Shoreview Press

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Food scraps pickup program piloted by AI technology

Installation of AI sorting technology to remove recyclables including food scraps and organic-rich materials found in waste has been completed at the Ramsey/Washington Recycling and Energy (R&E) Center.

The new technology is estimated to divert annually a total of 60,000 tons of valuable material from landfills or incineration toward recycling, which is enough recyclables and food scraps to fill Allianz Field three times.

The enhancements were funded in part through the 2020 Minnesota State bonding bill.

Shoreview’s public works director retires after 29 years

Mark Maloney made an everlasting impact on the Shoreview community in his role as the city’s public works director. But after 29 years at the helm Maloney officially retired at the end of July.

Maloney says his decision to retire was because the time was right and there was someone capable on the team to step up and take his position.

Maloney says Shoreview is a special place and “there isn’t another city I would have ever

wanted to work for. That’s why I was here for 29 years.”

“I feel like I’m kind of going out on top. I don’t think it could get any better for me. It feels like I had a fairytale career here,” Maloney said.

But it did not start out that way.

In 1994 he quit his job at the city where he was working because it wasn’t going in the direction he had hoped. He saw an opening to work for Shoreview and joined the city works department.

Maloney said working for the city of Shoreview lined up perfectly with the way he wanted to do his job.

When Maloney arrived, the department did not work together because it was separated in two buildings. Twenty employees worked in the maintenance building while the 10 worked across the street in Shoreview’s City Hall.

Maloney said it was a lot of work at first. The separation of buildings created “very different work cultures” and his priority was the department working together.

Maloney says the city “is now in a much better place as far as having that whole group of people

The AI technology is the first step to begin a food scraps pickup program, which will be free to all citizens in Washington and Ramsey counties. Participating citizens will receive green compostable bags to deposit their food scraps and will throw away the green bags with their normal trash.

Once the waste arrives at the R&E Center, AI technology will extract the green food scrap bags from the rest of the waste and will be sent to industrial compost facilities to be turned into soil products.

Soon, according to R&E facility plans, food scrap bags and organic-rich materials will be processed through anaerobic digestion which will create renewable natural gas and valuable products for the community such as fertilizer and soil amendments.

Both Ramsey and Washington counties have been a part of the R&E since the 1980s. In 2016, the two counties purchased the R&E Center before passing waste designation ordinances which required all waste in the two counties to be collected at the R&E facility.

TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 2023 VOL. 48 NO. 26 $1.00
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SPORTS: Local sailor sets sights on Paris 2024 PAGE 11
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SHOREVIEW DIRECTOR: Maloney reflects on his career


all feeling like they are on the same team.”

His work went beyond forming a cohesive team and beyond the boundaries of Shoreview.

The city encouraged him to gain outside knowledge and use it to help the city improve.

Maloney became involved in the City Engineers Association and the American Public Works Association. He served as the Minnesota chapter president of the American Public Works Association in 2011.

“I joined these organizations assuming it would bring value to Shoreview at some point,” Maloney said.

And it did.

Maloney was always interested in research and how research can help in everyday life. Maloney was specifically interested in research and institutions specializing in transportation.

green infrastructure and permeable pavement.

Maloney says his biggest accomplishment working for the city wasn’t the multiple awards and recognitions the city received on his behalf. Rather it was “getting our department to work together.”

Maloney recently received from the Shoreview city council a proclamation award listing his extensive awards the city received because of his work and his individual awards.

Maloney’s honors and recognitions includes president of the Minnesota Chapter of the American Public Works Association, the Hugo G. Erickson Award, the Gerald J. Rohrbach distinguished service award, the Minnesota Local Road Research Board service award, Ray L. Lappegaard distinguished service award and the City Engineer’s Association of Minnesota Engineer of the year award.

GreenStep city.

Besides spending more time with family and his hobbies, Maloney plans to travel.

He has plans for several Christian mission trips and this fall Maloney leads a group to Poland to help Ukrainian refugees. Next year Maloney and other church leaders will go on a mission trip to Ethiopia.

Maloney also plans to spend more time on his hobbies of beekeeping, gardening and taking care of the pollinator habitats around his property.

Maloney, reflecting on his Shoreview career, says it was “such a privilege to be with your friends every day, share lives, and work on things together. I’ll miss that.”

He wishes his team the best and for long-term careers in Shoreview or elsewhere.

Despite the multitude of awards and recognition he received, Maloney says he “didn’t get into this business to get credit. “I got in this business to serve.”


These research tools and the knowledge acquired from working in affiliated organizations helped Maloney and Shoreview. Examples include the public works team decisions on



Maloney was instrumental in the city receiving national and state awards for excellence in concrete pavement, an award for research partnerships, and acknowledgment as a step five



Pride isn’t the right word to describe what Maloney feels in what he accomplished. He says it is happiness.


Multiple fire departments respond to house fire

The Lake Johanna fire department received a call at The Lake Johanna fire department responded to a house fire at 4:25pm on July 18 and when they arrived the house was engulfed in flames.

The Lake Johanna fire chief, Tim Boehlke, arrived at the home on 5700 Villa Dr in Shoreview scene in three minutes and said, “the house had been completely involved in the fire.”

Building a Better Community through Charitable Giving

IRA Charitable Distribution

Building a Better Community through Charitable Giving

Make a tax-free gift to the Shoreview Community Foundation from an IRA in 2020


Lake Johanna’s fire department attacked the fire to stop it from spreading. Boehlke said the crew “immediately placed a blitz attack line to the exterior of the home to knock down the fire that was threatening the surrounding homes.”

Individuals who are age 701/2 or older can make gifts of up to $100,000 directly from their IRA to one or more qualified charities, without paying federal income tax of the withdrawal. This option provides tax savings to donors even if they do not itemize deductions.



The Shoreview Community Foundation provides grants to non-profits that serve our community. Grants focus on:

• Arts and cultural organizations

By connecting the generosity of people with the evolving needs of Shoreview, the Shoreview Community Foundation enriches our quality of life. The Foundation provides grants according to predetermined guidelines to non-profit organizations or units of governmental from its permanent endowment fund.

The fire started in a two-story home with neighbors on both the north and south sides.

• Donors must be age 701/2 or older at the time the gift is made.

• Recreational places such as parks and trails, as well as places for reflection and relaxation such as open space, wetlands and woodlands

The Roseville and Vadnais Heights Fire Departments were also called to help aid in the containment of the fire. One went to the interior of the home and the other went to the back of the home. Due to how the close proximity of neighboring homes the main concern was the fire spreading to them.

By connecting the generosity of people with the evolving needs of Shoreview, the Shoreview Community Foundation enriches our quality of life. The Foundation provides grants according to predetermined guidelines to non-profit organizations or units of governmental from its permanent endowment fund.

• Community enhancement and leadership development

There are many options for making undesignated or designated, tax deductible gifts or bequests by will or trust.

• The funds must be transferred directly to a qualified public charity. It is important not to withdraw the funds before making a gift.

“There very easily could’ve been three house fires,” Boehlke said.

• Human service organizations

• Gifts cannot be used to fund a gift annuity or charitable remainder trust.

• Each donor may give up to $100,000 per year.

There are many options for making undesignated or designated, tax deductible gifts or bequests by will or trust.

• Historical preservation

• Gifts can be used to satisfy the donor’s required minimum distribution.

• Donors can exclude the distribution from income on their federal tax returns. If they do, they will not receive a charitable income tax reduction.

• To qualify for tax-free treatment, donors cannot receive goods or services, or a personal benefit (such as tickets for events) in return for the IRA charitable distribution.

