Urban Magnate December 2015/January 2016

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VOL. 2 ISSUE 2 | DECEMBER 2015/JANUARY 2016 www.ictup.org

THE GIFT OF GIVING BACK Enriching Wichita and Changing Lives Through Mentoring


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Jonathan Long (left) pictured with Ron Holt. Photo by


t’s easy to get caught up with the gift-giving side of the holiday season. Black Friday has almost become a holiday within itself. And with the way stores are continually moving the day of their sales, I won’t be surprised if, in a couple of years, the first Friday in November will be the new Black Friday. Then there’s the pressure of getting the right gift — because just when you thought you already purchased the latest must-have item for your child or significant other, the new version comes out right in time to be added to their suggested list of demands. I, too, love a good sale and new stuff but, what I’m finding to be more top-of-mind and important is, taking the time to value the people who gave me the genuine support, life-lessons and guidance that has allowed me to become a better person and moved me closer to my purpose— the stuff that comes sans a price-tag. It’s fitting that mentorship is the primary focus in this December issue. I believe that mentorship is one of the most important things one can give or receive in life. Few people have risen to success, whatever your definition of success is, without the help or support of someone else. When I look at my career, I’ve been lucky— blessed rather— to have had so many quality individuals pour into my life from my parents and in-laws, to Coach Glenn Swafford who helped get me through those awkward middle school/ high school athletic days to Dr. Jennifer Woodard who always challenged me in college. Even today, I have a council of individuals, my own board of directors if you will, who I seek advice from on a constant basis. While I still have a long ways to go, my path towards success would be a lot rougher if it weren’t

Christina M. Long

for the likes of Brian Black, Ron Holt, Van Williams, Denise and Don Sherman, Mark McCormick, Katie Givens and Aletra Chaney. Their willingness to help my development is something that continues to drive me daily. And it’s in that spirit that pushes me to make sure that I’m open and willing to do my part to provide others the same assistance and guidance that I’ve been given. As you look through this issue and read the stories of how mentorship has changed the lives and trajectory of those featured, think about who has helped develop you. Who taught you the lessons that you might have otherwise learned the hard way— if at all. Think about why they decided to do it and then think about what you’re doing to honor their legacy of giving back. It’s my challenge to all our readers to be intentional about leaving Wichita and Wichitans better than you found them — not just through financial gifts, but through your time and your knowledge. At Wichita Urban Professionals, we are believers in that. It’s because of this we print Urban Magnate. It’s why we created Leadership Exploration and Development of Wichita Urban Professionals (LEAD ICT-UP) to help teach others some of the skills and ideologies that our leadership have been able to experience. I hope you all have a great and fulfilling holiday season and by this time next year, you will have put as much effort into enriching the lives of others as the mainstream does putting gifts underneath the Christmas tree. -- J. Long

Jonathan Long, President Wichita Urban Professionals







Beyond Tolerance Rally • 6



The Gift of Giving Back feat. Todd Lewis • 11 Juston White • 12-13 Laura Bernstorf • 14 Alicia Sanchez • 15 Angel Chandler • 16

26 24






Recipes • 18-19 Artisans Photo Spread • 20-21 Style Guide • 22-23


ProTech Learning, LLC • 24-25




Kansas Leadership Center • 26 Urban League of Kansas • 28

URBAN MAGNATE Wichita Urban Professionals (ICT-UP) exists to develop a network of rising leaders to improve the quality of life in the urban communities of Wichita. Urban Magnate is the premier publication of Wichita Urban Professionals covering events and issues of interest to the city’s young, diverse and talented. This bi-monthly publication is available in electronic and hardcopy formats. Hardcopy editions are strategically distributed to ICT-UP members and city, civic and business organizations. Subscriptions are available for $30 annually. Checks may be made payable to the Urban League of Kansas c/o Wichita Urban Professionals’ Urban Magnate, 2418 E. Ninth Street, Wichita, KS 67214. Limited ad space is available for purchase. Contact cmlcollective@gmail.com or call 316-371-8145 for ad inquiries. On the front cover: Juston White. Photo credit: Christina M. Long On the back cover: Jonathan Long and Joseph Shepard. Courtesy Photo

Urban Magnate Contributors

Christina M. Long of CML Collective, LLC oversees the majority of reporting, writing, editing, layout and design of this publication in partnership with ICT-UP.

Jonathan Long, Contributing Writer/Reporter Michael E. Woods, Contributing Photographer David D. Wallace, Jr., Contributing Photographer




Photos from The Moving Beyond Tolerance Rally held at Century II’s Exhibition Hall on November 22, 2015. For more information about the event, visit Beyond Tolerance on Facebook.


