October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month! America’s Cyber Defence Agency, Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), lists 4 things you can do to keep yourself “Cyber Safe”:
• Turn on Multifactor Authentication on all online accounts.
• Update your software on mobile devices, computers, tablets, etc., and turn on automatic updates.
• Think before you click on unknown links in emails. Cyber-attacks often start with a phishing email.
• Use strong passwords. The more unique, the better. FRAUD
an “account takeover”?
takeover happens when a fraudster poses financial institution to get your personal or account
What is an “account takeover”?
Once the fraudster has access to your they can make unauthorized transactions.
ALERT: Work?
An account takeover happens when a fraudster poses as a financial institution to get your personal or account information. Once the frau
dster has access to your account, they can make unauthorized transactions.
An account takeover may begin with a fraudster sending a text message to your mobile phone. They might claim they’re from Wichita Federal Credit Union’s fraud department. They ask you to confirm a suspicious payment that was sent from your account—this may not be true and could be part of the fraud.
Anaccounttakeoverbeginswithafraudstersendingatextmessagetoyourmobilephone.Theyusually claimthey’refrom[afinancialinstitution’s]frauddepartment.Theyaskyoutoconfirmasuspiciouspayment thatwassentfromyouraccount—thismaynotbetrueandcouldbepartofthefraud.
Ifthisisafraudattack,thefraudstertypicallyfollowsupwithaphonecallandasksforyourpersonal informationto“cancelthepayment.”NOTE:[FIName]willNEVERaskforyourpersonalinformationover
If this is a fraud attack, the fraudster typically follows up with a phone call and asks for your personal information to “cancel the payment.”NOTE: Wichita Federal Credit Union’s staff will NEVER ask for your personal information over the phone.
The account takeover fraud usually begins on a Friday after business hours and runs through the weekend.
takeover fraud usually begins on a Friday, after business hours, and runs through the weekend.
Ifsomeoneposingas[FIName]contactsyoubyphone,email,ortext messageandwantsyoutoshareyourpersonalinformation,consider itfraud.
If someone posing as Wichita Federal Credit Union contacts you by phone, email, or text message and wants you to share your personal information, consider it fraud.
If you receive a text (or email) like the one shown here, do not reply to the sender. Ignore the message and do not call any phone numbers listed in the text.
If you receive a text or email that doesn’t sound right, do not reply to the sender. Ignore the message and do not call any phone numbres listed in the text.
If you receive a phone call that seems to be a phishing attempt, end the call immediately. And be aware that area codes can be misleading: a local area code does not always guarantee that the caller is local.
If you receive a phone call that seems to be a phishing attempt, end the call immediately. And be aware that area codes can be misleading: a local area code does not always guarantee the caller is local.
Ifyoufeelyouhavebeenthevictimoffraud,pleasecontact [FIName]immediately.
If you feel you have been the victim of fraud, please contact us immediately 316.941.0600.
December 1-31, 2023 Earn double points in December on your WFCU VISA® EXTRA AWARDS CREDIT CARD!
October 1 - December 31, 2023
Low Interest: Borrow up to $2,000 for 10 months at 10% APR*
Deferred Payments: No payments until January 2024
Low Payments
November 1 - December 31, 2023
November 1 - December 31, 2023
Purchase Visa® Gift Cards for only $1.00 each (regularly $4.00). It’s the perfect gift for everyone!
We’re rewarding members with a chance to win $100 per week for swiping your WFCU Visa® Extra Awards Credit Card. You’ll be entered to win every time you use your card for purchases. So, the more you swipe, the greater your chance of winning $100 weekly from November 1 through December 31!
Use your WFCU Visa® Extra Awards Credit Card for purchases & be entered to win $1,000!** Each swipe is an entry, so the more you swipe, the more likely you are to win! Winners will be notified in January 2024.
#inspireICT team members delivered donations to the Wichita Family Crisis Center, whose mission is to eliminate domestic violence in our community by supporting survivors through shelter, education, and advocacy. Visit wichitafamilycrisiscenter.org for additional information and how you can donate.
Member Appreciation Picnic
Thank you to everyone who came to the picnic on September 29, 2023!
of Directors and Grill Master!
Bring your sensitive documents to be shredded on site! Limit 3 bankers boxes. For more information and tips on keeping your identity safe, visit
October 7 | 9-11am Old Cowtown Museum Parking Lot wichitafcu.com.
East & West Office Hours:
Our East & West locations are open 9-5 M-F and 9-12 on Saturdays. We’re always open on our mobile app! Download it today!
Our City Hall office is only accessible to members who work in the City Hall building.