The Roar | Volume 9 | Issue 3 | February 2014

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where do

YOU fit in? PAGE 14






4 Body image/ Wildcat Days 5 Student teacher relationships


17 New laws in California

ENTERTAINMENT 24 Netflix 26 Open mic coffeehouses 27 Bands in Town app/ Photo apps



BODY 28 Skin care


6 Cheating 8 Teachers in high school 9 Military families SPORTS 10 Nooria Munir feature 18 Winter Polo 12 Immigrant students 19 Boys in cheer 13 Black History Month 14 Racial discrimination in schools 20 Athletes in shape 22 Player profiles 16 Youth Resources officer



sports editor




Cover photo illustration by ABI BROOKS




copy editor



THE ROAR staff


We’ll keep you posted.



The Roar is a student publication planned and produced by the journalism class at Whitney High School. The news magazine is an open forum for student expression. Student editors make all content decisions. Columns represent the viewpoints of individual writers and are not representative of the opinions of the student body, faculty or administration of Whitney High School or Rocklin Unified School District. Staff members of The Roar practice ethical student journalism by providing fair and balanced coverage as determined by community standards. Students working to publish each issue strive to achieve accuracy by checking sources, spelling and quotes as well as obtaining a variety of credible sources. The staff regrets any errors or omissions. For information about advertising, contact The Roar at Visit for news, sports, opinion, entertainment and more.

WHITNEY HIGH STUDENT MEDIA Visit for the latest in news, sports, entertainment, opinion and more THE ROAR


melting a frozen pot


Cross-cultural understanding needs to be implemented at a higher level


e often take this contemporary notion of unity for granted. This country is rather young, and since its independence in 1776, it was only recently that Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous speech and people rallied for the cause of integration. It was only recently that women’s rights activists significantly boosted the role American women play. And it was only recently that specific months or days are dedicated to the celebration of a particular heritage. However, unequal treatment runs rampant in our society. Many ways it is surreptitious, and not an extrinsic violation of how humans should be treated. We have come a long way when compared with the atrocities boasted by the past, as depicted by Oscar-nominated film “12 Years a Slave,” yet not all people stand on the same page of acceptance. For instance, this year’s Super Bowl featured a multilingual commercial by Coca-Cola. In the 60-second advertisement, people of varying ethnicities and cultural heritages sang “America the Beautiful” in several different languages, including Spanish and Arabic. One would think with what a melting pot the United States is that people will find it pleasant and not associate it with an adulteration of American morale, yet that is exactly what happened. According to the New Pittsburgh Courier, someone “identifying themselves as Scott Cartledge tweeted: ‘What was that Coke? This is America. We speak American.’” Yes, Mr. Cartledge, this is America. Where cross-cultural immigration is our country’s story, and there is no single demographic that defines what a true American is. This is Black History Month, a time when learning about AfricanAmericans in our country and their impact on our society is encouraged. Dedicating this month to the celebration of black heritage is a milestone

achievement in our society and is commended. So why does our school not do anything to educate students further on these people? History classes need to stick to scheduled curriculum, yet they can surely fit in a few minute spiel on Black History Month. Perhaps there shouldn’t be recognition of only black history during a month, and all the different ethnicities and heritages that make up the diversity of Americans should be recognized and celebrated without drawing attention to only one race. Our school does nothing to recognize how important cultural knowledge is when people interact with each other. “I Believe” week recognizes problems with bullying and intolerance, yet kids are subjected to the same kind of lecture about bullying time after time with no additional substance to it. That substance can be achieved through teaching students about multiculturalism and all the different ethnic makeups of Americans. Many times, bullying occurs because one kid is of African descent, or Arab descent, or some kind of ethnicity that subjects them to hatred and misunderstanding by other children. We have Sikh students at our school, for instance, and students do not understand what the turban is they wear and why they wear it. “I Believe” can teach all these different things. There is so much potential to break down barriers and develop empathy for others, yet we are not using it. The only way to accept all is to understand all, and racial diversity is a huge leap into the hearts, minds, and personalities of many people. Sometimes questions about your race and heritage may sound ignorant, but don’t take offense; just be delighted at the opportunity to educate and inform. As idealistic as it may sound, it is the only way to improve levels of acceptance, even if it cannot be achieved completely.

Illustration by KAVLEEN SINGH




FAT VS. SKINNY battle of the media

Body image continues to affect emotionally, physically



eens everywhere today feel self conscious about body weight for a variety of reasons. Whether skinny or curvier, size is never good enough. Body shaming takes place all over the world — in person and online — and no one’s body is safe from ridicule. Having a skinny body used to be the body every girl “needed.” It was what every girl wanted. Overweight girls were teased. But that has changed. The media has accepted curvier girls and supported them. It needed to happen. The tables have turned again, though. Although the ridicule of curvier girls has died down, but bashing of skinny bodies has become common. Last year the theme “thigh gap” radiated around the social media sites such as Tumblr, Twitter and Instagram. It had mixed views, though. Some girls wanted the look, yet some girls bashed it, saying things such as ‘I’d rather eat than starve myself ’ or ‘It’s not sexy to look like a skeleton’. People took offense to the comments because having a thigh gap does not mean you starve yourself; it happens to be natural to some girls’ bodies. People ranted and praised the subject for quite some time. They still do. I see both sides, though. I understand that thicker girls feel threatened and defend themselves.

I personally find the whole “thigh gap” controversy demeaning to all women. Nobody should have to compete to that standard, yet no one should be thrashed for having it. So that’s when girls of the smaller size say mean things to girls on the plus-size side. Overall, it needs to stop. Girls need to feel beautiful in any size they are. Clothing and media has affected the outlook greatly in modern society. For example, plus-size and even average-sized girls feel threatened by the clothing franchise Brandy Melville. Being a “one size only” retailer, people all over have complained of discrimination. And it raises the question whether girls with smaller bodies should get hate for being their size? Another controversial event recently was Mindy Kaling and her cover of Vogue magazine. Readers complained how other stars’ bodies were shown while the cover of Kaling showed only her face, suggesting her larger body size would not be popular. Media seems to focus more on skinnier girls; however, bigger-sized models are coming out. I think our society is coming closer to accepting both. but there is still a long way to go. SAVANNAH HOUDEK

DEBATE: Two students take on the eight-period Wildcat Day schedule


he days of sleeping till noon, hanging out with friends and slacking off are over. The short sweet glamorous days of break are now over; it’s time to get back with the program. Time to get back to the old schedule getting that tired body out of the bed and studying until midnight for that AP test. But what better way to start off a new semester than 30-minute classes? Wildcat Days have their perks: after a long break I can return to school and just relax for a day. Teachers don’t really assign homework or teach, for the most part. I usually end up watching a documentary, taking notes, or just doing nothing at all. In some classes the teachers just take roll and give us time to catch up with friends and hang out in the classroom. Who doesn’t like doing nothing? Wildcat Days are a great way to get back on track. If you miss a Wildcat Day, you don’t even have much work to make up. Another perk is that Wildcat Days give students a sneak peek of their new classes and teachers. The first Wildcat Day in August is always helpful for me because after being on break for two and a half months I am still tired from the all-nighters watching TV; I can go back to school stress-free not worried about doing anything too difficult. My previous school was a lot different. I came from a school where I had all my classes in one day, so block schedule was a new adjustment for me. Being the new kid, I was worried about getting lost and missing a lot of the class, but thankfully Wildcat Day eased some of the worry because I knew I wouldn’t miss much. A class was only 30 minutes long — what could I possibly miss, notes on stoichiometry and the laws of physics? Many people dislike the idea of Wildcat Days but I personally love Wildcat Days. It eases the stress a bit, I can go back to school and not worry about anything being too difficult. The first days back from break are always the hardest days but I think the week starts off great by shorter stress-free classes. THERESA KIM THE ROAR




