
29 minute read
Lower School
Academic Honesty
Whitefield Academy seeks to nurture absolute respect for intellectual property. Any willful misrepresentation of another’s work or ideas as one’s own (i.e., cheating or plagiarizing) will be treated with utmost concern. Our teachers realize that students in the Lower School need guidance and help with these matters and will provide direct instruction with reminders to students.
Regular school attendance is important to a student’s academic success, promoting good work habits and selfdiscipline. If your child is going to be absent or arriving late due to an appointment, please e-mail the office (bwebb@whitefieldacademy.com) and copy the classroom teacher or call the office (678-305-3044) by 8 a.m. In order to be given credit for a school day, a student must be present at least two-thirds of the day, defined as 4 hours and 30 minutes. In order to be given credit for a half-day, a student must be present for at least 3 hours and 30 minutes.
Late Arrival
Please arrive to school on time. Punctuality provides your child time to settle-in and begin the day in a positive and unhurried manner. Excessive tardiness will result in a response from the administration. Students in grades PreK through grade 4 arriving after 8:00 a.m. will be considered tardy. Park and escort your child to the office to sign-in.
Early Student Dismissal
If you have made arrangements for an early dismissal with your teacher, you may park and sign out your child from the Lower School office. To avoid interfering with carpool, no early student dismissal occurs after 2:30 p.m.
Unplanned Absence (Illness) – Make-Up Work
If your child is sick, getting well is the number one priority. Email the teacher in the morning to make arrangements regarding make-up work. Work will be available for pick up, in the Lower School office, after 1 p.m.
All work missed due to absenteeism must be completed. Students are allowed one day to make up work for each day of absence.
In case of an extended absence due to illness, parent and teachers should determine the best schedule for making up schoolwork within a reasonable time. Make-up tests will also be scheduled by the teacher.
Planned Absence
When a student’s family is planning an absence (vacation, mission trip, etc.), a parent must notify the child’s classroom teacher at least one week prior to the student’s absence. Upon return, your child will need to have all class work completed and will need to be prepared to take any and all missed quizzes or tests.
Award Assemblies
These assemblies occur four times a year. Students in grades 1-4 are recognized for various characteristics in keeping with our school mission: passion for learning, others ahead of self, and the living and active Jesus. Awards will be given in a pre-determined order. You will receive an e-mail from your child’s teacher when your child is being recognized.
Bible Memory Verses
We strive to educate your child from a Christian worldview. A vital part of this goal includes Bible memorization. Please encourage your child to memorize the verse each week and look for ways throughout the week to apply the Truth to everyday life.
Notify the classroom teacher to schedule sending in a birthday treat. If your child would like to celebrate at school, a treat may be distributed to only your child’s class. We do not use instructional time for birthday parties. A nutfree birthday treat may be sent to school or parent may bring the treat if he or she comes for lunch. Please do not provide party favors or drinks.
If you would like to purchase a book and donate it to the Media Center in honor of your child’s birthday, please discuss this with the librarian.
Party invitations may only be distributed at school if everyone in the class is included. While dismissal from school to a party is acceptable, please be mindful of hurt feelings that can occur if all are not invited. Children with summer birthdays enjoy celebrating a special day at school also. Talk to your classroom teacher to determine a time to celebrate.
Visit the website for the school-wide calendar. Calendars featuring upcoming events for the Lower School will be sent home monthly in Thursday folders.
Carpool – Morning and Afternoon Carpool Information
In order for our carpool to move efficiently and safely, Lower School staff will assist your child in exiting the vehicle. After your child exits, remain in line and wait for the preceding vehicle to move and follow suit. For safety, avoid the temptation to “go around” the vehicle in front of you as we load and unload on both sides of the vehicle.
Morning Drop-Off
Each day (M, T, Th, and F)
• Curbside drop off can be as early as 7:30 a.m., and all students will wait in the Dining Hall or Media Center until classroom doors open at 7:50 a.m.
• School begins at 8:00 a.m.
• After 8:00 a.m., students are considered tardy, and the parent is required to walk their child to the office.
On Wednesday Late Start Day (School begins at 9:00 a.m.)
• Morning Cub Care begins at 7:30 a.m. Parents are required to walk their child to Lower School Office of Brostrand Hall. This service is available for a $10 fee unless already enrolled in Cub Care.
• Curbside drop off can be as early as 8:30 a.m., and all students will wait in the Dining Hall or Media Center until classroom doors open at 8:50 a.m.
