Washington Informer - January 17, 2013

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Never succumb to the temptation of bitterness. – Martin Luther King, Jr.

King Supplement Inside •

C e l e b r a t i n g 4 8 Ye a r s o f S e r v i c e

Serving More Than 50,000 African American Readers Throughout The Metropolitan Area / Vol. 48, No. 14 Jan. 17 - Jan. 23, 2013

Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, (D), addresses supporters and the media about repealing Maryland’s death penalty at the State Senate Building in Annapolis, Md., on Tuesday, Jan. 15. /Photo by Khalid Naji-Allah

Inauguration Preparations in Full Swing By Barrington M. Salmon WI Staff Writer Tens of thousands of people are hard at work in the District putting the finishing touches on events and related activities marking President Barack Obama’s second inauguration. Obama will be sworn in on

the steps of the U.S. Capitol on Monday, Jan. 21. Later, the first family will lead a parade of floats, military units, marching bands, dancers and others along Pennsylvania Avenue in Northwest. Ann Walters, a Jamaican native who has lived in the District of Columbia for more than 20

years, counted among the throng of people who converged on the National Mall in January 2009 and who witnessed Obama’s swearing-in as America’s first African-American president. “I went with friends who wanted to witness this important event,” said Walters, a local businesswoman. “They were gung-

ho, were in town and wanted to go. It was so cold, we couldn’t get close to anything and transportation was messed up but it was good to be there.” Walters said in Jamaica it is commonplace to see black leaders running the country. “It’s less significant than it might have been because of

Visit us online for daily updates and much more @ www.washingtoninformer.com. D.C. Political Roundup Page 5

Charles Steele Returns to SCLC Page 10

where I come from. We’re used to having leaders who look like us,” she said. “But I understand the context of where blacks in this country are coming from with slavery, oppression, racism and the blatant disrespect they face. It was interesting to see in this the fulfillment of people like See INAUGURAL on Page 8

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Deltas Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Celebrates 100 Years Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Sorors Phoebe Dixon, Gwendolyn Boyd & Edna Lee Moffitt Centennial Celebration Chair (c) & Co Chairs

Cynthia Butler-McIntyre Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. National President

(L-R) James Staton with his wife Soror Dr. Johnetta Coles

(L-R) Sorors Dr. Mary Grant & Cynthia Butler-McIntyre (Nat’l) Pres.) Below (L-R) Hugh Brown, Dr. & Mrs. Eugene & Soror Jean Bentley, & Soror Dr. Marilyn Brown

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Celebrated100 years with a Founders Day Dinner at the Walter Washington Convention (L-R) Center.

(L-R) Samuel Thomas (Sr. VjP &GM Convention Center) with Bd Chair of Events DC. Soror Michele Hagans

(L-R) Sorors Hon. Alexis Herman (Mistress of Ceremonies) & Edna Lee Moffitt (Weekend Co-Chair)

Soror Dr. Dorothy Bush

Soror Cristal Baron McKenzie

(L-R) SororsJackie Smalls, Rosie Allen Herring, Angela Lee, Atty. Arliss Cowman, & Traci Birch Khead

(L-R) Judge Herbert Dixon with Dr. Andrew Ray (Omega Grand Basileus- Intl HQ Decatur GA)

(L-R) Sorors Ingrid Saunders Jones & Johnnie Booker (VPs CoCa-Cola)

Soror Sandra Fitzgerald

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Soror Hon. Linda Cropp

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Kurt Pommonths, Sr, Photographer * Photo Enhancer * Graphic Designer “Happy New Year” 2003 © SOCIAL SIGHTINGS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — DUPLICATION IN ANY FORM REQUIRES WRITTEN PERMISSION | E-mail SocialSightings@aol.com

2 Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013

The Washington Informer


1/17/2013 1/23/2013 AROUND THE REGION Black Facts Page 6 PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY Page 12 BUSINESS William Reed’s Busines Exchange Page 16 COMMENTARIES Pages 24-25 HOROSCOPES Page 28 RELIGION The National Symphony Orchestra performs at the Florida Avenue Baptist Church in Northwest on Sunday, Jan. 13 to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation. /Photo by Roy Lewis

Lyndia Grant’s Religion Column Page 33

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Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013



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In Memoriam Dr. Calvin W. Rolark, Sr. Wilhelmina J. Rolark

The Washington Informer Newspaper THE WASHINGTON INFORMER PUBLISHER In Memoriam NEWSPAPER (ISSN#0741-9414) Denise Rolark Sr. Barnes Dr. isCalvin W. Rolark, published weekly on each Thursday. Wilhelmina J. Rolark Periodicals postage paid at Washing- STAFF THE WASHINGTON ton, D.C. and additional INFORMER mailing of- NEWSPAPER (ISSN#0741-9414) is published Denise W. Barnes, Editor weekly on and Thursday. Periodicals fices. News advertising deadlinepostage paid at Washington, D.C. and additional mailing offices. News and advertising deadline is Monday prior to publication. is Monday prior to publication. An- Shantella Y. Sherman, Assistant Editor Announcements must be received two weeks prior to event. Copyright 2000 by The nouncements must be received two Washington Informer. All rights reserved. Send change of addressRonPOST Burke,MASTER: Advertising/ Marketing Director weeks to event. Copyright 2010 es toprior The Washington Informer, 3117 Martin Luther King, Jr. Ave., S.E. Washington, IV,without Assistant PhotopermisEditor byD.C. The20032. Washington All Lafayette No partInformer. of this publication may be Barnes, reproduced written rights sionreserved. from thePOSTMASTER: publisher. TheSend Informer Newspaper cannot guarantee the return of Khalid Naji-Allah, Staff Photographer change of addresses to Therates Washphotographs. Subscription are $30 per year, two years $45. Papers will be received not more than a3117 weekMartin after publication. MakeE.checks payable to: ington Informer, Luther John De Freitas, Sports Photo Editor King, Jr. Ave., S.E. Washington, D.C. Dorothy Rowley, Online THE WASHINGTON INFORMER Editor 20032. No part of this publication may 3117 Martin Luther King, Jr. Ave., S.E. • Washington, D.C. 20032 be reproduced without written permis- Brian Young, Design & Layout Phone: 202 561-4100 • Fax: 202 574-3785 sion from the publisher. The Informer E-mail: news@washingtoninformer.com AssureTech /www.scsworks.com, Webmaster Newspaper cannot guarantee the return www.washingtoninformer.com of photographs. Subscription rates are Mable Neville, Bookkeeper $45 per year, two years $60. Papers will Mickey PUBLISHER Thompson, Social Sightings columnist be received not more than a week after Denise Rolark Barnes publication. Make checks payable to: Stacey Palmer, Social Media Specialist STAFF REPORTERS THE WASHINGTON Brooke N. Garner INFORMER Managing Editor Tia C. Jones, Ed Laiscell, REPORTERS Carla Peay Luther King, Assistant Managing Editor Odell B. Ruffin, Larry Saxton, 3117 Martin Jr. Ave., S.E Ron Burke D.C. 20032Advertising and Marketing Mary Wells, Joseph Young Washington, Misty Brown, Michelle Phipps-Evans, Mable Whittaker Bookkeeper Phone: 202 561-4100 LaNita Wrenn Administration PHOTOGRAPHERS Eve Ferguson, Elton J. Hayes , Gale Horton Fax: 574-3785 John202 E. De Freitas Sports Gay, EditorBarrington Lafayette Barnes, IV, Salmon, Stacey Palmer, news@washingtoninformer.com Victor Holt Photo Editor John E. De Freitas, Maurice Fitzgerald, Charles E. Sutton ,James Wright, Joseph www.washingtoninformer.com Zebra Designs, Inc. Layout & Graphic Design Joanne Jackson, Roy Lewis, Robert Young Ridley, Victor Holt Ken Harris /www.scsworks.com Webmaster CIRCULATION Paul Trantham PHOTOGRAPHERS John E. De Freitas, Roy Lewis, Khalid Naji-Allah, Shevry Lassiter

Women Break the Cycle of Domestic Violence By Tia Carol Jones

law enforcement. She said they threat,” she said. had come together to bring a Among the programs Marlow sense of uniformity in the way wants to see implemented are When L.Y. Marlow's 23-year- domestic violence victims and stricter restraining order policies, old daughter told her the father survivors are treated. more rights for victim's families of her daughter threatened her “She's using her own personal to intervene on behalf of a viclife, and the life of their child, story, her own personal pain to tim, a domestic violence assessshe knew something had to be push forward,” Davis-Nickens ment unit coupled with further Congressman Lewisfrustration at the funeral services of his done. Out John of her said about Marlow. training for law enforcement wife of 44 years, Lillian Lewis on Jan. 7. The funeral with law enforcement's handling Davis-Nickens Congressman said anyone agencies, a Child's ProtecJohn Lewis and his wife of 44Life years, was heldsituation, at the historic Church in of the she Ebenezer decided Baptist to who reads Marlow's book will/Courtesy tion Photo Act and mandatory counselLillian Lewis. Atlanta, /Courtesy Photo camstart theGa. Saving Promise “get it.” She said she “puts the ing for batterers. paign. case in such a way, the average “If we are ever going to eradi“It seems to be a vicious cycle person can get it.” She said at the cate domestic violence, we must that won't turn my family end of the day, the book will look at both sides of the coin. loose,” Marlow said. Marlow help people begin to have a dia- We need to address both the vicshared her story with the audi- logue about domestic violence. tim and the batterer,” Marlow ence at the District Heights Also present at the event was said. Domestic Violence Symposium Mildred Muhammad, the exMarlow would also like to see on May 7 at the District Heights wife of John Allen Muhammad, programs designed to raise Municipal Center. The sympo- who was sentenced to six consec- awareness among children in sium was sponsored by the she utivea life termswife without She devoted to theparole con- public Othersand likeprivate the Rev.schools. Jesse JackBy Dorothy Rowley Family and Youth Services by a Maryland jury for his role in feels children need to be educatgressman, but that she was also acson recalled the Los Angeles naWI StaffofWriter Center the city of District the Beltway Sniper attacks in ed about domestic violence. involved in politics and the tive who encouraged her husband Heights and the National Hook- tively 2002. Mildred Muhammad is “We have to stop being pascommunity. go into politics, andpoor taughtchilin In her own quiet and dignified Up of Black Women. the founder of After the Trauma, to sive-aggressive with “She and Congressman Lewis Nigeria in 1960 in a student promanner, Lillian Miles Lewis lived Marlow has written a book, an organization that helps the dren about domestic violence,” a wonderful example ofviolence a cou- gram her life as a testament how peobefore “Color Me Butterfly,”towhich is a are survivors of domestic Marlow said.returning to Africa in to both service and theMarlow ple of about all creeds races should story fourand generations of ple Peace Corps as a “peace-lovanddedicated their children. has worked to break “As Six we ing, domestic violence.InThe book is each treat one another. the process, “I other,” lived inMitchell fear for said. six years. the freedom-fighting cycle of abuse inwoman.” her family, inspired by her own experiences, her legacy today, I want she exemplified unwavering sup- celebrate years in fear is a long time. It is and is confident the policies Cynthia King Farris, sister she of and those of her grandmother, notextend an easy thing tocondolenccome out Martin my heartfelt is pushing will start that port and devotion to her family, to Lutherfor King, Jr., commenther mother her daughter. of,”toshe process. hersaid. family and those whose ed never failing and to embrace youth es that, “I doubt any member of She every just timeneeded she reads Mildred Muhammad said Congress “I plan had to take these policies to who said sometimes that lives she touched.” a better-informed excerpts from touch. her book, she still people wantof to help Congress and implore them to extra motherly Amongwho the cadre other locala spouse.” canSuch not believe came leaders domestic violence victim must change our laws,” Marlow said. were the the words sentiments paying their final respects from heruntil workthese counselfrom her. “Color Me Butterfly” be careful of how they go into “IAside not stop polishared Monday, Jan. 7 among to the kindly woman who carried ing will husband, Mrs. Lewis, was won the 2007 National “Best the victim's life, and understand ciesher are passed.” mourners – including a slate of herself with “inspiring dignity,” instrumental in the creation of Books” Award. that she may be in “survival Tia Carol Jones can be reached local and just national politicianswhen and were current and former Atlan“I was 16-years-old the Atlanta Black-Jewish Coalition mode”. at tiacaroljones@sbcglobal.net luminaries the civilandrights mayors Kasim Andrew my eye firstfrom blackened my ta “Before you getReed, to 'I'm going (AJC), where she helped plan promovement – who said. crowded the Young, Shirley Franklinas and Bill grams lips bled,” Marlow to kill you,' it started a verbal WI and visited schools during historic Ebenezer Baptist Church Campbell, respectively. Out-ofElaine Davis-Nickens, presiMLK Week celebrations. in Atlanta the Hook-Up legacy of town notables included House dent of thewhere National Sherry Frank, a former Atlanta Mrs. Lewis, married years to Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, as of Black Women, said44there is no AJC director, recalled Mrs. Lewis’s the distinguished Con- well as Congress members Jim consistency in the Georgia way domestic commitment toward the organizaviolence issues are dealt by Clyburn of South Carolina, John gressman John Lewis, waswith memotion’s programs on Jewish ties to rialized. Conyers of Michigan and Shelia Israel and Black ties to Africa. “As a child, I felt blessed be- Jackson Lee of Texas. Georgia “She was so knowledgeable cause I believed that when I was state senators Johnny Isakson and born, God had provided me with Saxby Chambliss were also in at- about the world and proud to bring her Atlanta University scholtwo sets of parents – my own tendance. and my godparents, John and The Lewises were married in ars from Africa to these programs Lillian Lewis,” said Michael Julian December 1968 at Ebenezer Bap- to educate us and build bridges of Bond, a member of the Atlanta tist Church by the Rev. Martin Lu- understanding,” said Frank. Hilary Shelton, director of the City Council. “Mrs. Lewis was an ther King Sr. John-Miles Lewis is extraordinary woman – beautiful their only child. Washington bureau of the NACin spirit and in possession of a Mrs. Lewis’s close friend Xerno- CP, said he’d met Mrs. Lewis on razor-sharp intellect. In watching na Clayton Brady, who introduced several occasions and always felt her as I grew up, it was easy to see the couple to each other in 1967 she was a warm and down-towhy Congressman Lewis fell in during a NewYear’s Eve party, earth person. love with this astounding gentle- shared a touching remembrance “She was a great supporter of woman.” that at times, evoked non-re- her husband, whom you could Council President Ceasar strained laughter. In conclusion, tell right away that she loved very Mitchell nodded in agreement. L.Y. “ItMarlow was alBrady added that while “too many much,” said Shelton. Expressing his sadness over Mrs. people come into the world and ways a joy to see them together, Lewis’s passing at age 73 on Dec. simply take up space, Lillian was as you could just feel the love be31 at Emory University Hospital, born in this world but she en- tween them. She was truly a very Mitchell added that not only was nice, very friendly person.” wi hanced her space.” WI Staff Writer

Lillian Lewis Carried Herself with ‘Inspiring Dignity’

4 / May 15 - 21, 2008 The Washington Informer / www.washingtoninformer.com The Washington Informer

4 Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013

We have to stop being passive-aggressive with poor children about domestic violence. I plan to take these policies to Congress and implore them to change our laws. I will not stop until these policies are passed.

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D.C. Political Roundup By James Wright WI Staff Writer

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Shapiro Will Not Run Peter Shapiro, in a surprise move, has opted out of the April 23 special election to permanently fill D.C. Chairman Phil Mendelson’s former at-large seat on the D.C. Council. “I will not be running,” said Shapiro, 49. “There is too much uncertainty with this many people in the field. I am committed to public service but I do not feel like investing in another race at this time.” Shapiro, a District native, ran for the Democratic Party nomination for an at-large seat on the D.C. Council in the April 3 primary. D.C. Council member Vincent Orange won the primary and was elected to fill the seat by a large margin in the Nov. 6, general election. While the campaign was Shapiro’s first in the District, he’s no stranger to political realm. Shapiro was elected to the Prince George’s County Council in 1998 and served until 2004. Shapiro represented District 2 which includes cities and towns such as Brentwood, Hyattsville and Mount Rainier. He was also elected to serve as chairman of the county council. In 2009, he moved to Chevy Chase in Northwest. Currently, he’s the director of the Chesapeake Center for Public Leadership in Northwest. Shapiro placed third after Orange and former D.C. Council member Sekou Biddle in the April 3 primary, polling at 10.56 percent of the vote. Some political analysts say that had Shapiro not been in the race, Biddle could have emerged as the victor over Orange. Petitions for the special election have been picked up by 20 individuals, including interim D.C. Council member Anita Bonds (D-At Large), former D.C. Council member Michael Brown, former Ward 7 D.C. State Board of Education member Dorothy Douglas, and Ward 1 D.C. State Board of Education member Patrick Mara. Shapiro had indicated to various media and political operatives that he would run for Mendelson’s seat as late as November 2012. While he’s not running, he is supporting a candidate. “I believe Elissa Silverman would be the best person to be the next at-large council mem-

around the region


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Peter Shapiro ran for the Democratic at-large D.C. Council member seat in the April 2012 primary. /Courtesy Photo

ber,” he said, referring to the former Washington City Paper and Post journalist. “She is dynamite and has a sharp mind and temperament. I trust her political orientation and I will support her if she qualifies to get on the ballot.” Shapiro isn’t done with politics, though. “I am not going to rule out running for another office in the future,” he said. McCoy Will Run in 2014 Nick McCoy, a black Democratic Party activist with strong ties to the city’s gay community, has confirmed that he will not run in the April 23 special election to fill D.C. Councilman Phil Mendelson’s seat. However, he does have political aspirations. “I do plan to run in 2014 for an at-large D.C. Council member seat,” said McCoy, 36. “I am not ready to commit to run this particular race.” McCoy, a resident of Ward 2 in Northwest, has worked on the campaigns of D.C. Council member David Catania (I-At


Denise Rolark Barnes Large) and advocated for such Independent Beauty Consultant www.marykay/drolark-barnes.com causes as same-sex marriage in 202-236-8831 the District and Maryland and for the Martin Luther King Memorial dedication. He hosted a “D.C. Public Forum” on Sept. 9, 2012 that included The Washington Informer, The Washington Blade, WPFW-FM and DC Mic Check. Panelists and audience members quizzed D.C. Council members on their plans for the city. The forum, which took place at Busboys and Poets in Northwest included D.C. Council members Jack Evans (D-Ward 2), Muriel Bowser (D-Ward 4), Tommy Wells (D-Ward 6), Vincent Orange (D-At Large), Yvette Alexander (D-Ward 7) and Michael Brown (I-At Large). However, McCoy makes no secret of his‡ desire Please setto all be copyainD.C. upper and lowercase, flush left as indicated on artwork at these point sizes: Consultant name in 11-point Helvetica Neue Bo Beauty Consultant in 9-point Helvetica Neue Light; Web site or e-mail address in 9-point Helvetica Neue Light; phone number in 9-point Helvetica Council member. To the Independent Beauty Consultant: Only Company-approved Web sites obtained through the Mary Kay® Personal Web Site program may “I consider myself an activist at-large and I think I will be a good [at-large] council member someday,” he said. wi

The Washington Informer

Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013


Around the Region Week of jan 17 to jan 23

Black Facts

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January 21 1773 - Poet Phyllis Wheatley was born. 1906 - Pioneer aviator, William Brown-Chappell was born. 1964 - Carl T. Rowan named director of the United States Information Agency. 1971 - Twelve Black congressman boycotted Richard Nixon’s State of the Union message because of his “consistent refusal” to respond to the petitions of Black Americans.

