11 minute read

White Bear Lake Area




When: 7 p.m. Wednesday May 31, Thursday, June 1 and Friday, June 2; 2 & & p.m. Saturday, June 3

Where: Century College, West Campus Theatre, 3401 E. Century Ave. N., White Bear Lake


When: 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thursday, May 25

Where: White Bear Center for the Arts, 4971 Long Ave.

Details: Visit with Minneapolis artist Genie Hien Tran about her exhibit “Second Sources” and see her work on display through June 16. Free; RSVP requested.

Contact: whitebeararts.org



When: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday, May 29

Where: Blacksmith Lounge, 17205 Forest Blvd. N., Hugo

Details: Memorial Day car show. Registration day of show; free for spectators. No swap meet or vendors. Contact: northstarstudebakers. com

Details: White Bear Lake Area High School presents comedy whodunit inspired by the classic Hasbro game. See ticket information online.

Contact: bit.ly/wblboxoffice


When: 7:30 p.m. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays; 2 p.m. Sundays, June 1-11

Where: Hanifl Performing Arts Center, 4941 Long Ave., White Bear Lake

Details: See 10 never-before-seen plays from around the world performed by Lakeshore Players actors.

Contact: 651-478-7427 or lakeshoreplayers.org


When: 6-7:30 p.m. Sunday, June 4

Where: Tighe-Schmitz Park, Birchwood

Details: All are welcome to bring a lawn chair or blanket, picnic and beverage and listen to Artrio.

Contact: cityofbirchwood.com

Office Of The Minnesota Secretary Of State Certificate


Pursuant to Chapter 333, Minnesota Statutes; the undersigned, who is or will be conducting or transacting a commercial business in the State of Minnesota under an assumed name, hereby certifies:

1. The assumed name under which the business is or will be conducted is:


2. The street address of the principal place of business is or will be: Care of: 1947 Healy Road Nanaimo British Columbia 00000 Canada

3. The name and street address of all persons conducting business under the above Assumed Name, including any corporation that may be conducting this business.

Ugo Debiasi Care of: 1947 Healy Road

Nanaimo, British Columbia 00000 Canada

Ugo DeBiasi Care of: 1947 Healy Road

Nanaimo British Columbia 00000 Canada

Ugo L Debiasi Care of: 1947 Healy Road

Nanaimo, British Columbia 00000 Canada

Ugo L DeBiasi Care of:1947 Healy Road

Nanaimo, British Columbia 00000 Canada

Ugo Lucio DeBiasi, Authorized Agent Care of: 1947 Healy Road

Nanaimo, British Columbia 00000 Canada

Ugo Lucio DeBiasi,Trustee Care of: 1947 Healy Road

Nanaimo, British Columbia 00000 Canada

Ugo Lucio DeBiasi, Beneficiary Care of: 1947 Healy Road

Nanaimo, British Columbia 00000 Canada

Ugo Lucio DeBiasi Care of: 1947 Healy Road

Nanaimo, British Columbia 00000 Canada

UGO L DEBIASI Care of: 1947 Healy Road

Nanaimo, British Columbia 00000 Canada

UGO DEBIASI Care of: 1947 Healy Road

Nanaimo, British Columbia 00000 Canada

DeBiasi Ugo L Care of: 1947 Healy Road

Nanaimo, British Columbia 00000 Canada

DEBIASI UGO L Care of: 1947 Healy Road

Nanaimo, British Columbia 00000 Canada

DeBiasi Ugo Lucio Care of: 1947 Healy Road

Nanaimo, British Columbia 00000 Canada

DEBIASI UGO LUCIO Care of: 1947 Healy Road

Nanaimo, British Columbia 00000 Canada

DEBIASI UGO Care of: 1947 Healy Road

Nanaimo, British Columbia 00000 Canada

Debiasi Ugo Care of: 1947 Healy Road

Nanaimo, British Columbia 00000 Canada

I certify that I am authorized to sign this certificate and I further certify that I understand that by signing this certificate, I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in section 609.48 as if I had signed this certificate under oath.

Dated: February 12, 2023.