The house on the south side suffered damage. The siding on the side of the house melted due to the extreme heat of the flames. The house on the north side did not appear to suffer any damage.

The family who lived in the home did not have any knowledge of the fire when it started, but a neighbor across the street alerted the family. The family made it outside safely. No firefighters or first responders were injured.

Allina Health Emergency Medical Services and Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office were also at the scene.

Contact the Shoreview Community Foundation at:

For more specific requirement information, please go to our website or contact Chris: or 612-212-3563 763042

The Shoreview Community Foundation’s mission is to maintain, enhance and enrich the quality of life in Shoreview by connecting the generosity of people who appreciate Shoreview with the evolving needs of the community. Thank you for your support. A Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation Affiliate 781183

The Shoreview Community Foundation does not give tax or legal advice. We recommend that donors consult their own professional tax advisor before making a gift. 660895

The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

Mark Maloney and Shoreview’s Mayor Sue Denkinger.
Lake Johanna fire department on the scene. State of the house fire when Boehlke arrived.



The Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office reports the following selected incidents in Shoreview:

• A boating accident with minor damage was reported July 2 on Snail Lake, after a jet ski collided with an anchored pontoon.

• A dispute was reported July 2 in the 5900 block of Prairie Meadow Drive. When Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office deputies arrived on scene and talked with involved parties. The parties agreed to separate for the night.

• Deputies collected a bicycle July 3 was left in the 4200 block of Brigadoon Drive for more than a week and placed it into sheriff’s property storage, after it cleared the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) database.

• Residents in the 600 block of Mercury Drive W. reported a large plant stolen from a table stand near the front steps sometime overnight July 3-4.

• Two vehicles parked in a business lot in the 3300 block of Rice Street were reported damaged sometime over the July 1-5 holiday weekend. Tools were stolen from the vehicles.

• A dispute was reported July 5 in the 4100 block of Rustic Place. Following a conversation with deputies, the parties agreed to find a way to work out their disagreement.

• A resident in the 4100 block of Reiland Lane reported mail stolen after video surveillance showed the package being stolen from the front step at 3:45 p.m. July 3.

• A resident in the 1700 block of Terrace Drive on July 6 reported unauthorized use of a credit card to the tune of $2,800, while he was in the hospital. The case is under investigation.

• A Shoreview man reported being robbed in the 4100 block of Lexington Avenue July 6 by an adult male and adult female. Sheriff’s office investigators are working on the case.

• A Shoreview man reported the catalytic converter of a Kia Forte stolen while the vehicle was parked in a driveway in the 3400 block of Nancy Place overnight July 6-7. No suspect information exists.

• A Vadnais Heights woman, 36, was issued a trespass notice July 9 from a resident in the 1700 block of Terrace Drive, after deputies were dispatched to the scene of a disorderly conduct.

• A Shoreview man, 39, was arrested and cited at 9:25 p.m. July 9 in the 5800 block of Savannah Lane for assault and disorderly conduct, following a domestic during which he assaulted a woman, 33.

• Deputies recovered property left behind July 10 by a tenant vacating a rental property in the 1700 block of Terrace Drive. The items were placed into sheriff’s property storage for ultimate destruction.


• An order for protection violation was reported July 11 in the 500 block of Tomlyn Avenue, following an incident occurring on July 5, as part of an ongoing issue.

• Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office Deputies took custody of a pair of keys found June 26 in a picnic shelter in Island Lake Park in the 3600 block of Victoria Street N. The finder of the keys gave them to park staff who gave them to deputies. The keys were placed into property storage at the law enforcement center.

• A woman, 38, with no permanent address was arrested on a Dakota County warrant June 26 in the 300 block of North Owasso Blvd.

• A Blaine woman reported her wallet stolen June 28 while she was shopping at Trader Joe’s in the 1000 block of Red Fox Road. An unidentified suspect later tried to use one of her credit cards at Sam’s Club, but the transaction was declined.

• Deputies assisted another agency at 3:30 a.m. June 29 in the 3500 block of Victoria Street N. in processing an adult male who was under the influence of nacotics and didn’t know how he got to Shoreview from Lonsdale.

• A Dellwood Avenue resident reported a close call in a scam attempt via phone June 29, after he responded to a computer popup ad claiming his computer was infected by a virus. The scammer told the complainant to go to his bank and withdraw $14,800 in cash. The bank alerted the complainant of the fraud before he lost any money.

• After residents in the 3400 block of Kent Street reported June 29 an ongoing dispute with their neighbors, deputies advised the complainants to obtain a harassment restraining order.

• A resident in the 1000 block of Richmond Court reported her vehicle scratched, and a tire slashed while it was parked in the driveway sometime overnight June 29-30. The complainant could not provide suspect information.

• A Lino Lakes woman on June 30 reported multiple credit cards used to make a fraudulent purchase from a box store in the 3800 block of Lexington Avenue N., after her purse was stolen from North St. Paul. Video evidence was obtained and the suspect identified. The case has been forwarded to the county attorney for consideration of charges.

• A Maple Grove woman reported a wallet and phone stolen from a hotel room in the 1000 block of Gramsie Road June 30 and multiple credit cards used fraudulently before they were cancelled. The suspect has been identified, and the case is under further investigation.

Recycle Return Reuse


When: 3 to 7 p.m. Tuesdays, through Aug. 29.

Where: Lower parking lot of the Shoreview Community Center, 4580 Victoria St. N., Shoreview.

Details: The farmers market is a weekly summer event that brings the community together featuring local fresh produce, handcrafted artisan items, and live entertainment.


When: 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 16.

Where: Heritage Park on Lepak Court in Shoreview

Details: Join Mayor Sue Denkinger for great conversation, a cup of coffee, and a visit to Heritage Park.


When: 7 p.m. Wednesdays,through Aug. 9.

Where: Shoreview Commons (behind the community center) at the Haffeman Pavilion.


Road construction continues in Ramsey County

Summer road construction continues across Ramsey County.

• On Highway 88, the road is open with one lane going in each direction.

• Lexington Avenue and the Red Fox intersection will experience a short-term closure for waterman installation. The intersection will be closed from July 27 to August 3. A detour will be in place.

• Lexington Parkway is closed from Adrian Street to Shepard Road. Lane shifts are ongoing on Shepard.

• Labor Road is being resurfaced, but it will still be open to local traffic.

Details: These free, open-air concerts draw hundreds of fans to the Shoreview Commons to listen to a variety of music throughout the summer. Bring a lawn chair, blanket, and snacks. Dogs are welcome on the condition they are well-mannered, leashed, and waste is to be picked up. On July 19, the Shoreview Northern Lights Variety Band will perform. On August 2, Mia Dorr presents: Evolution of the Diva, an interactive show featuring the music of Dolly Parton. On Aug. 9, one of the Twin Cities top Abba tribute bands, AbbaSolutelyFab, will perform.


When: 10 a.m. Wednesdays, until Aug. 2.

Where: Shoreview Commons (behind the community center) at the Haffeman Pavilion.

Details: Free children’s concerts. July 19 will feature Animal Antics. July 26 will feature the Raptor Center (for the safety of the animals, pease do not bring dogs to this show). Aug. 2 will feature cale the Juggler.

• Maryland Avenue is closed to through traffic due to resurfacing. A signed detour is in place, using Jackson Street, Larpenteur Avenue and Rice Street.

• On County Road E and Old Snelling Avenue, a traffic bypass route is in place. It will switch traffic to the south of the barriers.

• Old Highway 8 improvements are still underway. Phase 2 of the project began on July 31 and will last up until October 27.