YOU SAID 45% YAY 55% NAY 4

ren’t Wildcat Days the best? They’re a completely useless reminder that your wonderful break is over and school is back in session. Wildcat Day comes at the beginning of each semester, this semester on a short Monday where they cluster all classes together before 1 p.m. The classes on Wildcat Day are remarkably short. It’s like the moment you sit down in your seat, the teacher says “dismissed.” There are upsides to Wildcats Days, though: they help you remember your schedule and get back on track with your classes, because how else should you get familiarized with your classes for the first time, or the second after a two week break? Wildcat Days are important, and they frankly just sound cool. Who doesn’t like a tiny, short and clumped and bundled up day full of watching your teachers run out of time? Yeah, who’s mismanaging their time now? Wildcat Days still have a way of breaking us out of our happy vacation mode, and no, that is not a good thing. Think of a Wildcat Day as a refresher. Gatorade after running a 5k. Gatorade after playing. Gatorade after drinking Powerade and discovering that it is not as good. Personally giving the name “Wildcat Day” for a day like this was a bad idea. We should save that name for something a little bit cooler. ADAM ISMAIL

crossing the line


How far is too far? what

THEY said “Whitney is a good-natured school, but our reputation can be ruined by these events.” — Danny Liu “When teachers text students it depends mainly on the relationship between that student and that teacher.” — Amber Fox “To prevent inappropriate relationships, we can monitor student-teacher one-on-one interaction.” — Leilani Howell “Instead of texting, students and teachers should email.” — Elena Leach


magine looking up to someone that you see almost every day, someone that you trust. Then imagine reading or hearing about them going to jail, maybe even prison and that you might not see them ever again, and for something you would have never suspected, student teacher sexual relationships. Students may think this adds status to their reputation but they may not realize how dangerous and inappropriate it really is. Students don’t realize that this can ruin both the teacher and the student’s life. This can be classified as rape or molestation and the teacher can go to jail and or prison. In previous years there have been two teachers caught here, Mr. Rick Eldredge and Mr. Matt Yamamoto. I am not sure about their intentions, but they were arrested upon allegations of sexual relations with students. For me personally, I find it disgusting how students and teachers put themselves at risk for suspension and job loss because of attraction or sexual needs towards one another. Students might do this due to low self-esteem or they think that this will make them seem more popular. In reality, these students don’t know

what could happen to them if they were ever caught in this kind of a relationship or they don’t care about the huge consequences it poses on the rest of their life. I believe that some teachers abuse their power of high authority to persuade students into thinking that sexual activities aren’t as bad as they seem. Teachers might think that no one will ever find out but there will always be ways to go back down to the truth. As a student, I would want to feel safe and secure around the staff at my school without ever thinking that one was capable of extreme inappropriate behavior. In the future, the school should do better background checks and they should ask students constantly about their opinions on their teachers. They should also hold conferences and meetings about these inappropriate relationships. It doesn’t matter if it happened three years ago or a month ago, if the student was under the age of 18 it is considered statutory rape and charges will be pressed. MISSIE CARACUT & MIRANDA WOOLLEY

“Teachers following you on social media sites is okay if it was a previous teacher, but not okay if it’s a current teacher.” — Wyatt Eby “I think parents get nervous about sending their kids to school here, since all the teachers were guys going after girl students. Girls are probably nervous around guy teachers.” — Gabby Gebhardt




STATISTICS: HIGH SCHOOLS 51% of high school students did not believe cheating was wrong. 59% of high school students admitted cheating on a test 72% of students reported one or more instances of serious cheating on written work 95% of cheating high school students said that they had not been detected 45% admitted to collaborating inappropriately with others on assignments

STATISTICS: COLLEGES 60.8% of students surveyed have cheated on assignments 85% of students said cheating was necessary to get ahead.

Are the SCORES

70% of students admitted to cheating on exams SOURCES: Josephson Institute Center for Youth Ethics, US News, World Report, Professor Donald McCabe.

Pressures drive not only students to



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N p PE my E 46.4% said letting someone copy their homework D e A us 49.5% said copying homework P G not 78.4% said getting an essay from theY Internet M from S hy someone 57.2% said finding out test questions

What is considered cheating?



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79 out of 193 students said they cheated on a test IT 130 out of 192 students said they witnessed anotherN e? O n student cheat DS ho


t’s no secret, everyone that goes to school has witnessed it at some point in their life. During a test, some students will be extremely focused and intent, others may be shaking and having a nervous breakdown, while other students are surreptitiously looking at another student’s test. Cheating, defined by the Whitney High School Student Handbook, is “taking [or lending] at inappropriate times a person’s work, information, ideas, research and/or documentation without properly identifying the originator.” Basically, turning in any academic work that a student did not create originally is considered cheating and is a violation to policy. Despite being reminded of the policy each year during discipline visits from administrators in each classroom, students continue to cheat and break rules. Psychology teacher Mr. Jason Knowles offers some insight to why students may take the risk of cheating. “People may feel like they aren’t prepared, but they also may not have not have done the work to get prepared in the first place. It’s also possible the teacher didn’t explain the content very well. But I think a lot of students cheat because they are under a lot of pressure to get good grades, especially at our school,” Knowles said. Senior Manny Ramos agrees that students are put under a lot of pressure. “I’ve cheated on tests before, and I do study sometimes, but it just feels like it’s not enough for me to get the grade I wanted. So even if I study for a test, I’ll still cheat off someone else for the sake of trying to get the best grade I possibly can,” Ramos said. The frequency with which a student cheats may depend on the outcome of the first incident of cheating. Knowles explains from a psychological perspective how behavior can be influenced on rewards or punishments. “Whether or not a student will continue to cheat after the first time depends on the outcome; if a student cheats and didn’t get caught but received a good grade then is it likely they are going to cheat again. However if they do get caught and suffer a consequence, then that will discourage them to cheat in the future,” Knowles said. It’s not the risk that affects Ramos,- but rather his belief that studying for tests can be overwhelming and stressful. “One reason to cheat is to avoid the obstacle of studying because it takes up so much time, and it stresses me out leading up to the test. Sometimes there’s too much information I have to know and I feel like I wouldn’t [be able to] memorize it all no matter how hard I study,” Ramos said. However, cheating is a greater stressor, according to Knowles.



worth the RISK?

Photo Ilustration by KALEEN SINGH

cheat, but others are guilty “Stress of cheating outweighs the stress of studying for a test. For when you’re cheating, students have to plan it in ways where it minimizes the chances of getting caught. And then during the test, they’re thinking ‘Oh my god. This is wrong, I’m cheating and I could get caught.’ Studying in itself isn’t stressful; however the test may be if you aren’t prepared,” Knowles said. One student says he cheats on certain subjects based not only on the class content, but even the teacher. “I felt pressured to cheat because of grades, so the classes I cheated in were the ones I struggled with. But in those classes I had friends that would let me copy their work and the teacher wasn’t very observant, so we never got caught,” Gurjap Nijjar said Knowles believes the most common method to cheat is by taking information and data from peers. Other ways people cheat are writing notes down somewhere, such as students who ink their skin with answers. Because technology is accessible to students, it also has been used for cheating purposes, like taking pictures of notes or simply using the Web with a cell phone. Nijjar and Ramos both admitted to using a smart device to access Online information on tests. . Teens who let others cheat off of them and/or copy their work are just as guilty because they are giving consent to allow another break the rules. One student who has let another cheat off her agrees that she was in the wrong. “The reason why I let someone look at my paper was because I felt bad that they didn’t know an easy answer. Those who let others cheat off of them are just as guilty as those who do cheat. The tests we take are to assess our knowledge, and teens abuse that if they let others cheat,” Alyssa Mann said. Aditya Srinivasan said that the ones who cheat are ones to blame. “Honestly, the person doing the cheating is more at fault. Only because they’re the ones hurting themselves, and the ones responsible for it happening in the first place,” Srinivasan said. Punishment for cheating differs between school and in the outside world. According to NBC News, the military has stripped the certification and security clearances of 34 officers at a Montana missile base after catching what is possibly the largest cheating scandal ever to hit the nuclear force. The officers, all assigned to the 341st Missile Wing at Malmstrom Air Force Base, are accused of supposedly texting answers to each other on a monthly proficiency exam which tested the officers’ knowledge of the missile launch systems. Others within the wing knew

that the cheating was going on and didn’t report it. Not only does cheating happen in high school, but also in practically at any place where cheating is an option. Tests outside of course material such as the SAT and CAHSEE aren’t immune to being cheated on, as some people claim. But cheating doesn’t have a boundary line around students. Teachers and school officials have been found guilty of it as well. According to the Government Accountability Office, school officials in 40 states have been suspected of cheating in the last two school years. About 33 of those states were able to confirm at least one incident of cheating and had to disregard tests turned in by the offenders. The GAO has found teachers actually have a lot of pressure to cheat. In 24 states, recognition and rewards to schools are based off of test scores, 24 states send scores to educator evaluations, and nine states acknowledge those scores when determining promotions. In regards to standardized testing, some anonymous students claim that not many students would cheat strictly because CAHSEE and SAT testing does not affect GPA. However Srinivasan says otherwise. “There is a lot more pressure to cheat on standardized tests and ironically, I think it’s higher among the so-called best students because of their ethnicity which correlates with them to be super driven to succeed,” Srinivasan said. When students cheat at Whitney, the disciplinary acts to where the punishment will only get worse if the same offense is repeated. The AP student Knowles caught cheating was able to receive another test (but twice as hard) since he did not have a previous offense. Now, had he committed the same act over and over, the consequences would be more severe. The student handbook defines that factors that contribute to cheating still doesn’t make cheating acceptable. And some students will continue to cheat despite of the risks, but Srinivasan addresses those who cheat. Srinivasan said “By all means, if you want to cheat--go ahead. At the end of the day, you will need to learn the material at some point. May it be in high school, college, etc. In the end, you’re only hurting yourself by delaying the inevitable.” KALEEN SINGH