Signed: Ugo Lucio DeBiasi

Published two times in the Vadnais Heights Press on May 17 and 24, 2023

Office Of The Minnesota Secretary Of State Certificate


Pursuant to Chapter 333, Minnesota Statutes; the undersigned, who is or will be conducting or transacting a commercial business in the State of Minnesota under an assumed name, hereby certifies:

1. The assumed name under which the business is or will be conducted is:


2. The street address of the principal place of business is or will be: care of, 1123 Strathmore Street Nanaimo British Columbia 000000 CANADA

3. The name and street address of all persons conducting business under the above Assumed Name, including any corporation that may be conducting this business.

Susan Lynne Solomon care of, 1123 Strathmore Street, Nanaimo, British Columbia 000000 CANADA

Solomon Susan Anne care of, 1123 Strathmore Street, Nanaimo, British Columbia 000000 CANADA

Miron Susan Anne care of, 1123 Strathmore Street, Nanaimo, British Columbia 000000 CANADA

Stepanick Susan Lynne care of, 1123 Strathmore Street, Nanaimo, British Columbia 000000 CANADA

:Susan- Lynne: Stepanick., Authorized Representative care of, 1123 Strathmore Street, Nanaimo, British Columbia 000000 CANADA

:Susan- Lynne: Stepanick., Authorized Representative care of, 1123 Strathmore Street, Nanaimo, British Columbia 000000 CANADA

Susan Lynne Stepanick care of, 1123 Strathmore Street, Nanaimo, British Columbia 000000 CANADA

Solomon Susan Anne care of, 1123 Strathmore Street Nanaimo, British Columbia 000000 CANADA

:Susan- Lynne: Miron., Authorized Representative care of, 1123 Strathmore Street Nanaimo, British Columbia 000000 CANADA

Susan Lynne Miron care of, 1123 Strathmore Street Nanaimo, British Columbia 000000 CANADA

:Susan- Anne: Miron., Authorized Representative care of, 1123 Strathmore Street Nanaimo, British Columbia 000000 CANADA

Susan Anne Miron care of, 1123 Strathmore Street Nanaimo, British Columbia 000000 CANADA

Anne Raphaelle Miron care of, 1123 Strathmore Street Nanaimo, British Columbia 000000 CANADA

Sue Anne Solomon care of, 1123 Strathmore Street Nanaimo, British Columbia 000000 CANADA

Sue Anne Miron care of, 1123 Strathmore Street Nanaimo, British Columbia 000000 CANADA

Susan Raphelle Solomon care of, 1123 Strathmore Street Nanaimo, British Columbia 000000 CANADA

Susan Raphelle Miron care of, 1123 Strathmore Street Nanaimo, British Columbia 000000 CANADA

:Susan- Anne: Solomon care of, 1123 Strathmore Street

Nanaimo, British Columbia 000000 CANADA

Susan Anne Solomon care of, 1123 Strathmore Street Nanaimo, British Columbia 000000 CANADA

I certify that I am authorized to sign this certificate and I further certify that I understand that by signing this certificate, I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in section 609.48 as if I had signed this certificate under oath.

Dated: May 8, 2023.


:Susan-Anne: Miron, Authorized Representative, All Rights Reserved.

Published two times in the Vadnais Heights Press on May 17 and 24, 2023.

Office Of The Minnesota


Of State


Pursuant to Chapter 333, Minnesota Statutes; the undersigned, who is or will be conducting or transacting a commercial business in the State of Minnesota under an assumed name, hereby certifies:

1. The assumed name under which the business is or will be conducted is: Rate

2. The street address of the principal place of business is or will be:

3940 N Ravenswood Ave, Chicago, Illinois 60613 United States

3. The name and street address of all persons conducting business under the above Assumed Name, including any corporation that may be conducting this business.

Guaranteed Rate, Inc.

3940 N Ravenswood Ave, Chicago, Illinois 60613 United States

I certify that I am authorized to sign this certificate and I further certify that I understand that by signing this certificate, I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in section 609.48 as if I had signed this certificate under oath.

Dated: May 12, 2023

Signed: Samuel Wolling

Published two times in the Vadnais Heights Press on May 24 and 31, 2023.

Office Of The Minnesota Secretary Of State


Pursuant to Chapter 333, Minnesota Statutes; the undersigned, who is or will be conducting or transacting a commercial business in the State of Minnesota under an assumed name, hereby certifies:

1. The assumed name under which the business is or will be conducted is: Cleanroomplastics.com

2. The street address of the principal place of business is or will be:

412 High Point Curve South, Maplewood MN 55119

3. The name and street address of all persons conducting business under the above Assumed Name, including any corporation that may be conducting this business. Pioneer Poly Products Inc.