WICHITA URBAN PROFESSIONALS TO LAUNCH LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR YOUNG, DIVERSE AND TALENTED Wichita Urban Professionals, in ICT-UPDATE partnership with the Kansas Leadership Center, is launching a fast-paced leadership development training series aimed toward Wichita’s young, diverse and talented. The series is called Leadership Exploration and Development of Wichita Urban Professionals or LEAD ICT-UP. The first session kicks off on Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at the Urban League of Kansas, 2418 E. Ninth Street from 7 p.m.-8 p.m. The training will feature Shaun Rojas, ICT-UP member who is also the Director of Community Initiatives at the leadership center. Rojas will lead participants in discussion, facilitated dialogue and exercises focusing on the KLC’s core principles and competencies. The monthly sessions will take the place of the organization’s typical monthly meetings. “LEAD ICT-UP will fuse the principles and competencies from the KLC with the real-world application and knowledge of Wichita business and civic leaders to deliver dynamic lessons on how to recognize and make progress on adaptive challenges facing Wichita’s urban community,” said ICT-UP

President, Jonathan Long. Wichita Urban Professionals was among several organizations that received a grant from the Kansas Leadership Center valued at more than $10,000 to hold leadership trainings in underrepresented communities. The trainings are open to ICT-UP members, prospective members, mentors and partners. For more information, email jlongachieves@gmail.com.


Midwest Flava Social Club: Making a Difference Giving Their All SPOTLIGHT


By Christina M. Long// Courtesy Photos

a Tacha Grant is a giver. The 38-year-old Wichitan lights up when describing the feeling she experiences from helping to meet a need, fill a void or simply share of her resources in ways that tap into others’ sense of happiness and satisfaction. In 2012, Grant and her aunt, Kelly Spires, collaborated to create an organization that channeled Grant’s love of giving beyond her family to the greater city. With that, Midwest Flava Social Club was born with a mission to “be a positive force in our community.” “We try to do as much as possible to be a help,” Grant said. “That was our commitment when we started this club. We’re going to try to go every time we’re asked to go or called to go and, if there’s any reason we can’t, it better be a

very good reason why we can’t. “It’s a huge commitment but I want us to be what I said we were going to be.” The group stays busy with activities including: annual back-to-school backpack and supply giveaways that serve hundreds of students, community Easter Egg Hunts, Trunk or Treats and a holiday meal giveaway, among a number of other efforts. And while Grant appreciates opportunities to collaborate with other groups, she’s also a stickler for quality and emphasizes the particulars in all that the club does. “We represent each other,” Grant said. “If it’s unorganized, it reflects everybody.” A notable example of Midwest Flava Social Club’s approach to service happened when members had prepared gift baskets for a community Breast Cancer Awareness event earlier this year. The event, Grant said, ended up getting


canceled. Rather than sitting on the baskets, the group did identified Victory in the Valley as another organization that could benefit from the baskets. Eunice May, the assistant director for Victory in the Valley, and the organization’s Volunteer Coordinator, Deanna Ercolani, were onsite when club members delivered the baskets, which ended up raising $200 through an auction for Victory in the Valley. “They helped more than they knew,” May said of the effort, adding that the two organizations are going to work together again for Victory in the Valley’s Women’s retreat planned for August 2016. Courtesy photoabout that connection,” May “We’re excited said. “We have a great partnership.” Grant, of the Club, said the Victory in the Valley experience served as the catalyst for the Club to further diversify their approach to giving. That broader outreach will also play out in the Club’s holiday giving effort. Rather than pre-selecting families to donate to, Grant said the club is going to “help people we

have no clue about” in their “Paying it Forward” initiative where members will randomly pay for people’s transactions at stores until their money runs out. The club is holding an evening fundraiser on December 4th to raise money for the effort. “I’m so excited about this one,” Grant said. “We have no clue who these people are, their background or whether they have money or don’t. It’s not about that. It’s about what is in our heart to do. “We just want to be a blessing. Maybe if we help someone they may, in turn, bless someone behind them. That’s our goal.”

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Editor’s Note:

Sometimes interviews are so powerful that they bust beyond the reporter’s note pad. Todd Lewis presented such as moment during his interview about Juston White. The following words by Lewis struck the right tone to open this edition’s feature package introduction. Enjoy. - Christina M. Long

The Gift of

Giving Back W

e hear consultants talk about Wichita and how to retain talent. We hear this, whether from Visit Wichita or the Chamber, that we’ve got to keep our kids here and people are investing in attracting talent from out of town. I think we need to look internally. We’ve got the raw talent here; we’ve got the kids here. We need to grow our own. In my opinion, we’ve got everything we need right here. Whether young professionals, older professionals or citizens at large, we just need people in our Wichita community to invest in kids here and pour their lives into these kids. We need to show these kids that people care about them, care about their success and want to help them achieve the success they dream about. A friend of mine, Shane Lopez, who works at Gallup and does research, defines hope as: “the belief that the future will be better than the present, coupled with the belief that I have the ability to make it so.” That’s my hope. Todd Lewis, on the power of mentoring

