“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see” – Henry David Thoreau Alford Examines the Rotting Prison System See Page 25 •
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Serving More Than 50,000 African American Readers Throughout The Metropolitan Area / Vol. 48, No. 49 Sept. 19 - Sept. 25 2013
In Search of Answers
(L-R) Brittnay Carter, 24 of Lanham, Md., and Jibir Johnson, 24 also of Lanham, listen as speakers address the crowd at Freedom Plaza in Northwest during a candlelight vigil in honor of the victims of the Navy Yard shootings on Monday, Sept. 16. /Photo by Khalid Naji-Allah. Inset photo of alleged shooter, 34-year-old Aaron Alexis. /Courtesy Photo
Questions Swirl after Mass Shooting at Navy Yard By Stacy M. Brown and Barrington M. Salmon WI Staff Writers Residents in the District of Columbia and around the region continue to come to terms with a mass shooting that left 13 people dead and more than a dozen injured at the Navy Yard on
Monday morning. In the aftermath of the Sept. 16 rampage, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other law enforcement agencies have asked the public for information and released background about the alleged shooter, 34-year-old Aaron Alexis. As details of the case are pieced together to de-
termine a motive for the shootings, there remain a number of unanswered questions surrounding what is being called the deadliest event of its kind in the metropolitan area since 9/11. On Tuesday morning, Mayor Vincent C. Gray (D) suggested in several interviews with national networks that the Sequester
may have been a factor in Alexis passing a background check and being able to gain access to the Navy Yard. “As I look at … sequestration, which is about saving money in the federal government, have we somehow skimped on what would be available for projects like this and then we put people
Visit us online for daily updates and much more @ www.washingtoninformer.com. Gray Veto Pleases Businesses Page 4
Blacks Continue to Spend More, Save Less Page 14
at risk,” Gray mused on CNN. “It’s really hard to believe that someone with a record as checkered as this man’s could get credentials to be able to get on the base.” Through the Sequester, across-the-board budget cuts
See shootings on Page 8
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2012 Phoenix Awards Dinner The Phoenix Awards Dinner pays tribute to the legacy & achievement of extraordinary individuals that positively impact the African-American experience. This year’s honorees are Rep. Corrine Brown, Harvey B. Gantt (FAIA,NOMA - First African American Mayor of Charlotte, NC), George Lucas (Aclaimed Film Producer/Director) and Hon. Eric Holder, Jr. (US Attorney General) Courtesy Press Release
Honoree: George Lucas with his new wife Melody Hobson (Lucas)
First Lady Mrs. Michelle Obama Below: Atty. Denise Rolark Barne (Publisher Washington Informer Newspaper) & hubby Lafayette Barnes Honoree Rep. Corrine Brown (Fla) Awardee Hon. Eric Holder (c) with Rep. James Clyburn (SC) & Mrs. A. Shuanise Washington (CBCF Bd. Chairperson) Below : Ludlow McKay & Edna Lee Moffitt
Atty. “STAR” Jones Hon. Vincent Hughes & wife Sheryl Lee Ralph Roland Martin TV One Commentator Above: Mr. & Mrs. Gregory & Regina Ashby Rigth: Mr. & Mrs. Ed & Chinyere Hubbard
Atty. Amy Goldson and her daughter CBCF Gen. Counsel
Bill & Shelia Washington
Ms. Ingrid Saunders Jones (Sr. VP Coca-Cola), Thomas Graham (Pres. PEPCO) & Rep. Hank Johnson
City Council Member Ward 7 Yvette Alexander, Right Photo: Dr. Elsie Scott (CBCF Pres. & CEO) Reps. Karen Base (CA) & Rep. Gwen Moore (WI)
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2 September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
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9/19/2013 – 9/25/2013 AROUND THE REGION Black Facts Page 6 PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY Page 15 BUSINESS William Reed’s Business Exchange Page 19 COMMENTARIES Pages 25-26 SPORTS HIGHLIGHTS Pages 36-37
Members of the Boys’ Choir of the Holy Trinity Episcopal Cathedral Music School of Port-au-Prince, Haiti took a break during their recent outdoor concert on the grounds of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African Art on Friday, Sept. 13. The choir is in the United States on tour through October 2013. /Photo by Khalid Naji-Allah
RELIGION Lyndia Grant’s Religion Column Page 39
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around the region the Cycle of Women Break Domestic Gray Veto Violence Pleases Businesses, Inflames Others By Tia Carol Jones WI Staff Writer
ByWhen Barrington M. Salmon L.Y. Marlow's 23-yearanddaughter James Wright old told her the father WIher Staff Writersthreatened her of daughter life, and the life of their child, C. had Grayto(D) sheMayor knew Vincent something be done. of wage her frustration vetoed Out a living bill Thurswith law enforcement's day that would have handling required Email comments to: of decided to Bigthe Boxsituation, retailers she in the District rburke@ start the Saving Promise camto pay their employees $12.50 an paign. washingtoninformer.com hour. “It to Large be a vicious Theseems bill, the Retailercycle Acthat won't turn my countability Act (LRAA) family which loose,” Marlow said. Marlow passed by an 8-5 vote in the D.C. shared her story with the audiCouncil this summer, inence at earlier the District Heights censed Wal-Mart officials and Domestic Violence Symposium elements theDistrict business comon May 7 of at the Heights munity, with the D.C. Municipal Center. TheChamber sympoWe represent victims of major of Commerce being among the sium was sponsored by the medical malpractice such as most vocal. Family and Youth Services Sandra Robinson Jack Olender cerebral palsy. Gray, of70,theestimates that as Center city of District All 5 lawyers were again elected Heights and the National Hookmany as 4,000 jobs would be lost “Best Lawyers in America” 2012 Up of Black Women. in the first few years if the bill Karen Evans is a nurse/attorney Marlow haseffect. written a book, had gone into Attorney/Pediatrician Harlow Case Karen Evans Melissa Rhea “Color Me Butterfly,” which is a Barbara Lang, the Chamber’s Robert Chabon, M.D., J.D. is story about four generations of president and chief executive ofOf Counsel. domestic violence. book is ficer, anticipated theThe city thriving inspired by Wal-Mart’s presence. her own experiences, because of and those of her grandmother, “This is a major victory for her mother and her daughter. the residents of the District of She said every time she reads Columbiafrom and her the business In Memoriam excerpts book, shecomstill Dr. Calvin W. Rolark, Sr. munity,” she said. “We’re in can not believe the wordsnow came Wilhelmina J. Rolark a position to be Me the Butterfly” economic from her. “Color The Washington Informer Newspaper hub for region and end the won theour 2007 National “Best THE WASHINGTON INFORMER PUBLISHER retail leakage that has plagued Memoriam Books” Award. NEWSPAPER (ISSN#0741-9414) is InDenise Rolark Barnes Dr. Calvin W. Rolark, Sr. this published weekly on each Thursday. “I city wastoo justlong.” 16-years-old when Wilhelmina STAFFJ. Rolark Periodicals postage paid at Washingleakage refers and to D.C. myRetail eye first blackened my ton,THE D.C. and additional mailing of- NEWSPAPER WASHINGTON INFORMER (ISSN#0741-9414) is published lips bled,” shopping Marlow said. residents for clothes, Denise W. Barnes, Editor fices. Newsonand advertising deadlinepostage paid at Washington, D.C. and additional weekly Thursday. Periodicals ElaineandDavis-Nickens, presigoods services outside of Shantella Assistant Editor mailing prior offices.to News and advertising deadlineY.isSherman, Monday prior to publication. is Monday publication. Andent of the National Hook-Up the city. This problem has been Announcements be received weeks prior to event. Copyright 2000 by The nouncements must must be received two twoRon Burke, Advertising/ Marketing Director of Black Women, saidand thereVictor is no Washington Informer. All rights bemoaned by Gray weeks prior to event. Copyright 2013reserved. POST MASTER: Send change of addressconsistency in themayor way domestic es to The Washington Informer, 3117 Martin Luther King,IV, Jr. Ave., S.E. Photo Washington, Lafayette Barnes, Assistant Editor by The Washington Informer. All Hoskins, deputy for ecoD.C. 20032.POSTMASTER: No part of this Send publication may be reproduced without written permisviolence issues are dealt by rights reserved. Khalid Naji-Allah, Photographer nomic development andwith plansion from the publisher. The Informer Newspaper cannotStaff guarantee the return of change of addresses to The Washning, as the city loses sales tax photographs. Subscription rates are $30 per year, twoFreitas, years $45. Papers willEditor be received John E. De Sports Photo ington Informer, 3117 Martin Luther not more than a week after publication. Make checks payable to: revenue to neighboring jurisdicKing, Jr. Ave., S.E. Washington, D.C. Dorothy Rowley, Online Editor tions. 20032. No part of this publication may THE WASHINGTON INFORMER Brian Young, Design & Layout The bill stipulated that retailers be reproduced without written permis3117 Martin Luther King, Jr. Ave., S.E. • Washington, D.C. 20032 202 561-4100 • Fax: 202 Bookkeeper 574-3785 sion from the publisher.Phone: The Informer Mable Neville, with $1 billion or more in sales, news@washingtoninformer.com Newspaper cannot guaranteeE-mail: the return or with spaces of 75,000-squareMickey Thompson, Social Sightings columnist www.washingtoninformer.com of photographs. Subscription rates are feet or more, would have had $45 per year, two years $60. Papers will Stacey Palmer, Social Media Specialist to pay employees the $12.50 an be received not more than a week after PUBLISHER Angie Johnson, Circulation hour in combined wages and publication. Make checks payable to: Denise Rolark Barnes benefits. Currently, the minimum STAFF REPORTERS REPORTERS THE WASHINGTON INFORMER Brooke N. Garner Managing Editor Tia C. 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Layout & Graphic Design Joanne Jackson, Roy Lewis, Robert Wright Ken Harris /www.scsworks.com Webmaster Ridley, Victor Holt The Rev. Graylan Scott Hagler and other critics have said. CIRCULATION Justin Danhof, the direcPHOTOGRAPHERS Paul Trantham John E. De Freitas, Roy Lewis, tor of the National Center for Khalid Naji-Allah, Shevry Lassiter Public Policy Research’s Free Enterprise Project in Northeast, praised Gray’s move. 4 / May 15 - 21, 2008 The Washington Informer / www.washingtoninformer.com “Today, Mayor Gray stood up for the workers and residents of
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4 September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
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law enforcement. She said they threat,” she said. had come together to bring a Among the programs Marlow sense of uniformity in the way wants to see implemented are domestic violence victims and stricter restraining order policies, survivors are treated. more rights for victim's families “She's using her own personal to intervene on behalf of a vicstory, her own personal pain to tim, a domestic violence assesspush forward,” Davis-Nickens ment unit coupled with further said about Marlow. training for law enforcement Davis-Nickens said anyone agencies, a Child's Life Protecwho reads Marlow's book will tion Act and mandatory counsel“get it.” She said she “puts the ing for batterers. case in such a way, the average “If we are ever going to eradiperson can get it.” She said at the cate domestic violence, we must end of the day, the book will look at both sides of the coin. help people begin to have a dia- We need to address both the viclogue about domestic violence. tim and the batterer,” Marlow Also present at the event was said. Mildred Muhammad, the exMarlow would also like to see wife of John Allen Muhammad, programs designed to raise Mayor Vincent Gray’stoveto keep big-box stores like Targetchildren from who was sentenced six could consecawareness among in raisinglife the minimum wage. /Courtesy utive terms without parole Photo public and private schools. She by a Maryland jury for his role in feels children need to be educatthe Beltway Sniper attacks in ed about domestic violence. 2002. Mildred is ing“We to stop being thathave it would bring harmpasto his city,” DanhofMuhammad said. “Instead the founder of After the Trauma, sive-aggressive with poor city of having to consider travel- residents and areas of the chilan thatBeltway helps the most about in needdomestic of jobs,violence,” economing organization outside of the to dren survivors of domestic violence Marlow said. purchase groceries, clothes and ic development and amenities. and their children. Marlow has worked to break He cycle listedofsix things other necessities, D.C. residents “I lived in fear for six years. Six the abuse in herresidents family, misunderstand the bill she incan now shopis right in time. their own years in fear a long It is and is confidentabout the policies cluding: it’s for a job-killer; it’s that not backyards be toassisted by is not an easyand thing come out pushing will start a true living wage bill; it would theirshe friends of,” said. and neighbors who process. a larger number of retailhave stable jobs that the District Mildred Muhammad said affect “I plan to take these policies to ers besidesand Wal-Mart, people who want so desperately needs.” to help a Congress implore including them to domestic our laws,” Harris Teeter, AutoMarlow Zone, said. MaHagler, violence senior victim pastor must of change be of howCongregational they go into “I stop untiland these policy’swill andnot Walgreens; it would the careful Plymouth the victim's life, and understand passed.” development in kill are economic Church of Christ in Northwest, cies that she may be in “survival Tia Carol can be reached underserved Jones communities for a strenuously disagrees. mode”. at tiacaroljones@sbcglobal.net “Unfortunately, the may- generation. “Before you get to 'I'm going Pulitzer Prize-winning jouror’s decision is hardly surpristo kill you,' it started as a verbal WI ing because this is exactly what nalist and author David Cay Wal-Mart’s lobbyists said would Johnston castigated Gray and happen,” said Hagler, 59. “The Wal-Mart. “I’m not surprised [at the mayor’s office and Wal-Mart have been working together to veto] because if you look at the defeat this bill from the start. If whole history of this country, we cannot demand higher wag- with railroads and canals, for es and good jobs from the na- example, the majority of politition’s and world’s corporations, cians ended up siding with the D.C. will not be able to remain powers-that-be,” said Johnston a diverse and vibrant city. We during an interview Friday. “Walstrongly urge the city council to Mart does not create jobs. All it does is move jobs from less effioverride this misguided veto.” Prior to the vote, Wal-Mart cient retailers to itself.” Johnston said studies elsethreatened to halt plans to build three of six proposed stores in where in the U.S. reveal that the city. It’s not clear if the coun- when Wal-Mart sets up business, cil has the nine votes it needs to the true nature its effects on competitors and communities it override Gray’s veto. Gray, 70, said while he sup- serves becomes clear. Wal-Mart will drive down the ports a living wage for D.C. residents, the LRAA is funda- wages in the city and become a said. He L.Y. Marlow mentally flawed. He explained job destroyer, Johnston his rationale in a Sept. 12 letter said a new Wal-Mart on average hand-delivered to Council Chair will lead to the loss of 175 jobs as competing neighborhood Phil Mendelson. Gray said the bill would not businesses are driven out and improve the employment op- as lower wages filter throughout portunities or wages for the vast majority of the workforce, addSee veto on Page 21
We have to stop being passive-aggressive with poor children about domestic violence. I plan to take these policies to Congress and implore them to change our laws. I will not stop until these policies are passed.
D.C. Political Roundup By James Wright WI Staff Writer
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Bryan Weaver is a former advisory neighborhood commissioner in Ward 1. /Courtesy Photo
“The people of Ward 1 see things differently now than they did in 2010,” he said. “They see the corruption and they want change. Plus, I have the money and resources now that I did not have in 2010 and the people know that they do have a choice for the city council.” Moten Pens Autobiography, Blasts Gray Ronald Moten, a former Ward 7 D.C. Council candidate and co-founder of Peacoholics, is promoting his autobiography and political commentary book, “Drinking Muddy Water: The Streets, The Scandals & The Party of Lincoln”, published by Sudden Change Media of Northwest. Moten, 43, said that he’s not planning on running for another political office in the District but would like to play a role in cleaning up the city’s political landscape. In the book, D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray is a frequent target of Moten’s gripes about the District’s political leadership. He spends a great deal of time in the book characterizing Gray as untrustworthy and ethically challenged. “To be frank, I do not believe that Vincent Gray ever cared about helping the people,” Moten said in a chapter titled “Politricks.” “All he wanted was to control the money.” He also criticizes D.C. Council members Mary Cheh (D-Ward 3), Jim Graham (D-Ward 1) and his 2012 opponent, D.C. Council member Yvette Alexander (D-Ward 7). He praises former D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty, referring to him as a genuine but naïve politician. Moten is a former Democrat who joined the Republican Party out of frustration with his former party’s lack of values regarding African Americans. “I am a civil-rights Republican,”
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Weaver Runs for Ward 1 Seat Former Ward 1 Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner Bryan Weaver is running as a candidate for the Democratic Party nomination for the Ward 1 D.C. Council member seat, once again. Weaver, 43, is challenging D.C. Council member Jim Graham for the second time. This time he thinks he can take out the veteran lawmaker. “The issues that affect Ward 1 residents are not being addressed,” he said. “There is corruption on the D.C. Council while issues such as opportunities for young people and building more affordable housing are not being paid attention to. Corruption is now on the front page when it comes to Ward 1 and there needs to be a new generation of people to lead the ward.” Weaver, who lives in the Adams Morgan neighborhood in Northwest, lost to Graham in the Democratic Party primary in 2010, receiving 21 percent of the vote to Graham’s 57 percent. In 2011, Weaver came in fourth in the field of candidates running for Kwame Brown’s at-large D.C. Council seat. In 2012, he led an unsuccessful yet energetic effort to ban corporate contributions to District elected officials through a ballot initiative. Weaver served as a commissioner for single-member district 1C03 from 2003-2009 that included two terms as chairman of commission 1C. He said that his experience in politics has taught him to keep fighting for what is right. “Some people run, lose and then just fade away but I will not do that,” he said. “We need job training for our kids. I am getting back to the things I am talking about. When you talk to the crews in Ward 1, they ask, to the surprise of many people, about career information and I want to make that a reality for them to have good jobs.” Weaver is the founder and president of a non-profit, Hoops Sagrado in Northwest. He is a political science graduate of Howard University in Northwest and has worked for the Service Employees International Union as a field representative and organizer. He’s also served as an aide to the late Sen. Paul Wellstone of Minnesota and the Rev. Jesse Jackson. Weaver said that he’s ready to win in 2014.
