8 minute read
T-6 Thunder to fly on the 4th of July
The T-6 Thunder flight team will be busy this Fourth of July.
“The Fourth of July is crazy,” said Chuck Datko, pilot and founder of T-6 Thunder. “We'll be in Forest Lake, Rice Lake, Wisconsin, Chetek, Wisconsin, flying over Stillwater, and at the parades in Apple Valley and Chanhassen. Then we polish it off at night in White Bear Lake.”
According to Datko, the T-6 aircraft was first introduced in 1940 and built by North American Aviation. There were 22,000 of them built between 1940 and 1945. They were also licensed to be built in Canada.
The T-6 Thunder began in 1995 when Datko and another pilot were asked to do a fly-over in a parade
“We did that, and it was a hit,” Datko said. “Then somebody talked to somebody else and the next thing you know, we had two and then three of them.”
Datko organized a group of other T-6 and SNJ (Navy version of the T-6) pilots in the area to fly in formation at airshows and other aviation events in 1996.
“Back then there were 14 aircraft and 16 pilots in what I would call the extended area from Fargo, North Dakota, to Mason City, Iowa, to Eau Claire, Wisconsin, to Aberdeen, South Dakota,” Datko said. “These are all privately owned aircraft, and these guys were all scattered around.”
The wife of one of the pilots suggested the name “T-6 Thunder” and it took off from there. By the year 2000, the flight team was doing 20 or 30 events a year.

“We do funerals with missing man formation at Fort Snelling,” Datko said. “We started doing professional sporting events, the Vikings, Twins, University of Minnesota, University of Wisconsin, University of South Dakota and the Green Bay Packers.”
Datko, of Coon Rapids, is a retired business owner. He has owned a variety of airplanes over the years. His hangar at Anoka County Airport in Blaine has housed a Piper Cub, Piper Apache, Boeing Model 75 “Stearmen,” Piper Cherokee and an L-29 Delfin Jet Trainer, just to name a few. But the aircraft that was most closely
“Call it intuition, but something didn’t seem right,” recalled Brecken’s mom, Marit Sivertson. “Brecken was delayed with crawling and walking and frequently tripped, which are all symptoms of DMD. He wasn’t able to move the same way as other kids at the playground.”
About one in 3,300 male children are born worldwide with the rare and fatal disease, which is extremely rare in girls. They lack sufficient dystrophin, a protein that helps keep the body’s muscle cells intact. Without it, muscles progressively weaken to the point those with the deadly disease are bound to a wheelchair, usually by age 12. Heart function and breathing are also affected.
Life expectancy is mid-to-late 20s. There is no cure.
But there is hope.
After Brecken’s parents received his diagnosis, the Mahtomedi couple began a diligent search for treatment and care. What they found was an experimental gene therapy offered at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.
It was 2019, Brecken was 5. He was one of 40 boys in the world accepted into a groundbreaking clinical trial that may have saved his life.

“What is so incredible about this therapy is Brecken looks and acts like a normal kid. While his peers with DMD at this age are beginning to lose the ability to walk, he plays soccer, swims and dives and is walking up stairs (difficulty climbing stairs is another sign),” Sivertson said. “His peers are declining but because Brecken was blessed with this opportunity to be invited in this gene therapy trial, he is thriving.”
Sivertson, a health law attorney, and her husband, James Kinney, a software engineer,
Community Briefs
Band members sought for Birchwood Parade
The Birchwood Band will make an appearance again at this year’s annual Fourth of July parade in Birchwood. Band members are looking for additional performers to join in the event. Anyone who plays a wind or percussion instrument is invited to participate. The only requirements are that instruments are in good working order and participants attend one rehearsal at 9 a.m. July 4, just prior to the start of the parade. The meeting point for the rehearsal is Birchwood Avenue near East County Line Road. The music will be the same as in past years. Those who haven’t played with the band and would like the music in advance should contact Michael Lein at michael.lien09@gmail.com.
Business Brief
New business offers custom wood items
Fillory Design Company has opened a showroom and retail store in downtown White Bear Lake. The company creates custom wood furniture, countertops, charcuterie boards, and other items from wood sourced in Minnesota.