(particularly with the Boys and Girls Clubs of South Central Kansas)

Features from:

Juston White, Executive Director, Boys & Girls Clubs of South Central Kansas Laura Bernstorf, Senior Project Management Specialist, Airbus Alicia Sanchez, Director, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Wichita State University Angel Chandler, Founder, MorningStar Group, LLC


Paving a path to leadership: Juston White shares how mentoring helped shape, sharpen him Story and Photo By Christina M. Long


rowing up, Juston White’s father used to always tell him before running an errand, “You’re the man of the house while I’m gone.” White took his father’s words to heart, feeling responsible for his mother and older sister. When White was only 9 years old, his father passed away making the every-now-and-then pledge an every day promise. He pledged to do the best he could to not cause his mother any more grief especially since they had no other family in Wichita. Though she never remarried, White said there were men in his community who took an active role helping mold and guide him along the way. Now, as the executive director of the Boys and Girls Clubs of South Central Kansas, White has found his lifelong passion punctuated by mentors speaking into his life along the way as well as articulated in the mission of the club: “to enable all young people, especially those who need [the club] most, to reach their full potential as productive,

caring, responsible citizens.” “I’m committed to this path for the rest of my life,” White said. “This is what I want to do.”

MR. ROBINSON AND THE SNAKE PIT Thinking back on the men who made a difference in his life, White immediately names the late Brook Robinson, Sr., a family friend who took White in and taught him “you don’t have to reschedule your life for a kid; you just include him.” That meant White would go with Robinson and his sons to events such as his first basketball game at East High — a school White would play basketball at years later. This was particularly important because White, who originally played soccer as a youngster, developed a love of basketball from his father’s affection for the game.

URBAN MAGNATE • 13 “They called it the snake pit back then,” White said of the East High court. “Those were good times. I remember guys on the court playing with jheri curls. The atmosphere, the energy was the best thing ever. I knew I wanted to play at East that day.” And he did. Because of his rise at East, White would go on to earn a full-ride scholarship to Wichita State University becoming, what he says, was the first East High student to receive a Division 1 basketball scholarship since Adrian Griffin, who is now retired from the NBA. The court, and his coaches such as the well-known Ron Allen, also provided lessons that lasted well after the play whistles. These lessons, in fact, would help place him on a path that would lead White beyond Wichita and back.

‘BIG THINGS WILL HAPPEN TO HIM’ Facing diminished playing time at Wichita State University following a string of injuries, White made the decision to transfer to Winston-Salem State University, a Division II Historically Black College and University (HBCU) in Winston-Salem, NC. White said it was very difficult leaving his mother and sister behind but his Godfather, who White fondly calls “Mr. Obie”, encouraged him saying: “Sometimes you have to sacrifice for the greater good. Temporarily, you’ll be away from home and you may not be able to provide a sense of security on a daily basis but you can do far more for her with a college degree and as a successful man than if you don’t make this temporary sacrifice.” During his time on campus, White said the university’s Vice Chancellor encouraged White to step beyond his basketball role into a role of student ambassador. On that campus, White also saw his classmates who were African-American and studying the fields of pre-med, law and engineering. Their entries into these fields of study were the norm —not the exception. “It inspired me to raise my level of expectation and challenge myself to reach my fullest potential,” said White, who graduated in 2003 with a degree in business administration with a concentration in marketing. Following graduation, White took a job in the banking industry as a loan officer. The recession, however, prompted him to relocate back to Wichita to regroup and rejoin his family. Though college-educated, White had difficulty immediately landing a full-time job. His interest in volunteering with children prompted him to seek a volunteer position with Youthville, now known as Ember Hope. Todd Lewis, who is now the Director of Operations

and People Services for Oxford Senior Living, worked with Human Resources at Youthville. He took notice of White and was among staff members who prompted White to seek paid positions within the company. Lewis said what stood out about White was his kindness, ability to interact well with others, how he went about developing great relationships and his sound decisionmaking. “I remember thinking that I’d just watch this kid and see what happens with him,” Lewis recalled of the time. “I think big things will happen to him.” And they would.