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Ronald Moten is the co-founder of Peaceoholics, an anti-gang violence organization. /Courtesy Photo
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he said. “I believe in freedom but I also believe in self-reliance and economic independence and not relying on public assistance. Black people need to become more self-sufficient and I strongly believe that.” Ward 8 Democrats Set to Elect Officers The Ward 8 Democrats will hold their biennial convention to elect officers, make amendments to its bylaws and offer resolutions on pressing political issues locally and nationally on Saturday, Sept. 21 at the Imagine Public Charter School in Southeast. The election of a new president, first and second vice president, treasurer and recording and corresponding secretaries will be one of the most important items of business during the convention. Any registered Democrat in Please by set all in upper Ward 8 can ‡come tocopy vote for and lowercase, flush left as indicated on artwork at these point sizes: Consultant name in 11-point Helvetica Neue Bo Beauty Consultant in 9-point Helvetica Neue Light; Web site or e-mail address in 9-point Helvetica Neue Light; phone number in 9-point Helvetica whomever they feel should lead To the Independent Beauty Consultant: Only Company-approved Web sites obtained through the Mary Kay® Personal Web Site program may the organization from 12-2 p.m. The results of the elections will be tallied by members of the District of Columbia Democratic State Committee.wi The Washington Informer
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September 19 1981 – An estimated 400,000 people from various labor and civil rights organizations rally in Washington, D.C. to protest the domestic policies of President Ronald Reagan. His policies were viewed by the demonstrating groups as anti-Black and opposed to the best interests of working class people. September 20 1664 - Maryland enacts the nation’s first “Anti-Amalgamation Law.” It specifically outlawed marriages between Black men and white women. Soon, several other colonies followed the Maryland example. It would not be until the 1960s that U.S. Supreme Court in the famous Loving v. Virginia case declared all such laws un-Constitutional. And even though it was not being enforced, it was not until 2000 that Alabama officially became the last state to strike from the books its law banning inter-racial marriages. 1958 - A deranged woman stabs then rapidly emerging civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. during a book signing ceremony at a Harlem, New York department store. Rumors circulated that the stabbing was part of a government conspiracy against King but no evidence was ever produced to support the theory.
American named as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. As the nation’s top military leader, Powell was praised by some Blacks as a role model while he was criticized for supporting what critics considered the government’s war-mongering policies. His generally positive reputation was damaged by his speaking before the United Nations and providing misinformation in 2003 in support of the Bush administration’s war in Iraq. September 24 1965 - President Lyndon Johnson issues what is generally considered the nation’s first affirmative action order - Executive Order #11246. It required companies receiving federal construction contracts to ensure equality in the hiring of minorities. Despite a disastrous war in Vietnam, which would eventually force his resignation, the Southern-born Johnson generally supported a host of legislative
and executive efforts beneficial to Blacks. September 25 1861 - The Secretary of the Navy authorizes the enlistment of free Blacks and slaves as Union sailors in a bid to help the North win the Civil War against pro-slavery Southern whites who had proven more difficult in battle than the North had originally expected. 1962 - In another one of those instances demonstrating the tenacity of racism among Southern whites, Mississippi Governor Ross Barnett defies a federal court order and personally stands in the door to block the admittance of a black student - James Meredith - to the University of Mississippi. Meredith would eventually be admitted and graduate. Historians now generally believe Ross’s “show” was primarily designed to curry favor among white voters not actually to stop desegregation of the then-all-white university.
The Lovings
September 21 1872 - John Henry Conyers becomes the first Black student at the U.S. Naval Academy. However, racism and often violent harassment forced him to leave the academy before he was able to graduate. 1905 - The Atlanta Life Insurance Company is established in Atlanta, Georgia and becomes one of the largest insurance companies in America serving a predominantly African American clientele. 1984 - General Colin Powell becomes the first African
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CALL JOHN @ 301-596-6201 6 September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
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around the region
Viewp int Imani Edwards Washington, D.C. Gray’s veto was awful. It was just another decision among many that make me really regret the fact that I voted for him. I initially believed that he was going to do a lot of good things for the city’s residents, but I guess I was [wrong]. His decision was awful. I hope he spends all of the money he receives from Wal-Mart wisely, because it’s going to come back to bite him.
Cynthia Weekes Washington, D.C. I live near the Georgia Avenue [site in Northwest] and it would be a shame to have construction stop because it would be an eyesore in the community. We already have similar construction issues in that area as it is. While the initial compensation might not be what people want, Wal-Mart is already in the area and our leaders can continue to work with them instead of rejecting and pushing them away. I think this would be the best option to handle the situation.
Tracey Lewis Takoma Park, Md. I look forward to seeing the city council override Mayor Gray’s veto. I think it’s very clear that jobs that offer substandard wages in an area that is one of the most expensive in the entire country, is wrong. Just because you are someone who might not have higher education or a lot of money, you should not be paid less than a living wage. Wal-Mart thrives on exploiting workers and I look forward to seeing the city council override the veto. The city council clearly knew what it was doing when it implemented a living wage. It’s very expensive to live in this city when you factor in food, transportation costs and living expenses.
Karla Morrison Takoma Park, Md. I think the city council was correct in its initial decision because people in the city need living wages to survive. By allowing Wal-Mart and other big-box stores to come into the area and think that they can pay minimum wage to people who need to survive in a city that is increasingly rising in its cost of living, is ludicrous. I wish Mayor Gray would have stood behind the city council and fought for a living wage.
Khepra Anu Washington, D.C. As a small business owner, I believe Mayor Gray made the right decision. I feel as though $12.50 an hour isn’t even really a living wage. Just because WalMart is a large and successful corporation, it shouldn’t be held to a different standard when paying its employees. To hold Wal-Mart to a higher standard is unfair. I think Mayor Gray made the best decision for all residents of the District who are really looking to find employment, and I’m on his side 100 percent.
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Mayor Vincent Gray, flanked by District and federal officials, briefed the media on the shootings on Monday, Sept. 16. /Photo by Khalid Naji-Allah
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implement by Congress, forced the Department of Defense to shave $37 billion in 2013. Others believed Alexis, a
Contact: Ron Burke | 202-561-4100 rburke@washingtoninformer.com
ROBOTS AT THEARC THE EXHIBITION Corcoran Community Gallery at THEARC September 16 thru October 11, 2013 Coming to the Corcoran Community Gallery at THEARC in cooperation with Creative and Therapeutic Arts Services at Children’s National Medical Center is the dynamic painting Little Rooster and the Mechanical Robots by James Williams II. Set in the 1930s, the larger-than-life 5ft by 6ft surrealist painting features Little Rooster, an energetic, young African American boy tinkering in his father’s science laboratory surrounded by African American engineers and gigantic robots!
THE FAMILY PROGRAMS The Anacostia Community Museum #1: A Little Rooster Story September 21, 2013 2-4 PM Features master storyteller Bill Grimmette and a children’s art activity with painter James Williams II. Light fare served. #2: Science Art Futurism October 5, 2013 1-3 PM Performance artist chukwumaa creates a music recording with the audience, and YMCA youth demonstrate their robot prototype. Light fare served. Free pre-registration is required for both programs. Space is limited. Call the museum at 202.633.4875 to register!
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8 September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
The Washington Informer
Brooklyn, N.Y.-native and Fort Worth resident, to be a victim of post-traumatic stress disorder or other documented mental health issues, which caused him, in the past, to act on violent impulses. Navy documents show Alexis, a Navy veteran, served from 2007 to 2011 as an Aviation Electrician’s Mate 3rd Class with the Fleet Logistics Support Squadron in Fort Worth, Texas. He was awarded the National Defense Service Medal and the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal. While it is unclear what triggered Alexis’ rampage, Navy and law enforcement officials agree that first responders did a tremendous job in securing, and later, evacuating employees during the crisis. The crisis began when shots were fired at the Naval Sea Systems Command Headquarters building on-base at 8:20 a.m. Alexis is said by D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier to have opened fire and shot victims in Building 197 on the sprawling naval base. “Uniformed police officers entered first and internal security engaged the suspect,” she said. “There were multiple engagements and during the final gun battle, he was killed. It’s one of the worst things we’ve ever seen in D.C. There were also multiple victims and gunfire still going on. We pulled different teams to fight.” Alexis died following a firefight, and officials said an AR-15 and
other weapons were beside his body. For much of the day, the Navy base, schools, federal buildings, museums, and streets around the base were on lockdown as a result. Heavily armed military and law enforcement personnel patrolled roads, helicopters hovered low to the ground and dozens of police vehicles, ambulances and emergency vehicles blocked streets. For a short period of time, air traffic at Reagan National Airport was suspended and because of closed streets in sections near the 41-acre complex, gridlock ensued. Outside the base, stunned employees cried, held each other and stood and walked around looking lost. Chaos and fear gripped the region. At the end of the day Monday, a visibly tired and somber mayor spoke at a 6 p.m. news conference. “I’m really saddened by this day … This is a long day, a tragic day,” Gray said. “We want to extend from the city our heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims. We have no known motive and no information that suggests terrorism is the case at this point. We will continue through the night with this investigation and do the same obviously in the days and weeks ahead.” President Barack Obama praised the victims and first responders in remarks before a speech to mark the fifth an-
See shootings on Page 9 www.washingtoninformer.com
around the region
Eddie Weingart, 34, of Silver Spring, Md., hastily organized a vigil in response to the shooting rampage that took place at the Navy Yard in Southeast on Monday, Sept. 16. Weingart, was himself, a victim of gun violence. /Photo by Nancy Shia Gordon Morris, 50, and his wife Laura, 57, both from the District, attended the candlelight vigil against gun violence. / Photo by Nancy Shia
shootings continued from Page 8 niversary of the financial meltdown. “We’re confronting yet another mass shooting and today it happened on a military installation in our nation’s capital. It’s a shooting that targeted our military and civilian personnel. These are men and women who were going to work doing their jobs and protecting all of us. They’re patriots. They know the dangers of serving abroad, but today they faced the unimaginable violence that they wouldn’t have expected here at home.” Obama ordered all flags flown at half-mast until the end of this week. D.C. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton praised law enforcement for their quick response. “We’ve not had a day like this since 9/11 and with good reason. Our hearts and prayers are with those who’ve died, those who’re injured,” she said. “I will lead a moment of silence, for yet another heart break, for families in this city. This attack on a federal facility we take personally. It is an attack www.washingtoninformer.com
against us, our city, [and] our country.” Norton said she planned to ask Obama to convene a special panel to study security on military bases nationwide. “We don’t want them walled off, we want them as part of the community, but the people who work inside need to be safe,” she said. Several vigils are scheduled for the victims of Alexis’ shooting spree and their families. They are: Michael Arnold, 59, Kathy Gaarde, 62, John Roger Johnson, 73, Arthur Daniels, 51, Richard Michael Ridgell, 52, Martin Bodrog, 54, Vishnu Shalchendia Pandit, 61, Kenneth Bernard Proctor, 46, and Mary Francis Knight, 51. The Navy Yard houses the Chief of Naval Operations and is the headquarters of a number of naval commands. The Naval Sea Systems, according to the Navy website, buys, builds, engineers and maintains the Navy’s ships, submarines and combat systems. About 60,000 employees work onbase. Counseling is being offered for all employees of the Navy Yard.wi
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The Washington Informer
September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
The twisted fragment of an approximately 8-inch shard of stained glass from the historic 16th Street Baptist Church window reminded Ann Jimerson’s mother of the “twisted minds” of those who attacked the Birmingham, Ala. church, 50 years ago. / Courtesy of Ann Jimerson.
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Family Donates Glass Shard from Firebombed Church By Margaret Summers WI Contributing Writer
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10 September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
September 15 marked the 50th anniversary of the 16th Street Baptist Church firebombing. The attack on the Birmingham, Ala., African-American church, the site of mass meetings and civil rights rallies, killed four girls inside. The incident was considered an “answer” from racists to the August 28, 1963 March on Washington. Distraught over the firebombing, the Jimersons, a white Birmingham family, kept a shard of glass from the church’s shattered windows as a symbol of the era’s virulent racism. This September 9, they donated it to the National Museum of African-American History and Culture in Washington, D.C. “Dad [The Rev. Norman C. ‘Jim’ Jimerson] moved us from Petersburg, Va., where he was a chaplain in the federal reformatory, to Birmingham, in 1961,” said Ann Jimerson, 62, of Tenleytown in Northwest Washington, D.C. Jimerson was hired as the executive director of the Alabama Council on Human Relations. Birmingham was nicknamed “Bombingham” due to frequent firebomb attacks on civil rights activists’ homes, and was called “the Johannesburg [South Africa] of the South” and “the most segregated city in America” by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., but Ann Jimerson said, “Dad felt called to go, to become part of the solution.” “He worked to establish communications between Alabama’s African Americans and its white moderates and liberals,” said Ann’s brother Rand Jimerson, 64, a history professor and director of the Archives and Records Management Masters Program at The Washington Informer
Western Washington University in Bellingham, Wash. “He spoke to people about improving race relations, and communicated with local councils around the state, including the Montgomery council where Dr. King was active.” “We joined Shades Valley Presbyterian church in Homewood, Ala., where we lived,” said Ann Jimerson. “Before that, several churches asked us to leave because of Dad’s position.” After church on Sunday, Sept. 15, 1963, The Rev. Jimerson was getting the barbecue ready to prepare lunch. “He turned on the radio and heard the announcement about the firebombing,” said Ann Jimerson. “Our mother, a member of our church’s choir, was in church when the minister apparently announced the bombing, but didn’t stop the service.” “Dad waited until after lunchtime, then he telephoned many of the white Birmingham pastors he knew, urging them to go to the black community with him to show support. No one would go,” Ann Jimerson recounted. Leaving their oldest son to babysit his four younger siblings, the Jimersons met with and comforted shocked and saddened African Americans in Birmingham. “At some point, Dad drove by himself to the 16th Street Baptist Church,” Ann Jimerson said. “He just needed to be in the presence of what happened. He bent down and picked up shards of glass that had been blasted out of a window.” The family donated some of the shards to the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute, but kept one treasured piece. “My mother said the twisted glass and lead was like the twisted minds of the people who firebombed the church,”
Ann Jimerson said. In February 2012, Rand Jimerson watched President Obama on television at the groundbreaking ceremony for the National Museum of African-American History and Culture. “President Obama said he hoped the museum would exhibit some shards of glass from the 16th Street Baptist Church windows, which he wanted his daughters to see,” said Ann Jimerson. “My brother got us siblings together on a conference phone call. I was to find out if the museum already had some glass. I contacted Bill Pretzer, a curator. I showed him a photo of the glass we had, and he said he wanted it for the museum.” Ann Jimerson said it took her family a year to decide to donate. “I know how powerful it is to be in the presence of the glass. But a friend told me, ‘That glass doesn’t belong to the Jimerson family, it belongs to the world.’ We feel really honored to have held the glass for that long and very pleased to share it with visitors who will now have access to it.” The Rev. Jimerson died in 1995. His widow Melva is ill and lives in Washington, D.C.wi For more information on what childhood was like in 1963 Birmingham, Ala., visit Ann Jimerson’s website, kidsinbirmingham1963.org. Rand Jimerson’s book, “Shattered Glass in Birmingham: One Family’s Fight for Civil Rights, 1961-1964” will be published by LSU Press in early 2014.
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The Washington Informer
September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
CBC Not Yet Sold on Syria
D.C. Residents also against Military Action By Stacy M. Brown WI Contributing Writer The Congressional Black Caucus, staunch supporters if not rubberstamps for many of President Barack Obama’s policies, has expressed skepticism over the commander in chief’s desire to take military action against Syria. Although many members have refrained from publicly criticizing Obama, only two of the 43 voting Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) members have reportedly said they would back the president on strikes in Syria. Some have even broken ranks, criticizing the president. “The tragedy of war is that even one innocent life is far too many to lose, and as we continue to witness the horror occurring in Syria there is no doubt many want the international community to intervene,” said CBC Chair Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio). “Since 2011, more than 100,000 people have died in Syria’s civil conflict while more than two million Syrians have fled to neighboring countries as refugees,” said Fudge, 60.
“President Obama has asked members of Congress to authorize a military strike on Syria for violating international law in the use of chemical weapons by the government on its people; a request that requires each of us to thoroughly examine the evidence and exhaustively consider the consequences of military action,” she said. Obama needs support from lawmakers if he is to win approval from Congress on his plans to launch military action against the Western Asian nation. But few are giving him the outright support he desires, specifically CBC members. “I want to support the president. I believe in him,” said Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.). However, Obama must prove that the ongoing strife in Syria threatens national security in America, Cumming said, noting that those who normally support the president are leery of any military action going forward. “If we go in and we find ourselves mired in a civil war, what does that do? I’ve gotten 95 percent of the calls coming into my office saying no. That’s why the president has got to address my constituents. And, by the
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Rep. Barbara Lee, (D-Calif.). /Courtesy Photo
way, I have a constituency that voted 80 percent for the president, so it’s not like they’re not his friends,” said Cummings, 62. While Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) publicly declared he’s against a Syria strike, another CBC member, Barbara Lee (D- Calif.), released to her constituents a letter that she sent to the president which warned Obama against being drawn into another costly war. Several CBC members including Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) also signed Lee’s letter. “We must learn the lessons of the past,” said Lee, 67. “Lessons [learned] from Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and others. We must recognize what happens in Syria does not stay in Syria, the implications for the region are dire, but I am calling for debate.” Local residents also weighed in against military action in Syria.
“If we got involved, we’d probably prevail in the end, but then we’d have to stay there and spend trillions of dollars helping to rebuild that country and helping to [establish] a new government,” said Harrison, 52. “We have Americans at home who are starving, who need work, who can’t pay their mortgage or their electric bill, why isn’t anyone thinking about that?” The CBC needs to have a conversation about what a strike against Syria means in light of its priorities as a caucus, said Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-N.Y.), who holds the No. 3 leadership post in the 43-member caucus. “I’m not at all certain that it’s a monolithic vote,” said Clarke, 48. “Each member is going to look at what these actions mean for our na-
See SYRIA on Page 13
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“There are people here in this country who are suffering and I do sympathize with those in Syria and other places around the world who are suffering at the hands of their government or by other means,” said Charlotte Stokes, a buyer for a major department store, who lives in Southeast. “However, look what has happened in Iraq, all of those years our kids were over there and for what? They never found weapons of mass destruction, ever. No, we should mind our own business and stay out of Syria,” said Stokes, 39. Wars are costly and with an ongoing government sequester, a country still recovering from the Great Recession and unemployment remaining high, striking Syria should not be an option, said Reginald Harrison, a public works employee who lives in Northwest.
