June/July 2016

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VOL. 2 ISSUE 5 | JUNE/JULY 2016 www.ictup.org



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Photo by David D. Wallace, Jr.



y favorite motivational speaker, Dr. Eric Thomas has a saying: “everybody wants to be a beast until it’s time to do what real beasts do.”

Dr. Thomas typically follows this quote by discussing the importance of having a strong work ethic. He focuses on being able to look at the correlation between how what you do today builds your tomorrow. He preaches transformation. Every Urban Magnate, I do my best to use this space to talk about the different attributes of Wichita. Here, I introduce to some and remind others about the variety of the opportunities that are disrupting the status quo. It’s in these opportunities that Wichita is transforming However, I’m not sure that many Wichitans really want Wichita to change. And I’m not talking about mainstream Wichitans. I’m referring to us — those who wish Wichita was more progressive. Those who always talk about what Wichita isn’t especially in comparison to what other cities in our region are. We say we do. We’ll tell you exactly what we want changed and how. Yet, when it’s time to do what needs to be done, all the action stops. Too often I see really good events go unattended; the types of events that have helped build and grow our communities in other cities. Events that, not only help increase awareness about issues, but are staples in any community looking to establish itself. But not here. Power 93.5 started the Powerhouse Jam last summer by bringing in Lil’ Wayne and Trey Songz — two of the most successful artists in the world — and people complained. Ticket prices, the concert date and the genre of music seemed to be the focus instead of realizing the opportunities that would follow a successful concert. Despite not being as successful as they would have hoped, the station is doing another show on June 9 with platinum-selling artist Wiz Khalifa and Yo Gotti. Again, the same questions of artist choice and timing are dominating the discussion rather than driving ticket sales. Strongwill Enterprises continues to come back to Wichita from Atlanta to put on the 316 Music Festival and, through most of the day, this year’s crowd was sparse. Wichita, we have to do better. With June being Black Music Month we thought it would be fitting to focus on music this issue. Several music-based events and concerts are happening this summer. We’re also shining a spotlight on several local artists in the coming pages. Music is an important part of the fabric of most cities and concert series and other musical events help legitimize the buying power of communities and bring additional entertainment options to areas. Wichita will not be lacking in events this summer. The event schedule, starting this week with the River Festival, would rival any of the cities that we flock to. But will the events be taken for granted because they’re here in Wichita? Are Wichitans ready to be the change that they seek? Or will we continue to fake it and never make it.

Jonathan Long, President Wichita Urban Professionals





18 16


9 29 24 18




ALL THE WAY UP • 10-11


21 23

BLACK MUSIC MONTH • 12-13 Buckley Clayton• 14 Rudy Love, Jr. • 16 Sherdeill “Flex” Breathett • 18 Team BSR • 20 Willie Wactor III • 21 Cameo Profit & 1 Way • 22 NuLyric • 23



Mixdown Studios • 24




Kansas Leadership Center • 26 Urban League of Kansas • 29

URBAN MAGNATE Wichita Urban Professionals (ICT-UP) exists to develop a network of rising leaders to improve the quality of life in the urban communities of Wichita. Urban Magnate is the premier publication of Wichita Urban Professionals covering events and issues of interest to the city’s young, diverse and talented. This bi-monthly publication is available in electronic and hardcopy formats. Hardcopy editions are strategically distributed to ICT-UP members and city, civic and business organizations. Subscriptions are available for $30 annually. Checks may be made payable to the Urban League of Kansas c/o Wichita Urban Professionals’ Urban Magnate, 2418 E. Ninth Street, Wichita, KS 67214. Limited ad space is available for purchase. Contact cmlcollective@gmail.com or call 316-371-8145 for ad inquiries.

Urban Magnate Contributors

Christina M. Long of CML Collective, LLC oversees the majority of reporting, writing, editing, layout and design of this publication in partnership with ICT-UP.

