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Christopher Clayton
White Lion Films Inc. and it's partner company C2 Publishing create unique publications that target specific readers in a variety of industries. Our first publication I.M.P. Magazine is targeted at Photographers, Models, Film Makers and Performers. What is I.M.P. (International Model and Photographer) MAGAZINE ? Well, it ISN'T about the $1,000,000 a year film Maker or the Model who has been on 15 Magazine Covers...It ISN'T about the Oscar Nominated Actor or Actress. It's about the UNRECOGNIZED TALENT. The Film Maker who's whole youth has been devoted to entertaining with his films, It;s about the upcoming Model who has dreamed all her life about that ONE BIG BREAK...It's about that Photographer that takes 100,000 pictures a year and yet needs that big Break to get his first pictures Published. If your a Photographer, Model, Actor or Film Maker who is reading this and has yet to be noticed in the world, I.M.P. Magazine is ABOUT YOU!!!