Quad Community Press

Page 11

Music on the Lake –it’s Golden

The city of Circle Pines and Centennial Community Education will once again host Music on the Lake from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, July 13 at Golden Lake Park. The free concert will feature The Revolution 5, a Beatles tribute band. Pictured is Special Works DJ who provides some dance tunes for a crowd of all ages.

Get excited, because The Quad’s Best of the Press Readers’ Choice Contest is back! Voting will begin at 9 a.m. Wednesday, July 12 and will continue until 5 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 6.

“It’s a really fun time to engage with not only the community newspaper, but it’s also fun to be involved in getting excited about voting for your favorite foods and services around the community,” said Press Publications Marketing Manager Randy Roberts.

This year’s engagement has increased; locals locals are making 96% more nominations than last year.

The ‘best of’ contest allows locals to pick their favorites, ranging from breweries to area businesses and everything in between.

Voting is available on the Press Publications website at www.presspubs.com/quad/bestof . Each reader may vote up to one time per day.

Winners will be printed in a special section of the Quad Community Press the week of Oct. 4 and also posted online.

Centennial’s vibrant youth baseball/softball group in 65th year

The Centennial Lakes Little League Association is marking its 65th season of operation this summer. And since 2021, the group has partnered with the Centennial Lakes Fast-Pitch Association after enacting the merger of two competing local softball groups.

Pat Mahr has been the association leader for 35 years, starting in 1989 when the previous guy left due to a dispute.

“His daughter Jessica was playing at the time and he didn’t want the program to fold,” said Chris Reff, one of eight board members. “Pat jumped

in, not really understanding how big things would ever get.”

Here’s how big it got: the baseball association now has 48 teams with 582 kids, and the softball association has 27 teams with 255 kids, for a total of 75 teams and 837 kids playing ball.

“I planned to do it just that one year, and now I’ve been here 35 years. A lot has changed. We had maybe 20 teams total back then,” mused Mahr, who, with Jessica, coached a T-Ball team with his twin grand-daughters last summer.

Mahr is a daily fixture at Lexington Memorial in the summer, and works practically every day in the winter on association projects as well, Reff said.

Softball is played mostly at Lexington

Fields and Sunrise Park. Baseball is played on fields through the four cities: Carl Eck/Lions, Lexington Memorial, Rice Lake, La Motte and Sunrise. “We have so many teams now, it’s a difficult process to schedule all,” said Reff. “A great problem to have.”

Baseball teams usually play two evenings per week. Softball has double-headers twice a week with 65-minute time limits. There’s also occasional weekend tournaments. The kids also practice two evenings a week during the season. They start practicing in mid-March.

The massive organization is funded by registration fees, donations and

TUESDAY, JULY 11, 2023 VOL. 41 NO. 39 www.quadcommunitypress.com $1.00 CENTERVILLE AUTHOR: Publishes book inspired by journal entries
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of’ contest
voting commences
of the Press Quad Community Press
SEE 65 YEARS, PAGE 11 The Next Generation of Auto Repair Owned Operated • Dealership level service with personal feel! • Full service Foreign & Domestic Auto Repair. Every vehicle receives a 21-point safety and maintenance Pod’s is your one stop shop for all 16 This is a different kind of repair center and we think you are going to like it! NEW Extended Hours & Saturday Hours Mon - Fri 8am-8pm • Saturday 9am-2pm Up to 5 quarts semi synthetic oil. Most cars and light trucks. Some restrictions may apply. Exp5/1/12 Pod’s 651-426-4640 Spring Maintenance Special Coolant Flush • 4 Tire Rotate • Transmission Flush Tire Balance Check • Brake Inspection Top Off All Fluids • Battery & Charging Systems Test Air Conditioning Performance Test $169 Factory Scheduled Maintenance Starting at just $99 Everyday Low Price. Spray in Bed-Liners • Complete Auto Repair Vehicle Accessories • Automotive Detailing Oil Change & Tire Rotation $ 19.90 Semi synthetic oil (up to 5 qts) Tire Rotation • 21-point inspections Top off all fluids Reg $50.89 Reg $275 MM100 Find Facebook for More Deals! O fers Wireless Internet Wait! for More Great Free While Y Ryan & Nicole Podewils OPEN: Monday – Friday • 8am-6pm 3634 Scheuneman Rd. • White Bear Lake, MN • (651) 426-4640 Next Generation of Auto Repair Owned and Operated Dealership level personal feel! service Foreign Auto Every vehicle receives a 21-point safety and maintenance inspection as well as a vacuum. is your one shop for all automotive needs.. offer full 16 This is a different kind of repair center and we think you are going to like it! NEW Extended Hours & Saturday Hours Mon - Fri 8am-8pm • Saturday 9am-2pm Up to 5 quarts semi synthetic oil. Most cars and light trucks. Some restrictions may apply. Exp5/1/12 Pod’s 651-426-4640 Spring Maintenance Special Coolant Flush • 4 Tire Rotate • Transmission Flush Tire Balance Check • Brake Inspection Top Off All Fluids • Battery & Charging Systems Test Air Conditioning Performance Test Most cars and light trucks. Dex-cool extra. Some restrictions may apply. Exp5/1/12 Pod’s 651-426-4640 $169 Factory Scheduled Maintenance Starting at just $99 Everyday Low Price. Spray in Bed-Liners • Complete Auto Repair Vehicle Accessories • Automotive Detailing Oil Change & Tire Rotation $ 19.90 Semi synthetic oil (up to 5 qts) Tire Rotation • 21-point inspections Top off all fluids $ 25 OFF Sprayed In $ 60 OFF * up to Reg $50.89 Reg $275 MM100 MM101 Complete Brake Service Pothole SPecial Save Your Tires & Suspension Components! $ 99 Wireless Internet While Wait! 28 Years of Excellence 3634 Scheuneman Rd. • White Bear Lake • 651-426-4640 WBC110 WBC110 WBC110 Offer Good June 1 - July 31, 2023 See Retailer for Details 779253 Full service oil change (up to 5 qts) & Tire Rotation 21-point inspections Top off all fluids Most cars and light trucks Semi-Synthetic $24.90 Prem Synthetic $59.90 Full Synthetic $49.90 Some restrictions may apply. Exp.7/31/23 We will check AC temperature, system pressures, belts, and hose to make sure your system is operating at peak efficiency. Oil Change & Tire Rotation 3634 Scheuneman Rd. | White Bear Lake • 651-426-4640 3634 Scheuneman Rd. White Bear Lake • 651-426-4640 Visa® Prepaid Card or Virtual Account when you buy a set of 4 qualifying tires Standard brake service: Replace brake pads or shoes. Clean and lube brake hardware. Parts will be additional. Complete Brake Service $149 Front or Rear Brake Service (Includes free brake inspection) Free Air Conditioning Performance Test Some restrictions may apply. Exp.7/31/23
Lakes youth baseball and softball players were special guests of the Centennial Cougar baseball varsity when they hosted Mahtomedi.


Two pilots are thankful to be alive after two separate incidents in Anoka County.