A project list is available at Updates are provided online and via an interactive map as construction progresses — the map includes detours and timelines. Subscriptions for project updates via email and text message are also available.

Waiting Child

Dennis,16, is a polite and soft-spoken young man. Many people describe him as cooperative, helpful, and kind. Dennis makes it point to go out of his way to do a random act of kindness for a friend or stranger every day – whether it’s lending someone a pen or pencil in class or helping a stranger while out and about. Dennis excels in school and would like to be a meteorologist and storm chaser in the future. In his free time, he likes to play Magic: The Gathering and basketball with his peers. Dennis loves food and is always down for a trip to a buffet (Pizza Ranch is his favorite!). Makaila,12, is outgoing with a big personality! Makaila enjoys making friends and having conversations with peers and adults. She has a huge heart and is very artistic and creative. Makaila enjoys being helpful around the home, especially when it comes to caring for animals, as she dreams of becoming a vet someday. She likes to stay active and loves to spend hours at the local park. In her free time, you will find Makaila working on arts and craft projects, playing with her Pop-Its collection, completing word search puzzles, or learning a new board game. She also enjoys reading, and proudly reports that she was able to read 50 books over summer break last year. Dennis and Makaila prefer a home with pets. They will do best with caregivers who can provide structure and routine. Following adoption, Dennis and Makaila need to maintain contact with their older sibling.

Submitted by
Adopt Minnesota, a state organization whose vision is to have zero kids waiting for permanent loving families, and mission to find and strengthen Minnesota adoptive, foster care and kinship families. To learn more, go to
Drop it off at Press Publications, 4779 Bloom Ave. • White Bear Lake, MN 55110 or call 651-407-1200 and we can schedule a pick up.
someone in your family a past carrier for Press Publications? Please return the carrier bag to our office as we have the next generation of Carriers starting their first business.

Hi, I’m Madeline, but my friends call me ‘Mads’

Iam the newest staff writer for Shoreview Press and The Lowdown. I graduated from the University of St. Thomas in May with a degree in English-Creative Writing and a minor in communications. At St. Thomas, I juggled both academics and being on the track team all four years. As a junior, I spent the whole year designing and editing the student literary newspaper — The Summit Avenue Review — with nine other fellow students. My next great adventure is graduate school, where I am studying Creative Writing, Editing, and Publishing.

But first, how did I get here?





I grew up in Wyoming – the city, not the state. It is a quiet, small town just about an hour north of the Twin Cities. My family has lived in the same house since before I was born. We have never moved, nor do I think we ever will. I lived the typical small-town life. I went to elementary school two miles down the road from my house, I played with my older sister and the kids that lived next door, and my favorite place to hang out was the Dairy Queen which was a quick bike ride away from where I lived.

My childhood was consumed with ice cream, friends, school, and sports. I did gymnastics from the ages of four to fifteen. From the age of eleven, I spent twenty- four hours at practice each week perfecting my salute and pointing my toes till my feet hurt. When I turned thirteen, my focus started to shift from gymnastics to track. I did both sports till I was fifteen when I ultimately had to pick between them. Track won by a landslide. I attended Forest Lake High School where I graduated in 2019. I also spent my four years on the track team, I gained multiple All-Conference and All-State titles and walked away with two school records.

After I graduated from college, I spent my first month of summer reading ten books, moving out of my college apartment and trying to learn how to golf. At the beginning of July, I joined the Press Publications team to grow as a writer. They are the perfect fit for me. Everyone is passionate about what they do, and it reflects in their work. I am at my desk from Monday to Friday and spend my weekends sitting on my front porch trying to finish yet another book on my never-ending “to-be-read” list or visiting my friends in the cities.

I have always had a passion for storytelling and writing. It has been something I have enjoyed since I was in elementary school. During my free time, instead of messing around with the cute boys in my sixth-grade class, I would sit in the reading corner trying to finish a book before time was up. My diary was filled with poorly written stories. It still is. But I know that these experiences I have had growing up, in college. and at Press Publications will be invaluable to wherever I end up.

Madeline Dolby is a staff writer at Press Publications. She can be reached by emailing or calling 651-407-1226.

Shoreview parks and recreation system

Today’s column highlights Shoreview’s Parks and Recreation System Plan. This is a multi-year project that will update the city’s parks, approved by the city council in December 2022. Parks and recreational facilities play an important role in the livability of communities by providing social, economic, environmental and health benefits. In Shoreview, parks and trails are a valued amenity to residents and the city has a strong history of investing in them. In Shoreview, there are 11 city parks and four county parks. Below are our park categories.

• Neighborhood parks - between 5 and 30 acres and primarily serves residents within walking distance

– Bobby Theisen

– Bucher

– Lake Judy

– McCullough

– Rice Creek Fields

– Shamrock

– Sitzer

– Wilson

• Mini park - less than five acres

– Ponds Park

• Special use park - have a

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• Letter writers must live, work or have another connection to Press Publications coverage area.

• Letter writers are limited to six letters per year and at least


specific use or attraction

– Heritage Park,

• Established in 2019 and is home to the Lepak Larson house and Guerin Gas Station

• Community park - over 30 acres and serves the larger community

– Shoreview Commons

The process for updating the plan began with city staff meeting with youth athletic associations, the Mounds View School District, the city’s volunteer parks and recreation commission, and parks and recreation city staff. Initial concepts were developed by a park design contractor based on these discussions. The next step was for residents to provide feedback through a series of in person events at their neighborhood parks. Residents offered their feedback on the updated park design directly with the park designer and city staff. An online option for feedback was also offered for residents unable to attend the meetings, followed by a month-long online survey and interactive mapping tool. This feedback was then used to revise the plans, which were reviewed by the parks and recreation commission and then by city council.

Community input was a major driver in development of park plans. In fact, multiple meetings were held at Bobby Theisen Park, where additional neighborhood input was needed to compromise

toward a final design. These meetings took place between 2019 and 2022.

Although each park has some unique attributes and needs, some common requests from residents were:

• Better utilized park buildings with year round bathrooms (this was the most highly requested amenity)

• More shade and meeting spaces

• Open and flexible green space with areas for free form play

• Expanded trails and loops

• Natural landscapes

• Playgrounds that serve a broader range of ages

• Dog related amenities

• Maximized parking with buffering from adjacent residences

As this is a multi-year plan, improvements are scheduled by individual parks. If you’re interested in learning more about the Parks and Recreation System Plan, visit the city website at for more information. If you’re interested in becoming more involved, the parks and recreation commission is a great start and will occasionally have openings. This commission is for residents interested in advising the city council on parks and recreation related topics.


four weeks must lapse between publication. Exceptions may be made for rebuttal letters.

• Due to space limitations, letters that don’t address local issues are not guaranteed publication.

• Repeat letters by the same writer about the same subject

matter will not be published.

• Submissions containing libelous or derogatory statements will not be published.

• Submissions containing facts not previously published in the Press must be accompanied by factual verification.

• All letters are subject to editing.

• Deadline is 5 p. m. , Wednesday

of the week prior to publication.

• To submit a letter, e-mail it to shoreviewnews@presspubs. com, fax it to 651-429-1242 or mail or deliver it to Press Publications, 4779 Bloom Ave., White Bear Lake, MN 55110.

