Whole Living Journal NovDec15

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FREE Nov/Dec 2015

Decoding Dreams

7 Simple Steps

for Personal Growth

to Reducing Toxins

8 Holiday

Eating Survival Tips

Red-Hot Trend

Coloring Books for Adults

Celebrating Dr. Wayne Dyer’s Life November - December 2015

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November December 2015

Living Living Happy Living Healthy

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7 10 12 13 15 16 18 19 25

Decoding Dreams

Founding Publisher & Editor (2003-2008) Kathryn Martin Ossege

BY Laura Lander

A Colorful New Trend

Publisher Life Dynamics, llc

BY Lydia Hess

Nature’s Wisdom: Coping with Change BY Lisa Michaels The Messy Manger Second Assault

BY Jen Flick

Editorial Consultant & Contributor Heidi Bright

BY Karen Lillard

8 Holiday Eating Survival Tips Love the Skin You’re In

BY Margaret Marshall

Design & Layout Jon Robinson

BY Lisa Marie Rosati

7 Simple Steps to Reducing Toxins

Columns 6 EnlightenMeant Cartoon 20 Herbs ‘n Such 23 Intuitive Insights

Advertising & Promotions April Lunsford

BY Dr. Mary E. Pritchard

Finding Peace and Magic

by Kevin Gianni

Events Calendar Darlene Robinson Distribution Teri Dettone Kendra Koch Bev Fisher Mimi Tagher Francine Haydon

by C. Pic Michel.

by mimi tagher, L.ac. by francine haydon & patricia garry

Our Community 24 Community Spotlight 26 Resource Directory 29 Event Calendar

Editor Tara L. Robinson

Departments 6 Infusion Cincinnati 8 In Loving Memory 24 Breaking News

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Living W h o l e Journal


Letter from the Editor

Tara L. Robinson, editor@wholelivingjournal.com



dmittedly, I’m probably the last person who should be writing about embodiment. I’m a thinker, not a feeler. I identify with my mind, not my body. Okay, okay, these “absolute” statements aren’t entirely true. I’m a little more balanced than that. However, in general, I tend to be a head-type. In fact, Dr. Deborah Ooten was my guest on the radio recently and she had me pegged as a “7” on the Enneagram within seconds of meeting me. She explained a 7-type is a head-type, versus a heart-type or a body-type which are the other options in that particular personality typing system. She said she was drawn entirely to my head space, the rest of my being barely even registered with her. That was one dead give away. The other dead give away was my detailed analytical language. Apparently my use of the word “fascinating” was the key identifier in pegging me as a 7. 7s are adventurers. I guess we tend to see life as “fascinating.” Who knew? I certainly didn’t, but boy, I don’t think I’ve ever used the word “fascinating” as many times in my entire life as I did during that hour-long interview. Upon further research it turned out she was exactly correct, I’m definitely a 7. I’m definitely a head-type. But I digress, we were talking about embodiment. And therein lies the problem. You don’t “talk” about embodiment, you experience embodiment. Embodiment is a buzz word in spiritual circles these days. According to cognitive science and philosophy of mind, it is a word that essentially refers to the process of uniting the imaginary separation of the body and mind, with an emphasis on the role the body plays in shaping the mind. The official definition according to Merriam-Webster is: a tangible or visible form of an idea, quality, or feeling. In my opinion, that definition can be distilled to the notion that embodiment is the experience of a thought. The concept of embodiment played out beautifully at Infusion recently. The topic of the October meeting was “Who am I?” The evening’s presenter, former FOX19 television journalist Lindsey Wopschall, proposed that this simple-yet-complex question can be answered through narrative. It’s the culmination of our stories and experiences, Lindsey explained, that influence who we are. Her explanation made a ton of sense to me. I even had an ah-ha in understanding our personal linear timeline is unique to us, and since no one else shares our every experience, moment to moment, our story is who we are. Several of those in attendance began to layer in by reporting on their own favorite strategies and philosophies for answering the question. We talked and talked and talked about the question. The discussion was deep and thought-provoking, but we weren’t really answering the question. I suggested we try an experiment and, instead of talking about the question, share with each other by answering the

question. It was amazing what transpired. Suddenly, as oneby-one we went around the room, an authentic sharing of ourselves unfolded. Instead of sharing our thoughts, we were sharing something deeper. Something profound. We were sharing our presence, our literal “I Am-ness” with one another. And the answers were astounding! They ranged from ethereal descriptions such as “who I am can’t be contained with words” to “I used to be a boat on the water looking for somewhere to go, but now I am a lighthouse with nowhere to go, just shining the light for others to help them find their way.” We moved from a cognitive experience of turning over the question in our minds, to an actual visceral experience where each person’s answers seemed to enter our bodies and become a part of our own being. Each unique description of “I am” added to the richness of our own “I am.” We were actively uniting the imaginary separation of the body and mind. The idea became visible. The concept became tangible. The thought became an experience. Later, as I reflected on the happenings at Infusion, I realized that Ms. Mind herself had had a real life occurrence of embodiment. “So this is what they’ve been talking about!” I marveled. I now have a new relationship with embodiment. It’s no longer an elusive term for me. I understand it as the difference between asking the question and being the question. It’s the difference between thought and experience. It’s the difference between talking about the question, analyzing the question, looking at the question from the outside from all different angles, teaching about the question, and…answering the question, getting inside the question, experiencing the question, being the question. My wish for all of you this holiday season is an experience of embodiment. I hope that as you gather with your loved ones and share sacred space, you drop a little deeper into your heart, and then even a little deeper into your body. That instead of talking at your friends and family members, you experience talking with them. Instead of talking about the topic at hand, you become the topic and look at it from the inside. Can you feel the importance of what they are saying as it relates to their own world? Can you hear the significance of what you are saying as it pertains to yours? Can you feel beneath the words, theirs and yours? Can you feel your presence shift the energy of the room as you walk in, or when you sit down at the table? Can you be still and know? Here’s an additional challenge: as you read this issue of Whole Living Journal, see if you can sense the places where the reading becomes more than a cognitive activity and becomes an actual experience, the places where the words seem to come alive and inspire divine understanding. Wishing you a blessed and joyous Holiday Season,

November - December 2015

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Come Join the Brightest Game Changers in Town! Infusion Cincinnati is a FREE monthly gathering open to the public with discussions every month town-hall-style about living with passion and purpose. It’s like TEDx, with a spiritual twist. Join us as we explore how to live with passion and purpose, in the flow. Infusion goers are adventurers and (r)evolutionaries who get together to share aha moments and soul nourishment. The goal: shining powerfully together so we can light up this city! Each meeting includes music and a speaker to kick off the discussion. Then it’s open-mic and everyone has an opportunity to share what they think about the topic, or what makes them light up inside. What are your passions? What᾿s on your heart? What’s your ʽthang’? We want to know! Prefer not to talk? That᾿s okay, we invite you to listen and be inspired. In September, Lindsey Wopschall, former television journalist for FOX19, led the discussion and explained how we can answer the question ‟Who am I?” with narrative. Wayne Adkins joined us in circle and moved us with his soulful music. Infusion meets every 2nd Tuesday, 6:30-8pm. In November at Rohs Street Cafe, 245 W. McMillan St, 45219. Beginning in Decmber, we’ll meet at the Columbia Center, 3500 Columbia Pkwy, Cincinnati, OH 45226. Enjoy reading Whole Living Journal? You᾿ll LOVE Infusion! Be a part of the movement and let YOUR light shine! Join the conversation on Facebook: Infusion Cincinnati


Decoding Dreams for Personal Growth by Laura Lander


ave you ever been intrigued by a dream? Have you ever felt that a particular dream held some significance for you personally, just beyond your ability to grasp? Has a dream ever evoked strong emotion in you, even after waking? No dream dictionary can accurately provide the interpretation of the symbols you place in your dreams as well as your own subconscious can. You, and only you, have the best answers! Yet many times we find our dreams illogical, confusing, and nonsensical. We may intuit that there is some kernel of meaning for our waking lives, but feel clueless as to what the true nature and application of that might be. We are left with the question: How can we figure out and make sense of the hidden messages contained in our dreams? Answer: We need to ask our subconscious minds what the symbols in our dreams represent. It is helpful to think of a dream as the production of a play on a stage.

Writer/Director: The subconscious mind, in connection with the higher self, is the writer/director of the play. This writer/director composes the plot, the action, and the scenes, chooses the characters and props, and designs the set.

Audience: We (our conscious minds) are the audience of this play. We can attend the play and leave, thinking merely “Oh that was an interesting play,” or “That play sure didn’t make any sense,” or “I liked that play, it made me feel peaceful,” or “That play was really scary!” OR we can take the time to go backstage after the production and interview the writer/director about his or her own thoughts and intentions for the play. I share the conviction with countless others that dreams do contain both meaning and significance. My personal experience has taught me that dreams offer wisdom and personal guidance from our own higher selves to our conscious selves, that part of our “every day” selves that we acknowledge and of which we are aware.

