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Avalanche Falls Rte. 3, Franconia Notch, in The Flume Gorge. Fee Lower Ammonoosuc Falls Off Rte. 302 between Twin Mountain and Fabyan. Upper Ammonoosuc Falls Beside the road, Fabyan to Cog Railway base station. Arethusa Falls 11/2 mile path south of the Willey House site in Crawford Notch. Baker River 100 yards off Rte. 118 & Rte. 25 on Ellsworth Hill Road in Wentworth. The Basin In Franconia Notch, north of the Flume Gorge. Beede or Bearcamp Falls 3 miles up Sandwich Notch Road from Center Sandwich. Bridal Veil Falls Coppermine Trail off Rte. 116 near Easton. Champney Falls Minutes from Conway off the Kancamagus Highway. Crystal Cascade .3 mile trail from AMC’s Pinkham Notch Visitor Center. Falling Waters Trail Opposite Lafayette Campground in Franconia Notch (3 falls). Flume Cascade and Silver Cascade North of Rte. 302 in Crawford Notch. Flume Gorge Beside Rte. 3 in Franconia Notch, 5 miles north of Lincoln. Glen Ellis Falls Rte. 16 in Pinkham Notch. Jackson Falls In the center of Jackson Village beside Carter Notch Road.
Lower Falls Between Conway and Passaconaway, near the road on the Kancamagus Highway. Nancy Cascade About 11/2 miles in from Rte. 302, south of Crawford Notch. Paradise Falls at Lost River Kinsman Notch, 7 miles west of North Woodstock on Rte. 112. Fee Ripley Falls On Rte. 302, Crawford Notch; take the Ethan Pond Trail. Rocky Gorge Further west than Lower Falls on the Kancamagus Highway. Sabbaday Falls On the Kancamagus Highway, west of Passaconaway Campground. Swiftwater Rte. 112, just south of the junction of Rtes. 112 & 302 near Bath. Thompson’s Falls & Emerald Pool 11/2 miles south of Pinkham Notch Visitor Center.
Some waterfalls, like the Flume and
Silver Cascades in Crawford Notch State Park, are visible from the road; others may require a hike . Be sure to wear proper footwear–not leathersoled shoes (they can be slippery) . And be especially careful when traversing wet rocks around the falls .