412 High Point Curve South, Maplewood MN 55119

I certify that I am authorized to sign this certificate and I further certify that I understand that by signing this certificate, I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in section 609.48 as if I had signed this certificate under oath.

Dated: May 5, 2023

Signed: Alexander Christians

Published two times in the Vadnais Heights Press on May 17 and 24, 2023.


Pursuant to Chapter 333, Minnesota Statutes; the undersigned, who is or will be conducting or transacting a commercial business in the State of Minnesota under an assumed name, hereby certifies:

1. The assumed name under which the business is or will be conducted is:

Mi Tierra Market

2. The street address of the principal place of business is or will be:

178 Cesar Chavez St. St Paul MN 55107

3. The name and street address of all persons conducting business under the above Assumed Name, including any corporation that may be conducting this business.

ACM Business Group LLC

16624 Early Dawn Trl Lakeville, MN 55044

I certify that I am authorized to sign this certificate and I further certify that I understand that by signing this certificate, I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in section 609.48 as if I had signed this certificate under oath.

Dated: May 2, 2023

Signed: Alexander Pina

Published two times in the Vadnais Heights Press on May 17 and 24, 2023.


I, Steve Simon, Secretary of State of Minnesota, do certify that: The following business entitly has duly complied with the relevant provisions of Minnesota Statutes listed below, and is formed or authorized to do business in Minnesota on and after this date with all the powers, rights and privileges, and subject to the limitations, duties and restrictions set forth in that chapter

The business entity is now legally registered under the laws of Minnesota.

File Number: 1387026600028

Minnesota Statutes, Chapter: 322C


ARTICLE 2. REGISTERED OFFICE AND AGENT AT THAT ADDRESS: Keith Dippel 5433 145th Street North, Hugo, MN 55038


ARTICLE 4. ORGANIZERS: John Sales 5379 Clifton Dr., Mounds View, MN 55112

Dated: 04/17/2023

Signed: John Sales

Published two times in the Vadnais Heights Press on May 24 and 31, 2023. NORTHEAST METROPOLITAN INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL DISTRICT 916 WHITE BEAR LAKE, MN CALL FOR BIDS


Notice is hereby given that bids will be received for Maintenance Supplies

– Primary Vendor by Northeast Metropolitan Intermediate School District 916 at the District Office located at 2540 County Rd F East, Door A, White Bear Lake, MN 55110 until 11:00 a.m. central time on June 15, 2023, at which time and place bids will be publicly opened. Complete Notice to Bidders can be found at: www.916schools.org, Departments & Services, Business Office, Call for Bids.







Ramsey County releases solicitation opportunities on DemandStar as an alternative method of public notice pursuant to Section 331A.03 of the Minnesota Statutes. Individuals may go to the “How to Contract with Ramsey County” section of the “Doing Business with Ramsey County” webpage at ramseycounty.us/ContractWithRamsey to access registration information.

If you are new to DemandStar, please follow the DemandStar registration instructions on the “How to Contract with Ramsey County” webpage. Access to all Ramsey County documents is free if the instructions that are posted are followed. You may call 651-266-8072 or email ProcurementTeam@ ramseycounty.us if you need assistance.

Ramsey County is accepting only electronic Request for Bids (RFBs) responses submitted through DemandStar. Public openings are conducted digitally, as a video conference. See the link above for details.

To view current solicitations, please go to: https://bit.ly/3W8XWan

Published one time in the Vadnais Heights Press on May 24, 2023.




TUESDAY, MAY 9, 2023

The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 9:01 a.m. with the following members present: Frethem, McGuire, Moran, Ortega, Reinhardt, Xiong and Chair MatasCastillo. Also present was Ryan O’Connor, County Manager, and Jada Lewis, Civil Division Director, Ramsey County Attorney’s Office.

AGENDA of May 9, 2023 was presented for approval. Motion by McGuire, seconded by Moran. Unanimously approved.

MINUTES of May 2, 2023 were presented for approval. Motion by Ortega, seconded by Moran. Unanimously approved

LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT – Read by Commissioner Frethem.