Distributed bi-weekly in: Shoreview • North Oaks COPYRIGHT© 2023 BY PRESS PUBLICATIONS, INC. Material may not be reproduced in whole or part in any form whatsoever. News 651-407-1235 Advertising 651-407-1200 Circulation 651-407-1234 Classified/Obits 651-407-1250 Production 651-407-1239 FAX 651-429-1242 Carter C. Johnson Publisher Gene Johnson Publisher Emeritus Noelle Olson Shoreview Press Editor Randy Roberts Director of Sales & Marketing Laurie Ericson Designer Brianna Luecken Circulation Paul Dols Photo Journalist Other departments 651-407-1200 DISCLAIMER: Paid advertisements appear in Press Publications’ publications, including print and other digital formats. Press Publications does not endorse or evaluate the advertised product, service, or company, nor any of the claims made by the advertisement. Advertising does not influence editorial decisions or content. Press Publications reserves the right to refuse, reject, or cancel any ad for any reason at any time without liability. Published bi-weeklyTuesdays by Press Publications, Inc. 4779 Bloom Avenue White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m.- 3 p.m. Mailed Subscription Rate: $30.00 per year. Subscribe online at
Sue Denkinger is the mayor of Shoreview From the Mayor Sue Denkinger

To the Woman in the navy Ford Edge,

I sincerely hope this finds you doing well and enjoying a wonderful summer day.

As you can assume from how we are addressing you, we have a video of you taking the books from our Little Free Library. But why?

In my most optimistic dreams, I imagine you giving them to neighbor kids or families or bringing them to underprivileged areas of our city where books are harder to come by. I want to imagine that you are trusting that we will simply be able to replace the book and keep good stories and important works available to our community. How wonderful if this case!

My fear is that these are not the reasons you have taken the books.

Would you like to grab coffee with me? (I bet you didn’t see that question coming next!)

Jesus had a way of sharing a meal with everyone. He sat around tables: with his most trusted disciples. Mary and Martha, prominent Pharisees, as well as tax collectors and those labeled as sinners.

I imagine that we both would like to think of ourselves as disciples of Jesus. And if we gather together around a table, maybe one with coffee or tea; as disciples gathered in the name of Christ- he would be with us (“For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.”- Matthew 18:20).

Also, as disciples of Jesus, I would like to connect with you directly over two Biblical reasons:

1. In Matthew 18:15, we are instructed to go directly to the person who has done harm. Only after attempting to do so, should we go to a higher authority.

2. I was encouraged to take the video to the authorities. I would like to believe that this is something we can resolve together as we are called to do in 1 Corinthians 6:1-5.

I recognize that we might not agree on the same theology or how to specifically interpret every passage of Scripture. My hope is not to change your beliefs. My hope is that we can find a place where loving one’s neighbor means not causing pain when a conversation is welcomed.

I’m inviting you to a table.

Sincerely in the Love of Christ,

City Council misses the mark

Pickle ball has taken the US by storm in the last 10 years… It’s the fastest growing sport in the country. Just take a look at the Shoreview Pickle Ball Club. We have 500 paying members who have all paid to join the Club and the City has intentionally capped our club membership because the courts we have here in Bobby Theisen Park are not sufficient to handle the play. For some unknown reason the City has rejected pleas from the players to add more courts in the upcoming remodel. They are adding a kids playground, even though there two across the street and one up the road…they are including two tennis courts- but refuse to allow them to be striped for both pickle ball and tennis They also won’t consider lights! Pickle ball lights can be much lower than lights that support a football field or baseball field. They have minimal to no impact on anything around them, but the city won’t even look into them. We even offered to help pay for them- no interest. It’s amazing that the City can add a very expensive city park to the community center that is state of the art and fantastic for kids and then refuse a few feet of “tar” for courts to the seniors who frequent our club. We need more courts as the lines waiting to play are packed… How do we cater to kids from all over the Twin Cities with free access to our newest parks and then charge people to be in the Shoreview pickle ball

club and not build a few more simple courts when you are redoing the park? Add some courts and keep up with everyone else by adding lights. Playing when it’s a bit cooler under lights is a must! Skating outside under the lights is ok for the two kids that might show up…but we have 50 plus players there for pickle ball and not enough courts or lights every day ?

Bobby Theisen Park Blunder

The City of Shoreview is planning to remodel Bobby Theisen Park this summer. While most of us find the existing warming house to be more than adequate, the City wants a new one. Minor upgrades could get another twenty years out of this building. But the City wants upwards of 2 million dollars to build a new one- adding two bathrooms and about 6 stalls. We were asking for one unisex bathroom with one stall to replace the satellite we have used for years. Simply add it to the existing warming house… More than adequate and less likely to be vandalized… They also insist on putting in two new tennis courts- but won’t allow them to be striped for both pickle ball and tennis as they currently are. We don’t get many tennis players, so it’s great to have extra pickle ball courts… Not anymore. The City would rather have new tennis courts sit empty then to stripe them for 4 pickle ball courts so either sport could be played there…We currently play pickle ball on six dedicated courts, and have lines painted on one of the tennis courts for two pickle ball games. We also play pickle ball on the other tennis court- without lines as we are desperate for courts. That makes nine courts. The City is only allowing us to have 9 courts in the new remodel. There is room for more. We have upwards of 25-30 people waiting in line to play every day with every court full. Why build a park without adding more courts when there is room and need?

Pickle Ball gets no help

Go take a look at the warming house at the Bobby Theisen Park. The City claims its in disrepair and is their oldest park building and it needs to come down in the park remodel… They claim there are structural problems and roof issues and it needs a new furnace etc. How many people in Shoreview tear down their homes to avoid fixing a few issues with their homes ? This building can easily be upgraded to add a new bathroom and save the City upwards of 2 million dollars in the process… Candidly there are very few people who still use the warming house. Skating outside is not the same as it was when we grew up. While its great to have a warming house and a bathroom in the park would be a godsend, the City wants to spend 2 million on it, while claiming we don’t need more pickle ball courts ? We have over 500 members in the Shoreview pickle ball club and the City has capped our membership because they don’t want any more pickle ball players ? So we can add a 2 million dollar bathroom/warming house for the handful of kids that still skate outside but cant allow for some more pickle ball play ? Every morning we have every court packed with people lined up waiting to play, same every evening with lines of people waiting and more going home without getting a chance to play… but we cant get more courts in the remodel even though the room exits?


• Mark Maloney, who recently retired as city public works director after 29 years, was honored with a plaque by Major Denkinger on behalf of the community to thank him for all he has done for Shoreview.

• The Shoreview Area Youth Baseball 13A Green team was recognized for winning the Gopher State Tournament of Champions. They are the first Shoreview baseball team to win a tournament of that size.

• An emergency management contract with the Lake Johanna Fire Department, and a Ramsey County Comprehensive Emergency Operations Plan were approved.

• Security cameras and building access control systems will be installed at Wilson Park and Shamrock Park.

• FOX UTV Holdings (KMSP-TV/ Fox 9) will upgrade its obstruction prevention lighting system to its broadcast tower on 550 Gramsie Road following council approval. The work will upgrade the existing nighttime-only lighting system to daytime white LED strobe lights and nghtime red flashing LED beacons. The daytime lights reduce migratory birds strikes to the tower and the nighttime lights help prevent aircraft from colliding into the tower. The flashing and strobe lights will not impact area residents citizens or housing in the surrounding area due to a fresnel lens that directs the light to the horizon and not downward.

• Kelsey Fuglsby and Angie Petruk were appointed to the human rights commission. Fuglsby is a twelve-year resident of Shoreview and has experience with diverse populations. Petruk is a two-year resident of Shoreview and has experience with nonprofits and racial and health equity. The next City Council meeting is Monday, 7 p.m. on August 7, at City Hall, 4600 Victoria Street.


