A Publication of the Whittier Area Chamber of Commerce
january 2011 • VOL. 17 NO. 1
January Business Seminar Answers Health Care Questions Seminar to be held January 20 at 8 a.m.
8158 Painter Avenue Whittier, CA 90602 phone (562) 698-9554 fax (562) 693-2700 info@whittierchamber.com www.whittierchamber.com Supporting the Business Community Since 1914
Whittier Area Chamber of Commerce Presort Std. 8158 Painter Avenue US Postage PAID Whittier, CA 90602
Whittier, CA Permit No. 1
We Mean Business
Haven't read the 2,700 pages of HR 3590, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act? If not, chances are you may not get around to the 27,000 pages it Michael Tye, will become! While Advanced Benefit Center there will be lifetimes of meetings to clarify and implement the provisions of the "Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act of 2010" there are many key points in the legislation that may impact you and your employees. By attending the seminar this month you will learn about the legislation and how it attempts to address issues of the uninsured, high costs of health care and unethical practices of the insurance industry. After attending this presentation you will walk away with a greater level of comfort by knowing how HR 3590 may effect your business and your health care coverage in the near future.
The Health Care Reform Seminar will be presented by Michael Tye of Advanced Benefit Center. Michael entered the insurance business in 1970, and after several years with one of the largest companies in the country, he was promoted to sales manager. Rather than moving up the corporate ladder, he chose to focus on servicing the needs of small business as an independent broker for over 30 years, representing every significant health insurance carrier. He has been active as a member and in leadership roles in the local, state and national Association of Health Underwriters, qualifying for many awards and credentials. His agency has been an early adopter of many cutting edge concepts including health exchanges in the middle 90's and consumer directed health plans for many years. He offers combined perspectives of knowing the health care systems intimately, providing his employees benefits as well as experiencing the outcomes of health care legislation, both good and bad. Advanced Benefit Center has been a Whittier Chamber member since 1992 and Diana Gonzalez has
been active as an Ambassador and on other committees for many years. Michael is active in La Habra through the Rotary Club, the Children’s Museum and the Chamber of Commerce. Don’t miss this important seminar on January 20 from 8 to 9:30 a.m. at the Whittier Central Library, 7344 Washington Ave. (enter through Mar Vista). This seminar is part of a year-long Business Seminar Series brought to the community by the City of Whittier and the Whittier Area Chamber of Commerce. Space is limited, please call the Whittier Chamber office at (562) 698-9554 or the City of Whittier Community Development Department at (562) 464-3380 to RSVP.
Brought to you by the
Whittier Area Chamber of Commerce
Vintage Vibe Mixer at King Richard’s Offers Classic Networking Times Two Start your new year off right by networking at the first Wrap Up Whittier Mixer of 2011! King Richard’s Antique Center is hosting a “Vintage Vibe” Dual Networking Mixer for members of the Whittier Chamber and the Whittier Uptown Association on Thursday, January 27 from 4-6 p.m. The event is free to attend and members of both organizations are invited to bring their staff for refreshments, music, tours and, most importantly, the opportunity to exchange business cards and acquire leads. “We are excited to open our building up to both organizations for this networking event,” stated owner Chuck Garcera. “We know first hand the value of referrals and we look forward to having people visit King Richard’s Antique Center.” King Richard’s is located at 12301 Whittier Blvd. near the corner of Penn St. and Whittier Blvd. It is the last remnant of the once flourishing citrus industry in Whittier. Built in 1902 and enlarged in 1904 it became one of the largest packing plants in the State of California and included a main packinghouse, lemon curing plant and an office building. It was some years later that Sunkist purchased and operated the packinghouse. In 1950, the packinghouse stopped operations because the land (used for citrus) was sold to home developers. The main structure is now occupied by the King Richard's Antique Center (the largest antique store in California), which began business in 1979 and is a great place to visit and hunt for treasures from the past for things like jewelry, clothing, furniture, and décor. In addition to providing consignment space to over 100 unique independent antique dealers, King Richard’s is also home to the Appraisal College for appraisers - the first Saturday of each month they invite the public to bring in items to be appraised by professionals! Additionally, King Richard’s works together with the Whittier Uptown Association to produce the bi-annual Uptown Whittier Antique Faire usually held in the spring and fall. For more information about King Richard’s Antique Center visit www.kingrichardsantiques.com or call them directly at 562-698-5974. Guests of the “Vintage Vibe” Dual Mixer can park in the King Richard’s Parking lot or directly on Penn Street. Neighboring Chamber member, Penn Rehabilitation Center (12360 Penn St.) has also generously offered to open their parking lot for guests. Other local businesses helping to sponsor the Mixer include Rudy Hernandez of RMH Productions providing DJ and master of ceremony services, Crepes & Grapes Café and Moctezuma Mexican Restaurant providing delicious hors d’oeuvres. Additional neighboring participants include Jimmy’s USA, Renaissance Jewelry and Repair Shop and Sulflow & Sons Auctioneers who will be conducting a live auction – proceeds will be given to the Chamber’s Randy Basurto Scholarship Fund. Also in attendance will be Ariana Rodriguez, Miss Uptown Whittier 2010.
King Richard’s Antique Center
Wake Up Whittier
The friendly staff at Olive Garden in Whittier offered service with smiles during Tasty Tuesday in November. For more photos from the monthly luncheon see page 11
(10155 Colima Road • Whittier 90603)
January 12, 2011 7:30-9:30 a.m.
Whittier Uptown Association Executive Director Allan Nakken and President Sandra Hahn take a ride through town during the annual Whittier Christmas Parade. For more local celebration photos go to page 8
Whittier Business Focus
january 2011
I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday and a safe time ringing in the New Year. 2011! And so we begin again… The nice thing about payroll, bookkeeping and taxes is every year we get to wipe the slate clean and start all over from scratch. Having a business that resets every year makes it easier for us at Pay Advance Payroll to compare our processes and successes from one year to the next. We are constantly striving for continuous improvement in our operations, communication and efficiency. This year is no different as we set our goals and make our new year’s resolutions to change for the better. As a business we have resolved to try even harder to utilize businesses in our Chamber and in our community first. We have Dean Harako resolved to partner with local businesses to help ensure that they Pay Advance Payroll grow as we grow. I encourage you to look to our Chamber and our city first for vendors, services and customers. As we begin 2011 with no end of these difficult times in sight, it is imperative that we turn to each other to help reach our goals. This year we are boosting our marketing efforts as well. I hope you take advantage of the great opportunities available for advertising in the Business Focus as well as on the Chamber’s website. Staying in front of your audience with regularity can make all the difference when someone begins to seek your services. Networking is a must for the coming year so I hope to see you at the first Wake Up Whittier of the New Year on January 12 at The Whole Child (10155 Colima Road). Also, I hope your marketing and business development plans include attending the Silver Shield Awards Banquet which honors the officers, staff and volunteers of the Whittier Police Department (March 4, Pacific Palms Conference Resort) and participating in the Business Expo (March 24, Radisson Hotel Whittier). For those of you making personal New Year’s resolutions, remember a good goal is SMART (Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely). Now, let’s get off to a great start!
Happy New Year! As we begin 2011, it is wise to reflect on the past year, recognize our accomplishments and look to ways we can improve both personally and professionally during the New Year. As I reflect on 2010, I am a bit disappointed that the economy hasn’t improved as much as I had hoped. However, despite the economy, 2010 was a roller coaster of a year with a few lows (such as the Fred C. Nelles site has not sold yet); fortunately, we experienced mostly highs during 2010. At the beginning of the year, the Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital/Bright Health Physicians building was nearly complete and by the end of February 2010, Greg Nordbak, 154 employees were getting accustomed to their new offices in our Whittier City Mayor historic Uptown Whittier. The City is grateful for PIH’s continued investment in our City. It appears 2010 was the year of specialty markets and produce. In March, Fresh & Easy Neighborhood Market opened its doors to hundreds of people lined up around the building at Whittier Boulevard and Painter Avenue. In July, Target at the Whittwood Town Center unveiled its new produce department, called P-Fresh, and Target shared that the Whittier store was one of the higher producing stores in Southern California. Later in the year, many loyal customers and residents celebrated the expansion of Trader Joe’s at Whittier Boulevard and Colima Road. Due to the success of the Whittier store, the company expanded at their current location from 8,000 to 12,000 square feet and hired three additional permanent employees. This past fall, we celebrated the grand opening of the new Whittier Police Department Headquarters Building. The new station, built without increases in taxes, is 55,000 square feet and is suited for over 100 police officers, compared to the 17,000 square foot building that was built in 1955 for 20 officers. The new building includes a new Emergency Operations Center, private interview rooms for crime reporting, a large community room for crime prevention seminars and meetings with the community, and a state-of-the-art Crime Scene Investigations and Forensic laboratory for evidence processing. Our accomplishments in 2010 went beyond bricks and mortars of new construction. This past November, for the second year in a row, the City of Whittier was selected as a finalist for the Most Business Friendly City Award by the Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation. The Council continues to show its commitment to business and property owners and, this past year, Council approved a new and improved Commercial Façade Improvement Loan Program to help revitalize Uptown and Whittier Boulevard. Considering our accomplishments in a down economy, I look forward to our successes in 2011 as the economy continues to improve. Last, I wish you and yours a happy and healthy new year!
