Wichita Family May 2012

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May 2012

APRIL 2012

Feature ATEacher Hyde International Studies and Communications Magnet Teacher KEnzie Kekler inspires students and parents

road trip? Budget -Friendly Tips for success

mom’S big day!



Connecting, Sharing, Learning & Playing


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family Wichita

Inside t his issue:

Connecting: A note from the editor


Mom’s Big Day! Mother’s Day Celebration Ideas


FEATURE A TEACHER: Hyde International Studies and Communications Magnet Teacher Kenzie Kekler inspires students and parents


Budget-Friendly Road Trip Tips


Bringing Home Puppy


Learning: From the District News and information from our partners at Wichita Public Schools


Childcare/Classified Directory

13 www.WichitaFamily.com |


Connecting Another school year is quickly winding down and summer plans are quickly building up.

a note from the editor

May is a month that tends to speed by with celebrations of new beginnings and exciting finales. Kids who were once babies are suddenly ending their high school careers and making plans for adulthood. That sounds dramatic, right? But it really does seem to happen in no time at all.

family Wichita


For the Families, LLC 316.295.8465 Publishers Eric and Christy Clark Editor

My oldest turns nine years old this month. That is really old in my world. First he was just a toddler, the only little guy in our household. Soon he had a sweet little sister, not long after that we added yet another little sister to his once-quiet life. My sweet boy had it all to himself for such a short time. He entered our world on Mother’s Day 2003 and changed our lives forever. He is a tender-hearted, sensitive, goofy, complicated, deep-thinking boy who is figuring out the world around him. He is a protective, thoughtful, caring big brother who, admittedly, also is often annoyed by his loving sisters. It wasn’t long ago that our little household revolved around naptime. Now it’s been a couple years since we even had an afternoon nap. It’s unreal how quickly things around us change. As the season changes, take time to enjoy each stage of your child’s life because before you know it, they’re all grown up! Wishing a Happy Mother’s Day to all of you moms out there!

Jessica Lindsey Editor-in-Chief


Jessica Lindsey Advertising inquiries contact: Vice President of Sales and Marketing Cari Fischer 316.841.9379 or cari@wichitafamily.com Wichita Family Magazine is published 12 times a year by For the Families, LLC. Wichita Family Magazine is available free, at schools, stores, restaurants, libraries, retailers and local attractions, as well as other places families frequent. For a complete list of where to find Wichita Family, or for subscription rates, visit www.wichitafamily.com. Mailing address: P.O. Box 817 Wichita, Kansas 67201 How to reach us: Phone: 316.295.8465 Email: publisher@wichitafamily.com Copyright 2011 by For the Families, LLC. All rights reserved. Wichita Family Magazine is not responsible for errors, omissions or contest fulfillment from third parties. Reproduction in part or in whole without written permission is strictly prohibited. Wichita Family is distributed free of charge. The magazine’s advertisers make this possible, so support them! We reserve the right to edit submitted material. All submissions will be considered for publication, but we reserve the right to refuse material. Materials will not be returned. Any editorial content or advertising published is the property of For the Families, LLC.

4 | Wichita Family

Mother’s Day:

Great Celebration Ideas


other's Day is considered more of a private ritual between the missus and the kids by most dads: it slips by and they barely notice it. Moms deserve better, and there are things that only a dad can do to make Mother's Day memorable for the whole family. One of those things is to help the kids make and/or purchase a great gift for mom. Even if your kids have saved up their weekly allowances, they are going to need your help to make the right purchase. And who's going to help them "Photoshop" that really special hand-made card? Good old dad! In the United States, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May each year. This year it's May 11so you better red letter that date into your planner.

by Paul Banas • If you're the forgetful type, order flowers now. It's easy to forget or run out of time, especially on a Sunday morning when florists will be closed. There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting flowers a day early if it's easier for you. • And, if your own mom or mother-in-law will be part of the days festivities, don't forget her! Mothers Day reminds dads that parenthood cannot be taken for granted and that life gives us an opportunity to celebrate it everyday and make it extraordinary. Paul Banas is an expert author in parenting and pregnancy related issues. Article Source: http://www.articlerich.com

Starting early • Spin it. Make a good beginning by creating excitement and anticipation for Mother's Day two or three weeks in advance. • Get the kids involved. An easy thing to do is to tape a long piece of paper to the wall, write Happy Mother's Day in big letters with a magic marker and then ask the kids to color it in. Even 3-4- year olds can make a pretty impressive sign this way and it gives them something to do while you read the newspaper. • Mum's the word. Arrange for a secret party or take the initiative to reserve a restaurant for mom and the kids. More than just a break from routine, mom will appreciate that you organized it. www.WichitaFamily.com |



Feature a Teacher

n her sixth year as a teacher, Kenzie Keckler has created a dynamic and deliberate teaching style that is leaving a long line of satisfied students, parents and colleagues singing her praises.