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The Washington Informer
Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.). /Courtesy Photo
SYRIA continued from Page 12 tion, and then we’re going to relate it to the concerns of our constituents.” The president’s national security adviser, Susan Rice, met with CBC officials earlier this month in an effort to convince them that an intervention is needed in Syria. The president followed that meeting with a 15-minute address to the nation from the White House on Sept. 10, where he said America had a moral obligation and national security inter-
est in launching military strikes against Syria. “I thank the president and Susan Rice for engaging the CBC on this matter. I look forward to reviewing the joint resolution that comes before the House of Representatives and to participating in what will be a vigorous debate on how the United States should respond,” Fudge said. “This is also a vote of conscience, and I encourage members of the Congressional Black Caucus to be extremely deliberate and thoughtful.” wi
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The Washington Informer
September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
Big Spenders, Small Investors
African Americans Have Little to Show for Their Hard-earned Dollars By Stacy M. Brown WI Contributing Writer If black America counted as an independent country, its wealth would rank 11th in the world. However, African Americans continue to squander their vast spending power, relegating blacks to economic slavery instead of financial freedom, according to several consumer reports detailing the use of cash in the black community. “There is no way we should have to beg for anything with all of the resources we enjoy,” said journalist, A. Peter Bailey, a Northwest Washington D.C., resident, former Ebony magazine editor, and author of,
“Witnessing Brother Malcolm X: The Master Teacher.” “It’s unthinkable today that we would find ourselves going hat-in-hand to anyone,” said Bailey, 75. African Americans consistently outpace the total market population in overall growth, smart phone ownership, television viewing and annual shopping trips according to the new study, “Resilient, Receptive and Relevant: The African-American Consumer 2013 Report,” a collaborative effort by the Nielsen Company in New York and the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), located in Northwest Washington, D.C. The report, which will be re-
Dorothy A. Brown. /Courtesy Photo
leased on Thursday, Sept. 19, reveals that black buying power continues to increase, rising from its current $1 trillion level to a forecasted $1.3 trillion by 2017. Despite the strong economic outlook, blacks continue to spend most of their money outside of the African-American community and, according to Nielsen and NNPA, advertisers have repeatedly slighted the black media, spending only three percent, or $2.24 billion, of the $75 billion spent with all media last year. “No one is going to do anything for us. However, we can flex our economic power, but we have to stop being selfish and pool our resources in order to do so,” Bailey said. The Malcolm X disciple and former Howard University student said blacks should learn from the famous Montgomery, Ala., bus boycott that followed Rosa Parks’ arrest when she refused to give up her seat to a white man. From Dec. 5, 1955 to Dec. 20, 1956, blacks boycotted Montgomery buses in the first large-scale demonstration against segregation in the country. The boycott also cat-
14 September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
The Washington Informer
“There is no way we should have to beg for anything with all of the resources we enjoy.”
–A. Peter Bailey
apulted Martin Luther King Jr. into the role of the country’s civil rights leader. The 381-day boycott resulted in the local bus company losing hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue as the 17,000 African Americans in the community comprising more than 90 percent of its ridership refused to patronize the bus system. “Instead, black people took taxis, walked or even rode horses and the company lost money,” Bailey said. King understood better than anyone that civil rights included economic rights, said Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.), dean of the Congressional Black Caucus who’s now in his 25th term in Congress, the only member ever endorsed by King.
“We can never truly form a more perfect union until income, wealth and opportunity are made more equal,” said Conyers, 84. Statistics compiled by several organizations reveal that the purchasing power of blacks continues to be evident in so many ways. Each year, African Americans spend more than $47 billion on Lincoln automobiles, $3.7 billion on alcohol, $2.5 billion on Toyotas, $2 billion on athletic shoes, and $600 million each year on McDonald’s and other fast foods, according to Target Market News Inc., a Chicago-based marketing research group. Blacks also spend wildly to
See wealth on Page 16 www.washingtoninformer.com
PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY BRIEFS Prince George’s County Executive Rushern L. Baker, III releases statement following Navy Yard Shooting
“[It] is a sad day in America as another mass shooting has tragically ended lives, disrupted families, and violated our sense of safety and security. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the victims and the dedicated people of the Defense Department, other Federal government agencies, the District of Columbia government and the Metropolitan Police Department. We proudly stand in solidarity with our neighbors around the metropolitan region as we grieve the loss of those who were our residents, neighbors and friends. The stories, accounts and images from today’s horrible event will be forever etched in our minds. As the days go by we will learn how this tragedy occurred, but we will struggle with reconciling why. Incidents like this remind us how important our fire, police and military first responders are in our lives. They work diligently to ensure that we are safe and secure while sacrificing so much to keep us out of harm’s way. God bless them and their families for their unwavering commitment to the people of this region and the United States of America.”
China Delegation Visit to Explore County Government Inspection Processes
The Prince George’s County Council Office of Audits and Investigations met with an 18-member delegation representing a central government agency of China, the Investment Audit and Evaluation Center of the Ministry of Finance, Fri., September 13. The meeting, held at the County Administration Building, in Council Committee Meeting Room 2027, 14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive, in Upper Marlboro, Md., not only brought divergent cultures together, but also helped strengthen business ties between the two. The delegation, led by Investment Audit and Evaluation Center Deputy Director General, Hou Jumming, received a presentation from County Government officials, including County Auditor David Van Dyke and Office of Audits and Investigations staff. The delegation is working toward a better understanding of the government inspection process as it relates
to audit procedures in Prince George’s County. Included among the topics covered in the presentation were an overview of the Prince George’s County Council Office
of Audits and Investigations, audit procedures, and quality control. This visit was presented in cooperation with the Office of the County Council, Office of
the County Executive, and the Office of Community Relations.
Annual Bluebird Blues Festival at PGCC
an impressive list of blues acts at the 21st Annual Bluebird Blues Festival, Saturday, September 21, 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. at Prince
Diunna Greenleaf heads up
See briefs on Page 16
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The Washington Informer
September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
wealth continued from Page 14 keep up their appearances. The black hair care and cosmetics industry counts as a $9 billion a year business, but while African Americans are spending the most, they are profiting the least, said officials from the Black Owned Beauty Supply Association (BOBSA) in Palo Alto, Calif. Beauty product lines designed for African Americans were once 100 percent owned and operated by blacks, today other ethnic groups control more than 70 percent of the market, a BOBSA spokesperson said. Another report, released in May, titled, “The African American Financial Experience,” revealed that blacks have been hurt to a greater degree than any other group during the Great Recession. The study, produced by the Prudential Company in Newark, N.J., noted that blacks were more likely to lose jobs and to own homes with appraised val-
ues that had fallen below what was owed on the mortgage. “When most black people buy homes, we hurt ourselves economically,” said Dorothy A. Brown, professor at law at Emory University in Atlanta and a former special assistant to the Federal Housing Commissioner at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in Southwest Washington, D.C. Home ownership has been an important vehicle in creating a solid white middle class, but it has not done the same for most black homeowners, said Brown, 53. Officials at the Brookings Institution in Northwest Washington, D.C., said poorer white neighborhoods had more home value per income than poorer minority neighborhoods and, even when homeowners had similar incomes, black-owned homes were valued at 18 percent less than white-owned homes. The current homeownership rate reveals that 73.5 percent of whites own homes while
approximately 43.9 percent of African Americans are homeowners, according to the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies State of the Nation report for 2013. “The recent crash and subsequent rebounding of the market, fiscal cliff jitters notwithstanding, show the white median net worth is down by only 16 percent while the black median net worth is down by 50 percent,” Brown said. “This is because the stock market has significantly rebounded and compensated whites’ losses in home equity, but blacks, without comparable stock investments, have not benefited.” The Brookings study also revealed that, while many whites are comfortable investing in the stock market, most blacks are not. Sixty percent of African Americans have less than $50,000 saved in company retirement plans and only 23 percent have more than $100,000. wi To read this story in its entirety, go to www.washingtoninformer.com.
briefs continued from Page 15 George’s Community College. Greenleaf, who is a celebrated blues artist, has enjoyed great success with such songs as “Trying to Hold On,” and “Taking Chances.” Attendees also will get to enjoy other live acts, music workshops, children’s activities, food and crafts. “The Bluebird Blues Festival has long provided the residents of Prince George’s County with rich music, fun and activities each year,” said Malverse Nicholson, Jr., chair of the Bluebird Blues Festival planning committee and dean of college life services at
Prince George’s Community College. “I am certain that this year’s roster of amazing talent will continue that long standing tradition,” he added. Other main stage artists include blues musician Big Daddy Stallings, known for “Million Dollars;” Nathan Fox and the Upton Blues Band celebrated for “I’m All Done.” Blues harmonica virtuoso, Phil Wiggins noted for “Bowling Green Rag,” the Chesapeake Sheiks and The Jewels will perform on the Nap Turner Stage located in Queen Anne Fine Arts. wi
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16 September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
The Washington Informer
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The Washington Informer
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18 September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
incomes. Student loan debt was also cited as a cause for the nation’s lingering economic problems. Consumers viewed this indebtedness as reasons affecting the growth of new businesses as well as a deterrent to first-time home ownership. The survey by Lake Research Partners was supported by the Ford Foundation and commissioned by Americans for Financial Reform and the Center for Responsible Lending. The survey found that broad and intense support exists for more and tougher regulation of the financial industry. Voters view regulation as the best protection against lingering and wide mistrust of banks and Wall Street. Complete poll results are available at: http://rspnsb. li/16kYb4D. If you share the sentiments of survey participants, be sure to tell your members of Congress. Constituent voices, added to efforts of mobilized advocates can together provide enough pressure to ensure that real financial reforms continue.wi Charlene Crowell is a communications manager with the Center for Responsible Lending. She can be reached at Charlene.crowell@responsiblelending.org.
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By Charlene Crowell
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The Washington Informer
business Business Exchange
By B. Doyle Mitchell, Jr.
Pooling Our Resources is Key to Blacks’ Wealth A. Peter Bailey is a man of note and distinction. The Black writer contends that: “Despite strong evidence to the contrary, many Blacks believe with all our hearts and souls that the path to equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity lies in electing people to political offices.” If you don’t see the truth in Bailey’s statement, it’s for sure you won’t be inviting him to speak to your church or organization. Others who wanting to engage in stories that empowered and enlightened the Black masses, are booking the self-described Garveyite to tell African-American audiences that they have “been bamboozled” into believing that voting and politics will change their lot in life. As a speaker, Bailey coaches Blacks to be clear and uncompromising in their lives and goals. He provides a needed dose of reality with an abundance of history and direction. Bailey encourages Blacks’ wealth and community-building. “Black people have a powerful weapon we don’t effectively use. That weapon is our individual and group economic resources. We spend too much time focusing on electoral politics and not nearly enough on wisely using the trillion dollars that we turnover annually.” Bailey brings stories and insights on Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Jr. to his presentations. Marcus Garvey represents Black self-reliance in America. Garvey is quite a story. He was a staunch proponent of Black nationalism, to which end, he founded and forged the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA). Through public speeches and his newspaper The Negro World, Garvey became one of the most significant Black leaders of the 20th century. He advanced a philosophy known as Garveyism to inspire economic empowerment among African Americans. Garveyism would eventually inspire others, ranging from the Nation of Islam to the Rastafari movement that proclaims Garvey “a prophet.” Bailey’s presentations are inspired by the vision and accomplishments of Garvey, one of the greatest Black leaders in history. Garvey was a role model to Father Divine, Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X. His legend is based on his leadership toward Blacks’ pride and self-determination. Garvey evolved Booker T. Washington’s approach toward business and self-reliance, through the UNIA and he directed the largest mass movement among African Americans in www.washingtoninformer.com
Money Matter$ www.industrial-bank.com
By William Reed history. Garvey’s UNIA movement and vision became procedural and conceptual models toward African Americans capitalism ventures. In his presentations, Bailey makes positive Black history unfold. In the 1920s, it was eye-opening for Blacks across America when Garvey purchased an auditorium in Harlem and proclaimed it “Liberty Hall.” From that platform Garvey and the UNIA established 700 branches in 38 states. Garvey’s economic impact in America included hundreds of profit-generating UNIA businesses across the country; and his never again duplicated campaign that persuaded Black investors to purchase stock in an international shipping line to carry passengers and freight between America, Africa and the West Indies. The Black Star (BSL), incorporated in 1919, was capitalized exclusively by African Americans. The BSL acquired three steam ships, but by 1922, they were lost and the corporation collapsed. Keynote speakers are integral to any gathering looking to further themselves with knowledge and networking. Black schools, forums and conventions need Bailey and his important motivations toward Black growth. More public attention needs to be directed toward the how and why of Blacks building, owning and controlling our own income producing assets. Bailey can inspire and unify an audience with a common purpose. Brother Bailey’s focus on Black community building is something Blacks need to hear nowadays. Bailey says the election of Barack Obama has “proved nothing.” A former Ebony magazine editor, Bailey points audiences to the fact that, “We spend $600 billion a year and should be serious about knowing and understanding that with economic power, political power is automatic.” He brings a sense of history to his tales. Bailey served as a pallbearer for Malcolm in 1965. Nowadays, he says “blind devotion” to Obama and local politics prevents African Americans from participating in activity toward the collectivity we need to flex our financial and political muscle effectively. Email Bailey at apeterb@verizon. net. wi
Industrial Bank Industrial Strong Member FDIC
Industrial Bank: Building on 80 Years of Success On August 20, 1934, Industrial Bank opened to much community enthusiasm and pride. Once again, Negro people in Washington, D.C. had a financial institution they could call their own. Many stood eagerly in line to make deposits and the right to proclaim their support of intelligent business people, they believed to be trustworthy. Jesse H. Mitchell and the Board of Directors would not let them down. While every penny was meticulously accounted for, the Bank cautiously, but steadfastly, proceeded to lend money to enable and empower African Americans in the community to buy homes, cars, start businesses, and send children to college. As decades passed and the Bank’s financial success grew, the list of “firsts” grew ever so long. The stories of how the Bank had financed a first house, a first car, a business, or helped to send a child to college abounded. Now, after 79 years, the Bank has grown to eight branches, $360 million in assets, reaches over 10,000 customers, and is the 7th largest and the 6th oldest African American financial institution in the country. The Bank will be awarded the DC Chamber of Commerce’s Lifetime Legacy Award at its 2013 Awards Gala this October as a testament to those accomplishments. With all that, and so much more, what is important now is to focus on the future and undertaking the task of successfully navigating the process of achieving another 80 years. Banking has changed dramatically since 1934, and exponentially in the last 20 years since I have been president. Today, the onslaught of new laws and regulations has changed the way banking is conducted, with no significant benefit to protect consumers. A bank desires to do the right things for their clients or they don’t. Even further, Industrial recognizes that consumers have changed the way they conduct business with many companies including banks. Desktops, laptops, iPads, cell phones, and soon wristwatches have and will continue to allow access to almost anything from anywhere. Change is nothing new to Industrial Bank, nor to our community. The Bank has seen many positive changes over the years, but now the perspective is just slightly different. Another 80 years is a long time and it’s easier to look back than to project forward. So with that in mind, we are starting at ground zero. Our 80th year will become year one. In this first year, we will take a fresh look at our products and services, our level of service, our strategy, our facilities, and the way our customers and prospective customers want to do business with us. This effort will take a few years, but we will diligently continue to make the changes we have already started. Finally, I promise you that one thing will never change, that is our commitment to consistently provide a quality service to our customers that benefits them and not just the Bank.
The Washington Informer
September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
AmeriHealth Screenings at Temple of Praise
AmeriHealth Caritas Partnership, in collaboration with AmeriHealth District of Columbia and others, conducted health screenings at the Temple of Praise Church in Southeast on Saturday, Sept. 14, touted as Wellness for Life. (Right) Mikeyah Williams, 31, receives a glucose test from Deloris Brockington, while Shelia Craft (top right), receives a dental consultation from Dr. Tania Nkungula; and four-year-old Amina Belcher, (top left), looks into the camera as she completes her art project. /Photos by Khalid Naji-Allah
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20 September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
The Washington Informer
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veto continued from Page 4 local communities, which in turn lowers spending. “Politicians need to stop saying Wal-Mart creates jobs,” he said. “Wal-Mart’s supposedly lower prices will come with people losing current jobs in retail. Wal-Mart will put pressure on other employers to hold down their wages.” “If Wal-Mart succeeds in its current drive, all the grocery stores with union workers will go away because Wal-Mart, with its ability to pay lower wages and scale will drive them out. Bargaining power comes from unions – unions give bargaining power to workers. People want full-time jobs, but Wal-Mart knows how to work the rules to its benefit.” In addition, said Johnston, a distinguished visiting lecturer at Syracuse University’s School of Law, the entire Wal-Mart model is based on corporate welfare. Taxpayers generally subsidize the building of stores and tax breaks and other incentives sweeten Wal-Mart’s pot. “The run-of-the-mill person doesn’t get paid enough to afford health care,” he said. “Taxpayers are subsidizing this. WalMart’s subtly sucking money out of the system and makes other people subsidize it. If this continues, you’ll see falling incomes in mass salaries and we’ll become Mexico. The Reaganista policies we’re following are making us more like Mexico. We’ll have oligarchs, a small servant class and 90 percent who are in bad shape. I’d rather be Canada not Mexico.” The mayor said he listened to and conferred with hundreds of individuals and groups about the issues. The decision wasn’t an easy one but he said he acted in the best interests of the city. “Something of this complexity and which involves this many people isn’t easy,” he said. “I could have signed and approved it, send it back unsigned or vetoed it. There was nothing for council to do with the first two options. I’m troubled that the [D.C] Council waited 50 days before the bill reached my desk.”wi www.washingtoninformer.com
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The Washington Informer
September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
9/12/2013 ESMOOKLER
education Briefs District of Columbia Public Schools
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22 September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
The Washington Informer
Blended Learning, Digital Textbooks at Several Schools The new school year for the District’s 45,000 students focuses on engaging and motivating with a rigorous academic content and the expansion of successful programs and models that are helping students achieve. They extended days of learning at some schools and the addition of arts, music, physical education and world language classes at others. “After a school year where we saw unprecedented growth and achievement, I am thrilled to start what I am convinced will be our best school year yet,” said District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) Chancellor Kaya Henderson. “We know what works in our schools – we’re growing what has been successful and we’re creating new programs to strengthen areas that need attention.” DCPS is also offering digital textbooks for science and social studies courses at five schools. While Kramer Middle School, Ketcham and Randle-Highlands elementary schools have embraced blended learning for all core content areas, other schools are using a blended model for a significant portion of their instruction, such as math at Hart Middle School and the 9th-grade academy at Anacostia High School.
