Whitetail News Vol 30.1

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NEW Imperial Whitetail


he Whitetail Institute is excited to announce the introduction of a brand-new food plot product called Imperial Whitetail Destination, which creates a lush, extremely palatable food source that offers truly superior attractiveness to deer. Designed for planting in the fall, Destination combines five highly attractive Whitetail Institute annual forage components in a way that delivers incredible performance from fall through winter. All five components are proprietary to the Whitetail Institute and are only available in Whitetail Institute products. There is no question that Destination is one of the most attractive fall annual food plot products the Whitetail Institute has ever offered. There are two primary reasons, both of which are a result of the Whitetail Institute’s goal-oriented approach to product development. First, Destination is designed to meet one overriding performance

goal: attractiveness to deer. And that should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with Whitetail Institute products. All Whitetail Institute food plot products are designed to maximize performance in multiple characteristics such as attractiveness to deer, rapid stand establishment and early seedling vigor, fast growth, high nutritional content, cold and heat-tolerance and resistance to disease. While the Whitetail Institute considers all these characteristics important, the most important of all is attractiveness to deer. Destination meets the Whitetail Institute’s superior attraction requirement through its components — five proprietary Whitetail Institute seeds that have all proven themselves through research efforts and over time to be extremely attractive to deer. Second, Destination is an excellent example of the Whitetail Institute’s practice of developing blends of complementary forages in order to sustain maximum attractiveness of the stand over the long term. You may have noticed that most Whitetail Institute food plot products are blends of different plant varieties. The main reason is that it’s rare for one type of forage plant to provide optimum performance in all the categories for which the Whitetail Institute tests. That’s why the Institute thoroughly researched, developed and selected several plant varieties to boost attraction and longevity even further, and then combined them in the optimum ratios as shown by Whitetail Institute testing. The exhaustive research and testing to develop food plot products that perform up to the Whitetail Institute’s relentless expectations is one reason Whitetail Institute food plot products continue to dominate the market. This is accomplished by combining various components in different proportions and then testing them on wild, free-ranging deer until the Whitetail Institute identifies the optimum seed varieties and ratios to maximize attraction over the longest period of time. Each of its components have been selected and then combined with the other components in Destination so that no matter what time of fall or winter it is, deer will have multiple extremely attractive forages available to them. Let’s take a quick look at Destination’s forage components and how they interact to deliver remarkable attraction from early fall all the way through winter. This will help you determine why you will want

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Vol. 30, No. 1 /


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Articles inside

How to Create Successful Big-Wood Food Plots

pages 64-72

Four Highly Effective Rules for Growing Food

pages 58-63

Imperial Whitetail Vision is a Perennial With a Kick for Fall

page 56

Managing Small Properties Can Lead to Big Results

page 55

Nutritional Stress: Why Some Bucks Fail to Reach Their Potential

pages 52-54

The Whitetail Institute’s 30-06 Thrive is an Outstanding Attractant and Nutritional Supplement for Fall and Winter

pages 50-51

Imperial Whitetail Winter-Greens is the Most Attractive Brassica Planting the Whitetail Institute Could Make

pages 48-49

The Whitetail Institute Laboratory Soil-Test Kit is Your Best Tool for Food Plot Success

pages 46-47

Nutrition 365: A Recipe for Success

pages 34-39

The Weed Doctor

pages 44-45

Imperial Whitetail No-Plow: Exceptional Attraction, Versatility and Simplicity

pages 42-43

Customers do the Talking

pages 40-41

Whitetail Oats Plus is an Ideal Nurse Crop for Fall-Planted Perennials

pages 32-33

Record Book Bucks

pages 30-31

Six Reasons Food Plots Fail

pages 26-29

New Imperial Whitetail Ravish for Fall Through Winter

pages 18-19

$14 Can Deliver Your Best Hunting Ever

pages 24-25

Plotting for Work… Or Fun?

pages 7-11

Maximize Your Small Acreage

pages 20-23

How Many Deer are Out There?

pages 12-17

Imperial Whitetail Destination is a Great New Food Plot Choice for Fall

pages 5-6

Message from Ray Scott

page 4
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