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$1 is donated to White Bear Lake Hockey VOLUME 119 115 NUMBER 49 26
White Bear Lake, White Bear Township, Mahtomedi, Hugo, Birchwood, Dellwood, Willernie, Gem Lake, Pine Springs & Grant WEDNESDAY, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY OCTOBER26, 7, 2015 2011
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by Kristine Goodrich Editor
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Critics say the charter is unnecessary and its allowance of citizen petitions could lead to more special elections and a minority of citizens undermining the elected City Council. The first question on the Oct. 13 ballot will ask Grant voters if the proposed charter should be adopted. The second question asks voters if the city's Charter Commission should be disbanded if the charter doesn't pass. If the majority of voters decide “yes” on the charter, the second ballot question is moot. State law requires cities that have a charter to have a charter commission. The commission's role would turn from developing a charter to considering proposing amendments to the charter. If the majority of citizens cast “no” votes on both questions, the commission would remain intact and could later
After walking from Duluth to White Bear Lake in 2013 and camping in the cold to collect toilet paper in 2014, a White Bear Lake firefighter and friends this year are driving across the state thanking police officers. From Oct. 17 to 19, Jeff Loeks and at least 10 fellow firefighters, paramedics and friends will drive from the Canada border to the Iowa border stopping at dozens of police stations presenting a token of gratitude. They're fundraising to support their journey and the Loeks purchase of gifts. Donors can request that a department of their choosing be honored with a personalized medallion and certificate. If a sponsored department is too far out of their path through eastern Minnesota, Loeks will mail the thankyou gifts. In 2013, Loeks started Firefighter Special Teams, an organization of first responders dedicated to charitable endeavors. Given current events, Loeks said a journey to thank law enforcement officers was a no-brainer choice for what's becoming a tradition of fall feats for a good cause. As a fellow first responder, Loeks said he is inspired when he often “gets to see [law enforcement officers] in their kindest moments helping people in tough situations.” While police shootings and racial tensions have grabbed headlines, Loeks said the vast majority of law enforcement officers honorably protect and serve, and need a reminder they are appreciated. The firefighters said he's heard the same sentiment from many others and many of them have added a wish there were more opportunities to show their support. So Loeks devised the idea for a trip of gratitude with invites for people to join or sponsor him. He's starting on the Rainy River Bridge and will spend the first day visiting police stations between Baudette and Duluth. Day two will be spent between Duluth and the Twin Cities. Day three, he'll trek to Rochester and Albert Lea, making several more stops in between. His final stop at the state's southern border is still to be determined. Loeks has invited fellow medics, nurse friends and their family and friends to join him on the journey. As of last week, roughly 10 were planning to trek with him for all of the route, several more were planning to come for parts of the excursion and a few more were interested but unconfirmed. Others are welcome to join him for all or portions of their trip, Loeks said. People and organizations also can show their support by giving a donation. Donors can request that the travelers stop at any police department along or near their route. If donors lodge their request before Oct. 9, the medallions (which are being made by Hisdahl's) and certificates can be customized to include the
Charter/see page 7A
First responders/see page 7A
Homecoming ming
White Bear Lake Area Schools is celebrating homecoming this week. On Friday, the parade through downtown White Bear Lake starts at 3:30 p.m. and the football game against the Raiders is at 7 p.m. A BearPower family run/walk is at 9:30 a.m. Saturday at South Campus; chose from a 6.24K or 1-mile course; register at bearpower. org/events or arrive early. The high school homecoming dance is 8-11 p.m. Saturday at South Campus.
Candidate forum A forum with the candidates for Mahtomedi mayor and City Council will be held from 7-8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 13 in Mahtomedi High School’s Chautauqua Theatre.
Upcoming events See inside for details on the following upcoming events and many more: White Bear alumni celebration, Punkinmania, Lakeshore Players costume sale, Girlfriends Breakfast at St. Andrew’s, Spaghetti dinner at St. Pius, Vadnais Heights waffle breakfast and fire department open house, and social media class at the Wildwood Library.
Weather Tidbits
Week of Oct. 7th - 14, 2015 Weather tidbit: Monthly rain totals from past Octobers. 2009, 6.52”. 2010, 1.71”. 2011, .99”, 2012, 1.40”. 2013, 4.22”. 2014, 1.68”. Year Ago this week: Cold A dry period with 3 mornings below freezing. High dropping to 52° on Oct. 10 but rebounds to 62° on Oct. 12.
Weekly Averages High Low %Sun PCP 60° 42° 56% 0.49” (More weather on sports page)
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First responders to trek across state to thank police officers
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Press Publications 4779 Bloom Avenue White Bear Lake, MN 55110
Every Burger that is sold
- Photo by Paul Dols
Fire fighting team White Bear Lake firefighter Derrick Green helps his son Logan aim a high-pressue stream of water at a target during the Fire Prevention Open House at Station No. 2 Saturday, Oct. 3.
Voters to decide if charter adds protection or overreaches by Kristine Goodrich Editor GRANT — Citizens will decide next Tuesday whether to adopt a new governing document called a charter and, if the charter doesn't pass, whether to disband the commission that created the proposed document. A charter is a city constitution of sorts that provides additional restrictions on a city's governance beyond what is dictated by state law. Less than 13 percent of Minnesota's cities have a charter. The proposed charter was drafted by a commission comprised of citizens appointed by a county judge. Proponents of the proposed Grant charter say the document's principal objectives are creating additional protections that ensure Grant will remain rural as well as providing citizens a greater voice in governing decisions.
Directing career takes WBL native across the country by Kristine Goodrich Editor A theater production company founded by a White Bear Lake native has created hits such as “How to Talk Minnesotan: the Musical” and “Church Basement Ladies.” Founder Curt Wollan travels the country directing those shows and many others. Wollan spends half his year on the road producing and/or directing everything from three national tours of “Forbidden Broadway” to a production of “Ring of Fire” at a small theater in Alexandria. Every summer for 35 years he has produced the “Medora Musical,”an outdoor Wild West-themed show in North Dakota. For 14 years he has directed a holiday show at Dollywood Theme Park in Tennessee.
HOURS: MON - FRI 7-6 • SAT 7:30-2 • SUN CLOSED
– Submitted photo
At middle, Curt Wollan with his children, Lexi Wollan Swenson and Chet Wollan, a few years ago in North Dakota for the “Medora Musical.” Curtis is the show’s director, Lexi is the choreographer and Chet is an actor. These days he’s often directing a production of “Church Basement Ladies” or one of its four
sequels. Wollan’s company commissioned the comedic musical
AUG 28 through OCT 31, 2015
3001 Hwy 61 N. Maplewood, MN 55109
adaptation of the book “Growing Up Lutheran.” It premiered at Plymouth Playhouse in 2005 and was so popular it ran for over two years and most of the performances were sold out. Four sequels since have been penned about the four rural Minnesotan cooks and their pastor in the 1960s. A fifth sequel, about the men of the church, is in development. Approximately 350 women have portrayed the four female charters in the many restagings of the shows across the country. The pastor’s role has been portrayed by the likes of Barry Williams (Greg on “The Brady Bunch”) and William Christopher (Father Mulcahy on “MASH”), both of whom Wollan
Director/see page 7A
Big Wood Bag Tournament Sunday Oct. 28th Call For Details! 651-482-0384
20+ Item Salad Bar Homemade Soups Everyday Sunday Brunch - 10am-2pm KARAOKE Friday 9 pm - Close 2999 Hwy. 61 N. Maplewood | 651.482.0384 |