Taking a look back at teachers in their high school years

MR. JOHN BOSCO School: Roseville High School, Roseville, CA Graduated: 1978 Hobbies: basketball mainly but I loved all sports GPA: 3.0 Favorite class: I loved all my classes and all my teachers. I loved going to school. Worried most about: That I’d get hurt so I wouldn’t be able to play sports. I was pretty fearless besides that. Transportation: My first car was a 1960 Dodge Dart. One time my sister was driving and she got hit by this lady. There was a hole in the car that we never had fixed. Dream Job at age 17: I’ve wanted to be a teacher ever since sixth grade. I never wanted to do anything else. Shopped at: We all wore Levi’s with and flannel shirts. We shopped at Woolworth too. Our favorite store was Thrifty’s because you could go get a scoop of ice cream for five cents and a double scoop for 10. I remember when they raised it to 25 cents we were so mad. MRS. KAITLIN TOROK School: Laguna Creek, CA Graduated: 2002 Three words to describe herself: social, athletic, smart Hobbies: I played soccer competitively and for the school, and I enjoyed running, but didn’t run for the school. GPA: 3.4 Favorite class: Physics Worried most about: Not getting into college. It’s funny though because I actually went to community college anyway, so that fear was kind of not relevant. Dream Job at age 17: I really wanted to be a dietitian or nutritionist. I always struggled with my weight and had eating disorders through high school. I think that’s why I wanted to help other people with their weight. Shopped at: American Eagle, Forever 21 Jobs: I worked at Water World, which is Raging Waters at Cal Expo now. I worked over the summer as a lifeguard. MR. BEN BARNHOLDT School: Douglas High School, Nevada Graduated: 1994 Three words to describe himself: athletic, fun, clueless Hobbies: baseball, basketball, football GPA: 3.0 Favorite class: Junior year history: Our class was really mean to our student teacher, she ran out crying once. We also had a peanut butter and jelly fight. Worried most about: I wasn’t a very good student, and it took me too long to realize that grades really matter. I wish I was more motivated academically. Dream job at age 17: 1st baseman for the Mets or a career in criminal justice Spent most free time: I was always hanging out with the same seven friends. We would play sports and Nintendo games. Job: Burger King for 2 years

MRS. TIFFINY FEUERBACH School: Del Oro High School, CA Graduated: 1993 Three words to describe self: competitive and insecure Hobbies: Volleyball, basketball, softball GPA: around 3.85 Favorite Class: My government Econ class. It’s kind of ironic because I’m a language arts teacher but the teacher was ridiculous I loved him. Worried most about: Whether or not I was going to get a scholarship. I hated girls, gossip and drama. Dream job at age 17: I wanted to be a nursing major. Shopped at: I was a big time Banana Republic fan and also a Macy’s girl. Spent most free time: At the softball field, always at practice or at a game. All the time. Job: I was doing a little modeling at the time and that was fun. MS. LINDSAY ATLAS School: Willows High School, Willows, Ca Graduated: 1998 Three words to describe herself: social, academically driven, artistically interested Hobbies: basketball, cheer, football stats, violin, piano, ASB GPA: almost 4.0 (graduated with the second highest GPA in my class: salutatorian) Worried most about: What school I would go to and what I would study (very serious about doing what I could to get into a good school). Dream Job at age 17: Color Consultant (the person who creates and offers color palette options for celebrity’s nail polish lines and things like that) Shopped at: Arden Fair Mall: The Limited, yard sales, thrift shop wear (grunge and preppy style) Spent most free time: working on ASB floats, activities (prom chairman in senior year) Jobs: Assisted my dad who was an attorney and worked as a barista in a gift shop called “76 Joy Street”. MS. JENNIFER PETHEL School: Ponderosa High School, CA Graduated: 1999 Three words to describe herself: quiet, shy, smart GPA: 3.8 Worried most about: Not knowing what I wanted to do in life, as in the future. Transportation: I drove a Jeep Wrangler. Shopped at: Sunrise Mall, JCPenney, Macy’s Spent most free time: Downtown. They had a little movie theater, and a bunch of restaurants and shops where I hung out.






An inside look into a military family


ilitary kids around the world Germany, and now here [Rocklin]. It’s sit, hope, and wait for their never fun leaving friends and having parents to to move to schools and come back to them adjusting all the time,” safe and sound. These Aaron said. military families are The nomadic lifestyle that the ones who are left these kids live in involve behind while their losing their parents for loved one, or in some unknown periods of time. cases loved ones, travel BORN Parents in the military are into the unknown, not deployed all the time and Abilene, Texas knowing if they will can be gone for a year or return. more. Most families keep in Some military contact through the use of THEN families are forced to Skype, letters, long distance • Mississippi move around more landlines and even social often than others. media. • San Antonio, “My dad has been in “[Our dad] has been Texas the military my whole deployed four times. He is life and we had to move • Little Rock, Ark. currently deployed and will about every two years. be gone for a year...we Skype • Montgomery, Ala. I've had to lived in 10 all the time,” Aaron said. different places...and we • Wheeling, W.V. Some children are lucky have to move one more • Anchorage, Alaska enough to get their parents time before my dad back while others are not • Stuttgart, Germany so lucky. Many studies have retires,” Megan Aaron said. shown that many soldiers These military kids return with symptoms NOW have to move around of PTSD [post-traumatic state to state and even stress disorder] or severe Rocklin out of country forcing depression. Even with the them to leave behind risk the military life allows friends and family wherever they go. for soldiers to reap the benefits of their “I was born in Texas; then we went hard work, such as paying for college to Mississippi, back to Texas, Arkansas, tuition and health care. Alabama, West Virginia, Alaska, SELENA CERVANTES





veterans from the Iraq and service Afghanistan Wars have members been diagnosed with PTSD committed suicide last year

9/11, nearly 30% of the 834,463 soldiers from the Iraq Since

and Afghanistan War have PTSD

295 killed in combat in Afghanistan.

Iraq resulted in the death of soldiers

100,000 Army soldiers and Marines will be let go from the military We’ve lost

4804 3395 soldiers

in Afghanistan so far

Sources: The Daily Beast, PBS newshour, Military Factory

Milestones from Megan Aaron’s military family

Richard Aaron’s promotion to colonel in the Air Force, November 2012

Family photo in Texas, 2001


Christmas photo, September 2013




Nooria Munir


Forbidden by her religion from actively pursuing her dream, junior still finds ways to keep her faith


eeling the rush of adrenaline, her heart pounding hard, the fear of performing and the amazement of the roaring crowds. That is the what Nooria Munir craves. She dreams about being in front of a huge crowd, using her voice to make goose bumps appear on arms because of the beautiful impact it has. “I was in the talent show with two of my friends in middle school in sixth grade. That was fun, even though now that I look back on it, I wish we hadn’t done a Hannah Montana song,” Munir said. Though singing is what she is most passionate about in life, you won’t find Munir out performing for the public. Anymore, that is. At first, Munir explained that she put her passion aside to focus on school, to try and pursue a career in medicine or law. But, she later revealed why she isn’t pursuing a singing career. “The real reason is that I’m Muslim and my religion doesn’t allow me to be part of showbiz. [We] are forbidden to be in the media and on TV,” Munir said. Munir explains that Muslims, especially women, need to look modest at all times. Having a career in show business is taboo. “Muslim women in Islam aren’t allowed to show their body or wear revealing clothes. When I go out, I put a scarf on my head rather than around my neck like I do at school. Islam is huge on modesty and any

profession that involves appealing I'm a part of and I don't regret any to the public with the way that you of it," Munir said. look or the way you’re dressed is By choosing religion over forbidden,” Munir said. singing, Munir will be missing out Despite not being able to do on a lot. anything even close to professional “I think the one thing I’m most singing, Munir will never give up upset about would be that I’m the hobby. never going to be able to achieve “Music is in me, it’s who I am, my dream. Whenever I watch and I’ll never stop singing no reality shows like The Voice and X matter what. Literally not a day goes Factor, I often try to imagine myself by when I don’t sing. I sing every performing in front of the judges day, believe me, my family knows,” and moving on to the next round,” Munir said. Munir said. She said that if she was not Even though she is not allowed so devout and tried to become a to perform and give crowds and singer, she would media the gift of her voice, not be attending is still a part of her life Music is in me, ittoday. high school. “If I was trying it’s who I am, and “Honestly, I love to sing. to become a It’s always been the biggest I’ll never stop singer, I would hobby of mine and it will singing no matter probably stay that way probably be home schooled, forever,” Munir said. what. auditioning for Although singing The Voice, going professionally is Munir’s on national talent searches, making biggest dream, she would choose YouTube videos and performing for her life to be the way it is now over the public,” Munir said. anything. Munir still has dreams to Munir said, “If I was a singer, become famous, but she knows they I would miss out on high school will never come true. and college life which I’m actually "Sometimes I get a bit really happy I’m getting to be a disappointed when I see others part of. Just because I can’t sing around me pursuing their dream doesn’t mean I’m not happy. I’m when I'm not allowed to pursue very thankful for who I am and mine," Munir said. everything God has given me and Though not being able to do I wouldn’t trade my friends, my what she desires most, Munir is still family, or my life for anything.” as devout as ever. ABI BROOKS "I'm proud of the religion that