Jonathan Long, Contributing Writer/Reporter Armand T. Fruge, Contributing Writer Michael E. Woods, Contributing Photographer David D. Wallace, Jr., Contributing Photographer

On the front cover: Rudy Love, Jr. Courtesy photo On the back cover: Jonathan Long at the Wichita Business Journal’s Leaders in Diversity recognition program. Photo credit: The Wichita Business Journal


The Wichita Business Journal honored Wichita Urban Professionals among its 2016 Leaders in Diversity Award honorees. The nonprofit was selected for the recognition, which highlights honorees who demonstrate respect or inclusive treatment for others, advocacy for underrepresented groups and a commitment to the advancement of cultural diversity in the city’s business community, according to the Wichita Business Journal.


Wichita Urban Professionals held a Thank You Celebration to celebrate being a 2016 recipient of a Leaders in Diversity Award from the Wichita Business Journal. Members gathered for networking, refreshments and karaoke at the Kansas Leadership Center on May 20. Photos by Christina M. Long.


New Children's Book out now! Available online at Amazon and in stores locally at Watermark Books & Urban Connections Flea Market Discover more at armandfruge.com or contact the author at armandtfruge.gmail.com for more information

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embers of the this year’s Advance Kansas class announced, among several new projects and initiatives, the launch of the Downtown Diversity Jam. The free concert, which is scheduled to be held on Thursday, July 14 at Old Town Plaza, will expose attendees to multiple musical styles and will feature local talent. The team that planned the event hopes it will become a Wichita tradition. Advance Kansas is a prestigious and innovative diversity program for business and community leaders that brings together leaders to examine and pursue solutions to the challenges and opportunities most pressing in the community. The program is facilitated by Juan Johnson, president of Diversity Leadership in Action. It is described, in organizational overviews, as “a leadership development program that builds skills applicable to all types of diversity issues, including race and gender. The skills are as relevant for addressing intra-group tension as they are for tension across groups.” Among its outcomes, the program “exposes participants to a new lens through which to view diversity and provides tools for examining diversity dynamics and diagnosing underlying tension.” The Downtown Diversity Jam team includes: Kristi Arno, Bombardier Learjet; Laura Bernstorf, Airbus Americas Engineering; Lai-L Daugherty, Butler Community College; Amy Gose, T-Mobile; Mike Mathia, Insights Career Consulting, LLC; Samantha Meeds, Spirit AeroSystems, Inc.; Portia Portugal, Dress for Success Wichita and Lon Smith, formerly with the Wichita Independent Business Association.


About the Downtown Diversity Jam: visit: www.facebook.com/dtownjam1. Advance Kansas, visit http://bit.ly/25u3iMA.


From August 8-12, Wichita Urban Professionals will be hosting an entire week of events with the theme “All the Way UP.” Obviously, the capital “UP” is a play on Urban Professionals, however the entire theme references what Wichita Urban Professionals is all about —taking Wichita to another level; a higher level. “We believe that it is up to everyone to help make Wichita a better place,” said Jonathan Long, President of the organization. “We hear that there isn’t anything to do in Wichita, so we decided to do our part to eliminate that excuse. We believe we’ve got a pretty diverse schedule of events planned that week and, when you combine it with what’s going on in Wichita from other groups and organizations already, I think it’s going to be a pretty hot summer.”

// PG. 11

music mont nth. black mu s music mont usic month. b nth. black mu PG. 12// COVER STORY


not only marks the transition to summer and celebrations such as Juneteenth festivities, but it also recognizes Black Music Month - or more formally called African-American Music Appreciation Month. In 1979, President Jimmy Carter declared June to highlight the influence of AfricanAmericans to the artistry of song and dance. That artistry is undeniable across a multitude of genres. Recognizing that no single magazine edition can adequately illustrate the talent in our city, alone, Urban Professionals has selected a few musicians to highlight. Most have roots in Wichita. A few have taken their musical talents far beyond the city but continue to return to share their talents on stages across our metro area. To all, regardless of race or ethnicity, with the talent to sing, write and make us move, we salute you.

h. black musi sic month. bl h. black music black music m usic month. bla COVER STORY // PG. 13