The first incident happened around 2 p.m. Saturday, July 8 near 125th Avenue NE and Legacy Creek Parkway in the city of Blaine. The plane was on its way from the Cambridge Airport to the Flying Cloud Airport in Eden Prairie when the pilot decided to make a stop at the Anoka County Airport in Blaine after experiencing low oil pressure. The pilot was not able to make it to the airport, but landed on the roadway safely. The pilot, who was flying a Cessna 172, was not injured and the plane didn’t sustain any damage.

The second incident happened around 8 p.m. that same day. The Lino Lakes Public Safety Department received calls of an aircraft incident on the east side of Lino Lakes. Officers and firefighters arrived to find a lightweight experimental aircraft that had set down into

a large holding pond near a residential area. The pilot was the lone occupant and was not injured. There were also no injuries to anyone else in the area and no other property was damaged.

The investigation into both incidents are underway.

Lino fire hosts live burn training

The Lino Lakes Fire Department recently hosted a live burn training on a home that was set to be demolished.

The live fire training exercises were designed to provide the firefighters conditions that are very similar to responding to an actual home fire. The firefighters used the tactics they would deploy on a house fire to gain control and extinguish the fire. Once that was accomplished, they ventilated the smoke from the structure and practiced searching for victims.

“This was a golden opportunity for our agency and our neighbors to be able to train in real fire conditions,” said Dan L’Allier, deputy director of Public Safety-Fire Division.

Several neighboring agencies also participated in the training including: The Centennial Fire District, Hugo Fire Department, Ham Lake Fire Department, East Bethel Fire Department, Bethel Fire Department and the Oak Grove Fire Department. Allina EMS also provided stand-by during the training.

House fire guts home

LINO LAKES — A Lino Lakes family is safe and a Gofundme account has been created following a fire that gutted the Mikel and Jenny Roe home July 3.

At 12:19 p.m., the Lino Lakes Public Safety Fire Division, along with, the Centennial Fire District, Spring Lake Park, Blaine, Mounds View Fire Department were dispatched to the home in the 700 block of Country Lakes Drive.

Upon arrival, the home was fully engulfed in fire. The first arriving crews were able to slow the spread of the fire, but due to the extreme heat, a second alarm was called. This brought Lexington Fire and Lake Johanna Fire Departments to the scene. Due to the heat, it made difficult work for firefighters.

The family was able to evacuate the home safely before fire crews arrived. One of the family cats was not able to be located by fire crews. Luckily, the family was able to locate the cat, and it is doing well. All fire crews

were clear from the scene by 4:20 p.m.

In addition to the fire crews, the Centennial Lakes Police Department, Allina EMS and Lino Lakes Public Works responded to the scene.

According to a Gofundme that was set up for the family, the fire also destroyed two cars. The Gofundme can be found at https://tinyurl.com/y3mbmf4f .

2 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS JULY 11, 2023 www.presspubs.com 171 Elm Street, Lino Lakes (4 blocks west of Lake Drive on Elm Street) 651-784-3015 • www.mystjoes.me Sat, Aug 12 5 pm Outdoor Mass Celebration 6 – 10 pm Pork Dinner, St. Joe’s Bar, Concessions, Pull Tabs, Special Raffles, Wine Toss, Games for youth and adults 7– 10 pm Live Music and Dancing featuring GB Leighton 10 pm Fireworks Spectacular! 8:30 & 10 am Mass in the Worship Space 11 am – 2:30 pm Chicken Picnic 11 am – 3 pm Silent Auction – Online bidding ends at 3:00 pm 11 am – 5 pm Live Music and Dancing featuring Saints of Swing and Java Soul, BINGO, Carnival Games, Concessions, St. Joe’s Bar, Classic Car Show & More 5 pm Special Raffles and Grand Raffle Drawings over $20,000 in prizes! St. Joseph Summer Festival 779372 FREE ADMISSION Both Days! Sun, Aug 13 Featuring GB Leighton! Saturday, Aug. 12 7-10 pm Get the most out of your lawn this summer. Your First Application 50% OFF* Save now with *Requires purchase of annual plan. Special price is for first Lawn application only. Requires purchase of annual plan, for new residential EasyPay or PrePay customers only. Valid at participating TruGreen locations. Availability of services may vary by geography. Not to be combined with or used in conjunction with any other offer or discount. Additional restrictions may apply. Consumer responsible for all sales tax. †Purchase of annual lawn plan required forTruGreen Lawn Assessment, which is performed at the first visit. ◆Guarantee applies to annual plan customers only. BBB accredited since 07/01/2012. ©2023 TruGreen Limited Partnership. All rights reserved. In Connecticut, B-0153, B-1380, B-0127, B-0200, B-0151. SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY! 1-833-914-2939 TruGreen® will gladly visit your property as needed between scheduled visits to ensure your satisfaction◆ 769662
JIM DRENNEN | CONTRIBUTED A home in the 700 block of Country Lakes Drive is destoyed by fire. NORTH METRO FIRE BUFF | CONTRIBUTED Several fire departments participate in a live burn training. NORTH METRO FIRE BUFF | CONTRIBUTED An experimental aircraft landed in a holding pond near a residential area in Lino Lakes July 8. CONTRIBUTED The Blaine Police Department was dispatched to an aircraft that landed on the roadway near 125th Avenue and Legacy Creek Parkway in Blaine July 8.



When: 3-7 p.m. Wednesdays, June 14Oct. 4

Where: Back parking lot, Lexington Municipal Liquor Store, 4139 Woodland Rd.

Details: Open air market with local vegetables, crafters, and baked goods. Rain or shine.

Contact: 612-272-3386


When: 5:30-7:30 p.m. Thursdays, July

6-Aug. 10

Where: 1721 West View Ave., next to Centerville Elementary

Details: Items made by local artisans, produce, live music, and food trucks. Stay to watch Bald Eagle Water Ski Show.



When: 7:30 p.m. Friday, July 14; 7:30 p.m. Saturday, July 15; 2 p.m. Sunday, July 16


Postage prices, subscription rates increase

For the second time this year, the United States Postal Service (USPS) is raising rates.

Effective this month, First class mail prices are increasing 4.8% to 66 cents, postcards are up by 6% to 51 cents and periodical postage is increasing 8.8% for Within County newspapers and 8.1% for Outside County newspapers.

This hike is the fifth increase since early 2019, when a Forever stamp cost 50 cents. The higher postage prices haven’t come without criticism, however, with some postal experts pointing out that customers are paying more while getting less for their money.

That’s because the 10-year plan has slowed the post office’s delivery standard for mail to six days, down from its prior goal of three-day delivery to any destination within the U.S. And the series of price hikes means that the cost of a postage stamp has soared much higher than inflation, which has jumped 20% in the same period, accord-


Where: Lakeshore Players Theatre, 4941 Long Ave., White Bear Lake

Details: Performers tell the fictional story of Florence Foster Jenkins, a wealthy eccentric who suffered under the delusion that she was a great soprano when she was in fact tone-deaf. Ticket information online.

Contact: 651-478-7427 or lakeshoreplayers.org


When: 6-7:45 p.m. Tuesday, July 18

Where: White Bear Lake Library, 2150 2nd St.