Looking for a return on investment? It pays to advertise! www.whittierchamber.com has a new homepage but are you on it? The Chamber offers a variety of website marketing options at affordable prices...
BUSINESS CARDS - LOGOS CATEGORIES - BANNER ADS Contact Katie Galvin today for more information!
(562) 698-9554
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Gus Arriaza, Cartridge World Russell Castaneda-Calleros, Rio Hondo College Ernie Ceja, Vinatero Wine Shop EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Jin Chon, Rose Hills Memorial Park & Mortuary President Shannon Gimbel, Shannon G’s Flowers Dean Harako, Pay Advance Payroll Ana Gutierrez, Whittier College Immediate Past President Norm Kirschenbaum, Tri-Cities ROP Cheryl Estep, State Farm Insurance David Krake, Merrill Lynch President-Elect & VP Membership Fran Shields, City of Whittier Terri Starkman, Ben Greer, GM Properties Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital VP Special Events Bonnie Watje, ACRO Printing, Inc. Roy Hanna, Bright Plaza Home Medical Equipment VP Marketing STAFF Sue Dean, Notary Signing Network Carol Crosby & Lyn Carty, Executive Directors VP Community Affairs Jessica Schreiner Magdosku, Ginny Ball, Woodruff Properties Director of Membership VP Business Information Katie Galvin, Leighton Anderson, Director of Public Relations Bewley, Lassleben & Miller Amber Bookil-Lawrence, Bookkeeper VP Finance Natalie Saenz, Jeff Ball, Friendly Hills Bank Event & Member Relations Coordinator VP Administration Nico Garcia, Whittier College Intern John Peel, Concept 7 Brittaney Leon, Whittier College Intern
2010-2011 Board of Directors
Whittier Chamber Business Focus
Official monthly publication of the Whittier Area Chamber of Commerce This publication is mailed monthly to all licensed businesses in the city of Whittier, all Whittier Chamber members and 4,500 Whittier residents in selected areas. Papers are also distributed via various community locations such as Whittier Library, Community Center, Senior Center, City Hall, etc. Total circulation is 8,000. We welcome comments, press releases and community interest stories. All submissions are due by the 10th of the month prior to publication. The Whittier Chamber reserves the right to approve and edit submitted material. The Business Focus is also an excellent vehicle within which to advertise! For current advertising rates, please contact Katie Galvin at (562) 698-9554.
Whittier Area Chamber of Commerce 8158 Painter Avenue, Whittier, CA 90602 (562) 698-9554 • (562) 693-2700 FAX www.whittierchamber.com • info@whittierchamber.com
january 2011
UPTOWN UPDATE This time of year is busy for everyone, especially for the Whittier Uptown Staff and Board. The Holidays for us presented many of our yearly promotions designed to increase business for our Membership. During the last three months of the year we executed eight different holiday-related events with the largest being the 57th Annual Whittier Uptown Parade. This year the Parade featured Mr. Jim West, C.E.O. of P.I.H. as our Grand Marshal. Our parade was deemed a great success by all who attended and participated. Thank you all for your continued support. As we look forward to the new year we are anxious to Allan Nakken, continue working closely with the Chamber and its membership. Executive Director Our continued collaborative efforts are critical in order to build a stronger market place for all of the Whittier businesses. We begin our new year in Uptown with freshly steam-cleaned sidewalks on most of Greenleaf Avenue and portions of other high impact areas. We will soon be presenting our security plan to City Hall in hopes of continuing our efforts to make Uptown a safer and more pleasant place to shop and dine. Our objectives are many - the reduction of skateboards and improved efforts for enforcing curfew in order to give the sidewalks back to the adults are just to name a few. One of our top priorities is to provide better street and business lighting and we are working closely with Southern California Edison to accomplish our lighting objectives. We i n v i t e y o u t o v i s i t o u r w e b s i t e a t www.WhittierUptown.org to look for Uptown merchants or upcoming events in Uptown. On behalf of all of us at the Uptown Association HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Whittier Business Focus
The Whittier Chamber is proud to host the The Whittier Chamber is proud to host the
Silver Shield Shield Silver Banquet & Appreciation
Awards Dinner Awards Banquet & Appreciation Dinner in honor of the officers, staff & volunteers of the
in honor ofWhittier the officers, & volunteers of the Policestaff Departmnet Whittier Police Departmnet 13th Annual Silver Shield Awards Banquet 13th Annual Silver Shield Awards Banquet
Friday, March 4, 2011 Friday, March 4, 2011 at the Pacific Palms Conference Resort at the Pacific Palms Conference Resort
Silver Shield is designed to give residentsand individual Silver is designed to give residentsand businesses the opportunity to say thank you individual toand our SilverShield Shield is designed give residents businesses the opportunity say thank to our police department. There areto several waysyou to say individual businesses the opportunity to police aredepartment. several ways There to participate attending the event, being a thankdepartment. you including to ourThere police participate including attending the event, being Corporate Sponsor, purchasing advertising in thea are several ways to participate including Corporate Sponsor, purchasing the tribute program paying for advertising officer toinattend attending the and event, being aanCorporate tribute program paying for an to attend by being apurchasing Friendand Sponsorfor $100. Sponsor, advertising inofficer the tribute by being Friend Sponsorfor $100. For moreainformation please theattend Whittier program and paying for an contact officer to For more a information pleasefor contact Chamber at (562) Sponsor 698-9554 or$100. visit the Whittier by being Friend Chamber (562) 698-9554please or visitcontact the www.whittierchamber.com. For moreatinformation www.whittierchamber.com. Whittier Chamber at (562) 698-9554 or visit
www.whittierchamber.com. Confirmed sponsors to date include:
Confirmed sponsors date Tow, include: Chief Sponsors - ACRO Printing,toHadley Rose Hills Confirmed sponsors to date include: Chief Sponsors ACRO Printing, Hadley Tow, Rose Hills Memorial Park & Mortuary Memorial Park- City & Mortuary Captain Sponsor - ofWhittier Badge Sponsor Whittier Hospital Captain Sponsor Whittier Hospital Silver Sponsors Southern TheMemorial SKILLS Chief Sponsors - ACRO Printing,California Hadley Tow,Edison, Rose Hills Silver Sponsors Southern California Edison, The SKILLS Foundation Park & Mortuary Foundation Friends - Consolidated Captain Sponsor - WhittierDisposal, Hospital Credit Union of Southern Friends - Consolidated Disposal, Credit Union of Southern California, DialMed HomeCare, - Chris Silver Sponsors - Southern CaliforniaFinancial Edison, TheNetwork SKILLS Foundation California, DialMed HomeCare, Financial Miller Network - Chris George, First Day, Friends Chiropractic, & Angevine, Friends - Consolidated Disposal, Credit Union of Southern California, George, First Day, FriendsBonnie Chiropractic, Miller & Angevine, Notary Signing Network, Jo & Lee Panagos, John & DialMed HomeCare, Financial Network Chris George, First Day, Notary Signing Network, Bonnie Jo & Lee Panagos, John & Laurie Peel, Maria Segovia, WAPADH, Whittier Mailing Friends Chiropractic, Miller & Angevine, Notary Signing Network, Laurie ServicePeel, Maria Segovia, WAPADH, Whittier Mailing Bonnie Jo & Lee Panagos, John & Laurie Peel, Segovia, Service Other contributors - Ernie Hernandez, PDQMaria Rentals, WAPADH, Whittier Mailing Service Other contributors -GM Ernie Hernandez, Rentals, Woodruff Properties, Properties - BenPDQ Greer, Harrison O t h e r c o n t r i bu t o r s r n i e H e r n- aBen n d e zGreer, , P D QHarrison Rentals, Woodruff Electric Properties, GM EProperties Woodruff Electric Properties, GM Properties - Ben Greer, Harrison Electric
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Whittier Business Focus