Prince George’s County
Outdoor Classroom at Kenilworth Elementary Students, their parents and special guests recently joined faculty and staff at Kenilworth Elementary School in Bowie to celebrate a new outdoor classroom. In doing so, the students gave an extra boost to the occasion with a song that invited the sunshine to come in. The project cost $6,100 and was paid for through a fundraiser by the school’s PTA and Patuxent Nursery Custom Landscaping. The classroom, which was presented during a Sept. 6 celebration, provides a resource for teachers to reinforce, supplement and enrich the school’s Common Core Curriculum. In addition, the project supports Kenilworth’s vision statement to nurture learning through artistic
expression and rich extracurricular activities, by providing students a global perspective with demonstrations on the importance of habitats and conservation.
Montgomery County Public Schools Saturday School Begins Sept. 28 Registration has begun for the George B. Thomas Learning Academy, also known as Saturday School. The program, which is located at Sligo Middle School in Silver Spring, Md., will use peer mentors to support middle and high school learning. All Montgomery County secondary students are eligible for participation in the low-cost initiative that provides Saturday classes to help students to enhance their mastery of core academic subjects. Classes begin on Sept. 28 and end on May 3.
Alexandria Public Schools
Chinese Educators Learn about STEM Program A group of Chinese educators visited George Washington 2 Middle School last month where they learned about science education and various Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) initiatives. George Washington 7th-grade science teacher Mary Breslin, T.C. STEM Academy science teacher Brian Markley and International Baccalaureate (IB) coordinator Emmet Rosenfeld hosted the summer delegation. Breslin, a winner of the 2013 Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Educators, discussed George Washington’s STEM- and IB-related projects, including an organic garden and a partnership with the Alexandria Seaport Foundation. Markley, teaching this year in the newly-formed T.C. STEM Academy at the T.C. Williams High School’s Minnie Howard campus, discussed how the program will engage students and teachers in solving problems in a project-based environment. “We look forward next year to the personal projects created by students who go through the STEM Academy,” said Rosenfeld. “We also hope that this [summer’s] visit [will] foster communication between our students and Chinese students this [school] year.”wi www.washingtoninformer.com
Summit Builds Case for Public Education By Dorothy Rowley WI Staff Writer District residents and community leaders from neighborhoods adversely impacted by the controversial school closings, recently joined ranks to ensure no more buildings are shuttered and to call for the ouster of “an out-of-control, short-sighted and corrupt” D.C Council and school officials touting the proliferation of charter schools under the guise of reformation. “These school closures and charter takeovers are a huge issue, and our parents are being put in a trap,” Ward 7 resident, Emily Washington, said during an education summit Saturday, Sept. 14 at First Rock Baptist Church in Southeast. “They’ve been told that there’s choice, but what choice is it when students have to attend a bad charter school after having to leave a good public school in the first place,” Washington, a retired District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) teacher, asked. The forum, which was sponsored by the Northwest-based community advocacy group, Empower DC, attracted more than 100 people whose participation in the two-hour event provided an invigorating and thought-provoking opportunity to offer plans aligned with saving neighborhood schools. “We haven’t stopped fighting,” said Parrisa Norouzi, Empower DC executive director, referencing the lawsuit the grassroots organization filed earlier this year against DCPS to halt the closings of schools in wards 5, 7 and 8. “Unfortunately, the judge came out slinging against us,” Norouzi, 36, said. “We’re not even sure that we can get a fair trial in that sense, but we’re going to continue to go through the process.” While the meeting hinged on fighting bad school legislation and the DCPS system from being overtaken by a growing number of charter schools, light was shed on strengthening community involvement and including the voices of students at D.C. Council meetings. Attendees also expressed bewww.washingtoninformer.com
lief of an orchestrated attempt by the big businesses that operate charter schools to push out DCPS’s low-income families to nearby Prince George’s County in order to accommodate families moving into previously poverty-ridden areas in Northeast and Southeast. “Fighting bad legislation is a No. 1 priority, and in order to fight it we need workers,” said Washington. “We need a valid referendum to do away with mayoral control of our schools,” the retired DCPS teacher said to resounding applause. Washington who taught for 40 years, said residents might consider an independent school board. “We did, at one time have an elected Anacostia-area School Board and it was convened because of a neglected eastern part of the city,” Washington recalled. “Those people came together and created their own community school board, and we had many folks who exercised great control over Anacostia schools. We need that kind of spirit brought back.” Sheronda Robinson, who lives in Ward 7, has children who attend schools in wards 6, 7 and 8. One is in elementary school, another attends middle school and the oldest is in high school. “So I’m experiencing all realms of education at the same time,” said Robinson, who spoke on behalf of a group of parents. “Initially, it was hard for us to figure out what was going on. We just couldn’t understand the school closings,” Robinson said before rattling off a list of parental concerns. “We talked about who was responsible for the closings, the DCPS budget and boosting enrollment, [lack of adequate] bus transportation to and from school, and whether we should [support] public or charter schools.” Robinson said her group ultimately decided to “push for more or better community engagement and to fight bad council legislation.” Also among summit speakers and guests was Johnny Barnes, the attorney who filed the lawsuit
Teachers and parents work on school issues during break out sessions at the “State of the Schools Community Summit” at First Rock Baptist Church in Southeast on Saturday, Sept. 14. / Photo by Roy Lewis
for Empower DC. Barnes said that both the D.C. Council and Mayor Vincent Gray need to wake up to what they’re doing to students with the increased number of charters opening each year and subse-
quent closing of public schools. Washington Informer “They’ve never closed any public schools in Ward 3,” Barnes said. “At one point those schools were down to 50 in-boundary students in six5.65” schools, yet they found a way to keep them open,”
he said. “If that’s not intentional discrimination, if that’s not unconstitutional, I don’t know what is.” However, “I think that because we filed that lawsuit and told the truth, they will be loath to close schools in the future.”wi
The Washington Informer
September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
Another American Tragedy We don’t know what prompted Aaron Alexis to turn his guns on innocent people at the Navy Yard on Monday, but his actions have left a community and region dazed and traumatized. The families of 13 victims, the wounded and a widening circle of family, friends and others are left to wonder why. Navy Yard employees who had the expectation of returning home Monday night after a day at work never did. Now their names are added to the roll of the martyrs. We are deeply saddened by the senseless tragedy and offer our condolences to the surviving victims and to the families of all who lost a loved one. Columbine, Aurora, Sandy Hook, Fort Hood, Virginia Tech, Oak Creek, Seattle, Tulsa. In just about every corner of the country, this type of tragedy has played out and will again. As Americans, we’re stalked by a seemingly unrelenting spectre of violence, and every time gunshots ring out, the bullets gouge a jagged hole in our social fabric. Monday’s gun attack proves that even in a secure environment, someone can unleash violence on unsuspecting and vulnerable innocents. Alexis, a Navy veteran who served from 2007-2011, received a general discharge for behavioral and other issues. So he should not have been able to land a civilian job. But he was able to secure one as a civilian contractor with access to the base. In the past, Alexis twice discharged guns, once in Texas, and in Seattle, he shot up a vehicle of two men who he thought had disrespected him. Published reports indicate that his family said he had anger issues, suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and was hearing voices. The shooting spree by a clearly troubled young man raises any number of questions: How and why did someone with a history of gun and mental health issues get security clearance to work at the base? How did he get the weapons he used? Did he have an accomplice? Where did he get the IDs of other people found on his person? Did he have a history of mental health problems? How severe? Was he being treated? And were these problems triggered or exacerbated by things that occurred during his military service? So many questions, so few answers. City and law enforcement officials are saying that there is no known motive for the slayings. Yet it is becoming increasingly clear that this case, as it stands, sits at the nexus of mental illness and the availability of guns. One of the problems this country has not yet properly addressed is the lack of adequate psychiatric care for those suffering from mental illness and related problems. After 28 children and adults were slaughtered in Newtown, Conn., it was thought that the revulsion Americans felt would lead to substantive changes in gun laws. But any such move was thwarted by the National Rifle Association and the gun lobby who never allowed serious discussions about the proliferation of assault weapons and gun control and the deleterious effect it’s having on our country. Americans are poorly served by weak politicians who mouth platitudes but are unwilling to take the lead in finding solutions that may result in the cessation of gun violence in communities large and small. And there is no consensus among the public, although the majority support gun control and the implementation of a system that caters to and cares for the mentally ill. Civil rights activist Fannie Lou Hamer is famous for saying that she was “sick and tired of being sick and tired.” When will America reach the tipping point and say it will no longer accept this carnage as normal?
24 September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
Young Futures at A No-Win Situation Unfortunately the civil war Stake over Marijuana I for one, am in full support for the decriminalizing of marijuana in the District of Columbia, (“Decriminalizing Pot in D.C. has Strong Support,” James Wright, September 12, 2013). Far too many of our young people have had their lives ruined in the court system for possessing small amounts of marijuana. If you legalize marijuana it could be regulated just like liquor and cigarettes. The government could collect taxes on sales, and most importantly, it would take the criminal element out of the sales. The government could put the large criminal drug cartels out of business with legalization, something they haven’t been able to do with legal prosecutions. So I say, yes, let’s do this now. Franklin Mayberry Washington, D.C.
in Syria and the alleged use of poison gas by Syria’s President Bashir Al-Assad’s supporters on those who oppose him have put President Barack Obama in a nowin situation. If President Obama goes ahead with his threat to strike Syria militarily he will be looked upon as a warmonger by many who oppose any type of military intervention, as reported in Barrington Salmon’s article, “Protestors Take to the Streets against Syria War,” September 12, 2013. If the president does nothing, those members of Congress who have pledged to do whatever it takes to discredit him will use this situation to say he is weak and his foreign policies aren’t working. So Mr. President you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t! These are very, very touchy decisions that have to be made and you would think those in Congress would be united in
their support of what the president has to deal with. These are decisions that are very important to the security of our country. If we do nothing, those weapons could land in the hands of those who hate us, but if we go ahead with the strikes, we could be pulled into another ground war, sending countless numbers of our young men and women to war. I can only pray that the right decisions will be made. Kenneth Wesley Ft. Washington, Md.
Readers' Mailbox
The Washington Informer welcomes letters to the editor about articles we publish or issues affecting the community. Write to: lsaxton@washingtoninformer.com or send to: 3117 Martin Luther King Jr Ave., SE, Washington, D.C. 20032. Please note that we are unable to publish letters that do not include a full name, address and phone number. We look forward to hearing from you. The Washington Informer
Guest Columnist
By Marian Wright Edelman
Celebrating 40 Years for Children On September 30, friends and supporters of the Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) will gather at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. to celebrate CDF’s 40th anniversary and honor our best known alum, Hillary Rodham Clinton. She was a law student with CDF’s parent organization, the Washington Research Project, and joined CDF as a young staff attorney right out of law school. When she
moved to Arkansas she began a state child advocacy organization and became a CDF board member and then board chair until she became First Lady. She continued to be a champion for children, women, and families as First Lady, as a U.S. Senator, and as Secretary of State. I am very proud of her and the thousands of young servant leaders who have enriched CDF’s work over the years and are serving and enriching the nation across many sectors at the highest policy and community
levels. CDF is the child of the transformative struggles for civil rights and economic and social justice in the 1960s. This 40th CDF anniversary year marks the historic 50th anniversary of many benchmarks in America’s struggle to live up to its creed enunciated in the Declaration of Independence and overcome its huge birth defects built into the implementation of our political and economic system: Native American genocide, slavery, and exclusion of women and
Guest Columnist
non-propertied White men from America’s political process. The March on Washington where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. shared not only his dream but reminded us of our nation’s unfulfilled promissory note millions of children and families still struggle to cash. Dr. King would be appalled that 46 million Americans, including 16.1 million children, are poor today and that hunger and homelessness blight our rich land. CDF’s parent organization, the Washington Research Proj-
ect (WRP), began in March 1968 with a fellowship from the Field Foundation to study how to establish an effective voice for poor and minority citizens in the nation’s capital. WRP became counsel and the federal and Congressional liaison for the Poor People’s Campaign and went on to become a pioneer in the public interest law movement as we monitored federal programs for low-income families. I am proud of the millions of
See edelman on Page 45
By Harry C. Alford
An Inside Look at our Rotten Prison System The curriculum I was reading promoted the best models of rehabilitation. I was so pumped but the internship showed me the reality of our system of corrections. None of the girls in the reform school were evil or bad. They all had a messed up family life. The overwhelming majority had no fathers in the home and their mothers lacked a work ethic and were welfare dependent. Role models were nowhere to be found. For those three months,
In the interest of full disclosure, I have a bachelor’s degree in Correctional Administration from the University of Wisconsin. During the summer of 1969, I did my required internship at the Wisconsin School for Girls in Oregon, Wis. These were underage offenders who were found guilty of petty crimes or “bad behavior.” My ambition was to change bad human behavior into honorable behavior.
I basically became their father (for Whites, Hispanics and Blacks alike). The supervisors were elated as the girls quickly started changing from bad girls to nice girls with ambition. I enjoyed them and even named my oldest daughter after one of them. My lament was that they would eventually go back to those environments. I would go to Milwaukee and Chicago and visit their households. It was so depressing and showed that their progress would be short-lived.
Guest Columnist
My ambition started to move towards a career in business. Another reality was that the correctional industry, in comparison with my text books, had no ambition to rehabilitate anyone. Incarceration was a business and mass imprisonment meant business was good. What I didn’t know was that “business” was about to take off northward at an exponential rate. Various drugs were imported into poverty stricken communities. The epitome was the crack invasion.
Drugs cause addiction and addiction leads to criminal behavior along with the trafficking of the drugs themselves. Prisons started to fill and recidivism was rising at a hopeless rate. Rehabilitation had become a thing of the past. It appears that the whole thing was a conspiracy. Prison guards unionized and the unions started lobbying for more prisons, stiffer sentencing and anything
See alford on Page 45
By James Clingman
Crimes against Black Humanity We talk a lot about criminal justice and crime in the streets, especially among Black people. Mass incarceration of Black men, disparate sentencing, private prisons, legal slavery inside prisons based on the 13th Amendment, and all the other plagues that beset us vis-à-vis our criminal justice system and prison industrial complex, dominate our conversations. But, there is another take on crime www.washingtoninformer.com
that we often overlook or simply ignore; it’s the economic crimes we commit against ourselves. Amos Wilson posed two questions in his book, Black on Black Violence: “Does the African American community, by continuing to permit itself to be ‘legitimately’ economically exploited by non-African American communities thereby de-legitimize itself and permit itself to be criminalized while de-criminalizing its exploiters? Has the African American community – addicted to wasteful and non-
sensical consumerism, with its unwillingness to invest its wealth and human resources in itself, in America, and uncommitted to controlling its own internal markets – contributed in no small way to the criminalization of its sons, to the increasing impoverishment of its children, to the violence which prevails within its households and neighborhoods?” If you are familiar with Amos Wilson’s work, you know he wrote very long sentences, but I believe it was because he had so
much to say (See the volume of work he compiled in Blueprint for Black Power), and he knew the urgency with which he had to say it. Wilson’s questions are not only interrogatory, they are declarative as well. They paint a dismal picture of who we are and what we are about when it comes to crime and punishment. They suggest, of course, that Black folks are not taking care of our business economically, thus, actually causing much of the crime we lament in our neigh-
The Washington Informer
borhoods. It is indeed a crime to “allow” ourselves to be economically exploited, and we can be considered sick if we simply consume the products made by others but never invest in producing and purchasing products of our own. We commit economic crimes against ourselves; our children commit violent crimes against one another; and we are collectively punished as a result of such crimes. Are we able to
See clingman on Page 45
September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
Guest Columnist
By Julianne Malveaux
Congress is Eating Away at Food Stamps Steven and Laurie, a White married couple that lives near Richmond, Va., work at a big box store. She is a cashier; he works in the storeroom. Each earns about $9 an hour but neither works 40 hours a week. Indeed, they are lucky to pull 40 hours a week combined. Sometimes weeks they are fortunate enough to pull 45 hours a week between them. Some weeks their com-
bined hours are just 30. I met Steven and Laurie (not their real names) on a telephone press conference in April. They said they had three children and also mentioned that they were White because “everybody thinks only Black people get these benefits.” Seven and Laurie were troopers. They talked about buying clothes at thrift shops, searching for food bargains and planning menus around coupons, and managing to occasionally eke out a few pennies to buy occasion-
al new things for their children. They didn’t complain, but spoke matter-of-factly about their financial situation. They also spoke of looking for new jobs, but fining little available in their community. Because they don’t work enough hours, neither Steven nor Laurie qualified for health insurance. Their combined incomes are so low – between about $16,000 and $21,000 – that they are officially poor (the poverty line for a family of five is $27,540). They qualify for
food stamps, (called SNAP, or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) and they consider them the blessing that helps them make ends meet. Sometime this month, though, Congress will come up from the Syria conversation to, perhaps, cut allocations for SNAP. The cut of $40 billion would deny between 4 and 6 million people food stamps. The new legislation would also allow states to require SNAP recipients to work. Some of the 12 million unemployed may not qualify
for SNAP assistance, nor will childless adults who do not have work. Some restrictions may also limit SNAP assistance to three months every three years. While some states have waived SNAP requirements because of their high unemployment rates, federal legislation may prevent such waivers. The proposed cuts in SNAP is twice those proposed in May. These cuts are being driven by Republicans who, in their budget
See malveaux on Page 46
By Askia Muhammad
President Obama Dodged a Bullet Even as I was researching, compiling and cataloguing the sins of President Barack Obama in his talked-about, immoral, surgical-attack-on-Syrian-chemical-weapons gambit, I was thinking to myself all the time: “Self don’t count Obama out. He’s got a guardian angel on his shoulder.” And sure enough, he does. That angel saved the president from certain political humiliation before the world as he sought to do the bidding of
those who commanded him to draw that so-called “red line” in the first place that he warned the Syrian government to not cross lest it provoke U.S. intervention in the bloody and ugly two-yearold civil war. That “red line” was the use of chemical weapons. So on Aug. 21 someone unleashed a chemical attack in Syria which would almost certainly lead to a military attack against government forces degrading the government’s ability to continue racking up battlefield victories, as had been the case during
the last couple of months. As it had been in the Libyan uprising, the U.S. intervention might have proven decisive, weakening the government and allowing the opposition forces to topple the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. It was a foolproof plan, and President Obama was turning out to be just the fool to prove it. With very little evidence of who the actual perpetrator of the chemical attack had been the president and his team relied on endless pictures of suffering vic-
Guest Columnist
tims of the attack, tugging at the heartstrings of all decent people who looked on. But after having been led into an immoral war against another formerly militant Arab country – Iraq – based on false claims by the U.S. government that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein had an arsenal of weapons of mass destruction, world public opinion, U.S. public opinion, Arab public opinion, all lined up against the threatened use of military force by the U.S. against Syria this time.