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January 17 1927 – Multi-lingual singer, dancer, and actress Eartha Kitt is born in a small plantation town called North, South Carolina. Kitt died in December 2008 at the age of 81. January 18 1856 – Daniel Hale Williams is born in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania. He becomes a pioneering surgeon and is generally credited with performing the first open heart surgery. He was a strong advocate of the emerging antiseptic and sterilization procedures of his day. He believed that many patients died or became ill in the hospital because of the lack of cleanliness of doctors and facilities. Williams’ open-heart surgery feat occurred on July 10, 1893 when he repaired a knife wound to the chest of James Cornish. January 19 1918 – The founder of Ebony and Jet magazines, John H. Johnson, is born on this day in rural Arkansas City, Arkansas. Shortly after the death of his father, Johnson’s mother moved the

6 Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013

The Washington Informer

family to Chicago where Johnson attended high school during the day and read self-help books at night laying the intellectual and motivational foundations for the eventual building of his publishing empire. Interestingly, among Johnson’s classmates at Chicago’s DuSable High School were Nate King Cole, Redd Foxx and future businessman William Abernathy. Johnson died in 2008. His wife Eunice Johnson died a year later. January 20 1900 – Black North Carolina Congressman George H. White introduced legislation to make lynching any American a federal crime. But opponents allowed the bill to die in committee and thus it never came up for a vote. It is estimated that 105 blacks were lynched that year. 1947 – Josh Gibson, perhaps the most famous and outstanding athlete to play in the old Negro Baseball, League dies on this day in 1947. 1986 – The first national holiday in honor of civil rights legend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is celebrated.

January 22 1931 - Singer Sam Cook, the son of a minister and believed by many to be the first father of soul music, was born in Chicago, Illinois. 1948 - George Foreman, twotime heavyweight boxing champion, was born in Marshall, TX. 1949 - James Robert Gladden becomes first African American certified in orthopedic surgery. 1981 - Samuel Pierce is named Secretary of HUD in the Reagan Administration. January 23 1941 - Richard Wright wins the Spingarn Medal for “Native Son”. 1945 - The National Association of Colored Nursing Graduates pressures the Army Nurse Corps to drop its color bar and admit nurses without regard to race. 1964 - The 24th Amendment to the US Constitution is ratified. It abolishes poll tax, which was used as a means of preventing african americans from voting. 1977 - ABC-TV begins televising the Roots mini-series (which would go on to be the most watched mini-series in history). 1993 - Rev. Thomas A. Dorsey, founder of gospel music died in Chicago, Illinois. 2003 - Nell Carter dies at age 54.



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Anthony Scott Washington, D.C. I’d say better management. In looking at the direction that all of the teams are going, the Redskins are headed in the right one with the success they had under Robert Griffin III this year. I like what they’re doing. Better management by bringing in top talent will go a long way, and there are a lot of talented players who are available. That will make for a good 2013 for all of the area’s sports teams.

Greg Whitehead Bowie, Md. Better focus by management on the decisions they have to make [with players]. People are coming down pretty hard on the Redskins’ coaching staff for not pulling Robert Griffin III at halftime and saving the game. The Wizards will take some time before they’re competitive because of the many teams in the east that are already in good shape. Management did a good job in making the Redskins and Nationals competitive; they just need to be a bit more focused on the decisions with their players.

around the region


Nate Coger Washington, D.C. I think that having more publicity when the teams do well will make 2013 a good year for all of the teams. With as much as the Redskins [accomplished] this season, I don’t think the team received the same amount of [media] attention as other sports teams in their cities. The Wizards beat the Miami Heat this season and it barely went noticed.

Emmanuel Tendo Silver Spring, Md. I think that there needs to be a focus on bringing in new players to the teams. Team chemistry dies down when things get stale. The owners also need to put more money into the teams and pay the players who are doing well the money they deserve. That’s good management. The players themselves must also be devoted to their teams and not just themselves. These things will make for a successful 2013.

Timothy Garnes Washington, D.C. There needs to be better management for all of the teams. The owners need to pay the players what they need to be paid. Give them the money they play hard for and quit holding back. The owners need to go to the players and ask them what they need. That would go a long way for all of the D.C. sports teams. The teams would win more games if the owners themselves would listen to the players and not go through other channels. This will make for a good 2013.

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Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013

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Barack Obama places his hand on the bible while his wife, Michelle, holds the sacred book during his first swearing-in ceremony in 2009. /Courtesy Photo

INAUGURAL continued from Page 1




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 8 Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013

Martin Luther King and Malcolm X who carved it out. You can see what they sacrificed for.” Walters said she doesn’t plan to be on the National Mall this year and will likely watch it on TV. She also said she plans to get involved in a service project in honor of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., whose national holiday falls on the same day. Unlike 2009, the crowds are expected to number somewhere between 600,000 and 800,000 – a far cry from the almost two million people who braved subzero temperatures to witness the installation of the nation’s first black president. While the novelty and pride of having the first black president has dimmed, enthusiasm for Obama’s second term is still said to be high. A distinguished list of celebrities have signed on to help usher in the second term musically. Beyonce is slated to sing the national anthem. James Taylor and Kelly Clarkson will also perform at the West front of the Capitol. Meanwhile, Usher, Katy Perry, Alicia Keys, Smokey Robinson, Stevie Wonder, John Legend and the cast of Glee will perform at other inaugural events. Perry, Usher, Keys and Brad Paisley are scheduled to sing at two inaugural balls on Inauguration Day and at a children’s concert two days earlier. The balls will be held at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in downtown Washington, and scores of other related events will dot the Washington metropolitan area. More than 40,000 people are expected to go to both balls, The Washington Informer

with well over 30,000 elegantly dressed partygoers attending the Presidential Inaugural Ball. A much smaller crowd of about 4,000 will gather and dance the night away at a gala to honor American service men and women. This affair, the “Commander in Chief ’s Ball”, was established by President George W. Bush to honor the military. Tickets are free for those in the military, including active-duty service personnel, those in the reserves, those wounded in battle and Medal of Honor winners. On Saturday, first lady Michelle Obama and Vice Presidential spouse Jill Biden will host a children’s concert. A stellar cast of performers will entertain the youngsters. The concert will pay special tribute to military families in honor of their sacrifice and service. Because Inauguration Day falls on a Sunday, the presidential oath will be administered in a private ceremony and the public swearing-in and celebrations held the next day. At noon on Sunday, Jan. 20, as required by the Constitution, Obama will take the official oath of office in the Blue Room at the White House, and Vice President Joe Biden will be sworn in at the Naval Observatory in Northwest. The cost of attending many of the events is out of the price range of most working Washingtonians but inauguration officials made available a limited number of $60 ball tickets for the general public that sold out very quickly. The inaugural activities come at the end of a heated, partisan, rancorous election which saw Obama win a second four-year term over Republican challenger Mitt Romney. The inauguration

also plays out against a backdrop of economic turmoil, stubborn unemployment numbers, a sharply divided electorate and the winding down of an unpopular war in Afghanistan. Unlike four years ago, Obama is expected to take the oath in temperatures that meteorologists predict will range between the 30s and mid-40s. The nation’s 57th inauguration is suffused with history. It falls on the day set aside by Americans to remember the life, legacy and service of Civil Rights icon King. It also comes as the nation celebrates the 150th anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln’s signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. King’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial occurred 50 years ago this year. Symbolically, the bibles Obama has chosen for his swearing-in are one belonging to King and another that Lincoln used during his presidential inaugural ceremony. The Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies theme for the 57th inauguration is “Faith in America’s Future” which commemorates America’s perseverance and unity, while marking the sesquicentennial year that the Statue of Freedom was placed atop the Capitol dome in 1863. The president’s inaugural theme, “Our People. Our Future.” speaks to the country’s diversity, and reflects the strength of Americans and their ability to overcome trials and challenges. The parade, which extends from the U.S. Capitol to the

See INAUGURAL on Page 9 www.washingtoninformer.com


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President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama during the 2009 swearing-in ceremony. /Courtesy Photo






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President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama make their debut at a presidential gala. /Courtesy Photo

INAUGURAL continued from Page 8 White House, will necessitate the closing of swathes of downtown Washington for security reasons. About 60 streets and more than a dozen bridges will be closed until the end of the festivities. Thousands of police, security personnel and members of the military, police agencies and the Secret Service will provide security. Metrorail is running on a rushhour schedule for 17 hours on Monday from 4 a.m. to 9 p.m., then, it will operate on a nonrush hour schedule until 2 a.m. Three stations – Archives, Mt. Vernon Square and Smithsonian stations will be closed throughout the day for security reasons. Metro is providing about 60,000 parking spaces in 29 lots and 22 garages for motorists on Inauguration Day. Obama plans to kick off the weekend’s festivities on Saturday with the National Day of Service, a call for Americans to serve their communities in honor of King’s legacy. The Obamas began this observance four years ago and the president

said he hopes his successors will continue the practice. A former community organizer in Chicago started the volunteer program four years ago, and inaugural organizers say he hopes future presidents will continue it. The Presidential Inauguration Committee recently announced a range of volunteer activities in and around the District and in cities and towns nationally, and it is encouraging Americans to pledge a commitment to serve on MLK Day and beyond. The committee is organizing a fair on the National Mall to encourage service on that day. The Obamas and the Biden family have committed to work on projects in the city. Those who can’t make it to the Inauguration can catch the event on streaming video. The Presidential Inauguration Committee also launched an app that can be used in iPhones and Androids to watch the ceremony. The app also provides maps of both the parade and the swearing-in ceremony, and the locations of viewing screens, restrooms and vendors and delineates ticketed and other areas. wi


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The Washington Informer

Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013



Charles Steele Jr. /Photos courtesy of SCLC

Former President Returns to Historic Organization Charles Steele Jr., Takes Reins at SCLC, Celebrates Inaugural By Stacy M. Brown WI Contributing Writer

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10 Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013

The man who once presided over the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the most storied civil rights organization in America, has returned to lead the group in celebrating President Barack Obama’s historic second inauguration on Monday. Charles Steele Jr., who is back at the helm of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), will also help the group mark what would have been the 84th birthday of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the civil rights champion who helped found the SCLC 56 years ago. “With the great history of the SCLC, there was no way I could sit idly by and let it go under,” Steele said. “The board asked me to come back and I did.” Steele, 66, said he had heard too often the doom and gloom that surrounded the once proud organization that rose to prominence during King’s monumental battle to gain civil rights for African Americans and others. Once Steele stepped aside in 2008 as president of the Atlanta, Ga.-based organization, the whispers in and outside the African American and civil rights communities grew louder. King’s image was being tarnished, some wrote, while others said the SCLC had simply lost its The Washington Informer

relevance. “The world has let us know that the SCLC is needed as much now as we were when King was our leader,” Steele said. “Are we still relevant and important? I’d argue, especially based on what I’ve heard during my travels, that we are more important and more relevant now than ever before. There is still a great need for us to continue what King was doing during the movement and a greater need to see that his dream is fulfilled,” he said. Steele returned in July as chief executive officer amid calls from the board of directors to restore financial stability and credibility to the SCLC. During the announcement in July, SCLC Board Chairman Bernard LaFayette didn’t hesitate to voice his full support for Steele, who had led the organization during more prosperous times. “The storm is over for SCLC,” LaFayette, 72, said. “We are rebuilding our executive team and Dr. Steele is a vital member.” The SCLC found itself immersed in controversy after a 2010 complaint was filed by its General Counsel, Dexter Wimbish, alleging that the group’s then-chairman Rev. Raleigh Trammell, 74, and treasurer, Spiver Gordon, 73, had engaged in unauthorized expenditures. Both men were ultimately cleared of those charges, al-

though Trammell was later convicted in an unrelated theft case in Dayton, Ohio. Since his return, Steele hasn’t wasted any time in seeking to restore the legacy that was instilled by King and others during the tumultuous civil rights movement in the mid-20th century. “We went global,” he said. “I just got back from the Ukraine and France and we have a vision which is to spread King’s vision throughout the world.” Among the many foreign dignitaries he met with included Mikhail Gorbachev, the last head of state of the former Soviet Union, Steele said. “We met for two hours and the first thing he asked me in Moscow was whether or not King’s dream has been fulfilled,” Steele said. “No, it has not been. We’ve just begun to embark upon having any token of the dream being fulfilled.” “Gorbachev asked me what could he do?” Steele said. “I told him to become a partner with African Americans who have made the supreme sacrifice with their lives. We have to take this opportunity to let the world know because the SCLC isn’t going anywhere, we are here to stay for at least another 100 years because there is a need for the SCLC and the civil rights movement.”

See STEELE on Page 11 www.washingtoninformer.com

national of our founding President Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.” A gospel brunch hosted by Sunday Best All-Star Corey Webb will kick off at 11 a.m., on Sunday at the hotel. Guests will hear messages from the Rev. Gwendolyn Boyd of Ebenezer African Methodist Episcopal Church of Fort Washington, Md., and the Rev. Kevin Adams of Olivet Baptist

Church in Chattanooga, Tenn. Admission for the brunch is $65. The invite-only “Dream Keepers for Justice” dinner on Sunday evening at 7:30 p.m., will follow. That event will include Earl Bynum, the executive director of music at Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church in Chesapeake, Va., as well as singer Pauline Key, and singer and musician, Richard

Smallwood. Rap legends Whodini will highlight the People’s Inaugural Gala at 8 p.m., Jan. 21 at the National Museum of Women in the Arts and Steele said he’s hopeful the president will at least make a cameo. Tickets for that gala are $80 and can be purchased by visiting www.sclcnational.org or by calling 404-522-1420, ext. 213. wi

/Photos courtesy of SCLC


continued from Page 10

Steele also took his message of a global civil rights campaign to France, Israel and Palestine, he said, noting that many individuals from those countries inquired as to how King and other African Americans were able to endure great oppression during the struggle. “Well, you won’t find people in leadership roles who speak out but I have a right to tell the truth. You can’t be scared and you can’t be a scared Negro because that will get you killed.” Steele also plans to increase calls for more African Americans to register to vote and participate in global economic efforts that should see more jobs created for black people, he said. “We’ve got to do something about black voter registration. We celebrate Obama, but our people must keep in mind that we operate at a disadvantage when we lack information,” Steele said. “We also need to realize financial freedom in the form of a global economy that African Americans have yet to take advantage of.” The world has moved toward a global society and the impact of that movement can be as great for African Americans as anyone else if interest and participation are high, Steele said. “We must take responsibility and help to bring about opporwww.washingtoninformer.com

tunities from a global perspective. If we do, our impact would be strong enough that we can really empower one another and finally realize that part of King’s dream,” he said. Outspoken, witty and, at times, deadpan serious, Steele seemingly has the complete backing of SCLC’s officials. “He has the credibility that we need,” said the Rev. Samuel F. Mosteller, 54, president of the group’s Georgia chapter. “Without (Steele), we would be moving a lot slower,” LaFayette said. “Now, we will move swiftly into the future.” The organization will host a gala that will highlight its accomplishments and celebrate Obama’s re-election. Festivities are set to begin at 11 a.m., Jan. 20 at the L’Enfant Plaza Hotel in Southwest and 8 p.m., Jan. 21 at the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Northwest. The SCLC will also mark what would have been King’s 84th birthday during the festivities. “These events are going to highlight the accomplishments of SCLC since its inception and showcase the work that has been done and define the work that is left to do,” Steele said. The SCLC will celebrate Obama’s re-election and “the people who made the election possible,” Steele said. “We will honor not only the president of the United States, but the legacy

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The Washington Informer

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Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013