Police search murder-suspects home in Shoreview

On Friday, June 30, St. Paul police served a search warrant for suspected murderer Joseph Jorgenson’s Shoreview home that he owned till September of 2022. According to the city of St. Paul, the search warrant was conducted in an attempt to advance the investigation and locate evidence for Fanta Xayavong’s death.

The investigation is still ongoing, and no additional updates are available.

AUGUST 1, 2023 SHOREVIEW PRESS 5 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR OFFICE OF THE MINNESOTA SECRETARY OF STATE CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME Pursuant to Chapter 333, Minnesota Statutes; the undersigned, who is or will be conducting or transacting a commercial business in the State of Minnesota under an assumed name, hereby certifies: 1. The assumed name under which the business is or will be conducted is: Joinery Build Co. 2. The street address of the principal place of business is or will be: 855 Village Center Drive, North Oaks, MN 55127 3. The name and street address of all persons conducting business under the above Assumed Name, including any corporation that may be conducting this business. Joinery, LLC 855 Village Center Drive, North Oaks, MN 55127 I certify that I am authorized to sign this certificate and I further certify that I understand that by signing this certificate, I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in section 609.48 as if I had signed this certificate under oath. Dated: June 28, 2023 Signed: Joe Crowley, Owner Published two times in the Shoreview Press on July 18 and August 1, 2023. PUBLIC NOTICES MDAN ads to run ONE TIME, the week beginning 7/30/2023 Metro ■ Support Veteran Nonprofits. ■ Free Pickup & Towing. ■ Top Tax Deduction. Donate Your Vehicle Call (833) 937-2593 to donate your car, truck, boat, RV, and more today! Donate Your Vehicle Today 833-937-2593 While we appreciate every donation, in some cases, we find that we are unable to accept certain vehicles, watercraft, and/or recreational vehicles due to the prohibitive costs of acquisition. If you have any questions, please give us a call at (833) 937-2593. 781117 beginning 7/30/2023 Metro 781118 ads to run ONE TIME, the week beginning 7/30/2023 Metro Support Veteran Nonprofits. Pickup & Towing. Tax Deduction. Donate Your Vehicle Call (833) 937-2593 to donate your car, truck, boat, RV, and more today! Donate Your Vehicle Today 833-937-2593 donation, in some cases, we find that we are unable to accept certain vehicles, watercraft, and/or recreational vehicles the prohibitive costs of acquisition. If you have any questions, please give us a call at (833) 937-2593. 781120 CHURCH DIRECTORY 761881 Service times are subject to change during the coronavirus crisis. Contact your local church or check church web sites for service time and online service information. To advertise here, call Randy at 651-407-1212 or email OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN CHURCH S 9185 North Lexington Ave. 763-784-1971 Sunday Mornings: in person @ 9:30 am Visit our website to stream online worship services 738825

Upcoming Games

August 8-13 vs. Louisville Bats; August 15-20 vs. Indianapolis Indians; August 29-September 3 vs. Columbus Clippers


MDAN ads to run ONE TIME, the week beginning

Preliminary site and building designs will be available for residents to view so they can see what the Environmental Service Center will look like and how it will function.

Residents can view the building and landscape plans at Ramsey County’s website under the Recycle & Waste tab.


Building a Better Community through Charitable Giving

Building a Better Community through Charitable Giving

Make a tax-free gift to the Shoreview Community Foundation from an IRA in 2019


By connecting the generosity of people with the evolving needs of Shoreview, the Shoreview Community Foundation enriches our quality of life. The Foundation provides grants according to predetermined guidelines to non-profit organizations or units of governmental from its permanent endowment fund.

Individuals who are age 701/2 or older can make gifts of up to $100,000 directly from their IRA to one or more qualified charities, without paying federal income tax of the withdrawal. This option provides tax savings to donors even if they do not itemize deductions.

• Donors must be age 701/2 or older at the time the gift is made.

Thank you to Tycon Companies, Greco, and Eagle Ridge Partners for their generous sponsorship in our celebration of fifteen years as the Shoreview Community Foundation. Through their support, we will continue to build a legacy of enriching and enhancing the quality of life in Shoreview by connecting donors to the needs of the community.

• The funds must be transferred directly to a qualified public charity. It is important not to withdraw the funds before making a gift.

By connecting the generosity of people with the evolving needs of Shoreview, the Shoreview Community Foundation enriches our quality of life. The Foundation provides grants according to predetermined guidelines to non-profit organizations or units of governmental from its permanent endowment fund.

There are many options for making undesignated or designated, tax deductible gifts or bequests by will or trust.

• Gifts cannot be used to fund a gift annuity or charitable remainder trust.

• Each donor may give up to $100,000 per year.

There are many options for making undesignated or designated, tax deductible gifts or bequests by will or trust.

• Gifts can be used to satisfy the donor’s required minimum distribution.

• Donors can exclude the distribution from income on their federal tax returns. If they do, they will not receive a charitable income tax reduction.

• To qualify for tax-free treatment, donors cannot receive goods or services, or a personal benefit (such as tickets for events) in return for the IRA charitable distribution.

Contact the Shoreview Community Foundation at:

For further information visit:

The Shoreview Community Foundation does not give tax or legal advice. We recommend that donors consult their own professional tax advisor before making a gift.