Details: Ar-Dale Dancers teach the basics of square dancing. Solos, couples,

and families welcome. Casual attire. Contact: Rick, 651-208-5807


When: 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thursday, July 13

Where: White Bear Center for the Arts, 4971 Long Ave.

Details: Visit with artist Edson Rosas and view the exhibition on display through Aug. 19.

Contact: 651-407-0597 or whitebeararts. org

Meditation Series: Heartfulness

When: 6-8 p.m. Thursday, July 13, 20 and 27

Where: Hardwood Creek Library, 19955 Forest Rd. N., Forest Lake

Details: Explore the benefits of meditation with guided chair yoga nd breathing techniques. Ages 15+. Registration required. Contact: 651-275-7300 or washcolib.org

Summer Friday and Student Art Sale

When: Noon-3 p.m. Friday, July 14

Where: White Bear Center for the Arts,

4971 Long Ave.

Details: Lawn games, live music, and WBCA students selling artwork outdoors.

Contact: 651-407-0597 or whitebeararts. org


When: 1-3 p.m. Saturday, July 15

Where: White Bear Center for the Arts, 4971 Long Ave.

Details: Art demos, make-and-take projects, live music, and student art sale.

Contact: 651-407-0597, whitebeararts.org


When: Through July 16

Where: Centerville

Details: week-long community festival includes live music, vendor market, bike ride, water ski show, kids activities, Bingo, kickball and cornhole tournaments, car show, parade, concessions and beer tent, fireworks show, and more. See website for schedule of events and locations. Contact: fetedeslacs.org

conditions online at www.health.state. mn.us/people/cannabis/patients/conditions.html. To become a patient in the medical cannabis program, a person must be certified by a participating health care practitioner for at least one qualifying medical condition. More information on enrolling in the medical cannabis program is available online at www.health.state.mn.us/people/cannabis/patients/registration.html.

ing to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Minnesota’s Medical Cannabis program begins accepting certified IBS, OCD patients

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has added irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) to the list of qualifying medical conditions for participation in Minnesota’s medical cannabis program. Patients certified by a participat-

ing health care practitioner as having either of these conditions can buy medical cannabis at a medical cannabis dispensary starting Aug. 1, 2023.’

The two new conditions were approved last year during MDH’s annual petition and public comment process. Research has shown that people who suffer from these conditions can see benefits from using medical cannabis to treat their symptoms. With the two newest additions, the medical cannabis program now has 19 qualifying medical conditions.

People interested in the program can see the full list of qualifying medical

Foundation will host annual golf tournament

The Centennial Area Education Foundation will host its third annual golf tournament from 12:30 to 6 p.m. Friday, Sept. 8 at Majestic Oaks Golf Club, located at 701 Bunker Lake Blvd., Ham Lake. Registration includes: 18-holes, dinner and awards, surprise competitions along the course, party carts, and more. Raffle tickets may also be purchased for the chance to win prizes. Registration deadline is Aug. 4. To register, or for more information,

“Because we’re in this together.”

WHAT’S HAPPENING JULY 11, 2023 www.presspubs.com QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS 3 To make changes or to advertise here, call at 651-407-1200. 762052 Church Directory Find the church that fits your needs Celebrate Mass with us! Saturday at 4:30 pm Parish Community Center  6995 Centerville Rd, Centerville  Sunday at 8:30 am St. John’s Site  14383 Forest Blvd N, Hugo  Sunday at 10:30 am Parish Community Center  6995 Centerville Rd, Centerville  www.stgens.org 651‐429‐7937 761757 761676 Join Us for Mass Mass Times: Saturday at 5:00 pm Sunday at 8:30 am and 10:00 am 171 Elm Street • Lino Lakes, MN • 651-784-3015 761677 762801 We welcome you to worship with us Virtually and in Person Sunday 9:30 am Fellowship & refreshments following the service 7330 Lake Drive | 651-784-7667 admin@linolakescommunitychurch.com & directions (1 mile south of Target on Lake Dr) Service times are subject to change during the coronavirus crisis. Contact your local church or check church web sites for service time and online service information. Family Worship Sunday 10:00 AM Call 763-784-1607 for Together Times TOGETHER PLACE CHURCH 3860 Flowerfield Rd, Circle Pines togetherplacechurch.org facebook.com/togetherplacechurch 761679
Fete des Lacs kicks off this week. See calendar listing for more info.

Voice cloning and deep fakes

By now we have heard about the phone calls and spoofing scams where the caller says something to the effect of, “your grandson has been kidnapped while traveling and we need you to send money for his release,” or “he is in the hospital and needs money to be treated.” They spoof the phone number on the caller ID and often use data found on social media or other records to make it sound convincing. Some have fallen for this and sent money, and then find out shortly afterward their loved one is perfectly safe. A few years ago my wife's 100-year old grandma received a call that her husband was in the hospital and needed money to get out, even though he had died years prior. She has dementia and doesn't have access to her finances, but it was distressing and difficult to convince her the call wasn't true. My father-in-law once received a call from his “grandson” but quickly figured out it was a scam because the person on the phone talked more than his grandson ever would.

These scams are getting more complex. Now with artificial intelligence, scammers can mirror voices with free voice cloning apps and software. They can pull voice recordings on voicemails or social media videos. The sofware will make it very difficult to determine a real call from a scam call.

If you have answered a call and think you’re being scammed, ask the caller a difficult question that only the real person would know. If you’re not sure, hang up and call the person back on the number you have for them, not on the number they called in on. Don't answer calls you don’t recognize, and let them go to voicemail. Also keep your phone number private, and don’t share it on any social media sites. Reconsider posting videos with music rather than voices.

Some media outlets have reported that voice cloning can take place with as short as a three second clip-they can clone your voice with only three seconds of audio. This continues to be a huge problem for artists in the music industry.

New puppy

Our neighborhood is sporting new puppies, from black labs, golden retrievers and the ever popular doodles. Puppies are cute, cuddly and fun until it’s time for bed or you have to clean up after them.

I don’t know what we were thinking when we added another Aussidoodle into our family mix. It seemed like our 3-year-old dog could benefit from a playmate, and with a kid still at home it felt like the timing was now or never. The two dogs are up early and play every morning, though the older one is running short of fur on his ears and tail from the constant biting by the puppy. We’ve been slowly introducing our puppy to others in the neighborhood and appreciate those who have respected our wishes. As your out walking your dog or dogs, keep in mind the different stages of dog ownership people are at and the goals they have in dog ownership. The new puppy has been another learning experience. We assumed he would have a similar personality to the other dog, who loves running outside and expressing his herding tendencies. The new one seems content to sit on the steps and watch the older one run. The puppy has been quick to learn a few tricks, though we wish those included sleeping a little later than 5 a.m., and asking to go outside every time he has to pee. We have a way to go in getting him settled into the family, but if you're thinking of getting a puppy its a friendly reminder its more work than you remember. As always, when getting a dog consider a rescue or even better try taking on foster care of dogs and cats.

Carter Johnson is publisher of Press Publications.

Legislative session produces investments for present, future

By many measures, the 2023 session at the State Capitol was historic. The session was marked by extraordinary investments in Minnesotans, especially workingand middle-class residents, and the systems we use throughout our daily lives.