New Fund Spurs Economic Growth By Gale Horton Gay WI Staff Writer Incentive fund dollars are flowing in Prince George’s County. Less than a year after rolling out an incentive fund program to spur local economic development, Prince George’s County is experiencing the domino effect of its efforts. Officials announced that their initial investment of $2.4 million in six county businesses has resulted in those businesses investing $26 million to develop their businesses. “In its first months of full

operation, our Economic Development Incentive Fund (EDIF) is paying dividends for the county in the form of private investment, growth in our tax base, and job creation and retention,” said Prince George’s County Executive Rushern L. Baker III, who called the fund the county’s “Wow Factor … signifying to the region and beyond that our doors are open for business.” The six projects are: The Hampton Inn, Information Management Services, Little Caesars Pizza (two sites), Man and Machine, Nash Finch, and Vocus, Inc. The $2,410,000 for

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these projects are expected to generate 358 new jobs, retain 627 jobs, and leverage $700,000 in Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development funds as well as $26 million in private investment. Clifton Broumand’s company Man and Machine received a half million dollar loan from the county’s incentive fund program. The funds were used to modernize their production facility in Landover – expanding it from 10,000-square-feet to 18,500-square-feet – and for research and development for new products, Broumand said. “We are one of the few true manufacturing companies selling outside of the U.S.,” said Broumand, head of Man and Machine, which produces industrial keyboards engineered to withstand environmental hazards in the workplace. He said the incentive funds have “strengthened his ability to deal with the risk” compared to if he had gotten a bank loan. “This [incentive funds] help everybody and doesn’t hinder

anybody,” said Broumand, adding that it helps him grow his company and grows his “footprint” in the county. The company has been around for 30 years and has some 25 to 30 employees in its Maryland office as well as other employees worldwide. “This first year of the EDI Fund was encouraging,” said Gwen McCall, president and chief executive officer of Prince George’s County Economic Development Corporation. “Some of the projects could not have gotten off the ground without EDI funds, so we are encouraged that we are headed in the right direction. This coming year, we will continue to aggressively market and promote the EDI Fund to assist us in attracting businesses to our county and to help us retain and expand our existing businesses.” The EDIF has proven to be an invaluable resource for the Prince George’s County business community. Officials said the fund has validated the need

for local businesses to have access to capital to grow, compete and succeed. The fund has also helped the county compete with its neighboring jurisdictions for companies looking to locate or relocate to the metropolitan area. “Thanks to the EDI Fund, we can point to almost 1,000 jobs that we were able to retain, create, and add to the county in roughly half a year as a result of this new program. That’s pretty impressive and more are in the pipelines,” said Baker. “We have come out of the gate strong, but we want to do better by speeding up the process so that companies can begin expanding their businesses sooner. The more companies apply, the more investments we can make. The more investments we make, the more our county’s commercial tax base grows and we increase revenues to improve our schools, health, and safety.” wi

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Gwen McCall. /Photo courtesy of Prince George’s County

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12 Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013

The Washington Informer


Bill to Expand D.C. Library Hours Garners Support By James Wright WI Staff Writer For those who depend on the library for access to the Internet to apply for jobs and borrow books, they may soon be able to enjoy longer hours at their neighborhood library. But that depends on passage of a bill to extend the hours of the District’s library system. The proposal has the support of the majority of D.C. Council members. D.C. Council member Jack Evans (D-Ward 2) sponsored a bill in 2012 that would expand the hours of the District of Columbia Public Library, providing service to residents and other patrons from 9 a.m.-9 p.m. on Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and 12 p.m.-5 p.m. on Sunday. Evans, who reintroduced the bill recently, said that the city’s main library and its branches should have longer hours to accommodate a growing population. “Basic city amenities would be available to District residents seven days a week, especially as


more people move here and we hours depending on the day of work to become a world-class the week. An effort to close the I hear from residents around the District on a regular city,” said Evans, 59. “I hear MLK Library on Sundays in basis about our inadequate library hours and this bill is from residents around the Dis- 2011 was met with loud and vo- the first step in fixing the problem. I am confident that trict on a regular basis about our cal opposition, prompting D.C. out of our [city’s] $10 billion budget, we can find $10 inadequate library hours and this Mayor Vincent Gray (D) and million to make this a reality. bill is the first step in fixing the D.C. Council member Tommy – D.C. Council member Jack Evan (D-Ward 2) problem. I am confident that out Wells (D-Ward 6) to work to get of our [city’s] $10 billion budget, the funds to keep it open daily. we can find $10 million to make Evans is the chairman of the the bill to expand library hours “Plus, people will have some this a reality.” Committee on Finance and Rev- but he’s a bit apprehensive. branch to go near their home on The D.C. Public Library has enue and has pledged to find the “I have talked to library staff Sunday to work on the computer 25 branches including the Marmoney to implement the bill. members and they are con- and to read and study.” tin Luther King Memorial LiRobin Diener, director of the cerned about working hours,” he Venus Hamilton would brary (MLK Library), the central D.C. Library Renaissance Proj- said. “They don’t want to work welcome expanded hours of library, in Northwest. The city ect in Northwest which advo- additional hours without the her closest branch, Northhas rebuilt a number of branches in recent years – some locat- cates for the improvement of possibility of additional com- west One in Northwest. Hamiled in neighborhoods east of the library system, supports Ev- pensation in the form of over- ton uses a cane to move around time.” the Anacostia River – with new ans’s bill. and has to walk a few blocks “These hours are needed to Evans said that once the bill buildings and better access to west to go to the MLK Library realize the return on investment becomes law, there will be mondigital technology. to use the computers on Sunday. $180 million li- ey to hire additional staff for the The library system has main- of the District’s Client: Allstate Bleed: Region: US She said that keeping Northover the added hours. Language: English Campaign: Trim: tained various operating hours brary transformation west One open later and perhaps Agency Job #: 610-ALAAMNP2001 Diener Live: 9.6” x 6.1” said. Notes:that None Adair also thinks instead throughout its 116-year history, last five years,” AD #/AD ID: AHAA0067 even on Sunday would be helpin line with the Size,of100% opening every branch daily, withStudio someJob branches open seven “They bring D.C. #: Keyline Scale: Actual ful. Modifi 12-11-12as several best library systems around there should be one branch in Output at: 100% the daysDate a week ased:recently CR: “I don’t understand why the Page: Std country, such as Seattle’s, which each ward that’s open throughyearsADago. However, budget conRound: branches aren’t open on Sunday straints in recent years forced the also invested in rebuilding its li- out the week, and the MLK LiNOT TO BE USED FOR COLOR APPROVAL now?” said Hamilton, 41. “Plenbrary should remain open seven library system to limit hours at brary system in recent years.” ty of people would use their Kirk Adair is theCW: president a week. branches and ECD: C. Wickman close CD: kiosks. A. Butts AD: J. Henderson/ V. Sabsay D. Clark ofP: D. days Varichak BM: R. Thome AM: O. Black services on that day and there “That will save the city some The MLK Library is the the Friends of the Capitol View are some people who would be branch of the library system Library Association in Southeast. money and the staff can work Adair, 50, said that he supports out Sunday hours,” he said. faithful in doing that.”wi that is open daily, with varying © 2012 Allstate Insurance Co.

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The Washington Informer

Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013


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An Unexpected Encounter

By H.R. Crawford As we approach the 28th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemoration, I am reminded, not only of the transformative contributions Dr. King made to our country, but alsothe efforts of the King familyfollowing his death to preserve the memory of his struggles and triumphs, so that future generations would know of the sacrifices made to advance the cause of freedom and equality. Although seldom discussed, I will never forget an encounter that took place during my time as an Assistant Secretary in the US Department of Housing and Urban Development in the Nixon-Ford Administration. At the time, I was one of the highest ranking African Americans serving in the federal government, in a Republican Administration. The country was racially divided and domestically still attempting to recover from the riots that had ravaged many urban communities, including the District of Columbia, following Dr. King’s assassination. It was late one afternoon when I received a call from a prominent civil rights leader asking that I agree to meet on a subject of great importance. He asked further that I keep confidential the fact that this meeting would take place and that the location not be disclosed to ensure the safety of the participants. Understanding the significance of this request, I excused my assigned driver and drove myself, with nerves on edge and heart rate racing to the location given to me at the last minute. I travelled through the winding roads and circles that encompass the District, bypassing as best as possible, areas of destruction still smoldering with the lingering discontent of the times. Once I arrived at the instructed destination, the Hilton Hotel, I was escorted to a suite with nicely appointed with refreshments, in which sat the widow of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Mrs. Coretta Scott King. Surprised and humbled by

14 Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013

The Washington Informer

what was later to become a private audience, I struggled to keep my composure and contain my enthusiasm. We exchanged pleasantries and a bit of small talk, but it was clear that Mrs. King was here on a mission. She had come to Washington to explore federal help for the struggling King Center in Atlanta and a number of affiliated nonprofit organizations that were also having difficulty maintaining their government backed housing projects. She also had come specifically to ask for my guidance and assistance as Assistant Secretary of HUD. Reflecting on the ultimate sacrifice she and her family had made to advance the civil rights movement, I was honored to have been invited to meet with her and felt it was my duty to find a way to assist. As Assistant Secretary, I had the use of discretionary funds within my budget which I committed to support the Center. I also worked to secure the same commitment from my colleague, the late Assistant Secretary David Meeker, who without hesitation agreed and helped put together a package of support that stabilized the Center and restructured many of the properties held by the Church. Although a small part of The Dream, I will forever consider this unexpected encounter and as one of the highlights of my career and personal contribution toward advancing the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. through support of The Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change.wi The Honorable H.R. Crawford is a Former Council Member for Ward 7 and Former Assistant Secretary, US Department of Housing and Urban Development, Nixon-Ford Administration. www.washingtoninformer.com


Thomas Hart, Sr. /Courtesy photo provided by Thomas Hart Jr.

Thomas Hart, Sr. Leaves Lasting Legacy By Barrington M. Salmon WI Staff Writer Linda C. Taliaferro recalls working at Westinghouse Electric Corporation when she first encountered Thomas A. Hart, Sr. “Oh, it was back in the mid-70s. I was working with the Advanced Reactors Division and he was a senior person,” said Taliaferro, an internal bank auditor and anti-money laundering specialist. “He saw my name, looked me up and in chatting he asked if I was a minority. He asked where I was from – we’re both from Massachusetts – and he asked me who my father was. I loved him for that.” Taliaferro’s father, Ernest C. “Bunny” Taliaferro, was a formidable three-sport athlete who played in the 1930s and who was well regarded for his prowess. Hart, an avid sports aficionado had seen the elder Taliaferro play. “He reached in and became my mentor. My life changed and took off,” said Taliaferro. “He was a wonderful mentor. He told me I could do this, meet that person and gain these different experiences.” Hart’s son, Thomas Jr., said Taliaferro’s story was a common theme threaded throughout his father’s 93 years. “I admired my father’s ability to motivate people,” said Hart, director of government relations at Quarles & Brady, LLP in Northwest. “He was an advisor to presidents and members of Congress, a mentor and guiding force for athletes, engineers and others.” “He motivated them with an interesting blend of encouragement and tough love. They don’t make people like that much anymore,” www.washingtoninformer.com

Howard University from 1948 to 1964 where he also served as varsity head coach for basketball, track and field, golf, swimming and wrestling. His team won Howard’s first Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association wrestling championship in 1951, and Hart was later inducted into the Howard University Hall of Fame. On leave from Howard, he was dispatched by the U.S. State Department to travel with his family to West Africa where they lived from 1958-61. While there, Hart served as national track and field coach and head Olympic coach for the Ghanaian men and women’s track teams for the 1960 Olympics in Rome, Italy. Missouri Congressman William Lacey Clay (D), a close friend of

the younger Hart, said their families have been intertwined for decades. He grew up in the District, mainly around Howard, and through his dad, Bill and his parents’ friends, he met Hart. “He was one of the first African-American corporate lobbyists in Congress,” Clay said. “Dad was a founding member of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) and our families got to know each other. He (Hart) was a legendary figure in this country and he was able to persevere in a time that was not best for people of color in this country. His legend will certainly stand the test of time. I’m so glad we crossed paths.” Clay credited Hart with being “the soul of CBC’s funding.” “He was linked to corporate

America. It’s one thing to have vision but another thing entirely to have resources,” said Clay. “The CBC did so much with so little in the early years advancing the agenda of African Americans and he helped fund think tanks, gave them the synergy and helped develop the CBC.” Taliaferro said Hart was an extraordinary man who gave of himself freely. “To me, he represented a quiet integrity. It is because of him that I was the only woman founder in the Blacks in Energy group. He treated me with such dignity and respect. All of the guys did, but he sort of set the tone. He could critique without belittling and he made his point without overpowering others,” she said. wi

Hart said, his voice softening and breaking with emotion. The senior Hart died at the Residences at Thomas Circle in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 5. He was born in Williamstown, Mass. in 1919 and moved to the District in 1948. Hart attended Hampton University, New York University (NYU) and the University of Illinois and earned his doctorate in education from NYU in 1958. Hart served in the U.S. Army from 1942-1946, rose to the rank of technical sergeant, and was in charge of physical fitness, sports and special services for all “Colored” troops at Chanute Field, Ill. He was professor of Health, Physical Education and Recreation at

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The Washington Informer

Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013



business Business Exchange

RG3 Gets Down to Business African-American sports pundit, Rob Parker created a clamor and got himself suspended for By William Reed saying on live television: “My question is … Is he a brother or is he a cornball brother? He’s Sales Rep: not real ... He’s kinda Black, but Final Visual AT he’s … off AM into something else this talk he’s a Republican. ’’ rth Tue - 12/18/2012 - 9:45:49 310503.8632 Robert Griffin III’s reply to … I keep hearing these things… the criticism was: “I don’t want he has a White fiancé … there’s to be the best African-American quarterback; I want to be the best quarterback. But to fans … Individual • Business • Contractors • Self-Employed who think that way and look at Individual Returns me as an African American, it’s important I succeed for them.” Race is still a category that 9470 Annapolis Road, Suite 108 separates and divides us, but the Alleviate Lanham, MD 20706 image and illusion around RG3 IRS Audits Business Returns Amani Ahmed is evidence that some of the hisCPA, MS Taxation torical boundaries that separate For FREE Tax Information visit us at www.agagroupllc.com the races are breaking down. • Tax Preparation & Planning • Annual & Quarterly Taxes • Late Filing/Multiple Year Filings • Bookkeeping & QuickBooks • New Business Start-Ups & Incorporations: L LC’s & S-Corporations • IRS Audits • IRS Tax Settlements • Individual & Business Tax Notices RG3 is that All-American guy next door that you root for even if he plays for a team not your own. It’s been an incredible National Football League (NFL) rookie campaign for the Redskin THIS IS A FINAL VISUAL OF YOUR AD. COLORS DISPLAYED HERE WILL NOT MATCH THE PRINTED AD EXACTLY. quarterback. The number of This is not an opportunity to make changes. Thank you for choosing Valpak® Direct Marketing Systems, Inc. (“Valpak®”). RG3 jerseys sold by the NFL is more than any other player in a single year since the NFL began keeping track. Griffin III broke the record previously held by Brett Favre. Griffin wears number 10 for the Redskins, with “Griffin III” on his back. This makes him the first player in the history of the “Big Four” professional sports leagues (NFL, MLB, NHL, and NBA) to have a Roman numeral on the back of his jersey, as the NFL changed the rule in 2012 to allow players to include generational titles in their names. Griffin previously had “Griffin III” on the back of his jersey while in college, which was actually necessary in order to distinguish him from the other Robert Griffin on the Baylor team. After being drafted second by the Washington Redskins, RG3 signed a four-year $21.2 million contract that had a $13.8 million signing bonus. Andrew Luck was drafted first by the Indianapolis Colts and got a slightly bigger team contract. But, Griffin has made more money with the endorsement deals he

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The Washington Informer

has with Castrol Motor Oil, EA Sports, Subway, Gatorade, Nissan and Adidas. A masters degree candidate in communications, RG3 has become a media darling. Griffin is a force to be reckoned with. He’s now the face of one of the most storied NFL franchises in one of the nation’s top 10 media markets. He’s got personality, skills, a big smile, and plenty of talent. Overall, marketers have been extremely impressed with Griffin’s poise in interviews and remembering brand message points. In regards to Griffin’s “White fiancé,” studies say that interracial marriages “are good for society.” Among opposite-sex married couples, one in 10 (5.4 million couples) are interracial. In 2010, multiracial Americans numbered 9.0 million, or 2.9 percent of the total population – but 5.6 percent of the multiracial population is under 18. Griffin III met his fiancée, Rebecca Liddicoat, at Baylor. He proposed to her in 2010. She’s White, and “a total non-issue” among the parents. “She doesn’t see him as African American; she sees him as a man,” says Griffin’s mom. Jacqueline and Robert Griffin, Jr. say that in their household, “faith development was essential” and that “he doesn’t see her as a Caucasian woman; he sees her as a woman.” RG3 was born in Okinawa, Japan. In 1997 the family settled in Copperas Cove, Texas, where RG3 attended high school and was a three-sport star in basketball, football, and track and named to USA Today’s 2007 AllUSA Track and Field team. Griffin has to be considered “quite a catch.” RG3 graduated high school a semester early after being “class president” and “7th place” in the class. He began attending Baylor University during the spring 2008 semester when he was 17. While a member of Baylor’s track and field teams, Griffin graduated in three years with a degree in political science and a 3.67 GPA. Griffin made the Dean’s List twice. wi William Reed is publisher of “Who’s Who in Black Corporate America” and available for projects via the BaileyGroup.org) www.washingtoninformer.com

