As usual, it’s been a busy month and it’s not quite clear in fact how it is already a new one.
Terrible disasters in Haitia have led to a plethora of benefit gigs all over the shop to raise money for the cause. Nice to see everyone doing their bit. We are still not sure however of Simon
Cowells ‘bit’, no one seems overly impressed that a U2 track is gong to be released, yet again.
We, the Jack team are also massively happy about the congrats that go out to Fin AKA Starsmith and Ellie Goulding this month, our cover stars of Oct. They sped through the end of last year as some of the brightest shining potential on offer and are now ready, no doubt to conquer 2010. Other congratulations go out to Josh Weller, who after having a chat to us for our music feature last issue, went on to sign his publishing deal on Jan 18th. Best of ongoing luck to all.
We told you 2010 was something to get excited about.