Once you understand how to decipher the symbols in your dreams, you can cultivate the practice of tapping into this gift of inner wisdom. My book, Dreamwork: How to Decode Your Dreams for Personal Growth, presents a useful method of exploring dreams by decoding the symbols implanted therein. This book is most aptly described as a roadmap leading to inner discovery. It outlines a practical process based on the premise that, since dreams are created in the subconscious mind, it is that part of your mind that must be consulted in order to understand their hidden meanings. This book is in a sense a workbook. It describes a practical, step-by-step process of “cracking the code” of dream language through recognizing and working with individual subconscious associations with specific dream components. In addition, the book escorts the reader through a fascinating variety of examples of the application of this process in the analysis of actual dreams and the culminating discovery of their significance in the reader’s own life. Dreamwork: How to Decode Your Dreams for Personal Growth is available as an e-book or in paperback, through the author’s website, www.LauraLanderAuthor.com, the publisher’s website, www.Booklocker.com, and on Amazon.com or Barnes&Noble.com About the author: In her books and online writings, Laura Lander offers insight and encouragement based on a lifetime of personal experiences tempered with awareness. She also does freelance work as a voice artist and has a private practice in healing through massage therapy and shamanic work in Northern Kentucky. www.LauraLander.com

November - December 2015

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Father of Motivation

In Loving Memory of Dr. Wayne W. Dyer


ditor’s Note: We had just gone to print with our Sept/Oct issue when we received news of Dr. Wayne Dyer’s sudden passing on Aug. 30th. Interestingly, we knew we had included an excerpt from his newest book, Memories of Heaven, in that issue which had yet to hit the stands. Knowing that article would be circulating as if nothing had happened made it feel like his physical presence was anything but gone. Dr. Dyer appeared many times in Whole Living Journal over the years so we wanted to honor his life in these pages even though this news might be “old” to most readers by now. Hay House produced a special memorial event on Friday evening of the I Can Do It conference in Orlando in September featuring speakers remembering Dr. Dyer such as Marianne Williamson, Caroline Myss, Reid Tracy, Anita Moorjani and many more. The replay of that event is permanently available for no charge to viewers. Many people whose lives have been touched by the teachings and writings of Dr. Dyer have posted and continue to post messages on Facebook. In addition to the loving sentiments of his children, a very interesting photo taken by Dr. Dyer’s daughter immediately after his ashes were spread in the Pacific Ocean where a smiling face can clearly be seen in the water can also be found on Facebook. With the blessing of Hay House, it’s our pleasure to publish part of the official obituary here. We will miss Dr. Dyer on the physical plane but know he continues to be with us in spirit. Wayne W. Dyer, Ph.D., was an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self development and spiritual growth. He wrote 42 books, 21 of which became New York Times bestsellers, and this wide readership earned him the affectionate nickname of “the father of motivation” among his fans. Even though the self-help industry has seen many new thought leaders emerge in recent years, Dr. Dyer continued to be a pioneer in this ever-expanding field up until his passing. Born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, Dr. Dyer earned his doctorate in educational counseling from Wayne State University before serving as a professor at St. John’s University in New York. In 1976 he began his career as an author by traveling the country selling his first book, Your Erroneous Zones, from the trunk of his car—a book that went on to become one of the best-selling books of all time. Its success landed Dr. Dyer on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson—a dream of Dr. Dyer’s since childhood—a total of 37 times. After publishing a string of best-selling books on the practical psychology of self-improvement, Dr. Dyer felt a shift in his thinking that led him to explore the spiritual aspects of human experience. “My purpose is to help people look at themselves and begin to shift their concepts,” Dr. Dyer said at the time. “Remember, we are not our country, our race, or religion. We are eternal spirits. Seeing ourselves as spiritual


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beings without label is a way to transform the world and reach a sacred place for all of humanity.” In 1993, Dr. Dyer began publishing books with Hay House and quickly became one of the cornerstones of the company. “Wayne and I spoke on the phone every day,” said Reid Tracy, President and CEO of Hay House, Inc. “I will forever cherish our conversations. We began as publisher and author, and that relationship blossomed into a great friendship. That’s no surprise, since Wayne was always ready to connect on a deeper level with everyone he met.” Dr. Dyer’s second feature film, My Greatest Teacher, dramatized a defining moment in Dyer’s life, when he had visited the grave of his father, who had abandoned him as a young

boy. At the gravesite Dr. Dyer was overcome by inexplicable feelings of love and forgiveness. He credited this experience with changing the trajectory of his life. The date of this experience was August 30, 1974. On the exact same day, 41 years later, Dr. Dyer passed on. Despite a childhood spent in orphanages and foster homes, Dr. Dyer made his dreams come true. He lived to teach others to overcome their perceived limits and engage in their “Highest Self.” “I look back and I see that I was in some kind of training since I was a little boy. It’s like these experiences are all gifts, and that’s how you have to look at it.” Although he was public with his struggle with leukemia, Dr. Dyer was the healthiest he had been in years, keeping a very active schedule. His death has officially been attributed to heart failure. In lieu of flowers, Dr. Dyer’s family would like to encourage those wanting to show support, to make a donation in Wayne’s name to one of the following causes he was passionate about: gun safety, nonGMO foods, and education.





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A Colorful

NEW tREND are right, judging by the latest expert thinking. Though there aren’t studies specifically on the benefits of adult coloring, play is important for both adults and children,” Kohli continues. Coloring can act as a de-stressor, art therapist Saba Harouni told Kohli.

A Spiritually Minded Answer


an a colored pencil reduce stress and anxiety while encouraging relaxation? According to an increasing number of adults around the world, the answer is a resounding “yes.” No longer reserved exclusively for children, coloring books designed for grownups have proven a popular activity in direct contrast to the digital demands and stress of our daily lives. Topping bestseller lists for months, coloring books for adults are taking the world by storm. Featured on the “Recommended” tables at college bookstores and on Amazon alike, coloring books are appealing to a wide audience. In April, Scottish illustrator Johanna Basford’s titles, Secret Garden and Enchanted Forest, claimed the top two spots, ahead of Harper Lee’s much anticipated second novel Go Set a Watchmen and George RR Martin’s popular Game of Thrones books.

Preschool for Adults “The popularity of the adult coloring book seems to be riding a wave of nostalgia. Apparently, ‘preschool for adults’ is a thing that exists,” writes Melia Robinson for Business Insider. ‟The appetite [for the books] is simply enormous,” Basford told The Guardian. ‟I reckon people are taking their kids’ pictures off the fridge and replacing them with their own.” Sonali Kohli, a writer for Quartz, says “There seems to have been, before now, some embarrassment attached to the notion that an adult might enjoy an activity as childish as coloring. Publishers behind these books have skirted that by marketing these books with health-based justifications and scientific evidence about the benefits of coloring.” ‟Selling the anti-stress angle gave people permission to enjoy something they might have felt was quite childish,” one publisher’s spokeswoman told the Guardian in April. ‟Many adult colorists have latched onto the idea that coloring promotes mindfulness, and can help reduce stress. They


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Graphic designer and illustrator, Lydia Hess, is joining this elite group of artists leading the current rage and offers a spiritually minded answer to the red-hot trend. Hess recently released two spiritually minded coloring books, Sacred Nature: Coloring Experiences for the Mystical and Magical (HarperOne October 2015) and Sacred Symbols: Coloring Experiences for the Mystical and Magical (HarperOne October 2015), which her publisher HarperElixir is dubbing “Coloring Books for the Soul.” Created for spiritual and spiritually minded adults, these coloring books are designed specifically to appeal to the spirituality market. These aptly themed coloring books invite their users to unleash creativity and connect with the spirit. With images ranging from flora and fauna in Sacred Nature, and mandalas to sacred geometry in Sacred Symbols, readers are offered an outline for their own imagination, incorporating the mysticism of magic and the natural world. Each of the 50 black and white colorable illustrations in both books are accompanied by wisdom words (e.g. “Awaken,” “Transform,” “Eternity”), imbuing the playfulness of coloring with the positive intentions of the expressions themselves. Offering more than just a means to pass the time, the wisdom words create an outlet for stress relief that is not a distraction from the world, but an invitation to engage with it through mindfulness. “Coloring Books for the Soul are a unique addition to the rapidly growing adult coloring book category,” said Claudia Riemer Boutote, Senior Vice President and Publisher of HarperElixir. “The sacred elements of nature and mystical symbols illustrated in Lydia Hess’s unique scratchboard-montage style provide a creative outlet for adults to replace stress and anxiety with imaginative, inspired expression and a soul nourishing experience.” These books make great gift ideas for the holidays.




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Nature’s Wisdom

Coping Constant Change with

by Lisa Michaels


he elements of creation - Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Spirit - are extremely powerful forces. They teach us how to apply their energies for creation and help us know what to do with them should we experience stress or loss. While they can assist us in the creation of beauty, magnificence, success, and creative expression, it’s important to remember that these same forces are also the forces of destruction. A forest fire is a good example. At first, it seems devastating, but a forest fire also creates beautiful new life when the seedlings repopulate what was once burned out. Imagine losing something (a job) or someone (by death or divorce) and how it changes one’s life. Or perhaps one experiences an actual elementally destructive force such as earthquake, flood, or fire. They probably want to know how to heal from that experience and be able to redirect his or her energy toward creation. In ordinary times, the natural flow of constant change in our lives is gradual and often barely noticed. For instance, the subtle physical changes associated with life are barely noticeable - going from our 30s to our 40s, the move from one home to another, or from one season to the next. We usually flow through these changes or similar ones without giving them much attention. We experience the loss, heal, and then go on with life. We know instinctively and from experience that the nature of life around us constantly moves and expresses in rhythms and cycles. What shakes our trust, comfort, and security is sudden change. Walking into the office one day to learn we don’t have a job anymore. A mate delivering divorce papers when s/he hasn't discussed it with us. An accident or event that abruptly changes our lives. Or finding ourselves in the middle of a natural disaster. It’s one thing when we want a change—to release what we are ready to let go of—but to be suddenly thrust by an external force into a vast expanse of change can bring all our human vulnerabilities to the surface. In those moments, we can draw on all the inner gifts and resources we have to help us. Our ability to create success in life isn’t just about actively directing the forces of creation from a powerful internal position, although that is essential.


