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Pull Tabs 11:00AM to Close
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Meat Raffle Mon & Thurs 5:00PM @ Blue Heron Grill
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2023 VOL. 42 NO. 9 www.quadcommunitypress.com $1.00
AROUND TOWN: Santa spotted in Quad area SEE PAGE 13
Natures Refuge North: Neighbors weigh in on concept BY SHANNON GRANHOLM MANAGING EDITOR
LINO LAKES — Neighbors who live near Natures Refuge, mainly in the Arena Acres development, said they would like to see their area kept the “peaceful” and “quiet” place it is today. M/I Homes has submitted a land use application for a planned unit development (PUD) concept plan review. The proposed residential development is a 108-lot singlefamily conservation subdivision. The development contains two parcels totaling approximately 60 gross acres. It is located north of Natures Refuge, which has 60 lots on 95 acres. “This is a high-level conversation,” City Planner Katie Larsen said, reminding everyone of the nature of a concept plan. “If the applicant decides to move forward with a project, they will be required to hold a neighborhood meeting.” M/I Homes is proposing large single-family lots (nine 80-foot-wide lots), single-family lots (39 65-foot-wide lots) and single-family villa lots (60 50-foot-wide lots) for a total of 108. The property is currently zoned R-X, rural executive. Larsen explained that the R-X zoning is a holding district until municipal water and sanitary sewer are available to develop the site. The property would need to be rezoned to PUD to allow for a variety of lot widths, lot sizes and housing types.
Santa and Mrs. Claus are coming to town Santa and Mrs. Claus will be accompanied by the Lexington Fire Department and will stroll the streets of Lexington starting at 5 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 16. They will greet residents, gather new or gently used stuffed toys and collect food donations for the Centennial Community Food Shelf.
Java Companies continues to refine proposal Does Lake Drive, near 77th Street, need an oil change business and a car wash? Java Companies continues to refine its plans for the 2.4 acres of property it is purchasing from the city at the northwest corner of Lake Drive and 77th Street and 7685 Lake Drive. And those plans could need rezoning as well as a modification to the purchase agreement.
White Bear Lake Vadnais Heights
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This is the zoning map for the northwest corner of Lake Drive and 77th Street and 7685 Lake Drive. Most of the property is zoned GB (General Business) and NB (Neighborhood Business).
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closing, or the ownership of the 7685 remnant reverts back to the city. “Since execution of the purchase agreement, the buyer has worked diligently to acquire rights to the Broker and Hylander properties, identify users, and prepare an initial concept plan,” Grochala said. Java Companies has proposed a concept that would include a day care facility, oil change facility, drive-thru coffee shop and a car wash (south new street). Upoftothe $40.00 OFF
Community Development Director Michael Grochala explained that the sale of the property is contingent on a number of items, most notably a restriction that the property, north of the new street shall not be used for “automobile or truck repair, car wash or as motor fuel station.” The agreement also includes requirements that the buyer acquire the property at 7691 Lake Drive (“Broker” property), and that the buyer must acquire 7681 Lake Drive (“Hylander” property) within 36 months of
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