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VOLUME 119 115 NUMBER 48 26
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White Bear Lake, White Bear Township, Mahtomedi, Hugo, Birchwood, Dellwood, Willernie, Gem Lake, Pine Springs & Grant WEDNESDAY, WEDNESDAY,SEPTEMBER JANUARY 26, 30,2011 2015
by Debra Neutkens Regional Editor
m Ave. 0-2764 4779 Bloo r Lake, MN 5511 White Bea
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See subscription envelope INSIDE Cleanup day
The city of White Bear Lake is holding its fall cleanup day garbage collection from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 25 at the old Public Works site, 4200 Hoffman Road. Residents can dispose of appliances, furniture, electronics and other items for a small fee. More info:
Homecoming Mahtomedi High School is celebrating homecoming this week. On Friday, the parade starts at 5 p.m. and goes from Wildwood Elementary to the high school and the football game versus Park is at 7 p.m. The dance is 8-11 p.m. Saturday in the gym.
WHITE BEAR LAKE — After more than three decades of public service, City Manager Mark Sather is calling it quits. Maureen Sather is getting her husband back. The wife of White Bear Lake's chief executive said her workaholic husband has basically been gone for 31 years. "The city has been his mistress," she said after last week's announcement in the council chambers. "It will break his heart to leave, but it's time to get some living done." Sather surprised the City Council by reading a letter addressed to them at the end of the Sept. 22 regular meeting, choking up at first as he began: "Over 31 years ago the mayor and city council of our city granted me the privilege of leading its administration. During that time I have been blessed with the greatly valued support of our elected officials, the hard work and loyalty of a highly talented and dedicated staff and the shared appreciation of our citizens' sense of community. My fondest memories have been sharing accomplishments with our residents as we have achieved common goals and visions.
Upcoming events See inside for details on the following upcoming events: WBLPD and WBLFD open house, color runs and MatoskaFest at Birch Lake and Matoska schools, a blessing of the animals at St. Stephens, and League of Women Voters meetings.
News inside See inside for the following stories: new preschool facility opens at Tamarack Nature Center, three local men charged or sentenced for sex crimes, man charged following chase and crash on County Road E, and WBLPD helps a man propose to his girlfriend.
Weather Tidbits
Week of Sept 30 - Oct 6, 2014 Weather tidbit: October outlook: Temperatures to average warmer than normal. Rainfall to total wetter than normal. Average high 57.2°. Average low 39.3º. Mean precipitation: 2.63 inches. Mean snowfall: 1.0 inch.
75 cents $1.00
Weekly Averages High Low %Sun PCP 63° 44° 58% 0.54”
I have reached the point in my career where I understand it is time to pass this privilege forward. It is time for another to lead our administration into the future and join with our elected officials and residents to ensure the continued quality of White Bear Lake. I have no doubt that our city will continue to prosper, to respect, value and serve its residents and continue to share in the leadership of our region and state. It is with this confidence that I, without regret but with satisfaction, submit my intent to retire from the job I cherish effective Dec. 11, 2015. Service to our city has been my honor and I thank you for the privilege." Following the meeting, Mayor Jo Emerson said she wasn't surprised. "We all knew it was coming, it was just a matter of when." There will be plenty of time to complete next year's budget before his departure, Sather told the council, adding he was "more than happy to help make the transition." The city manager noted he has served seven mayors and more than 25 council members during his tenure. More will come in the Press as Sather winds down his career. Maureen, who is also retired, said it was time for her husband to step down. "His grandchildren are growing up," she observed, "and they won't stop growing waiting for him."
- Photo by Debra Neutkens
Maureen Sather attended the White Bear Lake City Council meeting last week to hear husband Mark announce his retirement after 31 years as city manager.
Retiring barber cut hair for three generations by Kristine Goodrich Editor To call most of local barber Al Willette's customers loyal would be an understatement. He's trimmed the locks of three generations of the male members of several families. Thirty-five of Willette's customers have been entrusting their hairstyles to him for all of his 45 years in the business. Come next month, his loyalists will need to find a new barber. The longtime owner of Lakeshore Barbers and Stylists is calling it quits after 4.5 decades of cutting (and occasionally coloring and perming) men's hair and just over four decades of ownership of a small business. Willette said he's decided to retire while he's still young and healthy enough to fully
Year Ago this week: Cold and wet weather open the month of October 2014. Rain totaled 1.54” the first 4 days of October. A frost hit much of the outlying metro on the morning of October 5.
– Submitted photo
Al Willette will soon take down the vintage barber pole that has welcomed his customers for more than 40 years, first at the White Bear Shopping Center and now on Clark Avenue. Willette acquired the pole when his hometown barber retired shortly before Willette purchased what became Lakeshore Barbers and Stylists. enjoy his newfound freedom. He plans to close his downtown White Bear Lake salon on
Oct. 15. His last two cuts will be his son and his grandson. Afterward, his family will
A garden of electricity
(More weather on sports page)
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City manager announces retirement
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Press Publications 4779 Bloom Avenue White Bear Lake, MN 55110
Dental Care for the Entire Family
by Debra Neutkens Regional Editor MAHTOMEDI — The term community garden isn't just for vegetables anymore. But it does involve the sun. Several cities in Washington County are considering hitching to the community solar garden bandwagon to cut municipal energy bills. Residents, too, are hearing the pitch to subscribe to solar. At a meeting Sept. 17 co-sponsored by the Izaak Walton League, Mahtomedi Area Green Initiative, the city's Environmental Commission and the League of Women Voters White Bear Lake Area, interested residents learned about community solar gardens as a way to tap the sun's energy even if they don't have enough sun, or money, for their own panels. One solar garden developer, Able Energy Co., sent its corporate sales manager to Wildwood Library to educate potential customers on the community concept. The area's power provider, Xcel Energy, has been slow to approve solar garden developments, but Able's Jeff
Williams says they are 30 to 60 days away from getting that approval to begin construction. Customers who buy subscriptions from a solar developer like Able do not receive electricity directly from the garden but receive a credit on their Xcel Energy bill. How much the credit is depends on how many subscriptions, or shares, they have purchased. Subscribers can purchase up to 120 percent of their home's annual usage. A typical Minnesota home uses 11,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) per year, according to Williams. The Able representative expects solar subscribers will earn a credit of 14.7 cents for every kWh of electricity produced with rates reviewed and adjusted by the utility every year. He expects subscribers will pay about 13 cents per kWh, with a 3 percent annual increase. "We assume a 5 percent increase from Xcel," Williams said. "But we don't know. That is the risk you take. We don't think you will lose money."
Solar Garden/see page 7A
celebrate at the Lakeside Club. The dinner destination was selected for sentimental reasons. It is where Kingsmen Barbers co-owner Mike Walstead took him for a lunchtime job interview in 1970. Willette still remembers exactly how he answered one of Walstead's interview questions: “How soon could you start?” Walstead inquired. “I have my tools in my car,” Willette responded. Walstead gave the Blue Earth native and new graduate of St. Paul's Brooks Barber School his first job at the Wildwood Shopping Center location of Kingsmen Barbers in Mahtomedi. Willette will never forget one mortifying moment his first week on the job. The waiting
Barber/see page 7A
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