In the face of a huge backlash against U.S. military action, the president decided to “punt” the ball downfield, into the hands of Congress, which he asked to do what the U.N. would never do; what the Arab League refused to do; and what this country’s closest ally the United Kingdom refused to do; and that was authorize U.S. military action against Syria. Then, when Secretary of State John Kerry inadvertently sug-
See muhammad on Page 46
By Lee A. Daniels
Ted Cruz Loves Arch-Racist Jesse Helms In office just nine months, Ted Cruz, the junior Republican Senator from Texas, has already established himself as that body’s most divisive force since the witch-hunting, 1950s demagogue, Joe McCarthy. A darling of the most extreme factions of the conservative movement, Cruz exemplifies what was obvious about the GOP’s fortunes since the
Tea Party emerged on its right flank two months after President Obama took office in 2009: That it would have to destroy the GOP’s establishment – that is, those Republican officeholders who, though rock-ribbed conservatives, actually believed in the old American win-somelose-some tradition of political accommodation and pragmatism. And last week, speaking at an event meant to honor the late Jesse Helms, the longtime segregationist senator from North
26 September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
Carolina, Cruz, Texas’ first Hispanic senator, revealed again for all to see how unbreakable is the connection between conservatism and White racism. Cruz, who was born in 1970, first briefly spun a tale of how he had idolized Helms, who served in the Senate from 1972 to 2001, since he was 10 – when he had sent Helms a $10 campaign contribution “’cause they were beating up on him, they were coming after him hard and I thought it wasn’t right …” Then, after a moment, Cruz The Washington Informer
added, “The willingness [of Helms] to say all those crazy things is a rare, rare characteristic in this town, and you know what? It’s every bit as true now as it was then. We need a hundred more like Jesse Helms in the U.S. Senate.” The bulk of Cruz’s remarks laid out his analysis of Helms’ positions on foreign affairs (an analysis that in fact was laughably wrong). But Cruz’s gushing, thankfully, did remind us that for nearly two centuries, the United States
Senate was comprised of a substantial number of senators “like Jesse Helms.” That bloc, along with their confederates in the House of Representatives, was responsible for establishing and maintaining Negro slavery and its successor, racial apartheid, in the South into the latter third of the 20th century. By the time Helms reached the Senate, the legislative victories of the Civil Rights Movement – which Helms staunchly
See daniels on Page 46 www.washingtoninformer.com
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The Washington Informer
September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
By Shantella Y. Sherman WI Assistant Editor Why should the world be over-wise, In counting all our tears and sighs? Nay, let them only see us, while We wear the mask. – Paul Laurence Dunbar
Unveiling Debbi
Actress Debbi Morgan Talks Life, Love, and Healing from Abuse
Masks are often associated with the theater – the masquerades that allow one to temporarily be freed of secret desires and buried regrets. Masks also conceal both the identity and the power of the performer. Actress Debbi Morgan has just removed her mask. And while television and film audiences have grown mesmerized by her beauty – cavernous dimples, timeless grace, and a laughter that invokes joy, they know bare little about the woman beneath the mask. Not to be alarmed; there is no Jane Eyre-esque beast lurking beneath the surface, but certainly a tale of generational abuse that has ironically rested in the crevices between Ms. Morgan’s personal life and the stage since the curtains opened. Known for her portrayal of Dr. Angela Hubbard on the popular daytime soap opera All My Children, Morgan has been a staple in American households since the 1970s with roles in What’s Happening, and Alex Haley’s Roots: The Next Generation, and more recently in groundbreaking films like Coach Carter, The Hurricane, Eve’s Bayou and Asunder. In her new one-woman production (and future memoir): The Monkey on My Back, Morgan reveals a life of extremes. Extremes, that when taken into context, seem oddly disjointed from the woman being interviewed. “People always looked at me and thought that I had it together and I wanted to kind of continue to live behind that mask and that façade for a while. When I finally got to a point where I could put pen to paper, I realized how cathartic it was along with the therapy I’d gone through. When I was able to release it and put it out, it was that last bit of toxicity that was filling me up inside. There is no more stuff inside of me,” Morgan said. The Monkey on My Back offers an intense journey through Morgan’s legacy of fear and abuse, which spanned three generations
See Debbi on Page 29
28 September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
The Washington Informer
“It doesn’t matter about people saying ‘Oh, my God, that happened to her!’ That’s not important. If I can impact one person’s life, if I can change anyone’s life; it is worth it to me.” – Debbi Morgan Debbi continued from Page 28 of women, beginning with her grandmother, her mother, and Morgan, herself. The show grew out of a memoir she has been writing for almost 10 years. “I started writing years ago and realized I hadn’t come full circle and had a lot of stuff still to go through. A lot of it was about the generations before me and things I went through as a child. I looked at where my life was and how I stayed stuck in terms of what I felt my legacy was. I knew I had a lot more work to do so I put [the memoir] away. I also wasn’t sure if I was ready to be that revealing about myself,” Morgan said. Her resolve, however, was a steadied following a Girls, Inc. speech last November, during which she divulged some of her life’s story. “A woman came up to me in tears afterwards and said, ‘I have two teenaged daughters who have been watching for years as their father abused me. I never thought about what it was doing to them … After listening to you tonight I’m not putting my daughters through this for another day.’ Her words affected me so much. It is one thing
for a person to sit in the privacy of their own homes or on a bus and read a story, it is another to actually hear the words and hear these characters and hear what I went through as a child. Through the performance, I can reach people on such a deeper level,” said Morgan, whose mother had a similar reaction to chapters of her upcoming book. “That’s part of the reason I have to tell this. Women have to hear this and they have to get it. Because it is not just about what they are going through, they have children. If I can prevent even one person from going through decades of turmoil – because it took me decades, literally, to get to this point – it is worth it. It doesn’t matter about people saying ‘Oh, my God that happened to her!’ That’s not important. If I can impact one person’s life, if I can change anyone’s life; it is worth it to me,” Morgan added. Born in Dunn, N.C., Morgan and her family moved to New York
during her childhood, where she would attend, Aquinas, a Catholic school in a working-class Irish neighborhood in the Bronx. It was there that the acting bug bit. Morgan’s foray into acting began with the national tour of the Ron Milner play “What the Wine Sellers Buy,” and moved swiftly into a guest role in Norman Lear’s “Good Times” playing one of JJ Evans’ girlfriends, Samantha. “I was so young,” Morgan said of those early roles. “Now that I am writing the book, if ever I am up late and a rerun of What’s Happening or Good Times comes on television, I look at it through different eyes. I remember what I was going through at that time in my life and how I always wore this mask and people believed that things with me were really wonderful. I also think, wow, I really am a good actress.” As for the role that for three decades has become a sort of alter ego, an ultimate mask, Dr.
Angela Hubbard, Morgan said the character along with Darnell Williams’ portrayal of Jesse Hubbard resonates with audiences as the quintessential example of Black love and romance. “Darnell has this running joke that only the Black folks in Pine Valley stay together. The fact is, on soaps you always see people hopping in and out of bed with different people and they get married five or six times and marry the same person two or three times. I think that is why we connected so well with audiences because there was that endearing love that no matter what our struggles were, even if they tore us apart, we struggled through them,” Morgan said. “We would always come back to each other. It was such a wonderful image and we could be such wonderful role models as an African-American couple. I think that was why the characters have endured. If anything ever
happened to break us up on the show, it wouldn’t be permanent. We would always make our way back to each other,” Morgan said. With her mask now confidently tossed aside, Debbi Morgan has come to reveal her true self. She is glowing, smiling and laughing freely about Robin Thicke’s Blurred Lines, and the happiness she derives from time with her husband, her best friend Karol, and her aunt Shirley. Perhaps, the revelation of removing masks is that – at least in this case, there was far more beauty – and power lying beneath it.wi Shantella Sherman is an historian and author of the novel, Fester. Ms. Sherman is also a doctoral candidate at the University of Nebraska and studies intersections of race, medicine, and gender in the American eugenics movement. Ms. Sherman currently serves as the Assistant Editor for the Washington Informer.
Debbi Morgan and Darnell Williams as Angie and Jesse Hubbard on the series All My Children, from a publicity shoot in 1982. / Courtesy photo
Morgan and Williams, in 2012, continue to depict a happy and loving African American couple on the show. / Courtesy photo www.washingtoninformer.com
The Washington Informer
September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
Horo scopes
sept 19 - sept 25, 2013
ARIES Trials and tribulations are damaging this week only if you let them be. You are a master at living above dayto-day concerns. Enjoy looking at the big picture. Watch bright skies gathering above a distant horizon. Bring the future into the present and enjoy. Soul Affirmation: I enjoy the fruits of past labor. Lucky Numbers: 17, 19, 21 TAURUS This week is a good week for remembering that without the help of your colleagues it would be impossible for you to expedite the tasks that need to be done. Cultivate relationships with those who can help you get important stuff done. Thank them graciously and celebrate with them. Soul Affirmation: I am everybody’s sweetheart. Lucky Numbers: 12, 41, 55 GEMINI You can be very efficient this week if you set your will to the task. New ideas will occur to you as you are working steadily, so keep pencil and paper nearby to jot down your latest brilliance! Soul Affirmation: I will ask joy to marry me. Lucky Numbers: 1, 8, 14 CANCER The forces that disrupt your life this week are not as big as they seem while you are standing close to them. Move back. See what surrounds the problem area and you’ll notice how small it is on the landscape of your life. Enjoy looking at the goodness that is all around your problems. Soul Affirmation: I keep my attention on the highest and the best. Lucky Numbers: 22, 46, 52 LEO This is a week when you can be a singular beacon. Shine for those around you. Go inside yourself and find those rays of sunshine that others need. Sure you’re a bit touchy yourself but that’s just the situation in which you can make yourself happy by creating happiness for others. Soul Affirmation: I avoid negative feelings, especially this week. Lucky Numbers: 7, 8, 21 VIRGO Business as usual is good business. Energy is high. Others give back to you what you gave to them the past few weeks. We hope you were generous because what you get this week will be a multiple of what you bestowed. Soul Affirmation: I give happiness wherever I go. Lucky Numbers: 6, 13, 48 LIBRA Energy is higher than it has been for a while. You might feel like the sunshine inside yourself provides blinding light. Walk into it. There are no dangers. Put dark glasses on your soul and be cool. Smile and keep stepping. Soul Affirmation: My mental powers are my greatest assets this week. Lucky Numbers: 17, 29, 35 SCORPIO High physical energy means you may roar through the week. Others will have trouble keeping up so exercise your compassion muscles and be as patient as possible. Keep your best interests in mind because they serve the best for everyone around you right now. Soul Affirmation: I savor the flavor of the happiness I find in others. Lucky Numbers: 5, 51, 53 SAGITTARIUS Charm is an extremely effective tool for you this week. Charisma works better than at any recent time especially at home. Shine brightly and let your glow work for you. Your self-image is your most effective tool. Soul Affirmation: Time is the greatest peacemaker of them all. Lucky Numbers: 3, 24, 43 CAPRICORN This week make your special interest pay off in cash. Enough of goodness for goodness sake. You’ve got bills to pay. People expect generosity from a big hearted person like you. Ask them for something in return or they’ll drain you. Soul Affirmation: Intelligent information does not have to come from intelligent sources. Lucky Numbers: 6, 8, 14 AQUARIUS During the next few weeks be ready for surprises that await you. Don’t make any solid plans with anyone except you lover. This week will bring forth a new dimension in a special relationship. You will come upon a sensational poem that illustrates the love the two you share. Soul Affirmation: The search for fun occupies my time this week. Lucky Numbers: 34, 46, 55 PISCES Stay steady in your pursuits. Temptations are all around you. Attractive pursuits abound but stay on course with what you planned to do with all the good energy that has arisen in your life. Soul Affirmation: I do not allow demands to be placed on me this week. Lucky Numbers: 17, 28, 31
30 September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
The Washington Informer
YMCA Opening
Mayor Vincent Gray and members of the D.C. Council recently cut the ribbon on the newly refurbished Anthony Bowen YMCA in Northwest. On hand for the ceremony were (top right), Shaw community businessman Ibrahim Mumin, left, with Thomas B. Hargrave, author of the book “Twenty Miles from Yesterday: The Saga of Anthony Bowen,” and a member of the YMCA for 41 years. He said he’s happy about the new building which “assures the vision” of Anthony Bowen. (Right), a man dressed as Spiderman climbs a rock wall at the new Anthony Bowen YMCA. /Photos by Khalid Naji-Allah
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The Washington Informer
September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
“Five Days at Memorial: Life and Death in a Storm-Ravaged Hospital”
Book Review by Sheri Fink c.2013, Crown $27.00 / $32.00 Canada 558 pages By Terri Schlichenmeyer WI Contributing Writer You know exactly what you’d do. You’re prepared with a drill, if the
32 September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
house catches fire. In case of gunfire, you’ve got a plan in mind. You’ve watched TV coverage of crimes, disasters, and floods enough to have envisioned how you’d react to each of those. You know what you’d do in a crisis – or do you? Could you ignore your inner voice and do something wrongly right? That’s what allegedly
The Washington Informer
happens in the new book “Five Days at Memorial” by Sheri Fink: one of our country’s worst disasters may have led to one of medicine’s most questionable acts. When Southern Baptist Hospital opened in New Orleans in 1926, its founders hoped it would be “the greatest hospital in all the Southland.” Indeed, it had the sturdiest of
buildings: when Hurricane Betsy hit in 1965, the campus barely blinked. There was no reason, therefore, to believe that the hospital (renamed Memorial Medical Center in the mid1990s) couldn’t withstand Hurricane Katrina. As Katrina approached land on August 28, 2005, there were as many as 2,000 people at Memorial, including staff and families, 183 Memorial patients, and 55 patients belonging to LifeCare, a “hospital within a hospital” that rented facilities at Memorial. There were also hundreds of staffowned pets inside, for safety’s sake. At first, the atmosphere was light hearted. It was obvious by the “little shimmy shake” of the floor-to-ceiling windows and the devastation outside that the storm was dangerous, but staff was optimistic. And then the levee broke. Water poured into the building, the hospital’s generators became waterlogged, air conditioning failed, and the temperature skyrocketed inside. Plumbing shut down, and fetid odors wafted through each floor. Evacuations were denied (or sporadic), whispers of “martial law” circulated, and optimism waned as the sickest patients became dehydrated, overheated, and delirious. Nurses scrambled to keep people alive in conditions that deteriorated almost by the minute. When it became obvious that pets might not be evacuated, some staff tearfully requested that beloved companions be euthanized. A few nurses wondered if they would ever leave Memorial alive. And then someone asked a quiet question: “Why should we treat the dogs better than we treat the people?” Inflammatory? You bet. And the subject of a months-long, post-Katrina investigation, all of which author and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Sheri Fink details in this huge, totally absorbing book. “Five Days at Memorial” begins with tip-of-a-shark-fin anxiety and quickly descends into chaos, which perfectly displays a mere taste of what happened to the survivors you’ll meet here. That’s the first half of this book, before Fink’s story turns into something conversation-worthy, something that (admit it) everyone’s reluctantly thought about. From there, and during the legalities that Fink recounts, readers have a front-seat view of finger-pointing, tracks-covering and fact-finding that also changed policy. Once you start it, it’s hard to let go of a book like this because the memory of what happened is still awfully fresh. Like the events surrounding that week, eight years ago, “Five Days at Memorial” can’t be forgotten – so reading it is exactly what you should do.wi www.washingtoninformer.com
CBCF Invests $5 million in African-American Banking Institutions
The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. (CBCF) kicked off its 43rd Annual Legislative Conference on Tuesday with a major announcement that it will invest $5 million in African-American banking institutions across the country. CBCF President and CEO A. Shuanise Washington said the choice to relocate the organization’s investments in African American banks is part of a broader effort to increase the availability of loans for businesses and individuals in African-American communities. In all, five banks – located in four regions of the country-the North, South, East and Midwest – will receive $1 million each. B. Doyle Mitchell, (pictured above at podium) president of Industrial Bank, headquartered in Washington, D.C., said the million dollar investment “will go a long way to provide investments in local small businesses, churches and for sensible home mortgage loans. We need to follow this example of reinvesting in our own financial institutions to provide us the liquidity to reinvest in our communities.” CBCF is targeting banks in four regions of the country-the North, South, East and Midwest-in an attempt to achieve geographic balance in an initiative that could prove crucial in lifting the economic fortunes of black communities. In all, five banks will receive $1 million each.
Public P Service Commisssion of the District D of Columbia C N Notice of Coommunity Hearings H Public Inp put Sought on Pepco’s Rate Application FORMAL CASE NO.. 1103, IN THE T MATTER OF THE APPLICA ATION OF THE POTO OMAC EL LECTRIC POWER P CO OMPANY FOR F AUTH HORITY TO O INCREAS SE EXISTIN NG RETAIIL RATES AND CHARGES C FOR ELEC CTRIC DIS STRIBUTIO ON SERVIC CE The Public Servvice Commission of thee District off Columbia (“Commissiion”) seeks public inputt on the ratee mitted by th he Potomac Electric Poower Compaany (“Pepcoo”) requestinng authorityy to increasee appliication subm existting distribuution service rates and charges c for electric e service in the District D of Coolumbia. Peepco seeks a revennue increasee of $51.75 million. m Forrmal Case No. N 1103 is thhe formal caase establishhed to adjudiicate Pepco’s appliication. Peepco is the sole distribuutor of electric power to t homes annd businesses in the District. D Thee Com mmission willl only set Peepco’s distriibution serviice rates in thhis rate casee and not thee cost of elecctricity itselff. A Puublic Noticee regarding Pepco’s P appllication can be accessedd online at www.dcpsc.o w org. A hardd copy of thee Publlic Notice caan be obtaineed by callingg (202) 626-55150.
