A Publication of the Whittier Area Chamber of Commerce
APRIL 2011 • VOL. 17 NO. 4
Whittier Chamber To Unveil Plans For 97th Year Installation Luncheon and Annual Meeting Set for April 7
8158 Painter Avenue Whittier, CA 90602 phone (562) 698-9554 fax (562) 693-2700 info@whittierchamber.com www.whittierchamber.com
Ben Greer, GM Properties Chamber President 2011-2012
Supporting the Business Community Since 1914
Whittier Area Chamber of Commerce Presort Std. 8158 Painter Avenue US Postage PAID Whittier, CA 90602
Whittier, CA Permit No. 1
We Mean Business
Dean Harako, Pay Advance Payroll Chamber President 2010-2011
Ben Greer from GM Properties will take the helm of the Whittier Chamber as Board President on April 1 and usher in the organization’s 97th year of serving the business community. Ben takes over the leadership of the 600+ member organization from Dean Harako from Pay Advance Payroll. “I am excited to be President of the Whittier Chamber and I am ready to take on whatever challenges and opportunities face our organization and the local business community in the coming year,” stated Greer. At the Chamber Board’s recent Planning Conference, Ben unveiled the theme for his installation and his year as President: MISSION: POSSIBLE: From SURVIVING to THRIVING in 2011. “As businesses we have all spent the past several years in survival mode. The future is looking a little brighter and we are ready to transition into having our business community thrive again,” Greer explained. “The new Board designed a plan for the year that is fiscally responsible and focused on our members’ needs and the Chamber’s mission. I really think we have laid the groundwork and everything is in place to have a very successful year,” added Greer. All members of the Whittier Chamber are invited to the 97th Installation Luncheon and Annual Meeting on Thursday, April 7 where the past year will be celebrated and Ben Greer will officially be installed as the 97th “Commander-in-Chief.” Exact details are “top secret,” however the event will feature a “State of the Chamber” report, installation of new board members, a presentation of upcoming goals for 2011-2012 and the announcement of the Ambassador of the Year and the Volunteer of the Year. The luncheon and program will be held from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at Fiesta Hall in Uptown Whittier. Tickets are only $35 per person or, for additional marketing for your business, tables of 8 are available for only $340. The focus of the program will be to “advance the mission” of the Chamber by ensuring our members are “armed with the tools” for business success! The Installation will also focus on bidding farewell to retiring board members Ginny Ball of Woodruff Properties, Russell Castaneda-Calleros from Rio Hondo College, Cheryl Estep of State Farm Insurance, John Peel of Concept 7 and Fran Shields from the City of Whittier. Combined, these five leaders have given hundreds of hours of service to the Chamber over the years and their individual talents and contributions to the Board will be missed. All members are encouraged to attend this event and learn more about everything the Chamber plans to offer in 2011. For additional information, please call the Chamber office at (562) 698-9554 or register online in the Chamber mall section at www.whittierchamber.com.
Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast Features Jeff Kemp Jeff Kemp will be the keynote speaker at the 46th Annual Whittier Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast presented by Mayor Greg Nordbak. The breakfast will be held at the Radisson Hotel Whittier located at 7320 Greenleaf Avenue on Friday, April 22nd at 7:00 a.m. Admission is $25 and tables of 10 are available for $250. Doors open at 6:30 a.m. Jeff Kemp is dedicated to strengthening families and is passionate about casting a vision for a regional and national marriage movement. He has led Families Northwest since 1993, where he and his team network with leaders from all segments of society - business, community, church, government and media. Jeff and his father, Jack, are one of only four sets of father/son NFL quarterbacks. As he speaks throughout the United States, Jeff passes on dynamic lessons learned during eleven years in the world of professional athletics. Persevering through the highs and lows of pro football gave him a valuable perspective on life. He is committed to honor God with his best and use his leadership and speaking opportunities to strengthen men and women in the crucial area of family life. He is an inspiring and thought-provoking speaker, popular with Jeff Kemp large and small groups. This event is patterned after the National Prayer Breakfast held annually in Washington, D.C which is designed to be a time of prayer for our city, state and nation, as well as its leaders, and a time or rededication of individuals to God. The breakfast is always held on Good Friday before Easter. For more information or tickets, please contact committee member Sheryl Delgado at (562) 944-6325 or Jack Carmichael at (562) 698-3714.
Wake Up Whittier
Hundreds of Whittier Chamber and community members came out to thank and support the Whittier Police Department during the 13th Annual Silver Shield Awards Banquet at Pacific Palms Conference Resort. For more community celebration photos see page 9
(7320 Greenleaf Avenue • Whittier 90602)
April 13, 2011 7:30-9:30 a.m.
Herbie’s House of Health offered plenty of healthy and “pirate friendly” samples at the 2011 Business Expo! See pages 10-11 for more photos from the annual tradeshow event
APRIL 2011
This month starts a new year for the Whittier Area Chamber of Commerce, and I am honored to begin my term as your new president. As my first “formal” act, I would like to thank Dean Harako of Pay Advance Payroll for his leadership over the past year. Dean has provided our Chamber with clear direction over a very difficult period. His leadership has kept the Chamber focused on efficiency, cost cutting measures and fiscal responsibility while at the same time continuing to WOW our members with superior commitment, service and events. I would also like to thank our retiring Board Members Ginny Ball of Woodruff Properties, Russell Castaneda-Calleros of Rio Hondo Ben Greer, College, John Peel of Concept 7, Fran Shields of the City of Whittier GM Properties and Past President Cheryl Estep of State Farm. All of these individuals worked tirelessly and our Chamber has greatly benefited from their leadership and dedication. Thankfully, I have the pleasure of welcoming our new Board members Heather Crawford of Prudential California Realty, Eric Day of Credit Union of Southern California, Greg Gunter of Greg’s Auto Body and Ernie Hernandez of RMH DanceSport. Our Chamber is fortunate to have such talented and capable individuals willing to serve the Chamber and Whittier business community. Over the last two years, just as your business has been challenged by tough economic times, so, too, has the Chamber. During this period, the Chamber Board worked tirelessly to improve our financial health. Difficult decisions were made, and I truly believe the Chamber has begun the process of moving from “Surviving” to “Thriving.” Today the Chamber is fiscally sound and supported by a terrific and dedicated management team and office staff. I have every expectation of this being a banner year of growth and opportunity. I have made many friends and business contacts through my years of involvement at the Chamber, and I have enjoyed participating in activities that have had a positive impact on our community. Most importantly though, I have met people with whom I now have solid business connections. I believe so much in the value of the Chamber that I have been a member twice, first as the owner of a small business, and currently as a representative of GM Properties. When I attended my very first Wake Up Whittier (as the owner of a small business), I walked away that morning with three orders. During my first year in business, it was the connections I made through the Chamber that kept me in business. Today, as a commercial realtor, the referrals and support I get from my Chamber contacts continue to be a vital part of my professional success. I am excited and honored to have the opportunity to serve a Chamber that has served me so well.
This month marks the end of my term as Mayor. It has been an honor to be the only Councilmember in the City’s 113 year history to serve three terms as Mayor. As I reflect on this past year, I am a bit disappointed that the economy hasn’t improved as much as I had hoped. While we have had some challenges, I remain confident that the City and the business community will recover from recession. I would like to thank my fellow Councilmembers and Staff for all the hard work during this past year of reorganization and economic challenges. I am also grateful to the Whittier Area Chamber of Commerce for their continued excellence in serving the businesses and the City. Greg Nordbak, I would especially like to thank the Chamber Board and business Whittier City Mayor persons who volunteer their time by helping at events and serving on committees. The Staff at the Chamber has also done an outstanding job in helping to create a better business climate for Whittier especially during the recession. I would also like to acknowledge the Whittier Uptown Association on their pro-active policies and on the hiring of a new Executive Director. The Whittier Chamber and the Uptown Association do a great job of serving businesses and residents alike. While the past year has been challenging, the City continues to look for ways to help our residents and businesses. Last month, the City premiered a new, updated and user-friendly website. Whittier’s original website was launched in 1999, with the modest goal of providing contact information for City Council and staff. In 2002, the website was expanded to provide access to agendas and minutes of the City Council meetings, and to post City special events and programs. The technology used to construct the original site has long passed its usefulness and could no longer accommodate new technologies and methods of communication. This inflexibility did not allow the City to offer even the basics of modern e-services and communications standards currently employed by surrounding cities. The new website has ample features and capabilities to meet the needs of the community and has a new, fresh look that better personifies Whittier. More importantly, the functionality has been expanded to allow for more eGovernment services and access to City information, 24-7. Additionally, the new website features an enhanced menu system with multiple paths to content, including a “How Do I” menu which will provide an easy way to find key City services. I invite you to peruse the new website and we welcome comments or suggestions on how to improve it—www.cityofwhittier.org. I am happy to announce that the B.O.S.S. Program (Business Owners Seminar Series), co-sponsored by the Whittier Chamber and the City, has been highly successful. The program was developed to help business owners become more successful by offering business seminars. The series runs from September to June on the third Thursday of the month. The topic for this month’s seminar is Leadership, Team Building and Motivating Employees; a topic that is especially relevant during this down economy which can have a negative affect on the morale of an organization. The seminar will be held in the Whittier Central Library from 8 to 9:30 AM. The complete schedule of seminars can be found on the City’s website at www.cityofwhittier.org. Space is limited; please call the Whittier Chamber at (562) 698-9554 to RSVP. Last, congratulations to Whittier Chamber members Sargent’s Sporting Goods and Greg’s Auto Body for being selected for Businesses of the Month! I have enjoyed recognizing businesses and organizations during the past year and I wish all businesses much success.