Buckley Clayton aka Nathan Williams............................................... P. 14 Rudy Love, Jr. by Armand T. Fruge, Urban Magnate Contributor ..... P. 16 Sherdeill “Flex” Breathett ................................................................. P. 18 Team BSR .......................................................................................... P. 20 Willie Wactor, Jr. ................................................................................ P. 21 Cameo Profit & 1 Way ..................................................................... P. 22 NuLyric ............................................................................................. P. 23

PG. 14//

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// PG. 15

BUCKLEY CLAYTON By Christina M. Long, Urban Magnate Editor


he ability to stand on stages across the world and translate feelings, emotions and thoughts through his trumpet isn’t a cause for celebration or even recognition for Buckley Clayton also known as Nathan Williams. Instead, the 27-year old musician, says, he plays for the universe. “I do what I do because it helps me be closer to God. It’s for Him; not for any of the superficial things.”

Breakfast and Blues

A focused passion for music developed in Clayton as a child over Saturday morning hearty breakfasts featuring the soulful sounds of musicians including Otis Redding and Grover Washington, Jr. That passion for hearing good music transitioned to playing good music when he selected a trumpet to play due to the lack of saxophones in his elementary school band class. Clayton took his first formal trumpet lessons following his graduation from Southeast High school in 2006. At Friends University, he had opportunities to play in jazz bands and at festivals. Following college, he landed in Poland due to an intense desire to “get out of Kansas.” There, he linked up with fellow musicians and ended up playing trumpet, touring throughout Poland with some of the top jazz musicians and even being signed to a modeling agency. Despite the touring and modeling work, Clayton said, it wasn’t too long before he realized that his relevancy was starting to build because of his diverse

race as opposed to his musicianship. “It was so hard to become relevant there,” Clayton said of the times. The relevancy he did begin to build “was for the wrong reason. There were no black people there so they knew me as the Black guy.” Clayton came to the conclusion that “If I wanted to be relevant and affect many cultures in the world, I have to be in America. Even in Poland, they’re looking West. I remember things, ‘I need to go back home and I need to play.’”

Wichita’s music scene

He moved back to Wichita in 2014 and surrounded himself with musicians playing various genres of music, particularly in jazz though he’d rather call it “Black Classical Music” or improv. Whether playing as the “Nathan Williams Quintet” or rocking with blue grass artists, Clayton said he’s channeling his “musical ancestors” or even finding inspiration in chewy gummy bears, fruits and candies as he works to engage multiple senses for his audiences to experience. This means, he’s in a space where practice is daily. “I’ll put the horn to my face or my hands on the keys and play for as long as I can go,” Clayton said. “The moment I get bored is the moment I stop. “I play until I have as much fun as I can possibly have and then I stop.” He’s also watching Wichita’s live music scene ripen as the city also is experiencing a surge of local pride.

PG. 16//

RUDY LOVE, JR. Interviewed by Armand T. Fruge, Urban Magnate Contributor

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// PG. 17 WHO ARE SOME OF YOUR MUSICAL INFLUENCES? GENRES? Rudy: My father and my family’s music definitely influenced me the most, but listening to Stevie Wonder, Sly Stone, Marvin Gaye, George Clinton, Coldplay, Ingrid Michaelson, Van Hunt, Gnarls Barkley, The Beatles, Mark Ronson, and Jamie Liddell definitely had some effect! HOW HAS YOUR FAMILY’S MUSIC LEGACY IMPACTED YOUR MUSIC AND STYLE? Rudy: I feel like I can primarily credit my originality to them. Growing up in my family is probably a big reason I seem unique to anyone. I watched my father record, perform, write and produce my entire life. So I watched when he covered other people’s music and listened to how he would take a song and make it his own. He finds a way to make everything fit his sound. So as I grew older and started figuring out what made me me musically, I felt encouraged to be myself because I’ve seen first-hand what that’s like. The people that enjoy my music have a seemingly common thread. They like it because it’s different. And I honestly think that it’s because of the fact that I was more influenced by my family than any other music. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE THE EMERGING MUSIC SCENE IN WICHITA? Rudy: I heard someone say that every ten years the scene in Wichita wakes up. I definitely think that, much like everything, it moves in cycles. We have an amazing music history here so there are a lot of unselfish older musicians who are legends in their own right. Coaching and offering helping hands to the younger generations. In my own experience, I saw my peers and people I worked with reach a certain height in the scene and then grow complacent and, from there, a lot either moved, quit or started touring. For a long time the problem has been that there was no industry