The Commissioon will conveene four com mmunity heearings at th he followingg locations on o the speciified dates: Warrd 2 D.C.. Public Servvice Commisssion Hearring Room 13333 H Street, NW, N 7th Floor East Toweer Washington, D.C C. 20005 nday, Septem mber 30, 20 013, 10:00 a..m. Mon
Warrd 4 Emeery Recreatioon Center 5701 Georgia Ave, A NW C. 20011 Wasshington, D.C Thu ursday, Septtember 19, 2013, 2 6:30 p.m. p
Warrd 7 Deannwood Recreeation Centeer 13500 49th Street,, NE Washington, D.C C. 20019 dnesday, Occtober 2, 201 13, 6:30 p.m m. Wed
Warrd 8 Thuurgood Marshhall Public Charter C Schoool 24277 Martin Lutther King Jr. Avenue, SE E Wasshington, D.C C. 20020 Satu urday, Noveember 2, 2013, 11:00 a..m.
Thosse who wish h to testify at the com mmunity heaarings shou uld contact the Commiission Secreetary by thee closee of busineess three business b daays prior too the date of the hearing by calling c (2022) 626-51500. Reprresentatives of organizzations shalll be permittted a maxiimum of fivve minutes for oral presentations p s. Indivviduals shall be permittted a maxim mum of three minutes for fo oral pressentations. If I an organiization or ann indivvidual is unnable to offeer commentss at the com mmunity heaarings, writtten statemennts may be submitted too Brinnda Westbroook-Sedgwick k, Commission Secretarry, Public Seervice Comm mission of thhe District of o Columbiaa, 13333 H Street, NW, Su uite 200, West Tow wer, Washinngton D.C.. 20005, or o by emaail at pscccommissionsecrretary@psc.dc.gov. Any A personn who is deaf d or heaaring-impaireed, and cannnot readilyy undeerstand or coommunicate in spoken English, E and persons withh disabilities who need special accoommodations in orrder to particcipate in thee hearing, must m contact the Commisssion Secrettary by closee of seven business b days priorr to the date of the hearin ng. Personss who wish to t testify in Spanish, S Chiinese, Amhaaric, or Koreean must alsoo contact the Com mmission Seccretary by cllose of businness three buusiness days before the date d of the hearing. h Thee mber to call to t request special s accom mmodation ns and interp pretation seervices is (2002) 626-5150. num
The Washington Informer
September 19, 2013 - September WASHINGTON INFORMER25, 2013 THURSDAY 9.19 3-625 x 8
David Talbert’s New Film Opens in District D.C. Native’s ‘Baggage Claim’ Debuts Sept. 27
Djimon Hounsou and Paula Patton in the new movie, “Baggage Claim.” /Photo courtesy of Fox Searchlight Pictures
By Stacy M. Brown WI Contributing Writer David Talbert has emphatically answered the question posed by more than a few African-American moviegoers and film critics: Can we get a black movie that’s not about the struggle? “This film represents many things,” Talbert said. “But, for the most part, it represents the fact that we, as African Americans, live for love stories, the romantic comedy. This is a universal story that could be told whether the characters were black or white,” he said. Based on Talbert’s 2005 novel of the same name, “Baggage Claim,” stars Paula Patton, who plays Montana Moore, a flight attendant who finds herself with only 30 days to find Mr. Right. Using her airline connections to meet eligible ex-boyfriends and scour for potential candidates, she racks up more than 30,000 miles and countless comedic encounters, all while searching for the perfect guy. Included among the men Moore considers are a politi-
cian, a preacher and a business tycoon. The film, which also stars Derek Luke, Boris Kodjoe, Taye Diggs, Jill Scott and others, opens Friday, Sept. 27 at select theaters in Washington, D.C. Talbert, who hails from Northeast, also plans a private screening at his alma mater, Morgan State University, prior to the film’s general release. Talbert, 46, began his career in theater and quickly established himself as one of the most sought-after playwrights in the country. He has written and directed 14 nationally acclaimed touring productions and has garnered 24 NAACP Image Award nominations, winning Best Playwright for, “The Fabric of a Man,” in 2005. Two years later, Talbert received the New York Literary Award for Best Playwright for, “Love in the Nick of Tyme.” For his latest, “Baggage Claim,” Talbert said it was his wife, executive producer Lyn Talbert, who accidentally gave him the idea for the movie. “I was listening to my wife’s conversation,” Talbert said. “Some of my best material has
34 September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
come from listening to her conversations with her girlfriends and they often find their [discussions incorporated into] my movies and they know where I got it.” Specifically, Talbert said one of his wife’s friends had taken a serious interest in a man who lived in Chicago. The friend is invited by her suitor for a holiday trip to the Windy City. “She goes on about how he puts her in a nice hotel and my wife is thinking that it’s the holiday season, he’s not introducing her to his family, he must be married,” Talbert said. “About an hour later, the girlfriend calls and sure enough, the man is married.” Talbert wanted to create a persona in which the protagonist is an ambitious woman in pursuit of love, he said. The filmmaker noted that this year’s heavy crop of African- American movies has served as motivation for his latest project. “It’s been an unprecedented year for blacks in film,” Talbert said. “It shows that we have a lot of compelling stories that need
See BAGGAGE on Page 35 The Washington Informer
Christina Milllian in the new movie, “Baggage Claim.” /Photo courtesy of Fox Searchlight Pictures
LIFESTYLE BAGGAGE continued from Page 34
(L-R) Adam Brody, Paula Patton and Jill Scott in the new movie, “Baggage Claim.” /Photo courtesy of Fox Searchlight Pictures
to be told.” Critics said when the Academy Awards are given out for this year’s films; there should be no less than three Best Actor nominees, three Best Supporting Actress nominations and four black movies vying for Best Picture. Chiwetel Ejiofor, Idris Elba and Forest Whitaker are certain to be finalists for Best Actor for their respective roles in, “12 Years A Slave,” “Mandela,” and “The Butler,” said veteran film writer Roger Friedman, of Showbiz 411 and Parade Magazine. “A fourth choice would be Michael B. Jordan for ‘Fruitvale Station,’” said Friedman, who lists “12 Years a Slave,” “Mande-
la,” “The Butler,” and “Fruitvale Station,” as Best Picture favorites. Finally, Oprah Winfrey, who’s also a favorite to win Best Supporting Actress for her role in “The Butler,” plans to release Barbara Kopple’s documentary, “Running from Crazy,” which chronicles Mariel Hemingway’s exploration of suicide and depression in her family. Winfrey expects the film to receive Academy Award consideration, as well. While Talbert’s, “Baggage Claim,” hasn’t garnered award talk, he said it does address the issues of love that most people face. “I think what is going to appeal most to the audience is that I could have had any race in it and the story would not have to change at all,” he said.wi
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The Washington Informer
September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
Pop Warner Season Opener
Rita Bright eludes two Marshall Heights players during the opening game of the 2013 Pop Warner youth football season on Saturday, Sept.14 at Cardozo High School in Northwest. Rita Bright and Marshall Heights played to a 20-20 tie. /Photo by John E. De Freitas
A Marshall Heights player outruns his Rita Bright opponent and scores a touchdown during the opening game of the 2013 Pop Warner youth football season at Cardozo High School in Northwest. Marshall Heights and Rita Bright played to a 20-20 tie. /Photo by John E. De Freitas
36 September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
The Washington Informer
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Pierre Garcon. /Photo provided by the Washington Redskins
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Redskins in Early Season Trouble
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Washington Seeks to Rebound at Home against Detroit
Spring, Md., said the team might be in need of an overhaul despite just playing two games. “The NFL season is only 16 games, so to me, two games is a lot. Shanahan or the owner or someone must do something. Make a trade, cut somebody,” Miller said. “They can’t only depend on Robert Griffin III.” Griffin did throw for 320 yards and three touchdowns, but the team wasted his effort. Another bright spot proved to be wide receiver Pierre Garcon, who finished with 8 catches for 143 yards and a touchdown. In the two games, Garcon has a combined 15 catches for 207 yards and two touchdowns, making him the Skins’ most reliable receiver. “We’ll see what next week brings,” Garcon said. The Skins play host to the Detroit Lions at FedEx Field on Sunday, Sept. 22. Griffin said the team can get back on track, but to do so, they must show trust in one another. “You’ve got to trust your preparation. We trusted our preparation for the first game, it didn’t work. We trusted our preparation for the second game, it didn’t work,” he said. “You can’t just totally jump ship. It’s not that time and I don’t think this team will ever do that.” The young quarterback said the players simply have to concentrate and execute better. “It’s not on the coaches; it’s not on anybody else. It’s on us,” Griffin said. “I think the guys understand that and we’ll be better moving forward.”wi
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Disney characters and artwork © Disney, Disney/Pixar characters © Disney/Pixar.
The Washington Redskins emerged from their uninspiring opening night loss at home against the Philadelphia Eagles on Sept. 9, still befuddled over what went wrong and how to fix an offense that took more than three quarters to get started and a defense that couldn’t figure out schemes the team had previously faced. Trying to right their fast sinking ship proved even more confusing after the Redskins followed the opening night bludgeoning at the hands of Michael Vick and the Eagles with a blowout loss to the Packers and former MVP Aaron Rodgers in Green Bay on Sunday, Sept. 15. “We were able to catch the ball well, had yards after the catch and we were able to run the ball better than we have in a long time,” said Rodgers, the three-time Pro Bowl selection and 2011 MVP, who lit up the Redskins secondary for a career-high 480 yards and four touchdowns and the Packers rolled to a 38-20 victory. Adding insult to injury, Rodgers played hurt the entire game but still dominated the Skins defense with a passing and running attack that made NFL history. It’s believed that Sunday’s game marked the first time any team had a 450yard passer and a 125-yard rusher in the same game. “I was really hurting out there,” said Rodgers, whom doctors said experienced a sore neck throughout the game. The Packers defense proved as
formidable as the team’s offense. Redskins’ second year quarterback, Robert Griffin III, failed to get any momentum started in the first half as Green Bay led 24-0 at the break. One week prior, against the Eagles, the Skins went into the locker room at the break trailing 26-7 before a late rally fell short. Against Green Bay, however, there wasn’t any semblance of a rally in store. “We can’t really put our finger on what it is, and that’s the real frustrating part,” Griffin said. “I’m not going to point the finger at anybody. If we’re not starting fast, then it’s my fault. I’m not afraid to sit here and say put that on my shoulders. I’ll take that. We didn’t start fast because of me.” The Redskins again looked out of their league on both ends of the ball and head coach Mike Shanahan agreed with his star quarterback, saying there were no excuses for the awful start and overall performance. “I thought we almost had to play error-free football, play one of our better games,” Shanahan said. “And, we probably did just the opposite in the first half.” Die-hard Redskins fans proved just as confused by the poor play as the coach. “The Redskins got spanked. They played better in the second half but Green Bay beat them so bad it was hard to come back,” said Southeast resident Tony Curtis. “This (didn’t fall) only on the Redskins’ offense like most people claimed it did against Philadelphia,” Curtis said. Devante Miller, of Silver
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By Stacy M. Brown WI Contributing Writer
Serving Greater D.C area for over 33 years. Open Mon– Sat
The Washington Informer
September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
Washington Mystics Defeat New York Liberty 70-52 Washington Mystics fans who attended the last home game of the regular season showed their support for the team. The Mystics defeated the New York Liberty 70-52 on Sunday, Sept.15 at the Verizon Center in Northwest. By winning their last three games, the Mystics clinched the third seed in the Eastern Conference playoffs. /Photo by John E. De Freitas
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38 September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
The Washington Informer
The Religion Corner
National Congress of Black Women Celebrates: The Audacity of Truth a black student. She just so happens to be the niece of Soledad O’Brien; JC Hayward stands out as a gem in the world of broadcast journalism. As the D.C. market’s first female anchor, she has celebrated 40 years as an anchor at WUSA9 and was recently inducted into the National Association of Black Journalists Hall of Fame and Tamika Mallory, former national executive director of National Action Network (NAN), founded by minister and social justice leader, The Rev. Al Sharpton. She’s been featured in publications such as Ebony and Jet magazines. The Good Brother Award goes to Darnell Lee, founder and CEO of W&T Travel Services in Prince George’s County, Md. It took only a few years for him to grow his business, today he employs more than 200 staffers, and continues to be a man of great faith. He shows his appreciation to God by enhancing the lives of children through education. He’s building a school in Zambia, Africa; and has been featured in Black Enterprise magazine. The Posthumous Award goes to civil rights pioneer Vivian Malone Jones; and Mohamed Elhajjam, president of the Moroccan American Network. Both will be honored with the Cultural Unity Award. NCBW celebrates men and women of excellence each year during the Congressional Black Caucus Legislative Weekend. They are selected from the worlds of academia, entertainment, civil rights, business, education, politics, medicine and journalism and hail from across the nation. Guests include members of Congress, delegates, NCBW members, state and
 On Sunday, September 22, the National Congress of Black Women, Inc., will host their 29th Annual Fundraiser at the Capital Hilton Hotel in Northwest. Dr. E. Faye Williams, national chair since the death of Dr. C. Delores Tucker in 2005, invites everyone to join members of the National Congress of Black Women (NCBW) for this annual awards brunch. Held each year at the end of the Congressional Black Caucus Legislative Weekend, NCBW hosts its awards brunch to raise money to fund the many community service projects and to provide assistance to women and their families. NCBW has more than 100 chapters throughout the country. This year’s event is set to be another great networking extravaganza you don’t want to miss! Williams and NCBW members will recognize the 2013 Audacity of Truth Award recipients: Bettye LaVette, the Grammy nominated blues singer who performed a soul-stirring rendition of “A Change is Gonna Come� at the 2009 Inauguration of President Barack Obama with Bon Jovi; Cheryl Pearson-McNeil, senior vice-president of public affairs and government relations at The Nielsen Company – one of the nation’s largest market research and media ratings organizations. Based in Chicago, Pearson-McNeil leads a busy life running in and out of meetings, long hours of travel, and analyzing data on TV and phone usage; Dr. Lezli Baskerville, Esq. president, National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education. Others include Ellie Hylton, who recently graduated with the highest GPA in her Harvard class – a first for
Live Here. Play Here.
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Call for Your Private Tour 302.541.8434 local legislators, and many other notables. Past speakers have included First lady Michelle Obama and Cicely Tyson. Tickets for the event begin at $100 and are available for purchase at www.nationalcongressbw.org Proverbs 31: Verse 16 – “She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.� Visit the headquarters of the National Congress of Black Women located in Southwest Washington, D.C. Williams can boast that NCBW members purchased the home office now owned by the membership – it’s free and clear! It’s located at 1250 Fourth Street in Southwest Washington, D.C. NCBW is also the group that’s responsible for making the Sojourner Truth memorial in the U.S. Capitol a reality. What a testament to the legacy of Rep Shirley Chisholm (D-N.Y.), Tucker and other black women. Plan to join this prestigious group, enjoy brunch and participate in a wonderful afternoon. Decide to make this event an annual tradition for you and your family.wi  Lyndia Grant is a columnist who hosts a radio talk show on WYCB AM 1340, a Radio-One station. Tune in Fridays at 6 p.m. Call Lyndia at 202-518-3192 or send emails to lyndiagrant@gmail.com.
*Information subject to change without notice. See a community sales associate for full details.
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The Washington Informer
September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
religion BAPTIST
african methodist episcopal
Historic St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Rev. James Manion Supply Priest Foggy Bottom • Founded in 1867 728 23rd Street, NW • Washington, DC 20037 Church office: 202-333-3985 • Fax : 202-338-4958 Worship Services Sundays: 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist with Music and Hymns Wednesdays: 12:10 p.m. - Holy Eucharist www.stmarysfoggybottom.org Email: stmarysoffice@stmarysfoggybottom.org All are welcome to St. Mary’s to Learn, Worship, and Grow.
