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Life Lessons I Learned at Harvard
The Life Lessons Learned at Harvard
This year Who Cares? Scotland brought back it’s Harvard Summer School programme. With the support of local authorities and the University, we sent four Care Experienced students to Boston, Massachusetts for 7 weeks. Meg Tulk, 17, tells us about their time at Harvard and what the experience means for their future.
I decided I wanted to apply to the Harvard Summer School programme because it was an opportunity of a lifetime for me. Before I left to go to Harvard, I had several goals in mind. Firstly, I hoped to gain more independence as I would be taking care of myself without the support of my mother. Secondly, I wanted to educate myself on the culture of others and their experiences in life, whilst building on my social networking skills to befriend people from different regions of the world. Thirdly, I wanted to work towards achieving university credits and lastly, I just wanted to experience living in America. I am very proud to say that I’ve now accomplished those goals, some of which I thought wouldn’t be possible for me.
I was comfortable taking care of myself without relying on my mother’s support. I didn’t struggle without her, and I enjoyed being able to make decisions for myself. I was
also proud of myself for making (mostly) responsible decisions for the time I spent there as there wasn’t
any room to be irresponsible. A lesson well learned at Harvard was how to follow a budget. I have since learned how to spend my money wisely as my bank account has
Our 2022 Harvard Summer School students - Téa, Stephanie, Meg and Lauren.

Life Lessons I Learned at Harvard

been left empty after visiting the states.
I will never forget the connections I made with the other students. There were so many good people there that helped me through so much and they made me grow as a person. I will never be able to forget the memories we made together, whether it was studying in the science centre or getting lost in Boston. These people encouraged me to put 100% effort into everything I did, and they wholeheartedly supported me through my most difficult and trying time at Harvard. Without them every step of the way, I don’t know if the experience would have been as exceptional. They always made every day a little bit brighter, and I am so grateful I met them. Harvard gave me the opportunity to connect with people who I now hold more value to than I could imagine.
I was also able to determine what I want to do in the future because of Harvard. Due to the courses I studied over the summer, I have been able to narrow down what I’d like to do at university as well as the career I’d like to pursue. I discovered my passion for still life drawing, as I’d drew a lot when I had free time. Art is something I’d like to pursue in university as well as English or Art History. If I didn’t go to Harvard this summer, I doubt that I would have narrowed down my options this far. Harvard has benefitted me so much and I’m always
going to be grateful I got to meet so many good people, put my independence into practice and explore my options
for my future. In my personal opinion, this programme has shaped how I see things now and I’ve grown so much and learnt things I never thought I’d be able to.