Public Health – Mental Health Awareness Month. Presented by Commissioner Ortega.

Sheriff’s Office, Community Corrections – Correctional Officers Week. Presented by Commissioner Reinhardt.


Parks & Recreation – Second Amendment to the Cooperative Maintenance Agreement with the City of New Brighton for Long Lake Regional Park – Lions Park. Motion by Frethem, seconded by Ortega. Unanimously approved. (B2023-069)

Parks & Recreation – Battle Creek Regional Park Master Plan Amendment. Motion by Frethem, seconded by Reinhardt. Unanimously approved. (B2023-070)

Public Works – Reappointment of the County Surveyor. Motion by Frethem, seconded by McGuire. Unanimously approved. (B2023-071)

Public Works – Appointment of County Engineer. Motion by Frethem, seconded by Reinhardt. Unanimously approved. (B2023-072)

POLICY ITEM County Manager’s Office – Presentation: Federal Public Health Emergency. For Discussion Only. Discussion can be found on archived video.

LEGISLATIVE UPDATE – Presented by Commissioner MatasCastillo. Discussion can be found on archived video.

COUNTY CONNECTIONS – Presented by Ryan O’Connor, County Manager. Discussion can be found on archived video.

OUTSIDE BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS – Discussion can be found on archived video.

BOARD CHAIR UPDATES – Discussion can be found on archived video.

ADJOURNMENT – Chair MatasCastillo declared the meeting adjourned at 11:18 a.m.

Published one time in the Vadnais Heights Press on May 24, 2023.





National Continental Insurance Company, Plaintiff vs Trai Mincy and Michaela McKee, Defendant

This Summons is directed to Trai Mincy and Michaela McKee.

1. You are being sued. The Plaintiff has started a lawsuit against you. The Complaint is attached to this Summons. Do not throw these papers away. They are official papers that start a lawsuit and affect your legal rights, even if nothing has been filed with the court and even if there is no court file number on this Summons

2. You must BOTH reply, in writing, AND get a copy of your reply to the person/business who is suing you within 21 days to protect your rights. Your reply is called an Answer. Getting your reply to the Plaintiff is called service.You must serve a copy of your Answer or Answer and Counterclaim (Answer) within 21 days from the date you received the Summons and Complaint

3. You must respond to each claim. The Answer is your written response to the Plaintiff’s Complaint. In your Answer you must state whether you agree or disagree with each paragraph of the Complaint. If you think the Plaintiff should not be given everything they asked for in the Complaint, you must say that in your Answer

4. SERVICE: You may lose your case if you do not send a written response to the Plaintiff. If you do not serve a written Answer within 21 days, you may lose this case by default. You will not get to tell your side of the story. If you choose not to respond, the Plaintiff may be awarded everything they asked for in their Complaint. If you agree with the claims stated in the Complaint, you don’t need to respond. A default judgment can than be entered against you for what the Plaintiff asked for in the Complaint

To protect your rights, you must serve a copy of your Answer on the person who signed this Summons in person or by mail at this address:

VanDerHeyden Law Office, P.A.

302 Elton Hills Drive NW, Suite 300 PO Box 6535 Rochester, MN 55903-6535

5. Carefully read the Instructions (CIV301) for the Answer for your next steps.

6. Legal Assistance. You may wish to get legal help from an attorney. If you do not have an attorney and would like legal help:

• Visit www.mncourts.gov/selfhelp and click on the “Legal Advice Clinics” tab to get more information about legal clinics in each Minnesota county.

• Court Administration may have information about places where you can get legal assistance.

NOTE: Even if you cannot get legal help, you must still serve a written Answer to protect your rights or you may lose the case.

7. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). The parties may agree to or be ordered to participate in an ADR process under Rule 114 of the Minnesota Rules of Practice. You must still serve your written Answer, even if you expect to use ADR.

Dated: March 13, 2023 VANDERHEYDEN LAW OFFICE, P.A.

BY: David W. VanDerHeyden (122622) Nicholas M. Rotar (0396880)

Attorneys for Plaintiff 302 Elton Hills Drive NW, Suite 300 Post Office Box 6535 Rochester MN 55903-6535 (507) 281-2315

Published three times in the Vadnais Heights Press on May 10, 17 and 24, 2023.

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