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*$100 ADT Visa Reward Card: Requires 36-month monitoring contract starting at $28.99/mo. (24-month monitoring contract in California, total fees from $695.76), and enrollment in ADT EasyPay. Requires minimum purchase price of $449. One (1) Visa Reward Card valued at $100 is redeemable seven (7) days after system is installed, wherein an email is sent to the customer’s email address associated with their account with a promo code. The customer must validate the promo code on the website provided in the email and a physical card will be sent in the mail. Installation must occur within 60 days of offer expiration date to receive card. Applicable to new and resale sale types only. Card is issued by MetaBank®, N.A., Member FDIC, pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc. No cash access or recurring payments. Can be used everywhere Visa debit cards are accepted. Card valid for up to 6 months; unused funds will forfeit after the valid thru date. Card terms and conditions apply. Reply by 10/15/2021. General: Additional charges may apply in areas that require guard response service for municipal alarm verification. System remains property of ADT. Local permit fees may be required. Prices and offers subject to change and may vary by market. Additional taxes and fees may apply. Satisfactory credit required. A security deposit may be required. Simulated screen images and photos are for illustrative purposes only. ©2021 ADT LLC dba ADT Security Services. All rights reserved. ADT, the ADT logo, 800.ADT.ASAP and the product/service names listed in this document are marks and/or registered marks. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. Third-party marks are the property of their respective owners. License information available at www.ADT.com/legal or by calling 800.ADT.ASAP. CA ACO7155, 974443, PPO120288; FL EF0001121; LA F1639, F1640, F1643, F1654, F1655; MA 172C; NC Licensed by the Alarm Systems Licensing Board of the State of North Carolina, 7535P2, 7561P2, 7562P10, 7563P7, 7565P1, 7566P9, 7564P4; NY 12000305615; PA 09079, MS 15019511. DF-CD-NP-Q321


5 Christophe Lutundula and Vincent Biruta meet João Lourenço in Luanda (Copyright © africanews AFP)

DRC and Rwanda Foreign Ministers Meet in Rwanda to Ease Tensions

Foreign ministers from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Rwanda arrived at the Angolan presidency on Saturday, November 5, for a fresh round of diplomatic talks amid rising tensions in eastern DRC.

Angolan President João Lourenço was appointed by the African Union as a mediator for the talks between DRC's Christophe Lutundula and Vincent

Biruta from Rwanda,

Tensions have been particularly high between Kinshasa, the capital of DRC, and Kigali , the capital of Rwanda, since the resurgence of the March 23 Movement, known as M23, late last year.

The former Tutsi rebellion group took up arms accusing Kinshasa of failing to respect agreements on the demobilization of its fighters.

Kinshasa accuses Rwanda of supporting this rebellion -- a claim Kigali systematically denies.

But the eastern DRC region has been plagued for nearly three decades by violence from armed groups, many of them born out of the wars that occurred there in the wake of the 1994 Rwandan genocide.

Efforts had already been made in Luanda to try and normalize relations between the two neighbours in July.

According to the UN, the fighting between the FARDC and the M23 has displaced some 50,000 people since October 20, of whom 12,000 have taken refuge in Uganda. WI

caribbean now

Plans Announced for Grand Bahama $250M Resort

A $250 million investment that will bring one of the world’s top luxury resort brands to Freeport, Grand Bahama, was hailed as “the catalyst” that will drive the island’s “phoenix from the ashes” rebirth, The Tribune, one of The Bahamas’ leading newspapers reported on Friday, November 4. Rupert Hayward, the grandson of former Grand Bahama Port Authority (GBPA) co-chair Sir Jack Hayward, told The Tribune that the multi-party deal to develop a Six Senses resort at the 30-acre Barbary Beach site previously owned by Marriott will “raise many, many eyebrows around the world and put Grand Bahama on the map” for high-end tourism.

