Call or Text Don at 65


Imag ine cruising the St Croix River this spring in a 25.5' Bayliner Cruiser. The Saratoga will make memories! Grill steaks or impossible burgers, the sky is the limit!

Boat has Refri gerator, Sink, Grill, 2 batter ies, Marine radio, hardtop, full canvas,new power, 26 0hp, 5.7 MerCruiser $6500. Located at Wolf's Marina in Stillwater Must se ll due to ski accident 612-599-1729

EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY, all real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Ho using Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preferen ce limitation or discriminat ion based on race, co lo r, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or nationa l origin, or an intention, to make any such preferen ce limitation or discriminat ion.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 livin g with parents or legal cu stod ians; pregnant women and peop le securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not kn owingly accept any ad vertising for real esta te which is in violation of the law. Our readers ar e hereby informed that all dw ellings advertised in this newsp ap er are available on an equal oppor tunity basis To complain of discrimination call HUD toll free:

777. The toll-free number for hearing impaired is 1-800-927-92 75

Do you like helping solve problems? Can you make quick decisions? Have you considered a position he lp ing move freight/ load s for our business community? Call Ma rk at Re dline Logistics 651-481-0060


4687 Bald Eagle Ave., WBL 55110

Classified line ads run in all weekly Press papers presspubs.com


Warehouse Associate – 2nd Shift Mon - Thurs 1:30pm -12:00am

• Prepare Orders • Maintain Inventory Controls

• Organizing Warehouse • And More

Miniature Beagle Puppies AKC - Ready for their forever homes. Pictures & applications at https:// shilohbeagles.com/ index.html WBL 1650 E Hwy 96 6/7 - 9, 8-5; 6/10, 8-1 Tools, hardware, HH, plants, books, misc, Kids Clothes Sz 7 - 10 4819 Central Ave WBL, Jewelry Making Supply Sale and HH June 8 - 9, 8-5 pm June 10, 8-Noon Inventory Close Out: Beads, buttons, findings, cabs, metals, etc lots! Singer sewing mach., air fryer, vintage items, so much more Business for sale Arnold / Brownberry route with 8 accounts in St. Paul area Stable, recession-proof business • Asking $223,497 Average weekly sales $11,763 Giving you an average yearly gross commission income of $100,000 Handheld and printer additional: $1,500 Downpayment required Email Marketing@presspubs.com CLASSIFIEDS 8 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS www.presspubs.com JUNE 6, 2023

Highchairs,Portacribs,Auto Parts,Powerwheels

Multi-family June 8-10 10am-3pm Glen Oaks Ct WBL - HH, M&W, kids clothing, toys furniture + mu ch more!

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