THE ASPIRATIONS HE INSPIRES White’s transition from volunteer to paid positions led him to programs in Newton and then Dodge City, Kansas, where he relocated and, over several years, worked his way to the director level of a psychiatric residential treatment facility for youth. Seeing his progress in those positions drew the attention of people such as Riccardo Harris, who hired White into the Kansas Kids @ GEAR UP program, which placed White back in Wichita. Lewis, who also served as board president for the Boys and Girls Clubs and had been keeping up with White, knew Harris and gave him a heads up that he wanted to encourage White to apply for the club’s then-vacant Executive Director position. After making up his mind to apply, White said he studied for the position “like his life depended upon it.” He talked to staff and families about the club. He was challenged by a community member to really think about if he could raise money. And, with hours to spare before the application window closed, White submitted his packet for consideration. When it came to interviewing, White fell back on advice he picked up throughout his lifetime from mentors— to be himself. Lewis, the board president, said the applicant field numbered around 80 but that White was the right choice considering White’s character, technical abilities, his drive to help lead the club out of financial difficulty and to repair and strengthen relationships with the club and the community. Lewis said he also got to learn more about White as White described his mentor, Robinson, during the interview process. “When I heard about him talking about that man, I saw that he’s wanting to do exactly what was done for him,” Lewis said of White, who would go on to become the club’s executive director. “We had fantastic candidates,” Lewis said, “but Juston rose above and I think that the club’s better for it. “I just can’t say enough about Juston other than Juston is who I hope our kids aspire to be like because he role models everything we’re asking our kids to be.”


How you treat people, invest your time and give back: the mentoring moments of Velma Wallace By Laura Bernstorf, Guest Writer// Courtesy Photo


received a Wallace engineering scholarship at Wichita State University. I knew I was lucky to leave school debt free, but I was even more blessed to have also been given a mentor, an amazing woman named Velma Wallace. She had already raised four daughters and was busy with nine grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren, but she always had time to take you to lunch and hear how life was going. Velma would always ask how work was going, but she was even more interested in how you were keeping busy outside of work. She loved to hear what new hobby you had or about somewhere you had travelled, but in the end she would always want to know how you were giving back,

how you were investing your time. This vibrant little old lady made me understand that a great life is less about how much you have and more about how you treat the people around you. She did such a great job of being a mentor, that most of my fellow Wallace Scholars have gone on to mentor the next generation of scholars who were not so lucky as to meet this exceptional woman. Now I can be there to listen and be supportive. I can be there to share in the joys and excitement of another student just breaking into the “grown-up” world. I can be the one to teach someone else that a great life is less about how much you have and more about how you treat the people around you.


Mutual impact: Sheelu Surender and Alicia Sanchez’s mentor/mentee relationship and win-wins By Christina M. Long// Photo by Christina M. Long


heelu Surender, Wichita State University’s Director of Financial Aid, prides herself on being a resource for students but never did she imagine the policy and procedural questions she routinely answered for her colleague, Alicia Sanchez, would lead to the two women having a deep friendship on and off campus. They bonded over students who were challenged by life’s circumstances — those who came to campus as firstgeneration students or those who became parents while attending college. Through conversations about how to handle those situations, the two women were able to see their own similarities and passions reflected back upon one another. Now, they’re in a space where they can encourage one another, challenge one another, complete each other’s sentences and, ultimately, know that they’re both pushing and advocating for each other. Sanchez, who is now the director of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at Wichita State University, said Surender has done more than help her understand how to better navigate the university to achieve success. She has helped her grow in her ability to lead. Additionally, Surender has provided invaluable counsel in conversations that, Sanchez said, she can’t have with her boss or with her staff. “Not that I’m not level-headed, but I can go from 0 to 100 on some things and, in those moments, I know that when I go to Sheelu, we’re going to back it down,” Sanchez said. “She’ll say, ‘Let’s back it up a little bit and look at the bigger picture.’” Surender says Sanchez has made an impact on her, particularly, when it comes to recognizing the value in “gray areas.” “In terms of scholarship dollars, that’s a resource and

when you’re giving resources to students, there’s a level of expectation in terms of fulfilling obligations and so I tend to be — or used to be — more black and white in how I looked at that and lots of different people, Alicia included, helped me to see that, sometimes, there’s some gray there. “You have to really get to know the situation and expand beyond what you’re used to; beyond your comfort level.” That has meant that, when requirements allow flexibility, Surender is more flexible. “Look deeper. Is there flexibility? Can I go to a donor and advocate on behalf of this student to help? That’s going beyond,” Surender says of her approach, which Sanchez helped to inspire. “In working [with Sanchez] with these students and really understanding where they come from and some of those challenges… you can’t change every student or every situation but, for those ones you can impact, why not do it?” The ability to support one another doesn’t mean the two always agree on courses of action. “We haven’t seen eye-to-eye on some things and I know there are certain things that she has control over and others were she doesn’t have control over when decisions get made,” Sanchez said. “But we can talk candidly so she can express the concerns I have. “It’s a balance to know and it’s not always wrapped in a pretty package when we’re having those challenging conversations, but that has helped us grow. It has helped us build trust.” Surender says she strives to be the type of mentor that Dr. James Rhatigan, a longtime vice president of student affairs at Wichita State who is a current consultant to the WSU Foundation, is to her. “He always talks about creating win-win situations; whether there’s a gain for both of us,” Surender said. “I keep that in mind all the time — creating win-win situations — as I work with others” or through mentoring. Sanchez said she encourages people to seek a mentor such as the kind she’s found in Surender. “You never know who your mentor is going to be,” Sanchez said. “Sometimes, I think it just happens naturally but if you don’t have a person that you think could be your mentor, then seek it out. Whether it’s in the workplace or a community organization, there’s someone who is willing to mentor you.”