Blessed Word of Life Church Dr. Dekontee L. & Dr. Ayele A. Johnson Pastors 4001 14th Street, NW Washington, DC 20011 (202) 265-6147 Office 1-800 576-1047 Voicemail/Fax Schedule of Services: Sunday School – 9:30 AM Sunday Morning Worship Service – 11:00 AM Communion Service – First Sunday Prayer Service/Bible Study – Tuesday, 6:30 PM www.blessedwordoflifechurch.org e-mail: church@blessedwordoflifechurch.org
Campbell AME Church Reverend Daryl K. Kearney, Pastor 2562 MLK Jr. Ave., S E Washington, DC 20020 Adm. Office 202-678-2263 Email:Campbell@mycame.org Sunday Worship Service 10: am Sunday Church School 8: 45 am Bible Study Wednesday 12:00 Noon Wednesday 7:00 pm Thursday 7: pm “Reaching Up To Reach Out” Mailing Address Campbell AME Church 2502 Stanton Road SE Washington, DC 20020
Mt. Zion Baptist Church Rev. John W. Davis, Pastor 5101 14th Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20011 202-726-2220/ 202-726-9089 Sunday Worship Service 8:00am and 11:00am Sunday School 9:15am Holy Communion 4th Sunday 10:00am Prayer and Bible Study Wednesday 7;00pm TV Ministry –Channel 6 Wednesday 10:00pm gsccm.administration@verizon.net
Pilgrim Baptist Church
700 I. Street, NE Washington, D.C. 20002 Pastor Louis B. Jones, II and Pilgrim invite you to join us during our July and August Summer schedule! Attire is Christian casual. Worship: Sundays@ 7:30 A.M. & 10:00 A.M. 3rd Sunday Holy Communion/Baptism/Consecration Prayer & Praise: Wednesdays @12:00 Noon @ 6:30 P.M. – One Hour of Power! (202) 547-8849 www.pilgrimbaptistdc.org
Covenant Baptist United Church of Christ Drs. Dennis W. and Christine Y. Wiley, Pastors 3845 South Capitol Street Washington, DC 20032 (202) 562-5576 (Office) (202) 562-4219 (Fax) SERVICES AND TIMES: SUNDAYS: 10:00 am AM Worship Services BIBLE STUDY: Wonderful Wednesdays in Worship and the Word Bible Study Wednesdays 12:00 Noon; 6:30 PM (dinner @ 5:30 PM) SUNDAY SCHOOL: 9:00 AM – Hour of Power “An inclusive ministry where all are welcomed and affirmed.” www.covenantbaptistdc.org
Twelfth Street Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 1812 12th Street, NW Washington, DC 20009 Phone: 202-265-4494 Fax: 202 265 4340
Church of Living Waters
Rev. Paul Carrette Senior Pastor Harold Andrew, Assistant Pastor 4915 Wheeler Road Oxon Hill, MD 20745 301-894-6464 Schedule of Service Sunday Service: 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM Bible Study: Wednesday 7:30 PM Communion Service: First Sunday www.livingwatersmd.org
St. Stephen Baptist Church Lanier C. Twyman, Sr. State Overseer 5757 Temple Hill Road, Temple Hills, MD 20748 Office 301-899-8885 – fax 301-899-2555 Sunday Early Morning Worship - 7:45 a.m. Church School - 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship – 10:45 a.m. Tuesday – Thursday - Kingdom Building Bible Institute – 7:30 p.m. Wednesday – Prayer/Praise/Bible Study – 7:30 p.m. Baptism & Communion Service- 4th Sunday – 10:30am Radio Broadcast WYCB -1340 AM-Sunday -6:00pm T.V. Broadcast - Channel 190 – Sunday -4:00pm/Tuesday 7:00am
“We are one in the Spirit” www.ssbc5757.org e-mail: ssbc5757@verizon.net
Allen Chapel A.M.E. Church Rev. Dr. Michael E. Bell, Sr., • Pastor 2498 Alabama Ave., SE • Washington D.C. 20020 Office: (202) 889-7296 Fax: (202) 889-2198 • www.acamec.org 2008: The Year of New Beginnings “Expect the Extraordinary”
Crusader Baptist Church
Isle of Patmos Baptist Church Reverend Dr. Calvin L. Matthews • Senior Pastor 1200 Isle of Patmos Plaza, Northeast Washington, DC 20018 Office: (202) 529-6767 Fax: (202) 526-1661
Rev. Dr. Alton W. Jordan, Pastor 800 I Street, NE Washington, DC 20002 202-548-0707 Fax No. 202-548-0703
Sunday Worship Services: 8:00a.m. and 11:00a.m. Sunday Church School - 9:15a.m. & Sunday Adult Forum Bible Study - 10:30a.m. 2nd & 4th Monday Women’s Bible Study - 6:30p.m. Tuesday Jr./Sr. Bible Study - 10:00a.m. Tuesday Topical Bible Study - 6:30p.m. Tuesday New Beginnings Bible Study - 6:30p.m. Wednesday Pastoral Bible Study - 6:30p.m. Wednesday Children’s Bible Study - 6:30p.m. Thursday Men’s Bible Study - 6:30p.m. Friday before 1st Sunday Praise & Worship Service - 6:30p.m. Saturday Adult Bible Study - 10:00a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship 11:00am Holy Communion – 1st Sunday Sunday School-9:45am Men’s Monday Bible Study – 7:00pm Wednesday Night Bible Study – 7:00pm Women’s Ministry Bible Study 3rd Friday -7:00pm Computer Classes- Announced Family and Marital Counseling by appointment E-mail: Crusadersbaptistchurch@verizon.net www.CrusadersBaptistChurch.org
“The Amazing, Awesome, Audacious Allen Chapel A.M.E. Church”
“God is Love”
Third Street Church of God Rev. Cheryl J. Sanders, Th.D. Senior Pastor 1204 Third Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 202.347.5889 office 202.638.1803 fax Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study: Wed. 7:30 p.m. “Ambassadors for Christ to the Nation’s Capital” www.thirdstreet.org
Sunday Worship Services: 7:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Holy Communion: 2nd Sunday at 7:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Sunday Church School: 9:20 a.m. Seniors Bible Study: Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. Noon Day Prayer Service: Tuesdays at Noon Bible Study: Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Motto: “A Ministry of Reconciliation Where Everybody is Somebody!” Website: http://isleofpatmosbc.org Church Email: ipbcsecretary@verizon.net
Greater Mt. Calvary Holy Church Bishop Alfred A. Owens, Jr.; Senior Bishop & Evangelist Susie C. Owens – Co-Pastor 610 Rhode Island Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20002 (202) 529-4547 office • (202) 529-4495 fax Sunday Worship Service: 8 AM and 10:45 AM Sunday Youth Worship Services: 1st & 4th 10:45 AM; 804 R.I. Ave., NE 5th 8 AM & 10:45 AM; Main Church Prayer Services Tuesday – Noon, Wednesday 6 AM & 6:30 PM Calvary Bible Institute: Year-Round Contact Church Communion Every 3rd Sunday The Church in The Hood that will do you Good! www.gmchc.org emailus@gmchc.org
ST Marks Baptist Come Worship with us... St. Mark's Baptist Church 624 Underwood Street, NW Washington, dc 20011 Dr. Raymond T. Matthews, Pastor and First Lady Marcia Matthews Sunday School 9:am Worship Service 10:am Wed. Noon Day prayer service Thur. Prayer service 6:45 pm Thur. Bible Study 7:15 pm
We are proud to provide the trophies for the Washington Informer Spelling Bee
Reverend Dr. Paul H. Saddler Senior Pastor Service and Times Sunday Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Communion every Sunday 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Bible Study Tuesday 12Noon Pastor’s Bible Study Tuesday 6:30 p.m. Motto; “Discover Something Wonderful.” Website: 12thscc.org Email: Twelfthstcc@aol.com
Mount Carmel Baptist Church
52 Years of Expert Engraving Services
Joseph N. Evans, Ph.D Senior Pastor 901 Third Street N.W. Washington, DC. 20001 Phone (202) 842-3411 Fax (202) 682-9423 Sunday Church School : 9: 30am Sunday Morning Worship: 10: 45am Bible Study Tuesday: 6: 00pm Prayer Service Tuesday: 7:00pm Holy Communion: 3rd Sunday 10: 45am themcbc.org
40 September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
The Washington Informer
religion Baptist
All Nations Baptist Church
Advertise Your Church services here: call Ron Burke at
202-561-4100 or email rburke@washingtoninformer.com
Rev. Dr. James Coleman Pastor 2001 North Capitol St, N.E. • Washington, DC 20002 Phone (202) 832-9591
Website: www.allnationsbaptistchurch.com All Nations Baptist Church – A Church of Standards
“Where Jesus is the King”
Israel Baptist Church Rev. Dr. Morris L Shearin, Sr. Pastor
4850 Blagdon Ave, NW • Washington D.C 20011 Phone (202) 722-4940 • Fax (202) 291-3773
1251 Saratoga Ave., NE Washington, DC 20018 (202) 269-0288 Sunday Worship Service: 10:00 A.M. Sunday School: 8:30 A.M. Holy Communion1st Sunday: 10:00 A.M. Prayer Service: Wednesday at 6:30 P.M. Bible Study: Wednesday at 7:00 P.M.
Mount Moriah Baptist Church
St. Luke Baptist Church
1415 Gallatin Street, NW Washington, DC 20011-3851 P: (202) 726-5940 Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m. Sunday School: 9:15 a.m. Holy Communion: 11:00 a.m., 3rd Sun. Bible Study: Monday - 7:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting: Thursday - 7:00 p.m.
2324 Ontario Road, NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 232-1730 Sunday School – 9:30 am Sunday Worship Service – 11:00 am Baptismal Service – 1st Sunday – 9:30 am Holy Communion – 1st Sunday – 11:00 am Prayer Meeting & Bible Study – Wednesday -7:30 pm
Rev. Keith W. Byrd, Sr. Pastor
Rev. Aubrey C. Lewis Pastor
Rev. Daryl F. Bell Pastor
Sunday Church School – 9:30 AM Sunday Worship Service – 11:00 AM Holy Communion – 1st Sunday at 11:00 AM Prayer – Wednesdays, 6:00 PM Bible Study – Wednesdays, 7:00 PM Christian Education School of Biblical Knowledge Saturdays, 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM, Call for Registration
Zion Baptist Church
Sunday Worship Service 10:15AM- Praise and Worship Services Sunday School 9:00am Monday: Noon Bible School Wednesday: Noon & 7PM: Pastor’s Bible Study Ordinance of Baptism 2nd Holy Communion 4th Sunday Mission Zion Baptist Church Shall; Enlist Sinners, Educate Students, Empower the Suffering, Encourage the Saints, and Exalt Our Savior. (Acts 2:41-47) www.zionbaptistchurchdc.org
King Emmanuel Baptist Church
Dr. Lucius M. Dalton, Senior Pastor 1636 East Capitol Street, NE Washington, DC 20003 Telephone: 202-544-5588 Fax: 202-544-2964 Sunday Worship Services: 7:45 am and 10:45 am Holy Communion: 1st Sundays at 7:45 am and 10:45 am Sunday School: 9:30 am Prayer & Praise Service: Tuesdays at 12 noon and 6:30 pm Bible Study: Tuesdays at 1 pm and 7 pm Youth Bible Study: Fridays at 7 pm
Advertise Your Church services here: call Ron Burke at
202-561-4100 or email rburke@washingtoninformer.com
Advertise Your Church services here: call Ron Burke at
202-561-4100 or email rburke@washingtoninformer.com
Web: www.mountmoriahchurch.org Email: mtmoriah@mountmoriahchurch.org
Rehoboth Baptist Church
St. Matthews Baptist Church Rev. Dr. Maxwell M. Washington Pastor 1105 New Jersey Ave, S.E • Washington, DC 20003 202 488-7298 Order of Services Sunday Worship Services: 9:05 A.M. Sunday School: 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer Meeting: 7:00 P.M. (Tuesday) Bible Study: 7:30 P.M. (Tuesday) Theme: “Striving to be more like Jesus “Stewardship”. Philippians 3:12-14; Malachi 3:8-10 and 2 Corinthians 9:7 Email: stmatthewbaptist@msn.com Website: www.stmatthewsbaptist.com
Salem Baptist Church
Emmanuel Baptist Church Rev. Dr. Clinton W. Austin Pastor 2409 Ainger Pl.,SE – WDC 20020 (202) 678-0884 – Office (202) 678-0885 – Fax “Come Grow With Us and Establish a Blessed Family” Sunday Worship 7:30am & 10:45am Baptism/Holy Communion 3rd Sunday Family Bible Study Tuesdays – 6:30pm Prayer Service Tuesdays – 8:00pm www.emmanuelbaptistchurchdc.org
Sermon On The Mount Temple Of Joy Apostolic Faith
Florida Avenue Baptist Church Dr. Earl D. Trent Senior Pastor
Rev. Dr. George C. Gilbert SR. Pastor
623 Florida Ave.. NW • WDC. 20001 Church (202) 667-3409 • Study (202) 265-0836 Home Study (301) 464-8211 • Fax (202) 483-4009
4504 Gault Place, N.E. Washington, D.C 20019 202-397-7775 – 7184
Sunday Worship Services: 10:00 a.m. Sunday Church School: 8:45 – 9:45 a.m. Holy Communion: Every First Sunday Intercessory Prayer: Monday – 7:00-8:00 p.m. Pastor’s Bible Study: Wednesday –7:45 p.m. Midweek Prayer: Wednesday – 7:00 p.m. Noonday Prayer Every Thursday
9:30AM. Sunday Church School 11:00 Am. Sunday Worship Service The Lord’s Supper 1st Sunday Wednesday 7:00pm Prayer & Praise Services 7:30pm. Bible Study Saturday before 4th Sunday Men, Women, Youth Discipleship Ministries 10:30am A Christ Centered Church htubc@comcast.net
Matthews Memorial Baptist Church
5606 Marlboro Pike District Heights, MD 20747 301-735-6005
Dr. C. Matthew Hudson, Jr, Pastor
Elder Herman L. Simms, Pastor
2616 MLK Ave., SE • Washington, DC 20020 Office 202-889-3709 • Fax 202-678-3304
Sunday Apostolic Worship Services 11:00 A.M and 5:00 P.M Communion and Feet Wash 4th Sunday at 5:00 P.M Prayer/Seeking Wednesday at 8:00 P.M. Apostolic in Doctrine, Pentecostal in Experience, Holiness in Living, Uncompromised and Unchanged. The Apostolic Faith is still alive –Acts 2:42
New Commandment Baptist Church Rev. Stephen E. Tucker Senior Pastor 13701 Old Jericho Park Road Bowie, MD. 20720 (301) 262-0560 Services: Sunday Worship 11 AM Sunday School 10 AM Wednesday Mid-Week Worship, Prayer & Bible Study - Wed. 7 PM “A Church Where Love Is Essential and Praise is Intentional”
Shiloh Baptist Church
Early Worship Service 7:30a.m Worship Service 10:45a.m. New Members Class 9:30a.m. Holy Communion : 1st Sunday -10:45a.m Church School 9:30a.m. Prayer, Praise and Bible Study: Wednesday 7p.m Bible Study : Saturday: 11a.m. Baptism: 4th Sunday – 10:45a.m “Empowered to love and Challenged to Lead a Multitude of Souls to Christ”
Peace Baptist Church
Rev. Dr. Michael T. Bell 712 18th Street, NE Washington, DC 20002 Phone 202-399-3450/ Fax 202-398-8836 Sunday Morning Worship Service 7:15 am & 10:50 am Sunday School 9:30am Sunday Morning Worship Service 10:50am Wednesday Prayer & Testimonies Service 7:30pm Wednesday School of the Bible 8:00pm Wednesday - Midweek Prayer Service 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm “The Loving Church of the living lord “ Email Address pbcexec@verizon.net
First Rising Mt. Zion Baptist Church
Rev. R. Vincent Palmer Pastor
Rev. Alonzo Hart Pastor
Rev. Dr. Wallace Charles Smith Pastor
Rev. Reginald M. Green, Sr., Interim Pastor
621 Alabama Avenue, S.E. • Washington, D.C. 20032 P: (202) 561-1111 F: (202) 561-1112
917 N St. NW • Washington, DC 20001 (202) 232-4294
9th & P Street, N.W. • W. D.C. 20001 (202) 232-4200
602 N Street NW • Washington, D.C. 20001 Office:(202) 289-4480 Fax: (202) 289-4595
The Church Where GOD Is Working.... And We Are Working With GOD
Sunrise Prayer Services - Sunday 7:00 a.m.
Sunday Morning Prayer Service: 8:00 a.m. Sunday Church School: 9:15 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship: 10:40 a.m. Third Sunday Baptismal & Holy Communion:10:30 a.m. Tuesday Church At Study Prayer & Praise: 6:30 p.m.
Morning Worship: 8:00 a.m Church School : 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:55 a.m. Bible Study, Thursday: 6:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting,Thursday : 7:30 p.m.
Sunday Service: 10 am Sunday School for all ages: 8:30 am 1st Sunday Baptism: 10: am 2nd Sunday Holy Communion: 10 am Tuesday: Bible Study: 6:30 pm Prayer Meeting: 7:45 pm
Motto: God First
The Washington Informer
Holy Trinity United Baptist Church
Sunday Worship Services: 7:45am & 11:00am Sunday school For All Ages 9:30am Prayer Services Wednesday 11:30am & 6:45pm Bible Institute Wednesday at Noon & 7:45pm “Changing Lives On Purpose “ Email: Froffice@firstrising.org Website: www.firstrising.org
Advertise Your Church services here: call Ron Burke at
202-561-4100 or email rburke@washingtoninformer.com
Pennsylvania Ave. Baptist Church Rev. Dr. Kendrick E. Curry Pastor 3000 Pennsylvania Ave.. S.E Washington, DC 20020 202 581-1500 Sunday Church School: 9:30 A.M. Sunday Worship Service: 11:00 A.M. Monday Adult Bible Study: 7:00 P.M. Wednesday Youth & Adult Activities: 6:30 P.M. Prayer Service Bible Study
Mt. Horeb Baptist Church Rev. Dr. H. B. Sampson, III Pastor 2914 Bladensburg Road, NE Wash., DC 20018 Office: (202) 529-3180 Fax: (202) 529-7738 Order of Services Worship Service: 7:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:00 a.m. Worship Service: 10:30 a.m. Holy Communion: 4th Sunday 7:30 a.m. & 10:30a.m. Prayer Services: Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Wednesday 12 Noon Email:mthoreb@mthoreb.org Website:www.mthoreb.org For further information, please contact me at (202) 529-3180.
September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
legal notices
legal legal notices notice
legal notices notice legal
SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Probate Division Washington, D.C. 20001-2131
SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Probate Division Washington, D.C. 20001-2131
SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Probate Division Washington, D.C. 20001-2131
Administration No. 2013 ADM 930
Administration No. 2013 SEB 268
Administration No. 2013 ADM 853
Keith Darnell Johnson Decedent
Norma L. Carter Decedent
Elvira Bernice Blackwell, whose address is 66 Houston Avenue, #401, Takoma Park, MD 20912, was appointed Personal Representative of the estate of Keith Darnell Johnson, who died on August 3, 2013 without a Will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., Building A, Third Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before March 19, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 19, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of first publication: September 19, 2013
Nailah Williams and Akilah Jordan, whose addresses are 739 Hamilton St., NW, Washington, DC 20011 & 657 Houston Ave., Takoma Park, MD 20912, were appointed Personal Representatives of the estate of Norma L. Carter, who died on May 29, 2013 without a Will. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., Building A, Third Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before October 19, 2013. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before October 19, 2013, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of first publication: September 19, 2013
Charles C. Gaither, Sr. Decedent Jennifer E. Loud, Esquire The Loud Law Firm 7826 Eastern Ave., NW, Suite 410 Washington, DC 20012 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Alyce Gaither and Charles C. Gaither, Jr., whose addresses are 7519 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20012 and 1422 Van Buren St. NW, Washington, DC 20012, were appointed Personal Representatives of the estate of Charles C. Gaither, Sr., who died on November 3, 2012 without a Will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., Building A, Third Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before March 5, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 5, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship.
legal notices notice legal SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Probate Division Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2013 ADM 859 Wilbert Berryman Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Patricia Richmond, whose address is 5612 Eastern Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20011, was appointed Personal Representative of the estate of Wilbert Berryman, who died on March 23, 2012 without a Will, and will serve with Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., Building A, Third Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before March 12, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 12, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship.
legal legal notices notice SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Probate Division Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2013 ADM 912 William A. Bent Decedent Deborah D. Boddie, Esq. 1308 Ninth Street, NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20001 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Carlo Brent, whose address is 1728 18th Street, SE, Washington, DC 20020, was appointed Personal Representative of the estate of William A. Brent, who died on August 10, 2013 with a Will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent’s Will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., Building A, Third Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before March 12, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 12, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship.