FINANCIAL UPDATE Going into a New Year with hopefully better economic and market prospects, it’s a good time to start researching investments. It’s also a good time to review how much risk you are willing to take on when making critical decisions. The ongoing capital market crisis has amplified the financial risks for individuals and institutions. It’s reasonable to assume risk tolerance has changed in recent years on both levels. Assessing risk tolerance goes beyond instinctive willingness to say “yes” or “no” on a particular financial move. It means re-examining the realities of what you or your institution need and how you’re going to serve those who depend on you. Risk management is becoming Douglas M. Rowan, an increasingly sophisticated and central function within financial CFP, CMFC institutions and should regularly be addressed on the individual level. It means taking into account the economic turmoil of the past few years to determine the effect those pressures have had now and into the future. There’s been plenty of theoretical work done on risk tolerance. In 2008, TransAmerica released its CURE retirement study (CURE standing for Change, Uncertainty, Risk and Expectations) in which it revealed four basic investing personalities: • Venturers take a “nothing ventured, nothing gained” attitude with their money, but their potential pitfall is that they’re overconfident in their level of preparedness. • Anchored individuals always “stay on the safe side,” but extreme risk aversion might leave them unprepared. • Pursuers will “try anything once” but their continual efforts to grab at new directions might leave them without a clear plan. • Adapters take investment situations “as they come” but may not be realizing their full potential as investors. Maybe one of those personalities resonates with you. Regardless, questions to address are: Why is risk analysis important? How can we improve our investments and risk management? The real value of answering a lot of questions about risk tolerance is to tell you what you don’t know – how the sources of your money, the way you made it, how outside forces have shaped your view of it and how you’re handling it now will inform every decision you make about it in the future. On an institutional level, determining what you don’t know (i.e. interest rate risk, liquidity risk, longevity risk), helps to assure you are acting solely in the best interest of the plan. A thorough risk analysis to assess these exposures and an ongoing risk management policy is paramount. Financial risks can take many forms (market, inflation, political, regulatory). A tailormade risk analysis and investment framework are important ingredients of defining a forward looking investment strategy and will contribute to a better assessment of the financial soundness of you and/or your company. Douglas M. Rowan, CFP, CMFC is an investment adviser representative with over twenty-five years of experience in the field. He coordinates and helps people walk through the complexities of today’s marketplace, specializing in individual portfolio design. He handles the multi-dimensional financial affairs for a select group of families and businesses in Orange County, Los Angeles, and the Valley. (562) 945-7787 or (800) 441-0136. rowand@financialnetwork.com www.rowanassetmanagement.com The views are those of Douglas M. Rowan, CFP, CMFC and should not be construed as investment advice. Additional risks are associated with international investing, such as currency fluctuations, political and economic stability, and differences in accounting standards. All information is believed to be from reliable sources; however, we make no representation as to its completeness or accuracy. All economic and performance information is historical and not indicative of future results.Securities offered through Financial Network Investment Corporation, member SIPC January 2011 — This column is produced by the Financial Planning Association, the membership organization for the financial planning community, and is provided by Douglas M. Rowan, CFP, CMFC, a local member of FPA.
Is your WEB SITE ready to win the game or does it need to be benched?
january 2011
digital toolbox Your Official Happy New Year 2011 Checklist (Digitally Speaking)
3. 4. 5. 6.
I don’t know about you but 2010 just flew by. I can’t believe we are now in 2011! What do you do to bring in the New Year? Make resolutions? Change the smoke detector batteries? Watch ball games? Look at your financials? What about your computer or web sites? Here are a few suggestions to bring in the New Year… 1. BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP! I can’t stress this enough. Your data should be one of the most important assets of your business. One of my friends in Texas filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy after losing his Ross Gile, hard drive. There are so many affordable reliable backup solutions Digical available like external drives and online backup services. The most important backup you should have is having an off-site backup. Using an online backup service (just by its name) can be your off-site backup. These services will automatically backup your computer on a continuous basis including managing various backup versions of your data. TEST YOUR BACKUP! If you backup your computer on a regular basis – good for you! BUT – when was the last time you tested your backup? Have you tried to restore a file from your backup? To easily test your backup, create any kind of document or spreadsheet and just save it on your computer. After your backup software “backs up” your file, delete it from your computer hard drive. Then go to your backup software and try to restore it. This will refresh your memory on how to restore files during those urgent times. If you can’t restore it, then it’s time for some troubleshooting. Freshen up your Facebook and Twitter page! Every business should have a Facebook business page and a Twitter page (yes – I said every business). When was the last time you looked at your pages? What about your LinkedIn page? It’s time to change your status! Need to freshen up your web site too? When’s the last time you updated your site? How is your SEO or SEF? Have you checked your search keywords on Google lately? SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is paramount to a successful web site. You can have the greatest site in the world but it won’t help if you’re the only one who knows it! Is your computer software updated? Patched? I set my computer to download updates every night, but then I choose when to install them. Since I setup my computer to backup every night (see #1 above), I don’t want my computer to install updates and automatically reboot my computer and therefore miss a backup. Hint hint… When was the last time you changed your passwords? Changing your passwords may be a hassle but it’s worth it. What about the strength of your passwords? Your passwords should have at least an uppercase letter, lowercase letter and a number. Make sure your passwords are not in the English dictionary. “Jupiter” is in the dictionary but “Jupiter2020” is not. Last but not least (non-digital suggestion) – ask your clients for referrals. Did you provide a great service to your clients in 2010? Ask them for a referral to keep your business going in 2011!
What are YOUR New Year’s resolutions? Email me at ross@digical.com with your ideas. Have a safe and happy New Year!
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january 2011
Whittier Business Focus
Tax tips A Future Tax May Hit Unearned Income Although major provisions of the new health care reform passed earlier this year won’t take effect until 2014, you may be affected by significant tax increased before then. One of these tax increased is a 3.8% tax (described as a Medicare contribution) on some taxpayers’ unearned income, starting in 2013. Two thresholds This 3.8% tax will affect taxpayers whose modified adjusted gross Richard Scrivanich, income (MAGI) exceeds certain amounts. MAGI, for this purpose, Harvey & Parmelee will be the adjusted gross income (AGI) you report on the bottom of LLP page 1 of IRS Form 1040 or For 1040A (on line 4 of Form 1040EZ), plus any foreign income you exclude in calculating AGI. If your MAGI is nor more than $200,000 as single filer, or no more than $250,000 o a joint return, you will not be subject to this 3.8% tax. (These two MAGI thresholds will not be indexed for inflation. If your MAGI is over the relevant threshold, you’ll probably owe the 3.8% tax. Here’s how to calculate your obligation: 1. Determine your net investment income. For a given calendar year, add up your taxable interest, dividends, capital gains, rents, royalties, ordinary income and capital gains from passive activities (such as rental real estate activities) or financial instrument or commodities trading business, and taxable payouts from annuities. Then subtract any deductions allocated to that income, such as interest on margin loans. 2. Determine the extent to which your MAGI exceeds the relevant threshold. 3. You will owe 3.8% tax on the lower number, (1) or (2). Do the math Some examples will illustrate the above calculation. Example 1: John Jones, a single filer, has MAGI of $220,000 in 2013. His net investment income is $50,000. John’s MAGI is over the $200,000 threshold by $20,000. Here, John’s MAGI threshold overage of $20,000 is less than John’s investment income of $50,000. Thus, John will owe a 3.8% tax on $20,000 $760. Example 2: Amelia and Bart Dugan have a MAGI of $310,000 in 2013. Their net investment income is $50,000, the same as John Jones. However, the Dugans are $60,000 over the $250,000 threshold for their joint MAGI. The Dugans’ investment income of $50,000 is less than their income threshold overage of $60,000. Therefore, the Dugans will owe the 3.8% tax on all $50,000 of their net investment income, $1,900.