• After 9:00 a.m., students are considered tardy, and parents are required to walk their child to the office.
Afternoon Pick-up
• PreK is dismissed at 1:00 p.m. Lower School faculty will be present to assist loading your child into your vehicle.
• Kindergarten is dismissed at 2:00 p.m. Lower School faculty will be present to assist loading your child into your vehicle.
• First through Fourth Grades (and PreK and kindergarten students who attended Cub Care) are dismissed at 3:00 p.m.
• Carpool ends at 3:25 p.m. and remaining students will be taken to Cub Care where a daily rate fee of $20 will be collected.
Student’s Vehicle Name Display
For afternoon carpool, please display a sign with the name(s) of your child(ren) and other children in your carpool. Lower School faculty use these signs to have students report to carpool, so please make lettering large and legible. Keep your sign displayed until your child is in the car.
Early Student Dismissal
If you have made arrangements for an early dismissal with your teacher, you may park and sign out your child from the Lower School office. To avoid interfering with carpool, no early student dismissal occurs after 2:30 p.m.
Afternoon Pick-up Options for Families with Students in Two School Levels
Dual carpool line pick-up
• If you have a student in Middle School or Upper School, that student may walk down to the Lower School to meet your child and exit to the car when the Lower School sibling’s car arrives. Plan to give the older sibling time to arrive.
Release for older sibling or carpool buddy's pick-up
• If you would like your Lower School child to be released to an older student or carpool buddy, please add their names to the “Lower School Carpool Pickup Authorization” form on your child’s Magnus profile. This will be valid for the entire school year. For safety reasons, your child will not be permitted to leave unless this form is on file in the office.
Release for Buckhead Shuttle
• If your family participates in the ride-share option called Buckhead Shuttle, forms and information will be provided by the coordinator of the program who will, in turn, inform the Lower School of your child’s participation in the shuttle.
Chapels and Assemblies
Lower School chapels or assemblies are held each Thursday in the LSSAC (Lower School Student Activity Center) at 8:15 a.m. They usually include a time of reciting pledges and prayer, worshipping together in song, and receiving a message from fellow classmates or a guest speaker. Student uniform chapel dress is required. Parents and guests are welcome to attend. Occasionally, all divisions have a school-wide chapel or assembly.
Class Parties
When helping with a class party, we ask that siblings do not attend.
Students who become ill during the school day are required to report to the school clinic. Ill students will be sent home if they have a fever, have vomited, or have had diarrhea. Likewise, students who are deemed by the nurse to have a potentially contagious illness will be isolated from others and the parent will be notified and child sent home. Also, we ask you, the parent, to inform the nurse’s office if your child has been diagnosed with a communicable disease such as coronavirus, chicken pox, measles, lice, influenza, strep throat, or Fifth Disease. If a student has had a fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher and/or experienced vomiting or diarrhea within the previous 24-hour period (without the intervention of medication), the child should not attend school. If your child has been seen by a physician and/or was treated at an urgent care clinic or hospital, please give a copy of the physician’s release to return to school and the discharge instructions with any restrictions to the nurse in the Lower School office. This is critical for the health of our student body, faculty, and staff.
Head Lice does not pose a serious health risk but is a condition that inconveniently disrupts classroom learning and home environments. Due to its contagious nature, every effort will be made to prevent transmission among children and families at school. Checking your child’s head periodically is the proactive measure.
If your child is identified to have lice through the visualization of head lice or nits while at school by the nurse, we will maintain student privacy by quietly removing the student from the classroom and contacting the parent to retrieve the child for treatment. After removal, the protocol is as follows: o If lice are detected, the student will not be allowed to return to class and will need to be treated again. o If lice are not detected and only nits (lice eggs) are found, the nurse will use discretion to either send the student to class or home for further treatment. In either case, follow-up with combing at home will still need to be conducted to remove the unhatched nits. o Upon returning to school, students with long hair should have it braided or pulled up.
• Students may return to school the same day after receiving a treatment but must be checked by the school nurse before returning to class.
• After initial discovery, other inspections by the school nurse will take place within the following 7-10 days to search for any new possible lice infestation.
• A note from the nurse is sent to the grade level, informing parents to check their child’s head when lice is found in that grade.
The entire Whitefield Academy student and parent body is committed to addressing issues and solving problems by applying biblical principles. The “Matthew 18 Principle” describes one of our most important processes for dealing with such issues. (See Matthew 18 section.) If you are concerned about a situation, schedule a meeting with the teacher before addressing your concern with an administrator. If your child comes home with an unresolved issue or a story that is upsetting to you, please check with the teacher for further information.