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The Washington Informer

Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013



Maryland, District Grapple with Flu Outbreak By Dorothy Rowley WI Staff Writer In what has been described by officials at the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention as the worst flu season in the past decade, Maryland ranks among the top five states hit hardest by the virus. As a result, hospitals and clinics have treated more than 15,000 people, with the state Department of Health and Mental Hygiene reporting that most of the victims have been over age 65. The dreaded flu season, which the CDC reported as having started a month earlier, has been attacking its victims with a stronger strain, and the most persistent symptoms have been body aches, fevers and sore throats. “The symptoms seem to be lingering for several days or weeks, forcing people to seek medical attention,” Dr. Jonathan Hansen, chair of emergency medicine at Franklin Square Medical Center – Baltimore’s busiest emergen-

cy room, said in an interview. “Some years the symptoms are less pronounced, and this year it seems to be more severe,” he said, in explaining why some patients have been sicker longer with symptoms that have also included diarrhea and vomiting. The CDC has also stated in reports that more than seven percent of deaths that occurred across the country the first week of this year were caused by pneumonia and the flu, which has attributed to the outbreak having reached an epidemic level. While treatment for outbreak of the unpredictable virus is being tackled in Maryland, officials in the nearby District of Columbia have been closely tracking cases. As of late last week, more than 300 incidents of the flu had been recorded in the city, compared to 97 last season. However, Mayor Vincent C. Gray, 70, insists the matter hasn’t gotten out of hand. “We don’t know of an epidemic in the city at this stage,” Gray

Blacks are less likely than whites to have gotten a flu shot in the past year. /Photo courtesy of the CDC

said in a Friday, Jan. 11 interview with reporters. “There have been no suggestions [that] we need any changes around how we are addressing it at this point.” With the inclusion of Maryland and the District, 47 states are dealing with widespread outbreaks. The only states that haven’t reported outbreaks are California, Mississippi and Hawaii. According to the CDC, the best way to prevent the flu is through vaccination, and it recommends shots for anyone over the age of 6 months. The agency also reports that

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African-American adults are less likely than non-Hispanic white adults to have received the flu vaccine in the past year, and that older blacks have been more reluctant to get vaccinated. To that end, District residents Louis Hicks, 61, and Kim Harrison, 49, have differing views on what’s right for them. “I have family and friends who take the shots faithfully,” said Harrison. “But I don’t take them because I had an allergic reaction when I was a little girl. I’m not sure if the ingredients that they use for the vaccines have


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changed that much [however] I just refuse to get them.” Hicks, on the other hand, strongly believes in the shots. “I haven’t had mine for this [season], but I plan to get it soon because of the way the media has been emphasizing that we take it,” Hicks said. “I like to err on the side of caution, and because of that, I generally get vaccinated through my health provider . . . If I can’t get in within a few days, I will go to my local pharmacy.” wi

6/6/12 11:07 AM

The Washington Informer


Barbers and manicurists enjoyed a clientele who requested Barack Obama inspired haircuts and nail art in 2009. /Courtesy Photo

Inauguration Frenzy Scaled Back By Michelle Phipps-Evans WI Staff Writer President Barack Obama’s second inauguration quickly approaches on Monday, Jan. 21, and some of the region’s hairstylists, manicurists and barbers noted a difference between this inauguration and his first in 2009. It appears the demand isn’t there for Obama-inspired hairstyles or nail art in 2013. During November’s general elections, however, the Internet featured scores of people sporting

Presidential Election-Themed Nail Art – either Obama – or Mitt Romney inspired. Some featured the candidates’ faces, others showed the Democratic Donkey or the Republican Elephant. Notably were nail-art images of President Obama worn by singer Katy Perry and rapper Eve. Tram Bui of Hi Super Nails, a full-service nail salon in Wheaton, Md., said that during elections, she had requests for “crazy designs.” “One lady working the polls asked for a full Obama nail set to show her support for the president,” said Bui, 25. “If they want it for the inauguration, I can do it.”

However, barber Dannon Cook of Like That Barbershop on Good Hope Road in Southeast, said not many men in his Ward 8 neighborhood have asked for Obama-inspired cuts since 2009. “The novelty has worn off,” said Cook, 40. “People are more interested in the work as he gets to flex his muscles a little. They’re saying, fix the economy.” Reggie Robinson, owner of Mr. Natural’s Afro Style Shop on Benning Road in Northeast, agreed. “When he first got into office, more men would ask for his cleancut style,” said Robinson, who’s in his 60s. Another barber using the www.washingtoninformer.com

name, Master Lee, said Obama’s style is easy, although not everyone will “shape up” the same. “We’re not hearing men ask yet,” said Lee, 48, who works with Robinson. “But if they do, I can do his … a regular, even haircut.” This demand shortage for Obama-inspired cuts and nail art marks a sea change from 2009, when the country’s first African-American president inspired the imagination of entrepreneurs who used Obama’s image or name on every imaginable gadget and garment. Beauticians and barbers benefited too because of the numbers of requests for president-inspired hair or nails. The family wasn’t off limits either as first lady Michelle Obama and daughters, Malia and Sasha, were featured. Although men aren’t asking for Obama’s cut, women are requesting hair weaves inspired by the first lady. However, this is yearlong, not just for inauguration, said DeJuan Burns, 42, a cosmetologist specializing in hair extensions. “I might get one woman per week looking specifically for a Michelle Obama weave,” said Burns, owner of Essentials Soul’on LLC in Temple Hills, Md. Kim Eason of Abada Hair Studio, also in Temple Hills, said Obama weaves are roller wrapped, sewn and blown out, which gives the hair extra body. “It’s gorgeous,” said Eason, 27, a stylist at Abada for six months, who added she’s received requests this year. Beyond hair and nails, Barbara Baylor of Ms. B’s Boutique, said for 2013, she’s made and sold three purses, six pairs of earrings and two jeans skirts – all Obama-inspired. “I do them by hand so they’re a little slow to make,” said Baylor, 50, whose business is on the second floor above A Fresh Look Salon on H Street in Northeast.

On Friday, Jan. 11, dozens

of people showed heightened interest in scoring Obama memorabilia at the opening of the 2013 Presidential Inaugural Committee’s official store at 1155 F St., NW. Customers scooped up buttons and other presidential commemoratives. One resident from Upper Marlboro, Md., traveled miles to peruse the new store. “I’m hoping to buy Obama stuff for those friends who couldn’t make it this time,” said Deltha Cousar-Jeffries, 57, who sported a “AKAs for Obama” sweat shirt. This year, she volunteered to work during inauguration because she was stuck for two hours in the Third Street tunnel under the Capitol Grounds during the 2009 inauguration. It was later dubbed the “Purple Tunnel of Doom.” This year’s committee is trying to prevent a repeat. District officials expect about 800,000 at Obama’s swearing-in on the steps of the U.S. Capitol – a far cry from the nearly two million who attended the first. Festivities at the inaugural store’s opening featured members of Ballou Senior High School’s Majestic Marching Knights, which will perform in the inaugural parade on Jan. 21; and Abe Lincoln, the Washington Nationals’ racing mascot, who greeted passersby. “All the proceeds from the store will go toward inaugural festivities,” said Cameron French, a spokesperson for the inaugural committee, who added the store will close Thursday, Jan. 24. “The online store may remain open for a period thereafter but no official close date has been announced.” wi The Washington Informer




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Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013


Inauguration 2013

Events and activities celebrating the Inauguration, a designated National Special Security Event, will take place on Sunday, Jan. 20 and Monday, Jan. 21. Access into Washington, D.C., will be limited on Inauguration Day. The following is a summary of routes and their status that day: 14th Street Bridge to 14th Street – All traffic will be diverted by the Metropolitan Police Department onto the Southeast/ Southwest Freeway beginning at 5:30 a.m. Roosevelt Bridge – Traffic coming across the Roosevelt Bridge will be diverted onto the northbound Potomac River Expressway to Pennsylvania Avenue or Whitehurst Freeway/K Street. Memorial Bridge – Restricted to pedestrians and authorized vehicles only. Key Bridge – Open to all traffic. Chain Bridge – Open to all traffic. South Capitol Street Bridge – Open to all traffic. Southeast/Southwest Freeway – Open to all traffic.

Rock Creek Parkway – Open to traffic [holiday traffic schedule in effect throughout the park]. Clara Barton Parkway will operate under a holiday schedule [twoway traffic all day]. 11th Street Bridges – Open to all traffic. Sousa Bridge – Open to all traffic from east of the river to the security checkpoint at Capitol Hill. East Capitol Street – Open to all traffic. Roadways near RFK Stadium are primary routes for charter tour bus operators. Benning Road – Open to all traffic. New York Avenue – Open to all traffic. 3rd Street Tunnel – Closed to all vehicular traffic and pedestrian traffic. Woodrow Wilson Bridge – Open to all traffic. Washington, D.C. Vehicular Restrictions Vehicular restrictions in Washington, D.C., will be instituted by the Metropolitan Police Department and the U.S.

Getting Around Town on Inauguration Day

Park Police. While the outer perimeter of the vehicle restricted zone will be open to traffic, drivers should expect delays. Drivers and passengers should be prepared to provide proof of residence, work identification or a reasonable verbal justification to enter the restricted area. Public Transportation

Inaugural event attendees are encouraged to use public transportation as many streets in and around the Capitol grounds and the National Mall area will be closed to private automobiles for much of the day. Metrorail will operate rush hour service for 17 consecutive hours on Jan. 21, from 4 a.m. to 9 p.m., and will operate on a non rush hour schedule until 2 a.m. During the rush hour service, Metro will charge peak fares. Due to security measures that will be in place, the Archives and Mt. Vernon Square stations on Metro’s green and yellow lines and the Smithsonian station on the blue and orange lines, will be closed all day on Inauguration Day. On Inauguration Day, Metrobus will operate on a weekday schedule with normal rush hour service in the morning, followed by an early rush hour in the afternoon. However, with street closures around the National Mall and Pennsylvania Avenue for the parade, all Metrobus routes near the National Mall will be subject to detours and delays. Bus riders are encouraged to visit http://www.wmata.com for details. Pedestrian Routes The following streets have been identified as pedestrian routes to the National Mall. H Street NW from 3rd Street NW to 18th Street NW I Street NW from New York Avenue NW to 18th Street NW 18th Street from K Street NW to Constitution Avenue NW

20 Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013

The Washington Informer

19th Street from K Street NW to Constitution Avenue NW Virginia Ave NW from 23rd Street to Constitution Avenue NW Constitution Avenue NW from 23rd Street to 7th Street NW Arlington Memorial Bridge from Virginia, around Lincoln Circle to Constitution Avenue NW E Street NW from 3rd Street NW to Massachusetts Avenue NE to 2nd Street NE 2nd Street NE from Massachusetts Avenue NE to North Carolina Avenue SE to New Jersey Avenue SE to I Street SE/SW to 7th Street SW 3rd Street NE from Massachusetts Avenue NE to D Street SE to North Carolina Avenue SE to New Jersey Avenue SE to I Street SE/SW to 7th Street SW East Capitol Street NE from 19th Street NE to North Carolina Avenue SE to New Jersey Avenue SE to I Street SE/ SW to 7th Street SW 7th Street SW from I Street SW to Independence Avenue SW Independence Avenue SW from 23rd Street SW to 7th Street SW For more information, visit washingtoninformer.com www.washingtoninformer.com

Inauguration 2013 Events Inaugural Parade Monday, Jan. 21. 2:30 p.m. 2013 Inaugural Parade Route Map – Washington, D.C. http:// dc.about.com/library/ maps/blmapinauguration. htm The National Bar Association Inaugural Legacy Ball About the Ball The National Bar Association Legacy Inaugural Ball, an inaugural tradition since 2009, is a celebration centered on preservation of heritage, democracy and the democratic process. Entertainment will include live music, celebrity guests, an open bar, refreshments, light hors d’oeuvres, and exquisite food will be served to guests. Approximately 400-500 attendees are expected for the event. Event Details Saturday, Jan. 19. 7:00 p.m. Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum 600 Independence Avenue SW Washington, D.C. Tickets start at $300 *Note: Ticket pricing may change as the event approaches. Get final ticket pricing from link below. http://www.nationalbar. org/2013InauguralBall African American Church Inaugural Ball Sunday, Jan. 20. 7:00 p.m. The Grand Hyatt Washington 1000 H Street NW


Washington, D.C. Phone: (202) 582-1234 Fax: (202) 637-4781 Event Link: http://www. aacib.com/event-details Doors open at 6 p.m. Tickets start at $300 The Dream: Moving Forward Inaugural Gala Event Details Sunday, Jan. 20. 7:00 p.m. The Howard Theatre 620 T Street NW Washington, D.C. Tickets start at $350 VIP: $500 *Note: Ticket pricing may change as the event approaches. Get final ticket pricing from link below. Event Link: http:// thehowardtheatre.com/ show/2013/01/20/thedream-moving-forwardinaugural-gala/

The Dream: Moving Forward Inaugural Gala will undoubtedly by the premier event of this historical weekend. Don’t miss out on this legendary and unforgettable experience. This is not an ordinary event; this will be a lasting memory! HBCU Presidential Inaugural Ball

Inauguration 2013

Event Details Sunday, Jan. 20. 9 p.m. Woolly Mammoth Theatre 641 D Street NW Washington, D.C. Tickets start at $99 *Note: Ticket pricing may change as the event approaches. Get final ticket pricing from the link below.

Event Link: http:// hbcuball4obama.com/ Victory Inaugural Ball Positive Business Women Inc. Event Details Monday, Jan. 21. 6 p.m. Washington Marriott See EVENTS on Page 22

About the Gala The black-tie event will take place on Sunday, Jan. 20, 2013. Not only will this be the most talked about event of the inauguration weekend, but of all time, with a starstudded list of celebrity hosts and performers, engulfed in a sea of dignitaries and prominent influential citizens. Come and be part of one of the greatest events in American history. If you weren’t in D.C. to march on Washington with Dr. King, be at The Howard Theatre on Sunday. Rejoice and celebrate progress with the elite citizens of this great country as we welcome back the 44th President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, to office.

The Washington Informer

Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013


Support and Therapy Groups for Women Are you struggling with emotional issues or pain from the past? Then consider joining a group led by Dr. Theresa Ford, a skilled and sensitive psychotherapist. New groups are forming now. Call 240-354-3854 today.

Inauguration 2013 Events EVENTS continued from Page 21 Wardman Park Hotel 2660 Woodley Road NW Washington, D.C. Tickets - $250 - $500 Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast Event Details Monday, Jan. 21. 7:00 a.m. Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Grand Ballroom 2660 Woodley Road NW Washington, D.C.

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    Fiduciary Panel Attorney - Superior Court of the District of Columbia - Probate Division Former DC Fraud Bureau Examiner - Insurance Administration  Former Law Clerk for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

22 Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013

About the Prayer Breakfast On Monday, Jan. 21, Inauguration Day, ordinary Americans will gather with pastors, clergy, lay leaders, congressmen, senators, ambassadors, and diplomats to pray for the nation and the Office of the Presidency. Come and worship with us and believe God for an outpouring of His Holy Spirit upon this great land. The Washington Informer

The Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast is a non-partisan, interdenominational God and country gathering of people of faith. The George Washington Breakfast Menu will consist of buttermilk pancakes, warm spiced apples, sausage and yogurt compote with fruit, fresh squeezed orange juice, choice of coffee or tea and fresh breads. The National Congress of Black Women’s Inaugural Celebration Event Details Monday, Jan. 21, Jenny’s on the Waterfront 10 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. for brunch 7:00 p.m. until 9 p.m. for dinner Tickets start at $125 *Note: Ticket pricing may change as the event approaches. Get final ticket pricing from link below. Event Link: http:// nationalcongressbw.org/ presidentsinauguralevents. aspx

About the Celebration The National Congress of Black Women will hold its Inaugural Celebration on Monday, Jan. 21, in Washington, D.C., beginning at 10 a.m. for brunch, refreshments all day, dinner at 7 p.m., and entertainment in the evening at Jenny’s on the Waterfront. Wide screen television will be available for those who wish to witness the swearingin, parade and official balls from afar or our event is within walking distance to the swearingin and the parade. Our event is affordable. For more information, call 202/678-6788. We begin with a Prayer Vigil at the Martin Luther King Memorial at 11 a.m., on Sunday, Jan. 20. The above information pertains to the following day’s schedule. The total for our events is $125.00 per person. That includes the entire day’s events on Inauguration Day. There is no charge for the Sunday event. State Balls/ Events: http://www. inaugurationevents. com/event_category/ statesocietygalas/ www.washingtoninformer.com



The Least He Can Do Finally, President Barack Obama has agreed to wear the label of injustice on the license plate of the presidential limousine. That’s right. He has finally recognized that there is something amiss regarding the lack of full voting rights and representation for the nearly 600,000 residents of the District of Columbia. As U.S. president, he now wants to demonstrate his support of the District’s efforts to do something to change it. Beginning on Monday, Jan. 21, right after he takes the oath of office, President Obama will take a second ride down Pennsylvania Avenue in the presidential limousine, but this time with tags bearing the slogan: “Taxation without Representation.” Why it took so long for President Obama to finally join us in our non-violent protest against those in Congress who continue to deny us our full voting rights is inexplicable. However, it’s never too late, particularly when Sen. Obama voted to support full voting rights for the District. It’s clear that President Obama believes in symbolism. When he is sworn in, he will use two bibles – the one used to swear-in President Abraham Lincoln and the personal bible of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It just so happens that Jan. 21 is also the official national holiday honoring the birth date of Dr. King. And, to use the bibles of these two great Americans and civil rights icons, it stands to reason that President Obama wants Americans, along with District residents to know, that the use of these most cherished books symbolizes the common interests and values he shares with both of these two great men. In Dr. King’s case, full voting rights for the District of Columbia was a right he believed in – in no uncertain terms. And, if Lincoln were alive today, it’s easy to speculate that he would have had Dr. King by his side, encouraging their Republican colleagues, to support full voting rights, if not complete Statehood, for the District of Columbia. Thank you, President Obama. It’s the least you can do for the residents of the District who have stood by you for the past four years. It makes us proud to know that you have heard our pleas and will do your part to help the rest of the world take notice.