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Tax trimming tactics Two ways exist for high income taxpayers to avoid or reduce their exposure to this 3.8% tax. First, you can trim your net investment income. You might invest in tax-exempt municipal bonds or no dividend growth stocks, for example. The less investment income you have, the lower your potential tax obligation. Second, you can minimize your MAGI. Tax deductible contributions to retirement plans, for example, may be able to hold your MAGI below or modestly above the relevant threshold and reduce the amount you’ll owe under this 3.8% tax.
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Continued on page 14
2010-2011 20 Anniversary Season th
Tickets Now On Sale for: Acoustic Voices Series
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Call (562) 698-9554 for membership info today!
Whittier Business Focus
january 2011
Board of Director Nominees 2011-2012
January 1, 2011
To All Chamber Members: The Chamber’s fiscal year is in its last quarter and plans are already in place to hit the floor running as we start our 97th year of serving the Whittier area business community on April 1, 2011. Our nominating committee has been in the process of filling vacancies on our Board of Directors and we are proud to present a list of outstanding candidates to fill 4 open spaces on our Board and welcome back 8 board members for another term. These are people who are all leaders in their own right and have made a commitment to furthering the goals and objectives of the Whittier Area Chamber of Commerce. According to our by-laws, the Chamber must present to the entire membership the slate of candidates nominated to fill vacancies on our Board of Directors. The by-laws state: Additional nominations may be made by petition. Any such petition shall be effective to nominate one or more candidates, not exceeding the total number of candidates as were nominated by the Nominating Committee. Petitions must bear the genuine signatures of at least 25 qualified members of the Chamber. All such petitions must be delivered to, and received by, the Executive Director, within 21 days after January 1, 2011. In the event of any conflict between this statement and the provisions of the by-laws, the by-laws shall govern. If no petition is filed within the designated period, the nominations shall be closed. The election shall take place at the annual meeting (Installation) which will be held in late March or early April.
New Board Members (elected to 2 year term – April 2011-March 2013): Greg Gunter Heather Crawford
Greg Gunter is the original owner/operator of Greg's Auto Body. After growing up in Pico Rivera and graduating from El Rancho High School, Greg was drafted and completed a tour of duty in Vietnam. He started his shop in Whittier in 1970 and within a few years his business was growing at a steady pace. He moved his business to a larger location in Santa Fe Springs and since then has expanded that location, buying the building next door. Almost 10 years ago Greg opened his 2nd location in Whittier and just celebrated his 40th year in business. Greg’s Auto Body is a family business run by Greg and his wife. His four daughters work for him as well. Greg became a Chamber of Commerce member when he moved his business to Santa Fe Springs about 30 years ago. “I found value in the chamber networking and really enjoyed it,” explained Greg. Since opening his second shop in Whittier he has become even more involved in the Whittier Chamber. “I have met many great contacts and have many members as customers,” says Greg. “I am looking forward to working even more with the Whittier Chamber as one of the Board members.”
Rudy Hernandez
Rudy Hernandez is known for being a Ballroom Dancer, but his talents extend far beyond that! He is also an Entertainer and serves as a Master of Ceremonies, a Disc Jockey, an Event Planner and a Musician (Tenor Saxophone) for a variety of events. Rudy owns RMH DanceSport with a dance studio located in Uptown Whittier and RMH Productions. He works with the Whittier City School District’s “Reach For The Stars” AfterSchool Program and donates his talents to many local organizations such as: CAPC Inc., The Whole Child, SASSFA Work Source Center, Boys’ and Girls’ Club, YMCA, Whittier Hospital, and the Whittier Chamber of Commerce. “I have been blessed to have a wonderful wife (Maria) who has supported all my ventures and who is still my favorite Dance Partner,” explains Rudy. Rudy is excited to have been nominated and is thankful for the opportunity to be a Chamber Board Member.
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Heather is a long-time Whittier resident and is involved in the community as a Board Member of H.O.W. House (a drug/alcohol recovery house for men), a City Commissioner (Historic Resources Commission) and a Whittier Chamber Ambassador. She has been selling real estate for 10 years and “absolutely loves every aspect of serving her clients.” She believes in the motto "Live to Give" and has partnered with many charities with her "Heart of a Realtor" program. Heather and her husband Scott also host foreign exchange students in their historic home through the Kaplan Program at Whittier College. “I am excited to serve as a Board Member and look forward to helping other businesses grow and prosper through the Whittier Chamber of Commerce,” says Heather.
Eric Day
Eric grew up in Whittier and went through the Whittier school system. He has been active in local charities since 1982, serving on the Board of the East Whittier YMCA and then on the Board of the Uptown YMCA. He was treasurer and later President of the East Whittier YMCA and served in various positions in the Uptown YMCA. Eric has been active in the Whittier Host Lions Club since 1982 and has served in various positions on the Board of Directors of that organization. Currently he is the third Vice President of the Club. During the time from 1982 until 2004 Eric was the Vice President of Zieman Manufacturing, a local firm with eight plants operating in the Western United States. The business was sold in 2004. Eric currently works for the Credit Union of Southern California as their SBA Lending Officer and is excited for the opportunity to serve on the Chamber Board. “Whittier has been a great place to live and work and I want to give back where I can,” stated Eric.
Current board members up for renewal of their 2-year term: Ben Greer – GM Properties • Jeff Ball – Friendly Hills Bank Sue Dean – Notary Signing Network • Ernie Ceja – Vinatero Wine Shop David Krake – Merrill Lynch • Ana Gutierrez – Whittier College Norm Kirschenbaum – Tri-Cities ROP • Bonnie Watje – ACRO Printing, Inc.
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january 2011
Whittier Business Focus
Releases List of New Employment Laws Affecting Businesses in 2011 The California Chamber of Commerce has released a list of new employment laws scheduled to take effect in 2011 that will have an impact on businesses in California. CalChamber provides the information and tools businesses needs to stay compliant with state and federal employment law. Among the training materials currently available is CalChamber’s HR 201: Labor Law Update seminar, which is available for purchase at www.calchamberstore.com/hr201. The following is a list of new laws that have recently gone into effect or will take effect in 2011: Workers' Compensation Notice Requirements The posting and notice requirements were amended in 2010 to require additional information about Managed Professional Networks (MPNs). Employers with MPNs that provide treatment for workers' compensation claims must display the required workers' compensation poster (Notice to Employees - Injuries Caused by Work) as well as additional information about the MPN(s) the employer uses. The workers' compensation pamphlet must also include information about MPNs. Workers' Compensation for Roofing Contractors AB 2305 extends the requirement that contractors with a C-39 roofing classification obtain and maintain workers' compensation insurance, even if they have no employees. This requirement was set to expire on January 1, 2011, and is now extended until January 1, 2013. Additionally, after January 1, 2011, any active license will be suspended if the C-39 roofing classification was removed and the licensee is found to have employees and lack a valid certificate of workers' compensation insurance. Workers' Compensation Stop Orders SB 1254 authorizes the registrar of contractors to issue a stop order (effective immediately on service of the order) to any contractor (licensed or unlicensed) who failed to secure workers' compensation coverage for his/her employees. Additionally, employees affected by the work stoppage must be paid by the employer for lost time, up to 10 days, while the employer seeks to comply with the law. Failure to observe the stop order is punishable by a misdemeanor (up to 60 days in county jail) and/or a fine of up to $10,000. The legislation also implements a means by which the employer may protest the stop order and request a hearing on the matter. Organ and Bone Marrow Donor Leave California employers with 15 or more employees must now provide the following paid leaves to employees who choose to donate organs or bone marrow: • Organ donors — must be provided a 30-day (workdays) leave of absence in any one-year period • Bone marrow donors - must be provided a leave of absence up to five workdays in any one-year period The statute says that such leave does not run concurrently with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). However, state law cannot override federal law. Therefore, leave for the purpose of donating bone marrow or an organ may run concurrently with FMLA if the employer is a covered employer and the employee is eligible for FMLA.