Formerly located in Minneapolis, Fillory coowners Todd Kendall and Erik Renstrom were searching for a new space when the retail location at 2193 4th Street in White Bear Lake became available. Kendall, a White Bear Lake High School Class of 1990 alum, remembered the space as the

The annual Birchwood parade begins at 9:30 a.m. See details in this week’s What’s Happening section.

WBCA receives another Big Read grant for 2023-24 former Parenteau’s clothing store. During the buildout of the showroom, Kendall removed 7 layers of flooring to reveal the original hardwood floors, which he sanded over 6 weeks, much of it by hand. com or call 763-218-1136.
For the second year in a row, the National Endowment for the Arts has selected White Bear Center for the Arts to be a part of its nationwide Big Read program. As one of 62 organizations nationwide selected to receive a 2023-2024 NEA Big Read grant, WBCA will work with partner organizations in fall 2023 to bring communitybuilding, creative programming surrounding the book “Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude,” by Ross Gay.

Fillory Design Company offers a collaborative customer experience where the customer is involved in the design process from start to finish. The customer shares their vision with a designer and can pick their material from an array of 500 different slabs.
“If you can dream it, I can make it,” says Kendall, also the company’s creative director.
The lumber used comes from their sister company, Tree Daddy, owned by Renstrom, a Shoreview resident. Tree Daddy partners with local tree services to source logs that would otherwise be discarded.
For more information about Fillory Design Company, contact fillorydesigncompany@gmail.
“Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude” is a collection of 24 poems that focuses on gratitude through the rhythms and abundance of the natural world.
This year’s Big Read White Bear Lake will explore questions about gratitude through classes, exhibits and community events. Partnering organizations include local libraries, the Mahtomedi Garden Club, the American Society of Botanical Artists and local artist Marlena Myles.
Free copies of “Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude” will be available at all in-person Big Read events and activities. Wildwood Library will include the book in its “Instant Book Club Kit” program, which includes 10 copies of the book, discussion questions, an author biography and a list of related titles. Readers can also purchase copies from Lake Country Booksellers at a 10% discount.
Tips for keeping pets safe this 4th of July
As Minnesotans gear up to celebrate the Fourth of July next week, the Animal Humane Society (AHS) reminds pet owners that many pets experience noise aversion or noise phobias, which can be triggered by fireworks and firecrackers.
Now’s the time to start preparing your pet for celebrations. Here’s what pet owners can do to keep their pets safe:
• Play recordings of firework sounds starting a few weeks before the Fourth of July. Start quietly and gradually turn up the volume while engaging your pet with treats and toys. This helps build a positive association with the sound.
• Don’t take your pet to fireworks displays, leave them in your car, or leave them outside unattended, even if fenced in. More pets go missing on the Fourth of July than any other day of the year. If your pet does go missing, visit the AHS website (www. animalhumanesociety.org/ resource/lost-and-found-pet- resources) for tips on finding your lost pet.

• C reate an indoor safe haven for your pet. Set up an interior room with bedding, treats and toys. Shut the curtains, leave the lights on and play white noise or music.
• M ake sure your pet is wearing a collar and ID tags with your phone number and address. If your pet is microchipped, make sure your information is up to date. Follow these tips to make sure you and your pet have a fun and stress-free summer.
55+ Defensive Driving Classes
4-Hr Refresher / $35: 7/11,12-4pm, SrCenter | 7/18, 9am-1pm, Online | 7/19 5:30-9:30 pm, Sr Center
8-Hr Class at Sr. Center, $45: 7/18 & 19 1-5pm Sr Center or Online | 8/9 & 10 1-5pm Online Only
Crafts at the Senior Center: 1-day classes, variety of projects available, $15, June 9, July 14, August 10 Call for details.
5 Keys to Retiring Fearlessly: 6/29 5-6:30pm, Free, Online Pickleball Camp: Tue, Jul 11-Aug 1, Beginner is from 6-7:30 and Intermediate is from 7:30-9, $110
Afton House Lunch Tour: July 13, 10:30am - 2pm, $60