Favorable Vote Needed on Wright Petition Federal Communications Commissioner Mignon Clyburn is a crusader for families of incarcerated persons. Not only is she the first African-American female to serve on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC); but also she is the lone ranger on the FCC fighting to reduce the costs of calls within the prison phone system. For those who have not had the misfortune of having a family member locked-up in jail, the added burden of determining whether to make a simple phone call, or receive one from a prison payphone is unfathomable. Yet, to hundreds of thousands of families across the country, deciding whether to check-in by phone, or to pay other household expenses or even to take a road trip for a prison visit is a complete toss-up. Which raises the question, “Why do phone calls from prison cost so much?” The phone companies that provide payphone service have their reasons that range from the fees that they must pay to the local jurisdictions to the costs they incur for monitoring calls from prisoners. Regardless, the FCC has jurisdiction over payphone service, along with other interstate and intrastate communications, thus Clyburn is clear that the FCC also has authority to establish fair and reasonable benchmark rates for interstate telephone calls made by prison inmates. It’s been 10 years since a D.C. grandmother, Martha Wright, who is blind and in her 80s, filed a petition with the FCC requesting lower rates for call from prison inmates. Then, her grandson was incarcerated and she often faced the decision of answering or ignoring his calls simply because of the exorbitant costs. Many prison payphone calls range anywhere from $.85 or more per minute and as much as $3.50 to $4.00 per call. A 15-minute or 30-minute conversation can range up to $20 or $30, which is excessive for most families. The Wright Petition has remained dormant at the FCC for more than a decade, and Clyburn has been relentless, of late, in pushing her colleagues on the FCC to take action. We join with a host of civil rights organizations that have called upon FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski to move forward with all deliberate speed in adopting the Wright Petition. The consistent and affordable contact families need outside of prison and behind the prison bars will make all of the difference in the world when families are finally reunited throughout our communities.


Sports Photos Tell the Story!

I really enjoyed the photographs in this week’s Sports section, January 10, 2013 edition. Washington Informer photographer John De Freitas’ photographs of the Washington Redskins and the Washington Wizards are excellent. I like the way he always captures the action in his photographs. His photographs can make you feel as if you are right there on the field or on the court next to the players. I think he does such a great job, all I can say is thanks, Mr. De Freitas! Bobby Langhorne Brentwood, Md.

week. Stories like this one are so refreshing to read, especially when our young black males are involved. If we only read the other papers in the city and listened to the mainstream media outlets we would think that all of our black males are either in jail or on their way to jail. I know we have a tremendous amount of work to do in our community to combat crime and poverty, and that goes double for our young folks, but there is work being done and we are making some progress based on the article. Keep reporting on those positive stories Washington Informer; let everyone know they are out there.

Positive Coverage Makes a Difference

What Do You Think? We’d Like To Know. E-mail Us: news@ washingtoninformer.com

Write Us: The Washington Informer 3117 MLK Ave, SE Washington, D.C. 20032

William Eubanks Washington, D.C.

The article “Art-Based Program Helps Groom Young Males,” by Elton Hayes, January 10, 2013 is exactly the kind of story that keeps me reading The Washington Informer week after

Readers' Mailbox

The Washington Informer welcomes letters to the editor about articles we publish or issues affecting the community. Write to: lsaxton@washingtoninformer.com or send to: 3117 Martin Luther King Jr Ave., SE, Washington, D.C. 20032. Please note that we are unable to publish letters that do not include a full name, address and phone number. We look forward to hearing from you. The Washington Informer

Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013



Guest Columnist

By Julianne Malveaux

Connecting the Past with the President One hundred and fifty years ago, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. It was a flawed document that freed enslaved people in Confederate areas that he did not control. At the same time, it was a progressive document because it initiated discussion about the “freedom” Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteen Amendments. One hundred years later, in

1963, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. riveted the nation with his “I Have A Dream” speech during the August 28 March on Washington. Many will remember that he said, “I have a dream that one day people will be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Somehow people forget that in the same speech he said, “We have come to the nation’s capital to cash a check that has been marked insufficient funds.” If people said “cash the check” as often as they said “I have a

dream,” we’d move more quickly forward in closing the economic gaps that African American people experience. We’ve been doing this 50-year thing for the past couple years, and we’ll be doing it for another few. The “Greensboro Four” North Carolina A&T State University Students (with the help of Bennett College students, who are often ignored) sat in at Woolworth counter on February 1, 1960. The March on Washington happened 50 years ago. The Civil Rights Act was passed

Guest Columnist

in 1964, and beyond that the 60s will resonate for the next few years with commemorations and anniversaries. These celebrations are important historical moments, but who remembers? The median age of the population in the United States is about 37 years old. Many of these folks remember the civil rights moment through twice and thrice told tales. Those who are under the median age see the civil rights movement as something like a fable, something they heard about, but

doesn’t really matter to them. Many of these young people see themselves as “post-racial.” They hang out with their peers, race notwithstanding. They have never experienced discrimination. Even when they experience it, they are slow to embrace it. They are post-racial, whatever that means. If some of these young people had been immersed in history, they might understand why the Black unemployment rate is

See MALVEAUX on Page 41

By Charlene Crowell

$8.5 Billion Agreement with Mortgage Servicers The recent joint announcement by two key federal regulators believed a negotiated agreement with 10 mortgage servicing firms would help more than 3.8 million consumers who were wrongfully foreclosed during 2009 and 2010. Brokered by the Federal Reserve and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), mortgage servicing firms agreed to jointly pay foreclosed consumers $3.3 bil-

lion, and allot another $5.2 billion for loan modifications and other services. Yet as news of the settlement spread, a range of opinions emerged. From a prominent Capitol Hill legislator to consumer advocates, varying views spoke about the harm wrought by wrongful foreclosures and how far $3.3 billion split amount nearly 4 million consumers would really go. Rep. Elijah Cummings (DMd.), ranking member of the

House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, said: “I do not know what the rush was to make this settlement without answering key questions, and although I look forward to obtaining information about how this deal may assist homeowners, I have serious concerns that this settlement may allow banks to skirt what they owe and sweep past abuses under the rug without determining the full harm borrowers have suffered.” Speaking for the Center for

Guest Columnist

Responsible Lending (CRL), Paul Leonard said, “We are deeply concerned that there be adequate safeguards in the settlement to ensure that borrowers and communities hit hardest by the foreclosure crisis will receive their fair share of both the cash payments and mortgage relief that will keep as many people as possible in their homes and out of foreclosure.” Debby Goldberg of the National Fair Housing Alliance was even more direct. “Communities

of color were particularly hard hit by abusive mortgage practices. In order for the public to have any confidence in the fairness of this settlement, the OCC and the Federal Reserve must ensure that borrowers in these communities have equal access to the help it provides.” Even if public debate of this development continues, how much financial loss America’s homeowners and communities

See Crowell on Page 41

By Marc Morial

National Urban League Launches $70 Million Jobs Rebuild America Initiative “We urge that a comprehensive jobs program be developed and executed by way of a partnership that includes government, the private sector and the nation’s non-profit community.” November 7 National Urban League letter to President Obama, John Boehner and Nancy Pelosi. The December jobs report has confirmed what urban America has known for a very long time:

The fierce urgency of now is overtaking the slow pace of the economic recovery and continuing partisan gridlock in Washington. The recent jobs report reveals that 155,000 jobs were created last month and overall unemployment remained at a steady and still too high rate of 7.8 percent. But the unemployment picture in urban America tells a decidedly different story. African American unemployment, which has hovered at twice the national average for decades, has now climbed to 14

24 Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013

percent and the Hispanic jobless rate of 9.6 percent also continues to exceed the national average. Despite the efforts of the Congressional Black Caucus and other progressive voices in Congress, the jobs crisis in urban America has reached emergency proportions and is tearing at the economic and social fabric of many communities. That is why the National Urban League announced last week a new $70 million “Jobs Rebuild America” initiative designed to employ, educate and empower communiThe Washington Informer

ties that have been hardest hit by the Great Recession. Our campaign is a twopronged effort. First, through a $70 million public-private expansion of existing Urban League job training, education and business development programs, we intend to directly assist thousands of jobseekers and entrepreneurs in dozens of cities over the next five years. The second component of the Jobs Rebuild America initiative is a public engagement campaign to increase pressure on Washington

to invest in the education and skills enhancement of at-risk youth and disadvantaged young adults. We also call for passage of targeted jobs legislation and a responsible fiscal plan and deficit reduction initiatives that do not exacerbate the unemployment crisis. This effort is an outgrowth of the National Urban League’s historic mission of economic empowerment for African Americans and other hard-pressed

See Morial on Page 41 www.washingtoninformer.com


Child Watch©

By Marian Wright Edelman

The Massive Human and Moral Cost of Gun Violence dollars on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars so far, purportedly to protect our children and citizens from enemies without, while ignoring the reality that the greatest threats to child safety and wellbeing come from enemies within. Gun violence saturates our children’s lives and relentlessly threatens them every day. It has romped through their playgrounds; invaded their birthday parties; terrorized their Head Start classrooms, child care centers, and schools; frolicked down

The heartrending massacre of 20, 6- and 7-year-old children and six educators in Newtown, Conn. has galvanized public attention once again after a mass shooting. But the killing of children by gun violence is not new. It has been an unreported and under-reported plague that has snuffed out the lives of 119,079 children and teenagers since 1979. The United States of America has spent a trillion and a half

the streets they walk to and from school; danced through their school buses; waited at the red light and bus stop; lurked behind trees; run them down on the corner; shot them through their bedroom windows, on their front porches, and in their neighborhoods. Gun violence has taught, entertained, and tantalized them incessantly across television, movie, and video game screens and the Internet. It has snatched away their parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers, sisters, friends,

Guest Columnist

and teachers; sapped their energy and will to learn; and made them forget about tomorrow. It has nagged and picked at their youthful minds and spirits and darkened their dreams, day in and day out, snuffing out the promise and joy of childhood and inflicting them with post-traumatic stress disorders – often chronic. It has caused them recurring nightmares and made them afraid to go outdoors or to the movies. President Obama, in his moving remarks at the Sandy

Hook interfaith prayer vigil at Newtown High School on December 16 got it right when he said: “Caring for our children. It’s our first job. If we don’t get that right, we don’t get anything right. That’s how, as a society, we will be judged.” And we will not pass the test of the God of the prophets or New Testament or all great faiths if we do not protect all of our sacred children against repeated and preventable gun deaths and injuries. Every

See Edelman on Page 42

By George E. Curry

NRA Maintains Stranglehold on Congress will stall in Congress. In an interview Sunday on CNN’s “State Of The Union,” NRA President David Keene said, “I would say that the likelihood is that they are not going to be able to get assault weapons ban through this Congress.” When asked about placing limits on high-capacity ammunition clips, Keene replied, “I don’t think ultimately they are going to get that, either.” Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), referring to Keene, said on CNN, “I think he’s

In the wake of the killing of 20 schoolchildren in Newtown, Conn. last month and just before Vice President Joe Biden presented a list of proposals to President Obama this week that includes banning assault weapons and limiting sales of high-capacity ammunition clips, the president of the National Rifle Association expressed confidence that new gun legislation

wrong.” Murphy explained, “Newtown fundamentally changed things. The NRA doesn’t get this.” Rep. Elijah Cummings (DMd.) acknowledged that it will not be easy to get Congress to ban assault weapons. He told CNN, “I think we have the possibility, but it’s going to be difficult.” Cummings said the prospects are brighter for Congress to place restrictions on high-capacity magazines and require expanded background checks.


A 10-year ban on the sale of assault weapons expired in 2004, largely as a result of pressure exerted by the NRA. The organization has risen from being founded in 1871 to help improve marksmanship to a powerful 4 million-member lobbying organization that takes in more than $200 million in annual revenue. According to Opensecrets. org, NRA spent $20 million in the last election cycle, all on friendly lawmakers who score well on the NRA’s political scorecard. The combination of

big bucks and political pressure have made too many members of Congress fearful of bucking the powerful gun lobby, a group that doesn’t even want machine guns banned.But there are growing indications that the NRA’s political clout might be vastly overrated. “The gun lobby had an abysmal 2012 election cycle. They spent more than $11 million to defeat President Obama, warning that on Election Day, “Amer-

See Curry on Page 42

By Askia Muhammad

Martin Unchained: MLK Jr. if the South Had Won the War

From time to time, folks like to speculate about how things might have been different in life, “if only…” If only New York Giants quarterback Eli Manning and receiver David Tyree had not combined to execute the greatest play in football history on Feb. 3, 2008, where Tyree caught a pass with his helmet; then the New England Patriots would www.washingtoninformer.com

have ended the greatest football season ever by winning the Super Bowl and going undefeated (19-0) that season. If only former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney had not been secretly recorded telling supporters that 47 percent of the American electorate are shiftless ne’er-do-wells who only want free stuff from the government, and don’t take responsibility for their own lives, then maybe that Republican nominee might have been elected president in 2012. If only Confederate Gen.

Robert E. Lee’s forces had been able to penetrate the defenses of Union Maj. Gen. Gordon Meade’s Army of the Potomac on July 3, 1863, at the bloodiest battle in American history, where as many as 51,000 Union and Confederate troops perished in the Battle of Gettysburg, then maybe the South might have won the Civil War, and America’s “peculiar institution” (slavery) might have prevailed on into the 20th century. At this special time in history when the second inauguration of

the first Black president of the United States takes place on the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday with President Barack Obama’s hand on Holy Bibles once owned by Dr. King and by Civil War President Abraham Lincoln; at this time I am intrigued with the thought of what would have become of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life, had he been born and bred in the Confederate State of Georgia. I am encouraged by King’s own observation: “The Arc of the Moral Universe is long, but it

The Washington Informer

bends towards Justice.” Certainly by Dec. 1, 1955, the day Mrs. Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Ala. bus, the birth date of the modern Civil Rights movement in our real world, slavery would most likely have been dead or on its deathbed even in the make-believe world of the “modern” Confederate States of America. I reckon that Martin Luther King, Jr. this bold, courageous,

See Muhammad on Page 42

Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013


Deltas Paint D.C. Crimson and Cream Founders Weekend Draw Deltas from across the Country, World

By Stacy M. Brown WI Contributing Writer The crimson and cream colors of the Delta Sigma Theta sorority promises to maintain a presence in the nation’s capital for a large part of the year. As the largest African-American Greek-lettered sorority in the world celebrated its 100th anniversary in D.C., many of the more than 13,000 who attended the three-day celebration have already made plans to participate in two more Delta events, including the March 3 re-enactment of the 1913 Women’s Suffrage March and the sorority’s annual convention planned for July. “We want people to understand that we are still an organization that is called to serve,” Gwendolyn Boyd, past president and event chair, told several thousand cheering Deltas who gathered early Friday, Jan. 11 at Howard University’s John Harold Burr Gymnasium in Northwest to kick off the weekend. “When we gather, we gather to render service in every community,” said Boyd, 62. The crimson shirts, sweaters and jackets with Delta Sigma Theta’s logo could be spotted throughout Washington where the group participated in various

/Photos by Khalid Naji-Allah

activities that supported its mantra, which is to serve. Members participated in 22 community service projects throughout the District of Columbia to help honor the 22 black women who founded the organization. Throughout the weekend, the group also was expected to participate in traditional song near Fortitude statue, assist in art exhibits and to work and help vendors and others around the District. The sorority’s communi-

26 Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013

ty service projects on the first day of activities included helping workers at Food & Friends in Northeast, putting together Black History Month pamphlets and archiving audio files at the Mary McLeod Bethune Council House in Northwest, and giving career motivation tips to those seeking to obtain or maintain employment at a women’s Dress For Success event at the Salvation Army in Southeast. “This is very special,” said Keisha Nelson, a University of Maryland at Baltimore graduate The Washington Informer

who pledged in 2008. Nelson joined about a dozen other Deltas who helped prepare meals at Food & Friends, a nonprofit that cares for men, women and children living with HIV/AIDS, cancer and other life-challenging illnesses by preparing and delivering specialized meals and groceries. “Community service is doing the work that our founders did and it is what we are all about,” said Nelson, 37. “Public service is near and dear to me and has been since I was a

child,” said Donna Springs, 62, who pledged 42 years ago while attending D.C. Teachers College. Springs, Nelson, Elshanda Chapman, 39, D’Angela Pitts, 25, and Brea Onokpise, 31, were among the Deltas at Food & Friends. Serving is what the sorority was built on and what it has enjoyed a stellar reputation of doing, said Allora Cyrus, a Virginia State University graduate. “We have big shoes to fill,” Cyrus, 51, said of the 22 Delta See DELTAS on Page27



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/Photos by Khalid Naji-Allah


continued from Page 26

founders and the community service work they were known for. “The one thing I focus on is social action and we work on African-American issues that affect us daily,� said Cyrus, who helped put together illustrated books at the historic Mary McLeod Bethune Council House. The books are geared toward helping educate children about Black History Month. Founded at Howard University on Jan. 13, 1913, Delta Sigma Theta has more than 300,000 members in over 1,000 chapters around the world. The 22 women who started the sorority had an immediate impact when they marched for women’s suffrage just two months after the group was founded. During ceremonies to mark the anniversary, a stained-glass window representing the founders was unveiled at Howard University and the Deltas for Howard presented the school’s president, Sidney A. Ribeau, with two $25,000 checks to help provide an education for students whom the group said might have little financial means. www.washingtoninformer.com

The Deltas for Howard is a support organization at the school and members of Delta Sigma Theta who are alumnae, administrators, faculty, staff, students and retirees. The weekend celebration included a visit from some of the sorority’s famous including actress Daphne Maxwell-Reid and her husband, actor and director Tim Reid. A gala to honor Johnnetta B. Cole, Bill and Camille Cosby, Andrew Young, Tom Joyner, United States Surgeon General Regina Benjamin and others was also planned. The Deltas Washington plans are scheduled to continue in March when the group organizes to mark the anniversary of their founders’ participation in the March 3, 1913 suffrage march. A weeklong convention is planned at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Northwest beginning July 11. “We have a lot to talk about,� Cynthia Butler-McIntyre, the sorority’s national president told cheering sorority members at Howard University. “This (Howard University) is where our founders roamed and where they called home. Delta Sigma Theta is here to stay,� she said. wi

What Will It Take? is about a wayward family—a daughter who is looking for love in all the wrong places, a young man who has bright dreams ahead of him, but a storm is coming, a mother who lives on the phone and on the bottle, and a father whose only purpose in life is to win it big in the local lottery.

