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Council’s Quarterly Update
Council’s Quarterly Performance Report for October 2022-December
2022 was considered at a Council Meeting in February 2023.
The report provides the community with updates on our activities, future direction and how we’re performing towards our Council Plan 2021-2025 and Annual Budget 2022/2023.
Here are some of the highlights from this quarter:
▪ The Round was announced as the name for the redeveloped Whitehorse performing arts centre
▪ We upgraded four sports fields with new smart LED lighting solutions
▪ 81 young local creatives exhibited their artworks at the Youth Art Competition and Exhibition, hosted by Youth Connexions
▪ 21 out of 29 applications were allocated for the 2022/23 round of the Heritage Assistance Fund
▪ 148,000 community members attended Council festivals and events, including our Whitehorse Carols concert which was attended by 10,000 people
▪ Council partnered with Vermont South Neighbourhood House to ‘yarn bomb’ the wire garden fence in Brentford Square for the 16 Days of Activism events
▪ On Your Say Whitehorse, we received 2,250 submissions for the Open Space Strategy survey
▪ 1,641 new members joined Whitehorse libraries, which is a 56 per cent increase from the previous year
▪ More than 1,400 community members participated in the Whitehorse Seniors Festival
▪ 488 community members participated in consultation for the review of the Council Plan and 2023/24 Budget. This led to 499 projects and/or priority actions being identified for consideration in the 2023/24 budget.
To read all about Council’s performance for Quarter 2, visit the link below.