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A Website Made for You
NEWS & EVENTS A Website Made for You


At the beginning of November, we launched our brand new and improved website - created with Care Experienced people and our members at the forefront. The launch comes at the end of a long-term rebranding process which has been going for over a year – since the creation of our new logo. The new site was created in direct consultation with members, staff, corporate parents, and external stakeholders.
The website is now far more intuitive and userfriendly. It is optimised to work on mobiles as well as computers and has loads of new features for you to discover, such as our Members’ Hub and Events & Opportunities calendar.
The Members’ Hub is home to all the information you might want to know about being a member of Who Cares? Scotland. It explains the three main themes of our membership: Reward, Shape and Connect to help make sure you know what our membership actually means.

Our Events & Opportunities calendar is a live digital calendar which shows you everything we’ve got coming up – from our national events, local groups, membership opportunities to job vacancies and volunteering opportunities. We can’t wait to update it with all our plans for next year.
You can also read blog posts and interviews we have made either by or alongside members, past and present. If you’d like to be featured here and have something you want to write about, get in touch with comms@whocaresscotland.org as we would love to hear from you!
The Members’ Hub is specifically designed for you, so get exploring and let us know what you think.
This is just one of the many new and improved parts of the new website. It also has a Helpline messenger service so you can get the support you need right at your fingertips. There’s a dedicated ‘News and Blogs’ section as well as a filterable ‘Resource Library’ which has our full range of reports, consultations and videos for you to browse.
With all this as well as information on our history, our staff and more there is something there for everyone to check out, and with the brand-new search function, what you’re looking for is easier to find than ever.
So have fun exploring! We can’t wait to hear what you think.