7 facts about the Muslim religion as told by Nooria Munir

1 Muslims belong to the religion Islam, which 6 Islam men and women are seen as equals means peace 2 There are five pillars in Islam that every Muslim should follow: Kalima, Salat, Zakat, Rosa and Hajj 3 The founder of Islam is the Prophet Muhammad 4 The holy book is the Qur’an 5 Though some terrorists claim to be Muslim, they are not true Muslims

so they need to dress appropriately and modestly in public (A woman cannot show any skin above the ankles and they should cover their arms and head at all times) 7 In Islam, people are noted for their knowledge, not their beauty


The struggle of religion ABI BROOKS & BECCA SPAHN

“Going to the dances just makes me feel really uncomfortable cause the way people are dancing is not the way I dance.” — Summer Telford

“I couldn’t go to my sister’s wedding because [atheists] weren’t allowed in the chapel.” — Mason Papenfuss

“One of the standards [for Mormons] is don’t drink or consume anything with a lot of caffeine in it. When people say, ‘Oh, so you can’t drink coffee,’ it’s not necessarily that we can’t. It’s that we choose not to.” — Isabelle Wheeler

“I’m Atheist and my friend who was really religious was so shocked and I just felt like really judged.” — Carina Kumph

“[Mormons] don’t drink alcohol. We don’t drink wine and things like that. We don’t drink coffee and we don’t do drugs.” — Ben Murphy FEBRUARY 2014


Only 35% percent of immigrant adults speak English

91% of immigrant children can fluently speak English

assimilation nation An ordinary girl from Honduras faces extraordinary challenges when starting a new life in the United States


t was going to be life altering, leaving everything she had come to know behind. When Valeria Imendia’s home country of Honduras was thrown into the chaos of political upheaval and violence just a few short years ago, her family was force to pack their bags and head for the shores of the United States. At only 16 years old and staring one of her life’s biggest challenges in the face, Imendia started her transition at Whitney High School. In 2009, a long issue between Zelaya and the Honduran Congress reached its peak. The Honduran Congress ordered the president’s arrest. The next day, they swore in the new president Roberto Micheletti. A curfew for the entire country was imposed overnight, and the military was ordered to take to the streets and arrest anyone who was against the new government. The amount of beatings were numerous and there were 20 reported deaths from the actions. “It just became very violent,” Imendia said. “it just kept getting worse and worse. My mom’s family was already living here, and the process had already started, so my parents decided that we were definitely leaving.” Even though the choice to leave may seem at first to be a relatively easy one, Imendia was going to have a difficult time leaving the only place she had ever called home. “One of the hardest things for me was leaving behind my house there, because I grew up there; it was all I had ever known. I had only ever lived in Honduras, so leaving the country in general was just very hard, and I miss it a lot,” Imendia said, “I left all my friends over there too, and that was hard.” Even with the violence behind her and her family, Imendia still had to surmount the same obstacles any other teenager has to when going to a new school: meeting new people in a completely


81% increase in Honduran immigrants since 2000.

There are an estimated 11.5 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States

different setting. But coming to a new country and trying to do the same was an even larger challenge. “The biggest obstacle for me was starting here. This school is much bigger than my school there. My old class only had about 77 kids in it, but my current class is about 400. It’s completely different,” Imendia Said, “I didn’t know anybody when I came here besides my family, but they’re all older, so I didn’t know anybody my age.” The transition was hard on Imendia, and the task of finding friends only added to the pressure of the situation. “I was so shy. I didn’t know if I wanted to go up to them or whether they liked me or not, so I spent about two weeks by myself.” Fortunately, that hardship didn’t last much longer. “[Meeting people] was actually pretty great, and that’s why I came to love Whitney a lot,” Imendia said, “Everybody was really friendly here, and wasn’t really afraid to come up to me and introduce themselves. Even the teachers helped me a lot by saying something about me being a new student, and people became really interested in knowing more about me.” Among the immigrant population in the United States, 35% of immigrant adults speak English. However, 91% of immigrant children can speak English fluently. Although she had attended a bilingual school in Honduras, and therefore already knew the English language, Imendia had to make serious changes to overcome the language barrier. “The transition wasn’t as difficult because I already knew [English], but the hardest part for me was switching my brain from doing everything in Spanish to doing everything in English,” Imendia said. “My main language is still Spanish, because at home we still do everything in Spanish, but I would say that now I speak more English


because I speak it with everybody here. When I go out and do anything, like order food, I have to do it in English where before I’d have to do it in Spanish.” But adapting to a new place went beyond the language and the people. Imendia had to begin to understand the way the people in her new country thought and interacted on a day to day basis. “The mindset [in the United States] is just really different than people have in Honduras.” Imendia said, “With Latin America in general, it’s still fairly conservative. Conversations about things like, ‘Oh, I went to a party last night and did all these drugs’, you would never hear that in Honduras. It’s so taboo. If people over there do stuff like that, they don’t talk about it, because for people there it’s still really weird. Here, even on the bus I’ll hear people talking about those things all the time, because it’s way more common. It was pretty shocking at first, because I wasn’t used to being in conversations with people about it. They’re still nice people, it just took some getting used to.” “My family, when we get together, we’re extremely loud and extroverted. I like to hug a lot. If I just met you, I’ll go straight for the hug. That’s just something we always do.” Imendia said, “I like to be an affectionate person and get along with everyone I meet, but sometimes people just like to be alone here, and not talk to you as much, and I’m the exact opposite. It’s something that I had to learn to lower a bit.” But even through all the drastic changes she has had to make to her life, both big and small, Imendia still maintains a positive outlook for today and for the road ahead. And it’s a state of mind like that which makes her, and the many immigrants like her, a crucial contribution to schools like these and to the United States as a whole. JIMMY AYALA & CARSEN VAN DER LINDEN

made by



s Malachi Turner sits in World History class, he can’t help but wonder if his teacher is going to mention Black History Month this year. “I’ve been in the Rocklin Unified School District since kindergarten and they have never talked about Black History Month. The teachers just mention the main people like Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks. They don’t go into depth or talk about the other black Americans that no one really knows about,” Turner said. Senior Auriana Adams is puzzled as to why Black History Month isn’t taught in Rocklin schools. “I came from Natomas Charter School last year, my junior year, and [Black History Month] was a celebration. My whole school embraced it and the whole month the main thing we focused on was black history,” Adams said. The origin of Black History Month goes all the way back to almost a century ago, in 1926. Dr. Carter G. Woodson, known as the “Father of Black History” founded the celebration he called “Negro History Week”. Dr. Woodson chose the second week of February for the celebration because it fell between the birthdays of abolitionists Frederick Douglass and President Abraham Lincoln. In 1976, the celebration expanded to include the entire month of February. Today, Black History Month is celebrated across the United States by people of all ethnic and social backgrounds.

Many black students are offended by the fact that they have never been taught about Black History in any of the schools in Rocklin. “I just came here this [school] year from River Valley, in Yuba City. My old school was a little bit more diverse, and we were taught about Black History thoroughly. It’s weird to hear that this school does not teach about black history because I’ve become accustomed to it,” Jared Wilson said. Even the history teachers think it is necessary for students to be educated about black history. “Yes it is relevant and needs to be taught. But I don’t think we only need to focus on it for one month. It’s best when you begin to teach students how the contributions of African Americans have changed over time and how those individuals have had a positive impact on all aspects of US History,” Mr. Tony Bannister said. Black students in Rocklin believe it is essential for this month of remembrance to be taught in the school curriculum. Many do not know the stories of how African Americans were captured like animals and restrained in ships from Africa to Europe or America without food, water or facilities; or how those who did not live to see the entirety of the trip were thrown off the ship into the waters; or the personal stories of what it was like for families to be separated and sold into slavery. African Americans have endured all the pain, discrimination and racism this country has to offer. KOLETTE KING, DESIREE STONE & AALIYAH WILKINSON

iTunes celebrates Black History Month with podcasts, songs, movies, shows and more.




eong Korean (ahn ny o Arabic (Assalam


ha se yo)

S Chinese Mandarin (ni hao)


where do

YOU belong?