Directory Updates & Changes Advanced Benefit Center Main contact: Diana Gonzalez • (562) 947-0625 RMH Productions Main contact: Rudy Hernandez • (562) 201-7595 The 2011 Directory is OUT! Please contact the Whittier Chamber at (562) 698-9554 if you encounter a problem with your information – thank you!
2011-2012 Board of Directors EXECUTIVE CoMMITTEE DIRECToRS President Gus Arriaza, Cartridge World Ernie Ceja, Vinatero Wine Shop Ben Greer, GM Properties Jin Chon, Immediate Past President Rose Hills Memorial Park & Mortuary Dean Harako, Pay Advance Payroll Heather Crawford, VP Administration & President-elect Prudential California Realty Sue Dean, Notary Signing Network Eric Day, VP Business Information Credit Union Of Southern California Leighton M. Anderson, Greg Gunter, Greg’s Auto Body Bewley, Lassleben & Miller Ana Gutierrez, Whittier College VP Community Affairs Roy Hanna, Shannon Gimbel, Shannon G’s Flowers Bright Plaza Pharmacy Home Medical Equipment VP Finance Rudy Hernandez, RMH Dancesport Center Jeff Ball, Friendly Hills Bank Norm Kirschenbaum, Tri-Cities ROP VP Marketing Terri Starkman, STAFF Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital Carol Crosby & Lyn Carty, Executive Directors VP Membership Jessica Schreiner Magdosku, David Krake, Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. Director of Membership VP Special Events Katie Galvin, Bonnie Watje, ACRO Printing, Inc. Director of Public Relations Amber Bookil-Lawrence, Bookkeeper Natalie Saenz, Event & Member Relations Coordinator Nico Garcia, Whittier College Intern
Whittier Chamber Business Focus
Official monthly publication of the Whittier Area Chamber of Commerce This publication is mailed monthly to all licensed businesses in the city of Whittier, all Whittier Chamber members and 4,500 Whittier residents in selected areas. Papers are also distributed via various community locations such as Whittier Library, Community Center, Senior Center, City Hall, etc. Total circulation is 8,000. We welcome comments, press releases and community interest stories. All submissions are due by the 10th of the month prior to publication. The Whittier Chamber reserves the right to approve and edit submitted material. The Business Focus is also an excellent vehicle within which to advertise! For current advertising rates, please contact Katie Galvin at (562) 698-9554.
Whittier Area Chamber of Commerce 8158 Painter Avenue, Whittier, CA 90602 (562) 698-9554 • (562) 693-2700 FAX www.whittierchamber.com • info@whittierchamber.com
APRIL 2011
Seminar Series Update: Leadership, Team Building and Motivating Employees Are slow sales sapping your staff’s morale? Do you want to learn how to keep your employees motivated in this anemic economy? Then don’t miss the April business seminar on “Leadership, Team Building and Motivating Employees” presented by Ms. Barbara Wold. Ms. Wold is an BUSINESS OWNERS SEMINAR SERIES internationally known speaker with more than 40 years of experience in Brought to you by the Whittier Area Chamber of Commerce executive and sales management, marketing and repositioning. Regardless of how many employees you have, join us for a seminar that will motivate and invigorate you and your business. Ms. Wold is one of retail's most sought after speakers and consultants. The City of Whittier and the Chamber of Commerce are excited to have her as part of the co-sponsored free business seminar series. Ms. Wold’s expertise on building business through customer driven strategy and maximizing human assets is in high demand. In an average year, she presents over 100 speeches throughout the country and around the globe. More than 500,000 people have been "wowed" by her informative seminar which has been presented in all 50 of the United States, as well as Puerto Rico, Guam, Canada, Mexico, Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Philippines, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela and the United Arab Emirates. The seminar will be held at the Whittier Central Library Nixon Room, 7344 Washington Ave. from 8 to 9:30 a.m. The free business seminar series is held the third Thursday of each month as part of the Whittier Chamber’s B.O.S.S. program. This seminar is sure to fill up early so RSVP to (562) 567-9320 and save your space.
The Whole Child Receives Whittier Beautiful Award In 1954 this organization began as the result of a study conducted when the Board of Directors of the Whittier Mental Health Association appointed a committee to study the need for services for children with emotional and behavioral problems. The results of the study concluded that there was a definite need for these services in the Whittier area and in 1957 they opened the Intercommunity Child Guidance Center. In the early 1980's this organization piloted one of the first child abuse prevention programs known as Growing Up Safe leading to the creation of the State's Maxine Waters Child Abuse Prevention Training Act of 1984, which identified school districts and center based preschools as appropriate environments for training of children, parents, and appropriate school district staff in detecting child abuse and neglect. In early 2005, after an extensive search and rebuilding period, this organization relocated to its current office space on Colima Road in an effort to centralize staff and provide more efficient services to their clients. In 2009 the Intercommunity Child Guidance center changed their name and is now known as The Whole Child. Since then they have renovated their space with a fresh new coat of paint, new furniture, and have partnered with the Lions Club to build a new jungle gym for their clients. This year their annual gala, Heart of a Child raised over $100,000 for their programming. It is for their hard work and dedication to servicing our community and furthering the efforts of beautifying the City of Whittier that we present The Whole Child with the Whittier Beautiful Award.
Chamber Board Votes to Support Whittier’s oil Project The Whittier Chamber Board of Directors took a support position on the Whittier Main Field Oil Project at their meeting in March. Since the Chamber is a business organization, Board members discussed whether or not they should take a position on the project. Ultimately the Board, comprised of 20 business owners and community leaders, decided that this project was worthy of their consideration and that it fit within the Chamber’s mission statement to “promote and develop the economic, cultural and civic welfare of Whittier.” “Undeniably, Whittier residents want to maintain the highest quality of life possible and in many ways look to the business community to help achieve this common goal,” stated Chamber President Dean Harako. “As we all know, many cities are struggling in these challenging economic times, however, Whittier has a unique opportunity to use its natural resources to better its financial position in a way that will positively affect our community now, as well as the lives of generations of Whittier residents to come,” he explained. As an organization that represents nearly 600 businesses, the Chamber looked at how this project would affect the business community. The Chamber believes that this project will ultimately benefit the entire community through • The creation of jobs • Providing desperately needed revenue to replace sales tax dollars from the loss of numerous car dealers and other businesses as well as the potential loss of Redevelopment Funds • Helping to create an image that Whittier is “booming,” which will serve to attract new business and activity throughout the City Additionally the Chamber believes that the City will receive indirect benefits in terms of sales by Whittier restaurants and other businesses to employees and contractors engaged in the Project. Matrix Oil Co. has proposed drilling on seven acres in the Whittier Hills and officials are now reviewing comments on the environmental impact report on the plan. Matrix has a proven track record in Whittier: they have been operating 25 active wells in Whittier and have paid fees and royalties to the City since 2001. Seven wells are currently being drilled safely in the Puente Habitat area. Revenues from the project are expected to be around $7.5 million per year. This additional income could be used for needed police and other emergency and protective services as well as infrastructure improvements and increased community services that will benefit both residents and businesses. “As a Chamber of Commerce, it is our obligation to provide information to our members so they can make their own informed decisions,” stated Economic Development Committee chair Ben Greer. “We respect both sides of the oil issue and encourage our members to do their own research by visiting both www.whittieroil.com and www.whittierhillsoilwatch.com,” he stated.
Melanie Bickley
Whittier’s REALTOR WHITTIER BROKERS 562 693-3757 x 24
APRIL 2011
2011-2012 Whittier Chamber Board of Directors EXECUTIVE CoMMITTEE
Ben Greer GM Properties 2011-2012 President
Dean Harako Pay Advance Payroll Immediate Past President
Leighton M. Anderson Bewley, Lassleben & Miller VP Business Information
Shannon Gimbel Shannon G's Flowers VP Community Affairs
Sue Dean Notary Signing Network VP Administration & President-elect
Gus Arriaza Cartridge World
Ernie Ceja Vinatero Wine Shop
Jin Chon Rose Hills Memorial Park & Mortuary
Heather Crawford Prudential California Realty
Eric Day Credit Union of Southern California
Greg Gunter Greg's Auto Body
Jeff Ball Friendly Hills Bank VP Finance
Ana Gutierrez, Whittier College
Terri Starkman Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital VP Marketing
David Krake Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. VP Membership
Bonnie Watje ACRO Printing, Inc. VP Special Events
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APRIL 2011
TAX TIPS Tax Breaks for 2010 Income Tax Returns Despite calls for simplifying the tax laws, they have actually been made much more complicated in the last few years. Year after year, there have been numerous tax changes that even some professionals have a tough time keeping up with. This filing season is no different. There are a number of new tax breaks for 2010 tax filings. Some are straightforward. Others are complex. Some present choices. But they all provide an opportunity to save money. Below is a listing of the key changes available for 2010 income Richard Scrivanich, tax return filings: Harvey & Parmelee (1) Roth IRA rollovers no longer restricted. You can now make a LLP qualified rollover contribution to a Roth IRA, regardless of the amount of your modified adjusted gross income. (2) Income from Roth rollover can be spread out. Half of any income that results from a rollover or conversion to a Roth IRA from another retirement plan in 2010 is included in income in 2011, and the other half in 2012, unless you elect to include all of it in 2010. (3) Self-employed health insurance deduction. Effective March 30, 2010, a self-employed person who paid for health insurance may be able to include in his self-employed health insurance deduction any premiums he paid to cover his child who was under age 27 at the end of 2010, even if the child was not his dependent. Also, health insurance costs for a taxpayer and his family are deductible in computing 2010 self-employment tax. (4) Small business health insurance credit. There's a new tax credit for an eligible small employer who makes qualifying contributions to buy health insurance for his employees. This credit is very complex but it can yield substantial tax savings. In general, the credit is 35% of premiums paid and can be taken against regular and alternative minimum tax. (5) Limits on personal exemptions and itemized deductions ended. You no longer lose part of your deduction for personal exemptions and itemized deductions, regardless of the amount of your adjusted gross income. (6) Personal casualty and theft loss limit reduced. Each personal casualty or theft loss is limited to the excess of the loss over $100 (instead of the $500 limit that applied for 2009). This yields larger deductions and thus greater tax savings for affected individuals. (7) Corrosive drywall damage. A taxpayer who paid for repairs to his personal residence or household appliances because of corrosive drywall that was installed between 2001 and 2008 may be able to deduct those amounts as casualty losses under a special safe harbor crafted by the IRS. (8) Homebuyer credit. An eligible first-time homebuyer (and a long-term resident treated as a first-time homebuyer) may be able to claim a first-time homebuyer credit for a home that was purchased in 2010. To qualify, the home must have cost $800,000 or less. You generally cannot claim the credit for a home you bought after April 30, 2010.