presence here and not enough opportunities to advance as an artist/musician, but technology is changing the landscape of our music scene. There are Wichita artists, writers, and producers working with artists, writers, and producers from all over the world while in their basement. There is too much talent in this city. Opportunities are going to increase because we are beginning to understand that it’s a lot easier to create a movement from anywhere with Spotify, iTunes, YouTube etc. YOU LIVED IN L.A., FOR AWHILE, PURSUING MUSIC. CAN YOU TELL ME ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCE ON THE WEST COAST? WHAT DID YOU LEARN ABOUT THE BUSINESS, ARTISTRY? WHAT WERE YOU ABLE TO BRING BACK HERE TO WICHITA? Rudy: I met and worked with a lot of talented people. Almost everyone I met seemed focused and positive. Daily. And if they weren’t, they were hiding it well. In a city filled with so many people trying to be seen and heard, it is understandable that you are always working and you are maintaining an “I can make it” mentality. Because the truth is, living in LA can be difficult. The rent is high and there are a lot of people who want the same things you want. I fought hard to be as unselfish as I had seen my family and other mentors be. At times it made things tougher because it’s a climb and there are some people who are more than willing to climb over you. But for every shifty character I met, there were 15 great ones. I learned so much about recording and performing there. WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR 2016 AND BEYOND? Rudy: I recorded part of an album here in Wichita and part of it in Atlanta and it’s coming out this summer! After that I’ve got a couple more projects I’m dying to release. I pretty much only have one plan and it’s to keep doing music till I die. WHERE CAN LISTENERS FIND YOUR MUSIC? SOCIAL MEDIA? WEBSITE? Rudy: Rudylovejr.com, YouTube, Facebook, Soundcloud, Reverbnation.

PG. 18//

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// PG. 19

SHERDEILL “FLEX” BREATHETT WHO ARE SOME OF YOUR MUSICAL INFLUENCES? Wow!!! That list can go forever... But just to name a few: Wayman Tisdale, Donnie Hathaway, Stevie Wonder, Prince, Michael Jackson, Marcus Miller, Marvin Gaye, Frankie Beverly & Maze

HOW WOULD DESCRIBE THE MUSIC SCENE IN WICHITA? Personally, I believe that Wichita has the potential to have an awesome music scene. It is going to take some work and support. When it comes to the music and other arts, people in Wichita have to be more open to receive artists’ individuality. And the artists have to be motivated to keep creating high-quality work.

HOW IS LIFE PURSUING MUSIC IN CALIFORNIA? I am having the time of my life!!! All Glory be to God!!! None of this would be possible without His favor on my life. It has been a great journey so far and I’m looking forward to what’s to come in the future. Of course in the music industry it can be a little inconsistent. It’s always good to pace yourself and, while waiting for the next gig or tour, set time aside to better yourself and sharpen your gift. SHARE SOME EXPERIENCES WHILE LIVING IN LA? Being a solid musician in Los Angeles has its perks. It’s always nice to play at open mic events and get to play for up-and-coming artists that are talented and still humble before the fame comes. Don’t get me wrong, it’s always nice to play for mainstream artists, as well. It’s the open mics that are less structured and a little more free.

WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED ABOUT THE MUSIC BUSINESS? I can honestly say that the biggest lesson that I’ve learned is that the music business is just that... A music “Business.” A lot of people think that the industry is ran by the music. In my experience, you have to understand the business side of things in order to be successful in the industry.