Living W h o l e Journal

We also need the ability to manage and respond to cycles of change in the world around us with as much grace, love, and compassion as possible. Interestingly, the elemental forces can help us do just that. Each element (Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Spirit) develops our core strength in powerful ways that can assist us in directing the energy of creation in our lives as well as supporting our ability to manage external events. Discovering how each one functions and learning to work with their tools can help us navigate when we find ourselves in a sea of change. Just as Earth’s seasons turn and change, we learn from Nature that our lives, too, follow this same rhythm of constant transformation. Sometimes the shifts in life express in a subtle and gradual change and sometimes they are quick and full of impact. Yet the undercurrent of motion keeps the energy turning. Nature exists in a constant state of creating the new and letting go of the old. So when it comes to the next level of creating our lives, we can ask ourselves, “What do I need to let go of—and what new things do I need to experience—to align with my greatest good now?” As we listen to the elements, we will get a feel for which ones are easier for us to work with and which ones we need to give additional attention. As we increase our ability to work with each of the elemental forces, we will discover the type of energy each one needs at any particular time. They may need clearing, nurturing, or enlivening in order to create a rich unified field of creation in which to plant our dreams and desires to stay in harmony with the natural flow of life.

About the author: Best-selling author and creation coach Lisa Michaels teaches conscious alignment with nature to help visionary leaders dynamically increase their intuition and creation abilities. Her products and trainings have helped thousands successfully propel their personal and business lives forward. Download your free “Creation Secrets” starter kit at www.lisa-michaels.com


The Messy


by Jen Flick


he holidays are messy. Let’s face it, in the midst of what is marketed to be the most joyful time of year, the vast majority of us feel trapped inside a pressure cooker. We take our everyday stressful ingredients and add to them unrealistic wish lists, annoying relatives, irritating coworkers, and obligatory “festivities.” Our already cramped schedules are squeezed even more tightly. We’re constantly chasing the clock, begging for more time, while being faced with the reality of actually having less of it. Just like that pressure pot on the stove, our internal siren heats up and its voice prepares to scream, “I’m going to blow!” It’s during these high intensity moments that I like to consider my viewpoint of the manger scene. Defined in Christianity as The Savior, and described within other religious framework as A Master Way Shower, I turn to Jesus Christ and the story of his birth to help guide me through the roughest times of the holiday frenzy. Instead of picturing the traditional manger scene with calm, adoring parents and a brilliant star cascading its light on the moment, I see the setting through a different lens. From the very beginning, the moment of his birth, Jesus showed us that life will be messy. In today’s society, we take great care to birth our babies in the most sterile environments possible. I can’t imagine anything messier than giving birth to a child in a stable filled with barn animals. Blessed Mary had to wrap her precious newborn in whatever cloths were available to her. Considering her trek to Bethlehem on a donkey, I don’t imagine infant Jesus was swaddled in the most desirable

materials. Dear Joseph, too, had to endure the sure heartache of not being able to secure proper lodging for his pregnant wife who was in desperate need of shelter. Tiny baby Jesus didn’t have a comfortable, safety tested crib cradling him. Instead, he likely was wrapped in dusty, dingy rags and rested on a bed of straw surrounded by manure. Surely, it was very, very messy. And yet, undoubtedly there was joy. Anyone who’s been in the presence of a newborn knows they are a direct conduit to bliss. The epitome of purity, innocence, and openness, newborns transport us from everything messy in our lives to a state of wonderment and awe. They are the ultimate example of a clean slate, of life being fresh and new and precious. I can believe with certainty that in the midst of the manger’s messiness, there was also absolute, true joy. Through his birth, Jesus shows me that I too can look beyond the messiness of the circumstances and find a conduit to joy. I can take a breath, reprioritize and clean my energetic slate. I can count my blessings and rejoice over the preciousness of life. All of it – the neat and easy and the messy. If the Holy Family can handle the scene in the stable, surely I can tend to my holiday steamer on the stove. About the author: Jen Flick is a bestselling author and inspirational speaker. To receive her free ebook 7 Keys to Activate Your Joy, read her blog, and learn more about Jen, please visit www.jenflick.com.

November - December 2015

Living W h o l e Journal


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Second Assault A Soul Survivor Story by Karen Lillard


e can have little impact on behaviors we do not acknowledge within ourselves or as a community. On November 8th, 2014, I awoke to a loud pop in the dark and a large man in my room. I screamed. He told me to shut up. He told me he had been watching me and that I had not been paying attention. He also told me that if I called the police he would know it. He was right, I had not been paying attention. I was caught in a terrifying nightmare...this never really happens, right? At least, not to me. Except it does and it did. I was sexually assaulted. I prayed to everyone and anything in that moment. My prayers worked. I survived. I called the police. I refused to feel at fault. I talked about what happened. I cried. I discovered what PTSD really is. I did not follow the advice of others to get a gun or a dog. I refused to leave my home and live in fear. I followed the case through. My attacker was arrested, confessed and was sentenced to eight years in prison. I embraced early on that this could be a catalyst in my life. I felt blessed to escape serious injury or death. Immediately, I made note of what could have happened and what did not. Whenever anything happens to me, or for me, I take it as a lesson, a message, a blessing. The message that I was not ‟paying attention” hit me like a bolt of lightning. I am paying attention now. I now see that a second assault is delivered in the form of negative reactions, disbelief, blame and shame, from police, friends and family members. Second assault lives in the unwillingness or inability to talk about trauma and fear, even with those closest to you. Often, when ‘bad’ things happen within the course of our daily lives, many of us are unable to discuss it and give or receive empathy and understanding. It is my intent to open the discussion through sharing my personal experience, and the art that came out of it. It is my belief that keeping these assaults in the dark ensures their ex-

istence in our society, and gives them power over us. I encourage you to consider what it is you are not comfortable talking about. Healing is an internal process we do for ourselves which restores the balance and harmony to the body, mind and spirit. Healing activities are essential when negative influences encompass our lives. Healing can come to us through many avenues, such as... Transparency: Tell your story with your whole heart. Vulnerability: Lean into the discomfort. Vulnerability is necessary for healing. Embracing Fears: We don’t just ‟get past” our fears. Face your fear, sit with it. Become familiar with it and embrace it. Embracing Reality: Come to terms with the reality that your life is changed forever. Finding Power: Love yourself and find growth opportunities in the midst of your experience. Determination: Shake the dust off of your wings, wipe the tears from your eyes. There is time to make something beautiful out of everything. About the author: A year ago, Karen Lillard became a survivor of a home invasion and sexual assault. She has turned this experience into one of creation and healing through her work; which has evolved since that day. Her focus is now sharing the story of healing through art, art therapy, and giving voice to the power of creating your way through anything. * The link included here is a video that has been made for the purpose of attracting sponsorship and funding to make the Soul Survivor Exhibit real. Please take 10 minutes to watch and share with a survivor you know. YouTube - Soul Survivor - https://youtu.be/FRR7A10hBAE

November - December 2015

Living W h o l e Journal


8 Holiday Eating

Survival Tips by Margaret Marshall


he last six weeks of each year are the weeks most people overeat and feel out of control. They… just…keep…eating; waiting for January 1st when they will breathe a sigh of relief that the holiday season is past and can activate their resolutions about making healthier choices. These six weeks are full of traditions, holidays, parties, office gatherings, alcohol, and food. You can be the one this year to manage all these celebrations while enjoying the festivities of the season. You can learn how to enjoy all the holidays offer, including your favorite traditions and special holiday food. And there will be no need for regret when it’s over. Here are eight holiday eating survival tips:

with your guests. If the food is not removed, and it is too challenging to look at it, remove yourself. Get up and get some air.

6. Listen to Your Body - Listen to your breathing. When you sigh or begin to breathe a little deeper, your body has had enough to eat. Listen to the message your body is sending and let it guide you to realizing when you’ve had enough. 7. Create Traditions of Movement - Plan some family events around physical activities. Stop collecting calories and start burning them.

1. Rate Your Food - Rate all holiday foods from 1 to

8. Eat Normal Between Holiday Gatherings-

10, ten being your favorite. Eat only your 8s, 9s and 10s, leaving out all foods you do not rate highly. Food rated under an 8 should be food that is mediocre to you, or food that you can have any other time during the year. On different days you’ll be faced with different options, so a particular food you rate one time a 9 may be rated a 6 on another day. Keep the rating system in your head, and eat what you want.