Angel Chandler talks about seeing potential in children and giving unselfishly By Christina M. Long// Photo by: Christina M. Long

Every child is a story yet to be told...


ith her family’s strong entrepreneurial spirit, the example of her grandmother raising 25 foster children and adopting several and a background in social work, it became a natural fit for Angel Chandler to launch MorningStar Group, LLC. Through her company, Chandler has served roughly 750 youths in need of care where their parents are not able to meet their children’s safety needs as determined by a court of law. Some of the children she works with have been abused or neglected or whose delays range from having developmental needs to those whose behavior requires corrective action for failure to attend school, for example. “I see potential in all these kids and I want to see them grow,” says Chandler, 34, who works with agencies such as the Department of Children and Families and Saint Francis Community Services and KVC. Her company’s mission states: “A firm belief that children are our future drives us to provide the care and environment necessary for each child

to feel confident knowing there is a safe and stable place for them where their well-being and personal development are a priority.” Chandler, who said she employs 20 staff members and has expansion plans, said she now understands, more than ever, the power of a positive influence. “There are things that these kids have endured that you could never imagine,” she said. “They are the true heroes here.” Chandler encourages people who are interested in volunteering and mentoring to connect with her and undergo a background check to begin making a positive impact on young lives. “I value parenting so much more and really watch everything I do and say,” says Chandler, who is married with two children of her own. “Kids can truly become a product of their environment and it’s hard to retrain kids’ thinking who have been brought up in certain situations. “I have learned to give unselfishly and not to expect anything in return.”

Glam 1 Studio, LLC Signature Glam Events 2614 E. 21st Street N. Wichita, KS 67218 Michelle Griggsby, Owner


Wichita Urban Professionals’

Holiday Guide Go beyond “Patti Pies” with these

Classic Bittersweet Truffle

Hand-selected Recipes

Submitted by Beth Tully, founder, Cocoa Dolce Artisan Chocolates

Simple yet elegant, these truffles will be a great addition to your recipe file. Always use the best quality ingredient you can afford. The better the ingredients in the bowl, the better the outcome for your friends and family! Recipe makes about 30 one-inch truffles. Ingredients

1 cup heavy whipping cream 16 ounces high quality chocolate (55-70% cocoa solids), chopped Photo credit: Photography by Michael E. Woods, LLC 3 tablespoons premium butter (e.g. Plugra), room temperature 8 oz. high-quality bittersweet chocolate (55-70% cocoa solids), chopped Unsweetened cocoa powder for rolling


For truffle base: Bring cream just to boil in a heavy small saucepan. Be careful not to boil over. Remove from heat and pour over chopped chocolate. Make sure the chocolate is completely covered. Let the chocolate and cream mixture stand for one minute. Then stir gently to mix. It is important to get all of the chocolate melted—no lumps! When all chocolate has been melted, stir in the butter. Chill truffle base until firm enough to roll, about 3 hours. Line a baking sheet with parchment or waxed paper. Roll 1 teaspoon of truffle base into ball. Place on prepared sheet. Repeat with remaining truffle base. Chill until firm, about 1 hour. For chocolate coating: Line another baking sheet with parchment or waxed paper. Microwave additional 8 ounces of chocolate for 45 seconds on high in a microwave-safe bowl. Stir and return to microwave for an additional 45 seconds—do not overheat. Stir until smooth. Cool slightly.

Scoop some of the warm (not hot) melted chocolate into the palm of hand. Place 1 chilled truffle in hand and roll in palm to coat. Place in bowl of cocoa powder and roll to coat. Repeat with remaining truffles. Chill until firm, about 1 hour. Truffles can be made 1 week ahead. Store in airtight container and keep chilled.


Frybread | Submitted by Marianne Domebo, Quapaw/Ponca


3 cups (sifted) flour 1/2 cup powdered milk 1 Tbs. baking powder 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 cup warm water (or milk) Oil for frying


• Combine the first 5 ingredients in a large mixing bowl and knead until smooth and soft, but not sticky. Do not overwork the dough or it will become tough and chewy. Allow it to rest 1- 2 hours in a bowl covered with a damp cloth. • After the dough has rested, heat oil in pan or skillet. Shape into small balls and pat into flat circles about 1/4-1/2 inch thick. They should be a little thinner in the middle. • Fry in skillet with hot oil (about 2 minutes time per side) until brown. When done place on paper towels to finish draining.