Rupert Hayward voiced confidence that the agreement featuring Weller Development, which is spearheading the largest U.S. urban regeneration in Baltimore, and Pegasus Capital Advisors, the private equity group focused on investing in sustainable projects, will “change the narrative on Grand Bahama,” and restore its reputation as a location that attracts high-quality investments by both foreigners and Bahamians.

Mr. Hayward, whose Blue Action Lab is functioning as the project’s local partner and adviser, said that while “I don’t have the figures in front of me” the Six Senses development will create “hundreds of direct and indirect jobs” -- as well as construction posts -- with completion and opening targeted for 2026.

Hinting that the Six Senses resort is just the first step in Weller’s plans for Grand Bahama, Mr. Hayward added: “This is the start of bigger plans.”

Confirming that the Six Senses project has received the government’s blessing, via National Economic Council (NEC) and Bahamas Investment Authority (BIA) approvals, Mr. Hayward said the resort brand’s arrival will also place Bahamians “at the forefront” of sustainable development via education and training.

He said the resort’s development should also be a “catalyst” for the revival of airlift to Grand Bahama, given that Six Senses will stimulate visitor demand while creating a further impetus to swiftly redevelop the island’s main airport which still remains in poor condition more than three years after Hurricane Dorian.


November 2022 Message from Department of Aging and Community Living


Dear Seniors,

As you’ve heard us say in the past, addressing senior food insecurity in the District is a top priority for Mayor Bowser and DACL. And while we’re focused on this all year round, we know food, and access to food, is at the front of many people’s minds during the holiday season. So, as we look to Thanksgiving, we want to take this opportunity to highlight one of our newest partnerships in the nutrition space – the National Foundation to End Senior Hunger (NFESH), who’s at the forefront of ensuring states across the country have access to quality data to inform their nutrition programming decisions.

Jessica Smith From Enid Borden, CEO, the National Foundation to End Senior Hunger (NFESH)

At NFESH, we’re laser focused on working with states and localities to engage in research methods and practices to find causes and consequences of senior food insecurity, and then to initiate and employ innovative methods that address possible solutions. We are once again proud to be working with DACL in this space. Our academic research team has been charged with conducting a study to examine food insecurity in the District, and to specifically look into the underlying risk factors that changed disproportionally for DC seniors as a result of the Great Recession.

In partnership with DACL, we will be looking at trends specific to senior food insecurity in the District, analyzing the factors associated with the issue, and getting a better understanding of the instabilities in housing, family structures, and other factors related to food insecurity. As a partner in DACL’s work, I’ve been able to see how the agency is using research as a guide in their daily practices and programming to continue to implement innovative practices and methods that address underlying factors that contribute to food insecurity. Our research produces numbers. That data, however, represents real people. Our work with DACL begins and ends with seniors like you. And our work is performed on a national level, as food insecurity is not solely an issue in Washington, DC. It is a nationwide problem that is being addressed both locally and around the country. And while it is not a new phenomenon anywhere, I must say that we’re inspired by how DACL has continued to take the issue seriously and has made a commitment to combatting senior food insecurity through the creation of some of the most innovative programs in the country. Their Food4Choice project is just one such example — a program that is giving select seniors’ choice in their nutritional decisions through grocery card distribution. And I’m proud to note that our work with them on the age WELL pilot project will be a national model of senior nutrition and wellness as we work to address food insecurity with the many community partners that are coming together on this project.

The current state of senior food insecurity in the District has shined In partnership with DACL, we will be looking at trends specific to senior food insecurity in the District, analyzing the factors associated with the issue, and getting a better understanding of the instabilities in housing, family structures, and other factors related to food insecurity.

a light on an issue that we must all be cognizant of and concerned about. There are many factors that contribute to food insecurity and many, sad to say, are beyond anyone’s control. But throughout our country, and specifically here in the District, organizations like DACL are working diligently to move the needle forward. The senior nutrition programs that are run here in the District and throughout the country are models of public-private partnerships at their best and at NFESH we look forward to working with DACL to use every tool possible to address senior food insecurity in the District and across the nation.

Attend Mayor Bowser’s 24th Annual Senior Holiday Celebration

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