Home and School
Communication between home and school occurs via Google Classroom page, a weekly folder, phone calls, emails, and through notes written in your child’s assignment notebook. Students’ tests and graded papers are sent home on Thursdays in the weekly folder. Monthly calendars, Whitefield Parents Association information, and flyers about Lower School and school-wide events are also sent home in this folder. Information related to the Whitefield community is also available in the WolfPack Weekly and principal newsletter.
During the school day, teachers’ primary focus is on instruction and the students. They only check e-mail and messages during planning times, so be sure not to call during school hours. The phones in the classrooms ring, disrupting instruction. E-mailing the teacher early in the day enables them to respond when students are not in their care. If a critical or timely message needs to reach a classroom, please contact the Lower School office (678-305-3044) or email bwebb@whitefieldacademy.com as early as possible to give ample time to deliver the information. Messages related to early dismissal need to be made by 8:00 a.m. via e-mail or phone call to the Lower School office and classroom teacher.
Community Service
Following the tradition of Whitefield Academy by “putting others ahead of self,” the Lower School emphasizes community service. Each grade level class selects a project annually to serve in a meaningful way. Specific information will be shared by the classroom teacher. In some cases, grade-level projects may entail a collection of items. Across all three divisions, Whitefield conducts a “Great Day of Service” on a Saturday in August, in which students, families, and faculty participate in organized volunteer efforts for community-wide outreach.
There are two regularly scheduled parent/teacher conferences per year – one in the fall and one in the winter for all grades in Lower School. Please refer to the school’s calendar for specific dates. Lower School students do not come to school on conference days. Cub Care is offered during conference days from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. as a service to students enrolled in Cub Care for no additional cost and is offered as a service to students not enrolled in Cub Care for a daily fee. For more information, see “Cub Care” section. Your child’s teacher will notify you of your conference time. If you have more than one student in the Lower School, the teachers will seek to schedule your conferences back-to-back. Early morning appointments are available upon request via communication with your child’s classroom teacher. Report cards will be available online and your child’s academic, social, emotional, and spiritual development will be discussed.
Beyond the scheduled conferences that occur twice a year, additional conferences may be requested during the school year for a variety of reasons and in some cases may include other educators.
Conflict Between Students
Our standard of conduct is the Golden Rule, yet conflicts will develop as children navigate the nuances of peer relationships. We help students resolve their differences by teaching them to use tools for more effective communication, to change behaviors, and to extend and receive forgiveness. Talk with your child’s teacher if you believe a conflict has not been resolved, or if you need to ask for understanding about the way a situation was handled.
Cub Care
Cub Care is an after-school care program available to all Lower School students, PreK through fourth grade. During Cub Care, students play with friends on the playground, enjoy a snack, work on themed craft projects, or complete homework. They are supervised by faculty members or qualified staff. In addition to after-school care, Cub Care is available on late-start Wednesdays (7:30 – 9 a.m.) and parent-teacher conference days (7:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.); in the fall and winter. Cub Care does not operate on half-school days, school holidays, school vacation days, or teacher inservice days.
Whitefield Academy’s Cub Care program is not licensed, nor is required to be licensed by the State of Georgia. Registration for semester or annual Cub Care enrollment and payment can be found on the school’s website under the following options:
• PreK Cub Care: 1 – 2 p.m. or 1 – 3 p.m. or 1 – 6 p.m.
• K Cub Care: 2 – 3 p.m. or 2 – 6 p.m.
• 1st – 4th Grade Cub Care: 3 – 6 p.m.
*Enrollment in these Cub Care times does not include Wednesday late-start or parent-teacher conference day enrollment. Additional drop-in rate applies.
*Please see the website for appropriate costs for Cub Care.
It is requested that parents make a reservation for their child if they plan to utilize after school Cub Care by emailing the Administrative Assistant by 12:00 noon of the requested date. There is no reservation necessary for students to utilize Wednesday morning Cub Care.
Eligible Student Registration for Cub Care
All Lower School students currently enrolled at Whitefield Academy are allowed to register for Cub Care. Cub Care is not offered for students who are not enrolled at Whitefield Academy, nor is it offered for Middle or Upper School Whitefield students. Registration fees are non-refundable.
Deliveries and Messages
Any item brought to school for a student should be dropped off at the Lower School office, and it will be delivered to the student by a faculty member. Flowers, balloons, and gifts for any event should not be delivered to school for students. Messages to students should be sent via phone or email to the administrative assistant in the Lower School office for dissemination.
