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Don Ferguson

Since my early 20s, I’ve been putting money aside for retirement in addition to the pension that was part of my employment pay. I was concerned about having enough money for retirement. Books like The Third Rail confirm that I was right to be concerned. "Today, more than 60 per cent of employed Canadians do not have a workplace pension, and most in this group lack sufficient savings to support their life-styles in retirement. The remaining employees have pensions, but these plans are either insufficient or endangered by demographic and market upheavals that plan designers never imagined." - Jim Leech & Jacquie McNish, The Third Rail (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2013), 137 If most of us don’t have a good, solid pension plan or enough savings for our retirement, what can we do to ensure we retire with enough money to live the lifestyle we want? I've written this book to show readers why they need to develop an additional income by building a home-based business.


2 income taxes

February 28, 2014

13 closing remarks

February 28, 2014

5 pension plans

February 28, 2014

7 mortgages

February 28, 2014

8 line of credit

February 28, 2014

3 inflation

February 28, 2014

6 delay is costly

February 28, 2014

11 two business models

February 28, 2014