Racism still takes strong hold in society

o you are Mexican right, because you speak Spanish. This is what senior Adrianna Jarquin must hear almost on a daily basis, and she just replies “ I am Hispanic. Specifically Nicaraguan.” Sixty nine percent White, 14 percent Hispanic, 10 percent Asian and 2 percent Black. According to the 20102011 school data provided by the National Center for Education Statistics, or NCES, the percents represent the student racial population here. Racism has been obvious throughout American history, but even in the 21st century racism still exists even being present in schools throughout the country. Racism has been present in schools for over 100 years, schools were segregated and it wasn’t until Brown v. the Board of Education when they found school segregation unconstitutional. Arizona has a racial profiling law that allows police to search a person if they seem suspicious, requiring people to carry legal papers with them. In a recent article by Fox News a Massachusetts high school ended their football season early due to racist graffiti on one of the player’s house. The player has a black father and white mother, but his house was vandalized with graffiti written on his house calling him the N-word. So why care when racism doesn’t happen in California? According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, or SPLC, California has the most active hate groups with 82 active hate groups. A black family in Orange County moved away because they were threatened by the community because of their race. But this problem doesn’t just exist six hours away it happens to students here as well. Senior Adrianna Jarquin feel that teachers do not treat her the same as other Caucasian students. “ At Whitney, it’s pretty obvious which is the dominating race. White. And I’ve always felt discriminated against simply by the way people look at me. In the beginning of the year when I wore t-shirts that I had cut up (but had a tank top underneath) I got stopped three different times by administrators saying I was going against the dress code. Yet as I looked around at the other 12-15 white females around me who had worse dress code violations than me, were not stopped once,” Jarquin said.


82 active hate groups in CA

SOURCES: Sociology Inquiry, NCES, Southern Poverty Law Center THE ROAR



Hindi (namaste) French

However sophomore Italy Overton doesn’t feel that her race clearly describes who she is as an individual. “I am black or African-American but I agree with neither of those labels because, for one, my skin is not black — it is brown. And for two, I have no ties to my African roots, so why do I have a title I know nothing about,” Overton said. ASB works to fight against differences and teach students to accept differences. “We don’t do anything to directly target racism,but we try by unifying the students with a positive climate. I would say the problem is more about people not understanding people’s differences,” Ms. Jennifer Yadon said. Many programs are offered to accept social and cultural differences. The International Food and Culture Club embraces different cultures and heritage through food. “I believe that my club is one of the ways that racism can be reduced,” president Katelin Choe said. “My club makes everyone feel welcome and comfortable.” However Jarquin feels that the school should start more class programs teaching about different cultures and heritages. “I think the school should require students to take a world culture class that will teach them not just where the different countries are, but teach them about the culture so that the kids here can learn the difference between Mexico and Nicaragua. Or North Korea and South Korea. There needs to be a way to end the ignorance happening here. And it's not entirely the students' fault. There has just never been a way to teach them any different,” Jarquin said. Racism can take place in many forms; tweets, Facebook posts, inappropriate comments and jokes. In recent years the Internet has played a large role in racism, making it much easier to spread hate through racist websites and social media accounts. “I experience racism when they make racist jokes. One time in middle school some kid made an inappropriate remark and it offended me,” Choe said. For senior Marisa Gutierrez racism doesn’t really affect her.

“I remember when there was graffiti on the school saying ‘Mexicans go home.’ I laugh off the racist jokes toward me because I know they are being sarcastic,” Gutierrez said. Racism doesn’t just affect someone physically but it can also cause mental issues as well. According to a recent study done by Sociological Inquiry racial minorities had weaker health compared to major racial groups. Forty-four percent of people in minority groups suffer from emotional stress versus 3.4 percent of people in majority groups. “It's the worst feeling when you know you are being treated unfairly but you cannot say or do anything about it. It made me feel a lot of emotions: anger, frustration, disappointment, sadness, and anxiety,” Jarquin said. There are many anti-racism campaigns throughout the globe. One such program is the “Racism. It Stops with Me” campaign in Australia and No Room for Racism Week in 2012 advertised by Showing Up for Racial Justice. “I think that ‘I Believe’ Week is one way where we keep students happy so that they don’t lash out negative things. We are also trying to start a new program next year called Breaking Down the Walls, it’s at Del Oro High School and Granite Bay High School. It’s a way to learn about and accept someone’s story,” Yadon said. America is a melting pot and stopping racism starts with anyone. The Racism. It Stops with Me campaign informs youth to stand up for themselves by telling a teacher or adult, saying something, or standing up for someone who is suffering racism. Jarquin said, “ It's just frustrating knowing that the people who are usually being racist will never understand what it is like to be the ones discriminated against. They will never know what it is to be the minority, the outcasts.”


Students express their thought about racism and discrimination in schools

Twitter: @asomejb925

We should not judge a person by appearances but by their character. Racism is still out there. Let’s make a change. @aeris_hammock

Once a family always a family. @Jazmyneharris_

It’s a rainbow of colors but we’re still one.


Instagram: @gurluwont4get

WHS student demographics 69 percent White 10 percent Asian 2 percent Black


14 percent Hispanic 5 percent Unidentified

Demographics are from 2010-2011 school year


Japanese (konnichiwa)

of people in minority groups suffer from emotional stress 15



onpatrol with

Elizabeth Davis Up close and personal with the Youth Services officer

Q: What is your job on campus? A: I am a Youth Services Officer. I advise parents and students, educate students Q: How many campuses do you work on? on laws, check parking permits and work on criminal issues. A: I work at Victory, Rocklin, Spring View, Granite Oaks and Whitney. Q: What is your favorite part of the job? A: My favorite part is working with the kids. At first it can be awkward,because they’re intimidated by an armed officer, but when they get comfortable and realize I’m not here to get them in trouble, that is really unique. Q: What can you arrest a student for? A: Everything illegal outside of school is illegal in school, but some things are worse in school than outside, such as carrying a knife.

Q: Do you work in a precinct as well as being a Youth Services officer? A: My partner and I are Rocklin Police officers, but we are just assigned here. Q: Do you prefer working in a precinct or as a Youth Services officer? A: I like both of them, and they are just so different. Being a Youth Services officer is nice because you are being proactive, whereas being on patrol is just reacting to what has already happened.

Q: How many years have you worked as a campus officer? A: I have worked here for three years.

Assistant Principal MR. JASON FEUERBACH

ISAAC KOERNER Q: How safe do you feel with an officer on campus? A: More safe than if there wasn’t. Q: What kind of duties do you know the officer performs? A: Shooting dangerous people, arresting people with drugs, and people causing disruption to public safety. Q: Do you know why the school has her on campus? A: I don’t know.* *She enforces civil and school law in a school.


of high school students reported being in a physical fight in 2011



of high schoolers stayed home because they felt unsafe at or on their way to school


of schools in the 20092010 school year took serious disciplinary action against a student for special offenses

Q: Who made the decision to have an officer on campus? A: The school district in partnership with Rocklin Police Department. They have a program to select an officer to work four years for a certain school district; they manage all other schools in the district as well as Whitney. Q: How does the officer help the school? A: She works with the school on serious discipline issues and anything that violates school or civil law. Q: How has she helped the school during her time here? A: She has provided insight on civil law and has the police force knowledge that is really essential when dealing with disciplinary issues. Q: Do you have any additional comments? A: It’s great to have an officer on campus because they know all the laws and can help us with criminal matters and discipline. CAILEE KING & GREG ZHELEZNY




Out of all the bills that sat on Governer Jerry Brown’s desk, 800 made it into laws now in effect in California. Here are 10 of those laws: 1Transgender rights

Scott Fryslie

“I think most people would feel more safe with an actual doctor performing the procedure, but in reality, other individuals that are trained can safely do the operation.”

Students who identify transgender can play in sports and use bathrooms that are consistent with their gender identity.

2 Minimum wage

Emily Nguyen

“I’m not a real big fan about this law. It will definitely cause a lot of problems within the family. Things will get complicated. I think people will get angry and vote against it.”

The hourly minimum wage is increased to $9 beginning July 1. There are plans for another $1 increase in 2016.

3 Abortion

Pranab Wagle

Medical professionals, such as nurse practitioners, certified nurse-midwives, and physician assistants may perform abortions in the first trimester given that they are certified to do so.

“I feel like it’s something that should have happened earlier, because we shouldn’t let anyone feel like a secondclass citizen, especially in a public school. Also, Whitney is a carefree environment, and I feel like the transgender kids will feel more comfortable being themselves at school.”

