1 minute read
What Black retur stigma do yo father who ning citizen? u i face s al as so a a
“Some “Some ofof thethe stigmasstigmas likelike beingbeing inadequate,inadequate, notnot present, or able to do the job. Sometimes we are behind the ball when it comes to us being fathers. When you talk about our community where we come from, some of our families grew up in poverty or section eight, and in places where men aren ’t allowed. Sometimes the fathers fall and go to prison and when we come back home we aren ’t allowed in the household due to regulations in place. So there are a lot of barriers and it’ s hard. I grew up without a dad, so when you grow up without a dad, for men it goes two ways, you either become a good dad or become absent like your dad. I chose to become a good dad because I am motivated in that way.
- R Ro od dr ri ig gu ue ez z “R“Ro od dn ney”ey” N No or rmanman

As a dad, what makes you happy?
“Just making sure he has what we need. When he smiles, I smile ” .

- Dontae Butler Sr.

What are have overc so om m e e as chal a gi lenges rl dad ? you