The Circuit: Senior responses

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What will you miss about Whitman? Knowing a little too much information about everyone

Jewett breakfast


The never-ending project funding sources All the do-gooders

BonApp whipped cream No rules

Taste of Sicily and brunch. The ability to take random classes that have nothing to do with my future goals

Curly fries The switch-up of the gender of the bathrooms between the 2nd and 3rd floors of the library. Can someone tell me why they did that?

Walking around campus, feeling like I am somebody to everybody, and having everyone be somebody to me.

Tanning on


in my bikini

The granola-eating, mason jar-toting fools walking around in Birkenstocks all year while bragging about how close they came to living in a tent this semester.

friends library.

Pick-up soccer Casual law enforcement

Walking to class and trying not to step on ducks or squirrels.

The soul-crushing problem sets

24-hour I’m serious! I’m going to have to start going to libraries before 5 p.m.!


Outings in the wheat fields

The sauna


The ducks—and the people. I’ll miss the people too.

People Search

Seeing the first daffodils bloom overnight. Sounds corny, but yeah. Beer and nudity

I definitely won’t miss the dating scene, that’s for sure.

The physical plant guys, namely Bob Biles

Spontaneous conversations with people during late nights in the library Being able to walk home safely after a particularly intense bout of insobriety


Recognizing everyone. Even if by face and not by name.

community The extensive amounts of themed parties. What am I going to do with all my costume items?

The fireplace in the Quiet Room The Pioneer

Impromptu concerts in the library after a late night of studying Whitman is my Disneyland, I’m going to miss being in the happiest place on Earth.


Senior Survey

What was your most memorable class at Whitman? Race and Ethnic Studies Senior Seminar Alberto Galindo Organic Chemistry Mark Juhasz When the weather was nice we would have recitation outside and draw mechanisms in chalk on the sidewalk. Wittgenstein Mitch Clearfield Politics of the U.S.-Mexico Border Aaron Bobrow-Strain State of the State for Washington Latinos Paul Apostolidis Chemistry of Art Deb Simon Pollination Biology Heidi Dobson Probability and Statistics James Cotts Sociology of Crime, Law and Punishment George Bridges Politics of Food, Agriculture and Society Aaron Bobrow-Strain

English 110 Margo Scribner I believe I wrote an ode to carrots. (Anti-)Colonial Literature Gaurav Majumdar Freedom of Speech and the First Amendment Bob Withycombe El/La Problema Alberto Galindo Herpetology Kate Jackson Geology of the Pacific Northwest Pat Spencer French Literature Sarah Hurlburt Performance Ensemble Jessica Cerullo. We went to the penitentiary and interacted with inmates there through the medium of theater. Coaching Soccer Mike Washington History of Rock and Roll Keith Farrington

Any regrets? • Should have gone TKE earlier • Could have studied more • Not going abroad • Freshman year • Staying in a serious relationship for the majority of my Whitman career • I only regret not being able to triple major • Unprotected sex • In the words of Bilbo Baggins, “I don’t know half of you half as well as I should like.” • I wish I had gone to office hours more often • I will probably regret taking this survey when I should have been working on a paper • No regrets, but maybe lessons learned

Book Arts Mare Blocker Environmental Thinking Tom Davis Education in the Matrix John Kitchens Public Art Matt Reynolds Whitman in the Wallowas Don Snow and Delbert Hutchison Social Psychology Visiting Professor She asked if we wanted tests or papers, and we said no. She agreed. We watched a lot of YouTube videos. Medical Anthropology Jason Pribilsky Sinhala, Mahayana Buddhism Jonathan Walters Core/Encounters with.... Theresa DiPasquale, Craig Gunsul, Julia Ireland, Patrick Frierson, Timothy Kaufman-Osbourne, Mitch Clearfield, Dale Cosper ADVERTISEMENT

Congrats to the Future Entrepreneurs of Whitman for winning the 2012 PNWER Competition!