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Continued on page 8
2010-2011 20th Anniversary Season Tickets Now On Sale for: Aloha Series
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APRIL 2011
MEMBER SPoTLIGHT Choosing a Telecommunications Provider by Cicero Salmon III, Cbeyond Communications
What are the different internet choices and how do I choose? What should I look for in my communications provider? There are many available options regarding an internet connection but for the small business owner there are 3 effective choices: DSL, Broadband and T1. Each connection has certain advantages and disadvantages depending upon use and company needs. Here is a simple guide… DSL - Internet over phone lines PROS • Inexpensive • Options for increase download speeds
• • • •
CONS Speed fluctuates depending on distance from hub, data usage and the amount of local users (in office, neighbors etc) Not a private signal No regulation as to level of service Slower upload speed
BROADBAND / FIBER OPTICS / CABLE - Internet over Fiber Optics PROS CONS • Fastest speeds available • Not a private connection • Great for downloading large files, watching • Speed fluctuates depending on data usage, or sending streaming video, online gaming and the amount of local users (neighbors and in office etc) • Cost effective • Phone service over broadband can not • Can provide phone service with flat rates provide a set quality of service T1 - Internet over phone lines or fiber optics PROS CONS • No fluctuations in download and upload • For additional speeds, cost can become speed expensive • Private, confidential connection • High data usage in office can affect • FCC regulated for quality of service internet speed • Can provide phone service and multiple lines at reasonable prices What to look for with a provider? Customer Service – What are their hours? What options do I have to view my account? Do I have a specific representative? Value – Am I just getting internet and/or phone? Are they providing applications to help my small business manage cost or increase productivity? Are there additional services to help generate business? Service Agreement – Is the service agreement in line with industry standards? Does my service agreement renew if I make changes? What is my service agreement options regarding time frame? Every business has different requirements. There is no one service that is perfect for everyone. With the economic issues affecting businesses day in and day, find out which solution is best for your business. If you have questions, please call (310) 594 2670 or email Cicero.salmon@cbeyond.net.
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WHittiER Peckering Comstock
Carlos Manuel Haro, Ph.D., has been elected chairman of Beverly Hospital’s Board of Directors, succeeding Michael G. Fels, Ph.D., who retired from the Board in December after eleven years of exceptional service on the Board. Having served as a Board member for three years before being elected chairman, Dr. Haro is familiar with the mission and vision of Beverly Hospital and plans to ensure that the Administration has the skills mix needed to advance that mission. “I have been entrusted with a significant leadership role. Beverly Hospital is important to Montebello and the wider area it serves. There are challenges, but I am confident we will successfully meet each and every one,” stated Dr. Haro. With deep roots in the community, Dr. Haro understands the importance of building strong partnerships between institutions and residents. Raised in the Boyle Heights area of East Los Angeles, Dr. Haro and family have lived in Montebello for over 30 years. Dr. Haro has a long history of public service involving community outreach, organization planning and program development. He was appointed and has served on the committees of various State and local organizations. As a public member, Dr. Haro served one term for the State Bar of California and, as chairman for the Los Angeles School District Desegregation Monitoring Committee in 1981. He is currently President of the Montebello - Ashiya Sister Cities Association. Dr. Haro’s healthcare experience includes seventeen years as a member with two terms as Chairman of the Board of Directors for the La Clinica Familiar del Barrio. In 1990 the health clinic became AltaMed Health Corporation. An alumni of UCLA, Dr. Haro holds a bachelor’s degree in Political Science, a master’s in Education, and a doctorate in International and Comparative Education with a specialization on Latin America. He joined the faculty staff at UCLA upon receiving his PhD. in 1976. During his 32 tenure with the University, he served as the Assistant Dean of UCLA’s International Studies and Overseas Programs for eighteen years; Program Director of the UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center (CSRC) from 1975-1983; and Assistant Director of the CSRC from 2002 until his retirement in 2008. “Now I can invest my time and skills to help my community,” he commented. “ Beverly Hospital celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2009. Together we can look forward to celebrating it’s 70th in 2019.” Beverly Hospital is confident in the ability of Dr. Carlos Haro and envisions a bright future in healthcare under his leadership.
During the 2011 baseball season, Whittier Chamber Past President and Whittier College professor of religious studies Joseph L. Price will be traveling across the country performing the national anthem for more than 100 minor league baseball teams in 40 states. Locations extend from Manchester, New Hampshire to Lake Elsinore, California, and from Everett, Washington, to St. Lucie, Florida. His first stop will be on April 7—opening night for the Brevard County Manatees in Viera, Florida—and the final date will be on Labor Day weekend in San Bernardino, California. Price, who has written extensively about the intersection of sports and religion, has been a baseball fan since childhood. “One of my earliest memories of reading is of the newspaper report about Don Larsen's perfect game in the World Series in 1956,” he recalls. “In a way I sensed a connection between the perfection of his performance and my family's religious standard that aspired to perfection. If baseball could have a perfect game, I thought, then surely it must be good. At that point, I got hooked on baseball.” Already, Price holds the distinction of being invited to sing the national anthem for more than 30 Major League games in stadiums throughout the country, including Wrigley Field, Comiskey Park, Candlestick Park, Safeco Field, Dodger Stadium and Edison Field, among others. Price and his wife Bonnie will make the five-month trip in their RV, on which they expect to log about 15,000 miles. Throughout their travels, he and Bonnie will blog about their experiences. Accounts and pictures of their anthem venture will be regularly added to the project’s website, which will also provide the itinerary for the tour, a calendar of games and directions to ballparks: www.nationalanthemproject.com. “There are several distinct parts of the trip that I'm keenly anticipating,” Price notes. “I look forward to singing the anthem resonantly and traditionally almost every night during the spring and summer. In particular, I expect to enjoy the ambiance created by the different ballparks, meeting fans in various communities and observing how baseball serves to unify them. And, of course, I am excited about seeing the incredible panoramas of the American landscape.” Currently on sabbatical, Price will reflect on his travels in writing Perfect Pitch: The National Anthem for the National Pastime, a book on the history and performance of The Star Spangled Banner at professional baseball games. A 25-plus-year veteran of the Whittier faculty, Price is the Genevieve Connick Chair of Religious Studies and regularly offers a course on “Sports and Religion.” He is also the author of two books on the topic: Rounding the Bases: Baseball and Religion and America and From Season to Season: Sports as American Religion. He has also lectured on the relationships between sports and religion at Harvard, The University of Chicago, TCU, the University of Washington and Stetson University, among other universities and public forums.
Carlos Manuel Haro, Ph.D.
Sa Sp nta ri F Rd ngs e .
Carlos Manuel Haro, Ph.D
Whittier College Professor Joseph Price To Sing Anthem at Minor League Baseball Stadiums Across The United States
New Chairman of the Board Named at Beverly Hospital
APRIL 2011
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APRIL 2011
“Tax Tips” - continued from page 5
Wake Up Whittier These lovely ladies made sure to arrive early for some extra networking at the Whittier Community Center
Mayor Greg Nordbak (center) and Councilmember Owen Newcomer accept a certificate of appreciation from Whittier Chamber President Dean Harako for hosting yet another great Wake Up Whittier event
These singin’ students climbed out of bed to perform a song from their upcoming musical performance of “Annie” at Whittier High School
However, you may be able to claim the credit if you entered into a written binding contract before May 1, 2010, to buy the home before July 1, 2010, and actually bought the home before October 1, 2010 (9) Adoption credit. The maximum adoption credit is $13,170 per eligible child for both non-special needs adoptions and special needs adoptions. In addition, the adoption credit is refundable, i.e., you get the credit even if it exceeds your taxes. (10) Gifts to charity. The provision that excludes up to $100,000 of qualified charitable distributions (distributions to a charity from an Individual Retirement Account) has been extended. If you elect, a qualified charitable distribution made in January of 2011, will be treated as made in 2010. (11) Enhanced small business expensing (Section 179 expensing). To help small businesses quickly recover the cost of capital outlays, small business taxpayers can elect to write off these expenditures in the year they are made instead of recovering them through depreciation. For 2010, you generally may expense up to $500,000 of qualifying property placed in service during the tax year. This annual limit is reduced by the amount by which the cost of property placed in service exceeds $2,000,000. (12) Special depreciation allowance. Businesses that acquire and place qualified property into service after September 8, 2010 can now claim a depreciation allowance in the placed-in-service year equal to 100% of the cost of the property. Businesses that acquired qualified property from January 1, 2010 through September 8, 2010 can claim a bonus first-year depreciation allowance of 50% of the cost of the property. (13) Cellular telephones. Cellular telephones (cell phones) and other similar telecommunications equipment have been removed from the categories of “listed property.” This means that cell phones can be deducted or depreciated like other business property, without onerous record keeping requirements. (14) Carryback of general business credits. Generally, a business's unused general business credits can be carried back to offset taxes paid in the previous year, and the remaining amount can be carried forward for 20 years to offset future tax liabilities. However, for 2010, eligible small businesses can carry back unused general business credits for five years instead of just one. (15) Luxury auto limits. First-year luxury auto limits for vehicles first placed in service in 2010 are $11,060 for autos and $11,160 for light trucks or vans (for vehicles ineligible for bonus depreciation, or if the taxpayer elects out, $3,060 and $3,160, respectively). As you can see, there are many new rules for the 2010 tax filing season. You should make sure that you take maximum advantage of them. If you have any questions regarding the above discussed topic or any other tax matter, please feel free to give me a call at (562) 698-9891. Richard Scrivanich, Partner For Harvey & Parmelee LLP
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APRIL 2011
Diana Gonzalez celebrated with members of her staff at Advanced Benefit Center for her 10 years of service with the Whittier business
Dr. Safari and members of the California Dental Group staff cut the ribbon at the grand opening of their Whittier location
Longtime Whittier Chamber member Michael Delgado of State Farm Insurance gathers with friends and family for the grand opening of his new office located in Uptown Whittier
Community supporters and Whittier Chamber members gather for the grand opening celebration at Friends of Family Health Center in La Habra
Matrix Oil Working with Whittier
Dr. Elkin and the staff at Heartwise Fitness & Longevity Center gathered together with Whittier Chamber members and local health advocates during their ribbon cutting ceremony
Whittier Chamber supporters came out to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of Whittier Place Senior Living with friendly staff members and residents
It was nothing but smiles from local attorney Elizabeth Apodaca during the grand opening celebration of her new Outside In-House Counsel law office in Whittier
Hundreds of residents and businesses recognize the Whittier Main Field Oil Project as a safe, unobtrusive source of new revenue that will benefit everyone in Whittier. To learn more, add your support or request a lawn sign please visit: www.whittieroil.com
We are proud to be a longtime member of the Whittier business community and look forward to creating value for the City and value for the residents.