Lemon Loaf | Submitted by Niki Jackson, the Sugar Shack | www.sweetsugarshack.com Ingredients 1/2 pound (2 sticks) unsalted butter, at room temperature 2 1/2 cups granulated sugar, divided 4 eggs, at room temperature 1/3 cup grated lemon zest (6 to 8 large lemons) 3 cups flour 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice, divided 3/4 cup buttermilk, at room temperature 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract


• Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour 2 (8 1/2 by 4 1/4 by 2 1/2-inch) loaf pans. • Cream the butter and 2 cups granulated sugar, until light and fluffy, about 5 minutes. With the mixer on medium speed, add the eggs, 1 at a time, and the lemon zest. • Sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a bowl. In another bowl, combine 1/4 cup lemon juice, the buttermilk, and vanilla. Add the flour and buttermilk mixing alternately to the batter, beginning and ending with the flour. Divide the batter evenly between the pans, smooth the tops, and bake for 45 minutes to 1 hour, until a cake tester comes out clean.

Sabha’s Harissa | Submitted by Ilham Madi, Downtown Café, Manager| www.downtowncafewichita.com Ingredients

Syrup Instructions

2 cups of Semolina (a yellowish flour found in the international aisles of area grocery stores) ½ cup sugar 1 cup of plain yogurt 1 stick of butter ½ teaspoon baking powder ½ teaspoon of vanilla ½ cup of sliced almond (for garnish only)

• One day before, prepare the sugar syrup • Take 2 cups of sugar, 1 cup of water, combine it in a pot and bring it to a boil for five minutes • Squeeze a tablespoon of the lemon juice in the mixture • Leave to cool down and chill for the next day

Harissa Instructions

• Mix the sugar with the yogurt using a spoon or fork until the two are wellcombined • In a separate bowl, combine 1 tablespoon of warm water and the baking soda Simple syrup mixture: • Add the Semolina and vanilla to the sugar and yogurt and mix until the 2 cups of sugar dough is a medium consistency. Let it sit for 30 minutes after mixing. 1 cup of water • Place in a rectangular glass baking dish and sprinkle almonds over the top Lemon juice • Bake for 20 minutes in the oven at 350 degrees F • Edges should be golden-brown • Remove, add pre-prepared syrup, cut and serve



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want to capture moments in history through my artwork,” says William Cooper, a 35-year-old longtime Wichitan who transforms canvasses using shadows and shapes. History is his muse. Cooper’s latest artistic series, “Fight the Power”, captures famous faces such as Angela Davis, an activist, scholar and writer, and places them in vivid context. His portfolio also includes custom art pieces as well as commission pieces for individuals and businesses such as R. Coffee House and Incisions Barbershop. Cooper, whose business is called, “The Gentle Giant” is intentional about making his work accessible so more people can have an opportunity to purchase custom pieces. As a result, he says, his work caps at $300, though people have paid him more for his original pieces. “I like to stay economical for people to get what they want — an original,” said Cooper, who also works full time for Cargill. Always looking to grow artistically, Cooper said his upcoming focus following the “Fight the Power” series will be painting with movement. He’s also looking to add some public art pieces, such as murals, to his repertoire. “I’m driven,” Cooper said. “This is a passion.”

Courtesy Photos



Courtesy Photos

Contact William Cooper w.cooper90@yahoo.com

5Beauty &Body New Year

By Sheona Sleiman

Makeup artist/instructor/owner Backstage Makeup Studio 209 E. William Suite 105 PH. 316.765.4673 www.backstagemakeupstudio. com

1. Refresh your water intake It can be challenging to drink your daily water. This coming year, relax and rehydrate with a tall glass of spring water with an infused blend of herbs and produce. You can infuse water easily with any number of herbs, spices, edible flowers, fruit or even vegetables! Check out different varieties such as Apple Cinnamon. Simply slice green or red apples and add a few cinnamon sticks. If you are a professional on the go, check out Lotus Leaf Cafe on 251 N. Washington Ave, Wichita, KS 67213. They offer a fresh Spa water infused with cucumbers in addition to all natural juices and smoothies prepared in-house.

2. Winterize your skin For a skincare recovery from the harsh weather, a shower oil can hydrate the worn winter skin with natural oils for a healthy glow inside and out! It offers a solution for softer, fragrant skin. You can use it for a smoother shave or for longer-lasting skin hydration. For the best experience, exfoliate your body first then apply the shower oil. Try an all-natural approach to your skincare at Bungalow 26 on 613 W. Douglas Ave, Wichita, KS 67213. These products are created in-house for the freshest ingredients and free of nonsense products for your skin’s best wash ever!


