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Start the golf season with the right swing

The golf season has finally begun- better late than never!

For those of you who haven’t made it to the range yet, I’d like to offer a few suggestions on a great way to start.


What matters most in the golf swing is the impact zone. Start with a 7or 8 iron and tee the ball up. Put an alignment stick outside of your right and left foot so they match your stance line. The goal of this drill is to make contact with the ball in the center of the face of the club. You’ll start with a half swing. On the take away make a slight pivot back. Make sure the clubhead is slightly outside of the alignment stick, with the clubhead partially closed. This is definitely different than what most of you are doing. Once the club is parallel with the ground, start your forward pivot first then your downswing. Finish with the club parallel off your left foot.

Doing these two moves will start your swing from the inside which is exactly what you want. When you use your torso to swing, the clubface will automatically square up at impact. Most players I see are more concerned with their arm swing than what their body is doing, and I’d like to challenge you to look at it in reverse.

The important piece is starting your forward pivot first. You’ll need to establish a good tempo, and have a dedicated pause at the top of our backswing. If done correctly, the ball flight should be a slight draw. Once you get that shot pattern, extend your swing to a ¾ swing. You certainly could work through other clubs in your bag (not the driver at first) but I wouldn’t go any farther than a ¾ backswing. This is a great first day practice session at the range.

The hardest thing for most players is taking a new move to the course. I’ve always preached play like you practice and practice like you play. Try to play 9 holes twice a week with this ¾ swing and don’t keep score. You’re trying to ingrain a new move, and it’s true it takes 1500+ repetitions to form a habit. I’d really like to hear back from readers what they think of this and if it worked for them.

I’m teaching New to the Game and Game Improvement Clinics this spring and summer. Please contact me if you’d like more information.

Betsy Larey is an LPGA Professional who teaches at Keller Golf Club and Chomonix Golf Club. She can be reached at betsylareygolf@gmail.com or 651.470.2297


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Student News

Student receives perfect score in vocabulary competition

A White Bear Lake elementary student recently received a perfect score in the last of three meets in this year’s WordMasters Challenge — a national vocabulary competition involving nearly 125,000 students annually. Addison Lee, a third grader at Otter Lake Elementary, earned a perfect score of 20 competing in the Gold Division. Nationally, only 41 third graders achieved this result.

The WordMasters Challenge is an exercise in critical thinking that first encourages students to become familiar with a set of interesting new words (considerably harder than grade level), and then challenges them to use those words to complete analogies expressing various kinds of logical relationships.

Another third grade student at Otter Lake, Elsie Feipel, also found success at the competition. Both students were coached by Jill Petersen.

Top 24 Triple Threat Finalist

White Bear Lake Area High School’s Cecilia McCahon, who played Roxie Hart in the WBLAHS fall musical, “Chicago,” is in the final top 24 Triple Threat Finalists in the Hennepin Theatre Trust’s Spotlight Showcase process. She will perform at the State Theatre on June 12-13 during the Spotlight Showcase 2023.

Press | Vadnais Heights Press

Quad Community Press | Shoreview Press | The Citizen

Issue Date: Week of June 9

Deadline: Wednesday, May 10, 3p.m.

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Weekly Outlook

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