APRIL 2011
SponSored by:
2011 Bus
Norwalk Mo
Prospect Medical
Special T Water Systems
Visiting Angels
Whittier Network Conection
Whittier R Women F
APRIL 2011
siness Expo
Heavenly Choice
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Republican Federated
Massage & Skin Care
Residual Solutions 4 Life
Packages - Cruises - Tours - Honeymoons - Groups
WUHSD Career Connection
TASTY TUESDAY z Worth the wait! These Chamber members lined up for a deliciously authentic buffet during the Tasty Tuesday networking lunch at Portofino Ristorante Italiano
Portofino’s Nick D’Egidio welcomes Whittier Chamber Ambassador Susie Ausdal with Union Bank and Norma Legaspi from Banco Popular to the local favorite restaurant
Italian food makes everyone happy, just ask these Whittier Chamber members!
APRIL 2011
Kaleidoscope: CAPC, Inc. and Radisson Hotel Whittier’s Be O ur G Ou 5 Chamber & Silent Auction CAPC,Mixer Inc. & Radisson Hotel CAPC, Inc. & Radisso Whittier
On May 4, 2011 from 4-7 p.m., 5 local chambers of commerce will join together for the 9th Mixer & Silent A annual CAPC, Inc. Kaleidoscope Mixer. Called the Kaleidoscope, this colorful blend of five cities will offer chamber and community members five times the networking opportunities! Chamber members from La Habra, Norwalk, Pico Rivera, Santa Fe Springs, and Whittier will April 30th, 2009 4:00 all be represented at this year’s mixer. Each chamber will host a table providing information on Radisson Hotel Whi membership and upcoming events. City residents and chamber members are encouraged to show 7320 Greenleaf Avenue, W their city pride by wearing clothing that corresponds with the color of their chamber. Each chamber � Network with Chamber memb has been assigned a color: La Habra is yellow, Norwalk is red, Pico Rivera is blue, Santa Fe Springs the neighboring cities of Santa is green and Whittier is orange. Orange you proud to be a member of the Whittier Chamber? So be Pico Rivera, Norwalk, La Mira sure to show your Whittier Chamber pride and dress in your best orange outfit. Shop ‘til you with hundre In addition to great chamber networking, the event also features �hundreds of drop silent silent auction tables! auction items to bid on. Ten dollar Auction Board squares are available for thepurchase for a chance to win an iPad2 32GB with Wi-Fi. The Radisson Hotel Whittier, Café ‘n Stuff and � Purchase auction board squar fabulousincluding items to win other local food vendors will provide delicious appetizers for guests to enjoy, no-host bars. Entertainment this year will be hosted by Rudy Hernandez of RMH DanceSport � Eat delicious hearty hors d’oe and RMH Productions. compliments of the Radisson Cafe n’ Stuff and other local ve Businesses and community members can support this event in a number of ways. Even if you are unable to attend, you can still support CAPC by donating an auction item or basket from your � Quench your thirst at the no-h business for the event. You can also serve as a Corporate/Family Sponsor for $100 and receive � Be entertained by the fabulou signage at the event and in the printed program, or come with co-workers, family or friends to Bunn from TST Entertainment network and shop with us on May 4th! All the proceeds from the silent auction, raffle and Corporate/ Family Sponsors will go directly to supporting the services provided by CAPC, Inc. CAPC, Inc., or For more inf Community Advocates for People’s Choice, specializes in empowering individuals with disabilities call (562) 69 to maximize their quality of life through job placement in their local communities. The Radisson Hotel Whittier is located at 7320 Greenleaf Avenue, Whittier, CA 90602. For celebrating 25 years of additional information contact Erin Vega at vegae@capcinc.org or (562) 693-8826. individuals with disa See you at the Radisson in your best orange outfit!
SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011 • 6 PM
For More Information call (562) 945-9638 or visit whittierhostlions.org
APRIL 2011
CoFFEE BREAK Going Green at Work
Top Tips from www.treehugger.com Save-the-date! Earth Day is April 22nd, 2011 1. More Work, Less Energy Set computers to energy-saving settings and make sure to shut them down when you leave for the day ("standby" settings will continue to draw power even when not in use). By plugging hardware into a power strip with an on/off switch, the whole desktop setup can be turned off at once (make sure to power down inkjet printers before killing the power). Printers, scanners, and other peripherals that are only used occasionally can be unplugged until they're needed. And of course, turn off lights in spaces that are unoccupied. 2. Digitize It does seem a bit strange that in the "digital age" we still consume enormous amounts of mashed up, bleached tree pulp, most of which gets used once or twice and then tossed or recycled. The more you do online, the less you need paper. Review documents onscreen rather than printing them out. Send emails instead of paper letters. New software like Greenprint helps eliminate blank pages from documents before printing and can also convert to PDF for paperless document sharing. 3. Don't Be a Paper Pusher When buying printer paper, look for recycled paper with a high percentage of post-consumer content and the minimum of chlorine bleaching. When using the real stuff, print on both sides of the page when appropriate and use misprints as notepaper. If your office ships packages, reuse boxes and use shredded waste paper as packing material. 4. Greening the Commute American workers spend an average of 47 hours per year commuting through rush hour traffic. This adds up to 3.7 billion hours and 23 billion gallons of gas wasted in traffic each year. We can ease some of this strain by carpooling, taking public transit, biking, walking, or a creative combination thereof. If there's no good way to phase out your car, consider getting a hybrid, electric vehicle, motorcycle, scooter, or using a car sharing service like Flexcar or Zipcar. 5. Green Sleeves You might be amazed how sharp work clothes from thrift stores can look. If you buy new, get clothes made with organic or recycled fibers. Avoid clothes that need to be dry cleaned, and if they so demand it, seek out your local "green" dry cleaner. 6. Work From Home Instant messaging, video conferencing, and other innovative workflow tools make effective telecommuting a reality. If you can telecommute, hold phone conferences, take online classes, or otherwise work from home, give it a try. It'll save you the time you would have spent on the trip as well as sparing the air. Also, consider the possibility of working four ten-hour days instead of five eight-hour days (a consolidated workweek), cutting the energy and time spent on commuting by 20% and giving you some lovely three-day weekends. 7. Use Green Materials Pens and pencils can also be made of recycled materials, and refillable pens and markers are preferable to disposable ones. Use biodegradable soaps and recycled paper or cloth towels in the bathroom and kitchen, and provide biodegradable cleaners for the custodial staff. Recycling printer cartridges is often free, and recycled replacements are cheaper than new ones. 8. Redesign the Workspace Start with good furniture, good lighting, and good air. Furniture can be manufactured from recycled materials as well as recyclable. Incandescent bulbs can be replaced with compact fluorescents and there is an ever-growing selection of high-end LED desk lamps that use miniscule amounts of energy. Not only is natural daylight a free source of lighting for the office, it has been proven to improve worker productivity and satisfaction (as well as boost sales in retail settings). Continued in next column
Invest In Whittier’s Future Today: Contributions Sought for Chamber’s Educational Scholarship Fund The Whittier Chamber’s Education Committee is now seeking donations from the Whittier business community for its Educational Scholarship Fund, named in memory of Randy Basurto. Each year the Whittier Chamber recognizes deserving high school seniors from the Whittier Union High School District for their academic achievements and service to the community with a $500 scholarship. Each scholarship goes towards books, room and board or tuition for their first year of college. Last year the Chamber was able to award 3 outstanding students and hopes to increase that number this year. “These students are the future of our community. Many have indicated their desire to return to the Whittier area as business owners, teachers and public servants. It is our responsibility to invest in these kids now for the future of our great City,” stated Jeannie McHatton, Education Committee chair. The Educational Scholarship Fund is named after Board member and volunteer Randy Keith Basurto who died in 1998 of a heart attack at the age of 46. Basurto worked for HealthFirst Medical Group as Medical Operations Manager and had been employed there for 7 years. Chamber members and friends of Randy are encouraged to donate money to the cause. “The purpose of this scholarship is to both remember Randy with a program that he was passionate about and to support the youth of Whittier as they continue with their education,” stated McHatton. The following is a list highlighting the marketing values associated with different gift levels. Gift Level
◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
◊ Your business name listed in a special Scholarship feature in the July edition of the Business Focus ◊ Recognition at the May and June Wake Up Whittier networking breakfasts
Your business logo and name listed in a special Scholarship feature in the July edition of the Business Focus Recognition at the May and June Wake Up Whittier networking breakfasts Business name listed on the Certificate of Recognition awarded to each recipient Business name listed in the Chamber’s E-Newsletter
Anyone wishing to contribute to the Randy Basurto Educational Scholarship Fund can send a check, made payable to the Whittier Area Chamber of Commerce, to 8158 Painter Avenue, Whittier, CA 90602, or visit the “Chamber Mall” on the Chamber’s website at www.whittierchamber.com. For additional information please contact the Chamber office at (562) 698-9554. “Coffee Break” - continued from previous column
9. Lunch Time Bringing lunch to work in reusable containers is likely the greenest (and healthiest) way to eat at work. Also, bring in a reusable plate, utensils, and napkins. If you do go out for lunch, try biking or walking instead of driving. 10. Get Others in on the Act Share these tips with your colleagues. Arrange an office carpool or group bike commute. Trade shifts and job duties so that you can work four long days instead of five short ones. Ask everyone to bring in a mug or glass from home and keep some handy for visitors so that you reduce or eliminate use of paper cups. Ask the office manager to get fair trade coffee for the break room and make sure everyone has a small recycling bin so that recycling is just as easy as throwing paper away.