The desired outcome of discipline for our school is to provide our students with a sense of security and safety. Classroom and specialist teachers outline student behavior expectations through reasonable and attainable classroom management procedures. Students are encouraged and reminded to make wise choices as they meet the established behavior procedures. In the event the student chooses to make unwise choices regarding disruptive, disrespectful, or dangerous behavior, disciplinary action and consequences may be issued based on the severity and/or frequency in this order:
1. Gentle reminder 2. Discussion with the student about the unwise choices made and ways to make better ones 3. Loss of privilege along with an apology, if appropriate 4. Removal from the problem area (still in sight of teacher) and loss of privilege 5. Phone call to parent from student and/or teacher 6. Conference with parent and teacher (perhaps with student) 7. Conference with parent, teacher, administrator (perhaps with student) 8. In-house school suspension 9. Out-of-school suspension 10. Conference with Head of School 11. Dismissal
When necessary, the principal may be involved in the corrective or restorative process. Behaviors that warrant principal involvement include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Inappropriate language 2. Disrespect towards others 3. Lying/Cheating 4. Bullying 5. Stealing 6. Defiance 7. An accumulation of small offenses
Whitefield Academy has a comprehensive crisis management plan. This plan includes specific procedures for fire drills, tornadoes, and lockdowns. Evacuation procedures are posted in each classroom. Teachers are instructed to review important procedures with their students on a regular basis. When the alarm or announcement is made, all students are to go quickly and quietly by class to the approved school location. Fire, tornado, and lockdown drills are held to practice safety procedures.
Early Dismissal
There is no release between 2:30 p.m. and carpool time. Students who need to be dismissed early must be signed out by a parent/guardian. Call the office at 678-305-3044, send a note to the teacher, or e-mail the office at bwebb@whitefieldacademy.com (and include your child’s teacher) by 8:00 a.m. to coordinate early dismissal arrangements. Early dismissal for your child requires making prior arrangements unless, of course, there is an emergency.
Electronic Equipment and Mobile Devices
Students are not permitted to bring electronic equipment to school such as laptops, tablets, cell phones, and Smartwatches unless approved by the Lower School Administration.
Field Trips
All Lower School students participate in off-campus field trips that occur during the school day. Additionally, fourth grade participates in an overnight trip. Field trips are intended to enhance classroom curriculum by providing hands-on experiences to promote student learning, bolster relationships among students, and provide an opportunity for our community to show Christ to others. Parent volunteers serve as chaperones for field trips to assist Lower School faculty as needed. Siblings are not permitted to attend field trips.
From time to time, parents may need the teacher to fill out a recommendation or an evaluation form of some type. This document needs to be channeled through the Lower School office and given to the Administrative Assistant. Please allow three school days for the form to be completed and processed. The school will send completed form to the appropriate place.
School-wide fundraising along with our Capital Campaign and our Annual Fund are handled by our Development Office. Anything related to fundraising must be channeled through the Director of Development.
Feedback related to students’ progress is provided to parents through comments on work and from graded assignments. Thursday folders contain the work from the week. The numerical scale, where applicable, is as follows:
A+ 97-100 C+ 77-79
A 93-96 C 73-76
A- 90-92 C- 70-72
B+ 87-89 F 0-69
B 83-86 B- 80-82
Additionally, report cards will be available to families three times a year (fall, winter, and end of the school year). The purpose of the report card is to bolster Christian families by communicating the successes and areas for growth in developing students’ passion for learning. It, along with two scheduled parent-teacher conferences (fall and winter) serve as a means to share academic, spiritual, social, and emotional progress of students.
Homework and Tests
Homework is assigned nightly, Monday through Thursday, for students in kindergarten through fourth grade. It is designed to reinforce classroom instruction through practice, reinforce student responsibility, scripture memorization, and for reading and math fact practice. Homework is outlined daily in a folder or planner which is used as an organizational tool for students and a communication tool for parents. No tests will be given on Mondays or after a break.
Variables, (e.g., student ability, work ethic, the ability to sustain focus, and speed of completion) will impact the time frame for completion. If you are concerned about the amount of homework or the length of time it is taking, talk with the teacher.
Late Start Wednesdays
On Wednesdays, the school day begins at 9:00 a.m. This late start allows for division and school-wide meetings and prayer gatherings. If a late start is not conducive to a Lower School family’s schedule, Cub Care is available for students starting at 7:30 a.m.