Schools are busy implementing Common Core standards, which means that STAR testing will be replaced by more Common Core-related tests by the end of the 2014-2015 school year.

“This will be exciting because it is a new, different type of testing that I have not heard of before. I expect the tests will be a lot more difficult than our present testing because a variety of teachers across many subjects are stressing good writing structure and habits in preparation.”

4 Standardized tests

Alex Martinez

5 More than two parents

Jasmine Beck

Depending on the child’s situation, children are allowed to have three or more legal parents. This resulted from a situation where a child in foster care was not allowed to live with his or her biological father after a domestic violence dispute landed one of her mothers in jail and the other in the hospital.

“Underage kids should not be exposed to the unnecessary attention that paparazzi brings them. They also need to have a childhood where they are not harassed for being the child of a famous person. But nothing will stop the paparazzi, in my opinion, from doing their job because that’s just what they do.”

6 Gun purchase reporting

Bobby Benyamin

The Department of Justice may retain data about shotgun and rifle purchases in order to let cops know of those who own them as well as prevent gun usage with people who are mentally ill or convicted criminals.

“I think this law is great and will provide safer teams. It can prevent any sexual predators or violence in coaches so you know the kids will be safe.”

7 Paparazzi

Aditya Nirgun

“It’s a good idea because they need to commute to work. The easier we make it for them to work, the more they’ll be able to contribute to our economy.”

Backed by celebrities such as Halle Berry and Jennifer Garner. this law states that paparazzi may not shoot pictures or videos of celebrities’ children without consent.

Chris Cantrell

8 Handsfree texting

“I feel this law is useless in its intent to prevent gun violence. Looking at the statistics, rifles and shotguns are not typically used in crimes since they are not easily concealed. Handguns are used in the vast majority of firearm-related crimes.”

Along with not being able to text and call while driving cold turkey, teenagers under 18 are not allowed to utilize any hands-free component of their phones to text or call.

9 Youth athletics

Marissa Perkins

“It is beneficial to young people who have minimum wage jobs, but I know that since there is an increase in wages, there is going to be an increase in prices for things.”

Community youth sports teams may conduct background checks before accepting someone new as a coach.

10 Driver’s licenses

Heila Ahmadzai

“I think theoretically it will make teens safer behind the wheel, but not allowing Bluetooth and other handsfree devices is overdoing it.”

The DMV is in the process of designing licenses and paperwork for those who are living in this country undocumented. This service will be available Jan. 1, 2015.








The water polo team works on their skills during the off season


ater churning, a ball flying from hand to hand, buzzers ringing. There are five to six minute quarters in a water polo game at just the high school level. With a 20-30 meter swimming pool filled with two teams of seven extremely strong swimmers and two goalies defending their team’s goal, water polo is a rigorous competition for the glorious and wonderful title of “winner.” Normally, the water polo season at Whitney is played during the early months of school, with practices for the competitive season starting before summer vacation is even over. However, winter polo is much different when compared to the normal water polo schedule and training regime. Winter polo practices take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 3:155:15 p.m. The regular season for Whitney water polo practices are Monday through Friday from 3:00-5:00 p.m. The winter polo practices consist of scrimmages and drills for the team to practice and get as good as possible for tournaments. There are shooting, defensive, and sometimes offensive drills for the teammates to do to hone their abilities in the pool. The winter polo players agree that these training sessions help prepare them for both the

regular season and games. “Scrimmages and drills just get you ready and in that mindset of knowing what to do,” said Jack Scaglione, one of the teammates. The scrimmages and drills are different between the regular water polo season and winter polo, making winter polo worthy to be called a completely brand new experience. “In water polo, there’s a lot of conditioning, but in winter polo you get focused mainly on your skills and technique as opposed to working on forging you all around as an athlete,” said Scaglione. Ultimately, water polo and winter polo both provide excellent ways to work out, enjoy competition, make new friends through the winter polo experience. Water polo and winter polo are similar, but if you’re looking for working on technique and style, sign up for winter polo next season, whether that’s for friends, fun, or to work on technique. No matter what, winter polo is a great way to stay competitive in the regular winter polo season. JOEL TIMMS

Jared Daudistel works on staying above the water for a few seconds before passing to work on leg strength.

The team listens as the coach describes the next drill to do.

Polo players practice a swim and shoot drill, in two separate groups against the two goalies at either end of the pool.

The team works on quick passes in groups of three or four.



when counting to


don’t count out the



Five male athletes crush the cheerleading stereotype


he cheerleaders propel themselves upward, extend their arms and rotate their hips to complete a back tuck. Blue Converse thud down on the blue mats to match it, but only to stand out from the rest of the girls’ white, soft-soled cheer shoes. This pair of Converse belong to Joseph Silas, one of the five guys on the school’s competition cheerleading team. In addition to Silas, Zach Roberts, Nick LaVoie,

Ian McQueen and Josh Gallofin are also apart of the squad. This team doesn’t yell or shake pom poms at school sporting events, but rather they travel on the weekends to different places in order to perform a two and a half minute routine full of stunts, tumbling, jumps and dancing. They are judged and placed amongst teams from several other high schools in the area. Male cheerleaders haven’t been common in the past years of WHS cheerleading — this is the first season with a cheer team including more than just one guy. Varsity and Competition Squad coach Nicole Ferguson said she came from a background of coed cheer teams. “Boys add a whole new dynamic to the team,” she said. “It’s totally different with boys, and I wanted Whitney to be able to experience that.” Most of the guys joined the team as a secondary activity, due to their first priority sports, like football, soccer and basketball. They admit to not taking it very seriously at first, but becoming more committed as they progressed in their stunting and tumbling skills. “I joined the team because it’s my senior year and I thought it would be fun, but I didn’t realize the intensity of it until I actually started,” Gallofin said. For the most part, the boys said they feel like they fit in well with the girls, but sometimes the gender difference on the team is noticeable. “[For example] when I sweat, they aren’t sweating,” Silas said. Despite the obvious differences, the girls on the team, like freshman Sydney Herrgord, appreciate the contributions that the guys bring to the team. “The majority of the time they take on a huge role in stunting. There’s also some guys with really good tumbling and it makes the routine look better,”

Herrgord said. The team has now attended three competitions together, receiving first, second and third place awards. While the majority of the girls are experienced in competing, the guys all find themselves new to the idea. They compare the event to situations more common to their particular backgrounds, all having played sports growing up. “The competitions are a lot different because there’s not two teams on the mat at the same time — you show what you got and the judges kinda decide. So it’s a little bit different in that way than any other sports that I’ve played,” Roberts said. Silas compared his experience with cheer to his times playing soccer. “If you mess up on the mats everyone sees it, so it’s a little bit more nerve-racking,” Silas said. On the other hand, LaVoie, coming from a background of gymnastics, was a little more prepared for this cheerleading season. “There’s a lot of flipping involved in both sports, so coming into cheer already knowing how to tumble, I was able to focus on the other parts of cheer like basing,” LaVoie said. When it comes to the widespread debate regarding whether cheerleading is a sport, these five guys are quick to defend their newfound interest. “I definitely think that [cheer] is a sport because it’s actually very difficult and it takes a lot more strength and conditioning than you would think,” Roberts said. The season will come to an end after the group travels to Anaheim on the weekend of March 28 to compete at the Nationals competition. McQueen said, “Cheer is a lot different. It’s a lot of teamwork and it’s a lot of getting used to [when you try it]. There’s no other sport really like it.”






Competition Results: 11/17/13- 1st Place *qualified for Nationals 1/11/14- 3rd Place 1/18/14- 2nd Place Next Competition: USA Nationals March 28-30





Joe Roberts lifts weights to train for football.