Kayaking: 7/17, 10:30am-12pm, $25, Square Lake
Summer Senior BBQ & Music: July 20, 11am-1pm, $5
Meals on Wheels: Monday-Friday, hot or frozen meal delivery. If you are interested, know of someone who may need meals, or have questions, please call 651-653-3123.
For more information or to receive “The Voice” newsletter, call us at 651-653-3121.
10 Signs of Dementia Online Class. Join us via Zoom on Wednesday, August 2, from 1:00-2:00 PM for a discussion about the 10 signs of dementia and the importance of brain stimulation early on in a person’s journey with dementia. Presented by Lyngblomsten Community Services. FREE.
To receive a link to the Zoom session, call (651) 632-5330 or email communityservices@lyngblomsten.org.

The Gathering group respite program is held Thursdays from 10:00 AM- 2:00 PM at St. John in the Wilderness Church in White Bear Lake. The Gathering provides brain-stimulating activities for adults living with memory loss and four hours of respite for their family caregiver. To learn more or to be placed on our interest list, contact us at (651) 632-5320 or caregiving@lyngblomsten.org.

All activities are held at the DEC unless otherwise noted.
MONDAYS: Stitchers 1-3:00 PM, 2nd/4th Monday of Month
TUESDAYS: Cribbage 1-3:00 PM
WEDNESDAYS: Bridge, 1-4:00 PM
THURSDAYS: 500 Cards, 12:30-3 PM
FRIDAYS: Games, 12:30-3 PM; Bridge, 1-4 PM; Book Club, 2nd Friday, 10-11:30 AM
Mahtomedi Evening Star Quilters - FREE
Sew Day: Tuesday, July 18, 10:00 AM-4:00 PM
Meeting: Tuesday, July 25; 5:30-8:30 PM
Bingo: FREE! July 31, 1:30-3:00 PM. Please bring items to donate to the prize table!
The following requires registration: mahtomedi.ce.eleyo.com

Everything You Want to Know About Medicare - $10 Monday, July 10, 6:30-8:00 PM
• Speech Pathology
Weather Talk with Dr. Mark Seeley: Signals of Climate Change in Minnesota - $15
Tuesday. July 11, 6:30-7:30 PM
We help you get back to living.
Dog Obedience Level 1 (dogs 6 months and older) - $100
Tuesdays, July 11-Aug. 1, 5:00-6:00 PM.
Dog Training: Leash Work & Recalls - $100
Tuesdays, July 11-Aug. 1, 6:05-7:05 PM.
Concert in the Park! Wendy’s Wiggle, Jiggle & Jam - FREE
Every step of the way.
Wednesday, July 12, 6:00- 7:00 PM Wedgewood Park
Easy Partner Dancing - $60/person
Wednesdays, July 12-Aug. 2. 7:00-8:30 PM.
Day Trip: Afton House Lunch & Tour - $60
Thursday, July 13. Bus leaves Mahtomedi District Center at 10:15
AM, Returns at 2:30 PM
History: Wild About Harry, Life of President Truman - $18
Monday, July 17, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM.
Therapy services at Cerenity White Bear Lake help you return to what you do best. Our combination of highly trained compassionate staff and the most innovative care in the area make our community your best choice for professional therapy services.

Alzheimer’s Association: Managing Money - A Caregiver’s Guide to Finances - FREE
• Aquatic Therapy
Tuesday, July 25. 7:00-8:00 PM.
• Occupational Therapy
• Physical Therapy
If you have any questions, please call 651-407-2024.
• Speech Pathology
Call today to schedule a tour: 651-232-1847