Lost and Found
Lost items should be turned in and reclaimed in the lost and found area located in the lower level stairwell of Brostrand Hall. You can assist this retrieval process by labeling all clothing items with your child’s name. All items remaining at the end of the semesters will be turned into the used uniform committee for resale.
Lunch is provided by Sage Dining Services. Students may not bring their own food unless:
1) There is a dietary/medical need. In this case, a doctor’s note must be given to our school nurse and the information is included in the student’s Magnus Medical file.
2) There is an extenuating circumstance, which is approved by the administration.
All students are expected to eat one of the several daily lunch items provided, except when there is a dietary/medical need.
Parents are welcome to dine with their child at lunch once a month by signing in at the Lower School office and receive a nametag to denote you as a visitor. Your driver’s license will be used to sign in. There is a lunch fee of $3.00 for each adult and is payable via debit or credit card when signing in at the office.
When possible, parents are encouraged to administer any necessary medication at home. Any medicine, either prescription or over the counter, brought to school must be in the original container, labeled with the child’s name and must be brought to the clinic by the parent. Ask your pharmacist for a “school bottle” – an empty bottle with the correct prescription label.
Medication may be administered at school by the school nurse with the following guidelines:
• The Authorization to give Prescription Medication form must be completed on Magnus when the prescription medication is to be administered.
• All prescription medications, with the exception of asthma inhalers and epi-pens, are to remain in the clinic. Inhalers and epi-pens will be kept with the teacher in a designated red medical bag in the classroom. This “red bag” will accompany the student on and off campus.
• If your child is enrolled in Cub Care or any after school program, an additional inhaler or epi-pen must be provided to the school nurse prior to the start of program.
• A record of administration will be noted in Magnus.
• Only over-the-counter medications approved on Magnus will be administered by the school.
Media Center
Lower School students may check out a certain number of books per week, depending on the grade level. Parents may also check out books. If a Media Center book is not returned by the due date, other materials may not be checked out by the student until overdue materials are returned. All fees must be paid before any school records will be released.
Mileage Club
Before school on Monday and Wednesdays during the fall and spring, Lower School students have the option of walking/running the track. Students in PreK and kindergarten must have an adult accompany them, and any parent is welcome to join the fun on the track. On Mondays, Mileage Club takes place from 7:25-7:45 a.m. and on Wednesdays from 8:25-8:45 a.m. due to the late start. Students are given incentives in the form of tokens for accumulated laps. A text message is sent the morning of Mileage Club if it will be cancelled due to weather.
Musical Events
If your child is participating in a musical program, his or her attendance is required for that particular performance. If there is a scheduling conflict, please notify the music teacher as quickly as possible. If your child is sick the day of a musical event, he or she may not perform.
Partnering with Parents
Biblically, parents are the ones given the charge to educate, train, and instruct their children. We value the partnership with parents and ask for your prayerful support. Our desire is to build a relationship with parents built on trust and mutual respect as we make decisions which are in your child’s best interest for long-term academic, spiritual, social, emotional, and physical growth and development.
Personal Item Labeling
All uniform wear, especially outerwear, should be labeled with your child’s name as soon as the item is purchased. Additionally, label all notebooks, and bags. If items are found on the playground, every effort will be made to return them to the student’s classroom. Otherwise, the items will be sent to Lost and Found.
Physical Education
The Lower School physical education program consists of motor skill development, movement, cardiovascular fitness, and health and nutrition awareness. PreK through fourth grade have no PE uniform requirement. If PE occurs on a chapel day, children will need to bring a pair of athletic shoes to school. Any day your child is scheduled for PE, it is recommended that athletic shoes are worn
Requesting Student Placement
Student placement is a prayerful process and one that requires focus on the needs of the individual, other classmates, and creating balance in a classroom. Social, academic, and relational factors are taken into account when placing students with teachers and classmates. Please do not request specific teachers. Should there be extenuating circumstances related to this process, please schedule a meeting with the principal to discuss.
The safety of our students is paramount. When coming on campus, even if you are just coming for lunch, please stop by the office to obtain a visitor’s badge. Your driver’s license will be required to sign in. This will help our school personnel identify you as a Whitefield guest. Inform your family members who may come to visit during the school day of this security requirement, please. We appreciate your compliance with this safety issue.
All substitutes, volunteers who could potentially be with students without school personnel present, individuals who spend extended time with students, and overnight field trip chaperones are required to have a background check and participate in Ministry Safe.