3. D ry Emergency Wintertime can be hard on the hair. The good news is that you help the process by adding a humidifier to your life. The humidifier will add moisture not only to your hair but your skin and airways.

4. Feel fierce enough to step into the new year New York Fashion Week spotlights some of the newest 2016 trendy shoes. The runway brought back the legacy of the mule. Simply defined, the mule is a backless shoe that can be formal, casual, sneaker clog or sandal! New styles appear at Glam 1 Studios at 2614 E. 21st Street N. Wichita, KS 67218. You can also find some additional accessories to complete the look!

5. Be Bold Geometric liners in a variety of shades and bold lips will complete your New Year treatment! Dare to try a red lip! Studies have been done to prove that the power of red lips is strong when it comes to attention grabbing especially with public speaking! Backstage Makeup Studio has a universal red that appears as a neutral red for any skin tone. Check it out at 209 E. William St. Wichita, KS 67202.







oshua Enlow could have played it safe. The Wichita native earned a full-ride scholarship to Wichita State University where he studied business. Upon graduating in 2011, he began working with the military, performing enterprise-level tech support for the Air National Guard for military bases in the United States and overseas, which afforded him an opportunity to purchase his first home— a 4-bedroom, 2,000 square foot abode in Park City, Kan. He even found a great girl, Cassandra, to marry and start a family with. Then the shake-up happened. “I felt like I hit a ceiling,” said the now 26-year-old. “I was in a position to where I could have stayed there 20-30 years. I just graduated college but I knew there was something more out there than what was at that desk, and, if I sat there for 10 years, I wondered if I would have been challenged enough.”

What happened next laid the groundwork for his business, ProTech Learning, LLC, a technology company that offers web-based learning, handson training and IT support. Enlow gave notice for his job, put his house up for rent, sold many belongings and packed himself and Cassandra in their Ford Taurus on to, what they thought would be, an even better experience in Atlanta, Georgia. Enlow selected Atlanta following an exhaustive search of cities across the country. In 2012, they left Wichita, their friends and family and took their savings to a city with lots of promises that ended up not panning out. In retrospect, Enlow said, “I was so motivated to take the next step in my career, but I think I overestimated the stability of the job market in the private sector and the value of a college


degree in this economy.” Enlow ended up moving out of Atlanta to Augusta, Georgia doing highly-specialized IT work for the Department of Defense. Enlow said he passed by many retirement homes on his commute to work, which activated a skill he learned while taking business courses at Wichita State University: use your environment to identify a business opportunity. Enlow decided he wanted to equip senior citizens and minority communities with a better understanding of technology. His business idea sprouted, but the birth of his son presented another crossroads for Enlow. He needed a better support system for him and his young family, which prompted his family’s move back to Wichita. Upon returning, Enlow secured more technology work as an IT Systems administrator through a company called Jacobs Technology; after which, he worked for a local private company providing IT professional services. But layoffs and the company’s ultimate split prompted Enlow to go full-time in developing his idea that sprouted during his time in Georgia. Now, Enlow is making technology accessible to everyday residents thanks to all of the IT knowledge he has gathered though the years. Enlow says ProTech is only the beginning of where he hopes to go as an entrepreneur. And, with an expanding footprint in the Wichita area through

nonprofit and school-based presentations, Enlow says he’s appreciative of his wife and family’s support through it all. “Anytime you can create value, the money will come,” Enlow said. “I want to keep [ProTech] as a community-type deal. I am focusing on helping people.”

ProTech Cyber Incentive For High School Seniors

The ProTech Cyber Incentive is for College-bound, high school seniors in Wichita, KS. Criteria: Applicants must have either a 3.5 cumulative GPA or above or a 4.0 GPA for their senior year Applicants must submit an essay on the topic, “How Technological Breakthroughs Impact My Future” Deadline to apply is March 16, 2016 Scholarship Prize is a brand-new Windows Laptop For questions, comments or submissions, please email support@protechlearning.org



Photo courtesy of the Kansas Leadership Center

Wanted: the Right Leadership Skills for the Job

In a growing number of workplaces, being able to exercise leadership isn’t optional. It’s a necessity. By Chris Green, Managing Editor, The Kansas Leadership Center Journal


f you want to be able to thrive in today’s economy, it takes more than just brains and book smarts. It requires learning the everchanging environment to gain an understanding of the behaviors needed to prosper, to take initiative, work effectively with others and stick to it when the going gets tough. In short, it takes the kind of leadership skills taught at the Kansas Leadership Center to help others make progress on what they care about most. The term “soft skills” has been in the news recently because of the Kansas State Department of Education’s efforts to establish a new vision for public schools in Kansas. When they talked to employers around the state, education officials heard a great deal about the importance of skills such as conscientiousness, perseverance and

collaboration. Education Commissioner Randy Watson recently appeared in Wichita to announce a vision that would place a bigger emphasis on developing nonacademic skills in students. The good news is that leadership can be learned and adults can take part in training experiences that will help them practice and incorporate leadership into their lives. You can learn more about the leadership principles and competencies today’s workplaces are demanding in a new book called, “Your Leadership Edge,” which will be published in December. The book is authored by the Kansas Leadership Center’s Ed O’Malley and Amanda Cebula. For more information about the book, visit www. kansasleadershipcenter.org/yle.

