2 minute read
Entrepreneur Talks Opportunities in the Trades
By Richard Elliott WI Contributing Reporter
While big tech companies such as Facebook and Google are downsizing employees in large numbers, there remain a large number of spots in the trades. Wayne Samms saw the opportunity that entering the skilled trades could do and now, he runs Samms Maintenance Plus, a Lanham-based HVAC company that takes work in Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties.
“I was fortunate to have an uncle who spoke to me about the aspects of the HVAC business while I was incarcerated. I did my research on the industry, read many books pertaining to the subject, enrolled into an HVAC class, and received my certification required to work in the field. Then I applied for my EIN number, then applied for my LLC. Then I applied all of my knowledge gathered and invested into my business,” Samms told the Informer.
As a returning citizen, Samms said he believes that the state legislature should establish more pre-release programs and training possibilities in the trades.
The entrepreneur plans to ex- pand his business by offering job opportunities and skills training, with a particular goal of partnering with municipalities in coming years. your targeted audience is key to becoming successful as well as remaining consistent and staying on task,” he said when asked what was his biggest lesson in building a business. research to educate myself on the do’s and don'ts of the business, allowing me to become on target when the dream of building my business was presented to me.” please email SammsMaintenan cePlus@gmail.com or call 202-7173374.
“This opportunity will give mothers and fathers the chance to become employed in the community and allow our community to prosper from economic growth,” he said.
While Samms plans to expand over time, the pandemic and inflation have significantly raised the cost of living and the cost of the products he uses, all the while shrinking the wallets of his poten tial clients.
Lee Montessori Public Charter School Request For Proposals
Extended Day Programming
Lee Montessori Public Charter Schools (PCS) is seeking to procure the services of an organization capable of conducting before- and after-school programming for preschool through sixth grade. For a copy of the RFP, please contact:
Joshua McComas joshua@leemontessori.org
202-779-9740 extension 3115
Bids are due by 5pm on July 7th, 2023
SCOTT from Page 5 the scene on Feb. 28, much of the perimeter surrounding the scene of the shooting had been blocked with tape.
As TaiJoh'e Scott recounted, dozens of federal and local police vehicles converged on the 4300 block of 3rd Street in Southeast. MPD”s investigative unit had also set up shop. Meanwhile, local law enforcement officers stood in front of the apartment building where the warrant had been executed questioning passersby about whether they lived there.
“Since my brother’s killing, we have gone down to the court building, protesting and screaming at the top of our lungs asking for information,” TaiJoh'e Scott told the Informer.
On Wednesday, Alanta Scott, TaiJoh'e Scott, and another Scott sibling stood alongside family members of other police shooting victims, advo- cates and retired U.S. Marshal Chief Deputy Dr. Matthew Fogg in front of the U.S Department of Justice headquarters in Northwest to demand that President Joe Biden (D) and Attorney General Merrick Garland strengthen federal law enforcement accountability measures.
For TaiJoh'e Scott, it’s imperative that the U.S. Marshals Service is no longer able to hide behind its federal authority to sweep her brother’s death and that of other Black people under the rug.
“It makes no sense that every single life that’s been lost to police brutality has vanished with no trace,” she said. “It’s been more than 90 days and I have no clear understanding about what happened to my brother. We all deserve answers. I’m demanding someone tell us something.” WI Read more on washingtoninformer.com
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