School Supplies
The supply list for each grade is posted on the Back-to-School Hub. Supplies may be purchased through EPI, an online vendor, during May and early June each year and will be delivered to classrooms before the beginning of school. Parents may also purchase items and bring to school during Open House in August. PreK supplies are included in tuition.
In addition to lunch, a snack is provided once a day at a time designated by the teacher.
Standardized Testing
We use the Educational Records Bureau (ERB) standardized test known as the Comprehensive Testing Program (CTP5). This achievement test is administered in early fall to grades 2-4. Additionally, the Otis-Lennon School Abilities Test (OLSAT) is given to first and third grades in late fall. Results of all tests are shared with parents. 15
Students in third and fourth grades are taught technology skills including digital stewardship, keyboarding, and the educational features of the Google platform using Chromebooks. Additionally, iPads are used for classroom integration, starting in kindergarten and first grade. Google Classroom is utilized as a learning management system for older students and a communication tool for parents.
Textbooks and workbooks are included in the cost of tuition. Hardback books are loaned to the students, who are responsible to properly care for these and return them at the close of the school year. Parents will be charged for any damage exceeding normal wear and tear or in the event books are marked in, lost, or stolen.
Uniform Guidelines and Dress Code
Students are expected to be well groomed and properly dressed each school day. With your younger students, parents assume the responsibility to send their children to school wearing the correct uniforms and adhering to the guidelines. The school will address uniform violations.
Guidelines for uniforms
• Light-up tennis shoes, Heelys, flip flops, and Crocs are not allowed. Predominately white, gray, navy blue, or black shoes should be worn with the daily casual uniform; other colors are not permitted.
• On chapel days, students should wear a brown, black, or navy dress shoe - low heel, closed toe loafers, Bucks, Sperry Top-Sider, Mary Janes, saddle shoes, or a solid oxford-type shoe are examples of acceptable choices.
• Socks are required daily (solid white, dark blue, dark gray, brown, or black).
• Clothing should be neat, clean, and without holes.
• Belts must be worn in Grades 1-4; belts are optional for PreK and K students.
• Shirts must be tucked inside the trouser, short, skort, or skirt.
• A raincoat/ poncho (a parent’s choice) is to be worn on rainy days for carpool and for walking on campus. This item should be stored in book bags for the unexpected moment or left in the student’s cubby at school.
• Uniform shorts may be worn when weather permits – there are no date parameters.
• Teachers will inform the students of the uniform requirement for each field trip – red field trip t-shirts will usually be worn.
• Tennis shoes are not to be worn with the dress/chapel uniform, unless PE special occurs on chapel day, in which case a change of shoe is acceptable.
• For gentlemen, ties are a requirement of the chapel uniform. As an option, fourth grade boys are allowed to wear a bow tie.
• Ladies may wear boots from December to Spring Break unless otherwise noted. Boots are to be a basic style, worn for warmth, not as a fashion statement. Cowboy boots are not allowed. Boots should be brown, gray, black, navy, or tan.
• On Fridays, students may wear any Whitefield t-shirt along with the remaining required uniform items.
Non-Uniform Dress Day
Occasionally, students may be given a “Non-Uniform Dress Day.” On these days, students are required to dress modestly and tastefully following these requirements:
• Light-up tennis shoes, Heelys, flip flops, and Crocs are not allowed. Predominately white, gray, navy blue or black shoes or sneakers should be worn with the daily casual uniform; other colors are not permitted.
• Clothing should be neat, clean, and without holes.
• Belts should be worn if trousers or shorts have belt loops, except for PreK and K students.
• T-shirts should be tasteful. No tank tops.
• Skirts and shorts must be of modest length.
• Clothing and accessories should never include hate symbols or discriminating message (i.e., Confederate flag, swastika, etc.)
• Anything questionable should not be worn to school.
Guidelines for Personal Appearance
• Ladies’ hair items should match/complement the uniform.
• No over-sized earrings or large jewelry may be worn. Studs or dime-sized earrings are recommended. Earrings are not permitted for boys.
• No make-up may be worn with uniform. Lip balm is permitted.
• Jumpers/skirts (no shorter than 3 inches above the knee) and skorts need to be modest in length.
Hair Guidelines
• No hats of any style are to be seen or worn once a student arrives on campus for school until after the student leaves campus unless temperatures are below freezing.
• Students are to keep their hair neat, in good taste, and not a distraction. This includes, but is not limited to, any unnatural color, spikes, or unnatural colored tips. For young men and women, hair must be out of the face.