HOW WOULD YOU IMPROVE YOUR ORGANIZATION? Learn how to make lasting, effective improvements that hone behaviors, better analyze challenges and tackle barriers. For a limited time we’re offering

A FREE FACILITATED SESSION Step #1: Pre-order at www.KansasLeadershipCenter.org/YLE Step #2: Schedule your complimentary session today by contacting Blessy Abraham at babraham@kansasleadershipcenter.org Your organization can receive a free complimentary facilitated session when purchasing a minimum of 25 books. This session is designed to guide your group in an engaging discussion to help integrate leadership practices that will assist in improving your organization’s culture.





Hurston Tutoring Program - Winter Bash 2015 Zora Neale Hurston Community Center, home of the Hurston Tutoring Program, is a free tutoring service for K-12 students in the Wichita area. The focus is on core course subjects and the aim is to help students achieve, maintain and exceed the targets set by the State of Kansas Board of Education. Zora Neale Hurston was a ground-breaking author, ethnographer and educator. She is the inspiration for the community center and Hurston Tutoring Program. Her early work helped pave the way for so many students and the spirit of her work lives on in the work that we do.

Growth Zora Neale Hurston Community Center was incorporated in September 2014. Hurston Tutoring Program was launched in February 2015 at the HealthCore Clinic (formerly known as Center for Health and Wellness). At the beginning of school year 2015-16, Hurston Community Center partnered with Urban League of Kansas to be a site for tutoring. We have also teamed with Wichita State Student Involvement to let their students help give back to the community. There are currently over 50 students enrolled in the program and over 20 students are active at least once per week.

Winter Bash 2015 On Sunday, December 6, 2015, the Hurston Community Center will join with Wichita State University Student Involvement team to hold a Winter Bash, an event that is free to all students attending and that serves as a vehicle to provide financial support to the Hurston Tutoring Program and Community Center. The event will be held on the Wichita State University Campus in the Rhatigan Student Center.

Support This is your and/or your organization’s opportunity to support a program that is truly helping young people in our community. Each dollar you contribute is used to purchase educational materials, paper, pencils and all the supplies necessary to ensure the future of our youth. We request support at the following levels: $25-$499



Name in the Program Announced on Facebook Name in the Program Announced on Facebook Verbal Mention During Event Name in Program Announced on Facebook Verbal Mention During Event Logo on Banner Posted During Event Booth During Event

For more information, contact: Zora Neale Hurston Community Center PO Box 20612 Wichita, KS 67208 316-351-8964 Or Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/znhcc Group Name: Free Tutoring – Wichita KS



ichita leaders are committed to identifying ways to attract and retain young, diverse talent to improve our economy. Wichita Urban Professionals is helping lay the infrastructure to help people connect, develop and deepen roots through our programming and social networking opportunities. Our membership roster reflects some of the city’s most talented, driven and motivated young and rising leaders.

WE MAXIMIZE PARTNERSHIPS We believe in mutually-beneficial partnerships and collaborations. As a result, our operational budget is lean. We innovate programming and leverage relationships for cost-effective approaches to meeting our mission of creating a rising network of leaders to improve the urban communities of Wichita.

OUR REACH IS BROAD With a bimonthly magazine generating more than 9,000 impressions, our Facebook page that has nearly 500 “likes” and an e-blast that has more than 180 engaged subscribers (and growing), our reach is broad. Additionally, our members represent more than 30 area civic, business and professional organizations, further spreading our influence.


URBAN EMPOWER HOURS: These hour-long professional and personal development sessions offer a chance to share your expertise in front of an audience of go-getters who have reach and influence. Investments begin at $400/session. URBAN MAGNATE ADVERTISING: Place your company and organizational messaging in a publication that reaches our membership and top city, civic, business and political leaders at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising. Full-color, full-page ad plans begin at just $275/issue with price breaks available for multi-issue purchases. DREAMCHASERS: Our annual recognition event offers numerous ways to place your company within the celebration. Sponsorship packages ranging from $1,500 to $10,000 are available and offer opportunities for customized perks for your investment.

TAX STATEMENT - Wichita Urban Professionals is an auxiliary of the Urban League of Kansas, which is a 501(c)(3) organization.



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