“The vital work today is to re-weave people and the land with the specific intention of creating a more resilient community, one that cannot be achieved through fencing people out but only through the far more challenging work of inviting people in.” — Peter Forbes THE NEED
Conservation efforts everywhere in the United States
If significant steps are not taken now to diversify
face a strategic challenge to methods, delivery systems
conservation groups — whose supporters are over-
and constituencies. This challenge has emerged from
whelmingly white and aging — who will support
a combination of factors including the changing demo-
these institutions in the next generation?
graphics of our nation coupled with the narrowing of
Many leading conservation organizations are realiz-
constituent groups for conservation organizations.
ing that to succeed and become the powerful force
How do conservationists engage with a changing
in American culture they can be, they must build
American public?
bridges, find common ground among diverse groups,
Demographers predict that by 2042 — in one generation—people of color will be the statistical majority in every metropolitan region of the United States. Today, 40% of all North Americans under the age of 16 are people of color. These demographic changes should be celebrated for many reasons, including that people of color have traditionally been strong supporters of conservation. But, today, conservation and environmentalism include far fewer people of color. How can conservation
September 1 1 – 1 3, 2 0 1 2
Essex Conference Center, Essex, MA Peter Forbes and Stephanie Kaza
$750. – $1,200.
will steward conserved lands in the future? Who will
We are committed to making all of our programs available to as many environmental and social change leaders as possible. Program tuition is determined on a sliding scale to accommodate individuals from organizations of all sizes. All of our workshop prices include room and board.
support bond acts? Who will support land use policies?
Group rates and scholarships are available.
groups adapt? What needs to evolve within conservation so that more people of color see themselves in the story of conservation? All of these factors beg important questions: Who
CENTER FOR WHOLE COMMUNITIES www . wholecommunities.org 802.496.5690
and unite ecological and social healing. The skills needed in this practice of conservation include story, dialogue,
intercultural competency, political agility and movement
Center for Whole Communities workshops are
building. The opportunities for change are an expanded
offered at Knoll Farm in central Vermont and at
membership, greater public engagement and under-
other locations around the country throughout
standing, deeper collaborations, more funding, more
the year. For a full calendar of our programs, please
legislative victories, and the chance to move beyond
visit our website at www.wholecommunities.org.
“landscape–centered” to “culture and landscape cen-
On our website you will also find our sliding scale
tered” conservation. This is the extraordinary opportunity
of fees. Through the generous support of our fun-
for conservation groups today: to help create healthy
ders we are able to substantially underwrite the
whole communities, while at the same time building
cost of many of our programs.
stronger, more resilient support for conservation.
F O R O R G A N I Z AT I O N S :
Today, those who care about land conservation and biodiversity are remaking themselves by partnering with non-traditional groups with allied interests. This workshop addresses just how to make those critical steps in focus, strategic planning, and on the ground innovation. W H AT W E O F F E R
Center for Whole Communities leads workshops for organizations seeking greater effectiveness or looking for new tools to help them catalyze broader change. We bring our faculty and curriculum to you and tailor our workshop to your specific concerns and goals. To talk further about how we can serve
In response to this need, we offer this three-day
your organization through one of our programs,
intensive workshop for conservation organizations
please contact:
and individuals to take a broader look at the strategic benefits of leveraging difference for future innovation. It is a chance to talk openly and safely about
Alex Bauermeister, Senior Program Manager Alex@wholecommunities.org 802.496.5690
how to diversify in order to maintain strong and current leadership and how to collaborate with facets of all communities, thereby broadening bases of support, developing meaningful new relationships and engaging more public citizens on the issues. You and your conservation group will explore and
About CENTER FOR WHOLE COMMUNITIES Center for Whole Communities (CWC) fosters
develop a greater understanding of the role of land in
inclusive communities that are strongly rooted in
shaping healthy and prosperous human communities.
place and where all people — regardless of income,
You will practice the skills most needed in this new
race, or background — have access to and a
model of conservation. And you’ll be familiarized
healthy relationship with the natural world.
with Whole Measures, a tool that will help you create
Founded in 2003, Center for Whole Communities
the most positive change possible in the communities
has earned a national reputation for encouraging
and organizations you serve. Whole Measures is the
new movements for change by working directly
first community-based standard on the ethics and
leader-to-leader to create the conditions, tools and
ecology of healthy, whole communities
experiences to foster stronger, more innovative
( see www.wholemeasures.org).
change-making efforts. CWC is based at Knoll Farm,
an organic working farm and learning center that
We have conducted this workshop for dozens of
overlooks the Mad River Valley of central Vermont.
private conservation organizations as well as state
Whole Thinking Retreats, Advanced Leadership
and county public agencies concerned with the land.
Workshops, and trainings are held at our learning center, as well as nationwide.
www . wholecommunities.org 802.496.5690