After the holiday, never cut back on daily eating to compensate. This pattern always leads to overeating. Eat regularly each day between holidays and party days.

2. Choose Smart Portions - Portion control is vital, even if it is your absolute favorite food. Put a smart portion on your plate, eat it slowly and savor it. 3. See Your Plate - While you fill your plate, keep in

In the heart of the holiday season, when time is at a premium, take some precious time to consider your needs. You want the holidays to be memorable for those you love, but remember to make it memorable for yourself as well. Be as generous to yourself as you are to others. When you care for yourself, you’ll enjoy the season without wishing for a quick ending. At each holiday party and meal it’s not what is on the table that matters. It’s who is at the table that’s important.

mind to see your plate. You should see that food is not piled on your plate, does not overlap, and the design on your plate is visible. Seeing your plate can stop you from overeating.

4. Don’t Eat for Others - Take only the food you want, not what others think you should eat or “taste.” If you eat what you want, plus what others want you to eat, you’ll not only gain your weight but their weight too.

5. Remove the Temptation - As the end of the meal approaches, remove platters of challenging food away from you, allowing you to sit comfortably and enjoy conversation


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About the author: Margaret Marshall, The Healthy Living Expert, is an articulate communicator who is interviewed on national and local TV. She presents wellness programs at higher learning institutions, corporate functions, and women’s organizations. She is the author of Body, Mind, & Mouth and Five-Finger Food Guide. www.MargaretMarshallAssociates.com


WLJ Editor Tara L. Robinson Releases New E-Book Every day we gamble with our lives. Everything is at stake. Will you choose to live from the fire of truth in your belly? Or will you sell out the moments of your life to fear? Will you live with passion and purpose? Or will you die with regrets? That is the ultimate risk. In Tara L. Robinson’s new e-book, 7 Secrets to Living a Life of No Regrets, readers learn seven secrets to unlock the mysteries that keep most people from living the life of their dreams. The introduction alone is packed with valuable information, and the body of the book reveals seven important secrets that will help readers on their journeys of becoming clear about who they are and what they are here to do. This 18-page book is free to everyone who subscribes to Robinson’s newsletter at www.TaraLRobinson.com Dubbed as “The Ultimate Guide to Living Happy, Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise,” it’s a true gift and is jam packed with powerful information to help you Unleash Your Passion and Purpose. Robinson’s book, The Ultimate Risk, will be published by Hay House summer 2016.

November - December 2015

Living W h o l e Journal


Love the Skin You’re In by Dr. Mary E. Pritchard


few months ago, I was a guest on a TV show. We were talking about what happens when we go try on swimsuits in front of the dreaded dressing room mirror and how that can cause a meltdown in a lot of women. But I guess that’s the reality of living in a size 00 world. We keep receiving messages that suggest we should attain physical standards that aren’t even realistic. I applaud celebrities who are beginning to take a stand on this. Cindy Crawford recently released un-photoshopped photos of herself. Yes, she’s a gorgeous woman. But, guess what? She has a belly, stretch marks, wrinkles. 2/06/09 She’s human! Not that you’d ever know ue02_06_09 that from looking at a magazine cover ds@wholeliving... featuring her – all of thoseSize ‘flaws’ have /6 page (4.75"x2.25)" been airbrushed or photoshopped out. (And don’t be fooled to think men have it any better – just take a look at Men’s Health or GQ). I am not immune to Page this pressure. I was a senior in high school when I realized I was fat. My emotional eating had caught up with me. My skirts were tight, people weren’t telling me I could be a model anymore, and I started hat-



ing the woman I saw in the mirror. Then I discovered the gym, and that began a 24-year battle with an eating disorder.

Our Bodies are Miracles

As I’ve recovered from that eating disorder, I’ve realized how important it Self-Worth in Shambles is to love the skin we’re in. Our bodies But behind that veil of perfectionism is are amazing miracles. They allow us to a sense of self-worth in shambles. And breathe, our hearts to beat, our food to behind that obliterated sense of selfdigest, and we don’t even have to think worth is an innocent child who really about it. Yet, we criticize the person in and truly has no idea what she’s done the mirror for not being perfect. What’s wrong, only that she wasn’t perfect worse: we only see flaws. We criticize, enough to please [insert authority figure we judge, we blame – others, and most from your childhood]. The sad thing is of all, ourselves – when we can’t meet she’s still trying to please that person. this illusive standard of being the “PerShe still thinks she has to be more (or fect Person.” less) of something; she’s still locked in Then we internalize that blame and a prison of perfection – a cage of her shame and feel that we can never be own inadvertent making – resisting good enough because we are too much change, resisting acceptance, resisting or too little of something we think we her own perceived imperfections. should be ‘just the right amount’ of. This has got to change. We have to So weLoveland-Madeira keep striving, weRd., keepSuite trying heal these wounded parts of ourselves; 10663 162 • Loveland, OH 45140 to become “perfect” and we fail every we have to stop the blame and shame 513.752.9288 • Fax: 513.722.0752 single time. Andads@wholelivingjournal.com we become depressed and judging and criticism. We have to or anxious or engage in self-harming stop suppressing our light, our authenbehaviors (e.g. overeating, over-exerticity, our voice. We have to let go of cising, gambling, excessive shopping, perfectionism. It’s time to take our lives other addictive behaviors) to punish back. Are you ready? Note: Mary will be live on WAIF 88.3FM 12/15 at 3:30pm ET. Streaming audio at www.waif883.org or download "Happiness Starts the free WAIF app for all smartphones.

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ourselves for not being perfect.


About the author: Dr. Mary E. Pritchard, PhD, HHC is a Psychologist, BodyLove Expert, and an esteemed blogger at Psychology Today and Huffington Post. Dr. Mary is passionately dedicated to empowering today’s women in healing their relationships with food, their bodies, and themselves, reconnecting with their Inner Goddess, stepping through their perceived fears, and embracing the truth of who they are. www.DrMaryPritchard.com

Finding Peace & Magic by Lisa Marie Rosati


ost people become stressed and overwhelmed during the holiday season. If you’re anything like me, you have a load of things to accomplish in a very short amount of time...and that’s just your usual to-do list! Plus, there’s the added chores of shopping, planning, preparing, cooking, decorating, wrapping, and the “push you to your spiritual limits” experience of dealing with traffic and short tempered people everywhere you go. I believe in Life Magick™, a process I created where you co-create your life in sync with nature, Universal Law and in communion with the Divine. Finding (and holding onto) peace amongst the chaos is something I’ve been immersing myself in for years. Here are a three of my favorite practices to help bring peace amidst the holiday frenzy:

1. Create Traditions: Traditions and experiences trump “stuff” every time. The most memorable experiences and traditions are usually simple and inexpensive. Bring nature indoors by creating centerpieces, mantle adornment or wreaths for your home with branches, pinecones, berries and leaves gathered locally. Light candles and diffuse seasonal essential oils like pine, citrus or cinnamon to set a cozy mood. I have found that the greatest gift you can give someone is your time and undivided attention. Give presence – not presents!

2. Focus on Loved Ones: The address of your home may have changed over the years, however home is wherever your heart is and where you soul rests. It’s natural to want to be with those we love the most at the holidays. If your family is scattered around in different locations, give yourself the gift of going to them or bringing your loved ones to you this year. Light a candle on your altar and set a positive and powerful intention for how the experience will be for everyone involved. Consider the option of “created family.” About two years ago I birthed The Goddess Lifestyle Plan Sisterhood. My heartfelt desire was to bring together women from all around the globe with the same spiritual and esoteric interests as me. Honestly, words cannot describe the magic I feel with my Sisters, it’s beyond powerful.

3. Remember To Rest: Winter is the season of rest. In the Native American tradition, winter is in the North on the medicine wheel. December begs you to retreat and unwind, which is the opposite of what your social calen-

November - December 2015

dar dictates. Magically speaking, spring and summer are the months of activity, creation and motion. What could you do to promote more rest and relaxation in your life? I have noticed myself naturally starting my nighttime ritual earlier. I want to get in my flannel pajamas as soon as dark comes. Many fail to rest in the winter as nature intended and then find themselves out of sync with the seasons for the rest of the year. Locate your North now, take a liberal dose of Bear medicine, hibernate, and get the slumber you need. About the author: Lisa Marie Rosati is a renowned transformation catalyst for women. She’s the creatrix of The Goddess Lifestyle Plan™ & Sugar Free Goddess Program™, and co-author of several best selling books including Embracing Your Authentic Self and Inspiration For A Woman’s Soul: Choosing Happiness. Lisa empowers spiritual women around the world on how to magically create an abundant life they love using her signature process called Goddess Lifestyle Alchemy™. She will be live on WAIF 88.3FM 12/22 3:30pm