Some of these investments will be felt almost immediately by Minnesotans. In other cases, it will take years to feel their full effect.

I campaigned on “building bridges and getting results,” and that’s what I tried to do from the start at the Capitol. I was the chief author of 24 bills that became law. And whenever I could, I worked with stakeholders from various viewpoints and members from both parties to craft balanced legislation that will stand the test of time.

My number one priority this session was securing money for the redesign of Highway 65. For far too long, it’s been the most dangerous stretch of roadway in the metro area and a major inconvenience for people in the north metro.

I was able to secure an incredible $102.75 million investment in the

• Limited to 350 words.

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• Letter writers must live, work or have another connection to Press Publications coverage area.

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highway—enough to remove all the stoplights from 99th Avenue to 117th Avenue! I worked in a bipartisan fashion to secure this money, but I’m proud to be the only legislator representing Blaine or Lexington to vote for all $102.75 million. Construction is likely to begin in late 2025.

One investment Minnesotans will feel even sooner is my commitment to cutting property taxes. I heard a lot about skyrocketing property taxes on the campaign trail. So, when I was chosen to be Vice Chair of the House Tax Committee, I immediately got to work.

I authored a bill to “supercharge” the targeted property tax refund. This means if your property taxes increase by more than 6% from 2023 to 2024, you’ll get a refund of up to $2,500. Based on voter feedback, I also authored a bill to increase the Homestead Market Value Exclusion to $517,200 since home values have increased so much in recent years. This bill became law as well.

Local governments will also see boosts in state funding, with the goal of reducing their reliance on property taxes to pay for basic services. Lexington will get an extra $95,395, a 21% boost. Anoka County will see an increase of 30.7% or almost $6 million.

I know many people are worried about recent spikes in crime as well. So, I authored $300 million

in public safety aid for cities and counties. This means $4.1 million for Anoka County, $3.1 million for Blaine, and $114,000 for Lexington to pay for public safety, fire, and emergency services.

One area where our investments will pay off in the long run is education. I was the chief author of a bill that led to a 4% increase in general per student funding for our public schools this year and a 2% increase next year. Even more importantly, my bill adjusts this funding for inflation in future state budgets so political gridlock at the Capitol will never again prevent students and teachers from having the resources they need.

One other key investment for our community is support for manufactured housing residents. I secured $27 million to improve infrastructure in these parks, repair and renovate units and lots, provide financing and down payment assistance, and encourage owners to sell to residents when a park is sold.

These are just a few of the investments Minnesotans will benefit from in the coming months and for decades to come. And, perhaps most importantly, we got our work done on time with no need for a special session!


six letters per year and at least four weeks must lapse between publication. Exceptions may be made for rebuttal letters.

• Due to space limitations, letters that don’t address local issues are not guaranteed publication.

• Repeat letters by the same writer about the same subject matter will not be


• Submissions containing libelous or derogatory statements will not be published.

• Submissions containing facts not previously published in the Press must be accompanied by factual verification.

• All letters are subject to editing.

• Deadline is 5 p.m. Wednesday of the week prior to publication.

• To submit a letter, e-mail it to quadnews@presspubs. com, fax it to 651-429-1242 or mail or deliver it to:

Ave. White Bear

MN 55110.

4 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS www.presspubs.com JULY 11, 2023 OPINION
Distributed weekly in: Blaine • Circle Pines Lexington • Lino Lakes COPYRIGHT© 2023 BY PRESS PUBLICATIONS, INC. Material may not be reproduced in whole or part in any form whatsoever. News 651-407-1227 Advertising 651-407-1200 Circulation 651-407-1234 Classified/Obits 651-407-1250 Production 651-407-1239 FAX 651-429-1242 Published Tuesdays by Press Publications, Inc. 4779 Bloom Avenue White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m.- 3 p.m. Mailed Subscription Rate: $52.00 per year. Subscribe online at presspubs.com Carter C. Johnson Publisher cjohnson@presspubs.com Gene Johnson Publisher Emeritus ppinfo@presspubs.com Shannon Granholm Managing Editor quadnews@presspubs.com Patty Steele General Manager marketing@presspubs.com Randy Roberts Director of Sales & Marketing media@presspubs.com Mary Peterson Designer art@presspubs.com Brianna Luecken Circulation circ@presspubs.com Paul Dols Photo Journalist photos@presspubs.com Other departments obits@presspubs.com classified@presspubs.com callaspecialist@presspubs.com www.presspubs.com 651-407-1200 DISCLAIMER: Paid advertisements appear in Press Publications’ publications, including print and other digital formats. Press Publications does not endorse or evaluate the advertised product, service, or company, nor any of the claims made by the advertisement. Advertising does not influence editorial decisions or content. Press Publications reserves the right to refuse, reject, or cancel any ad for any reason at any time without liability.
Matt Norris is the Minnesota House of Representative for District 32B. Legislator Lingo Matt Norris Publisher’s View Carter Johnson



The Lino Lakes Police Department reported the following incidents:

• While on patrol late at night June 27, an officer observed an occupied suspicious vehicle in a parking lot in the 7100 block of 21st Avenue N. The juvenile driver and passenger were out after curfew and instructed to go home after attempting to contact parents.

• Officers responded to the 700 block of Town Center Parkway for a call of a disorderly employee who had been terminated June 27. The employee left prior to police arrival and was trespassed at the manager’s request.

• An officer took a phone call June 28 for a theft report in the 600 block of Town Center Parkway. The investigation is ongoing.

• An officer responded to a report of suspicious items being located in a wooded area June 28 in the 400 block of Aqua Lane. The items appeared to be dumped garbage.

• An officer received information June 29 of damage to city property in the 300 block of Elm Street. The officer documented the information and there is no suspect information at this time.

• An officer responded to a delayed property damage report June 29 in the 8000 block of Hazelwood Court. Further steps were taken to capture possible criminal activity in the area. The investigation is ongoing.

• An officer stopped a vehicle for a traffic violation June 29 in the 7600 block of 20th Avenue. Based on probable cause, the vehicle was searched and a controlled substance was located. The driver was charged for a traffic violation and controlled substance crime.

• Officers responded to a juvenile facility in the 7500 block of 4th Avenue June 29 for an assault. The officer documented the incident and three juveniles will be charged for the assault.

• An officer stopped a vehicle June 30 for a traffic violation on I-35E near Main Street. The driver showed signs of

impairment and was arrested and booked into jail for DWI.

• An officer responded to a call of a 911 hang-up June 30 in the 7700 block of Main Street and later learned the phone that called 911 was stolen. The officer was able to locate the stolen phone and returned it to the owner. Three juvenile suspects were involved and the parents of the three were made aware of the situation.

• An officer was requested to assist a neighboring agency with a canine sniff on a vehicle June 30 in the 100 block of I-35W. The driver of the vehicle was subsequently arrested.

• Officers were dispatched to the 6200 block of Red Maple Lane June 30 following a report of possible shots fired. Officers checked the area and determined the source was fireworks.

• Officers responded to a local residence in the 7400 block of Leonard Avenue on a report of a possible burglary in progress June 30. A K-9 was used to search the residence and no one was located.

