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Memorial Day Memorial Day

We salute the men and women who have fought for the freedom of every American citizen in this great nation.

In their honor, we invite you to the White Bear Lake Memorial Day parade on Monday, May 29th. The form-up for the parade is at 9:00, parade will start at City Hall at 9:30 and proceed to Union Cemetery. All youth groups and all veterans are invited to attend and march. Join us for a free hotdog lunch for camaraderie & sing service songs.


At 10:00 AM at Union Cemetery, a short program honoring those who gave their lives for freedom will be held. The Public is invited to join us for snacks at the American Legion Club located at 2210 Third St after the parade.

There will be a ceremony honoring those who died at sea at 2 PM at Veteran’s Park, adjacent to the VFW located at 4496 Lake Ave. So.

By The Numbers

• 1 in 5 U.S. adults experience mental illness each year, and less than half of them receive treatment.

• 1 in 20 U.S. adults experience a serious mental illness each year, and less than two-thirds receive treatment.

• 1 in 6 U.S. youth experience a mental health condition each year, and only half of them receive treatment.

• 50% of all lifetime mental illness begins by age 14, and 75% by age 24.

• 11 years is the average delay between onset of mental illness symptoms and treatment.

• 1 in 10 young people under age 18 experienced a mental health condition following a COVID-19 diagnosis.

• 77% of Americans say they are not content with the state of mental health treatment in this country.

• 65% of Americans are concerned about the stigma around mental illness.

• Annually, mental illness affects:

• 16% of Asian adults

• 21% of Black/African American adults

• 18% of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander adults

• 21% of Hispanic adults

• 27% of American Indian/Alaska Native adults

• 24% of White adults

• 35% of multiracial adults

• 50% of LGB adults

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