Living W h o l e Journal


Holiday Health

Enhancers Herbs ‘n Such, by Mimi Tagher


n a culture where multitasking is key, chaos abounds, and life seems to run on fast forward, our adrenal systems can get quite a workout. When the stresses of the holidays are added into the mix, the adrenals can go on high alert. Though historically the holiday season was a time for relaxation and restoration, it has become a time of increased stress due to modern commercialism, increased expenses, travel, late nights and poor eating and sleeping habits. This is especially true for those already feeling worn down, those who have difficulty in the winter months, those with hormonal fluctuations, and those battling weight gain. Keeping the adrenal glands healthy plays a very important role for both men and women in having a happy and healthy holiday season. The combination of the holidays on top of already hectic lives often leaves people feeling tired. Many think they need caffeine in their morning coffee, energy drinks at lunch, and midafternoon lattes just to keep going. These stimulants make the adrenals work even harder, and though there may be a temporary lift in energy, in the long run it won't last. The delicate adrenal system was not meant to run on high speeds all the time. Supporting adrenal health can help support a solid foundation for easing the effects of holiday stress, AND in preparing for the winter months and flu season ahead. Supplements for adrenal health:

Adrenal Complex (from Mediherb) is a powerful combination of two highly effective adrenal tonics, Licorice and Rehmannia. These herbs combine to: *restore adrenal function to reduce the effects of stress on the body *support adrenal gland health and energy production to combat fatigue *help the body adapt to the challenges of everyday life *support a healthy immune system 20

Living W h o l e Journal

Drenamin (from Standard Process) is a combination of whole food supplements. These supplements combine to: *promote healthy adrenal gland function *encourage a healthy response to environmental stresses *maintain energy production *support a balanced mood

Holy Basil is an Ayurvedic herb that: *promotes a positive stress response by reducing cortisol *elevates the spirit *promotes a healthy inflammation response *increases physical and emotional endurance

Eleuthero or Wu Jia Shen is a Chinese herb that: *counters the effects of stress *restores the organism to balance *increases resistance to disease *enables the body to fight fatigue

About the author: Mimi Tagher, LAc, LMT is nationally board certified in acupuncture, Chinese herbology and Oriental Medicine. She practices at Synergy Holistic Health Center in Florence, Ky., and in Blue Ash. 859.525.5000, www.synergyholistichealth.com

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November - December 2015

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Spiritual Mastery Meditation Mixer Discover Your Angel Awakenings How to Read Series w/ Dr. Heidi Hanna Passion & Purpose w/ Brian Anderson Your Own Akashic Records w/ Tara L. Robinson w/ Shakti Durga w/ Linda Howe

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Taking Action

Take Action on Your Life TODAY!

Intuitive Insights, by Francine Haydon and Patricia Garry

eople who are bold and confident usually have no problem taking action. They have an internal passion which drives them to seek the necessary actions to make their dreams come true. They are not content to “wait and see” what happens some day. They realize that they, themselves, must take some action to move the process forward. They choose to become active participants and make a conscious choice to do what they feel is required to move towards achieving their goals. You can do this, too! Most of us have dreams or “someday I’m going to” goals. However, often these dreams remain only dreams, as the individual says that they want something, yet they take no action toward making it happen. In life, we must be co-creators with spirit. It all starts with a hope, dream or sometimes seemingly unattainable goal. We tend to place certain restrictions around the possibility of achieving that particular hope or goal. We put out to spirit that we want to have a loving partner, a well-paying job that we enjoy, or to visit Machu Picchu. But then we make comments such as, “I can’t find a decent guy/girl,” “I’ll never get out of this job,” or “I’ll never have enough money to go.” Our thoughts and actions attract energy to manifest these things, so the first action step is positive thinking and language. Next, you need to act as if you have already achieved that goal. Then start taking the baby steps to make it happen. You actually have already done this. Sometimes you have done it by default – by just running out of your own excuses, and finally saying – ‘What the heck! What have I got to lose by trying?’ Or almost by accident, when you got really excited about something and began picturing it very vividly in your mind.


Patricia Garry • Spiritual Coaching • Reiki Energy Healing • Intuitive Tarot Reading • Dream Interpretation • Teaching Personal Growth Classes

(513) • patricia@patriciagarry.com (513)281-6864 281-6864 ~ patriciagarry.com

But, as with most of life, having a focus on what you want to have or to do, and then following the prompts and ideas that come into your brain (which is what intuition is) is nearly fool proof, and works much faster than stumbling into your heart’s desire. And taking deliberate action to create your goal is a direct statement of your intentions to the Universe / Spirit. You are saying very clearly ‘This is what I want in my life and I am putting my energy toward making it happen.’ That very definitely gets things moving. Another key to this kind of manifestation by action is knowing that your life will change when you take even the smallest step. Expecting change, looking for it and looking forward to it, are powerful energizers. Don’t, however, tell the Universe / Your Higher Self how to give it to you. It may appear in a different form than you are expecting, and if you are not open and ready, you might not see it. Life is fun and joyful. We are meant to be up and about, pursuing our hopes and dreams. We are creators and inventors of these great lifetimes. So get going! About the authors: Francine Haydon and Patricia Garry are the authors of Right Brain/Left Brain: Use Everything You’ve Got to Create a Great Life! They facilitate workshops based on their popular book. Francine is an intuitive tarot and palm reader, energy worker, teacher, and owner of Sea Angels Cruise and Inner Wellness Conference. francine.haydon@ fuse.net, 513.248.8772, www.foresthouseofhealing.com Patricia is a spiritual reader, teacher, healer, and writer. patricia@patriciagarry.com , 513.281.6864, www.patriciagarry.com

Rev. Francine Haydon

Reiki ~ Kolaimni ~ Crystal Energy Healing Medicine Wheel ~ Tarot Reader ~ Palmist foresthouseofhealing.com • 513.248.8772

November - December 2015

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Sp tlight Infusion Cinncinnati has a new home! Beginning in December, Infusion Cincinnati will begin meeting at the Columbia Center, 3500 Columbia Pkwy, Cincinnati, OH 45226. The Columbia Center is located on the top floor of the Junior League of Cincinnati building, across the street from The Precinct restaurant. The new location offers ease of parking and a beautiful, spacious room to accommodate the group as it grows. Infusion is open to the public and features live music and community open-mic discussions about living with passion and purpose. All meetings are free, donations are appreciated. Infusion is held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. The December meeting will be Tuesday, December 8th, 6:308pm. Doors open at 6pm. For more information, please visit Facebook: Infusion Cincinnati.

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Soulful Solstice: Unity Wholeness Event will be held, December 20 at New Thought Unity Center, 1401 E. McMillan St, Cincinnati, OH 45206. This event supports the NTU vision: “Universal wholeness through spiritual healing and transformation”. Due to the success of the autumn event, this one is lengthened and moved from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon. Beginning at 12:30 pm with an opening ceremony, the event begins with more than a dozen practitioners of various modalities: drumming therapy, health rhythms, reiki, energy shares, hypnotherapy, reflexology, and pranic healing, etc. The closing ceremony at 3:15 pm honors the Winter Solstice. Due to limited practitioners, this event operates on a first come first served basis. Signups begin at 12 noon. Suggested donation $10. www.ntunity.org

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Next Deadline DEC 1: Submit 100 words, press-release style, with .jpg photo to info@wholelivingjournal.com.

Beginning on December 8th, Infusion Cincinnati will meet in a new location. The November meeting will be held as usual at Rohs Street Cafe in Clifton, where Infusion has been meeting for the past two years. However, the December meeting will take place at the Columbia Center, in the Junior League of


Living W h o l e Journal

Cincinnati building, at 3500 Columbia Pkwy, Cincinnati, OH 45226, across the street from The Precinct restaurant. Event organizer Tara L. Robinson says the reason for the move is primarily parking. ‟Rohs Street has been a wonderful venue and we’re grateful for the use of that beautiful space over the past couple years, but parking is consistently an issue during the school year. We expect attendance and participation will increase with the move to a location with easy access parking. The Columbia Center is centrally located and not far from Rohs Street Cafe so it should still be very convenient for most of the community.” Infusion is a free monthly gathering held every 2nd Tuesday 6:30-8pm with live music and open town-hall-style discussions about life. For more info, visit Facebook: Infusion Cincinnati


7 Simple Steps

to Reducing

Toxins by Kevin Gianni


any people are overwhelmed by all the health advice out there. We learn one day that a glass of wine is good for our health…and then the next, it’s suddenly taboo. For years, all the advice was to eat whole grains, and now 1% of the population has Celiac disease. All of the conflicting advice can leave our minds, and bodies, reeling. I was a strict vegan, gave up sugar, was a daily wheat grass shot drinker and exercise fanatic for many years, until my health started failing me. Imagine giving all the good stuff up only to end up feeling bad! This is what led me on a quest to find the guide to health, happiness and longevity...the renegade way. But let’s get back to some surprising myth busting when it comes to our health. Did you know that drinking a glass of wine a day, and some argue even drinking a little more, is actually fine for your health – and many cultures enjoy longevity even as moderate drinkers? Phew! That’s good to know. But the biggest health question and concern is the increasing amount of toxins in our environment and in our food, right? Well, here’s a very simple guide (and I mean simple) that even the unhealthiest of persons can follow.


Use natural cleaning products. Stop spreading toxins on your walls, windows, and floors. Look for nontoxic cleaning products at the health food store or order them online.


Open your windows. The Consumer Product Safety Commission warns that the air inside our homes and offices may be more polluted than the air outside. Keep your windows open when you can. Letting in a little fresh air could save your life.


Toxins in Your Body and in Your Home:

Change your beauty products. Check out the ingredients in your beauty products on the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep website (www.ewg.org/ skindeep/) or read Annmarie’s blog: www.annmariegianni.com


Eliminate pesticides. A simple Google search for “homemade natural pesticides for gardens” will reveal a world of nontoxic solutions.