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Bend From the Knees - I can’t stress enough that you should always bend from your knees. I’m certain you’ve heard this a million times, but when you have to choose to bend from your lower back or from your knees, choose your knees.
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Hold Heavy Items close to Your Body - Once you have picked something up (from your knee) hold it as close as possible to your chest. Imagine holding a gallon of milk to your chest. Easy right? Well now imagine holding it at arm’s length. You will feel tremendous pressure on your lower back.
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Ice Your Sore Spots - If your back gets sore, make sure to apply ice 20 minutes per hour, 3 times a day.
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APRIL 2011
APRIL CoMMUNITY CALENDAR We d n e s d a y s i n A p r i l : C o m m u n i t y y o g a c l a s s e s @ F r i e n d s C h i r o p r a c t i c (6736 Friends Ave., Whittier), 6:30 p.m. every Wednesday. Bring a yoga mat or one will be provided. Certified Instructor: Rebecca Merlino. Voluntary donations accepted. Contact Friends Chiropractic (562) 698-1275
APRIL 2011
April 16 through April 23 : Hello Kitty Easter Celebration @ Heavenly Choice (534 N. Montebello Blvd., Montebello), 2 – 5 p.m. daily. FREE. Facepainting, balloons and treats. Contact Heavenly Choice (323) 728-2728 th
1 Annual First Day Angel Awards Dinner @ Whittier Area Community Church (8100 Colima Rd., Whittier), 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. Cost TBA. Contact (562) 693-0941 for more information 2 Aloha Concert Series: George, Moses & Keoki Kahumoku @ Ruth B. Shannon Center, Whittier College (6760 Painter Ave., Whittier), 3 – 5 p.m. & 8 – 10 p.m. General Admission $40 (a $1 surcharge will be added). Contact (617) 281-0404 for more information 5 Let’s Chat @ Whittier Public Library (7344 Washington Ave., Whittier), 7 – 8 p.m. FREE. Contact (562) 567-9900 for more information 7
97th Annual Installation Luncheon @ Fiesta Hall (12703 Philadelphia St., Whittier), 11:30 a.m. Individual ticket $35, table (of 8) $340. Contact the Whittier Chamber at (562) 698-9554 for more information
8 R i o H o n d o S y m p h o n y G u i l d C o n c e r t P r e v i e w @ F i r s t F r i e n d s C h u r c h (13205 Philadelphia St., Whittier), 10 a.m. FREE. Contact (562) 693-5516 for more information
9 “Beyond the Sea” 2011 PIH Foundation Gala @ Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Resort & Spa (21500 Pacific Coast Highway, Huntington Beach), time TBA, cost TBA. Contact (562) 698-0811 Ext: 14106 10 Whittier High School Alumni Association Educational Foundation Hall of Fame Dinner @ Radisson Hotel (7320 Greenleaf Ave., Whittier), 5 – 9 p.m. Tickets $75. Contact (562) 698-8121 Ext. 2010 for more information 13 Wake Up Whittier Monthly Networking Breakfast @ Radisson Hotel Whittier (7320 Greenleaf Ave., Whittier), 7:30 – 9:30 a.m. FREE for Whittier Chamber members; $20 non-members. Contact the Whittier Chamber at (562) 698-9554 for more information
Residual Solution for Life Educational Workshop @ TBA. Time TBA (evening). Space is limited, RSVP for more information at residualsolution4life@gmail.com or call (323) 219-4787
Restaurants & Revolution @ Whittier Public Library (7344 Washington Ave., Whittier), 7 – 8 p.m. FREE. Contact (562) 567-9900 for more information
13 –16 Scapin @ Ruth B. Shannon Center, Whittier College (6760 Painter Ave., Whittier), 8 p.m. Adults $25, seniors $20. Contact (617) 281-0404 for more information 14 Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting for Woodside Florist & Theresa’s Treasures @ (13860 Whittier Blvd., Whittier), 4 p.m. FREE. Contact (562) 698-9554 for more information 15 Half-Off Books Grand Opening and Weekend Celebration Kick-Off @ Half-Off Books (6708 Grrenleaf Ave., Whittier), 4 p.m. FREE. Contact Half-Off Books (562) 698-1934 16 Femme Chic Boutiques @ Adventure Park (10130 Gunn Ave., Whittier), 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. FREE. Contact (562) 587-2309 for more information
Eggxtravaganza & Family Faire @ Parnell Park (15390 Lambert Rd., Whittier), 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Individual wristband $5, family of 5 $20. Contact (562) 464-3350 for more information
Body Composition Analysis Event @ TBA, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. FREE. Sponsored by Whittier Fitness Network. Visit www.whittierfitnessnetwork.com to RSVP
AAUW Monthly Luncheon @ Radisson Hotel (7320 Greenleaf Ave., Whittier), 11:30 a.m. Reservations at $14 may be made with Susan Halliday at (562) 696-7395 or by email to WhittierAAUWreserv@yahoo.com
17 Scapin @ Ruth B. Shannon Center, Whittier College (6760 Painter Ave., Whittier), 2 p.m. Adults $25, seniors $20. Contact (617) 281-0404 for more information 18 “Winning the Battle Against Fibromyalgia” Workshop @ Friends Chiropractic (6736 Friends Ave., Whittier) 7 p.m. Free. Contact (562) 698-1275 to RSVP 19 Soroptimist International Women’s Opportunity & Ruby Awards @ Radisson Hotel (7320 Greenleaf Ave., Whittier), 6 – 8 p.m. For more information RSVP to President Mary Rawalt (562) 693-7395 21 FREE Business Seminar Series: Leadership, Team Building & Motivating Employees @ Nixon Room, Whittier Central Library (7344 Washington Ave., Whittier) 8 – 9:30 a.m. FREE. Contact the Whittier Chamber at (562) 698-9554 for more information 23 16th Annual Uptown Whittier Spring Antique Street Faire @ (13000 Philadelphia St., Whittier), 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. FREE. Contact the Whittier Uptown Association (562) 696-2662 for more information
“Stepping Out With My Baby: The Songs of Irving Berlin” Lee Lessack & Linda Purl Concert @ Ruth B. Shannon Center, Whittier College (6760 Painter Ave., Whittier), 8 p.m. Adults $25, senior & students $20. Contact (617) 281-0404 for more information
26 Tasty Tuesday Monthly Networking Lunch @ Chili’s (13580 Whittier Blvd., Whittier), 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Cost TBA. Contact the Whittier Chamber at (562) 698-9554 for more information 27 25th Anniversary Multi-Chamber Mixer @ Orbit Event Rentals (12061 E. Slauson Ave., Santa Fe Springs), 5 – 8 p.m. FREE. Customers & Chamber members are invited to help lay the Orbit clown to rest! Contact Orbit (562) 696-8875 for more information
Residual Solution for Life Educational Workshop @ TBA. Time TBA (evening). Space is limited, RSVP for more information at residualsolution4life@gmail.com or call (323) 219-4787
28 Simply Susie’s Boutique Grand Opening @ Simply Susie’s (14608 Whittier Blvd., Whittier), 4 p.m. FREE. Contact Simply Susie’s (562) 693-4939
14th Annual WAPADH Golf Tournament @ Westridge Country Club (1400 S. La Habra Hills Dr., La Habra), registration 11:30 a.m., shotgun start 1 p.m. Green Fees (+ Dinner) $125. Contact (951) 805-6901 for more information
Lunch at the Library: Dessert a la Julia Child @ Whittier Public Library (7344 Washington Ave., Whittier), 12 noon – 1 p.m. FREE. Contact (562) 567-9900 for more information
29 An Evening of Wine Tasting with “Friends” @ Fiesta Hall (12703 Philadelphia St., Whittier), 7 – 11 p.m. $40 per person. Contact (213) 393-3168 for more information
“Ribs 4 Kids” @ Boys $ Girls Club of Whittier (7905 S. Greenleaf Ave., Whittier), 4 – 6 p.m. $25 includes BBQ ribs (or chicken), potato salad and cheesy bread. Contact (562) 945-3787 or visit www.bgcw.org
30. 15th Annual Shelter’s Right Hand 5K Fitness Walk @ Central Park (6532 Friends Ave., Whittier), 8 a.m. Registration $20 before April 19th, $25 after; students $15. Register online www.sheltersrighthand.org or call (562) 696-6382
Denotes Chamber Events.