• Officers were dispatched to a call of a possible domestic situation June 30 on Main Street. A male involved in the situation was found to be home alone and when approached, acted aggressively toward officers. The male was mailed a citation for disorderly conduct.

• An officer responded to a delayed theft and trespassing report July 1 in the 700 block of Apollo Drive. The investigation is ongoing.

• An officer responded to a driving complaint July 1 in the 6600 block of East Shadow Lake Court. The involved driver was spoken to and warned.

• An officer responded to a residence in the 6400 block of Tomahawk Trail where an adult female reported damage to her parked vehicle overnight July 1. The investigation is ongoing.

• An officer responded to the area of Pheasant Run S and Birch Street June 2 on a report of someone flying a

drone above houses in the area. The officer was unable to locate the drone.

• An officer conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for an equipment violation July 2 in the area of Main Street and Otter Lake Road. The male driver was cited for a traffic violation and marijuana that was located inside the vehicle.

• Officers and fire personnel responded to a house fire July 3 in the 700 block of Country Lakes Drive. Fire personnel from several departments responded and extinguished the fire. The incident was investigated by a fire investigator. (See public safety brief for more information.)

The Centennial Lakes Police Department reported the following incidents:

• Suspicious activity was reported in the 9400 block of Lexington Avenue in Lexington July 2.

• An officer observed a juvenile riding a bike in the area of Firebarn Road and East Road in Circle Pines July 2. The juvenile didn’t have any lights on the bike and was escorted home.

• Officers were dispatched July 2 to a delayed theft report in the 2000 block of Main Street in Centerville.

• Police responded July 3 to a delayed report of counterfeit currency at a gas station in the 2000 block of Main Street in Centerville.

• Police conducted a traffic stop in the 7400 block of Main Street in Centerville. One male was arrested on an outstanding warrant.

• Officers responded to the 4100 block of Lovell Road in Lexington June 28 for a damage to property incident that had just occurred. The female suspect fled the area in a silver passenger car, but was later located in Blaine and stopped. The female suspect was arrested and transported to jail.

• Property damage was reported in the 1600 block of Widgeon Circle in Centerville June 29.


Dart is a young, handsome male with lots of energy. He is affectionate, eager to please and likes all the people he meets. He is also social with other dogs and cats, and he loves to play. Dart arrived at Ruff Start Rescue from one of the organization’s northern partners.

Dart is a German shepherd mix. He is just over a year old and weighs about 50 pounds. A home with a fenced yard isn’t required but would suit Dart well as he loves to run and explore. He also likes to go on walks and would do well with an active to semi-active family. Dart is very affectionate and likes to be around his people. He is house trained and knows his basic commands, but he is intelligent and easily trainable, especially when treats are involved.

Dart is anxiously waiting for a loving family with an active lifestyle that will welcome him and continue teaching him how to be the best boy he can be. If you are interested in learning more about Dart or adopting him, please fill out an application at www. ruffstartrescue.org. Once your application is received, Ruff Start Rescue will contact you as soon as possible.

JULY 11, 2023 www.presspubs.com QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS 5
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• Guys and Dolls salon will still be coming to 1737 Main Street – it's just going to take a little longer, after the Centerville city council approved to extended the purchase agreement deadline into next year.

1. The new schedule expects work on the site to begin during the summer of 2024 and result in a single-story, 3,200 square-foot commercial space.

2. The deadline extension is needed to buy time for the Planning & Zoning Commission and the council to approve planning for the project.

3. The purchaser of the property, F & M Holdings, LLC, also requested a deadline extension to complete architectural changes. The city also needs time is to work on a grant from the county for environmental and geotechnical work. “This is the city's opportunity to show the buyer that we're interested in having them in the city and that they are showing good will to get things done,” Mayor D. Love said.

• The former Chef Hot Hands site could be redeveloped, after the city council approved an interim use permit for the developer, Propel Investments, LLC to change the site’s use from a catering business to a salon.

4.As part of a Planned Unit Development, the property owner is asking for five years to prepare the site and adjacent lots for redevelopment. In the interim, the site will be leased and used as a hair salon. The interim permit allows the business temporary operations on the site and provides the property owner

with an opportunity to plan for the site's permanent redevelopment into a mixed-use building, if market conditions improve over the next few years. “This is about the practicalities of redevelopment,” City Attorney Kurt Glaser said.

“The market structure of the economy is part of it. The owner wants to put a substantial investment into the property and wants the luxury of time to put plans together – and they need to have a tenant there. They get a five-year grace period to use the property in its current form,” he said. The Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval with the addition of a screening fence between the property and the trail.

• The council awarded the winning bid of $57,315 to L'Allier Concrete to replace a sidewalk, install a new sidewalk and install recycling pads at City Hall. City staff recommended adding 10% to the estimated total for unforseen contingencies.

• The city is still accepting volunteers to fill vacancies on its advisory boards. One open seat exists on the Parks & Recreation Committee, which meets at 6:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month at City Hall. The Planning & Zoning Commission has two open seats and meets at 6:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month at City Hall.

The council next meets at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, July 12 at City Hall, 1880 Main St.