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7/30/2023 Metro ■ Support Veteran Nonprofits. ■ Free Pickup & Towing. ■ Top Tax Deduction. Donate Your Vehicle Call (833) 937-2593 to donate your car, truck, boat, RV, and more today! Donate Your Vehicle Today 833-937-2593 While we appreciate every donation, in some cases, we find that we are unable to accept certain vehicles, watercraft, and/or recreational vehicles due to the prohibitive costs of acquisition. If you have any questions, please give us a call at (833) 937-2593. 781119 Celebrations 50th CLASS REUNION 1973 Class of Alexander Ramsey September 9, 2023 Shoreview Best Western Facebook Page: Alexander Ramsey Class of 1973 Contact: 777249 Connect Anywhere, Anytime. CALL TODAY (866) 297-4702 • Medicaid • SNAP • SSI • WIC • Veterans Pension • Survivors or Lifeline Benefits • Tribal Assistance Program • Housing Assistance 781060 REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. Contact a Generac dealer for full terms and conditions $0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS (651) 467-8754 7-year Extended Warranty* – A $735 Value! FREE Whether you are home or away, protect what matters most from unexpected power outages with a Generac Home Standby Generator. 781061 Ramsey County is planning to build a new Environmental Service Center that will be located in Roseville. The Environmental Service Center will make it easier for residents to reduce, reuse and recycle. Residents can drop off food scraps (organics), household hazardous waste and electronic waste,
attend Fix-It Clinics, visit the free product reuse room and much more.
C0MMUNITY BRIEF From, Dear readers, Have something you are curious about in the community? Submit your questions to the news team. Send your questions to ou asked
AUGUST 1, 2023 SHOREVIEW PRESS 7 COUPONS August 2023 SHOREVIEW • NORTH OAKS • LEXINGTON • CIRCLE PINES LINO LAKES | 651-407-1200 | PRESSPUBS.COM WWW.BOBSCYCLE.COM CHECK OUT ON OUR WEBSITE 65 VIKING DR W • ST PAUL • 651.482.8181 • MENS RIDING GEAR • WOMENS RIDING GEAR • YOUTH RIDING GEAR • PARTS • ACCESSORIES • AND MORE! 15% Off ANY REGULAR PRICED ITEM Some exclusions apply. Not Valid with any other offers. 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Expires 8/31/23 5% Discount on the following services and delivery 775628 Gate Access (Daily): 7:00 am - 10:00 pm NORTH STAR MINI STORAGE NOW OPEN SHOREVIEW Mon-Fri: 9-5 • Saturday: 9-4 • Sunday: Closed 483 W. County Rd. E. • Shoreview, MN • 651-483-1100 NORTH STAR MINI STORAGE $20 OFF STORAGE 10X10 UNITS OR LARGER 1ST MONTH ONLY NEW CUSTOMER ONLY VALID AT SHOREVIEW LOCATION ONLY NORTH STAR MINI STORAGE $10 OFF STORAGE 10X10 UNITS OR LARGER 1ST MONTH ONLY NEW CUSTOMER ONLY VALID AT SHOREVIEW LOCATION ONLY 773921 2022 of the Press 774668 Good neighbor. Great rates. 3845 Lexington Ave N. Ste 105 Arden Hills, MN 55126 (651) 765-1362 Dan Reichert + 2022 of the Press Shining Mustang spirit Sheriff’s patroldeputies body camerasWhiteBearTownship,Vadnais Heights Shoreviewwill wearDeputies cameras respond incident, SheriffBob Fletcherduring conference ArdenHills Station Sept.interactionIncidentsinclude withresidents storefanatictravelsstatefortaste FanaticsPresident right, AdministrativeAssistant SARAMARIEMOORE|PRESSPUBLICATIONS ChickenChallenge,” which tastes store’s chicken freshnessand has hischallenge. employee NorthBranch,takes months grocerystoresacross like connector wholegroceryindustry,” Fant a TUESDAY, OCTOBER29,201 VOL. Contemplates10%levyincrease PAGE12 Lookingatfeloniesfromtheeyesoftheinca ReportsoflunillnesssurgeinMinnesotateenvapingrates ELIZABETH CALLEN STAFF WRITER VAPING, SARA MARIE MOORE EDITOR “Therearesomanythingsworkingagainstyouwhenyouareinvolvedi thecriminaljusticesyste GinaEvans CommunityOutreachDirectoratM 651-407-1200 10 REASONS TO PROMOTE: YOUR BUSINESS IN YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER 1. Reach 2. Results 3. Quality 4. Targeted 5. Flexibility 6. Immediate 7. Relied upon 8. Cost Effective 9. Credibility/Trust 10. Selective vs. Intrusive $500 OFF BUY 2 GET 1 FREE Any purchase of $50 or more. Trees, Shrubs & Perennials Discontinued Paving Stone & Retaining Walls 50% OFF 25% OFF Concrete Lawn Ornaments & bird baths 651-490-3058 6074 Hodgson Rd. (Hwy. 49) Lino Lakes/Shoreview 1 coupon per customer per visit. Exp. 9-11-23. 1 coupon per customer, Not valid on sale items. Not valid on bulk rock, mulch or dirt. Not valid on deliveries or special orders. Not valid with other coupons, specials or offers. 651-490-3058 6074 Hodgson Rd. (Hwy. 49) Lino Lakes/Shoreview 1 coupon per customer per visit. Exp. 9-11-23. 1 coupon per customer, Not valid on sale items. Not valid on bulk rock, mulch or dirt. Not valid on deliveries or special orders. Not valid with other coupons, specials or offers. 651-490-3058 6074 Hodgson Rd. (Hwy. 49) Lino Lakes/Shoreview 1 coupon per customer per visit. Exp. 9-11-23. 1 coupon per customer, Not valid on sale items. Not valid on bulk rock, mulch or dirt. Not valid on deliveries or special orders. Not valid with other coupons, specials or offers. Code: QD/SV 651-490-3058 6074 Hodgson Rd. (Hwy. 49) Lino Lakes/Shoreview (3 blocks N. of Cty. Rd. 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8 SHOREVIEW PRESS AUGUST 1, 2023 743314 Thank You for Nominating us for LAKEVIEW FAMILY DENTISTRY Located in the northern suburb of Hugo, we offer full-service dental care to meet the needs of your whole family. 14475 Forest Blvd. N., Hugo, MN 651-426-8088 Mon, Thurs and Fri: 7:00am-4:00pm Tues-Wed: 7:00am-8:00pm 2022 of the Press 778818 2023 of the Press Shoreview Press SV $20 OFF NORTH STAR MINI STORAGE NOW OPEN SHOREVIEW Gate Access (Daily): 7:00 am - 10:00 pm Mon-Fri: 9 am - 5 pm Saturday: 9 am - 4 pm • Sunday: Closed 483 W. County Rd. E, Shoreview (651-483-1100) 1st month on 180 sq ft or larger, new customers only NORTH STAR MINI STORAGE NOW OPEN Gate Access (Daily):7:00 am - 10:00 pm VADNAIS HEIGHTS/ SHOREVIEW Mon-Fri: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm • Saturday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm • Sunday: Closed 3880 Labore Road, Vadnais Heights (651) 771-3880 483 W. County Rd E, Shoreview (651) 483-1100 NORTH STAR MINI STORAGE $20 OFF 1st month on 180 sq ft or less, new customers only US-10 West on Exit 43 483 County Road E W 651.483.1100 Shoreview Park Rd Victoria St N Kent St County Road E W SHOREVIEW SHOREVIEW US-10 West on Exit 43 35 E & County Road E Exit VADNAIS HEIGHTS 2023 of the Press Thank You for the Nomination! 778899 BEST OF THE PRESS 2022 of the Press Shoreview Press 742402 728200 Roofing Siding Windows STORM RESTORATION SPECIALISTS 612-284-5329 651-287-3720 728200 Roofing Siding Windows STORM RESTORATION SPECIALISTS 612-284-5329 2023 of the Press Shoreview Press Vote for Us • Best roofer • Best remodeler 779678 2023 of the Press Sh iew P Complete Automotive Service Center All repairs backed by our 3 Year, 36,000 Mile Warranty Service Center Hours M-F 7-5 Thank you for nominating us for Best Auto Repair & Gas Station! Fantastic Auto Repair at Fantastic Prices! 778875 Anna’s Hallmark 1073 HWY 96W, Shoreview, MN 55126 651.482.1284 2023 of the Press Shoreview Press Best Gift Shop & Best Specialty Store Thank You and Please Continue to Vote for Us 2022 of the Press 2023 of the Press Shoreview Press Scan here to vote VOTE THROUGH AUGUST 20 Readers’ Choice 2023 BEST OF Thank You for Nominating Us for Best Auto Repair & Best Car Wash! 1310 W County Rd. E Arden Hills 651-633-4100 2170 N. Dale St. Roseville 651-488-8800 778802 WINNER 2022 Best Auto Repair & Car Wash 2023 of the Press Shoreview Press 2022 of the Press To our current customers THANK YOU, and if you are looking for a new local garage or are tired of the dealership games please come experience a honest family oriented repair center. 1310 W County Rd. E, Arden Hills 651-633-4100 2170 N. Dale St., Roseville 651-488-8800 SPEC

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Connected. In Community.

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• Serving the White Bear Lake community for over 60 years, offering hometown hospitality with a personalized touch!