NETWoRKING QUoTE As a past Board member/Ambassador, and proud member of the Whittier Chamber, I encourage my fellow members to support one another. I recently remodeled my bathroom/bedroom and enjoyed giving my business to Aimee Phillips, owner of Uptown Flooring and Robert Reggio, owner of Associated Cabinets. My friendship with both of them turned into a delightful remodel as I didn’t have a clue about what I was doing! I also have to mention Curt James from Toyota of Whittier, from whom I have purchased 4 cars. He always makes it quick and painless! I am fortunate to be a part of such a giving and helpful community of businesses. We will only grow stronger by working together. La Donna Munier Friendly Hills Bank
APRIL 2011
ARoUND ToWN Local Group Recognizes 3 Outstanding Women for 2011 Las Distinguidas Award
Three local women have been nominated by their organizations for outstanding service to the community and will be honored as the 2011 Las Distinguidas at the Saturday, April 16th meeting of the Greater Whittier Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW). The lunch meeting begins at 11:30 a.m. at the Raddison Hotel Whittier, 7320 Greenleaf Ave. in Whittier. Patricia Almada was nominated by the Whittier Area Literacy Council where she serves as the current President, tutor and tutor trainer, and is also in Consulting Services of Whittier College and a volunteer for the Interfaith Food Center. Rebecca Eberle-Romberger, the nominee for Soroptimist International, is Director of Clinical Training for Intercommunity Counseling Center, Director of Student Counseling Services at Whittier College and serves as a volunteer for the Boy and Girl Scouts, and serves on the Board of Directors for First Day and Bridge of Faith. Jill Smith, nominated by AAUW, is a long-time member of the women’s group and serves in many capacities including President, Treasurer, Program and Hospitality Chairs. Her other activities include the California Retired Teachers Association, Secretary of LACIC, Children's Home Society and Alpha Delta Kappa, and has been recognized as Teacher of the Year, Master Teacher and Mentor Teacher. Reservations for the luncheon at $14 may be made with Susan Halliday by phone at (562) 696-7395 or by email to WhittierAAUWreserv@yahoo.com.
Soroptimist Celebrate Women in Action This Month
Soroptimist International of Whittier invites you to come hear the inspiring stories of winners during their Women's Opportunity and Ruby Awards. Helping these women and acknowledging what they have accomplished is a key element of the Soroptimist mission. The event will take place on Tuesday, April 19th at the Radisson Hotel, 7320 Greenleaf Ave., from 6 - 8 p.m. For more information or to RSVP, contact President Mary Rawalt at (562) 693-9498 or visit the website at www.SIWhittier.org.
Find Oldies but Goodies at the Spring Antique Fair in Uptown Whittier
The 16th Annual Spring Antique Street Faire is taking place on Saturday, April 23rd from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. off of Philadelphia Street in Uptown Whittier. Stop by and see over 90 antique dealers showcasing their unique and rare collection of antiques, collectibles, furniture, vintage clothing, jewelry, art, memorabilia, glassware and more. Enjoy ongoing antique seminars brought to you by King Richard’s Antique Center College of Appraisers. Back by popular demand is the 2nd Annual Vintage Dog Costume Contest where residents can bring their favorite canine friend all dressed up in their best vintage attire! For all the “foodies” out there, why not put those baking skills to work and enter the Apple Pie Contest? Winners of the contest will win gifts and prizes, compliments of various event participants. Enjoy the delightful dance moves by the Memories Swing Team and RMH Dancesport Studio. Don’t forget to bring your appetite for some good old fashion food from local vendors. Vendor and contest applications are available online at www.whittieruptown.org or call (562) 696-2662 for more information.
“Bike to Work Day” Pit Stop at Greenway Trail
A free “Bicycle Pit Stop” will be held for bicycling commuters on California “Bike to Work Day” on Thursday, May 19th at the Greenway Trail, Palm Park Trailhead, 5703 Palm Avenue. The Pit Stop will be held from 7 to 9:30 a.m. and will include free refreshments, prizes, giveaways, information booths and bicycle displays. Two local bicycle shops, G’s Cyclery and Whittier Cyclery, will have displays on the newest bicycles and bike accessories. To be eligible for the prize drawing, commuters need to come to the Pit Stop with their bicycles or bike helmets. “California Bike to Work Day is held annually to recognize those who ride their bikes to work regularly and to encourage others to give it a try,” said Fran Shields, Director of Community Services. “The City of Whittier is proud to participate in Bike to Work Day and encourage our residents to use a pollution-free way to commute.” Both Metro and the California Bicycle Coalition are offering incentives to celebrate the day. Bicyclists may pledge on-line at www.metro.net or www.californiabikecommute.com to be entered into a drawing to win other prizes. For more information on Bike to Work Day, contact the Whittier Transit Division at (562) 567-9480.
Whittier Hosts Spring “Eggxtravaganza” and Family Faire
Local youngsters may enjoy fun, food and activities – and visits with the Easter Bunny – at the annual Eggxtravaganza and Family Faire sponsored by the City of Whittier Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department. The event will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 16th at Parnell Park, 15390 Lambert Road, in Whittier. In the event of rain, the event will be rescheduled to Saturday, April 23rd. The event will feature candy egg hunts by age group throughout the day, crafts, face painting and entertainment, said Fran Shields, Director of Parks, Recreation and Community Services. Special activities will include pony rides, train rides, a bounce house and an obstacle course. Vendors will be at the event selling food.
Whittier Residents Encouraged to Learn More About Healthy Lifestyles
Whittier residents are welcome to attend a free Body Composition Analysis event, sponsored by the Whittier Fitness Network, which will take place on Saturday, April 16th from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Body composition is the true definition of an individual’s weight status. Only body composition analysis can determine how much muscle and fat are lost or gained. Results are presented in full-color, graphically rich reports. The test takes about 5 minutes total and donations will be accepted. Please RSVP today at www.WhittierFitnessNetwork.com for more information.
APRIL 2011
ARoUND ToWN Local Organization Looks to Raise Funds with Direct Mail Campaign
“Your gift makes it happen!” is the theme of Assistance League’s annual Direct Mail Campaign to raise funds for the group’s many philanthropic programs in Whittier. The mission of the local chapter of National Assistance League is to provide personal, educational and enrichment services to the community. All funds raised are put back into the community. The goal is to raise at least $25,000 for the group to continue its many philanthropic programs such as providing emergency dental treatment for school children who cannot pay for dental care. Another worthy program is Kids on the Block, a national program designed to create positive attitudes among elementary school students toward their peers. The puppet show performances deal with classmates who have cerebral palsy or other disabilities, autism, bullies, divorce and more. Other programs include Dental Education, Continuing Education Scholarships, Operation School Bell, Bookmobile and a Summer Reading Program. Checks may be sent to: Assistance League, P.O.BOX 386, Whittier, CA, 90608. For more information about the Direct Mail Drive or membership, please call (562) 693-6533. TM
Win the Battle Against Fibromyalgia with Free Community Education Workshop
If you are suffering from Fibromyalgia, you are not alone! The total cost to the U.S. economy is estimated to be over $20 billion annually. It’s not just chronic pain - studies show that fatigue occurs in 90% of Fibromyalgia patients, depression is present in over 50% and approximately 70% also suffer from chronic digestive problems. Learn the action steps necessary to overcome pain, sleep disturbances and fatigue for good. Featured workshop speaker is Dr. Yani Feliciano, Board Qualified Chiropractic Orthopedist and Wellness Advisor. Free booklet, materials and ProAdjuster Scan included for all participants. If you, or someone you know, is experiencing the debilitating problems that Fibromyalgia can cause, please call (562) 698-1275 and register for this workshop held at 6736 Friends Avenue in Whittier on Monday, April 18th at 7 p.m. You’ve got nothing to lose but your pain!
Community Yoga Classes Offered at Friends Chiropractic
Friends Chiropractic offers community Yoga classes every Wednesday night at 6:30 p.m. and all levels are welcome to attend. Learn how Yoga can help increase your flexibility, improve your range of motion, enhance your posture and much more. Bring a yoga mat or one will be provided. Certified Instructor: Rebecca Merlino. Location is at 6736 Friends Avenue, Whittier, CA 90601. Voluntary donations are accepted. Call (562) 698-1275 to reserve a spot.
Step Out Against Domestic Violence at Upcoming 5K Fitness Walk
Shelter’s Right Hand is pleased to present the 15th Annual “Stepping Out Against Domestic Violence” 5K Fitness Walk set for Saturday, April 30th. All Walk proceeds will benefit the Women’s and Children’s Crisis Shelter (WCCS), which has provided emergency shelter, transitional housing and other free services for victims of domestic violence and their children since 1977. This year’s presenting sponsors are Supervisor Don Knabe and Wells Fargo. The Honorary Walk Chair is Whittier community member and long-time WCCS supporter Ruth McFarland. Shelter’s Right Hand is the fundraising auxiliary of the Women’s and Children’s Crisis Shelter. Early registration of just $20 is available through April 19th. The entry fee will be $25 thereafter. Students pay only $15. Participants have the opportunity to register online at www.sheltersrighthand.org and click on the online registration link to download an entry form. The walk begins at 8 a.m. at Central Park in Uptown Whittier. The “Clothesline Project” and “Silent Witnesses” will be on display at the park, which will also be host to various sponsor booths, refreshments and an opportunity drawing for an iPad. For more information, please call (562) 696-6382.