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1972–2022 Celebrating 50 years of eye care to the Twin Cities and Western Wisconsin Stillwater Hugo Woodbury New Richmond Hudson Amery Baldwin Affiliated Clinics In: Visit our website or call to make an appointment. www.associatedeyecare.com | 651.275.3000 Laura Capelle, OD, FAAO Alan Downie, MD Ryan Fedor, OD Adam Goddard, DO Nicole Harris, OD Susan Schloff, MD Gary Schwartz, MD, MHA Brian Tienor, MD Jesse Vislisel, MD Charlie Wu, MD, MSBA Ann Hickson, OD Jacob Lang, OD, FAAO Sean LaVallie, OD Jeffrey Lynch, MD, MPH David Park, MD Glaucoma | Pediatrics | Retina Dry Eye Disease | LASIK | Corneal Disorders Advanced Cataract Surgery | Eye Alignment Eye Lid Surgery | Well Vision Ethin Kiekhafer, OD 1972–2022 Celebrating 50 years of eye care to the Twin Cities and Western Wisconsin Stillwater Hugo Woodbury New Richmond Hudson Amery Baldwin Affiliated Clinics In: Visit our website or call to make an appointment. www.associatedeyecare.com | 651.275.3000 Laura Capelle, OD, FAAO Alan Downie, MD Ryan Fedor, OD Adam Goddard, DO Nicole Harris, OD Susan Schloff, MD Gary Schwartz, MD, MHA Brian Tienor, MD Jesse Vislisel, MD Charlie Wu, MD, MSBA Ann Hickson, OD Jacob Lang, OD, FAAO Sean LaVallie, OD Jeffrey Lynch, MD, MPH David Park, MD Glaucoma | Pediatrics | Retina Dry Eye Disease | LASIK | Corneal Disorders Advanced Cataract Surgery | Eye Alignment Eye Lid Surgery | Well Vision 1972–2022 Celebrating 50 years of the Twin Cities Western Wisconsin Hudson Amery Baldwin Affiliated Clinics In: appointment. 651.275.3000 Goddard, DO Nicole Harris, OD Vislisel, MD Charlie Wu, MD, MSBA Lynch, MD, MPH David Park, MD Pediatrics | Retina LASIK | Corneal Disorders Surgery | Eye Alignment Surgery | Well Vision 1972–2022 Celebrating 50 years of eye care to the Twin Cities and Western Wisconsin Stillwater Hugo Woodbury New Richmond Hudson Amery Baldwin Affiliated Clinics In: Visit our website or call to make an appointment. www.associatedeyecare.com | 651.275.3000 Laura Capelle, OD, FAAO Alan Downie, MD Ryan Fedor, OD Adam Goddard, DO Nicole Harris, OD Susan Schloff, MD Gary Schwartz, MD, MHA Brian Tienor, MD Jesse Vislisel, MD Charlie Wu, MD, MSBA Ann Hickson, OD Jacob Lang, OD, FAAO Sean LaVallie, OD Jeffrey Lynch, MD, MPH David Park, MD Glaucoma | Pediatrics | Retina Dry Eye Disease | LASIK | Corneal Disorders Advanced Cataract Surgery | Eye Alignment Eye Lid Surgery | Well Vision 1972–2022 Celebrating 50 years of eye care to the Twin Cities and Western Wisconsin Woodbury New Richmond Hudson Amery Baldwin Affiliated Clinics In: website or call to make an appointment. www.associatedeyecare.com | 651.275.3000 Downie, MD Ryan Fedor, OD Adam Goddard, DO Nicole Harris, OD Schwartz, MD, MHA Brian Tienor, MD Jesse Vislisel, MD Charlie Wu, MD, MSBA Lang, OD, FAAO Sean LaVallie, OD Jeffrey Lynch, MD, MPH David Park, MD Glaucoma | Pediatrics | Retina Dry Eye Disease | LASIK | Corneal Disorders Advanced Cataract Surgery | Eye Alignment Eye Lid Surgery | Well Vision Glaucoma | Pediatrics | Retina | Dry Eye Disease | LASIK | Corneal Disorders Advanced Cataract Surgery | Eye Alignment | Eye Lid Surgery | Well Vision
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Centerville author publishes book inspired by 50 years of journal entries

Roberta Wirth-Feeney is a resident of Centerville. She graduated from Mariner High School in White Bear Lake in 1974. At the young age of 10, she started journaling. Now, all of these years later, her journal entries — along with the work of her favorite author, Jack London — inspired her first book, “Looking for Martin Eden: The Diaries of Roberta Wirth-Feeney.”

Q. Tell us a little about yourself.

A.  Dad's company transferred him to South Bend, Indiana, when I was a toddler. I loved growing up within walking distance of Notre Dame. I was going into ninth grade when my family moved back to White Bear Lake, as dad was transferred back to work as general manager and vice president at Metcalf Moving. My childhood was completely separate and severed from the rest of my life. There was no ability to see my childhood home and friends, nor to play my violin in a school orchestra. Synchronistically, my oldest daughter, after earning her Ph.D., was hired by Notre Dame as a professor in neuroscience. We kind of came full circle.

I took advanced math and science classes at White Bear High School and Mariner High School in what would be called STEM classes today. My claim to fame was being in the first graduating class of Mariner, class of 1974. I next earned a bachelor’s degree in biology from the College of Biological Sciences at the University of Minnesota. My first child was born the first day of my junior year. I only missed the first week of classes. She was 2 when I graduated. I next took her to grad school with me, where I earned a master’s degree at the University of St. Thomas. My husband and I had bought a small stucco house in Birchwood the last year of our marriage. I owned it alone for about 20 years and subsequently bought a new, larger model house in Centerville 25 years ago. Two of my three kids graduated from WBLAHS, despite us living in Centerville, so I never felt I'd left White Bear Lake.

Q. This is your first book. Why did you want to become an author?

A. I've always had in the back of my mind to write books someday. I started keeping journals when I was 10 and wrote in them as if I was writing short stories. I read books continually. My favorite author was Jack London. His semi autobiography, “Martin Eden,” inspired me to not only write but to seek adventure, travel and never give up.

I did technical writing in my career as a biologist for the MPCA, writing the state's first yard waste and solid waste compost book, and articles in “Bicycle Magazine.” For fun, I wrote children's books to entertain my three kids. I retired after 33 years at the MPCA just as the pandemic hit, and used my isolation to reread my journals. My book was the result.

Q. Where did the inspiration for your book, “Looking for Martin Eden,” come from?

A. My inspiration came from two things — my need to use the body of writing I'd acquired in my almost 50 journals and from Jack London, who used his experiences in his short stories and novels.

Q. What should readers know about this story?

A. I use journal entries in my book starting at age 10 up until the time I retired with the arc being how Jack London influenced my life, including my interest in composting, my love interests and my need to hit the adventure path. I had a past-life regression at age 40 that included a Jack London vision. My book imagines traveling in spacetime to view the events of my life. I've been fascinated by

physicists (starting with Einstein) stating that the past, present and future exist simultaneously. Events in the past don't sail past us and disappear forever. They just exist in a different part of space-time or the block universe.

Q. Tell us about the process of writing and publishing this book. How long did it take you?

A. I spent about a year rereading and ruminating over all my journals. Writing and deciding what to include and what to leave out took about six months. Publishing took another six months. But I've really been writing this book for 50 years.

Q. What do you hope readers will gain from reading this story?

A. I hope readers will keep journals, if they already don't, and go back occasionally to reread them. It gives your life perspective. If I could be an example to someone who, like me, was a victim of domestic abuse or who had unplanned pregnancies, I wish I can give them hope and let them know everything will turn out all right, as it did for me.

Q. Where is the book sold?

A. The book is available for preorder on Amazon or at Barnes and Noble. The e-book is also available on Amazon. The book is also available at Lake Country Bookstore in White Bear Lake.

I also plan on signing copies I'm purchasing at some later event.

Q. Do you have any plans for future works?

A. I'd like to try my hand at fiction next. I also hope to publish my children's books I've written. and a script I wrote on the life of Jack London. My dream is to have the Cohen Brothers make my script into a movie. I know they're fans of Jack London.