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• Chapel on-site with beautiful custom stained glass, offering ecumenical and Catholic services

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• Recently remodeled assisted living apartments, respite care, rehabilitation and skilled nursing care

Call for a tour and about our specials: (651) 429-9654

Call for a tour: (651) 429-9654

Call for a tour: (651) 429-9654

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The Winkin’ Rooster 3600 Lexington Ave. Suite 106, Shoreview 651-484-2585 | Soups and sandwich specials posted daily on our Facebook page Fu Pam and G Silent Ra Gr T i c B e e r , W i n e & F o o d v e n d o r s Pam an n and Francesca Salvadori F A Pam and Silen R G T i A fun evening of beer and wine sampling, food, m games, silent auction and raffles. Funds raised at the 2022 Taste of Hops and Vines had a p on the lives of thousands locally and internatio T h u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 0 t h , 2 0 2 3 Snail Lake Park 4191 Snail Lake Blvd., Shoreview 5 : 0 0 P M – 8 : 0 0 P M This is a 21+ Event – Designated Driver Price: $10 at B e e r , W i n e & F o o d v e n d o r s 2 0 2 3 s p o n s o r s A R D E N H I L L S V I E W R O T A R Y P Robert Rehkamp, CPA Pam and Glenn Bowers Dave Newman SilentAuction, Raffles& GreatPrizes! T i c k e t s : $ 3 5 e a c h i n a d v a n c e o r $ 4 0 a t T I C K E T S O N S A L E A T T A S T E O F T H E H O U s e c o d e 2 0 2 3 P R E S S f o r $ 5 o f f ! PET MEMORIAL The death of your beloved pet leaves a heartache no one can heal. Their love leaves a memory you immortalize forever by publishing a special tribute as an Obituary or in Memoriam. Share your cherished thoughts so they live on forever. 1 column x 3” ad. Your obituary will appear in our classified section under “Pet Obituary.” Your ad will appear in the White Bear Press, Vadnais Heights Press, Quad Press, Shoreview Press, The Lowdown and The Citizen. Call our Classified Department 651-407-1250 or email $25 Expanded Therapists Northeast Youth & Family Services has immediate openings for mental health clients age 4 and over. IN-PERSON • TELEHEALTH • ART THERAPY • PLAY THERAPY Call or visit Expanded Offerings+ Shoreview Clinic: (651) 486-3808 | 3490 Lexington Ave N, Suite 205 White Bear Lake Clinic: (651) 429-8544 | 1280 Birch Lake Blvd N NYFSorg 781372 776851 • Serving the White Bear Lake community for over 60 years, offering hometown hospitality with a personalized touch! • Chapel on-site with beautiful custom stained glass, offering ecumenical and Catholic services • Recently remodeled assisted living apartments, respite care, rehabilitation and skilled nursing care Call for a tour: (651) 429-9654 4615 2nd Ave., White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Check out our video testimonials by scanning the QR code!
015-102 AD_Marketfest_10.3x15.5_v1.indd • Serving the White Bear Lake community for over 60 years, offering hometown hospitality with a personalized touch! • Chapel on-site with beautiful custom stained glass, offering ecumenical and Catholic services • Recently remodeled assisted living apartments, respite care, rehabilitation and skilled nursing care Call for a tour: (651) 429-9654 4615 2nd Ave., White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Check out our video testimonials by scanning the QR code!
4615 2nd Ave., White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Check out our video testimonials by scanning the QR code!
015-102 AD_Marketfest_10.3x15.5_v1.indd
4615 2nd Ave., White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Check out our video testimonials by scanning the QR code!
/ w h i t e b e a r l a k e

Shoreview, MN ~ I’m going to ask you a simple question.

“Are you interested in getting rid of your knee pain?”

Do you think that you’d be open to doing something that would really “help” your knee pain and wouldn’t cost you an arm and a leg?

If you answered “YES” to those questions - - keep reading.

If you have knee pain, can’t walk because of an old injury, or just think it’s a part of getting old, you might want to read this article.

Knee pain is something that disables many people every single year, but most people don’t know what to do about it.

Amazing New Technique!

Hello. I’m Dr. Lowell Magelssen and I’m here to tell you about an amazing technique that I have been trained in and now am able to offer it to you in my clinic.

What if there was a “real solution” that worked from DAY ONE?

Those who that have tried this technique have said that their knees have never felt this good and that was after… just one treatment!

This new treatment has reduced knee pain and stiffness up to 95% in some people, so it is possible that it’ll help your knee pain, improve your walking immediately after your first treatment, plus help you do some things you used to do without the help of a walker, cane or someone assisting you.

Will this work for you?

Great question and here’s the answer. Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not guaranteeing a miracle if you haven’t walked in twenty years… but this just may be the solution

you’ve been looking for. Better late than never for sure. You should entertain this option no matter what’s happened to you in the past!

Let me be very clear. I’m here to try and help you:

• get out of pain,

• walk better,

• move better,

• get up and down better,

• get out of chairs easier AND…

• finally you will be able to move without relying on someone or something else.

What if my knees are BONE ON BONE?

Here’s all I can tell you. If you’re bone on bone, this may be the only solution you can do to help you alleviate your pain and you’ll soon discover that this is an advanced knee treatment program with amazing results.

Take Action Today!

I want to make this easy!

I’m offering you a consultation, exam, X-Rays, and a trial treatment and almost immediately, you’ll know if we can help and most importantly, you will too!

If knee pain is an issue and you’re tired of having knee pain and want to talk to a doctor that can virtually give you your life back, call Dr. Lowell Magelssen at 651-482-1040 or visit His office is located in the Shoreview Village Mall Hwy, 96 and Lexington. He’s excited to share with you that he’s recently added an amazing new technique in treating knee pain

10 SHOREVIEW PRESS AUGUST 1, 2023 651-482-1040 | | 1042 Hwy 96 West Shoreview, MN, 55126 (Located In Shoreview Village Mall) DR. LOWELL P. MAGELSSEN, DC Doctorate: Northwestern College of Chiropractic Certified: Acupuncture Knee Pain? CALL TODAY! 781050 Get Relief without Surgery or Drugs? $49 Exam, Xrays, & Treatment * Medicare exclusions may apply. 651-482-1040 Advertisement Reduce Your Chronic Knee Pain

Local Olympic sailor gears up for Paris 2024 games

As Shoreview native Lara DallmanWeiss prepares to participate in her second Olympic games in a year, she returns to where it all began, the White Bear Yacht Club.

Dallman-Weiss started sailing at the age of six and has early memories of spending time with her dad John out on the boat tagging along with him while he was racing. John taught himself how to sail and is now the race officer on White Bear Lake. John and his wife Sue currently live in Hugo.

Dallman-Weiss started out taking lessons at White Bear Lake Sailing School and was sailing on “Optis”, also known as optimist sailing boats, which are small starter boats intended for kids and teens learning how to sail. The Optis only hold one person, and this is something Dallman-Weiss did not particularly enjoy during her initial time learning how to sail.

“Part of what I love about the sport is you sail with other people, so it wasn’t until I was put in a boat with another person that I really loved it,” DallmanWeiss said.

Dallman-Weiss is set to do what she has grown to love at the 2024 Paris Olympics, sailing as a pair with Stu McNay, the decorated four-time Olympic sailor, and her new partner.

Sailing is a unique sport and Dallman-Weiss believes it takes a lot of time for people to develop at the highest level because there’s so much that goes into it.

Dallman-Weiss remembers dedicating herself to the sport when she attended Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Fla. After graduating, she worked in a sail loft, worked in sailing media, and sailed on every single boat she could all over

the world. She thinks that these wideranging experiences helped her acquire the skill set she needed to become an Olympic sailor.

“You learn all these different things that are applicable when you’re Olympic sailing,” Dallman-Weiss said.

Reflecting on her experience in the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, DallmanWeiss is eager to feel the Olympic spirit again in 2024.

“The Olympic spirit is a real thing,” Dallman-Weiss said. “Being part of Team USA, meeting other athletes, having access to watch any sport at any time of the day, and competing against some of the best sailors in the world at the highest level, that is an experience I want again.”

