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FREE LUNCH FREE PUMPKINS COSTUME CONTEST Mark Peterson Agency: 9200 Lake Dr. Circle Pines 763.786.3087

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2015 VOL. 33 NO. 53 www.presspubs.com $1.00

FOREST LAKE HIGH SCHOOL: Invites you to the land of OZ PAGE 13

Levy vote approaches for Centennial Referendums revolve around staffing, curriculum and technology BY MATT VAUGHN CONTRIBUTING WRITER

CIRCLE PINES — On Nov. 3, Centennial school district voters will be faced with a three-pronged levy proposed by the school board that aims to bolster various elements of K-12 education. If all three questions are approved, the proposed levy will total over $4.3 million in operating revenue and $1.8 million in capital dollars. The fi rst question proposed, unlike the other two, is actually an extension of the levy already in place.

That levy costs the homeowner of a median-valued home ($250,000) $95.57 annually. The school district expects to use the levy extension to maintain staffing and class sizes. This existing levy also generates $1.1 million in operating revenue. Question 2 builds on to the extension proposed in question one for an additional $3.22 million in operating revenue to address programming needs. With this money the school board aims to incorporate more STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) curriculum while maintain class sizes and

staffing levels. Question 3 proposes $1.8 million a year through a capital levy for upgraded technology and technology devices such as tablets and Chromebooks as well as upgrades to existing technology and Internet access. If both Questions 2 and 3 pass, a median-valued $250,000 homeowner would see an additional $500 or so annually in property taxes. Budget cuts are also a predominant issue in two of the three questions. According to the school board, there SEE LEVY VOTE PAGE 3


Boo Bash flashes face art

Annual craft show featured vendors of all kinds BY JOLENE FRID CONTRIBUTING WRITER

BLAINE — People and vendors from across Minnesota and from other states gathered at the Gradient Financial Center in Blaine Oct. 16-18 for the 26th annual fall craft and gift show hosted by Carousel Craft Shows. A variety of vendors touted their wares, including handbags, spices, sauces, dips, pine cone bird feeders, jewelry, rosettes, magnetic therapy, holiday décor, woodcrafts, aprons, hand towels, natural mouse deterrent, toy bow and arrows, cosmetics, pasta — even emu oil. Chelcie Lebert, whose parentsin-law Tim and Lori Glover own Bistro La Roux in Circle Pines where she works most weekends, handcrafts jewelry made of semiprecious stones for her business, Chelcie Unique. She started her business after noting the lack of variety in rock jewelry found in department stores. Her favorite medium, opal, sparkles in some of her creations. Kathy Faulkner, a Blaine resident and vendor, has run her own Thirty-One handbag business for more than five years. “I love the relationships built,” she said, “and I’ve always been a purse person.” Patron Julene Anderson, also of Blaine, calls the craft show “one of my favorites.” She and her daughter, Elise Lowers, co-authors of the book “Orbs: The Untold Story” were out running errands when they saw the sign pointing to the show. They frequent craft shows for inspiration and ideas for their own handmade jewelry business, Fanciful Faery Creations. “Blinky” Clark of Minnesota Emu shared the benefits of emu oil. The products she touts include more than nine flavors of lip balm as

Cazwyn Dayland, 5, appears to approve of the little pumpkin that Kaitlyn Warner painted on his face during the Boo Bash celebration outside of Festival Foods in Hugo Saturday, Oct. 24. The event also featured food, games and free pumpkins. KAYLEE SEIDENKRANZ

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