Directo or of Devvelopmen nt mmunities is a vibrant and d thriving org ganization bridging enviro onmental and d Center for Whole Com social cha ange movements, efforts, and networkks. We seek broad chang ge through b building stronger connectio ons between people, p land and community. We are based on a working orga anic farm in tthe Mad River Valley of Ve ermont and have h broad in nfluence thro ough our alum mni and prog grams across the country. We are also engaging in a transforma ational effort to increase o our capacity for partnering oader range of communitties across ide entity and diffference to pu ursue shared goals. Who ole with a bro Communities is a fore erunner in advvancing an in ntegrated pra actice of consservation leadership and n. community restoration eeking a high hly motivated d individual to o serve as ouur Director of Developmen nt. Our Director We are se of Develo opment will work w closely with w the Co-D Directors, Boa ard, program m staff and alu umni to proviide the leadership, planning and imple ementation necessary to rraise financia al support for our unique pects of our fundraising: f ffoundation grants, individ dual giving, programss. S/he will ovversee all asp bequests, capital campaigns and the systems to o make thesee efforts run successfully. This posittion is hands--on, creative,, demanding and gratifyinng. Our stafff is small, and d no job will too comprehe ensive or too specific for our o Director of o Developm ment. bilities: Responsib • Plan and coorrdinate develo opment objectives • Create C and manage proce ess of annual plan and implementationn • Sttrengthen and build on exxisting relatio onships with fo oundations a and individua al donors • Attract A new foundations an nd individual donors to thee organizatio on, including research, id dentification and a cultivatio on of prospeccts, talking to o and meeting g with prospeects, and su upporting the e co-directorss, board mem mbers and sta aff in their ap pproaches to donors. • Ta ake the lead writing found dation propo osals • Develop D and implement i individual givin ng initiatives • Oversee O mail solicitations to t ensure tim meliness and eeffectiveness • Oversee O dono or cultivation events • Manage M dono or database and a developm ment recordkeeeping • Supervise othe er developme ent staff, as appropriate a erience Ideal Expe • Demonstrated D involvementt and committment to soci al justice, co onservation and communitty building and other o areas th hat make up the mission o of Whole Co ommunities • Exxperience wo orking and co onnecting with diverse pop pulations and d organizatio ons – with a working w underrstanding of and a commitm ment to diverssity and equitty, cultural co ompetency, a and making m this wo ork relevant across a cultura al and socioeeconomic diffferences • Minimum M of 3-5 3 years of significant succcessful expe rience in raissing funds fro om foundatio ons and individualls, including maintaining strong s donorr relations annd bringing in n new donorss • Sttrong commu unication skills: ability to write w and speeak clearly annd effectively to a wide va ariety of audiences
• • • • • •
Experience writing successful proposals, grant reports, ask and thank you letters, and other fundraising communications Experience in working in growth-oriented organizations Two to three years’ experience minimum in overseeing department budgets Practical experience in successfully managing a development operation or significant fundraising department, including building and maintaining donor records, fundraising policies, and grant management systems Working understanding of and commitment to fundraising ethics and confidentiality Working knowledge of donor management databases – ideally Donor Perfect
Personal Characteristics • The ideal candidate will be a facilitator and manager with outstanding leadership abilities and interpersonal skills. She or he must have credibility, good judgment, honesty, integrity and trust, and be able to motivate others in a similar vein; she or he will be a team player who can skillfully coordinate individuals in order to accomplish program goals. In addition, she or he will be: • Committed to and enthusiastic about our mission and programs • Outgoing, straightforward and self-possessed; listens as well as gives advice and respects the abilities of others • Someone who shares information appropriately and honors confidentiality • Assertive, determined and confident, balanced with diplomacy, humility, and a healthy sense of humor • Creative, highly organized, and able to juggle work projects • Able to think holistically, strategically, and collaboratively • Self-directed and deadline-oriented • Versatile in approach to cultural, socioeconomic, and identity-based difference among codirectors, staff, board members, donors, and alumni Please submit a cover letter, résumé and a brief sample of your writing to:, with "Director of Development" in the subject line. This is a full-time position to be filled as soon as possible. We will begin to review applications on December 6, 2010. Compensation Compensation for the Director of Development includes a competitive base salary and a package of health and other employee benefits. Center for Whole Communities believes that one of the great strengths of community is the rich diversity of its residents in race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, marital status, age, height, weight, and physical ability. CWC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and is committed to a policy of equal opportunity and non-discrimination in employment and is committed to helping all of its employees feel safe, comfortable, accommodated, and valued in our work environment and the larger Vermont community. . Center for Whole Communities, 700 Bragg Hill Road, Fayston, VT 05673