TRAINING for KEEPS Athletes train during the off-season to stay in shape and on top of their game


he breeze of the cool air flows past. With a deep breath Toby Martinez runs forward. "It feels great. I usually just listen to music and it just takes any stress away from my day," Martinez said. Soccer is something that Martinez works to improve on during the off season. "I run about one to three miles a few times a week. Or I [will] just go out to the soccer field to get touches on the ball and shoot on goal," Martinez said. For some athletes, improving in their sport during the off season is what keeps them going. For cross country and track athlete Hattie Groat, running is her life. "We train year-round, even in the summer. In track we do more short, fast stuff because the longest race is only two miles," Groat said. For football player Joe Roberts, staying fit is not just for sports, it's for him too. "I mostly [work out] for football to make myself stay in shape. I probably [work out] five to six


times a week," Roberts said. For cross country, workouts consist of with a few “Wildcat” runs and drills. Then depending on the day, athletes complete different workouts for each day of the week. "Mondays we have early morning practice so we can do our long runs. Tuesdays we have easy runs. Wednesdays are hard [we do things like] tempo, fartlek, or intervals. Thursdays are moderate long and Fridays are easy because we race Saturdays," Groat said. The amount of running for cross country and track physically demanding. "We have practice six days a week and Sundays as a rest day or a day to do cross training [other sports]. If we don't have organized practice our coach will send out a workout and we will all do it on our own, then report back to him at the next practice," Groat said. Martinez enjoys going for runs in the mornings and evenings to train for soccer. "It's usually nice out and there's not too many


people and traffic. I run on trails that lead to main streets. I run past a lot of houses and shopping centers," Martinez said. Having a place to enjoy exercising is important but for Groat having goals is important as well to stay focused. “By senior year I want to break five minutes in the mile and 11 minutes in the two mile and I want to break 18 [minutes] in a 5k,” Groat said. The best way to increase productivity during workouts is doing ones that fit you. “In cross country I like the early morning runs but in track I like fast intervals,” Groat said. For Martinez, working out isn’t something boring and annoying. “I always like running long distance and sprints and after that working on core and legs. And some arm workouts after that. I hope to run three miles in under 20 minutes. And my mile down to 6:20,” Martinez said. ARIELLA APPLEBY


WORKOUTS to TRY Jump rope for 15 minutes every day.


Do 25 squats with weights at hips every day except Sunday. Hattie Groat trains for track after school.


Do 15 push ups, regular or modified, every day.


Do 25 bicep curls on each arm. DO TWO SETS A DAY

Do 25 sit-ups without rest and reaching all the way to your knees. DO THREE SETS A DAY

Do 50 jumping jacks while tightening muscles.

Do 30-second interval sprints for 30 minutes every other day.

Do minutelong planks being completely horizontal.



Toby Martinez trains for soccer. Photos by ARIELLA APPLEBY





Winter athletes talk about their passions and aspirations


Honestly, it [senior night] was kinda sad. It was the last time playing with my teammates.”

“When I was younger, I joined a rec league and fell in love with it. I play small forward and shooting guard. The hardest part is that I’m constantly sprinting, but at least I don’t have to work as hard as a post. Before a game, I just listen to music; it gets me in the zone, pumped up and focused. Later, we do team dinners where we just eat and hang out. I plan to play in college, hopefully on a scholarship. I’m currently looking at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. I do think I have a good chance of getting a scholarship because I’m a recruited athlete.”


“This my first year ever doing wrestling. I was basically in it for the tough workouts, and it’ll prepare me for other sports. A typical practice is doing a lot of push-ups and lifting weights. On my first tournament, I had five pins, which is the most you can get. You can either win by pinning, or being the person with the most points. Before a tournament, I listen to my music really loud and warm up. The toughest thing about wrestling is using the bit of energy you have left to keep going, even if you feel like quitting. I’m going to play next year, for sure, because it’s a great experience and we usually win a lot.”


-Cameron Ripple, boys’ varsity basketball


TERRIE TRAN VARSITY WRESTLING “Six years ago my parents forced me to do wrestling

“I’m the shooting guard, so I get open and get ready to shoot. Before a game, me, Enzo [Jimenez] and Kevin [Coulter] usually go and grab some Jamba Juice. I’ve been playing since seventh grade; my older brother played for Whitney and I wanted to be as good as him, so I started playing. My lucky charm is my little brother because he’s super supportive. During a game, I once scored a total of 16 points, had 9 assists, and 6 steals. If we have a good game, me and my teammates might go golfing. After, we’ll help out with little wildcats, which is a basketball program for little kids. I would say that I plan on doing basketball in college, but it depends if I get a scholarship.”

because my brother was really into it. I wasn’t that excited at first, but once I started to win titles, I definitely started liking it. My best experience was when I met my boyfriend, Scott. We met at a wrestling meet, where I hit his pressure point when I competed against him. He’s my lucky charm; he’s always at my matches, and I feel like I can win if he’s there. Tournaments are one of my favorite things [in wrestling]. They’re like 8-10 hours and we [my teammates] always go out to eat at Mongo [Mongolian BBQ] and Bambu after. Once, I was wrestling a kid who would not stop talking and spitting on the mat. It threw me off a little bit, but it was funny later. I don’t plan on playing for college, but I’ll finish doing it [wrestling] for the rest of high school.” KRISTEN EL SAYEGH Photos by KRISTEN EL SAYEGH



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ONLINE HIGHLIGHTS girls’ varsity volleyball vs. Rio Americano 3-0 W boys’ varsity soccer vs. Cordova 1-0 W girls’ golf: Fourth Place divisional tournament

We’ll keep you posted.

SPORTS NEWS Girls’ varsity volleyball player Macie Hayden hits Oct. 24 in a home game win against Mira Loma. Photo by LEXIE HANKINS


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Are you


27% of Netflix users watch shows on their mobile devices

2 out of 4 students watch Netflix daily

39% of people prefer to watch Netflix on their TVs

SOURCE: 198 responses via Survey Monkey THE ROAR


61% of users watch two or more hours of Netflix per day

91% of watchers have “binge-watched” a show on Netflix

tflix’d? A

What makes Netflix so addicting — and why are so many students watching?

h, the joys of Netflix binging. Symptoms may ignoring the others. vary, including but not limited to: piles of “[Netflix is] more appealing than Hulu because When I start watching [a there are no commercials and there are generally homework left unattended, empty bowls and show] on Netflix, I can’t cans lying around, uncontrollable tears, out of order more episodes of a show than Hulu. Having had stop. It’s like something priorities, making excuses to “watch just one more a Hulu plus account, I know. I don’t really watch episode,” procrastination, and of course, happiness. live TV because we have basic cable at my house, takes over my brain and If any of those sound familiar, you might have what’s so Netflix is really my main source,” Jones said. tells me ‘No, you’re not known as the Netflix epidemic. It happens to everyone, Netflix updates its instant queue regularly, done yet, you still have and once contracted, it’s hard to shake. though not as often as users would like. It can six more episodes left in “On a weekend, [I can finish a season of a show in] take anywhere from weeks to months for Netflix about a day and a half, maybe two days. I watch close to put a season of a popular show in its database, this season.’ ” to 24 hours of Netflix a week, depending on how much dependent upon when it was originally aired on homework I have,” Morgan Jones said. TV. It seems harmless enough at first. Pointing the remote at your TV, “The worst part of [Netflix] is they don’t update their seasons as clickick the Netflix app, you expect to only watch an hour or two often as it would be appreciated,” Galli said. of shows. And yet, having the willpower it takes to exit the Netflix Netflix currently doesn’t have any plans on expanding their choices browser is no easy feat. to include movies currently in theaters, but that doesn’t stop people “When I start watching [a show] on Netflix, I can’t stop. It’s like from dreaming. something takes over my brain and tells me ‘No, you’re not done yet, “If Netflix adds movies instantly from theaters into their [queue], you still have six more episodes left in this season.’ So, most days, I I’m positive they’d triple their current [revenue]. Think about it; you usually end up watching Netflix the second I get home until ten or can go to a theatre and pay ten dollars and sit next to smelly old people eleven at night. It’s terrible. It’s a life-ruiner,” Jordyn Comer said. and little kids who don’t know how to be quiet, or you could just watch Compared to regular TV, Netflix allows users to watch shows something immediately on Netflix,” Comer said. and movies instantly, without pesky commercials getting in the way. Netflix costs $7.99 a month, and according to their official site, users Available online, on some makes of DVD players, or through most can watch [shows and movies] on [their] PS3, Wii, Xbox, PC, Mac, App Stores, Netflix has found it’s way into the pockets and minds of mobile, tablet and more. millions. “I watch Netflix anywhere I can. On my iPhone, on my iPad, or just “[I watch Netflix] probably every day, because there’s so many shows on my computer at home. It’s really easy to use,” Comer said. that I used to watch on TV and when I found them on [Netflix], I felt Balancing daunting piles of homework and Netflix may seem like the need to watch them and then get obsessed all over again,” Isabella a hard feat for some. But there appears to be a perfect balance, if you Galli said. keep yourself on track. Netflix has millions of titles available; documentaries, shows, Jones said, “If I find a show that I am ‘committed’ to, I make sure to and movies are a click away from watching. Unlike other similar do other things that I have to do, like homework. If it completely takes technologies, like Hulu and even live TV, Netflix is the most popular by over your life, then it’s a problem.” HARMONY REILLY far. There are people who have favorites, choosing one and completely

Give one of these popular shows a chance — just don’t forget the tissues! Photos from Netflix, used with permission.

In the wake of a zombie apocalypse, survivors hold on to the hope of humanity by banding together to wage a fight for their own survival.

Siblings Dean and Sam crisscross the country, investigating paranormal activity and picking fights with demons, ghosts and monsters.

A high school chemistry teacher dying of cancer teams with a former student to manufacture and sell crystal meth to secure his family’s future.