Date of first publication: September 5, 2013
Date of first publication: September 12, 2013
Date of first publication: September 12, 2013
Alyce Gaither Charles C. Gaither, Jr. Personal Representative
Patricia Richmond Personal Representative
Carlo Brent Personal Representative
Elvira Bernice Blackwell Personal Representative
Nailah Williams Akilah Jordan Personal Representative
Anne Meister Register of Wills Washington Informer
Anne Meister Register of Wills Washington Informer
Anne Meister Register of Wills Washington Informer
Anne Meister Register of Wills Washington Informer
SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Probate Division Washington, D.C. 20001-2131
SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Probate Division Washington, D.C. 20001-2131
SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Probate Division Washington, D.C. 20001-2131
SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Probate Division Washington, D.C. 20001-2131
SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Probate Division Washington, D.C. 20001-2131
Administration No. 2013 ADM 886
Administration No. 2013 ADM 877
Administration No. 2013 ADM 882
Administration No. 2013 ADM 890
Administration No. 2013 ADM 876
Margaret Johnson Decedent
Arthur E. Rice Decedent
Barbara L. Shaw Decedent
Crogher D. Butler Decedent
Deborah D. Boddie, Esq. 1308 Ninth Street, NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20001 Attorney
Johnnie I. Barton, Esq. 7600 Georgia Avenue, NW #405 Washington, DC 20012 Attorney
James Larry Frazier, Esq. 918 Maryland Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20002 Attorney
Eric Wilson, whose address is 12604 King Arthur Court, Glenn Dale, MD 20769, was appointed Personal Representative of the estate of Margaret Johnson, who died on June 7, 2013 without a Will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., Building A, Third Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before March 5, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 5, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship.
Lisa D. T. Rice, whose address is 634 Morton Place, NE, Washington, DC 20002, was appointed Personal Representative of the estate of Arthur E. Rice, who died on August 17, 2011 with a Will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent’s Will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., Building A, Third Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before March 5, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 5, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship.
Date of first publication: September 5, 2013
Date of first publication: September 5, 2013
Elizabeth D. Dyson Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Benjamin H. Dyson, whose address is 2800 Quebec St., NW, Apt. 1046, Washington, DC 20008, was appointed Personal Representative of the estate of Elizabeth D. Dyson, who died on July 29, 2013 with a Will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent’s Will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., Building A, Third Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before March 5, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 5, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of first publication: September 5, 2013 Benjamin H. Dyson Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY Anne Meister Register of Wills Washington Informer
NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Brian N. Shaw and Michael A. Shaw, whose addresses are 237 12th Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002 & 4620 Hunt Place NE, Washington, DC 20019, were appointed Personal Representatives of the estate of Barbara L. Shaw, who died on April 21, 2013 without a Will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., Building A, Third Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before March 5, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 5, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of first publication: September 5, 2013
Eric Wilson Personal Representative
Lisa D. T. Rice Personal Representative
Brian N. Shaw Michael A. Shaw Personal Representative
Anne Meister Register of Wills Washington Informer
Anne Meister Register of Wills Washington Informer
Anne Meister Register of Wills Washington Informer
42 September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
The Washington Informer
TRUE TEST COPY Anne Meister Register of Wills Washington Informer
Deborah D. Boddie, Esq. 1308 Ninth Street, NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20001 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Anthony Butler, whose address is 4346 Gorman Terrace, SE, Washington, DC 20019, was appointed Personal Representative of the estate of Crogher D. Butler, who died on November 5, 20006 with a Will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent’s Will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., Building A, Third Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before March 12, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 12, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of first publication: September 12, 2013 Anthony Butler Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY Anne Meister Register of Wills Washington Informer
legal notices CLASSIFIEDS SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Probate Division Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2013 ADM 919 Charles E. Grady, Sr. aka Charles Edward Grady, Sr. Decedent Louvenia W. Williams, Esq. 9500 Arena Drive, Suite 260 Largo, MD 20774 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Charles E. Grady, Jr. and Annie L. Smith, whose addresses are, 340 Quackenbos St., NW, Washington, DC 20011 & 2402 Brooks Dr., Suitland, MD 20746 were appointed Personal Representatives of the estate of Charles E. Grady, Sr. aka Charles Edward Grady, Sr., who died on August 10, 2013 with a Will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent’s Will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., Building A, Third Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before March 12, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 12, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of first publication: September 12, 2013 Charles E. Grady, Jr. Annie L. Smith Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY Anne Meister Register of Wills Washington Informer
CLASSIFIEDS Canada Drug Center is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 90 percent on all your medication needs. Call today 1-800-308-9817, for $10.00 off your first prescription and free shipping. Medical Alert for Seniors 24/7 monitoring. FREE Equipment. FREE Shipping. Nationwide Service. $29.95/Month CALL Medical Guardian Today 888-7106484 CREDIT RESTORATION & DEBT ELIMINATION Restore your credit and change your life!!! Derrick Jason Smith (301) 383-1333 - Office (301) 744 - 7472 Direct derricksmith@remax.net www.vrtmg.com/kocredit Reader Advisory: the National Trade Association we belong to has purchased the following classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only
legal legal notices notice SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Probate Division Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 1998 ADM 366 David Louis Weinstein Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Gary D. Weinstein, whose address is 3307 Parkside Terrace, Fairfax, VA 22031, was appointed Personal Representative of the estate of David Louis Weinstein, who died on January 25, 1998 with a Will, and will serve with Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent’s Will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., Building A, Third Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before March 12, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 12, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of first publication: September 12, 2013
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the world in Gross Domestic Product. Unless we break up the Cradle to Prison Pipeline™ lodged at the dangerous intersection of race and poverty, one in three Black and one in six Latino boys who are 12 years old today will go to prison in their lifetime and costly mass incarceration will continue to become the new American apartheid. America has a great opportunity and responsibility to use her vast wealth and power to show the world what a truly multiracial democracy can be in a 21st century world desperately hungering for moral example and leadership. But it will require a major reordering of our current values and priorities and closing the indefensible, unjust racial, education, income, and wealth gaps which will undermine the last 50 years of social and racial progress. A nation that does not stand
for and invest in its children—all of them—does not stand for anything and will not stand strong in a globalizing world and when we are called to account by our Creator. On our 40th anniversary, CDF is committed to continue planting and watering the seeds for the next transforming nonviolent social justice movement our nation and children need by pursuing justice for children and the poor with urgency and persistence. I hope you will join us.wi Marian Wright Edelman is president of the Children’s Defense Fund whose Leave No Child Behind® mission is to ensure every child a Healthy Start, a Head Start, a Fair Start, a Safe Start and a Moral Start in life and successful passage to adulthood with the help of caring families and communities. For more information go to www.childrensdefense.org.
longer the sentence, the more money earned for private prison companies. Obviously the crack invasion was a financial boon for all of these private prisons. With new, fast and big cash comes corruption. An example is Pennsylvania Judge Mark Ciavarella Jr. He and his partner, Judge Michael Conahan, received millions of dollars from a private prison management firm for their “Kids for Cash” sentencing. More than 5,000 youths received extreme sentences and were sent to a private prison in exchange for cash from the executives of the company. Judge Ciavarella sent a 10-year-old to two years incarceration for accidentally causing minor damage to his mother’s car. This was typical of these two judges. Judge Ciavarella has been sentenced to 28 years. Judge Conahan has pled guilty and will be sentenced shortly. But for 5,000 children, their lives will never be the same. These victims were sent to PA Child Care and Western PA Child Care detention centers. The company or companies have kept their names out of
the press, which shows you how sophisticated their crisis management firm is. This example is one of many and I am certain much corruption is taking place at all levels and in all geographies. Their lobbying firms are powerful, too. They got Congress in 1997 to dictate that the Department of Justice should do a test on privately-run prisons. The new federal prison was located in Taft, Calif.. The contract went to Wackenhut (now called The GEO Group, Inc). The test was declared “successful” and federal prisons started becoming privatized ever since. We have a rotten prison system. If we would legalize drugs, perhaps the prison population (predominantly Black and Hispanic) would start to fade away and private prisons will be a thing of a horrible and ugly past. (Next week: Our Rotten Probation system.) wi Harry C. Alford is the co-founder, President/CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce. Website: www.nationalbcc.org. Email: halford@nationalbcc.org.
and they end up committing crimes against us and one another, while their unemployment rate nears 50 percent. Economically, our own actions accuse us, indict us, convict us, and punish us. How can we demand respect when we are begging others to fill needs that we can fill for ourselves? What must our children think of us, as we show them we can’t take care of them? Some of us don’t even know how to grow a tomato for our families, yet we want “respect.” There is no denying that many of us are doing well and “doing
good” at the same time. There are is half full or half empty; this is DovellWilliamsMDDC3.79x2.indd many conscious Black business about survival. It’s 1not about what owners across the country that certain celebrities say, if that’s all are carrying probably 90 percent they’re doing is talking. of the load for us by doing the The situation we are facing is an right thing; they get up each day ever widening gap between those determined to help empower us who have a lot and are self-reliin some way. Hats off to them! ant, and those of us who are deThey certainly deserve our kudos. pendent upon and beholding to But it’s the rest of our people, the them. Much of the information vast majority of us, who are in we allow to permeate our brains is jeopardy of falling off the eco- meaningless, useless, non-recyclanomic cliff. ble trash. The vicarious nature of These are trying times. We are many of our lives will profit us litin serious trouble, and far be from tle. My suggestion is that, first, we me to downplay that reality. And drop down and send up some seit’s not about whether the glass rious “knee mail,” and then get up
edelman continued from Page 25 children who have escaped poverty, gained access to health care, child care, Head Start, and permanent adoptive families, and the millions of disabled children who have gained a federal right to education in which we played a role working with others. But so much remains to be done if we are to keep moving forward and all our children can begin life on a level playing field – which is the promise of America. Children today face a budget guillotine called sequestration and regressive forces are seeking to dismantle the still inadequate safety net that tens of millions of Americans depend on to survive. That 16.1 million children are poor today and the younger children are the poorer they are is a shameful blight on the face of America which leads
alford continued from Page 25 to grow the prison population. Some entrepreneurs saw a great opportunity and lobbied elected officials. Then President Ronald Reagan did a very awful thing. He announced the “War on Drugs.” As David Simon, the writer of HBO’s The Wire stated, “In effect this was a war on Blacks that evolved into a war on both Blacks and Hispanics.” This brought on a new form of slavery. The first privately managed prison was established in Hamilton County, Tenn. in 1984. The contract went to Corrections Corporation of America. CCA currently owns 65 facilities all over the nation. It is the largest prison management company and is traded on the New York Stock Exchange (CXW) with revenue and assets totaling more than $1 billion. The industry continues to grow at a rapid rate and has much power in lobbying. Things like “three strikes and out,” more funding for new prisons and the courting of judges who seem to be issuing longer sentences. The
clingman continued from Page 25 break this vicious cycle of self-annihilation? Our being both the perpetrator and the victim of the same economic crimes is just downright stupid. We commit the crimes of waste and conspicuous consumption, and then we are punished because of it. We refuse to develop, grow, and support our own businesses, and then we are punished by having to depend on someone else to fill our basic needs. We fail to help provide jobs for our youth, www.washingtoninformer.com
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and get to work to stop our own crimes and punishment. 5/21/13 1:22 PM Amos Wilson also said, “When the Black community squanders the economic inheritance of its own children while it fills to overflowing the coffers of the children of other communities…it gets the crime it deserves.”wi Jim Clingman, founder of the Greater Cincinnati African American Chamber of Commerce, is the nation’s most prolific writer on economic empowerment for Black people. He is an adjunct professor at the University of Cincinnati and can be reached through his Web site, blackonomics.com.
September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
dropped just a tick in August, slipping from 7.4 to 7.3 percent. Still, there are 11.3 million unemployed people. More than 4.3 million people have been unemployed for more than half a year. These folks, still looking for work after more than 27 weeks, would be no longer eligible for SNAP assistance. Against this backdrop Congress has the temerity to propose legislation that will deny millions of families SNAP benefits. Their indifference to joblessness and poverty is amazing. They’ve not exhibited similar indifference for those at the top, maintaining tax breaks for them. Steve and Laurie struggle to make ends meet. They are good, hardworking, and people just like millions of others. They work part time for economic reasons, preferring full time work. They
need food stamps, and it is not clear, under proposed legislation, whether they will qualify for them. I worry about Steve and Laurie, and I also worry about the 11.3 million unemployed people, the 4.3 million who have not worked in half a year, and the 2 to 4 million families who will not qualify for SNAP. Worry is not enough, though. This is yet another reason why a people’s uprising is necessary. The uprising must transcend race lines – it ought to reflect Dr. Martin Luther King’s Poor People’s Campaign. Congress won’t change its indifference to the poor unless somebody makes them.wi Julianne Malveaux is a Washington, D.C.-based economist and writer. She is President Emerita of Bennett College for Women in Greensboro, N.C.
gested that war could be averted if Syria relinquished its chemical weapons to international control, Russian President Vladimir Putin jumped on the idea, and his Syrian counterpart agreed that the country would destroy its chemical arsenal. Oops. What was a war-weary world to do, except accept the deal and make it happen? The war mongers were incensed. No U.S. military attack? No U.S. enforced “no fly zone” over Syria? No decisive U.S. intervention that would tip the war in the favor of the rebels? No unintended consequences of the war that wasn’t to be? In the meantime, President Obama had literally dodged the bullet which he himself had fired. An attack by the U.S.; a war against Syria was a bad idea
in the first place, no matter who all voted to authorize it. And on top of that, Congress was not likely to approve it, leaving the president shame-faced before the world and forced to order a military strike all by his lonesome. So now, with Syria agreeing to a strenuous schedule regarding dismantling its chemical arsenal, peace was breaking out all over the place. You see, that red line business was just a ruse in the first place, an excuse to force reluctant warrior Obama to declare war, not against America’s enemy, but Israel’s. Believe it or not, there has been a neo-conservative plan in effect for more than a decade to take down countries which Israel (and therefore the U.S.) doesn’t like. In the Pentagon back in 2002, there was “a memo that describes how we’re going to
take out seven countries in five years,” Gen. Wesley Clark, former NATO Supreme Commander told Amy Goodman, host of “Democracy Now!” in a 2007 interview, “starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and finishing off with Iran.” Aha! So, red-line, bread-line, it does not matter. Any old excuse would do. The Master Plan was all that mattered, and so now, look at that list of former U.S. targets that are all failed states, with Syria about to join them. But this time, who knows how it might have played out? So, I’m reckoning that it was not President Assad who was “saved by the bell” with this 11th hour agreement, but rather it was President Obama who was in fact “dodging a bullet” that’s been causing all the commotion lately.wi
ley-Braun had led a successful charge against Helms’ trying to guide a renewal of a federal patent on the Confederate flag for the United Daughters of the Confederacy. She won the substantive political battle; his response was a juvenile gesture. In 2001, when Helms announced he would retire from the Senate, the columnist David S. Broder, a widely-respected political centrist, wrote a column in the August 29 issue of the Washington Post that appeared under a headline that was simple and stunning: “Jesse Helms, White Racist.”
In the column, Broder declared “What really sets Jesse Helms apart is that he is the last prominent unabashed white racist politician in this country … [and] the squeamishness of much of the press in characterizing Helms for what he is suggests an unwillingness to confront the reality of race in our national life.” Broder continued that “What is unique about Helms – and from my viewpoint, unforgivable – is his willingness to pick at the scab of the great wound of American history, the legacy of slavery and segregation, and to
inflame racial resentment against African Americans.” Finally, after setting Helms in context of the modern-day segregationist politicians who fought the Civil Rights Movement, Broder concluded: “That is not a history to be sanitized.” Ted Cruz tells us Jesse Helms is his political idol. What does that say about Ted Cruz?wi Lee A. Daniels is a longtime journalist based in New York City. His latest book is Last Chance: The Political Threat to Black America.
malveaux continued from Page 26
Each week you’ll get news from The District of Columbia, Prince George’s County, Montgomery County, and Northern Virginia. You will discover Arts and Entertainment, Social Tidbits, Religion, Sports, People’s Viewpoints, Letters to the Editor, Classified Ads and more! And best of all… No crime, no dirty gossip, just positive news and information each week, which is why… The Washington Informer is all about you! Name............................................................................................. Address.......................................................................................... City, State, Zip................................................................................. Phone number (daytime)................................................................... Yes! I want to subscribe for: 1 year/$45.00 Method of payment:
cutting frenzy, have been indifference to poverty. After all, the “p” word is used to infrequently in political debate, that one might think that poverty has magically gone away. Or, perhaps our legislators just don’t care. The people who receive SNAP assistance don’t conform to any stereotypes. According to the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, about 20 percent of those receiving SNAP have college degrees. Half of the recipients are White. One-third of the women who get help from SNAP are over 40. Fifty thousand of those who receive SNAP assistance are veterans. So many families are food insecure because of the employment situation. The unemployment rate
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muhammad continued from Page 26
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CALL 1 800 420 7783 NOW! daniels continued from Page 26 opposed and continued to denigrate throughout his political life – had pared those politicians’ numbers sharply. But Jesse Helms, provincial and mean-spirited, continued to fight on. In 1983, he was the only Senator to vote against approving Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as a federal holiday. In 1990, he waged what many called the most racist political campaign since the civil rights years to fend off a challenge from Harvey Gantt, an African
American Democrat and former mayor of Charlotte. In 1993, he tried to taunt Illinois’ Carol Moseley-Braun, newly-elected as the nation’s first Black female senator, by singing “Dixie” as they rode the Senate elevator one day in order, as he said, to try to make her cry. Moseley-Braun did not cry, but the act revealed something fundamental about Helms’ character that went hand-in-hand with a vicious bigotry that also targeted gays and lesbians, women and other people of color, including Hispanic Americans. A few weeks earlier, Mose-
46 September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013
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legal notices CLASSIFIEDS SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Probate Division Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2013 ADM 919 Charles E. Grady, Sr. aka Charles Edward Grady, Sr. Decedent Louvenia W. Williams, Esq. 9500 Arena Drive, Suite 260 Largo, MD 20774 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Charles E. Grady, Jr. and Annie L. Smith, whose addresses are, 340 Quackenbos St., NW, Washington, DC 20011 & 2402 Brooks Dr., Suitland, MD 20746 were appointed Personal Representatives of the estate of Charles E. Grady, Sr. aka Charles Edward Grady, Sr., who died on August 10, 2013 with a Will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent’s Will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., Building A, Third Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before March 12, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 12, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of first publication: September 12, 2013 Charles E. Grady, Jr. Annie L. Smith Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY Anne Meister Register of Wills Washington Informer
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legal legal notices notice SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Probate Division Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 1998 ADM 366 David Louis Weinstein Decedent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Gary D. Weinstein, whose address is 3307 Parkside Terrace, Fairfax, VA 22031, was appointed Personal Representative of the estate of David Louis Weinstein, who died on January 25, 1998 with a Will, and will serve with Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent’s Will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W., Building A, Third Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before March 12, 2014. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 12, 2014, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of first publication: September 12, 2013
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September 19, 2013 - September 25, 2013