7 Simple Steps to Reduce Exposure to Buy a water filter. Many chemicals, including

chlorine and fluoride, are in our water systems. To avoid ill effects, install water filters on your taps, particularly the kitchen faucet and shower.


Limit the use of plastic in your home.

You probably can’t completely escape BPA and its derivatives. But wherever you can, replace plastics with glass or ceramic containers, dishes, and bottles.

6. 7.

Eat organic. This is still one of the best ways to lower your intake of pesticides and heavy metals like cadmium.

About the author: Kevin Gianni is the author of Kale and Coffee: A Renegade’s Guide to Health, Happiness and Longevity (Hay House 2015) and the founder of www.RenegadeHealth.com

November - December 2015

Living W h o l e Journal


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CHIROPRACTORS DR. JACK ARMSTRONG. Beyond the back for 30 years. Blue Ash. 513.489.9515. www.wholecarechiropractic.com

CAROLYN LANGENBRUNNER. Westside Holistic Practitioner. Advanced Reiki, Certified Healing Touch, Acupressure. Care for disease journeys, Liberation from old patterns. 513.251.5515. Crlboundlessenergyworks.abmp.com


Vibrational Healing GATEWAYS TO HEALING. Gentle, holistic chiropractic care and functional medicine. In Oakley. 513.321.3317. www.gatewaystohealing.com


Living W h o l e Journal

TESS OLSON. EFT. 513.860.3156. www.teresaolson.com Page ROBERT & LINDA VOGES. Energy Healing Systems. Certified ThetaHealing Practitioners/Teachers; Certified Reiki Master Teachers 812.594.2705. rbtvoges@ yahoo.com www.risingsunwellnessspa.com

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Healing Sessions Angel Academy Classes Rainbow Children Classes 513.240.1602




FENG SHUI CONSULTANT A CHANGE OF CHI. Feng Shui Seminars, Parties or Consultations. 513.625.8888. LIVE LIFE AT YOUR FULLEST POTENTIAL. Abundance, health, relationships, career. Healing and Growth Feng Shui. Contact Angela at 216.288.4398. www.healingandgrowthfengshui.com

HEALING CENTERS STILLPOINT CENTER FOR HEALING ARTS. Massage Therapy, Yoga, Shamanism, Counseling. 11223 Cornell Park Drive, Suite 302. 513.489.5302. www.stillpointtherapy.com WHOLECARE. Dr. Jack Armstrong, Holistic Chiropractor. Babies to grandparents. Blue Ash. 513.489.9515. www.wholecarechiropractic.com

HYPNOTHERAPY CHRIS MCLAREN. Qigong classes for groups, individuals and sports teams. Personalized, individual energy healing sessions. Half-day and full-day workshops. 513.200.9667. DivineEnergyWorks@gmail.com

BREATHWORK GAY PURPURA. Certified Transformational BreathÂŽ Coach, 513.259.7284. www.breathe2000.com



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TESS OLSON, CCHT. 513.860.3156. www.teresaolson.com

Mary Ellen Moore, CCHt. Clinical Hypnotherapist, HypnoBirthingÂŽ

859-525-5000 www.synergyholistichealth.com

INTEGRATIVE LIFE HEALING JUDI A. WINALL, M.Div., CIH, CLYT. Re-claim the power and authority of your own life. 513.899.3115. www.SoulEmpowerment.com

INTUITIVE READINGS BY PHONE. SAGE WOMAN. Intuitive, Spiritual Life Coach, Psychic.

Be Empowered. 513.490.4693. sagewomen61@gmail.com. www.connectingwiththegoddesswithin.com

LIFE COACH RON ESPOSITO. Certified life coach. Enneagram teacher/trainer. Addiction recovery facilitator. 513.621.3600. www.GoConscious.com

ORGANIZING SPACES The Mess Mender Polly Giblin Hands-on, non-judgmental help with de-cluttering 513-305-0401 www.pollygiblin.com

PALMISTRY INNER COMPASS. Intuitive life coaching, spiritual leadership. Joanne Franchina. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com C. PIC MICHEL. Creative Intuitive, Toltec Master Teacher. 513.549.4607. www.enlightenmeant.com TARA L. ROBINSON. Now accepting new clients. Specializing in spiritual evolution coaching and working with women who want to develop a coaching/ writing/speaking career. Supporting women in the quest for something more. 513.752.9288. editor@wholelivingjournal.com KENDRA WILBURN. Certified Mind Body Bridging Practitioner; Life & Career Coach. Stress Management Specialist. 513.314.9659 kendra@careerbydesignllc.com


JUDY PEACE-PALMISTRY, ASTROLOGY & TAROT. Tools for transformation and self understanding. In service for 22 years. Available for personal sessions or entertainment. 859.491.7885. silvorwing@aol.com


JACCOLIN FRANCHINA. Certified regressionist; alsopast-life readings. 513.528.5185. www,jaccolin.com

PILATES HAPPY SPINE, KRISTEN FRYER. Pilates, Alexander Technique, Theta Healing. Northside. 513.401.0668. www.happyspine.us


GLORIA ESENWEIN, LMT.ReviveRestore. 513.481.7400. www.ahealingplacemassage.com

             

                      LIIFT healings by Brian Eastman Call today: 513.541.1257

CLARK ECHOLS, Licensed Therapist. Specializes in trauma, depression, anger, grief, anxiety using cognitive behavioral, mindfulness and spiritual techniques. 513.284.1236. www.clarkechols.com TERESA OLSON, PSY.D. 513.860.3156. www.teresaolson.com

RADIO PROGRAMs WAVES OF A NEW AGE, WAIF88.3FM. Hosts Tara L. Robinson and Judy Peace. Tuesdays, 3-5pm on WAIF 88.3FM or listen live at www.waif883.org. Soul-filled sounds and conscious conversation. Archived show recordings on Facebook. www.WavesofaNewAge.org

REIKI PATTI KESSLER. LIQUID LIGHT ELIXIRS. 513.240.1602. www.PattiKessler.com


PSYCHICS & CLAIRVOYANTS INNER COMPASS. Evidential, insightful readings. Joanne Franchina. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com




MINDFUL WELLNESS MEDICAL THERMOGRAPHY. www.MindfulWellnessMedicalThermography.com See ad on page 13.

Declutter your Life the Easy Way   

“Accurate & compelling readings” -Cincinnati Magazine 513-929-0406 VictoryofLight.com

MARY WHALEN. Certified Reflexologist 513.561.8246

KENDRA NIESE, LMT. Rejuvenating, deep, yet gentle. Blue Ash. 513.646.3689. ROBERT REPASKY, LMT. Oncology Massage. DancingHeartMassage.com. 513.505.5737.

Victor Paruta Psychic Medium

TESS OLSON. RMT. 513.860.3156. www.teresaolson.com

COLLEEN DOHERTY. Evidential Medium, Intuitive Psychic. 513.515.1751. ANNE STEFFEN-RUSSO. Readings, Intuitive energy practitioner, 513.473.7447, by appointment. www.EnergeticAnswers.com

November - December 2015


Living W h o l e Journal


Weekly Radio Show - Waves of a New Age Tuesdays, 3-5pm on WAIF 88.3FM

Conscious Conversations with Today᾿s Leaders LISTEN LIVE ONLINE www.waif883.org Links to recorded shows on FB


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LIVING Living Happy

Living Healthy


MARY WHALEN. Reiki Master 513.561.8246

discernment, transitions, deepening prayer. tlong@seekingdirection.org

TANTRA KRIYA YOGA SHAMANISM GARY MATTHEWS. Counseling, journey, soul retrieval, empowerment, bodywork. Call 513.722.1917 for appt. www.ShamanicCounselor.com

CYNTHIA AMRITA ROTHCHILD. Private Tutoring, Cobra Breath Initiations. www.Divineuniontantra.com. amritarothchild@earthlink.net. Namaste

WEDDINGS REV. TERI DODD. Any size wedding. Available also at my home. Ceremonies personalized to the couple. 513.625.8888.

Writing & Editing

Writing Editing

TAROT CARD READINGS SPIRITUAL CENTERS GARDEN PARK UNITY CHURCH. Rev. Kathy Engelhardt. 3581 W. Galbraith Rd. 45239. ALL ARE WELCOME. Sundays at 11am. 513.385.8889. www.gardenparkunity.org

SPIRITUAL DIRECTION DRAWING DEEPER TOWARD GOD? Want support? Christian spirituality,


Living W h o l e Journal

CELTIC TAROT CARD & PALM READINGS/PARTIES. Francine Haydon. 513.248.8772, francine.haydon@fuse.net www.foresthouseofhealing.com

BR GHT concepts

Heidi Bright, M.Div. 513-444-0190 heidi@heidibright.com www.heidibright.com

next deadline: DEC 1 for Jan/Feb issue. Email listings to

INSIGHT AND CLARITY. via Lenormand Cartomacy. Fact not Feeling. Private Reading/Parties. Karen Butscha. 859.307.3106. ggspassion@gmail.com


ads@wholelivingjournal.com $2/word (phone, website & email each count as 3 words)

WED • NOV 11

calendar of Events

Healing/Drumming, w/Bob Laake Healing Drummer, 7-10pm, love donation. Several healing practitioners & tables. All Welcome. Grace Episcopal Church, 5501 Hamilton Ave, College Hill.