Up until now, the 470 (the boats are 470 centimeters long) sailing event at the Olympics has been gender split, meaning women could only pair up with other women in the “women’s 470” and men could only pair up with other men in the “men’s 470”. In 2024, it will be a mixed event.

It’ll be an entirely different strategy for both Dallman-Weiss and McNay in 2024 because she has always been used to sailing with a smaller female and McNay was used to sailing with a much larger male counterpart. Although it has been an adjustment and learning process for Dallman-Weiss, she is excited about the opportunity to sail with McNay.

“He is incredible,” Dallman-Weiss said. “We’re both just chasing the Olympic medal.”

U.S. Olympic teams do not receive government funding like many of their competitors from other countries do. Sailing does not have access to as much funds as more popular sports such as track and field or gymnastics.

“That leaves it all to us,” DallmanWeiss said. “It’s basically a full-time business to manage funding.”

The pair will be looking to fund their Olympic campaign which involves funds for coaching, airfare, lodging, and boat maintenance/shipping via donations from people in the sailing community and businesses.

To aspiring young sailors, DallmanWeiss encourages them to reach out and find a mentor to answer questions and guide them through their journey. As she did, Dallman-Weiss encourages young people in sailing to follow their passion.

“I always say follow your gut,”

Dallman-Weiss said. “If sailing’s something you love doing, keep doing it.”

To donate via card or PayPal, visit and scroll to the McNay/Dallman-Weiss Paris 2024 campaign.

To pay by check, checks can be made out to “Inland Lakes Yachting Association” with “McNay/DallmanWeiss Campaign” in the memo. Checks should be mailed to P.O. Box 662, East Troy, WI 53120.

Sebastian Studier is an intern at Press Publications. He can be reached by calling 651-242-2775 or emailing intern1@

Tri-City Red caps 17-10 season at state tournament

Tri-City Red, the American Legion baseball team consisting of Mounds View players, qualified for the state tournament by winning their district playoffs at home July 17-22. The “Red” lost twice at state on Thursday in Rochester and finished 17-10. “We have a great group of young men that showed up every day ready to compete and carry on the tradition of excellence that is Tri-City Red Baseball,” Coach Bo Lovdahl said.

“There is a phenomenal baseball community in the Shoreview area, and I have no doubt we will be stronger in the next few years.”

He thanked the American Legion and Gail Kalata for “working impossibly hard to give these players the best baseball experience they can have.”

In the district, the Red opened with a 7-5 win over Tri-City Maroon, overcoming a 5-4 deficit with a three-run inning on RBI hits by Chris Then and Thomas Shields. Joey Price, who’ll play at ConcordiaMoorhead, got the win, allowing five runs (two earned) in six innings. Then pitched a scoreless seventh for the save.

The Red out-slugged Chisago Lakes 15-7, featuring a wild first inning in which they gave up six runs but came back with seven in their half. Tanner Hoemann, infielder who’ll play for St. John’s, was a one-man wrecking crew with a triple, two doubles, a single, and four RBI’s. Meanwhile, the TCR defense settled in after a shaky first inning, said Lovdahl.

Hoemann took the mound in game three and led a 4-2 win over Stillwater, allowing just four hits and no earned runs, striking out five, against “a very capable Stillwater lineup,” Lovdahl noted. Punching two hits each were Then and Landon Both, a 2022 graduate still eligible to play.

Rosetown downed the Red 5-3 in the fourth game.

Sawyer Anderson pitched well “and gave us a great chance to win,” said Lovdahl, but TCR couldn’t get the timely hits they needed. Shields rapped a pair of hits.

This was TCR’s lone loss in the double-elimination tournament. The Red advanced to the finals and, after a hard rain, Aiden Bale blanked Stillwater 5-0 to earn the state trip. That was “one of the most dominant performances I’ve seen as a coach,” Lovdahl said. Bale threw 80 percent strikes, struck out seven, and was helped by catcher David Shields throwing out two baserunners. The Red scored all five runs in the first.

Lovdahl added: “The MVP of this game was the

whole team for getting the field into shape to play. We received heavy rainfall before the game and it took everyone’s best effort.”

Tri-City Red was ousted from state tournament contention by losing its first two games, to Northfield 8-4 and to Foley 5-4 in eight innings. They had one more game, losing to Mankato American 7-1. In the three games, Then and Landon Both each rapped four hits, and Thomas Shields and David Shields each had three hits. Joey Price had a solid  pitching performance against Mankato, allowing their earned runs in 6 1/3 innings.

PHOTOS BY BRUCE STRAND | PRESS PUBLICATIONS Tanner Hoeman drilled this pitch to the left-field fence for a triple against Chisago Lakes. Sawyer Anderson celebrated a double against Chisago Lakes. PAUL DOLS Dallman-Weiss grew up learning how to sail at the White Bear Yacht Club in the sailing school.


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AI TECHNOLOGY: R & E Center works towards renewable biogas

R&E Board Chair and Ramsey County Commissioner Victoria Reinhardt has been with the R&E facility from the beginning and thinks the new food scraps pickup program represents a big step forward in utilizing the resources available in waste.

“We really view the solid waste that comes here as a resource,” Reinhardt said. “When we purchased the facility, we made a commitment that we were not going to just continue to do the same old same old, we wanted to move waste up the hierarchy, and this program is a really big part of that. We have valuable resources within the garbage, I know that sounds kind of silly, but there’s a lot of energy that is in what we throw out.”  R&E receives trash produced by over 800,000 residents and 70,000 businesses in the two counties. It includes trash from the Minnesota State Fair and the State Capitol and this facility processes 13% of the state’s trash. According to Joint Leadership Team member and Ramsey County division Manager Michael Reed, roughly 20% of the trash collected in Ramsey and Washington counties is food waste.

The food scraps collection program, currently in its initial pilot stage was launched in select neighborhoods in Maplewood, Newport, Cottage Grove and North St. Paul in April.

Reed says that within the next few years, the program will roll out to all the residents in Ramsey and Washington counties.

The goal of the counties is to be at 40% or 127,000 household participation at the five-year mark after the program is available to every household. At

that time, the facility expects to collect around 30,000 tons of food scraps annually from residents, which will help the counties move toward the state of Minnesota’s 75% recycling goal by 2040.

With the program still in its pilot phase, the AI sorting machines are still working to improve each time they sort through waste. Currently, the machines are at a 75% compliance rate with the materials the machines are picking out. The machines must get to a compliance rate of 94% when picking out the food scrap bags, to be accepted at a composting site.

“Ultimately, the material from this facility that’s collected from the food scraps program is going to be composted in the short term and then move toward anaerobic digestion in the long term to create renewable biogas,” Reed said.

According to facility manager Sam Holl, the facility hopes to begin using the food scraps for anaerobic digestion in mid-2026 at a proposed future facility in Shakopee to create renewable natural gas from the scraps.

Reinhardt continues to see the impact that the improvements in the waste industry can have on the environment.

“I really love this industry, I really love garbage,” Reinhardt said. “The reason that I say that is because each and every one of you, everybody around us, every decision you make, has an impact on the environment.”

Sebastian Studier is an intern at Press Publications. He can be reached by calling 651-242-2775 or emailing intern1@

If every person takes one small step toward being more conscientious of the environment, the collective effort will change the planet.


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Once the AI machines reach their goal of 94% compliance, the food scrap bags will qualify for composting. The R&E is hoping and is currently working to create an anaerobic digestion facility in Shakopee to send the food scraps there and create renewable biogas.

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SEBASTIAN STUDIER | PRESS PUBLICATIONS AI technology will sort through the waste and will remove the green food scrap
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