“When I see my son jump out of the car and RUN in each day to school it makes me so appreciative of (Ms. Keckler) and all the things she has done,” said Tabitha Hounschell, one of multiple readers who nominated Keckler for this feature. “She’s not only amazing at teaching, but being able to help my child learn things that will help him his whole life. She has truly made a difference in my child’s life and has helped him come out of his shy personality with confidence; confidence in everything from school work and shyness to dealing with friends and problems.”

Kenzie Kekler

Elementary School Teacher Hyde International Studies and Communications Magnet

A product of USD 259 schools herself, after graduating from Wichita State University, she went right back into the school district that she knew and loved. She taught first at Minneha Core Knowledge Elementary. Then, when a position became available at Hyde International Studies and Communication Magnet Elementary close to home, she jumped on the opportunity. Keckler currently teaches first grade, though she has spent time in various grade levels at Hyde. No matter what grade she’s teaching, there’s one thing that you’ll always find in her classroom: excitement. If she can be excited about the topic and method of teaching it, then the kids will be as well. “One thing that’s probably different about me is a lot of classrooms are really quiet, mine isn’t,” said Keckler. “My philosophy about teaching is that when kids are having fun and are happy, they feel comfortable. Many of our projects are hands on. When you come into my classroom it’s like organized chaos, we’re up doing stuff all the time. I’m not the teacher who makes you sit in your chair the whole day. [Students] are there to learn, but it needs to be fun.” Joy Marlin, who nominated Keckler, describes Keckler as a world-class educator. “One step into her classroom, and you’ll find creativity, stimulation and joy in every inch,” said Marlin. “Every moment in her classroom is a combination of academic learning and character education. I have been nearly moved to tears watching her instruction.”

6 | Wichita Family

Keckler, a self-described “go-with-the-flow type of person,” will toss in days like, “wear as much green as you can tomorrow,” to mix it up and give the students something more to have fun with. Keckler said that she understands her strengths and uses those to her advantage. “When I have been in her classroom it amazes me how her bubbly personality is contagious to everyone,” said Hounschell. “Everyone is so happy in there.” While fun and games are a commonality in her classroom, Keckler is also making a big impact beyond the classroom. “Ms. Keckler is an architect of our future; shaping our future leaders, healers and protectors, and because of educators like her, we can all have great hope,” said Marlin. “She inspires her students to advance beyond what everyone else knew was possible. She understands every single student to his or her core; she knows their gifts and lights the way for their possibility.”

Jokes and Riddles Q: What did one tornado say to the other? A: You turn me on.

Q: What should you avoid after it has rained cats and dogs? A: Stepping into a poodle.


Name That Weather Event B __ I __ __ A __ D


T __ U __ A M __

2) 4) 5) 6) 7)

E __ R __ __ Q __ A __ E __ O __ N A __ __ C __ __ L O __ E

Each of the following is a type of weather event. Fill in the blanks to name that weather event.

__ A __ L S __ O R __

F __ A __ __ F __ O O __

Answers: 1) Blizzard, 2) Earthquake, 3) Tsunami, 4) Tornado, 5) Cyclone, 6) Hailstorm, 7) Flash flood


Hurricane Names Would you like to have a hurricane named after you? One just might be. Since 1979, the World Meteorological Organization has been creating lists of names to identify hurricanes in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. There are six lists total for each ocean. The lists have 21 male and female names, which alternate. One name is selected for each letter of the alphabet except for “Q,� “U� and “Z.� In 2009, for example, the list for the Atlantic Ocean includes Ana, Bill, Claudette, Danny, Erika and so forth. The first hurricane of the season there will be named Ana. The lists repeat every six years, and when an awful hurricane strikes like Katrina, that name is replaced. Sometimes, there are more hurricanes in a season than there are names on the list. Forecasters must then use names from the Greek alphabet, such as Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta, as happened in 2005.



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*(7 $:$< (9(5< '$< Fact or Fiction?