Compiled by Shannon Granholm

JULY 11, 2023 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS 9 www.presspubs.com WHITE BEAR PRESS | VADNAIS PRESS | QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS | SHOREVIEW PRESS | NORTH OAKS NEWS | THE CITIZEN | THE LOWDOWN EMAIL: callaspecialist@ presspubs.com PHONE: 651-407-1250 Honest Work for Honest Pay 651-270-7360 Reasonable Rates - all jokes and laughs are free Servicing All Major Appliance Brands Major Credit Cards Accepted APPLIANCE REPAIR EARTH WIZARDS earthwizards.co 763-784-3833 Asphalt Concrete Eco options Driveways, Sidewalks, Garage Floors, Aprons Family-operated for 3 generations Woman-owned, employee-centered PAVING for smart living ASPHALT AUTO SERVICE • Auto Repair • Oil Lube & Filter Service 20 Years of experience serving White Bear Lake & Centerville - Friendly, Honest Service 651.226.4235 Monday - Friday 8 am - 6 pm 7137 20th Avenue North - Centerville www.facebook.com/vermauto H UG E S AVING S! Lic. #20060261 651-257-4706 www.youngcastlebathrooms.com • Design • Bath Repair • Remodeling • Tub Surrounds • Free Estimates Bathrooms by BATHROOMS BLACK DIRT Screened Black Dirt Delivery Available 651.387.2098 Schneider Custom Woodworks Custom CABINETRY! Free Estimates & Callbacks within 24 hours schneidercustomwoodwork.com 651-213-6638 Commercial & Residential CUSTOM WOOD WOR KS CARPENTRY Small Job Specialist 45 years experience 651.653.9920 / 612.816.8544 Odd Jobs Under $100 Give me a call CHIMNEY/FIREPLACE Chimney Inspections/Sweeps Chimney Repair/Rebuilds Tuckpointing • Stainless Steel Liner Installations Gas Fireplace Services • Fireplace Installations Masonry, Chimney & Fireplace 651-565-9916 CLEANING Household Waste Construction Debris Appliances Furniture 651-323-4682 Settled Concrete? Lakes Area Mudjacking - Since 1983Don’ t replace it, RAISE it and save $$$! Walks • Patios • Steps • Garage Floors Aprons • Driveways • Fill Voids Free Estimates Guaranteed 612-310-1485 Ask for Jim l a ke s a re a mudj a c k in g co m CONCRETE FULLY INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES 651-308-1101 BillLe e • Specialist in Driveways/ Garage Slabs • Sidewalks/Steps Repair & Replacement Block Repair Interior/Exterior Residential/Commercial Sidewalks Patios Steps Driveways & More! MJ’s Concrete, LLC 651.795.9736 CONCRETE Deck Cleaning & Staining Professional - Prompt Guaranteed Results 651-699-3504 www.rooftodeck.com DECKS 1 651-746-4582 www.northlandlandscape.com Bonded Insured • Lic #BC638094 Custom Decks/Footing Repair Screen Rooms/Additions Garages/Roofing/Siding Aluminum/Glass/Cable Railings All Repairs LORENZ DRYWALL • CHANGING CEILINGS OVER TO KNOCK DOWNS • TAPING • SPRAYING • ADDITIONS • BASEMENTS • NEW HOMES • GARAGES No job too small! Kerry 651-653-9021 (Cell) 651-271-4221 DRYWALL Wolf Bros. Dr ywall Co. Total Dr ywall Ser vices Residential/Commercial New Const & Basement Finishes Family Owned & Operated Forest Lake Insured CALL LEE (651) 428-0229 40 yrs • Since 1979 DRYWALL/PLASTER ELECTRIC New Construction/Remodel Residential Commercial Competitive Rates ELECTRICAL SERVICES 651-307-6502 Furnace & A/C Installations and Service Licensed, Bonded & Insured 651.426.4233 cphvac.net HEATING & COOLING HANDYMAN TH E LE A K S S TO P HER E Leaky Roof? 763-742-7500 over 40 years experience Full Ser vice Contractor bettersol.com MN Lic. BC639211 Roofing • Siding • Windows Doors • Gutters • Decks Interior/Exterior 763-742-7500 WE DO EVERYTHING! We do it all! Bettersol.com TH E LE A K S S TO P HER E Leaky Roof? 763-742-7500 over 40 years experience Full Ser vice Contractor bettersol.com MN Lic. BC639211 HOME IMPROVEMENTS  Basements ♦ Foundations ♦ Garages www.RealWaterproofing.com   -   FREE ESTIMATES - -    LAWN CARE MOKI E’S Lawn Service 1 ST T IM E D I SCO U NT L AWN MOWING • TREE TRIMMING • REASONABLE RATES • 651410-3889 Dave’s New Look Lawn Care Your time is valuable! Let us take care of your lawn! • Initial/Fall Cleanup • Mowing • Trimming • Blowing 651-500-1758 davesnewlookservices@gmail.com (Servicing Metro & Surrounding Areas) SCH Services, LLC Lawn Care Contracts commercial and residential monthly or per visit Sean 651-210-0061 www.SCHservices.net
CONTRIBUTED Centerville resident Roberta Wirth-Feeny published her first book.
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Free estimates are cheerfully given. The small job specialist with the small price and high quality that counts. Call 651-653-9920. See Clint’s ad weekly under “Carpentry.” “Small Job Specialist” 45+ years experience Hallmark Enterprises 612-816-8544 651-653-9920

65 YEARS: Youth baseball, softball program continues to grow in Quad area

concession stands, along with hosting tournaments. Among the expenses is the grounds crew, which provides summer employment for local teenagers.

At the very youngest levels, there’s T-Ball for ages 4-5 boys and girls mixed, hitting off tees; then Coach Pitch ball for ages 6-8, with coaches pitching; and at age nine, they start pitching themselves in the AAA Development League. Next step is “Majors” for ages 10-12 which has tryouts, with kids assigned to either the International League, American League or National League, representing three levels of competition.

Rick Thomas, the Cougars varsity softball coach, participates in the association’s winter training sessions, and hosts one himself with his players helping. He even coached a team once when a parent coach could not be found. Rick’s wife, Anne, served as league administrator, and their own three kids went through the baseball and softball programs.

Centennial regularly hosts district tournaments and has hosted state tournaments. This year, they will  host a district tourney at Carl Eck/Lions on the weekend of July 11-12. Along with in-house competition, some association teams play at other league locations around the metro area. Baseball has all-star teams (for 12-yearolds) formed in June to play regional and

state tournaments through July. They hope to qualify for the Midwest Regional in Indiana, and of course the Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.

Local teams have done well in tournaments, Mahr said: “Our boys have been quite dominant for the past 20 years. We’ve had teams go to regionals four times, which is one step away from the World Series. Maybe someday.”

Centennial’s softball program is “very competitive, and is the largest in the state,” said Reff. Their levels are 10U, 12U, 14U and HS (16U and 18U combined), all competing with teams in other communities. Softball teams play through July, ending at state tournaments trying to qualify for nationals.

There’s also an 8U program that has been very popular, Reff said, with eight other associations participating for a total of 24 teams.

Ball-playing doesn’t end when school starts. There’s a Fall Ball season in Au-

gust and September with a large signup for each level.

One highlight every year is Twins Night. The Twins have hosted Little League Nights for decades, with all the leagues around the state invited, but Centennial’s turnout was always so huge that the Twins gave Centennial its own night. This year it was Friday, June 3, with about 1,100 kids and family attending the game, Mahr said.

All the kids have a “parade” a halfhour before game time when they walk around the field on the warning track. Nine players are chosen by a drawing for a special treat: taking the field with the players. “The kids run out on the field to their player’s position,” Mahr said, “and when the Twins starting lineup is announced, they run out and stand next Centennial kid, with the kid’s name announced also. It’s really a thrill for the kids.”




The candidate filing period will be open between Tuesday, August 1, 2023, and Tuesday, August 15, 2023, during office hours. All candidate filings must be received by Tuesday, August 15, 2023, 5:00 PM.