Friday, January 25, 2013 @ 7:00pm & Saturday, January 26, 2013 @ 5:00pm Universal Center For Development, a 501c3 organization, for young adults with disabilities, the socially and economically disadvantaged, veterans and Homecomers The play is FREE, parking is FREE This is an event that you and your family do not want to miss. The Washington Informer

Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013


Horo scopes

jan 17 - jan 23, 2013

ARIES Take the lead, especially in romantic matters. Throw modesty out the window. Be in shameless pursuit. You know that your need is great this week. Seek to satisfy it. Your lover might be surprised, but you can make the surprise a pleasant one. Soul Affirmation: I hunt for love in all the right places. Lucky Numbers: 29, 34, 51

M ulti-Media BootCamp for Nonprofits

TAURUS Heads or tails! Go or stay! What to do? This week you’ll find yourself pulled in two exactly opposite directions. There is no way to satisfy both pulls. Let your friends decide. Take whatever suggestion comes first. Soul Affirmation: I let my friendships guide my way. Lucky Numbers: 41, 47, 50 GEMINI Don’t waste time thinking about the past. Sure they were wrong, but what does it matter now. Enjoy the present. Find something good to do for the rest of the week. Avoid conflict. Nothing is so important that it needs to be resolved this week. Soul Affirmation: This week I forgive myself for everything that has happened. Lucky Numbers: 23, 28, 49 CANCER Stop thinking about work. Sure there are pressing matters, but they’ll wait. Tap into the fun side of your personality. Get deep into that side and stay there. Don’t keep pulling back to think about things that need to be fixed. Soul Affirmation: I give my mind a big vacation this week. Lucky Numbers: 30, 37, 42

DATES: MAY 15, 2013 SEPTEMBER 25, 2013 DCTV will host a special one-day workshop for qualified nonprofits interested in expanding their outreach, as well as their knowledge of social media and other communication tools. Participants receive: -Presentations by local media experts -Social media tools and strategy training -Communication strategy development -A one-minute public service announcement (PSA) produced by DCTV that will air on DCTV channels and web – reaching more than 300,000 viewers; and -A one-year broadcast membership with DCTV! Price: $400 for Members; $550 for Non-Members

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28 Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013

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The Washington Informer

LEO Let the pleasure principal win the battle with your sense of duty. Give yourself up to the sunshine, the fresh air, the outdoors. Stop talking and get moving. Your own motion will clear your mind of things that have been hanging on. Soul Affirmation: I celebrate freedom of mind this week. Lucky Numbers: 12, 38, 39 VIRGO There are so many good things to do that the challenge will be in deciding what to do and what to not do. Great place to be. Count your blessings -all of them and flip a coin. What a time to be alive. Call someone. Let them decide what you should enjoy first. Soul Affirmation: I know that my life is full of good things. I enjoy! Lucky Numbers: 4, 29, 38 LIBRA Give yourself a chance to know yourself better. Let others reflect the beauty that is you and that will give you added knowledge of yourself this week. Ask for opinions and listen closely, making something good out of whatever is said. Soul Affirmation: I spend the week celebrating me. Lucky Numbers: 22, 27, 41 SCORPIO You’ll meet someone that you could come to adore. Make sure you’ve laid the groundwork because they might not be ready for all the adoration that you are ready to give. Make sure that you don’t adore a bird in the bush while neglecting a bird in hand. Soul Affirmation: I enjoy the act of adoring. Lucky Numbers: 16, 23, 40 SAGITTARIUS Being an artist doesn’t always mean painting a picture. This week apply your artistry to anything that you do. Look at life as an empty canvas upon which you have the skill to paint almost any wonderful thing that you want. Soul Affirmation: My life itself is my greatest creation. Lucky Numbers: 19, 20, 27 CAPRICORN This week is better than last week for career goals. Think deeply about what you really want for a career. Clarity is easy to come by. Charm is an extremely effective tool for you this week. The smile is needed more than at any recent time. Soul Affirmation: I keep my smile shining, especially at home. Lucky Numbers: 3, 20, 30 AQUARIUS Believe that it is true when a friend or family member praises you this week. There is something good happening with you that you cannot see. Expect good news about a publishing, educational or legal venture. Romance is in the air, revel in it. Soul Affirmation: All the good things said about me this week are absolutely true. Lucky Numbers: 1, 43, 50 PISCES This week let your nurturing spirit shines through. Your tremendous adaptability will make it possible for you to show kindness even where it is not deserved. Know that you kindness is appreciated. All week long you’ll find yourself in helpful conversations with friends or family members. Heed what is said. Soul Affirmation: Everyone deserves kindness this week. Lucky Numbers: 11, 32, 39



Ford’s slick new Focus is now the best-selling car in the world. /Photo provided by Ford Motor Company

Refined and Easy Going, Focus Shines Light on Ford’s Global Success By Njuguna Kabugi WI Contributing Writer Ford Motor Company is enjoying spectacular sales success. It is on track to top 2 million U.S. vehicle sales – the only auto brand to do so in North America within the last 12 months. Ford is also the only automaker with three vehicle nameplates in the global top 10 in sales – the compact Focus and this week’s test vehicle at No.1, the F-Series pickup trucks at No. 4 and the tiny Fiesta at No. 5. Though the Ford Focus barely cracks the top 10 in the U.S. market sales, globally, it has now eclipsed the decade-long reign of the Toyota Corolla as the world’s best-selling car – testament to a remarkable turnaround for the only domestic automaker to not have received a bailout from the Obama Administration. The Ford Focus has leapt from unremarkable to class leading in many different respects. For a week, we probed the secret recipe that makes this Ford so popular. We are convinced that with the Focus, Ford has finally cracked the code that leads to small car greatness. Though not a mystery at all to the average car buyer, many manufacturers seem to ignore the obvious: those small car shoppers are no longer looking for a basic, ‘economy car’ transwww.washingtoninformer.com

portation appliance. With the current Focus, Ford has given us a small and economical but also stylish, tech-focused, and fun to drive car. An affordable price, sharp handling, expressive styling and availability in multiple body styles have contributed to making this one of Ford’s most popular cars worldwide. Completely redesigned last year, the current, third-generation Focus is available in sedan and four-door hatchback body styles. My favorite is the Titanium trim, where all the details are well coordinated with the exterior featuring a mix of creases and curves, with a rather aggressive front-end design and thin front. The Focus shines on tight District of Columbia streets and twisty Virginia and Maryland roads. Steering is quick and accurate, a pleasant surprise coming from a car in this class. Our test vehicle featured Ford’s 2.0-liter I-4 that produces 160 hp and 146 lb-ft of torque, with the optional Selectshift six-speed dual-clutch transmission. Though it’s not the fastest we have driven, it drives well and is quick enough for most drivers. The Focus ranks with the Mazda3 as one of the best-handling vehicles in its class. It’s rated at 27/37 mpg city/highway, and we averaged an indicated 33 mpg over a few

days of mixed city and highway driving. Inside the Focus is attractive, but the available sitting space is disappointing, especially for tall persons. I found this out the hard way when I had my family drop by to pick up our 6’2’ son for a weekend visit from college. With my wife occupying the front passenger seat, and our 17-year-old 5’8’ son sitting behind her, my older son could only sit sideways on the trip home. It turns out that the Focus hatch offers 33.2 inches of rear legroom – just 2 inches more than the pint-sized Fiesta. The Focus’ competitors generally offer more room. The VW Golf has 35.5 inches of rear legroom, while the Mazda3 has 36.2 inches. In auto space, 3 inches make a big difference. Safety-wise, the Focus is one of the few compact sedans to have earned both a five-star NCAP Overall Score and IIHS Top Safety Pick status. A bare base Focus S starts just below $17,000 but the fun well-equipped, tech-loaded upper trims demand thousands more. A loaded Titanium can hit $28k, but these models include MyFord Touch, an upgraded 10-speaker Sony sound system, a sport suspension, and sport wheels.wi The Washington Informer



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Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013


Hampton Women Defeat Howard Women 52-50


Lady Bison forward Victoria Gonzalez drives past Hampton forward Brielle Ward in the first half of college basketball action on Saturday, Jan. 12 at the Burr Gymnasium in Northwest. Hampton handed the Lady Bison their first loss in Mid-Eastern Atlantic Conference (MEAC) play. Gonzalez scored 10 points as Hampton defeated Howard 5250. /Photo by John E. De Freitas

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Hampton Men Defeat Howard Men 51-49 Howard forward Mike Phillips leaps over Hampton center David Bruce, and guard Wesley Dunning, during the first half of men’s Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (MEAC) play on Saturday, Jan. 12 at the Burr Gymnasium in Northwest. Hampton defeated Howard 51-49. “We had our opportunities, but you have to make free throws and you cannot turn the ball over,” said Howard coach Kevin Nickelberry. “Free-throw shooting is a big part of the game and tonight we missed too many. It did not help that we turned the ball over at some inopportune times.” / Photo by John E. De Freitas


Sports Photos by John De Freitas


 30 Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013

The Washington Informer



Atlanta forward Josh Smith blocks Wizards center Emeka Okafor as he tries to score two points in the first quarter of NBA action on Saturday, Jan. 12 at the Verizon Center in Northwest. Washington defeated Atlanta 93-83 in John Wall’s season debut. /Photo by John E. De Freitas

Wizards guard John Wall slips on his first possession as Atlanta forwards Al Horford and Josh Smith, and Wizards forward Kevin Seraphin, crowd him during the first half of NBA action between the Wizards and Hawks on Saturday, Jan. 12 at the Verizon Center in Northwest. The Wizards defeated Atlanta 93-83 in Wall’s first game this season due to a left leg injury. “It was a big day for me today [with] seeing how I would feel after only going through practice,” said Wall. “My boys at home were joking [and being] happy the whole day. I was just trying to stay calm and take a nap. I’m just excited to get back out there with my teammates and play in front of the D.C. crowd and help my team get a win.” /Photo by John E. De Freitas

Washington Defeats Atlanta 93-83

Wizards guard AJ Price attempts to get past Atlanta guard Kyle Korver in the fourth quarter of NBA action on Saturday, Jan. 12 at the Verizon Center in Northwest. Washington defeated Atlanta 93-83. Price, who returned from a hand injury, said: “I’m getting more comfortable. I’m still feeling my way out with the hand. Not 100 percent yet, but each game it’s getting better. So I’m still trying to get a feel for it.” /Photo by John E. De Freitas

Washington’s John Wall is defended by Atlanta guard Jeff Teague in the fourth quarter of NBA action on Saturday, Jan. 12 at the Verizon Center in Northwest. Washington defeated Atlanta 93-83. Wall, who scored 14 points after returning from a leg injury, said that he was glad to help his team win. /Photo by John E. De Freitas


The Washington Informer

Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013


Griot January 2013 Dear Friends: On January 12, 2011, my husband, William Lockridge, passed after a sudden and brief illness. In the months following his death and after numerous discussions with family and friends, we decided to form the William O. Lockridge Community Foundation. Two years later, I am proud to report to the community that William loved on the tremendous progress that the Foundation is making to keep his dream of an affordable education for deserving students in Wards 7 & 8 alive. This has been accomplished through a variety of initiatives, most notably with the annual Dancing with the Scholars fundraiser. As a direct result of this fundraiser, the Foundation has provided scholarship awards to twelve students. William has been afforded numerous honors since he passed. Such honors have included the opening of the William O. Lockridge/Bellevue Library and the renaming of the 400 block of Valley Avenue SE as the William O. Lockridge. Way. The Lockridge Field located at Mississippi Avenue and Wheeler Road SE and the auditorium at Simon Elementary School were also renamed. However, as appreciative as I am for these honors and those who knew William know, he did not look for nor expect such recognition. Rather he was driven by a desire to improve the plight of the less fortunate, especially our children. That is why, for example, the Foundation is partnering with a local organization to increase affordable health care access to public school students. It is for this reason that this spring, the Foundation expects to travel with six students to Cameroon, West Africa so they may experience the culture of that country. I appreciate your continued support. For more information on additional Foundation initiatives, please visit our website at www.WlliamLockridgeCommunityFoundation.org. Sincerely,

Wanda D. Lockridge Wanda D. Lockridge Founder and Chairwoman

empowering. educating. enriching.

OUR MISSION The William O. Lockridge Community Foundation’s sole mission is to offer financial and educational resources to college-bound students attending public high schools in Wards 7 and 8.

PROGRAMS Scholarship Opportunities Transportation Assistance International Ambassadors Program Emergency Student Assistance

ANNUAL EVENTS “Dancing with the Scholars” is the Foundation’s signature fundraiser. Students from Ballou, Woodson and Anacostia high schools dance with State Board of Education elected representatives to compete for the “William O. Lockridge Spread Your Wings Award”. A judging panel, comprised of Washington DC elected officials, determine the winning student and representative. Ward 8 Play Day The Foundation participates in the annual “Nickelodeon Worldwide Day of Play”. Nickelodeon turns off it programs and goes dark so kids can get up, get out, and go play! All you have to do is play!

Visit www.WilliamLockridgeCommunityOrganization.org and make a tax-deductible donation today. Contact us at info@WilliamLockridgeCommunityFoundation.org

32 Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013

The Washington Informer

“The King Years: Historic Moments in the Civil Rights Movement” by Taylor Branch c.2013, Simon & Schuster $26.00 / $29.99 Canada 211 pages By Terri Schlichenmeyer WI Contributing Writer The situation had you flummoxed. You looked at it from every angle, knowing there had to be a way to understand. You thought about it until your head hurt. It was all right in front of you, but nothing made sense until somebody else showed you what was what. It just took a fresh pair of eyes. Sometimes, the familiar looks sharper from a different perspective. And in the new book “The King Years: Historic Moments in the Civil Rights Movement” by Taylor Branch, you’ll read a wellknown story from a new point of view. It was somewhat of a Perfect Storm: in 1954, the Supreme Court made a decision on Brown v. Board of Education at about the same time Rosa Parks refused to relinquish her seat on a Montgomery, Ala. bus. As if that wasn’t enough to make the time ripe for movement, Martin Luther King, Jr. had recently been drafted as president of a new protest committee. Just before giving a speech he’d been asked to present, he told a friend, “This could turn into something big.” “He was 26,” says Branch, “and had not quite 12 years and four months to live.” Students, wishing to do something for the growing movement, spontaneously (at first) began sit-ins. Few of them made any impact initially but one at a Woolworth’s in Greensboro, N.C., changed everything. As this activity cascaded, volunteers offered to relieve sitters while others organized to have sit-ins elsewhere, mostly in cities with Negro colleges. Non-violent protest was key to the sit-ins’ success, and workshops were quickly formed to

teach the students how to deal with everything crowds could (sometimes literally) throw at them. Arrests were made, and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) was founded. By 1963, King had a court. Hollywood backed him. The Southern Christian Leadership Conference was behind him. The White House “leaned toward proposing a civil rights bill,” but there was still a ways to go. The FBI was secretly keeping records on him. State officials rationalized violence through archaic local laws. Civil Rights workers put themselves in danger for the movement. Some faced certain beating. Others faced certain death. There’s more, of course, to this story and much of it has become abundantly familiar in the past 50 years. What makes “The King Years” so different, though, is in the way the story’s told. Author Taylor Branch spent 24 years writing a three-book history on America during the Civil Rights Movement and he says in his preface that he prefers to tell “stories of impact” in “narrative detail.” This means that, instead of getting a dry dates-and-events history book, readers are gifted with glimpses of life and “historically significant” events, presented almost in the form of a novel. That makes this book very accessible for veterans of the Movement, youngsters who weren’t born yet, and for students of this subject. So if you’re looking this week for fresh reflection on a tumultuous period of time, find this. For you, “The King Years” looks good at any angle.wi www.washingtoninformer.com

The Religion Corner


Foundations of Great Leadership

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Non-Interference Is Key Controlling leadership leads to ruin – pay close attention and watch those leaders who afford staff, committee members, and parishioners, the opportunity to think for themselves. You will notice the leader is often surprised when the group does even better than expected. With this helicopter-type leadership style having been proven to be detrimental to growth, too many people still do this! Is it insecurity? Is it because they only see life from one perspective? What is it that causes one to insist, “You must do this my way, or hit the highway?” Leaders who have set an outstanding foundation, and have chosen people to work with them who have set goals, have mapped out a route based on a firm foundation are sure to come out on top. Here’s an example of a strong foundation: Ravi Zacharias wrote: “A few weeks ago, I did a lectureship at Ohio State University. As I was being driven to the lecture, we passed the new Wexner Art Center. The driver said, ‘This is a new art building for the university. It is a fascinating building designed in the post-modernist view of reality. The building has no pattern. Staircases go nowhere. Pillars support nothing. The architect designed the building to reflect life. It went nowhere and was mindless and senseless.’ I turned to the man describing it and asked, ‘Did they do the same thing with the foundation?’ He laughed. ‘You can’t do that with a foundation.’” Every fetus grows in the womb of its mother for nine months or

so, a time when God is creating our foundation; one that is unique only to you and me. It’s when human life is created. None of us understands how awesome this time is. We cannot fathom how life takes shape and changes. Fingernails show up when they’re suppose to; hair will falls out when it should; life has this secret formula, and each one of us are unique. So why would a leader feel so compelled to tell someone to do the project in only one way, as if there are no other ways? Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, but for the most part, in the world of communications, there are always many routes that can be taken to achieve the desired results. I love how Wayne Dyer says it: “We must move from stiffness to flexibility; we must live by not interfering with the progress of others, and allow them to figure things out for themselves. “Each of us has the anchor of the universe within us. Everything under heaven is a sacred vessel and cannot be controlled. Trying to control causes us to lose our grasp. We lose.” Don’t be a helicopter supervisor or parent, leader or pastor, hovering over people; hovering over your children; hovering over your church members. Let it go, and let God do His perfect work. Ecclesiastics reminds us, “There is a time for everything and everything in its time. A time to get ahead and a time to rest, a time to be invigorated and a time to suffer.” The more rules you make, the more rule breakers you create.