Heat Illness Regulations Revised A revised heat illness standard went into effect November 4, 2010. In addition to revisions related to shade and other safety precautions, the new standard includes changes to training requirements for both supervisory and nonsupervisory employees. Such training is now required to be given before employees begin work that "should reasonably be anticipated to result in exposure to the risk of heat illness." GINA Regulations Finalized The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issued final regulations on November 9 that implement the employment provisions (Title II) of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA). GINA prohibits use of genetic information to make decisions about health insurance and employment, and restricts the acquisition and disclosure of genetic information. GINA applies to private employers with 15 or more employees and generally prohibits employers from requesting an applicant's or employee's genetic information, even if the employer never uses that information. Wage Claim Appeal — Bond Requirement According to AB 2772, an employer filing an unpaid wage claim appeal must post a bond with the court, in the amount of the judgment rendered in the administrative hearing. Employers must also provide written notification to the other parties and the Labor Commissioner of the bond posting. AB 569 — Exemptions to Meal Breaks This new law exempts construction workers, commercial drivers, certain security officers and employees of electrical and gas corporations or local publicly owned electric utilities from California's meal break requirements if those employees are covered by a valid collective bargaining agreement containing specified terms, including meal period provisions. Investigating Serious Safety Violations A revision to the California Labor Code establishes new procedures and standards for an investigation of a serious violation in the workplace and establishes a rebuttable presumption as to when a serious violation has been committed by an employer. Under previous law, a serious violation was "deemed to exist if there was a substantial probability that death or serious physical harm could result from a violation." The change creates a "rebuttable presumption that a serious violation exists if Cal/OSHA demonstrates that there is a realistic possibility that death or serious physical harm could result from the actual hazard created by the violation." Health Clubs and Defibrillators Under current law, health clubs must acquire an automatic external defibrillator and meet specific training and maintenance standards. Under current law, when a health club uses an automatic external defibrillator, the owners, managers, employees or others are not liable for civil damages resulting from an act of omission in the course of rendering emergency care/treatment. The new law eliminates that exemption if health club members have access to the facility during hours that trained employees are not in the facility. For facilities larger than 6,000 square feet, members must be denied access to the facility if a trained employee is not present. Continued on page 14
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Whittier Business Focus
COMMUNITY CELEBRATIONS z Yuki Sato of Kenkou Acupuncture & Wellness celebrated with friends, family and Chamber supporters at her ribbon cutting and open house
january 2011
BUSINESS OF THE MONTH Chamber Board Member Awarded Business of the Month Whittier Chamber member Shannon G’s Flowers, located at 14748 E. Whittier Blvd., was recently honored at a City Council meeting as the Business of the Month. The local flower shop and boutique has been in business for just over 7 years and attributes their success to the continued support from the City of Whittier and the Whittier Chamber of Commerce. Chamber Board member Shannon Gimbel owns the business, but the daily operation really is a family affair. Having set roles and being aware of each other’s strengths, Shannon’s mom, dad, sister and boyfriend all help with coordinating the larger events while Shannon’s grandma helps run the shop everyday and even makes the deliveries. Shannon G’s Flowers has been an active member of the Whittier Chamber since first joining back in 2003, and the family continues to give back to the Whittier community by supporting local organizations like the Boys and Girls Club of Whittier and the PIH Foundation. They were recognized by the City of Whittier for their impact on the local economy and for the terrific job they do utilizing their property and space. The Whittier Chamber truly appreciates the work the Gimbel family does in the community and for being an outstanding Whittier business.
Rick Tewes of Rick’s Drive In & Out Burgers and Miss Uptown Whittier 2010 Ariana Rodriguez welcomed guests at the annual Grand Illumination tree-lighting ceremony
Shannon G’s Flowers Whittier Chamber Executive Director Carol Crosby was joined by Chamber Board members Gus Arriaza, Ana Gutierrez and Sue Dean for a fun and festive ride in the annual Whittier Christmas Parade
Whittier City Mayor Greg Nordbak recognized Shannon G’s Flowers, owned and operated by Shannon Gimbel and her family, as Business of the Month.
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january 2011
Whittier Business Focus
Do You know your chamber staff? Ever wonder who you are talking to when you call the Whittier Chamber? It could be any one of the great Chamber staff members in the office who are always ready to help. Here’s a quick peek at who comprises the Chamber staff and what they do:
Executive Directors Carol Crosby and Lyn Carty Carol and Lyn were recently hired by the Board of Directors to serve as the Executive Director team but they are no strangers to the Chamber or Whittier! Both individually and with their event planning company, Brainwaves Marketing, Lyn and Carol have worked at the Chamber a combined 27 years, spending the last 3 years working “behind the scenes” on a contract basis coordinating the Chamber’s special events. While having a “team approach” to a leadership role is not the norm in most businesses, the partnership has certainly worked for these two creative ladies and for the Chamber. They are excited to step up in the leadership role once again to work with the Board of Directors to continue developing new programs that will benefit Whittier area businesses.
Director of Membership Jessica Schreiner Magdosku Jessica has been with the Chamber for 3-1/2 years and is responsible for bringing new members to the Chamber and ensuring that existing members are aware of the many great programs and services offered. Jessica works closely with the Ambassador Committee and oversees scheduling ribbon cuttings for new members and serving as the ears and eyes of the Chamber. Her great personality makes anyone who calls or visits the Chamber feel welcome. Next time you see Jessica, be sure to wish her congratulations on her recent marriage to Chris Magdosku!
Director of Public Relations Katie Galvin
For over 4 years Chamber members have been enjoying Katie’s great sense of humor and creativity. Katie’s knowledge of the Chamber and many talents have earned her the new title of Director of Public Relations. Her role includes selling ads and producing the Chamber’s monthly Business Focus newspaper, designing the e-newsletter, overseeing all of the Social Media outlets and all other communication with our members. Katie will also be the face behind the camera, snapping photos of our members in action – when you see her, say cheese!
Bookkeeper Amber Lawrence
Amber’s 10+ years of experience in the accounting industry makes her the perfect person to keep the Chamber’s records and books in order! Amber creates and oversees all aspects of invoicing and bookkeeping and maintaining files and contracts. With an eye for detail, great suggestions for simplifying reports and procedures and outstanding organizational habits, Amber serves as the calm force in an office full of hustle and bustle! Questions about membership payment plans or invoices? Amber’s the girl with the answers!
Events and Member Relations Coordinator Natalie Saenz
Natalie is the newest member of the Chamber staff, joining the team officially on January 1. Natalie will be the go-to girl on Chamber member events such as Wake Up Whittier, Tasty Tuesday and Mixers as well as on special events such as the Hathaway Golf Classic, Cosmic Bowling, Silver Shield, Business Expo and Annual Meeting/Installation. As the Directory Project Manager for the past month, Natalie has already proven that she is truly a “Whittier Chamber girl.” If you need to call the Chamber, Natalie’s friendly voice will likely be the one you hear first! Make sure to welcome her to the team the next time you see her!
Matrix Oil – a business partner with the Whittier community since 2001 The independent Draft Environmental Impact Report concludes that the Consolidated Central Site and the Landfill Road are the environmentally superior alternatives. We look forward to working with the residents and City to further refine these recommendations. Our goal is to make sure we minimize any possible impacts for residents and maximize the benefits for everyone in Whittier. For more information about the Consolidated Central Site and the Whittier Oil Project Oil, please visit: www.whittieroil.com
Whittier Business Focus
JANUARY COMMUNITY CALENDAR 8. AAUW presents: Breatrix Potter “Meet and Greet” @ Radisson Hotel Whittier (7320 Greenleaf Ave., Whittier), 11:30 a.m. Buffet Luncheon $18. Contact (562) 696-7395 for more information
january 2011
10. Headache Relief Seminar @ Friends Chiropractic (6736 Friends Ave., Whittier), 7 p.m. FREE. Contact (562) 698-1275 for more information
12. Whittier Chamber Wake Up Whittier Networking Breakfast @ the Whole Child (10155 Colima Rd. Whittier, CA 90603), 7:30 a.m. Free to members and $20 non-members. Contact the Whittier Chamber (562) 698-9554
Acoustic Series: Muriel Anderson & Tierra Negra @ Ruth B. Shannon Center, Whittier College (6760 Painter Ave., Whittier), 7:30 p.m. Adults $20, Students/ Seniors $15. Contact (562) 907-4203 for more information
11. Soroptimist Club Lunch Meeting @ Radisson Hotel Whittier (7320 Greenleaf Ave., Whittier), 12 noon. $12.50 per person. Contact (562) 233-5786 for more information 14. Ribbon cutting & open house @ Hollywood Brows (15700 Whittwood Ln.), 12 noon. Contact the Whittier Chamber (562) 698-9554 15. Aloha Series: The Makaha Sons @ Ruth B. Shannon Center, Whittier College (6760 Painter Ave., Whittier), 3 & 8 p.m. Adults $40 ($1 surcharge will be added). Contact (562) 907-4203 for more information 20. FREE Business Seminar Series: Health Care Reform Tutorial @ Whittier Central Library, Nixon Room (7344 Washington Ave., Whittier), 8 a.m. Contact the Whittier Chamber to reserve space 22. “New Year – New Health” Seminar @ Office of Dr. Wendy Kreider (16262 Whittier Blvd., #23), 2 – 4 p.m. FREE. Contact (562) 943-2431 for more information 23. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day @ Ruth B. Shannon Center, Whittier College (6760 Painter Ave., Whittier), 2 p.m. Adults $8, Students/ Seniors $6. Contact (562) 907-4203 for more information 25. Tasty Tuesday Networking Luncheon @ Roadhouse Grill (15156 Whittier Blvd., Whittier), 11:30 a.m. Cost TBA. Contact the Whittier Chamber at (562) 698-9554
Financial Peace University @ First United Methodist Church (13222 E. Bailey St., Whittier), 7:30 p.m.- 9:30 p.m. Every Tuesday through April 19. Contact (562) 698-0022 for more information
26. 10th Annual Soroptimist Showcase of Stars “Wednesday Night Live” @ Ruth B. Shannon Center, Whittier College (6760 Painter Ave., Whittier), 6 p.m. General Admission $45. Contact (562) 652-7072 for more information 27. “Vintage Vibe” Mixer @ King Richard’s Antique Center (12301 Whittier Blvd.), 4 – 6 p.m. FREE for Whittier Chamber members. Contact the Whittier Chamber (562) 698-9554
Million Laughs Comedy Show @ Whittier First Christian Church (6355 Greenleaf Ave.), 2 & 7 p.m. Admission $25 (tax deductible) and group discounts available. Visit www.millionlaughs.com for featured performers. For reservations call Miriam (562) 945-4304
Denotes Chamber Events.