WHAT CAN YOU BRING BACK TO SHARE WITH OTHERS IN WICHITA? More then anything, I feel like I can give others insight on what to expect and how to maintain in the industry.

WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR 2016 AND BEYOND? This year is already booked with tour dates with bands and artist like The Dazz Band, Ray J, The Game, Tiffany Gouche, and Davion Farris.

WHERE CAN LISTENERS FIND YOUR MUSIC? You can hear me playing on Tyrese Gibson’s last album titled Black Rose, Johnny Gill’s album titled Game Changer, Tiffany Gouche’s album titled Red Rum Melody.

SOCIAL MEDIA, WEBSITES? Instagram: flex_jr Facebook: Sherdeill Breathett

PG. 20//


Photo by David D. Wallace, Jr.


By Christina M. Long, Urban Magnate Editor

heir ministry of music has helped grow church congregations, launched artists and is now lifting the homeless, rain or shine, in downtown Wichita. P.C. Patton, CEO of Team BSR Music Company, says of his faith and music: “God is good; and I’m happy to be on this” journey. The 13-year-old label that Patton founded stands for Blessed, Saved, Redeemed as well as Build, Succeed, Rejoice. Members say they’re on a worldwide mission to spread great music through unduplicated style and versatility. The eight participating artists includes P.C. Patton and his wife, Resheta Patton; Ciara Marshall, a poet and ghostwriter for the label; Erika Mounivong singer and song writer, Pamaline King-Burns singer and song writer, Larry Parker poet, Bryant Wesley and Reynaa Johnson, both singers. From performing at festivals to providing the music ministry for Church on the Street, Patton’s decision to live a life of faith cost him some friends but, ultimately, has proven to be the path he was meant to take. “I don’t need to be accepted by no one,” Patton said. “If I do what I need to do, God will take care of it.” Patton started as a solo artist and steadily built a following and a studio all while pushing Holy Hip Hop. It’s a music form that inspired his wife, Resheta, a vocal music instructor and dance team leader. “I love hip hop and I wanted kids to dance,” says Resheta Patton, who is a Team BR Producer along with her husband P.C. Holy Hip Hop, Resheta Patton said, allows students she works with in the First Phaze Dance Team to perform in a positive, non-secular, way. Beyond lyrical and dance performances, Team BSR

also includes, Ciara Marshall, a poet, who serves as a ghost writer for her label mates. Her album, “Authenticity” is scheduled to be released on June 11. Marshall says she has not only grown musically with Team BSR. She has grown as a person. “I feel like they played part in me growing,” Marshall said. “Outside of my family, really, they’re who I would turn to for everything.” That guidance and the opportunities through Team BSR has even impacted Marshall’s musicology. “Even within just the past year,” she said, “my writing has been more mature. It’s way more deep.” Patton, who is close to releasing his solo CD, Against All Odds, said he’s seeing more acceptance of Holy Hip Hop locally. Grace Revolution, for example, will hold a Hip Hop Photo David D. Wallace, Jr. service Sunday evenings through August, forbyexample. “We’ve been accepted in a lot of churches,” Patton said. “The doors are slowly opening.” As are the opportunities. The Church on the Street ministry that the Pattons provide music for has recently secured a building. Donations, Patton said, are coming in from across the country to help support the ministry as it reaches the city’s homeless. “It’s a humbling experience,” Patton said of ministering to the homeless. “When we think we’ve got it bad, we then see people what they have to deal with. They go through so much from a mental aspect to a physical aspect. “I’m just glad we get to physically and spiritually feed them.”

Find Team BSR online: https://www.reverbnation.com/TeamBSRMusic www.facebook.com/Teambsrmusic


// PG. 21

Courtesy Photo

WILLIE WACTOR III WHO ARE SOME OF YOUR MUSICAL INFLUENCES? Some of my musical influences are John Coltrane and Miles Davis. I started playing in the church and I do have R&B and soul music roots.

HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE THE EMERGING MUSIC SCENE IN WICHITA? The music scene in Wichita is different because there are many groups around town but not enough venues or quality places to perform. WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR 2016 AND BEYOND? My goals for 2016 is to released my third album and provide a quality studio where we can cultivate and grow local talents. That way they will have an outlet that can truly compete with the national and major artists of today. WHERE CAN LISTENERS FIND YOUR MUSIC? SOCIAL MEDIA? WEBSITE? My music is available on iTunes and I am using Facebook and Soundcloud to display my music at this time. My current website is under construction and will be available after I release my album.

PG. 22//


Courtesy Photos

WHO ARE SOME OF YOUR MUSICAL INFLUENCES? The Late Willye Pearl Houston- Gave me my start. Bishop Mark Gilkey- Gave me my choir directing. Trevon Houston- the first Drummer I ever saw that made me want to be a drummer. Pastor Roderick Houston- Taught me all around and polished me and raised me. Steven L. Jones- Gave me the history and the knowledge you can’t find in books. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE THE MUSICAL SCENE IN WICHITA? To coin the phrase “Big Things Come In Small Packages,” Wichita is what you would call a WELL KEPT SECRET. We are actually on the verge of an explosion soon that the whole world will take notice. WHAT WAS IT LIKE TO PERFORM ON THE BOBBY JONES GOSPEL SHOW? It was a learning experience. It made me appreciative of the lessons I learned before going there and being prepared. The feeling that a Wichita Kid could be on Bobby Jones with many others from Wichita meant a lot. Truly a time I will never forget. WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR 2016 AND BEYOND? My Plans for 2016 and beyond is to do our first music video by the end of the summer. August 5, we have a live DVD taping and, most importantly, being a blessing to everyone else. When it’s all said and done I am a servant first. We don’t plan on stopping any time soon. In fact, we’re creating other artists and bringing them out. WHERE CAN LISTENERS FIND YOUR MUSIC? SOCIAL MEDIA? WEBSITE? Cameo & 1 Way can be found on http://www.cdbaby.com/ and itunes.com First Album: Speak To Your Day Second Album: Calling It Christmas No Happy Holidays

// PG. 23


WHO ARE SOME OF YOUR MUSICAL INFLUENCES? NULYRIC: Our musical influences for NuLyric collectively include both gospel and varieties of other genres. Israel Houghton’s rich worship sound, Kim Burrell’s skilled vocal abilities, Chris Tomlin’s ability to capture the simplicity of worship and Kirk Franklin’s fluidity within a genre that continues to evolve. Of course there are others that bring skills: Richard Smallwood’s harmonies, Donald Lawrence’s understanding of the industry and many others. In other genres, India Arie is a huge influence. She has the most beautiful voice and thought-provoking lyrics; PJ Morton is a powerhouse with unique melodies, and he doesn’t sell his sound short to be the big man in the industry; Ametria Dock, she has sung with AND coached major artists and knows how to adjust to the environment; and of course, the incomparable Stevie Wonder. His music is simply timeless! HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE THE EMERGING MUSIC SCENE IN WICHITA? NULYRIC: While we have some dynamic musicians in the city, I think the scene has been here, we just

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need to do more to cultivate the ones we have. We’ve been in many different cities and have seen lots of talent but Wichita can stand up right along with the majors. There is great talent here and, hopefully, we see more opportunities, more networks formed and more showcases that highlight the talent we have here in the city. WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR 2016 AND BEYOND? NULYRIC: Complete our full album. It has taken a while but it truly is a process! We’d like to travel and sing to the masses! We will also focus on our individual talents while being Nulyric-Natalie is a writer along with her musical gifts so she will focus on more of that. Priscella is an artist and is planning her urban art show soon! WHERE CAN LISTENERS FIND YOUR MUSIC? SOCIAL MEDIA? WEBSITE? NULYRIC: We will be relaunching or website this year closer to the album release date but we are in Facebook and Twitter! www.facebook.com/nulyric www.twitter.com/nulyric