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with Lyndia Grant

More openness and more willingness are needed. Don’t be inflexible, rather become malleable. A man is born gentle and weak, at his death he becomes hard and stiff. Trees are soft and pliable in life but in death they are hard and brittle. Stiffness is a companion in death and flexibility is a companion in life. Palm tree flow in the wind because they possess elasticity; they go all the way over and all the way back. It’s a symbol of how we need to think. If living by interfering is a habit of yours – shift that to living by non-interfering. wi Lyndia Grant is a radio talk show host on WYCB AM1340, listen to Think on These Things, Fridays at 6 p.m.; call 202 518 3192, send emails to lyndiagrant@lyndiagrant.com.

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The Washington Informer

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Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013


religion BAPTIST

african methodist episcopal

Historic St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Rev. James Manion Supply Priest Foggy Bottom • Founded in 1867 728 23rd Street, NW • Washington, DC 20037 Church office: 202-333-3985 • Fax : 202-338-4958 Worship Services Sundays: 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist with Music and Hymns Wednesdays: 12:10 p.m. - Holy Eucharist www.stmarysfoggybottom.org Email: stmarysoffice@stmarysfoggybottom.org All are welcome to St. Mary’s to Learn, Worship, and Grow.

Blessed Word of Life Church Dr. Dekontee L. & Dr. Ayele A. Johnson Pastors 4001 14th Street, NW Washington, DC 20011 (202) 265-6147 Office 1-800 576-1047 Voicemail/Fax Schedule of Services: Sunday School – 9:30 AM Sunday Morning Worship Service – 11:00 AM Communion Service – First Sunday Prayer Service/Bible Study – Tuesday, 6:30 PM www.blessedwordoflifechurch.org e-mail: church@blessedwordoflifechurch.org

Campbell AME Church Reverend Daryl K. Kearney, Pastor 2562 MLK Jr. Ave., S E Washington, DC 20020 Adm. Office 202-678-2263 Email:Campbell@mycame.org Sunday Worship Service 10: am Sunday Church School 8: 45 am Bible Study Wednesday 12:00 Noon Wednesday 7:00 pm Thursday 7: pm “Reaching Up To Reach Out” Mailing Address Campbell AME Church 2502 Stanton Road SE Washington, DC 20020

Mt. Zion Baptist Church Rev. John W. Davis, Pastor 5101 14th Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20011 202-726-2220/ 202-726-9089 Sunday Worship Service 8:00am and 11:00am Sunday School 9:15am Holy Communion 4th Sunday 10:00am Prayer and Bible Study Wednesday 7;00pm TV Ministry –Channel 6 Wednesday 10:00pm gsccm.administration@verizon.net

Pilgrim Baptist Church

700 I. Street, NE Washington, D.C. 20002 Pastor Louis B. Jones, II and Pilgrim invite you to join us during our July and August Summer schedule! Attire is Christian casual. Worship: Sundays@ 7:30 A.M. & 10:00 A.M. 3rd Sunday Holy Communion/Baptism/Consecration Prayer & Praise: Wednesdays @12:00 Noon @ 6:30 P.M. – One Hour of Power! (202) 547-8849 www.pilgrimbaptistdc.org

Covenant Baptist United Church of Christ Drs. Dennis W. and Christine Y. Wiley, Pastors 3845 South Capitol Street Washington, DC 20032 (202) 562-5576 (Office) (202) 562-4219 (Fax) SERVICES AND TIMES: SUNDAYS: 8:00 AM and 10:45 AM Worship Services BIBLE STUDY: Wonderful Wednesdays in Worship and the Word Bible Study Wednesdays 12:00 Noon; 6:30 PM (dinner @ 5:30 PM) SUNDAY SCHOOL: 9:45 AM – Hour of Power “An inclusive ministry where all are welcomed and affirmed.” www.covenantbaptistdc.org

Morning Star Baptist Church Pastor Gerald L Martin Senior Minister 3204 Brothers Place S.E. Washington, D.C. 20032 202-373-5566 or 202-373-5567

Church of Living Waters

Rev. Paul Carrette Senior Pastor Harold Andrew, Assistant Pastor 4915 Wheeler Road Oxon Hill, MD 20745 301-894-6464 Schedule of Service Sunday Service: 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM Bible Study: Wednesday 7:30 PM Communion Service: First Sunday www.livingwatersmd.org

St. Stephen Baptist Church Lanier C. Twyman, Sr. State Overseer 5757 Temple Hill Road, Temple Hills, MD 20748 Office 301-899-8885 – fax 301-899-2555 Sunday Early Morning Worship - 7:45 a.m. Church School - 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship – 10:45 a.m. Tuesday – Thursday - Kingdom Building Bible Institute – 7:30 p.m. Wednesday – Prayer/Praise/Bible Study – 7:30 p.m. Baptism & Communion Service- 4th Sunday – 10:30am Radio Broadcast WYCB -1340 AM-Sunday -6:00pm T.V. Broadcast - Channel 190 – Sunday -4:00pm/Tuesday 7:00am

“We are one in the Spirit” www.ssbc5757.org e-mail: ssbc5757@verizon.net

Allen Chapel A.M.E. Church Rev. Dr. Michael E. Bell, Sr., • Pastor 2498 Alabama Ave., SE • Washington D.C. 20020 Office: (202) 889-7296 Fax: (202) 889-2198 • www.acamec.org 2008: The Year of New Beginnings “Expect the Extraordinary”

Crusader Baptist Church

Isle of Patmos Baptist Church Reverend Dr. Calvin L. Matthews • Senior Pastor 1200 Isle of Patmos Plaza, Northeast Washington, DC 20018 Office: (202) 529-6767 Fax: (202) 526-1661

Rev. Dr. Alton W. Jordan, Pastor 800 I Street, NE Washington, DC 20002 202-548-0707 Fax No. 202-548-0703

Sunday Worship Services: 8:00a.m. and 11:00a.m. Sunday Church School - 9:15a.m. & Sunday Adult Forum Bible Study - 10:30a.m. 2nd & 4th Monday Women’s Bible Study - 6:30p.m. Tuesday Jr./Sr. Bible Study - 10:00a.m. Tuesday Topical Bible Study - 6:30p.m. Tuesday New Beginnings Bible Study - 6:30p.m. Wednesday Pastoral Bible Study - 6:30p.m. Wednesday Children’s Bible Study - 6:30p.m. Thursday Men’s Bible Study - 6:30p.m. Friday before 1st Sunday Praise & Worship Service - 6:30p.m. Saturday Adult Bible Study - 10:00a.m.

Sunday Morning Worship 11:00am Holy Communion – 1st Sunday Sunday School-9:45am Men’s Monday Bible Study – 7:00pm Wednesday Night Bible Study – 7:00pm Women’s Ministry Bible Study 3rd Friday -7:00pm Computer Classes- Announced Family and Marital Counseling by appointment E-mail: Crusadersbaptistchurch@verizon.net www.CrusadersBaptistChurch.org

“The Amazing, Awesome, Audacious Allen Chapel A.M.E. Church”

“God is Love”

Third Street Church of God Rev. Cheryl J. Sanders, Th.D. Senior Pastor 1204 Third Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 202.347.5889 office 202.638.1803 fax Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study: Wed. 7:30 p.m. “Ambassadors for Christ to the Nation’s Capital” www.thirdstreet.org

Sunday Worship Services: 7:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Holy Communion: 2nd Sunday at 7:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Sunday Church School: 9:20 a.m. Seniors Bible Study: Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. Noon Day Prayer Service: Tuesdays at Noon Bible Study: Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Motto: “A Ministry of Reconciliation Where Everybody is Somebody!” Website: http://isleofpatmosbc.org Church Email: ipbcsecretary@verizon.net

Greater Mt. Calvary Holy Church Bishop Alfred A. Owens, Jr.; Senior Bishop & Evangelist Susie C. Owens – Co-Pastor 610 Rhode Island Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20002 (202) 529-4547 office • (202) 529-4495 fax Sunday Worship Service: 8 AM and 10:45 AM Sunday Youth Worship Services: 1st & 4th 10:45 AM; 804 R.I. Ave., NE 5th 8 AM & 10:45 AM; Main Church Prayer Services Tuesday – Noon, Wednesday 6 AM & 6:30 PM Calvary Bible Institute: Year-Round Contact Church Communion Every 3rd Sunday The Church in The Hood that will do you Good! www.gmchc.org emailus@gmchc.org

ST Marks Baptist Come Worship with us... St. Mark's Baptist Church 624 Underwood Street, NW Washington, dc 20011 Dr. Raymond T. Matthews, Pastor and First Lady Marcia Matthews Sunday School 9:am Worship Service 10:am Wed. Noon Day prayer service Thur. Prayer service 6:45 pm Thur. Bible Study 7:15 pm

We are proud to provide the trophies for the Washington Informer Spelling Bee

Service & Time Sunday Worship 7:45A.M & 11A.M Communion Service 2nd Sunday 11A.M Prayer Service Tuesday 7:00 P.M Bible Study Tuesday 8:00 P.M Sunday Church School 10:00 A.M Sunday “A church reaching and winning our community for Christ” morningstarbaptistchurch@verizon.net www.morningstarchurch-dc.org

Mount Carmel Baptist Church

52 Years of Expert Engraving Services

Joseph N. Evans, Ph.D Senior Pastor 901 Third Street N.W. Washington, DC. 20001 Phone (202) 842-3411 Fax (202) 682-9423 Sunday Church School : 9: 30am Sunday Morning Worship: 10: 45am Bible Study Tuesday: 6: 00pm Prayer Service Tuesday: 7:00pm Holy Communion: 3rd Sunday 10: 45am themcbc.org

34 Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013

The Washington Informer


religion Baptist

All Nations Baptist Church

Friendship Baptist Church 900 Delaware Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20020 (202) 488-7417 (202) 484-2242 Rev. Dr. J. Michael Little Pastor Sunrise Prayer: 6:00 AM Sunday School: 9:30 AM Morning Worship 11:00 AM Holy Communion: 3rd Sunday-11:00AM www.friendshipbaptistdc.org Email: frienshipde1900@verizon.net

Rev. Dr. James Coleman Pastor 2001 North Capitol St, N.E. • Washington, DC 20002 Phone (202) 832-9591

King Emmanuel Baptist Church Rev. Daryl F. Bell Pastor 2324 Ontario Road, NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 232-1730

Sunday Church School – 9:30 AM Sunday Worship Service – 11:00 AM Holy Communion – 1st Sunday at 11:00 AM Prayer – Wednesdays, 6:00 PM Bible Study – Wednesdays, 7:00 PM Christian Education School of Biblical Knowledge Saturdays, 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM, Call for Registration

Sunday School – 9:30 am Sunday Worship Service – 11:00 am Baptismal Service – 1st Sunday – 9:30 am Holy Communion – 1st Sunday – 11:00 am Prayer Meeting & Bible Study – Wednesday -7:30 pm

Website: www.allnationsbaptistchurch.com All Nations Baptist Church – A Church of Standards

“Where Jesus is the King”

Zion Baptist Church

Israel Baptist Church

Full Gospel Baptist Church

Rev. Keith W. Byrd, Sr. Pastor

Rev. Dr. Morris L Shearin, Sr. Pastor

Rev. Charles Y. Davis, Jr. Sr. Pastor

4850 Blagdon Ave, NW • Washington D.C 20011 Phone (202) 722-4940 • Fax (202) 291-3773

1251 Saratoga Ave., NE Washington, DC 20018 (202) 269-0288

14350 Frederick Rd. Cooksville, MD 21723 (410) 489-5069

Sunday Worship Service: 10:00 A.M. Sunday School: 8:30 A.M. Holy Communion1st Sunday: 10:00 A.M.

Sunday Worship Service: 11:00 am Sunday School: 9:30 am Wed. Bible Study/Prayer: 6:30-8:00 pm Holy Communion 2nd Sunday Pre-Marital Counseling/Venue for Weddings Prison Ministry Knowledge Base

Prayer Service: Wednesday at 6:30 P.M. Bible Study: Wednesday at 7:00 P.M.

Web: www.FullGospelBC.org Email: fullgospelbc1946@verizon.net “IF YOU NEED REST, THIS HOUSE IS OPEN”

Sunday Worship Service 10:15AM- Praise and Worship Services Sunday School 9:00am Monday: Noon Bible School Wednesday: Noon & 7PM: Pastor’s Bible Study Ordinance of Baptism 2nd Holy Communion 4th Sunday Mission Zion Baptist Church Shall; Enlist Sinners, Educate Students, Empower the Suffering, Encourage the Saints, and Exalt Our Savior. (Acts 2:41-47) www.zionbaptistchurchdc.org

Mount Moriah Baptist Church

St. Luke Baptist Church Rev. Aubrey C. Lewis Pastor 1415 Gallatin Street, NW Washington, DC 20011-3851 P: (202) 726-5940 Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m. Sunday School: 9:15 a.m. Holy Communion: 11:00 a.m., 3rd Sun. Bible Study: Monday - 7:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting: Thursday - 7:00 p.m.

Dr. Lucius M. Dalton, Senior Pastor 1636 East Capitol Street, NE Washington, DC 20003 Telephone: 202-544-5588 Fax: 202-544-2964 Sunday Worship Services: 7:45 am and 10:45 am Holy Communion: 1st Sundays at 7:45 am and 10:45 am Sunday School: 9:30 am Prayer & Praise Service: Tuesdays at 12 noon and 6:30 pm Bible Study: Tuesdays at 1 pm and 7 pm Youth Bible Study: Fridays at 7 pm Web: www.mountmoriahchurch.org Email: mtmoriah@mountmoriahchurch.org

Rehoboth Baptist Church

St. Matthews Baptist Church Rev. Dr. Maxwell M. Washington Pastor 1105 New Jersey Ave, S.E • Washington, DC 20003 202 488-7298 Order of Services Sunday Worship Services: 9:05 A.M. Sunday School: 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer Meeting: 7:00 P.M. (Tuesday) Bible Study: 7:30 P.M. (Tuesday) Theme: “Striving to be more like Jesus “Stewardship”. Philippians 3:12-14; Malachi 3:8-10 and 2 Corinthians 9:7 Email: stmatthewbaptist@msn.com Website: www.stmatthewsbaptist.com

Mount Pleasant Baptist Church

Emmanuel Baptist Church Rev. Dr. Clinton W. Austin Pastor 2409 Ainger Pl.,SE – WDC 20020 (202) 678-0884 – Office (202) 678-0885 – Fax “Come Grow With Us and Establish a Blessed Family” Sunday Worship 7:30am & 10:45am Baptism/Holy Communion 3rd Sunday Family Bible Study Tuesdays – 6:30pm Prayer Service Tuesdays – 8:00pm www.emmanuelbaptistchurchdc.org

Advertise your church services here call Ron Burke at 202-561-4100 or email rburke@washingtoninformer.com

New Commandment Baptist Church

Rev. Terry D. Streeter Pastor

Rev. Stephen E. Tucker Pastor and Overseer

215 Rhode Island Ave. N.W. • WD.C. 20001 (202) 332-5748

625 Park Rd, NW • WDC 20010 P: 202 291-5711 • F: 202 291-5666

Early Morning Worship: 7:45 a.m. Sunday School: 9:15 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m. Holy Communion: 4th Sunday 7:45 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. C.T.U. Sunday: 2:45 p.m. Bible Study: Wednesday 11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Prayer Service: Wednesday 8:00 p.m. Noon Day Prayer Service: Mondays 12 p.m.

Sunday Worship Service - 11 am Sunday School - 9:45 am Bible Study & Prayer Wed. - 7 pm Substance Abuse Counseling 7 pm (Mon & Fri) Jobs Partnership - 7 pm (Mon & Wed) Sat. Enrichment Experience - 9:30 am

Salem Baptist Church

“A Church Where Love Is Essential and Praise is Intentional”

Shiloh Baptist Church

Rev. R. Vincent Palmer Pastor

Rev. Alonzo Hart Pastor

Rev. Dr. Wallace Charles Smith Pastor

621 Alabama Avenue, S.E. • Washington, D.C. 20032 P: (202) 561-1111 F: (202) 561-1112

917 N St. NW • Washington, DC 20001 (202) 232-4294

9th & P Street, N.W. • W. D.C. 20001 (202) 232-4200

The Church Where GOD Is Working.... And We Are Working With GOD

Sunrise Prayer Services - Sunday 7:00 a.m.

Sunday Morning Prayer Service: 8:00 a.m. Sunday Church School: 9:15 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship: 10:40 a.m. Third Sunday Baptismal & Holy Communion:10:30 a.m. Tuesday Church At Study Prayer & Praise: 6:30 p.m.

Morning Worship: 8:00 a.m Church School : 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:55 a.m. Bible Study, Thursday: 6:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting,Thursday : 7:30 p.m.