NETWORKING QUOTE "Since SoCal Post-Acute Care became a Whittier Chamber member, we have had the opportunity to network regularly with other local businesses in various venues. Everyone at the Chamber has made us feel welcome and a part of the greater Whittier community." Jill Gillette, SoCal Post-Acute Care
january 2011
Wake Up Whittier
Whittier Business Focus
TASTY TUESDAY These Whittier Chamber members enjoyed their networking over a deliciously authentic Italian lunch during Tasty Tuesday at Olive Garden
Whittier Chamber’s Monthly Networking Breakfast
2011 Wake Up Whittier Schedule January 12th – The Whole Child 10155 Colima Rd.
We mean
February 9th –
Merrill Gardens 13250 E. Philadelphia St.
March 9th –
City of Whittier Community Center 7630 Washington Ave.
April 13th –
Radisson Hotel Whittier 7320 Greenleaf Ave.
May 11th –
Whittier Hospital “Salute to Service” 9080 Colima Rd.
June 8th –
Don Steves Autoplex 1001 E. Whittier Blvd., La Habra
July 13th –
Harmony Center for Spiritual Living 12907 E. Bailey St.
August 10th –
Whittier Uptown Association (location TBD)
Great networking with nearly 200 people, great food and great fun! Win door prizes! Exchange business cards! Promote your business! Wake Up Whittier is FREE for Whittier Chamber members. Prospective members and guests pay $20 at the door.
September 14th – Candlewood Country Club 14000 Telegraph Rd. October 12th – First Family Church 8434 S. Greenleaf Ave. November 9th – Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital 12401 Washington Blvd.
These hungry Chamber members took a break from their bites to pose for a picture during the Tasty Tuesday monthly networking lunch
“Jump Start” your day with Wake Up Whittier!
Chamber Ambassadors Dr. Wendy Kreider, D.C. and Ronda Larsen of the P.C. Help Desk, Pam of the Traveling Traveler and Matthew from Intercommunity Counseling Center mix business with pleasure while enjoying some comfort food at Olive Garden
Whittier Business Focus
“Volunteers Of The Year” Honored Four community volunteers have been honored as “Volunteers of the Year” by the Whittier Social Services Commission and City Council. Janet Carey, Senior Citizens Center; Cel Carr, Whittier Area Literacy Council; Linda Guerrero, Parnell Park Zoo; and Dr. John L. Hoffman, Intercommunity Counseling Center, were recognized at a reception held Tuesday, December 14 at Whittier City Hall, followed by their being honored at the City Council meeting. Carey joined the Whittier Senior Center in 2005 and began attending the Needlecrafters class to learn to crochet and hone her knitting skills. Recently, the Needlecrafters have joined with the American War Mothers to make slippers, hats, scarves and helmet liners for soldiers serving in the Middle East. In addition, Carey taught a new Intergenerational Needlecrafters class this summer. Carr has been a member of the Whittier Area Literacy Council for 10 years, serving as president for the past two years, championing literacy in the Whittier area. She has also served as a tutor and Board Member. During trying economic times, Carr oversaw the Council’s fund-raising efforts through the annual “Scrabble Tournament” and “Soup and a Good Book” event. Under her leadership, the Literacy Council presented four Family Literacy Nights this year The two miniature horses at the Parnell Park Zoo, Duke and Leo, need a considerable amount of attention – for grooming, bathing, walking or simply interacting with someone. Guerrero comes twice weekly to groom and bathe the horses, walk and run them, trim their manes and socialize with them. She has also given expert suggestions and advice to help the Park staff take the best possible care of the little creatures. Hoffman has served on the Intercommunity Counseling Center Board of Directors of five years, and is currently serving his second year as Board President. When the Center’s long-time Director resigned to accept another position, Hoffman assembled a committee to meet the immediate need of naming an Interim Director, and chair the committee to recruit and hire a permanent director. His other achievements included providing leaderships during the Center’s relocation to a City facility and providing primary leadership for the 2005 Action Plan implementation for the Board of Directors to provide the necessary resources to the Community. For more information on the Social Services Commission’s “Volunteer of the Photograph ID’s are (left to right): Mayor Pro Tem Cathy Year” program, contact Greg Warner; honorees Linda Guerrero, Cel Carr and Janet Alaniz, Community Services Carey; Dorothy Carras, Social Services Commissioner; Supervisor, at 562-464-3360 or Mayor Greg Nordbak; Carole Marin, Social Services Commissioner; Dr. John L. Hoffman, honoree; and galaniz@cityofwhittier.org.
january 2011
How will a SBA Loan save me money over a conventional loan? In a typical example, a business looking to expand and buy a second location needs $1 million to buy and renovate the location. With a conventional loan, the down payment would be 20 percent or $200,000. With a 7a SBA Loan, the down payment is only 10 percent or $100,000. The business owner’s savings is $100,000.
Eric Day, SBA Lending Officer
What are the terms? Terms are 5 to 7 years for working capital, up to 10 years for equipment, and 25 years for owner-occupied real estate. These are not pay-on-demand contracts. This means you can pay for the loan over the amount of time specified in the contract.
How much can I borrow? Loans are available from $100,000 up to $2,000,000. What is considered a small business by SBA standards? A SBA Loan is offered to business owners with an average net income of $5 million and a net worth of less than $15 million. Do I have to open a CU SoCal account to get a SBA Loan? Yes. Before funding your SBA Loan, you will need to open a CU SoCal account. The account is only $15 and easy to open. What determines eligibility for a SBA Loan? The criteria are: Type of business. The business must be for profit and conduct business in the United States. The owner must have a reasonable financial investment in the business. Size of business. The definition of a small business varies but most businesses qualify as a small business under SBA guidelines. Use of Funds. The funds can be used to purchase machinery, equipment, an owneroperated building, or an existing business. Funds may also be used for working capital or to buy out a partner. What businesses are ineligible for SBA Loans? Real estate investment or other speculative activities, illegal activities and charitable, religious or certain non-profit institutions. About Credit Union of Southern California Credit Union of Southern California (CU SoCal) began in 1954 and has grown to more than $591 million in assets with 8 branches throughout the San Gabriel Valley and Orange County. Sound business practices and their steadfast commitment to exceed Members’ expectations have contributed to CU SoCal’s financial strength. For 35 years, Eric Day ran the operations for Zieman Manufacturing Company; a privately-owned business which operated 8 plants in the western states with $60 million in annual sales. He has faced many of the same business hurdles and is an experienced and qualified lending officer available to help small businesses step by step through the loan process. Contact Eric Day at (562) 365-1888 or via email at EDay@CUSoCal.org.