WED • NOV 11 - DEC 16

NOVember SAT & SUN • OCT 31 & NOV 1

Crystalline Attunements, Elixirs, & Experiential Lecture/Incarnate Angels, w/Patti Kessler. Southern Ohio Psychic & Holistic Fair.513.240.1602. www.patti@pattikessler.com


Contact Improv, w/Chandler Stevens, 6-8pm, $20. Dynamic partnered exploration of body awareness. 4138 Hamilton Ave. 513.541.5720. www.FutureLifeNow.com


Laughter Yoga/Releasing Anger, w/Lea. 4251 Hamilton Ave, Cincinnati, OH. 513.403.9795.


Access Conscious Bars Training, w/Paula Jurko, 10-6pm, $300. WholeCare Chiropractic, 4434 Carver Woods Dr, Cincinnati, OH 45242. Pre-reg reqd. http://www.footprintstowellness.com/workshops Day of Past Life Exploration, w/Jaccolin Franchina, Susan Hill, Mike Mellott, 10-5:30pm, $40/ segment, $110/all 3 segments. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com Past Life Message Circles, w/Joanne Franchina, Rose Vanden Eynden, Guest Mediums, 7-9pm, $30. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com

Getting Hip(s)A Feldenkrais Series, w/Cynthia Allen, 6:30-7:45pm, five classes $75. 4138 Hamilton Ave. 513.541.5720. www.FutureLifeNow.com

NOV 12 – 28, DEC 5 & 14

Yoga, w/Gina Belew, certified instructor, free,7pm Mon & Thurs, 10:30am Sat. Anderson Branch, 7450 State Rd. 513.369.6030. www.programs.cincinnatilibrary.org

SAT • NOV 14

Blue Owl Studios Open House, w/Pam Hall, 6-10pm. Loveland Art Studios on Main, 529 Main Ave, Studio 125, Loveland, OH 45140. www.studiosonmain.com/artists/pamela-s-hall Creating Sacred Space, w/Joanne Franchina, 1-5pm, $85/includes kit. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com

SAT & SUN • NOV 14 & 15

Usui Reiki Master Teacher Training, w/JoAnn Utley, 10-6pm, $600. Louisville. 16 Nursing contact hours. 502.777.3865.

MON • NOV 16 – DEC 14

We’ve Got Your Back/A Feldenkrais Series, w/ Cynthia Allen, 6-7:15pm, five classes $75. 4138 Hamilton Ave. 513.541.5720. www.FutureLifeNow.com

TUE • NOV 17

Shamanic Journeying, w/Larry Crockett, Shamanic Practitioner, 7-9pm, $15. Jim Wachter, 216 Furbee Dr, Mason, OH. RSVP www.whitedovecircle.com info@whitedovecircle.com

WED • NOV 18


Laughter Yoga/Releasing Anger, w/Lea. 4251 Hamilton Ave, Cincinnati, OH. Call 513.403.9795.

SUN • NOV 22

Spiritual Healing/Introduction, 4pm, free. Victory of Light, 11355 Chester Rd, Cincinnati. Joy 859.816.8918. www.bruno-groening.org/english

TUE • NOV 24

Laughter Yoga/Releasing Anger, w/Lea. 4800 Holiday Dr, Fairfield, OH. Call 513.403.9795. World Service Meditation, 7-9pm, w/Jim Wachter, Minister/Meditation Leader, love donation. Jim Wachter, 216 Furbee Dr, Mason, OH. RSVP www.whitedovecircle.com info@whitedovecircle.com


Bones for Life Intensive, w/Cynthia Allen. Continues through 2016. Certification or personal development. 4138 Hamilton Ave. 513.541.5720. www.FutureLifeNow.com


Mystic Message Event, w/Joanne Franchina, Rose Vanden Eynden, Guest Presenters, 7-9pm, $20. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com


Learn About the Meditative Art of Zentangle, w/Joy Ritter, 1pm, free. Pre-reg reqd. Loveland Branch, 649 Loveland-Madeira Rd. 513.369.4476. www.programs.cincinnatilibrary.org

SAT & SUN • DEC 5 & 6

Spirit Speaks I, w/Joanne Franchina, Rose Vanden Eynden, Sat/10-5pm, Sun/10-2pm, $195. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com


Secret Life of Crystal Skulls Workshop, 1-5pm, $40. Use of crystal skulls.United Spiritualists of the Christ Light Church, USCL. 11006 Reading Rd, Ste. 202, Cinci.OH. www.uscl.org

CET/Cognitive Enhancement Therapy, w/Dr. Stacy Martz, director of PLAN of SW Ohio,7-9pm, free. The Holistic Mental Health Network, 3960 Winding Way, Cinci, 45229. Deborah 513.328.8178 holisticmh@yahoo.com

Bipolarized/film, 2:30pm, free. The Holistic Mental Health Network & The Recovery Cntr. 2340 Auburn Ave. Cinci 45219. RSVP 513.241.1411 www.angelao@recoverycenterhc.org

MON • NOV 9 & SUN • NOV 15

WED • NOV 18 & DEC 16

Annual Open Studio Holiday Celebration, 1210pm. Loveland Art Studios on Main, 529 Main Ave, Loveland, OH 45140. www.studiosonmain.com

Alexander Technique/Manage Pain, w/Claire Rechnitzer, 6:30pm, free at St. Bernard Branch, 10 McClelland Ave, & 2pm Reading Branch, 8740 Reading Rd. 513.369.6900. www.programs.cincinnatilibrary.org

Joyful Laughter Healing Yoga, w/Judi Winall, 7pm, free. No reg reqd. Symmes Township Branch, 11850 East Enyart Rd. 513.369.6001. www/programs.cincinnatilibrary.org

November - December 2015

SAT • DEC 12

Blue Owl Studios Open House, w/Pam Hall, 6-10pm. Loveland Art Studios on Main, 529 Main

Living W h o l e Journal


Ave, Studio 125, Loveland, OH 45140. www.studiosonmain.com/artists/pamela-s-hall

SAT & SUN • DEC 12 & 13

Usui Reiki I & II, w/JoAnn Utley, 10-6pm, I-$135, II-$185. Louisville. 8 Nursing contact hours daily. 502.777.3865.

TUE • DEC 15

Shamanic Journeying, w/Larry Crockett, Shamanic Practitioner, 7-9pm, $15. Jim Wachter, 216 Furbee Dr Mason, OH 45040. RSVP www.whitedovecircle.com info@whitedovecircle.com

SUN • DEC 20

Soulful Solstice/Unity Wholeness Event, 12:30-3:30pm. New Thought Unity Center, 1401 E. McMillan St, Cincinnati, OH 45206. 513.961.2527. www.ntunity.org Spiritual Healing/Introduction, 2pm, free. Center for Spiritual Living, 5701 Murray Rd, Cincinnati. Joy 859.816.8918. www.bruno-groening.org/english

TUE • DEC 22

World Service Meditation, 7-9pm, w/Jim Wachter, Minister/Meditation Leader, love donation. Jim Wachter, 216 Furbee Dr, Mason, OH. RSVP www.whitedovecircle.com info@whitedovecircle.com


Christmas Service w/Flower Communion & Messages, 7-8:30pm. United Spiritualists of the Christ Light Church, USCL, 11006 Reading Rd, Ste. 202, Cinci. OH. www.uscl.org


Open House The New School Montessori, 2-4pm. 3 Burton Wood Lane, North Avondale. 513.281.7999. www.newschoolmontessori.com


Chair Yoga, w/April Aloisio, 12:30-1:30pm, $6. Sycamore Senior Cntr, 4455 Carver Woods Dr. 45242. 513.205.6353. Fitness Bootcamp, w/Betsy Carter, 5:30pm, call for introductory rates. Glendale New Church, 845 Congress Ave, Glendale 45246. 513.253.7625.


Living W h o l e Journal

Yoga, w/BevySue Hammons RYT, 10-11:15am, members 6/$60 others 6/$80. Fitton Center for Creative Arts, 101 S. Monument, Hamilton OH. 513.86.8873, 513.259.4317. ombevysue@yahoo.com


Chair Yoga, w/April Aloisio, 10-11am, $6. Church of the Redeemer, 2944 Erie Ave. 45208. 513.205.6353. Pilates, w/Heather Sommer, 12 noon, $20. Glendale New Church, 845 Congress Ave, Glendale OH 45246. 858.752.2578. Tai Chi, 5:30pm, free. Beginners welcome. No reg reqd. Madisonville Branch, 4830 Whetsel Ave. 513.369.6029. www.programs.cincinnatilibrary.org Tai Chi for Health, w/Betty Lubrecht, 1pm, beginner/2:30pm, intermediate, $66/6 wks. Synergy Holistic Health Ctr. 859.525.5000. www.synergyholistichealth.com

session/$120/10 sessions. Glendale New Church, 845 Congress Ave, Glendale 45246. 513.709.9265. Yoga, w/BevySue Hammons, 6-7:15pm, 1st class free, $9/class, 3/$25, 6/$50, use any Tues or Thur. Mother Earth, 5158 Pleasant Ave, Fairfield, Oh. 513.894.1131. Cell 513.259.4317. ombevysue@yahoo.com


Chair Yoga, w/April Aloisio, 11-12pm, $6. Springfield Twp. Senior Center, 9158 Winton Rd. 45231. 513.205.6353. Chair Yoga for Parkinsons & Special Populations, w/April Aloisio, 1- 2pm, $5. The Centennial Barn, 110 Compton Rd. 45215. 513.205.6353. Drum Circle, 9-11pm. Stillpoint Center For Healing Arts, 11223 Cornell Park Dr. Blue Ash, OH 45242.