WIC thanks all donors to the William Allen-Boeing Student Investment Endowment


Shanglun Wang, Mariah R Billey, Wilbur Martin, Chelsea Darlington, Spencer Corwin, Isabel Zarate, Elliott Crane, Signe Burke, Prof. Lee W. Sanning Not pictured: Murugappan Venkat, Thanh Huynh, Prof. Pete Parcells

Senior Survey

What’s on your Whitman bucket list? • Go barefoot for three full days and forage for my food on campus • Ride Styx! • Read the quiet room challenge book • Look out on campus from the Memorial clock tower • Climb more buildings on campus • Get to the top of the Science building • Achieve an A in a Whitman class • Play naked Twister after beer mile • Go wine tasting in Walla Walla and learn more about winemaking before I leave this region • Skip around Ankeny once • Watch the sunset and the sunrise in the same night • Drunk library picnic • Eat at all the Mexican restaurants in town

• Wine and dine with at least one professor • Drive to the top of Pike’s Peak and look out over Walla Walla • Take photos of all of the beautiful places on campus, especially of the weeping Japanese maple at the entrance to Marcus House • Sit in the fountain in front of Hunter • Swim at Palouse Falls • Beer Mile • Take a trip to Cheese Louise (a cheese tasting shop in the TriCities) • Read a random book from the library just because it looks interesting and not because I have to for a class • Leave with my mental and emotional health not completely broken • Stargaze in the wheat fields

• Become a vegetarian for a week • Go in Beta • Get naked in Narnia • Create a Whitman bucket list • Actually go to a frat party • Breakfast trifecta weekend (Clarette’s/Maple Counter/Bacon and Eggs) • Check out that rock climbing wall one of these days • Have President Bridges know my name • Clarette’s Challenge • Find a bunch of other thirdwave feminists on campus and have a conversation • Meet and spend time with a lot of people I never got the chance to • Set off fireworks on Ankeny without getting yelled at by security • Watch more Walla Walla sunsets from my roof

Seniors’ favorite memories • Beta Theta Pi getting a standing ovation at Choral Contest ‘11 • The ridiculousness of playing in the Sweet’s Ultimate annual Angels vs Devils game • Dressing up as Pac-man and running through the library during finals week screaming for dear life as my friend in a ghost costume chased me • Making a video to the song “I’m on a boat!” in the fountain outside Hunter • Being in a suspended bathtub onstage in HJT’s “Hello Failure” • Mooning the webcams in Reid • Sending Fritz Siegert a secret valentine • Eating mustard and cheese sandwiches during a freak hailstorm at Harris Park • Walking down the middle of Main Street with a friend my freshman year at two in the morning, snow piling up on the ground and continuing to fall while watching the town put up the Christmas lights all around us • Pinging • Beating Whitworth in basketball during our White Out game • Dancing to “Little Bit” by Lykke Li in the quiet room at 5 a.m. on the day my thesis was due • Falling in love

Floating down the Walla Walla river on inflatable pool toys • Singing “Wagon Wheel” four times in one night on the Snake River in Hells Canyon and not thinking it was corny • Walking into a body-painting party 10 minutes before beer mile and being stripped naked and painted head-to-toe by the people there • Getting pied in the face on my birthday freshman year • All-nighters in the library. I actually `really enjoyed them • Spending time with my friends out on Ankeny in the sun, and putting off the work we should have been doing for good times in the present • Election night my freshman year when Obama won and it felt like the entire school marched in downtown Walla Walla • Going to D1 Nationals with the Sweets • Sneaking into the science building to watch “Lord of the Rings” in Gaiser • Giving planetarium shows to kids—and the glitter filled thank- you notes that come after them • Touring around campus via rollerblades while flying a kite • Losing my virginity

The process of falling in love with German until I had utterly abandoned any intention of majoring in biology. The realization that I was free to do, and should do, the things in life I truly love • One day, a friend and I snuck into the clock tower • Going on a moonlight paddle with the OP—the moon was out shining, the bats were out flying and my happy heart was out smiling • Spontaneous drunken midnight ice sledding on bin lids in the amphitheater • Cliff jumping with my pals during Camp Whitman • The Chemistree that our department puts up each year near Christmas time on the third floor of the science building • I still remember the three boys I danced with at the freshmen orientation salsa night • Playing Humans vs Zombies and feeling the intense sense of camaraderie when you meet a few fellow humans cautiously trekking across campus at night, exchange knowing nods, and silently form up to guard each other until it is safe to break off again to head home • Beer miles!


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