• For young men, hair must be cut so that it is above the eyebrows and collar. Gentlemen may not use ponytail holders or other accessories to pull hair back into a ponytail or bun style to ensure hair is the proper length. Discretion is given to the principal and other designees to decide whether hair is appropriate and consistent with Whitefield standards.
Lower School Uniforms
All items, unless specified, must be purchased at the Whitefield Campus Store
PreK Boys and Girls
PreK students wear a uniform every day.
Daily Wear:
Shirt: Navy polo shirt with Whitefield logo
Skorts: Khaki skorts (girls only)
Shorts/pants: Khaki (boys and girls) purchased in Campus Store
Socks: White, navy, tan, or black socks (not required to be purchased at Campus Store)
Tights: Navy, gray, or white tights/leggings (not required to be purchased at Campus Store)
Belts: Magnetic khaki/navy or leather black and brown (not required for PreK)
Shoes: Predominately white, gray, navy, or black athletic shoes or dress shoes (Not available at the Campus Store)
Hair Accessories: White, navy, or light blue bows, Whitefield plaid hairbands, or any bow that matches the uniform colors. On Fridays, bows can be any color that match the Friday wear t-shirt.
Outerwear: Cardigans, sweaters, vests, and jackets are available from the Campus Store
Sweatshirts: Whitefield hooded or crewneck sweatshirts are available from the Campus Store
Friday Wear: Whitefield t-shirt with uniform pants, shorts, or skort
Chapel Wear: Second semester PreK students attend chapel, but they do not need a specific chapel uniform.
Inclement Weather: Any heavy coat can be worn when temperatures are below freezing, and any rain coat/poncho may be worn. Non-uniform coats/jackets may not be worn in the classroom.
Required items for all PreK students: “Wolfie” bag serves as your student’s book bag and the school provides.
• Red field trip t-shirt may be worn on Fridays in addition to field trip days.
*Plain white or navy t-shirt or turtleneck (no logos) may be worn under uniform shirt for warmth. These are not available in the Campus Store.
Kindergarten Girls
Daily Wear:
Shirt: Navy or white polo shirt, blue and white striped oxford with Whitefield logo
Striped oxford may not be worn with plaid skort for daily wear Navy shirt may be worn with khaki and plaid
Skorts: Khaki, navy, or plaid
Pants/shorts: Khaki or navy purchased from Campus Store
Socks: White, navy, tan, or black socks - required daily (Not required to be purchased at Campus Store)
Tights: Navy, gray, or white tights or leggings (not required to be purchased at Campus Store)
Shoes: Predominately white, gray, navy, or black athletic shoes or dress shoes; those with sparkles or glitter do not comply (not available at the Campus Store)
Accessories: White, navy, light blue bows, Whitefield plaid hairbands, or any bow that matches the uniform colors. On Fridays, bows can be any color that match the Fridays wear t-shirt.
Chapel Wear: Jumper: Navy with white Peter Pan collar blouse Shoes: Black, brown, or navy closed toe and heel, leather shoes with low heel (saddle shoes, Mary Janes, and similar shoes are acceptable choices)
Inclement Weather: Any heavy coat can be worn when temperatures are below freezing, and any raincoat/poncho may be worn. Non-uniform coats/jackets may not be worn in the classroom.
Kindergarten Boys
Daily Wear: Shirt: Navy or white polo shirt with Whitefield logo Navy may be worn with khaki
Pants/shorts: Khaki or navy purchased from the Campus Store Shoes: Predominately white, gray, navy or black athletic shoes or dress shoes (Not available at the Campus Store) Socks: White, navy, tan, or black socks
Chapel Wear: Shirt: White button-down oxford – short-sleeve or long-sleeve
Pants: Khaki pants purchased from Campus Store
Tie: Whitefield tie – no bowtie
Belt: Magnetic khaki/navy or leather black or brown (optional) Socks: Dark or tan socks
Shoes: Black or brown closed toe and heel, leather dress shoes (Bucks, loafers, Sperry Topsiders, and similar styles are acceptable choices)
Inclement Weather: Any heavy coat can be worn when temperatures are below freezing, and any raincoat/poncho may be worn. Non-uniform coats/jackets may not be worn in the classroom.
Required items for all Kindergarten students:
“Wolfie” bag serves as your student’s book bag and the school provides.
• Red field trip t-shirt may be worn on Fridays in addition to being worn on field trip days.