2XWGRRU )DPLO\ :DWHUSDUNV CHALLENGE *5($7(5 :,&+,7$ <0&$ Many outdoor summer plans have been ruined by thunderstorms. When it turns dark outside and lightning flashes across

6SHQG \RXU VXPPHU DW WKH < DV \RX HQMR\ the sky, it is best to move inside. Lightning can be dangerous. Here are DFFHVV WR RXWGRRU IDPLO\ ZDWHUSDUNV IUHH some questions about lightning. How many can you answer correctly? ZLWK \RXU PHPEHUVKLS )HDWXUHV LQFOXGH OD]\ ULYHUV WXEH SOXQJH VOLGHV GLYLQJ ERDUG 1) Lightning kills more people than hurricanes and tornadoes. FOLPELQJ ZDOO ZDYH SRRO DQG PRUH Fact or Fiction? 2) Lightning is extremely hot, about 54 degrees Fahrenheit. Fact or Fiction? 3) Lightning is always accompanied by thunder. Fact or Fiction? 4) Lightning can be seen before thunder is heard. Fact or Fiction? 5) If your hairs stand on end, lightning may be about to strike. Fact or Fiction? 6) If outside, your best chance of avoiding being struck by lightning is to lie flat on the ground. Fact or Fiction? 7) One of the best conductors of lightning is water. Fact or Fiction? 8) Lightning can strike exterior phone lines. Fact or Fiction? 9) Lightning may occur as an exploding ball. Fact or Fiction? 10) You should never touch a person who has been struck by lightning because they could be carrying an electrical charge. Fact or Fiction?





4. 8.





Some answers: cane, crane, drain, grain, main, mane, pain, pane, sane, vain


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Answers: 1) Fact, 2) Fiction, lightning is 54,000 degrees Fahrenheit, 3) Fact, thunder is the sound of lightning, 4) Fact, light travels faster than sound, so lightning may be seen before it is heard, 5) Fact, 6) Fiction, lying flat makes you a bigger target; you should get down on your hands and knees and tuck in your head, 7) Fact, you should stay away from water during a thunderstorm, 8) Fact, you should not use a corded phone or anything else electric during a thunderstorm, 9) Fact, although rare, lightning balls do occur, 10) Fiction

List 10 words that rhyme with “rain.�


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Budget-Friendly Road Trip Tips


Unforgettable Fun

For Kids Entering Grades 1 - 12 Starting June 4 Camps are hands-on, engage curiosit curiosity, promote creativity, enhance scientific knowledge, and most of all, are fun!


Photo courtesy of Getty Images

(Family Features) With warm weather season in full swing, now is the time to start planning your fun family getaways. If you are concerned about affording it all, author and financial expert Farnoosh Torabi offers the following tips to help you have fun and save money on your next vacation.

Bank on gas-saving apps

Look to budget-friendly websites, such as www.GasBuddy.com, which also offers an app that helps you find the closest gas station with the best prices near you. Another gas-saving app is Gas Hog. It costs 99 cents and calculates your car's fuel economy, then provides tips on ways to make your car more fuel-efficient.

Rent a car

2012 Air Capital Aviation Summer Camps Start June 25! If your child has an interest in aviation, these interactive sessions will deepen the passion for it! Flight Crew For children entering grades 6 - 8 Pilot Training For teens entering grades 9 -12

Register Today!

www.exploration.org or 316.660.0620 300 N. McLean Blvd., Wichita, KS

It turns out that, contrary to popular belief, it can actually be cheaper to rent a car for weekend getaways than it is to drive your own. According to a study by Brett Smith, co-director, manufacturing, engineering and technology for the Center for Automotive Research, when renting a compact car from Enterprise Rent-A-Car at its weekend rate, the savings can come to 12 cents per mile. If your getaway is a 300-mile round trip, the fuel savings could be more than $20. "By renting a car, you reduce the stress and mileage placed on your own vehicle, and you can upgrade or downgrade depending on the size of your family and fuel economy needs," explains Torabi. To learn more about the benefits of renting a vehicle for your summer getaway, visit www. Enterprise.com/familytravel.

Pack and save

On road trips, most people grab a few snacks every time they stop for gas. Over time, those candy bars and sodas can really add up. A family of four can easily spend $15.00 for drinks and snacks at just one stop. "One easy way to lower the cost of your trip is to pack your own food. Pack a cooler full of bread, peanut butter, string cheese, water, juice and plenty of fruit. You'll be less likely to splurge while filling up the tank, make healthier choices, and save a bundle over all," says Torabi.

Book hotels on Sunday nights

This is when the weekend rush is over and hotel managers have time to 8 | Wichita Family

talk on the phone and discuss available discounts. Ask to get a free night's stay if you're staying for more than two nights. That's at least $100 saved right there.

