Whole Measures: A Tool for Creating Change Join us at the next workshop: March 19-21, 2013 in Boston, MA! ABOUT THE WHOLE MEASURES FRAMEWORK Whole Measures is a framework developed by Center for Whole Communities (CWC) that offers a flexible approach to planning, implementing and measuring the change we seek to create in our communities and organizations. The Whole Measures framework helps us to understand how to plan and evaluate our work in a holistic way. When applied to a social or environmental change initiative, Whole Measures can serve as a foundation for a highly integrated, whole systems approach that effectively embraces a wide variety of values such as social equity, biodiversity, human rights, ecosystem health, civic engagement, and economic vitality.
Whole Measures is designed to: Create Alignment: Help organizations align their program priorities, decision-making, resources, and activities with values and practices that contribute to healthy, whole communities. Engage Dialogue: Elevate and inform dialogue – both within and across organizations – on the relationship between healthy lands, healthy people, and healthy communities. Support Collaboration: Create the foundation for more effective, reciprocal, and collaborative relationships, based upon a shared vision of success and common values. Guide Program Evaluation: Support the development of program evaluation systems that allow organizations and communities to measure impacts qualitatively and quantitatively over time. Measure Impact: Help organizations and change makers answer the question, “In what ways – positive or negative – do we affect the creation of whole communities? How can we measure those effects?”
ABOUT THE WHOLE MEASURES WORKSHOP The Whole Measures Workshop is a collaboration of Center for Whole Communities (CWC) and the Interaction Institute for Social Change (IISC). The workshop is designed to introduce the concepts and values of the Whole Measures framework within the context of a leadership development and collaborative change training. Before going deep on the Whole Measures evaluation tool, the workshop curriculum focuses on leadership practices that are required in order to effectively implement the Whole Measures approach. The workshop experience will combine learning the groundbreaking content of Whole Measures with the skills of design, planning and facilitation, transformational leadership, and the practice of dialogue.
In the Whole Measures workshop, you will learn the fundamentals of:
What it means to be a healthy, whole community Approaching your work from a systems perspective Embodying transformational leadership Convening and facilitating conversations that matter Using the Whole Measures evaluation tool Designing collaborative change processes, including answering these questions: What do we value, and what are the practices that advance those values? Who are the key stakeholders for this change effort and how do we involve them in decision-making? What is the ultimate goal of our change effort and what is the process we will use to get there?
After the workshop, alumni go on to explore how to apply Whole Measures with their teams and work initiatives, using the guidance of Whole Measures course materials, peer coaching with other participants, and, in many cases, ongoing engagement with CWC and IISC. The workshop experience is particularly well suited to those charged with engaging diverse stakeholders in a community or organizational change initiative.
Next Whole Measures Workshop:
Location: Interaction Institute for Social Change
March 19-21, 2013 in Boston 8:30am – 5pm each day
70 Fargo Street, Suite 908, Boston, MA 02210
For more info about registration: $650 (lunch and snacks provided)
Christina Savage, Public Workshops Coordinator, IISC csavage@interactioninstitute.org, 617-535-7157
For information about financial assistance, visit www.interactioninstitute.org/grassroots.
For more info about Whole Measures:
Registration: Go to this link on IISC’s webpage
Alex Bauermeister, Senior Program Manager, CWC alex@wholecommunities.org, 802-496-5690
About Interaction Institute for Social Change The Interaction Institute for Social Change (IISC) works for social justice and sustainability. We ignite the power of collaboration by building leadership capacity, fostering connectivity, and facilitating concerted action. About Center for Whole Communities The Center for Whole Communities (CWC) fosters inclusive communities that are strongly rooted in place and where all people – regardless of income, race, or background – have access to and a healthy relationship with the natural world. www.wholecommunities.org | www.interactioninstitute.org