Waves of a New Age, WAIF/88.3FM, w/Tara L. Robinson & Judy Peace, 3-5pm. Conscious Conversations with leading authors and teachers. Listen online: www.WAIF883.org or via the free WAIF app for smarphones. Call show to join the conversation. 513.961.8900. www.WavesofaNewAge.org “Like” us on Facebook!

Yoga For Life, w/Stephanie Herrin, 10am, $12/session, $60/10 sessions. Glendale New Church, 845 Congress Ave, Glendale 45246. 513.759.0025.

Yoga, w/BevySue Hammons, 6-7:15pm, 1st class free, $9/class, 3/$25, 6/$50, use any Tues or Thur. Mother Earth, 5158 Pleasant Ave, Fairfield, Oh. 513.894.1131. Cell 513.259.4317. ombevysue@yahoo.com

Divinity Spiritual Church, w/Rev. Mary Margaret, 11am. 4800 Holiday Dr. Fairfield OH. 45014. 513.892.0623.


Chair Yoga, w/April Aloisio, 12-1pm, $6. Sycamore Senior Cntr, 4455 Carver Woods Dr. 45242. 513.205.6353. Yoga, w/BevySue Hammons, 6:30-7:30pm, 6/$45/ live in Fairfield, others 6/$55. Elisha Morgan Mansion, Gilbert Farms Park, Ross Rd, Fairfield,OH. 513.867.5348, 513.259.4317. ombevysue@yahoo.com Yoga for Everyone, w/Melisa, 9:30am, $12/session, $60/10 sessions. Glendale New Church, 845 Congress Ave, Glendale 45246. 513.218.1177. Yoga, w/Glo Siry, 5:30-6:30pm, $10 cash. Synergy Holistic Health Ctr. 859.525.5000. www.synergyholistichealth.com


Gentle Hatha Yoga, w/Janet & Jo, 6pm, $15/



Center for Spiritual Living Greater Cinti, 10:30am. See ad. 5701 Murray Ave. 45227. 513.218.2128. www.cslgc.org

Divinity Spiritual Church Online Service, w/Rev. Mary Margaret Denholm, 7pm, donation. Find your location. 513.289.2914. United Spiritualists of the Christ Light Church/ USCL, 9:50-10:20am/healing, 10:30am/service. 11006 Reading Rd. Ste 202, Cinci. OH. 25241. www.uscl.org Unity of Garden Park Church, 9:30-10:40am, adult learning & sharing mastermind prayer group, service w/Rev. Kathy Engelhardt, 11am. All are welcome. See ad. 3581 W. Galbraith Rd, 45239. 513.385.8889. www.UnityofGardenPark.org Yoga, Anusara, w/Glo Siry, 9-10am, $10 cash. Synergy Holistic Health Ctr. 859.525.5000. www.synergyholistichealth.com


New Thought Unity, w/Reverend Michael Brooks leading the services, Sun service 10:30am, Wed 6:30pm. All are honored and welcome. Spiritual

Go Green for the Holidays Did you know...during the holidays, our garbage increases by more than 25%? • • • • • •

Make homemade gifts – when possible, use recycled items. Wrap packages in reusable bags or newspaper or use decorated boxes that require no wrapping paper. Focus on traditions instead of spending money - spend time doing a special activity or outing as a gift. Recycle wrappings, trees and electronics. Consider donating to a charity or organization as a gift instead of purchasing store bought items. If you shop online, remember to consolidate your orders.

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LIVING Living Happy

Living Healthy


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& Not Religious. This may feel like coming home. 1401 E McMillan. www.ntunity.org


Best Year Ever/Life Coaching Circle, w/Joanne Franchina, 7-9pm, $35/session, $90/3 sessions. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com


Higher Beings Wisdom Circle, w/Joanne Franchina, Rose Vanden Eynden, 7-9pm, $20. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com


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Alive & Well


Infusion Cincinnati, 6:30-8pm, free, donations accepted. Talk + Music + Connection. Join the brightest game-changers in town to light up the city! Nov. 10th - Rohs Street Café, 245 W. McMillan St. 45219. Dec. 8th - Columbia Center, 3500 Columbia Pkwy, Cincinnati, OH 45226 Facebook: Infusion Cincinnati


Meditation class, w/Gary Matthews, 7-8:30pm, $20/ class, $30/incl. 2nd Fri. Shamanic Journey class. Stillpoint, 11223 Cornell Park Dr. Ste 302, Blue Ash. 513.489.5302. www.StillpointTherapy.com

Next Deadline: DEC 1


Read-N-Feed, 12:30-2:30pm, $10 lunch & reading, $10 additional reading. United Spiritualists of the Christ Light Church, USCL, 11006 Reading Rd. Ste. 202, Cincinnati, OH 45241 www.uscl.org


Shamanic Journey class, w/Gary Matthews, 6:308:30pm, $20/class, $30/incl. 2nd Thurs. Meditation class. Stillpoint, 11223 Cornell Park Dr. Ste 302. Blue Ash. 513.489.5302. www.StillpointTherapy.com

2ND & 4TH TUES Religious Recovery, 7-8pm, free. See www.ReligiousRecovery.org for current locations. www.Wayne@ReligiousRecovery.org


Laughter Yoga/Joyful Healing LY Club, w/Judi A. Winall & Pam Hall, 7pm, free. Symmes Township Library, 11850 Enyart Rd. 513.899.3115. www. JoyfulHealingLaughter.com

November - December 2015

next deadline: DEC 1 for Jan/Feb issue. We will print 5 events up to 20 words each for FREE as part of our service to the community. Email listings to events@wholelivingjournal.com. All Ongoing events MUST be renewed each issue by the deadline. Please follow our format to ensure accuracy: Day of Week, Month Date, Title, Presenter, Time, Cost, Location, Contact info.

Living W h o l e Journal


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        COMPLETE FAMILY DENTAL CARE ontgomery Dental Sleep Medicine is like no dental office you’ve visited. Dedicated to your total well-being, our staff forms long-term relationships with you and your family built on open, honest dialogue and a thorough knowledge of all the factors that impact everyone’s health. Our approach is successful because it’s a more sensitive process of listening to your thoughts, questions and concerns.


AN INTEGRATED APPROACH TO BETTER HEALTH o you wake up exhausted? Are you fatigued during the day even though you get a “good night’s sleep”? Do you suffer Insomnia and CFS? Do you wake up with a headache? Do you have head, neck or jaw pain? For 32 years, Dr. Bosma has enjoyed marked success relieving headaches and migraine symptoms, TMJ pain and dysfunction, stiff and painful neck and shoulder muscles, and an extremely successful natural sinus regimen to ease nasal breathing effort. Our integrated approach combines multiple preventative medicine disciplines. Since our healthcare professionals have over 65 years of combined experience, we’re able to exceed your expectations and achieve our goal of improving your quality of life.



Living W h o l e Journal

BREATHE MORE LIFE INTO YOUR BODY noring and sleep apnea lead to low oxygen levels in the body. In turn, this leads to physical problems people don’t usually associate with sleep issues. They affect your life at home, on the job, and your relationships. Dr. Bosma helps patients who snore through a unique system of evaluation and treatment called Oral Systemic Balance. Breathe more life into your body! Call us for information or to schedule your sleep evaluation.




oes your smile make you feel confident and attractive? Or, do you cringe when you have your photo taken? Have you lived with discolored teeth, chips or cracks, or mottled coloring for long enough? Transform your smile in as few as one or two visits to Montgomery Dental Sleep Medicine. Find new confidence and take years off your looks!

New Patient Offer

We’ll repair your older bridgework (cracks, chips and discoloration), and we can close up gaps between teeth. We are committed to making you feel and look your best. WHY CHOOSE MONTGOMERY DENTAL SLEEP MEDICINE? ur practice is different. Yes, you’ll see us for routine checkups, cleanings, x-rays, whitening, fillings and, yes, sometimes for serious work. But we also are laying the groundwork for a long-term relationship with you and your family—one that will help you all enjoy better health for life. We’re treating you, not just your teeth!


Go south out of Old Montgomery. Cross over Ronald Reagan Hwy. Turn left at 1st light into Montgomery Station Office Condos. Right at 1st stop sign into our lot. Still not sure? Please feel free to call us for directions. 513-984-8282.

New Patient Offer

Free Consult

$167.00 VALUE

$133.00 for Exam

Headache, Jaw & Neck Pain, Snoring, Sleep Apnea and

Cleaning and 4 Bitewing X-Rays

C-PAP Intolerance Some restrictions may apply.

Free Home Care Kit Some restrictions may apply.


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