TV Rating: TV-MA

TV Rating: TV-14

TV Rating: TV-MA





and a



ust imagine walking through the glass doors into a cozy room that smells strongly of sweet hot chocolate and coffee. There are comfortable chairs and sofas, and booths lined with soft fabric. Outside of a side door there is the sound of music, which happens to be a young performer, singing into a microphone on stage, strumming his guitar. This isn’t just any performer. It only took him a signature to sign up, but the songs he plays are original, and amazing too. Maybe you wonder if you could be up there, and do what he does. Maybe you wonder if you should go and watch, maybe buy a drink or two. Well, to answer your questions, you could, and you should. Because this coffeehouse isn’t a Starbucks, it’s coffee and a show. It’s an open mic at Shady Coffee and Tea, every Friday night at 8:00 p.m. “There’s music, always cool people, pretty girls, what could be better?” Clayton Harrigan said, who performed for the first time Jan.10th at Shady Coffee and Tea. All he had to do to sign up was fill out his name 30 minutes before, and stand up to the mic when his name is called. Anyone is allowed to perform, no booing, no booting out, and no tomato throwing. Although Harrigan does get nervous when he stands up to the stage, he knows it will always be worth it in the end. Shady gives all artists, whether hiding in a cave or ready to shine, the chance to step out into the light. “I come [to Shady’s] a lot, it’s a place to show off my music.” Bryan Sackett said, another performer, also a friend of Harrigan’s. Sackett writes his own music and performs it often at Shady’s Coffee and Tea. After every performance, including Harrigan and Sacketts, the crowd always cheers. Sometimes the audience will sing along to covers as well. “I’ve [performed] before in the past, I’ve been performing for a while so it’s natural now.” David Andrew Zaveski said. Zaveski’s cover of “She Will Be Loved” by Maroon 5 ignited a spark that had the crowd singing until the end. Shady’s Coffee and Tea isn’t the only open mic around. Ginger’s Breakfast and Lunch serves a smile to all performers and audience members who attend their open mikes on Mondays at 7 p.m. One of the opening acts, Jessica Frame, gave the coffeehouse a warm and homey glow as she sang “Bubbly” by Colbie Caillat. Everyone recognized the song simultaneously, and smiles were spread throughout Ginger’s Breakfast and Lunch. The soft strums of the guitar indicated the song and in that moment everyone fell in love. “Writing songs is one-half of therapy, and performing is the other half.” Frame said. This hadn’t been her first time, however. Frame has been at many coffeehouses to perform, and when she walks inside of the doors, she feels alive again. “It’s a nerve-racking scary experience, but exciting at the same time!” Frame said. Ginger’s doesn’t have an age range, so anybody can sign up to show off their talent! Shady’s and Ginger’s definitely aren’t Starbucks, because once a week they offer a chance to listen to or play to original music in a comfy, cozy coffeehouse. CAMELIA COFFMAN & RACHEL MARQUARDT






Get rockin,’ Rocklin Bandsintown app is a necessity for concert enthusiasts


he temporary loss of hearing, voice, and dignity are just a few of the best parts of the live concert experience. Planning beforehand though, is no where near as enjoyable. The problems start out with getting reliable tickets the branch out from there to figuring out a carpool, splitting gas and food. The Bandsintown app takes away the problems of with tickets, the rest unfortunately is still up to the users. You can purchase tickets for general admission or assigned seating for concerts as well as multi day passes for festivals This application is like a mashup of TicketMaster and Pandora. You choose from a

list of artists, then based on your choices this app generates a calendar of band appearances, that match your music profile. Bandsintown should be a tool in every live music lover’s pocket. Traditionally where TicketMaster was a pain to use, Bandsintown steps up and provides a useful interface that allows people to track bands they are interested in. Every band you buy tickets to influences the apps next suggestions. This free app is perfect for any concert goer, whether you like going to raves or to the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. LILY JONES, EMILY MURBACH & KENNETH VILLORENTE

Create your own playlist and music discovery. SPOTIFY:

Provides free access to millions of songs. EXFM:

Find and share music online. SLACKER:

Free internet radio with fewer commercials. SOUNDCLOUD:

Upload, record and discover free music.

Photojournalism students experiment with editing apps ABOUT THE APPS “Photoshop Express was fun to use because we could edit little things as well as apply a filter. Repix had the most options.” — SEIYANI SUKKAR “Snapseed has a lot of options other than just filters. You can manually adjust brightness and contrast. It gives you more control.” — KATIE HAMMONS “Aviary had the most options. The filter I used brought out the color of the ladybug.” — KEVIN CASSALATA “Repix is the most fun to use because there are so many options. You can manipulate the image in many interesting ways. It has so many filters and editing tools.” — GARRETT HOOD

Shot with iPhone during seventh period and edited with Aviary app 1. Kevin Cassalata/ Repix 2. Sara Miller/ Afterlight 3. Kevin Cassalata/ Aviary 4. Megan Aaron/ Photo Editor 5. Stephanie Mitchell/ Aviary 6. Katie Hammons/ Photo Editor 7. Seiyani Sukkar/ Snapseed 8. Ivy Conde/ CameraMX 9. Armin Savoji/ Camera Awesome


“Camera Awesome is the most fun because it is easy to experiment and totally change photos. My favorite is the ‘Awesomize’ button.” — ABBY HAMMOND FEBRUARY 2014


time to makeup with your skin Painting the canvas


hat foundation to use depends on skin type. That’s why lots of makeup have labels like “non-comedogenic” and “for oily/sensitive/ dry skin.” Not everyone can use the same foundation, but most people can settle on what they consider the perfect foundation for their skin type. “I love Nars Sheer Glow. It covers really well even though it’s supposed to be sheer. It doesn’t break me out and pretty much keeps my skin matte most of the day,” said Aman Singh, who typically has oily skin. Vivian Chang, who has sensitive oily skin, has a favorite, too. “I really like the Covergirl Clean makeup, because my face doesn’t get irritated by it and my skin sort of cleared up.” Shawna Royce has combination skin. “I use Revlon Colorstay because it makes my skin look flawless and matches my skin tone,” Royce said.

getting your foundation fix


Nars Sheer Glow; $45 Garnier Miracle Renew BB Cream; $10


Smashbox BB Cream; $39 Revlon BB Cream; $11


Bobbi Brown Longwear Finish; $47 Revlon Colorstay Combination Skin; $10

Acne Prone:

Makeup Forever Matte Velvet; $36 Neutrogena Skin Clearing Makeup; $12


Clinique Superbalanced Makeup; $23 Almay TLC; $8

Sensitive Oily:

Bare Minerals; $27 Covergirl Clean Liquid Makeup; $6

Sensitive Dry:

Clinique Repairwear Laser Focus All Smooth Makeup; $33 Neutrogena Healthy Skin Foundation; $12


Clean and clear


cne getting in the way? Acne is caused a variety of factors: stress, not washing your face, touching your face, hormones and more. There are different types of acne, some more severe than others. One thing to make sure to do is wash your face. Use the face wash you prefer. Jamilyn Cruz uses a Neutrogena product when washing her face. “I wash my face twice a day with Neutrogena face wash,” Cruz said. It is recommended that people wash their face only two to three times a day. Exceeding that amount will make skin dry and flaky. Skin must be moisturized with a noncomedogenic lotion after washing. Jeremy Pond agrees that your skin can dry out by washing your face too often because it can take away oils that are good for


Aman Singh wearing products. Photo by KAVLEEN SINGH

your face. “First I wash my face in the morning, then I do it again at night,” Pond said. Anyone can get acne, especially adolescents. People who eat loads of sugars, sodium and fats tend to have more acne than people who eat healthier, like vegetables and fruits and occasional sugars, fats and sodium. Cruz also eats healthier with some exceptions here and there. She started eating healthier because she had heard that eating healthier can help improve your skin. “Eating healthier definitely has influence on your skin,” Cruz said. At home remedies for treating acne are simple ways to clear up skin for little or no cost. One remedy on Pinterest recommends is to gently rub a freshly peeled

banana onto your face for 2-3 minutes, then rinse and use moisturizer. The banana is loaded with potassium, Vitamin B, C and B6. This would help to heal and reduce inflamed skin faster. Another remedy on Pinterest is to use aspirin. What you do is put the aspirin in a plastic bag. Next crush the aspirin with a spoon to form a powder-like substance. Place in a bowl and add a few drops of water, mix around the thick mixture and apply to the affected areas for twenty minutes. Use this as a spot treatment instead of a face mask to avoid flaky skin. The salicylic acid in the aspirin will exfoliate the skin and clear build up in order to help prevent more acne from forming. KAITLYN FRANKLIN & HAVEN LAMBRITE


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