Candidate filings for the following offices are to be filed at Circle Pines Elections, Circle Pines City Hall, 200 Civic Heights Circle, Circle Pines, MN, 55014.

• Mayor, 1 seat, 2-year Term

• City Council Member at Large, 2 seats, 4-year Term

• City Council Member at Large, 1 seat, 2-year Term

Chandra Peterson, Assistant City Administrator for Public Services

Published one time in the Quad Community Press on July 11, 2023.




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Bids for the construction of 2023 Lake Drive Trunk Water main Improvements will be received online through QuestCDN vBid™ until Tuesday, August 8, 2023 at 10:00 am local time. Immediately following expiration of the time for receiving Bids, representatives of the City of Lino Lakes will publicly view Bids at an online Bid opening meeting. Those interested in viewing the online Bid opening are welcome to join the meeting by logging on to https://zoom.us/join or calling 646.931.3860 and entering Meeting ID 996 0804 9878 and Passcode 671784 . The as-read online

Federal funds secured for construction on Highway 65

Anoka County will receive $20 million of new federal funding for projects along Highway 65.

The sections of Highway 65 slated for enhancements are in the areas of 99th Avenue, 105th Avenue, 109thAvenue and 117th Avenue in Blaine. Projects will include adding frontage roads and overpasses, changing access, and improving facilities for people walking and bicycling. A total

Bid results will be available at www.questcdn.com following the Bid opening.

The Project includes the furnishing of all labor and materials for the construction complete in-place, of the following approximate quantities:

2 EACH Clearing

2 EACH Grubbing

1 LS Dewatering

80 L F 12” Watermain Ductile Iron Cl 52

L F 14” Watermain HDPE (Directional Drilled)



L F Portable Precast Concrete Barrier Design 8337

6 AMBY Temporary Impact Attenuator

0.4 ACRE Seeding

The provisions of MINN. STAT. 16C.285 Responsible Contractor are imposed as a requirement of this contract. All bidders and persons or companies providing a response/submission to the Advertisement for Bids of the City of Lino Lakes shall comply with the provisions of the statute.

Information and Bidding Documents for the Project can be found at www. questcdn.com. Bidding Documents may be downloaded from the website for a nonrefundable fee of $55 by inputting Quest project #8365798 on the website’s Project Search page.

The website will be updated periodically with addenda, lists of registered plan holders, reports, and other information relevant to submitting a Bid for the Project. All official notifications, addenda, and other Bidding Documents will be offered only through the website www.questcdn.com. Neither Owner nor Engineer will be responsible for Bidding Documents, including addenda, if any, obtained from other sources. Bids will only be accepted via the electronic bidding service through QuestCDN.

of four traffic lights along the thoroughfare will be removed, which will address congestion issues.

The money is part of the $2.2 billion in federal discretionary grant funding to 162 different infrastructure projects across the country.

Over the past three years, Anoka County has piecemealed funding sources together for this nearly $163 million endeavor, and nearly all the funding for these projects has been secured.

The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all Bids and to waive any Bids received without explanation. No Bid may be withdrawn for a period of 60 days.

For all further requirements regarding Bid submittal, qualifications, procedures, and contract award, refer to the Instructions to Bidders that are included in the Bidding Documents.

DATED: June 26, 2023


s/s Michael Grochala Community Development Director, Lino Lakes, MN

Published two times in the Quad Community Press on July 11 and 18, 2023.



The candidate filing period will be open between Tuesday, August 1, 2023, and Tuesday, August 15, 2023, during office hours. All candidate filings must be received by Tuesday, August 15, 2023, 5:00 PM.

Candidate filings for the following offices are to be filed at Elections Administration, Lino Lakes City Hall, 600 Town Center Parkway, Lino Lakes, MN, 55014-1182.

• Mayor

• City Council Member at Large, 2 seats

Jolleen Chaika, City Clerk

Published one time in the Quad Community Press on July 11, 2023.

JULY 11, 2023 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS 11 www.presspubs.com
FROM PAGE 1 JON NAMYST | CONTRIBUTED Your Local Remodeling, Custom Home MARVIN License: BC692167 769088
Book a free, no obligation phone call: EasyTaxCredits.com Phone: 1-234-273-3487 Promotional offer: some restriction apply. East Tax Credits not responsible for fulfillment of promotional offer. Attention: Business owners YOU COULD QUALIFY FOR A TAX CREDIT OF UP TO $26,000 PER EMPLOYEE Use reference code Quad for $1,000 of additional free advertising with the code per-email for our ERTC consulting services


Picnics, outdoor sports, the pool, the beach, relaxing with a drink in your hand and the breeze in your hair — sound cool? It sure is! What isn’t cool is skin and eye damage caused by excessive exposure to the sun’s U.V. rays.

The sun emits radiation in the form of Ultraviolet or U.V. light, which is classified into three types: U.V.A., U.V.B., and U.V.C. The ozone layer protects the Earth’s stratosphere and blocks the most damaging U.V.C. light, but U.V.B. and U.V.A. light pass through it. U.V.C. radiation can come from artificial sources such as sunlamps or tanning beds.

Radiation from U.V. light is invisible but is always present during the day even when you can’t see or feel the sun. These rays can be harmful to our skin and eyes. Aside from wrinkles and sunburn, exposure is associated with the development of skin cancer. Our eyes can be affected by cataracts, cornea damage, and vision loss if left unprotected in the long term.

The sun is at its peak between 10 am to 4 pm. Head indoors or under shade during these hours. If you stay outside longer for work or play, sunscreen with a high S.P.F. of at least 30, a broadbrimmed hat, sunglasses, and breath-

able clothing that covers you up can offer the most protection. U.V. rays can pass through clouds. They also reflect off surfaces like sand, snow, cement, and water. That’s why sun protection is important in any season, all year round.

Children need special attention to keep them protected from the sun. They usually spend more time outdoors and burn more easily. Sunscreen with an SPF (sun protection factor) of 15 is the minimum recommended by the Amer-

ican Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)— although the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) suggests using SPF 30 or higher. “Choose at least SPF 30 with broad-spectrum protection, which means it blocks both UVA and UVB rays,” advises Dr. Joshua Zeichner, director of cosmetic and clinical research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital. No additional benefit has been shown for SPFs higher than 50.

Mineral sunscreens, which contain

active ingredients like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, are the most highly recommended for children as they are less irritating for sensitive skin. They also minimize the risk of harmful chemical exposure, as these minerals sit on top of the skin to block the sun’s rays rather than being absorbed into the skin.

While most sunscreen ingredients are either considered generally safe or are undergoing further research, you should try to avoid sunscreens with the ingredient oxybenzone. This chemical may have hormonal properties, says the AAP.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn’t recommend sunscreen for infants under six months of age. Infants should have their skin covered by hats and loose, long-sleeved clothing or be kept out of the sun whenever possible, such as under an umbrella or shady tree, says the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Babies younger than six months old should be kept out of direct sunlight. They should also wear hats and protective clothing. Sunscreen used on babies should only be put on small areas of exposed skin.

This information was found on www. nationaltoday.com, www.cancer.org and www.healthline.com.

12 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS JULY 11, 2023 www.presspubs.com 764738
July is...
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