Easter Coloring Contest Calls for Creativity This Month
Aloha Air Conditioning, along with their friends in the Whittier business community, are throwing an Easter coloring party! Pick up the official coloring contest entry form at participating locations (including the Whittier Chamber office), add your creativity and drop it back off at the same location you picked it up from. Contest entry is open to all ages and you can win amazing prizes like a Nintendo Wii! Entries must be returned by April 14th, 2011 and the top 10 entries will be posted on the Aloha Air Facebook page (www.facebook.com/alohaair). The entries that receive the most “Likes” by April 24th will be the lucky winners. For more information on the contest, contact Aloha Air at (562) 693-2553 or let them know at www.facebook.com/alohaair.
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7931 Sorensen Ave. Whittier, CA 90606 For more info, Contact Jill Gillette at (562) 698-0451
APRIL 2011
ARoUND ToWN Contestants Wanted for the Betty Boop Look-a-Like Contest
Applications are being accepted for the 22nd Annual Betty Boop Festival scheduled for Saturday, October 1st, 2011. Contestants should be young ladies, ages newborn to five years old, who would like to compete for the Baby Betty Boop Look-a-Like Title. Trophies will be presented to each child, as well as Grand Prize trophies for Best Look-a-Like, Cutest Baby, Unique Costume, Best Personality, Miss Photogenic, Most Patriotic, Biggest Smile, Friendliest Baby and Biggest Eyes, among others. Betty fans can find collectables, antiques and bargains from special vendor booths where appraiser Denise Hagopian will be on hand to appraise vintage Betty Boop collectibles for festival-goers. The festival is slated for Saturday, October 1st from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Montebello - Whittier Masonic Temple, 7604 Greenleaf Ave. in Whittier. Contestant registration is $75. For additional information, call (323) 728-2728 or visit Heavenly Choice, 534 N. Montebello Blvd, Montebello, CA 90640.
Local Rental Company Celebrates 25th Anniversary with Multi-Chamber Mixer
A multi-chamber event will be hosted by Orbit Event Rentals for their 25th anniversary in business. Orbit will officially bid their trademark Orbit Clown farewell in an explosive ceremony with plenty of special effects and surprises. The Orbit legacy began back in 1986 when founders Mike and Josie Gutierrez decided it was time to expand their Equipment Rental business by adding a party division for their daughters Michelle, Rachell and Nori. From the humble beginning in the corner of the equipment office, to their current location at 12061 Slauson Ave. in the city of Santa Fe Springs, the party rental store has more than doubled in size over the past 25 years. Customers were well acquainted with the logo of a cute clown holding a bouquet of balloons which could be seen all around town on the Orbit delivery trucks. In 2009, the decision was made to change the name from Orbit Party-time Rentals to Orbit Event Rentals. Along with the name change came the new Orbital logo in various shades of blue. It’s a great new look with the same stellar service, just without the clown. Plans are underway for a special 25th Anniversary Mixer on April 27th from 5 to 8 p.m. which will include an explosive memorial service as they lay the Orbit clown to rest. Customers and Chamber members are invited to share in the fun of this special evening. Please call the Orbit office at (562) 696-8875 for more information or to RSVP.
Whittier Chamber Member Hosts Free Business Opportunity/Educational Workshops
Do you use a cell phone? Watch TV? Surf the net? Do you pay a gas and an electricity bill? Do you realize that we can never pay these bills off? Would you like to learn how you can get paid every time you or your family pays these bills? There is a way! There are 2 informational workshops coming up in Whittier designed to bring awareness to business-minded, sharp individuals who wish to learn more. Workshops will be held the evenings of Wednesday, April 13th & Wednesday, April 27th and space is limited. Please RSVP to learn more at residualsolution4life@gmail.com or call (323) 219-4787 for more information.
• OPEN 7 DAYS • MON.-SAT. 9 TO 7 • SUNDAY 9 TO 4
57 FWY
605 FWY
60 FWY Whittier
Boys & Girls Club of Whittier Serves Up Dinner-To-Go, Seeks New Volunteers
The Boys & Girls Club of Whittier, 7905 S. Greenleaf Ave., will be hosting their “Ribs 4 Kids” event on Friday, April 29th from 4 – 6 p.m. The $25 meal includes a choice of baby back ribs (feeds 2) or BBQ chicken (feeds 4), potato salad and cheesy garlic bread, prepared by Steve’s BBQ in Uptown Whittier. Drop by for a dinner-to-go and help support a great local organization. Pre-pay for tickets to guarantee your meal by calling (562) 945-3787 or visit www.bgcw.org before tickets sell out! The Club is also looking for volunteers and mentors. A variety of opportunities are available to match your interests, time availability and desired location (main Clubhouse or Teen Center). All volunteers/mentors receive the training and support necessary to become a successful part of the BGCW team and Club family. Available Volunteer Opportunities: Front Desk Clerical Games Room Supervision Lunch Service (summer only) Handyman Coaching basketball, volleyball and soccer teams Arts and Crafts Workshops Cooking for Kids (snacks, meals, etc.) Mentors: The Boys & Girls Club of Whittier is looking for positive role models (ages 18 or older) who are interested in mentoring a Club member between the ages of 7 and 9. All mentors will be asked to agree to a three month minimum commitment, be able to meet with their mentee at least once a week for an hour and attend a volunteer and mentor training session. For more information regarding volunteer opportunities, please contact Susan Halliday at (562) 945-3787 x114 or email to susan@bgcw.org, and for interested mentors, please contact Suzy Chavez at (562) 945-3787 x112 or email to suzy@bgcw.org.
Heavenly Choice Invites Hello Kitty Fans for Easter Celebration
Heavenly Choice welcomes Hello Kitty fans of all ages to their Hello Kitty Easter Week kicking off on Friday, April 16th through Saturday, April 23rd from 2 to 5 p.m. daily. Enjoy face painting, balloon twisting and plenty of wonderful treats to munch on. Enter the “Spring into Easter” contest and you could be one of 10 lucky Hello Kitty bracelet winners! Heavenly Choice will be offering great specials on Hello Kitty Easter baskets, backpacks, purses and jewelry. Parents and grandparents are encouraged to bring the kids as this is a free event all week. Heavenly Choice Plaza is located at 534 N. Montebello Blvd. For more Hello Kitty information, call Denise Hagopian at (323) 728-2728.
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APRIL 2011
Thank You Renewing Members of the Whittier Chamber Agajanian Institute of Oncology (562) 698-6888 3 Years
Barsom Automotive Service and Tire (562) 945-2658 3 Years
E.Jordan Brookes (562) 968-2100 3 Years
Berry-Arnold Financial Services (562) 693-5566 1 Year
Hadley Tow (562) 692-3793 12 Years
Yellowbook USA (626) 549-2400 4 Years
Mathis Moving (562) 943-7885 3 Years
Oralingua School for the Hearing Impaired (562) 945-8391 9 Years
Royal Court Healthcare (562) 693-7701 4 Years Whittier Village Stadium Cinemas (562) 945-5271 14 Years Jessie Banando Civic Member Candlewood Country Club (562) 941-1228 9 Years Kay L. Wood, M.D. (562) 698-0533 1 Year Merrill Lynch and Co. (714) 257-4481 5 Years Whittier Rotary Club 9 Years
Frontier High School (562) 698-8121 9 Years McDonnell Group (562) 907-4426 11 Years Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Rudd and Romo (562) 653-3200 7 Years Battels Hardware (562) 698-3714 12 Years Bob Downey and Sons (562) 692-7214 30 Years
Pacific Palms Conference Resort (626) 810-4455 9 Years
Frank Hill Civic Member
Pacific Western Bank (562) 902-2292 10 Years
Hispanic Outreach Taskforce (562)789-0550 7 Years
Roy Chang DDS (562) 945-1149 6 Years
Jose Rodriguez Illustration (310) 739-4949 8 Years
Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital (562) 698-0811 52 Years Soroptomist International of Whittier 13 Years
Team Referral Network (714) 530-2138 3 Years Terrance Jones Professional Carpet Cleaners (562) 943-1733 5 Years
Credit Union of Southern California (866) 287-6255 20 Years
Vinatero Wine Shop (562) 464-9463 4 Years
State Farm Insurance Randy Clayton (562) 947-4795 20 Years
Cheryl Estep, LUTC, Agent Lic. #0D29004 State Farm® Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710 8022 Painter Avenue, Whittier, CA 90602-2507 Bus 562.693.7788 • Fax 562.693.6437 cheryl.estep.jroy@statefarm.com
TOYOTA & SCION OF WHITTIER 14577 E. Whittier Blvd. • Whittier, California, 90605
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Vincent Daigneault (Dain-Yo) Vice President - Wealth Management Financial Advisor 15141 E. Whittier Blvd., Suite 400 Whittier, CA 90603 Tel 562 907 4745 Tel 800 356 1333 Fax 562 693 1841 vincent.j.daigneault@smithbarney.com Citigroup Global Markets Inc.
