Campbell resume 2016 landscape

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Doug Campbell

Doug Campbell

441 East Erie Street Apt. 3311, Chicago, IL 60611 - 434. 825. 7381. -

441 East Erie Street Apt. 3311, Chicago, IL 60611 - 434. 825. 7381. -


University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX - 2009 Masters in Architecture, Emphasis in Sustainable Design Luce Fellow, Tech Comm Studio Design Excellence Award, Dean’s Scholarship Award Graduate Council Representative, Admissions Committee Member Gerald E. Hines ULI Competition- 1st Place in-house, UT Coffee Shop Competition- 2nd Place


University of Virginia, Charlotesville, VA 2004 Double Major; Bachelor of Science in Architecture, Bachelor of Arts in English Literature Dean’s List, Intermediate Honors, Resident Assistant, Water Polo Club President, Player, & Coach

Certificates • Licensed Architect in California 2012, in Illinois 2015, NCARB certificate • LEED Accredited Professional, USGBC, 2004

Vicenza Study Abroad Program, Summer 2003 with Professors Crisman and Menefee Worthington Scholarship for Architectural Drawing Drawings exhibited at Barboursville Vineyard’s Palladio Restaurant

Re:Vision Norfolk Member, 501C3 Non-profit Organization, Norfolk, VA 2011 - Present • Art Everywhere - installation coordinator for art show in vacant, downtown storefronts • MacArthur Third Anchor - project leader for bringing McDonald’s Garden Center to an underutilized site • Nauticus’ Atlantis - designer of an adventure playground for families and children visiting the museum • City Parklet Program - working with city council to activate city streets and establish program guidelines

HEWV + Company Design Retreat - Switzerland 2006, Scandinavia 2011 Hosted by Virginia Polytechnic’s International Architecture and Design Institute


Conferences • Design Futures Council, 40 under 40, Chicago, IL 2012 • Design Futures Council, Executive Board and Sustainability Summit, Portland, OR 2013 • Design Entrpreneurship, New York, NY 2013 • ACUI, ACUHO, ACUHO-i, NASPA, APPA, SACSA, GLACUHO, NACAS, and SCUP Conferences

Hanbury Evans Wright Vlattas + Company, Norfolk, VA, 2009 - Present Project Architect & Associate Principal. Board of Directors 2012 - 2013, Leader of the Summer Scholars Legacy Program 2009 - 2012, Leader of Virginia Medalist Legacy Program 2013 - 2014 • University of Tennessee, Knoxville: West Campus Redevelopment, 2,100 bed student neighborhood • Norfolk Academy: K-12 school renovations and additions, primary leadership on athletic components • San Diego State University: Mixed Use Gateway community, 600 student residents, 30,000 SF of retail • Ohio University: South Housing Development, 900 student residents and Learning Commons • Louisianna State University: 500 student residential complex and entry pavilion • Furman University: 50,000 SF Student Union Renovation and Additions, Student Life Plan • Sewanee University: 300 student residence hall and Campus Master Plan • Ross School: Advanced Schematic for High School Residential Complex and Dining Hall • Macau University, China: Advanced Schematic for a four-building high rise residential college complex • Angola Central Highlands, Africa: Campus Master Plan International Design Competition, first place Behnisch Architekten, Stuttgart, Germany - Summer and Fall 2008 UTSOA Professional Residency Program • Helped design and document Harvard’s new Allston Science Complex, including responsibility for all unitized facade sections and the main building’s entry sequence • Traveled with the team to collaborate with US partner, Payette, and conduct on site testing • Competition entry for a World War I Museum in central France Texas Nature Project, Mason, TX - Summer 2007 Selected as a Graduate Design Partner to Dr. Steven Moore • Worked closely with Dr. Moore to help this nonprofit organization design a small college campus, a pedagogy that centers around a study of the environment and climate of central Texas • Helped develop an architecture that focuses on an understanding and interaction with the attributes of the 100 acre site The Lawrence Group, Austin, TX - Summer 2007 • St. Austin’s Parking Garage Design Development • Health Care facility Construction Documents • Accessory Dwelling Unit Schematic Design Hanbury Evans Wright Vlattas + Company, Norfolk, VA, 2004 - 2007 Summer Scholar 2004, Leadership Council 2006 - 2007 • Guided the construction administration of the East and West Casas at St. Edward’s University • Team member for the company’s first cross Pacific design competition in Seoul, South Korea • Worked start to finish on the Colorado State University, New Academic Village • Rhodes College, Historic Preservation Plan and Getty Grant Publication • Lead the planning effort and presentation of the Union Mission Homeless Shelter Webb House, Private Commission, Norfolk, VA - 2004 • Designed and documented a 2,400 sq. ft. ranch home remodel and addition

Rose Architectural Fellowship, Program Finalist, 2009 • One of three finalists interviewed for a three year partnership with the Bickerdike Redevelopment Corporation in inner-city Chicago as a design consultant for sustainable and affordable housing Child in the City, Research Project and Conference, UTSOA 2009 • Hosted a panel of community organizers, professors and practitioners to discuss alternative design paths and community design methodologies Allety Flat Initiative and Accessory Dwelling Unit Publication, UTSOA Luce Fellowship, 2007 • “An alternative strategy for affordable and sustainable housing in East Austin”


Presentations • ACUI Southern Regional, 2013: Furman Student Center: Partnering for a transformed student experience • NACAS East, 2014: Innovation through Renovation • SCUP, 2015: Student Veteran House • GLACUHO, 2015: Spaces that Engage - Context, Process, and Outcomes UTSOA Summer Academy Instructor, 2009 • Taught a studio of highschool students for a 4 week, 8 hour/day introduction to design fundamentals • Developed a written lesson plan for each day of the program both collaboratively (with the other instructors) and independently, to guide the progress of the students and ensure educational objectives • Guided the class for a drawing field trip to the Rachofsky House, Kimbell Art Museum, Modern Art Museum, and the Nasher Sculpture Center in Dallas / Fort Worth • Students completed a 3 project sequence and many continued on in the field Teaching Assistant for the Associate Dean of Graduate Programs, UTSOA, Kevin Alter 2009 • Worked with Professor Alter on a number of strategic objectives for the school and in support of The Center for American Architecture and Design Teaching Assistant for the Computer Lab, UTSOA 2007 - 2008 • Provided instruction in digital fabrication and software applications for fellow students and professors UpLift Austin and Garza Highschool Teacher, Open Architecture Challenge, 2009 • As part of a competition hosted by Architecture for Humanity, I partnered with UpLift Austin and Garza Highschool to integrate design studies within the school’s curriculum • The work of these students lead to a school wide presentation, a major Program Grant for our partner nonprofit organization and inspired a school-wide participatory build over the summer. Citizen School Volunteer - After School Apprenticeship Program, 2008 • Taught after-school design curriculum at Bedichek Middle School in Austin, Texas • Gave fifth and sixth grade students an exposure to the design profession, an alternative after-school program, and a chance to reinforce their daily lessons • The design process involved studying the addition of much needed classroom space to the school and presenting their own work at what was called the WOW event.

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