Alexandra Law, Social Services Commission Chair.
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Contact Us For Special Whittier Chamber Pricing
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january 2011
Whittier Business Focus
AROUND TOWN Say “Sayonara” to the Sniffles at Upcoming Seminar on Good Health in the New Year
Super charge your health this winter season by learning how to naturally avoid catching the flu or a cold. Attend a free seminar at the office of Dr. Wendy Kreider, D.C. (16262 Whittier Blvd. #23) on Saturday, January 22 from 2 – 4 p.m. to start the New Year in good health. Refreshments will be provided during this informative seminar. Please RSVP to (562) 943-2431 as seating is limited.
Family Entertainment to Benefit Whittier Area First Day
Join Whittier First Day and other community supporters for the Million Laughs Comedy Show on Saturday, January 29 at the Whittier First Christian Church (6355 Greenleaf Ave.) at 2 & 7 p.m. for a fun-raising event! Special guest performances by popular comedians, ventriloquists and magicians and refreshments will be served. Tickets are $25 (suggested donation and tax deductible) and group discounts are available. Contact Miriam for reservations at (562) 945-4304 or email Miriam@whittierfirstday.org.
Credit Card Processing made simple and cost effective
99% of outdated credit card terminals are not updated regularly, and failing to update them can result in increased fees. For local businesses still using outdated credit card terminal machines and spending unnecessary costs on phone lines to make transactions, Payjunction can help. Lionel Escobar of Payjunction can provide a unique solution for businesses which allows credit card processes to go through your website, on-the-go wirelessly and help manage data more effectively. There is no cost to upgrade your technology and Payjunction will provide a free credit card swiper. For a consultation, contact Lionel Escobar at (562) 659-3035 or lionelpayjunction@gmail.com foracomplimentary20minutedemonstration. Formoreinformation,visit http://sales.payjunction.com/lescobar to watch an informative video on Payjunction products and services.
Local Chiropractor Hosts Workshop on Finding Relief from Headaches
There are 129 classifications for headaches but only one matters - yours! Stop by Friends Chiropractic to learn everything you need to know about headaches: how to eliminate them, identifying the danger signs for serious headaches and more. Register for a special workshop on Monday, January 10th at 7 p.m. at Friends Chiropractic (6736 Friends Ave.) with Dr. Yani Feliciano, Board Qualified Chiropractic Orthopedist and Wellness Advisor. Attendees will receive a free booklet, workshop materials and a ProAdjuster scan. RSVP by calling (562) 698-1275 to reserve a seat.
Ordering Made Easy with New KFC Catering Website
The Southern California region of KFC has officially announced a new catering website for customers enabling them to place their catering order online and pay via credit card or at one of the 40 local KFC restaurant locations. Customers can log onto www.kfcsocal.com/catering or call (877) KFC-1717 and place their orders, which will then be transmitted to the local store by fax, phone and email. Based on their zipcode, the customer can designate the store of choice for pickup. Both of the KFC Whittier stores, conveniently located at 16161 Leffingwell Rd. and 13106 Whittier Blvd., will be participating. Drop by KFC in Whittier or visit the new website to learn more about the program.
New Century Singers Seeks New Voices
New Century Singers meets Wednesdays from 9 – 11 a.m. at Harmony Center (12907 Bailey St.) and Sunday evenings from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at East Whittier Methodist Church (1005 Cole Rd.). There are no auditions required. For more information call (562) 695-1785. The New Century Singers Whittier (NCSW) also raise money to support the chorus and to provide scholarships for vocal music students. Applications for students interested may be obtained at most college music departments or call (562) 694-2421. NCSW are also available to perform for groups. For information about performances, contact Claudia Graham (562) 994-6724.
Nationally-Syndicated Financial Advisor Offers Extended Group Course on Debt Management
Dave Ramsey, a nationally-syndicated radio financial advisor, will be offering his “Financial Peace University” every Tuesday beginning January 25 through April 19 from 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. at First United Methodist Church (13222 E. Bailey St.). Financial Peace University is a biblically-based, video-driven small group study that teaches families to beat their debt, build wealth and give like never before. This is not a get-rich-quick, no effort involved scheme. For those interested in putting in hard work to change your family’s financial future, visit the Financial Peace University website at www.daveramsey.com/fpu.
Special Appearance by Beloved Children’s Author to Take Place at AAUW Luncheon
Members and guests of the Greater Whittier Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) are invited to “meet” and greet Beatrix Potter, the English author and illustrator of children’s books, at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, January 8 at the Radisson Hotel (7320 Greenleaf Ave.) when Judith Helton will present her one-woman show and re-creation of Potter’s 1913 wedding gown complete with a British accent to portray the famed author of “The Tale of Peter Rabbit.” Reservations for the program and buffet luncheon at $18 must be made by January 4 to Susan Halliday by phone at (562) 696-7395 or by e-mail to WhittierAAUWreserv@yahoo.com.
Soroptimist International of Whittier Leads the Fight Against Human Trafficking; Produces Showcase of Stars
Phil Ludwig is CEO of Teen Rescue, an organization that works with young women who have been trafficked as prostitutes by providing food, clothing, shelter, counseling, education, medical attention and life skills training. He will be addressing the issue of human trafficking with the ladies of Soroptimist Club during their lunch meeting at 12 noon on January 11 at the Radisson Hotel (7320 Greenleaf Ave.). Join Soroptimist and invite a guest to come hear Phil Ludwig and find out how this agency is making an important impact. The cost of lunch is $12.50. Please RSVP to Teresa Molina at (562) 233-5786 or visit us at www.SIWhittier.org for more information. Also in Soroptimist news, don’t miss the 10th Annual Showcase of Stars “Wednesday Night Live” event taking place January 26 at the Ruth B. Shannon Center for the Performing Arts (13406 Philadelphia St.). The live/silent auction begins at 6 p.m. and the show starts at 7 p.m. with refreshments included. General admission is $45 and event proceeds benefit programs such as the Women’s Opportunity Awards, SART (Sexual Assault Response Team), Success and Teen Girls Conference and other community projects. For more information on sponsorship opportunities contact Jane Dicus (562) 907-4751 and for ticket purchases contact Kathy Dowling (562) 652-7072.
This Valentine’s Day, make your celebration count. Join The Whole Child at its California Black Tie Gala “The Heart of a Child” benefiting abused and at-risk children. Enjoy the silent and live auctions, dinner, “A Night with Frank Sinatra” and dancing to the Dry Martini Orchestra.