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APRIL 2011
ART STUDIo Art With Sara Sara Meeker 13017 Bailey St. Whittier, CA 90601 (626)539-0695 sara@artwithsara.com www.artwithsara.com Sara’s philosophy about art is simple: art should be fun! Her program focuses on two main goals, which are to help her students develop strong technical skills while infusing their imagination. Without technical ability, the artist will struggle to properly express what is in their imagination, and without imagination, there is no fun. She has taken her 20 years of art experience and honed it into an easy program that teaches her students how to execute a picture from beginning to end. Her program takes the guess work out of art so you can unlock your hidden talent! She offers classes for ages 5 to 13, and adult classes from ages 14 and up. Visit her for just one art class and you will see a talented and inspirational art aficionado. Referred by Sandra Hahn, Crepes and Grapes and Jim Palminteri, Future Tech I
ATToRNEY Outside In-House Counsel Elizabeth Apodaca, Attorney (562) 693-5027 liz@outside-inhouse.com Outside In-House Counsel provides legal services to businesses and entrepreneurs. They assist with contract drafting, deal negotiation, business formation advice, collection of debt and employment issues, including hiring and firing decisions. They are experienced in intellectual property licensing and can help you acquire rights to use music or other copyrighted material, or the right to manufacture or use another’s patented invention. Elizabeth Apodaca is head legal counsel and has been practicing law for approximately ten years. They offer a variety of fee arrangements, including low monthly retainer fees, flat fees and lower than average hourly rates. No legal issue is too small for them to handle. Law Offices of David W. Pickard David W. Pickard III, Esq. AIA 7915 Painter Ave. Whittier, CA 90602 (562) 945-7500 d.pickard@aeclawyers.com David Pickard is an attorney specializing in representation for architects and engineers, contractors, subcontractors and real estate professionals. He is a member of the California Bar and is admitted to practice in the United States District Court, Central District of California. Before law practice, he worked as an architect and general contractor on literally hundreds of projects over a 27 year span. His project experience is widely varied and ranges from large scale retail and office developments to single family residential work. Mr. Pickard has also been active in both retail and residential real estate development in Southern California. The experience gathered in his professional life as a practicing architect and builder makes him uniquely qualified to represent architects, engineers and building and real estate professionals.
EVENT PLANNING A Special Event Judy Bradt Whittier, CA (562) 695-9570 judybradt@aol.com www.aspecialeventdecor.com Judy and Dave Bradt began A Special Event in January of 1992. At first the company focused only on balloon décor, offering simple balloon arches all the way up to a life size orca whale balloon sculpture. As clients, tastes and demands changed, they expanded to offer all forms of event decorations including balloons, spandex columns, fabric & light draping, chair covers, props, custom backdrops, gourmet candy tables and much more. Judy is one of the first to receive her Certified Balloon Artist designation. Judy has taught all over the United States, Mexico, Australia and South America. Let them make your next party truly A SPECIAL EVENT! Referred by Rudy and Maria Hernandez, RMH Productions
INTERNET MARKETING SaveWithSavvy.com Uny Cao (626) 539-6945 yu.uny.cao@gmail.com www.SaveWithSavvy.com Ever look at all the weekly grocery ads and think there must be an easier way to shop and save? Well now there is! Save with Savvy is a start up web company that provides shoppers a quick and easy way to compare and save when heading to the grocery store. You can build a profile, save customized grocery lists and compare prices all in the same place. So before you head out, remember to click, compare and SAVE WITH SAVVY! Referred by Alex Manriquez, My Social Calling
Simply Susie’s Boutique Susie J. Cruz 14608 Whittier Blvd. Whittier, CA 90605 (562)693-4939 simplysusiesboutique@yahoo.com
PARTY LIAISoN Heavenly Choice Denise Hagopian 534 N. Montebello Blvd. Montebello, CA 90640 (323)728-2728
Denise Hagopian uses her creativity to make every event better than the last. Her experience of owning her own business for over 20 years is what sets her apart to making each client of hers feel like they wouldn’t change a thing. She If you didn’t already know, Simply Susie’s Boutique has always thinks outside the box to make any event memorable. moved on the Boulevard between Mills Ave. and Gunn. The No detail is too small and no event is too big; she accepts the location may be different, but the wide variety of women’s challenge. Call Denise today to let her plan your next party. clothing, accessories and shoes has not: it’s even better! Shop PHoNE ACCESSoRIES Whittier by stopping in to see Susie and let her make you Phones For Less feel like royalty. From everyday dresses to formal gowns, shoes, jewelry, purses, suits; you are guaranteed to leave with Harry Gerges a complete outfit looking your best. Support Simply Susie’s 14824 E. Whittier Blvd. Whittier, CA 90605 today and see how glamorous she makes you feel. (562)201-7682 phones4less@gmail.com
Platinum Choice Marketing Javier Barrero (714)341-0314 javier@platinumchoicemarketing.com "We Bring Marketing To A Whole New Level!"
Phones 4 Less takes the headache out of going with the “big” guys to meet your cellular needs. They are an authorized dealer for Boost Mobile, Sprint, T-Mobile, PagePlus, Virgin Mobile, Verizon Wireless and AT&T. They can help unlock and repair cell phones, and contribute to the “green” movement by recycling old phones for FREE. They also have “worldwide” phones. Phones 4 Less is a one-stop shop for all cellular phone accessories: phone covers, car chargers, etc. The customer service is exceptional! Platinum Choice Marketing is a full multi-marketing & Referred by Gus Arriaza, Cartridge World advertising company that offers printing, template designing, web designing, event planning and many unique marketing PRINTING SERVICES packages customized to your needs and to enhance the volume of your business. They are a Christian based company Prizm Imaging and believe that through honesty, loyalty and putting the Gary Lu customer’s needs first, it will allow them to build healthy 1120 Coiner Court relationships in the beautiful city of Whittier. Their web City of Industry, CA 91748 site allows you to order marketing materials online at your (626)964-2628 convenience. Customer service is available Monday through gary@prizm.com Friday from 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. and you can also receive online www.prizm.com assistance through their website. Platinum Choice Marketing Prizm Imaging has been providing marketing visual highly supports all non-profit organizations that focus on education, art and programs that emphasize on helping the next products & services to Southern California businesses since generation move in the right direction. They look forward in 1994. They are a one-stop service company providing design, photography, printing, finishing, installation, fulfillment and helping you in any and all of your marketing needs. display hardware. They produce high quality large-format marketing visuals used in retail promotions, tradeshow exhibits, corporate communications, indoor/outdoor MERCHANT SERVICES advertising signage and more. You name it and Prizm Imaging can provide just about any marketing and communication Granite Payment Alliance, LLC visual to suit your advertising needs. They recently Wanda Behnke introduced their AD-Ease Window Advertising System; a 2121 W. Imperial Hwy, Suite # E110 proprietary system which allows the user to quickly & easily La Habra, CA 90631 inter-change marketing messages at any time, without the (562) 728-3460 need for a special (expensive) installer(s). In addition, the wbehnke@progpa.com graphics can be reused over and over again, saving money from reprinting, installation and removal cost. The bottom As a merchant bankcard provider for both merchants and line is their AD-Ease Window Advertising System is good banks, Granite Payment Alliance provides innovative and for business and the environment. Prizm makes sure that far-reaching technology, flexible and responsive service and no unnecessary material and process is used to produce the unmatched customer support. Their experience and history marketing visuals, thus eliminating unnecessary waste and in the card processing industry is a great asset in developing reducing cost. Why spend the money when you don’t need new, innovative strategies that allow their clients to stay in to? Call Prizm Imaging to learn more. the forefront of the payments industry. From a merchant perspective, their goal is to provide processing solutions that SKIN CARE work for their client, with minimal interruption in the day- Cecy’s Skin Care to-day service they provide their customers. They have the product and service that merchants want or need and are able to Whittier, CA make the transition from one back-end processor to another as (562) 201-8486 seamless as possible. From retail to direct marketing, lodging to restaurants, or petroleum to internet processing, Granite Cecy has been a licensed esthetician since 1997. She Payment Alliance has the solution. Granite Payment Alliance specializes in identifying the various skin types among women is the next generation payment processor, focused not only on and treating them with the most effective product to maximize providing merchants with alternative payment solutions, but their biggest asset: the face. “Cecy has been beautifying my also truly focused on helping merchant businesses succeed. skin for two years now and I would not go to anyone else,” says Esther, a client of Cecy’s Skincare. Spring is here and Referred by La Donna Munier, Friendly Hills Bank summer is coming, now is the time to take care of your skin and feel refreshed. Call Cecy today for a FREE consultation.
MoRTGAGE American Pacific Mortgage Derek Bobadilla 1740 Gillette Rd. Ste. 105-G Pomona, CA 91768 (562)572-7344 bobadillafinance@gmail.com American Pacific Mortgage provides home loans with great service, prices and people. Their commitment is to help you make informed choices about your financing options when buying a home. There are many different ways to finance a home, but to find the best option for you they must take into consideration your long and short term financial and investment goals, as well as your payment and equity objectives. They are a bank with their own guidelines, and they have the availability to search other banks that have different programs than their own. With over 10 years of experience in the mortgage industry, they are available to answer any question and encourage those seeking additional help to call them. They are also available on weekends. Contact Derek at (562) 572-7344 to set up an appointment. Referred by Karen Toth, San Miguel Apartments
TRADE SHoW EXHIBITS Skyline Exhibits of Los Angeles Jeff Johnson 10420 Pioneer Blvd. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 (562) 944-1677 jeffj@skylinela.com www.skylinela.com Skyline Exhibits of Los Angeles, located in Santa Fe Springs and Simi Valley, offers Skyline trade show and event exhibits to match any size and budget, ranging from tabletop displays and portable displays to modular inline exhibits and large-scale island exhibits. Skyline makes 19 different exhibit systems, including pop ups, banner stands, panel systems, fabric structures, truss and other structural, custom modular exhibit systems. Skyline Exhibits of Los Angeles is part of the global Skyline network of more than 1,500 team members ready to provide exhibitors expert worldwide service and support in nearly 100 North American design centers with representatives in 38 countries. Exhibit rental, graphics and service support are available from Skyline Regional Service Centers in major venues such as Las Vegas, Orlando, Toronto, China and Mexico. Make an appointment to visit their design center in Santa Fe Springs or Simi Valley.
APRIL 2011