Sunday Service: 10 am Sunday School for all ages: 8:30 am 1st Sunday Baptism: 10: am 2nd Sunday Holy Communion: 10 am Tuesday: Bible Study: 6:30 pm Prayer Meeting: 7:45 pm


Motto: God First

The Washington Informer

Florida Avenue Baptist Church

Holy Trinity United Baptist Church

Dr. Earl D. Trent Senior Pastor

Rev. Dr. George C. Gilbert SR. Pastor

623 Florida Ave.. NW • WDC. 20001 Church (202) 667-3409 • Study (202) 265-0836 Home Study (301) 464-8211 • Fax (202) 483-4009

4504 Gault Place, N.E. Washington, D.C 20019 202-397-7775 – 7184

Sunday Worship Services: 10:00 a.m. Sunday Church School: 8:45 – 9:45 a.m. Holy Communion: Every First Sunday Intercessory Prayer: Monday – 7:00-8:00 p.m. Pastor’s Bible Study: Wednesday –7:45 p.m. Midweek Prayer: Wednesday – 7:00 p.m. Noonday Prayer Every Thursday

9:30AM. Sunday Church School 11:00 Am. Sunday Worship Service The Lord’s Supper 1st Sunday Wednesday 7:00pm Prayer & Praise Services 7:30pm. Bible Study Saturday before 4th Sunday Men, Women, Youth Discipleship Ministries 10:30am A Christ Centered Church htubc@comcast.net

Matthews Memorial Baptist Church

Mt. Bethel Baptist Church Rev. Dr. Bobby L. Livingston, Sr. Pastor

Dr. C. Matthew Hudson, Jr, Pastor

75 Rhode Island Ave. NW • Washington, DC 20001 (202) 667-4448

2616 MLK Ave., SE • Washington, DC 20020 Office 202-889-3709 • Fax 202-678-3304 Early Worship Service 7:30a.m Worship Service 10:45a.m. New Members Class 9:30a.m. Holy Communion : 1st Sunday -10:45a.m Church School 9:30a.m. Prayer, Praise and Bible Study: Wednesday 7p.m Bible Study : Saturday: 11a.m. Baptism: 4th Sunday – 10:45a.m “Empowered to love and Challenged to Lead a Multitude of Souls to Christ”

Peace Baptist Church

Rev. Dr. Michael T. Bell 712 18th Street, NE Washington, DC 20002 Phone 202-399-3450/ Fax 202-398-8836 Sunday Morning Worship Service 7:15 am & 10:50 am Sunday School 9:30am Sunday Morning Worship Service 10:50am Wednesday Prayer & Testimonies Service 7:30pm Wednesday School of the Bible 8:00pm Wednesday - Midweek Prayer Service 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm “The Loving Church of the living lord “ Email Address pbcexec@verizon.net

First Rising Mt. Zion Baptist Church 602 N Street NW • Washington, D.C. 20001 Office:(202) 289-4480 Fax: (202) 289-4595 Sunday Worship Services: 7:45am & 11:00am Sunday school For All Ages 9:30am Prayer Services Wednesday 11:30am & 6:45pm Bible Institute Wednesday at Noon & 7:45pm “Changing Lives On Purpose “ Email: Froffice@firstrising.org Website: www.firstrising.org

Sunrise Prayer Service 6:00 A.M. Sunday Church School 8:30 A.M. Pre-Worship Devotionals 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship Services 10:00 A.M. Holy Communion 1st Sunday Worship Services Bible Study Tuesdays, 6:00 P.M. Thursdays, 1:00 P.M. Prayer Meetings Tuesdays, 7:00 P.M. Thursdays, 12:00 P.M.

Pennsylvania Ave. Baptist Church Rev. Dr. Kendrick E. Curry Pastor 3000 Pennsylvania Ave.. S.E Washington, DC 20020 202 581-1500 Sunday Church School: 9:30 A.M. Sunday Worship Service: 11:00 A.M. Monday Adult Bible Study: 7:00 P.M. Wednesday Youth & Adult Activities: 6:30 P.M. Prayer Service Bible Study

Mt. Horeb Baptist Church Rev. Dr. H. B. Sampson, III Pastor 2914 Bladensburg Road, NE Wash., DC 20018 Office: (202) 529-3180 Fax: (202) 529-7738 Order of Services Worship Service: 7:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:00 a.m. Worship Service: 10:30 a.m. Holy Communion: 4th Sunday 7:30 a.m. & 10:30a.m. Prayer Services: Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Wednesday 12 Noon Email:mthoreb@mthoreb.org Website:www.mthoreb.org For further information, please contact me at (202) 529-3180.

Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013


So So Def Recordings – home to platinum-selling acts such as Jermaine Dupri, Xscape, Bow Wow, Jagged Edge and Da Brat – will celebrate 20 years of hit-making music at an All-Star Anniversary Concert on February 23 at the Fox Theater, announced founder/CEO Dupri at a press conference today at City Hall. Flanked by Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed, Jagged Edge, Da Brat, Kris Kross, Dem Franchize Boyz, Bonecrusher, Xscape, Dondria and veteran music executive Michael Mauldin, Dupri explained that the reunion concert will be a “rare moment in music” when various past and present So So Def artists and music contributors will come together on one stage for one night only. / Photos by Chris Mitchell

36 Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013

The Washington Informer


ctm T HE B ET HONORS 2 0 1 3 Photos by Shevry Lassiter


The Washington Informer

Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013


CLASSIFIEDS legal notice

legal notice

SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Probate Division Washington, D.C. 20001-2131

SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Probate Division Washington, D.C. 20001-2131

Administration No. 2012 ADM 1006

Administration No. 2012 ADM 1245

Ethelene Pratt Decedent

Hattie P. Jefferson Decedent

Johnny M. Howard, Houston & Howard 1001 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 402 Washington, DC 20036 Attorney

Johnny M. Howard, Houston & Howard 1001 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 402 Washington, DC 20036 Attorney



Traci E. Pratt, whose address is 1333 Maple View Place, SE, Washington, DC 20020, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Ethelene Pratt, who died on March 26, 2012 without a Will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W. Third Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before June 27, 2013. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before June 27, 2013, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship.

Marsha J. Barnes, whose address is 9850 Royal Commerce Place Upper Marlboro, MD 20074, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Hattie P. Jefferson, who died on July 13, 2011 without a Will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W. Third Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before July 3, 2013. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before July 3, 2013, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship.

Date of first publication: December 27, 2012

Date of first publication: January 3, 2013

Traci E. Pratt Personal Representative

Marsha J. Barnes Personal Representative



Anne Meister Register of Wills Washington Informer

Anne Meister Register of Wills Washington Informer


SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Probate Division Washington, D.C. 20001-2131

COLUMBIA Probate Division Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2012 ADM 528 Lurina C. Hall aka Lurina Hall, Lurina G. Hall Decedent Constance G. Starks 7053 Western Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20015 Attorney NOTICE OF AFTER DISCOVERED WILL AND NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Catherine D. Taylor, whose address is 4712 Medora Drive, Suitland, MD 20746, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Lurina C. Hall aka Lurina Hall, Lurina G. Hall, who died on December 29, 2011 with a Will. Objections to such appointment or to the probate of decedent’s will shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W. Third Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before July 17, 2013. Date of first publication: January 17, 2013 Catherine D. Taylor Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY

Administration No. 2012 ADM 1244 Laura E. Steele aka Laura Estelle Steele Decedent Johnny M. Howard, Houston & Howard 1001 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 402 Washington, DC 20036 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Marsha J. Barnes, whose address is 9850 Royal Commerce Place Upper Marlboro, MD 20074, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Laura E. Steele aka Laura Estelle Steele, who died on October 27, 2012 with a Will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent’s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W. Third Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before July 3, 2013. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before July 3, 2013, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of first publication: January 3, 2013 Marsha J. Barnes Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY

Anne Meister Register of Wills Washington Informer

Anne Meister Register of Wills Washington Informer

38 Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013

legal notice CLASSIFIEDS

legal notice CLASSIFIEDS

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of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and that of President Abraham Lincoln, connecting the 150-year-old dots. President Obama’s choice in using both Bibles in this anniversary year is a testament to his sensitivity and ability to juggle the tightrope he must manage as both president of the United States and the first African American president of our nation. Most folks 50 and older get it. What about those who are both younger than our nation’s median age and unschooled in the nuances of history? Is our conversation about race in America stuck in some kind of time warp, where we are unable to speak cross generationally because we have extremely different memories, recollections, and knowl-

MALVEAUX continued from Page 24 twice that of the White rate. If they had books and speeches by Dr. King, who spoke of racial disparities in much of his work, they would understand the many ways the struggle continues. But popular culture suggests that when Black folks and White folks can both act extreme fools on reality shows (I think I blanked out after about a minute of “Bad Girls Club”); there is some measure of equality. There has been a rich history and legacy of struggle and protest that has been swallowed by the notion of post-racialism in the first decades of this century. It is laudable that President Obama will use both the Bible

Pick a state! , any state

edge about that which happened fifty years ago? We do our nation a disservice when we duck and dodge our racially tinged history. We have to grace and embrace the past in order to move forward with our future. Somehow this is a message that needs to be transmitted to young people, especially in this 150th year after emancipation, this 50th year after the March on Washington, this season of embracing and celebrating our history. wi

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Julianne Malveaux is a Washington, D.C.-based economist and writer. She is President Emerita of Bennett College for Women in Greensboro, N.C.


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Crowell continued from Page 24 have already suffered has been researched and revealed the facts of who has lost homes, wealth, and quality of life. CRL’s most recent research, “The State of Lending in America and is Impact on U.S. Households,” (http://www.responsiblelending.org/state-oflending/) updated earlier foreclosure research, finding that the nation has a still-troubled housing market. CRL also developed a new state-by-state analysis of foreclosures and lost wealth. According to the report, since February 2012, 11 percent of African-American borrowers and 14 percent of Latino borrowers have already lost their homes

to foreclosures. By comparison and during the same years, foreclosure rates for non-Hispanic Whites amounted to 6 percent and among Asian-American borrowers, 8 percent. Even worse, African-American and Latino borrowers were respectively 2.8 and 2.3 times as likely to have received a mortgage loan with a prepayment penalty even though many of these borrowers could have qualified for more affordable and sustainable loans. Across the country, more than half (52 percent) of the lost wealth resulting from living in close proximity to foreclosures was borne by minority census tract homeowners. In the District of Columbia and seven states –California, Florida, Il-

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linois, Hawaii, Maryland, New Jersey and New York – an even greater share of lost wealth occurred in minority communities. Additionally, African-Americans remain at a higher imminent risk of more foreclosures in Florida, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, and Illinois. For example, Black Floridians risk of imminent foreclosures is doubled that projected for the entire state. As the nation prepares for the 2013 observance of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, the martyred leader’s historic call for economic justice has yet to be fulfilled. wi


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sector and the federal government to maximize resources and mobilize the strength of our collaborative efforts. For this expanded effort, we have put together a powerful coalition of public and private partners who have pledged their expertise and other resources. They include, the U.S. Department of Labor, Nationwide Insurance, Everest College, Pitney Bowes, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, Stonehenge, UPS, State Farm, Target, Best Buy, the U.S. Department of Justice, AT&T, Time Warner, Chevron, BP and the New York Stock Exchange.

Our collective message is this: While we believe it is important to tackle deficit reduction, job creation remains the nation’s number one priority. We urge the President and the Congress to adopt a balanced approach that marries compassion for the most vulnerable Americans with protections for the nation’s jobs and sacrifice from all. For a full description of the Jobs Rebuild America Initiative visit www.nul.org wi Marc H. Morial, former mayor of New Orleans, is president and CEO of the National Urban League. The Washington Informer

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Edelman continued from Page 25

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Muhammad continued from Page 25 deeply spiritual man, might possibly have been moved to action similar to that of another bold, courageous, deeply spiritual man, which happened in the Deep South about 98 years before King was born. This act was perpetrated by a deeply religious slave who was often seen fasting, praying or

immersed in reading the stories of the Bible. The slave’s name was Nat – Nat Turner. Nat, like Martin who came later, was a man of “natural intelligence and quickness of apprehension surpassed by few.” Nat often conducted Baptist church services preaching the Bible to his fellow slaves who dubbed him “The Prophet.” This man, Nat, was convinced that he “was ordained for

42 Jan. 17, 2013 - Jan. 23, 2013

child has a right to live and to dream and to strive for a future that is not destroyed in a second because we cowered before a special interest lobby and refused to protect them. What can we do? Read the Children’s Defense Fund (CDF)’s new “Protect Children Not Guns: The Truth About Guns,” which debunks myths that guns make you safe. Convene congregational and parent and community study groups and let the enormity of lost child and human life sweep over you and pierce your hearts and make you determined to wake up, stand up and do something! Stop shopping at stores that sell firearms over the counter, making their purchase and use as routine and normal as a flashlight or toaster. Stop buying the violent toys and video games and call for nonviolent conflict resolution and restorative

CURRY continued from Page 25 icans will vote either to defend or surrender freedom in the most consequential national decision in U.S. history.” They also failed to elect their preferred candidate in six of their seven top targets for the U.S. Senate. And more than two-thirds of incumbents who lost their seats in the House of Representatives were backed by the NRA, including four Democrats,” noted Media Matters, the watchdog group. And the NRA got a poor return on its political investment. “According to open government group the Sunlight Foundation, the NRA Political Victory Fund, the NRA’s political action committee, received a less than one percent return on $10,536,106 spent on independent expenditures during the election cycle,” the media monitoring group also found. “The NRA spent 0.44 percent of its money supporting winning candidates and 0.39 percent opposing losing candidates. The NRA Institute some great purpose in the hands of the Almighty,” and interestingly he also had influence on White people, where in one case he was even able to convince a White man to “cease from his wickedness.” In August 1831 Nat led the bloodiest slave uprising in American history. I reckon that Martin – like Nat who was hanged in November 1831; like Gabriel Prosser who lived from 1776 to 1800; like Denmark Vesey who lived until 1822; like David Walker who lived until 1830; like Frederick Douglass who lived until 1895; like Henry McNeal Turner who lived until 1915; and like Michael King (Martin Luther The Washington Informer

justice training of our educators, faith leaders, children, and all of us. Let’s make violence unacceptable rather than acceptable in our nation which leads the world’s industrialized nations in military expenditures, in number of guns sold and in circulation (an estimated 300 million), and in child, youth, and adult civilian gun deaths. In 2013, as we prepare to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday and the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington and the dream of our gun-slain prophet of nonviolence, let us truly hear and follow rather than just celebrate him. Now is the time to free ourselves from the plague of gun violence which has taken more than 1.3 million American lives since Dr. King and Robert Kennedy’s assassinations in 1968. This is twice the loss of life than all American battle casualties in all the major wars we have fought since our nation began: the Revolu-

tionary War (4,435); the War of 1812 (2,260); the Mexican War (1,733); the Civil War (214,938); the Spanish American War (385); World War I (53,402); World War II (291,557); the Korean War (33,739); the Vietnam War (47,434); the Persian Gulf War (148); the Iraq War (3,518), and the war in Afghanistan (1,712). Isn’t it way past time for some hard soul searching about what we believe as Americans? Do we believe in the sanctity of life in America or don’t we? We decide. Marian Wright Edelman is president of the Children’s Defense Fund whose Leave No Child Behind® mission is to ensure every child a Healthy Start, a Head Start, a Fair Start, a Safe Start and a Moral Start in life and successful passage to adulthood with the help of caring families and communities. For more information go to www.childrensdefense.org. wi

for Legislative Action, the organization’s lobbying arm, garnered a 10.25 percent return on $7,448,017 spent on the election. In seven Senate races where the NRA spent more than $100,000, six of the NRA-backed candidates lost.” That trend did not start with the November elections, according to ThinkProgress, a liberal blog. Paul Waldman, contributing editor at The American Prospect, analyzed data from the last four federal elections – 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2010. “The conclusion to be drawn from these data will be surprising to many: The NRA has virtually no impact on congressional elections,” he wrote. “The NRA endorsement, so coveted by so many politicians, is almost meaningless. Nor does the money the organization spends have any demonstrable impact on the outcome of races. In short, when it comes to elections, the NRA is a paper tiger.” Not exactly. “If you’ve been following the issue of guns over the last few years,

you know that these have been good times for gun advocates,” according to ThinkProgress. “In a landmark 2008 decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, the Supreme Court settled a longstanding question by declaring that the 2nd Amendment confers an individual right to own guns. Under Barack Obama’s administration, the only pieces of legislation on guns have expanded gun rights; for instance, gun owners are now allowed to bring firearms into national parks as a result of legislation Obama signed in 2009. The assault weapons ban passed under Bill Clinton expired in 2004, and despite early indications the Obama administration might try to renew it, they have made no moves to do so.” Public opinion on gun control has moved, according to a Gallup poll released Monday. It showed that 38 percent of Americans favor stricter gun measures, a 13-point increase from last year and the highest it has been in more than a decade. Now is the time for Obama to make his move. If not, the NRA will do it for him. wi

King Sr.) who was born in 1899 – I reckon that Martin’s life would have been an extension of the lives of those courageous, spiritual men, like shingles on a roof. But instead of the non-violent path which his life followed in the United States of America – a land of laws and not men – I reckon that in the Confederate States of America where no law protected men like Martin from becoming the property of other men, Martin’s life would have known no such non-violent shackles. Indeed, I reckon, “some great purpose in the hands of the Almighty” would have certainly given us “Martin Un-

chained,” a man like Nat Turner. Decades ago, Dr. John Henrik Clarke explained the ethos of Nat Turner, of “Martin Unchained,” had he lived in my Confederate America. “Once you are enslaved and once you are in servitude you have no moral obligation to the people who have enslaved you. In enslaving you, they have freed you of all moral obligations because the nature of their enslavement of you says that you are without humanity, without manhood, without womanhood, without dignity and anything you do to get those things back is morally justified.” That’s my Martin Unchained. wi www.washingtoninformer.com

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