Better yet - skip the hotel

Find cheap - but chic - guest rooms in local homes and apartments through websites such as www.AirBnB.com and www.OneFineStay.com. "With a little planning and flexibility, your family can enjoy a vacation they'll remember for years to come," says Torabi. n

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Visit with Cari today about advertising with us. 316.841.9379

or cari@wichitafamily.com www.WichitaFamily.com |



Bringing Home Puppy Tips for a Successful Introduction to the Family

(Family Features) While bringing home a new dog is exciting, it can also be quite an adjustment period for both the puppy and his new owners. According to veterinarian Dr. Brent Mayabb, manager of education and development at Royal Canin USA, pet parents can help ease the transition with some simple steps. Here are some tips to help make the transition easier:

Get social.

Introduce your dog to 10 to 20 new people and pets (of varying ages and in different locations) during your first week together. This will help them acclimate to different sizes and temperaments of dogs, cats and humans.

Exercise before bedtime.

Try keeping your puppy busy with quick training sessions or playing with toys during the early evening hours. A worn out puppy is a quiet puppy.

Pay attention to diet. Until now, food formulated for this particular stage in a dog's life was not available at your

10 | Wichita Family

local pet store. Royal Canin's new birth and growth line of Starter products helps puppies transition from milk to solids more smoothly, while providing optimal nutrition for their specific needs.

Stick to a routine. Take your puppy out often and right before you put them in their kennel before bed. Frequency in routine is very important for house training.

Visit the vet.

The vet will help in scheduling vaccinations and explain the significance of preventative care for fleas, ticks, heartworm, and rabies among other diseases.

For more information on nutrition for dogs of all ages, visit www.royalcanin. us.

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If your interested in bringing in more customers or clients, contact Cari today at 316.841.9379 or cari@wichitafamily.com

Life is better with a well-trained Dog!

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From the District

News and information from our partners at Wichita Public Schools From left, Hadley principal Charles Wakefield, Ashley Placke, National Contractors; Martin Hanney, Hanney & Associates Architecture; students Emon Tehrani, Kayla Warren and Vance Edwards, Superintendent John Allison and BOE member Lanora Nolan cut the ribbon in front of the school’s new gym.

Hadley celebrates its bond project completion

Hadley Middle School celebrated the end of their bond issue construction project on April 12. The school hosted a picnic in their new cafeteria and an open house to show off the school’s improvements and to thank visitors for supporting the bond issue. The students saw their new gym for the first time after a ribboncutting ceremony in front of the gym’s doors.

The school’s honor choir, jazz band and honor orchestra performed for guests in the new cafeteria. Students led visitors on tours of the school’s improvements. The new gym was filled with fun hands-on academic activities for students and each student took home a free book.

new cafeteria and commons area and a new main gymnasium which also serves as a storm shelter. The school’s auditorium and old gym, which is now a practice gym, received major renovations as well. A new 8-lane allweather track was installed last year.

Hadley’s new addition consists of a

McLean students have a P.E. lesson at Heights Kindergarten students at McLean Science and Technology Magnet and students at Heights High School got to play together for fun and fitness. The kindergarten students came to Heights to participate in different P.E. activities like jumping rope and tag. Todd Junker, P.E. teacher at McLean, and Candace Stuchlik, P.E. teacher at Heights, have paired the two groups for activities for the past several years. In the past, the Heights students visited McLean. This was the first year that the kindergarteners visited the high school. “It’s a great way for our students to have fun with older students,” said Junker. “The kindergarten students treat the high 12 | Wichita Family

A McLean and Heights student jump rope together as part of their shared P.E. activities.

schoolers as their best friend and the Heights students enjoy being looked up to.”

“It’s hard to tell who’s having more fun – the big kids or the little kids,” he added.

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Wichita Family Classified Section Childcare Directory WESTSIDE MOM'S DAY OUT - A safe place for your children to play while you have a few hours to yourself. Friday's 9-2 at Westwood Presbyterian Church. Each mom works one Friday a month. Cost is only $15 for entire family! Call 773-9152 for more information.

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Day Out program at Westlink Christian Church 2001 N. Maize Road, Wichita 722-1034 x121. Based on the “Bee� Attitudes Classes for 2& 3 year olds Monday, Thursday OR Friday.

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Honey Badger don't care.


but Wichita Family Magazine readers do. Thank you for selecting us as the "Best Place to take the Family" two years in a row!




The most interactive zoo in Kansas! Giraffe feeding post Ring-tail lemur feeding island Rainbow lorikeets feeding post Camel and 0IÆQVOMZ PWZ[M ZQLM[ Feeding station for the 2.5-ton Indian rhinoceros Childrens’ zoo


(316) 794.8954 Westside of Wichita in Goddard

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