Happy Body

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Carrie Sloane—hands: “I play the cello, so that requires a lot of hand movement. Sometimes they aren’t perfectly built to play the cello…but that’s ok, you gotta work with that.”


photography by ALLIE FELT interviews by PATRICIA VANDERBILT

Lydia Kautsky—lips: “Once I had a professional photographer tell me that I had perfect 24 | THECIRCUIT lips, and that I should become a lip model.”

It isn’t always easy to look in like what you see. In hopes ofthe mirror and positive body image, we aske celebrating tell us what body part they likd students to e—and to let us photograph it.

Our bodies are the perfect co of beauty, individuality and fumbination nction.

What’s not to love?

Phil Hofius—right index finger: “I have connections to calluses, like this one’s been worn in from using a chef’s knife a bunch . . . I enjoy that sort of defect that is created through working with your hands.”


Allison Bolgiano—eyes: “I like my eyes because of the colors in them and around them. I think they’re expressive.”

Faith Bernstein—eyelashes: “They’re kind of something that a lot of people don’t really notice . . . but if you’re actually looking at someone, it’s something that you see.”

Molly Emmett—eyebrows: “For a while I didn’t really like how thick and dark my eyebrows were, but I’ve grown to appreciate the character they give to my face.”


Rachel Hoar—calves: “I’ve worked hard for them.”

Maggie Massey—back: “I think that my back is strong and gives me strength.”

Sam Alden—collarbones: “There’s something androgynous about them . . . they’re sort of a gender | 27 neutral thing that isTHECIRCUIT attractive.”

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