• Friday wear includes a Whitefield t-shirt with uniform pants, shorts, or skort.
• Outerwear should be cardigans, sweaters, vests, and jackets available from the Campus Store.
• Sweatshirts should be Whitefield hooded or crewneck sweatshirts available from the Campus Store.
*No sweatshirts allowed with chapel uniform.
*Plain white or navy t-shirt or turtleneck (no logos) may be worn under uniform shirt for warmth. These are not available in the Campus Store.
1st - 4th Grade Girls
Daily Wear:
Shirt: Navy or white polo shirt, blue and white striped oxford with Whitefield logo
Navy shirt may be worn with khaki and plaid Striped oxford may not be worn with plaid skort for daily wear Skorts: Khaki, navy, or plaid
Pants/shorts: Khaki or navy purchased at Campus Store
Socks: White, navy, tan, or black socks - required daily (Not required to be purchased at Campus Store)
Tights: Navy, gray, or white tights/leggings (not required to be purchased at Campus Store) Shoes: Predominately white, gray, navy, or black athletic shoes or dress shoes; those with sparkles or glitter do not comply (not available at the Campus Store)
Accessories: White, navy, or light blue bows, Whitefield plaid hairbands, or any bow that matches the uniform colors. On Fridays, bows can be any color that match the Friday Wear t-shirt. Jewelry: Small earrings may be worn. Other jewelry items should be modest and minimal.
Chapel Wear for 1st-3rd grade: Jumper: Navy with white Peter Pan collar blouse
Chapel Wear for 4th grade: Shirt: Blue and white striped oxford (may not be worn with plaid skort for daily wear) Skort: Navy Shoes: Black, brown, or navy closed toe and heel, leather dress shoes with low heel (Saddle shoes, Mary Janes, and shoes similar are acceptable choices)
Inclement Weather: Any heavy coat can be worn when temperatures are below freezing, and any raincoat/poncho may be worn. Non-uniform coats/jackets may not be worn in the classroom.
Required items for all 1st- 4th grade students:
• Red field trip t-shirt may be worn on Fridays in addition to being worn on field trip days.
• Friday Wear should be a Whitefield t-shirt with uniform pants, shorts, or skort
• Outerwear can be cardigans, sweaters, vests, and jackets available at the Campus Store.
• Sweatshirts should be Whitefield hooded or crewneck sweatshirts available from the Campus Store
*No sweatshirts allowed with chapel uniform
*Plain white or navy t-shirt or turtleneck (no logos) may be worn under regulation uniform shirt for warmth. These are not available in the Campus Store.
1st - 4th Grade Boys
Daily Wear:
Shirt: Navy or white polo shirt with Whitefield logo (Navy may be worn with khaki only)
Pants/shorts: Khaki or navy purchased from Campus Store Belt: Magnetic khaki/navy or leather black or brown
Shoes: Predominately white, gray, navy, or black athletic shoes or dress shoes (Not available at the Campus Store)
Socks: White, navy, tan, or black socks
Chapel Wear:
Shirt: White button-down oxford – short-sleeve or long-sleeve
Pants: Khaki purchased at Campus Store
Tie: Whitefield tie for grades 1-4; bowtie is acceptable for 4th grade only
Belt: Magnetic khaki/navy or leather black or brown Socks: Dark or tan socks
Shoes: Black or brown closed toe and heel, leather dress shoes (Bucks, loafers, Sperry Topsiders, and similar styles are acceptable choices.)
Inclement Weather: Any heavy coat can be worn when temperatures are below freezing, and any raincoat/poncho may be worn. Non-uniform coats/jackets may not be worn in the classroom.
Required items for all 1st-4th grade students:
• Red field trip t-shirt may be worn on Fridays in addition to being worn on field trip days.
• Friday Wear should be a Whitefield t-shirt with uniform pants or shorts
• Outerwear can be cardigans, sweaters, vests, and jackets available from the Campus Store.
• Sweatshirts should be Whitefield hooded or crewneck sweatshirts available from the Campus Store.
*No sweatshirts allowed with chapel uniform
*Plain white or navy t-shirt or turtleneck (no logos) may be worn under regulation uniform shirt for warmth. These are not available in the Campus Store.
All visitors, including parents, check in at the Lower School office to obtain a visitor’s pass. Your driver’s license will be used to sign in. This is for the safety of our student body.
Water Bottles
Your child is encouraged to bring a water bottle to school daily for classroom use. Please label it with your child’s name.