February 12, 2011 Reception begins 6:00 p.m. at the Historic Langham Huntington Hotel For tickets call 562-692-0383 ext 290 www.thewholechild.info “The staff at Socal Post-Acute Care were very helpful and friendly to me making it possible for me to return home for the holidays” - Jane Rinaldi
7931 Sorensen Ave. Whittier, CA 90606 For more info, Contact Jill Gillette at (562) 698-0451
Whittier Business Focus
january 2011
“Tax Tips” - continued from page 5
Thank You
Renewing Members of the Whittier Chamber Bewley, Lassleben & Miller (562) 698-9771 Calendar Entertainment Services (562) 699-3620 Cervantes, Rudy A. (213) 925-4730 Charter Business (626) 430-3315
Memory Garden Memorial Park & Mortuary (562) 694-6571 Merrill Gardens at Chateau Whittier (562) 945-3904 Notary Signing Network (562) 907-9331 PDSI, Processing and Distribution Services, Inc. (562) 407-1000
Chili’s (562) 693-7300 Emeritus at Whittier (562) 698-0596 Haendiges, Robert L. (562) 947-7758 Herbie’s House of Health (562) 945-1322 Hillcrest Congregational Church & Country School (562) 947-3755 Konica Minolta Business Solutions (800) 660-7780 L.E.A.R.N. (562) 945-0111 Landmark Certified Development (562) 690-6400 Leon Lesa’s Cabinet & Handyman (562) 696-3521 Los Chilitos Mexican Food (562) 789-7404 Melrose Vintage (562) 907-5518
R Williams Termite Control & Home Care (562) 244-8789 Shelter’s Right Hand (562) 695-8888 Sir Speedy Printing Center (562) 698-7513 SOLA Lions Club of Whittier (562) 907-9002 Spin Lounge (562) 698-6400 Starbucks (15175 Whittier Blvd.) (562) 789-1022 Starbucks (12376 Washington Blvd.) (562) 693-6160 Starbucks (13520 Whittier Blvd.) (562) 945-0054 Tanabe, Theodore A., D.D.S. (562) 698-0387 Togo’s Eatery (562) 789-8000 Whittier Art Association & Gallery (562) 698-8710
Whittier Hearing Center (562) 698-0581
As mentioned, this tax won’t be effective until 2013. Therefore, you have more than two years to arrange tax reduction strategies. In 2010, though, you might consider a Roth IRA conversion as a means of reducing the amount of this 3.8% tax you’ll owe in the future. With a Roth IRA, distributions are completely tax free after five years and after age 59 ½. Depending on your age, you might be able to take tax-free Roth IRA distributions as early as 2015 if you convert in 2010. (If you previously had a Roth IRA, the conversion starts a new five-year clock so you will have to wait those five years until investment earnings from the converted dollars can come out tax free.) Tax-free Roth IRA distributions are not considered investment income and will not boost your MAGI. Therefore, they will not trigger the 3.8% tax in 2013 and later years. Converting to a Roth IRA does trigger income tax. If you convert in 2010, you’ll pay tax at today’s rates, no higher than 35%. That may be better than taking taxable distributions or converting in the future when you may owe higher income tax rates and when distributions or conversions might raise your MAGI and thus cause a 3.8% surtax as well. What’s more, you’ll get the greatest advantage from a Roth IRA conversion if you pay the resulting tax from non-IRA funds. If you draw down your taxable investments to pay the tax, you may have less investment income in the future and thus owe a smaller amount of the new 3.8 tax. If you have any questions regarding the above discussed topic or any other tax matter, please feel free to give me a call at (562) 698-9891. Richard Scrivanich, Partner For Harvey & Parmelee LLP “CalChamber Releases List of New Employment...” - continued from page 7
Death Benefits for Minor Children AB 1696 permits continuation of death benefits until the youngest child reaches 19 years of age if: • The child is still attending high school • The child is receiving the death benefits as a child of an active member of a police or fire department of a public or municipal entity or political subdivision killed in the performance of duty. The benefit continuation does not apply to a child of an employee whose principal duties are clerical or otherwise do not fall within the scope of active law enforcement or active firefighting services. Providing Access for Persons with Disabilities On July 23, 2010, Attorney General Eric Holder signed final regulations revising the Justice Department's Americans with Disabilities Act regulations, including the ADA Standards for Accessible Design. The official text was published in the Federal Register on September 15, 2010.
Focus on your Business. Advertise in the
Business Focus.
Reach over 12,000 businesses and residents on a montly basis! One time & annual rates available. We’ll design your ad at no additional cost. Call the Whittier Chamber at (562) 698-9554
TOYOTA & SCION OF WHITTIER 14577 E. Whittier Blvd. • Whittier, California, 90605
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Internet and Fleet Manager Bus (562) 698-2591 Ext. 228 Cell (626) 222-9025 Fax (562) 693-8523 asanchez@toyotaofwhittier.com toyotaofwhittier.com
january 2011
Whittier Business Focus
LapComp Computers Sal Perez (626) 674-0573 salperez@lapcomp.com www.lapcomp.com
LapComp Computers was created by Sal Perez in 2008; however his experience in the computer industry stretches as far back as 1982. He is a Novell Certified Network Engineer. He is also experienced in the installation of phone systems, T-1 lines and in the setup and maintenance of full corporate networks. If you have internet access, he has the ability to connect to your PC remotely and troubleshoot your issues on the spot no matter where you are in the world. Referred by: John Belsito and Brian Belsito, PDSI, Inc. & The Belsito Foundation
DESSERTS Flantastic! Maria Otero (aka Kiki) (562) 665-5115 kiki@flantasticdesserts.com www.flantasticdesserts.com Flantastic is a unique one of a kind dessert company that offers personalized delivery of delicious flans to your door. Their family recipe is what has made Flantastic a huge success and they only use the freshest and highest quality ingredients. Flantastic offers the classic flavor, banana nut cream, carrot cake cream, pumpkin cream, coconut, kahlua, lemon cream, rum, pina-colada and chocoflan. Call Kiki today to sample a few flavors before ordering the perfect flavor for that special someone. Visit www.flantasticdesserts.com for photos of each delicious flavor! Referred By: Daniel Albitres, Union Bank
EYEBROW THREADING Hollywood Brows Basu 15700 Whittwood Lane Whittier, CA 90603 (562) 947-8811 HollywoodEyebrow@yahoo.com www.HollywoodEyebrow.com
Hollywood Brows is located in the Whittwood Town Center. One of the most important features in a person is their eyes and eyebrow threading is a brand new technique in eyebrow shaping that is revolutionizing the way we frame the windows of our souls. Threading is a natural and almost painless technique that individually plugs out the unwanted hair. The threading is done with 100% cotton thread which is very healthy and contains no harmful or irritating chemicals. Hollywood Brow offers hair extensions, eyelash extensions, waxing, facial massage and European facials too!
FITNESS NETWORK WhittierFitnessNetwork.com Roger Alonso (310) 227-9546 whittierfitnessnetwork@gmail.com www.whittierfitnessnetwork.com WhittierFitnessNetwork.com promotes all health and fitness professionals in the City of Whittier. Your fitness life is yours to create. WhittierFitnessNetwork.com hopes you make new friends and have stories that last a lifetime. Call Roger to find out how your business can become a part of the Whittier Fitness Network.
MORTGAGE LENDING Academy Mortgage Blanca Martinez 12727 Philadelphia St. Whittier, CA 90601 (562) 236-0080 bblancamartinez@gmail.com Blanca Martinez has been a part of the mortgage industry for 25 years. Her expertise and reliability are what have kept her successful in the real estate market. She is very flexible with her time and is experienced in all types of loans: first time home buyers, jumbo loans, FHA and caters to first time home buyers. Academy Mortgage is licensed by the Department of Corporations under California Residential Lending Act.
NAIL SALON Skyy Nails Judy Tran 13211-A Whittier Blvd. Whittier, CA 90603 (562) 693-0794
Hunter Security is a Southern California based security company specializing in contract security guards and patrol service throughout Southern Los Angeles and Orange Counties. Their reputation for being a well trained and supervised company comes from a combined 37 years of Police and Military experience from both the owner Jay Hunter and Vice President of Business Development Scott Shonts. The company was started by Jay Hunter, a former police officer in the Los Angeles area with 15 years of ownership experience in private security. An honors graduate of Whittier College, Jay is known for his meticulous research and development of custom designed Post Orders, Standing Operating Procedures and development of account specific Safety and Log in/out Procedures based on the most current regulations from Fire, Homeland Security and other pertinent sources. Call now for a confidential security assessment on how we can secure your business, hotel, hospital or factory, (562) 602-2700.
Judy Tran, owner of Skyy Nails, has been a manicurist for 20 years in the City of Whittier. Her gentle nature is what keeps her clients loyal to her. Skyy Nails specializes in all types of acrylic nails, gel, gle polish, fiber glass, silk wrap long and short, pink and white, color tips and nail design tips for those looking for something a little extra. Walk-ins are ALWAYS welcome or make an appointment to help plan your day! They use OPI nail polish; Judy believes it is the most dependable nail polish on the market. Don’t forget, they also offer manicures and pedicure treatments in their plush and relaxing spa chairs. Call Skyy Nails today to be beautified. Men are also welcome.
membership application
Hunter Security Scott Shonts, Vice President 15317 Paramount Blvd. #103 Paramount, CA 90723 (562) 754-4322 scott@huntersecurity.org www.huntersecurity.org
Ebony Couture Fashion Gwendolyn Odom 6518 Greenleaf Ave. #11 Whittier, CA 90601 (562) 907-2800 www.ebonycouturefashion.com Ebony Couture Fashion is an upscale clothing boutique for women. They believe in selling clothing that is made in the USA; all of their clothing comes from designers in New York and New Jersey. They specialize in upscale trendy clothing for juniors, misses and plus size women. In order to complete an outfit one must accessorize; they have fashionable accessories, and designer inspired purses and shoes. Their pricing is very affordable. In addition; they offer a 15% discount to all College students and 10% discount to all of Whittier residents. Now is the time to visit Ebony Couture
Whittier Business Focus
january 2011
Start the New Year with a new home! There has never been a better time to upgrade or downsize.
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Happy New Year!