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Memorial Day Events

Monday, May 29


HUGO: American Legion Post 620 will begin the Memorial Day cemetery tour with an honor guard at 6:45 a.m. at the Legion followed by Walker Cemetery in Hugo at 7:30 a.m.; Gethsemane Methodist (Rice Lake) Cemetery in Lino Lakes at 9 a.m.; Incarnation Lutheran Cemetery in Lino Lakes at 9:25 a.m.; St. Joseph’s Catholic Cemetery in Lino Lakes at 10 a.m.; Twitchell Cemetery in Lino Lakes at 10:30 a.m.; St. Genevieve Catholic Cemetery in Centerville at 11:25 a.m.; and St. John the Baptist Catholic Cemetery in Hugo at 11:55 a.m. The public is invited to attend any or all of the ceremonies. The Hugo American Legion is located at 5383 140th Street N.

LINO LAKES: American Legion Post 566 will hold a ceremony at 5 p.m. followed by a family picnic with burgers and hot dogs grilled by the Sons of the American Legion and Legion Riders. Community members are invited. The Lino Lakes American Legion is located at 7731 Lake Drive.

MAHTOMEDI: The annual Memorial Day parade through downtown Mahtomedi and Willernie will begin at 9 a.m. Route along Stillwater Road begins at East

Avenue and ends at Veteran’s Memorial Park with a ceremony at 9:30 a.m. A pancake breakfast follows at the fire station, 800 Stillwater Road.

STILLWATER: Ceremony honoring St. Croix Valley area casualties of war will be held at 11:30 a.m. at the Stillwater Veterans Memorial, 138 Pine Street W. The event will include music by the Croix Chordsmen and Stillwater Area High School band. A flag raising and flyover by the T-6 Thunder Flight Team (WWII aircraft) is planned at noon. Attendees are encouraged to bring lawn chairs. For more information, visit stillwaterveteransmemorial.org.

WHITE BEAR LAKE: Parade starts at 9:30 a.m. at City Hall and travels along W. Birch Lake Avenue and 2nd Avenue to Union Cemetery. Youth groups and veterans are invited to attend and march. A program will be held at Union Cemetery at 10 a.m., then the parade resumes along Lake Avenue and Banning Street ending at American Legion Post 168. The public is invited for lunch and snacks at the Legion, located at 2210 Third Street. At 2 p.m., a Lost at Sea service will be held at Veteran’s Park next to VFW Post 1782, 4496 Lake Avenue.

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