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// PG. 25


have been producing music for over 10 years. I Started out a drummer (still and currently), then ventured out in production making tracks/ beats, recording and mixing. The studio has been up and running since 2007. Working with Wichita-area artist/musicians, I recognize the talent! The talent is very incredible. Very advanced. I also see many artists are respecting their gift, really being persistent in making good music. Also I’m experiencing a lot more of individuals exploring their options-wanting to be a part of projects. There are some coming in who are even wanting to learn the “ropes” of mixing and also conducting business. As far as artists that I’m working with right now, it would really be hard for me to pinpoint due to it being so many artists, but I am currently NuLyric’s band director and I’m producing their much-anticipated album. I’d say this is one of my biggest things project I taken on. As of now, I’m listening to certain people from every genre: A lot of gospel and also a lot of Musical songs, which helps with my creativity. I do listen to Rap and see what’s catchy. I also follow certain formulas of artists having successful records. For myself there’s so many levels of music. The main thing is creativity, which is a form of me expressing myself. For some reason music “in the moment” is a release dealing with social issues. It’s also a way of one expressing thoughts, beliefs, and experiences freely. Certainly music is a way of addressing social conditions. My hope for Wichita’s music scene is that I would love to see everyone become and establish our own identity. Of course everyone working together and realizing that it takes unity to make things work and to create “our identity.” The talent in Wichita is incredible and is very much further along than other towns and regions. We just don’t have the culture, venues, and, I feel, enough radio/listening to push.


Photo courtesy of the Kansas Leadership Center



By Chris Green, Managing Editor, The Kansas Leadership Center Journal

f there’s a good song that’s literally about leadership, I haven’t found it yet. While the act of attempting to lead is often trying and gut-wrenching, the word itself doesn’t exactly lend itself to much lyricism. It’s hard to belt it out in a chorus or place it in a melody. For me, though, music offers a way to understand myself and how I engage others on a deeper level. Recently I spent a day compiling a list of popular songs that suggest, at least to me, the leadership ideas taught at the Kansas Leadership Center. When I am feeling discouraged or unmotivated, listening to some of these tunes can help recharge and reorient me. Check out my first go at a Spotify playlist here (http://klcjr. nl/music2leadby) and let me know what songs, if any, move you to try to lead more effectively. Below are several of my selections and the leadership lessons they reveal for me. Help me create the ultimate leadership playlist by emailing suggestions of your own to cgreen@kansasleadershipcenter. org or tweet me at @christophgreen. *“Instant Karma” by John Lennon Once featured in an inspirational late 1980s Nike ad, this mid-tempo anthem offers a reminder that when it comes to leadership, “it’s up to you. Yeah, you.” KLC Principle/Competency: Anyone can lead at any time. Key lyrics: “We all shine on, like the moon and the stars and the sun.” * “Freedom” by Beyonce A tribute to the strength of black women, “Freedom” is about persevering through hardship to make lemonade when life serves you lemons. KLC Principle/Competency: Hold to Purpose (Intervene Skillfully) Key lyrics: “I’m a keep running because a winner don’t quit on themselves.”

* “If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out” by Cat Stevens We’re all capable of taking on more roles and tackling more situations than we realize sometimes. Thankfully, the music of the early 1970s won’t let us forget that. KLC Principle/Competency: Experiment beyond your comfort zone (Manage Self) Key lyrics: “Cause there’s a million ways to go, you know that there are.” * “The Choice is Yours” by Black Sheep The innovative video for this early ’90s song featured the hip-hop duo pulling images from the screen and crumpling them into wastepaper. Your leadership choices will likely be tougher than the ones they outline, but you’re still going to have to choose your highest value. KLC Principle/Competency: Choose among competing values. Key lyrics: “You can get with this or you can get with that.” *“Man in the Mirror” by Michael Jackson A good luck in the mirror in terms of your leadership can help you see what you’re good at and potential pitfalls in your behavior that may trip you up. KLC Principle: Know your strengths, vulnerabilities and triggers. Key lyrics: “If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and then make a change.” *“Happy” by Pharrell Leadership is incredibly hard work, so you can’t do it well unless you’re also willing to step back for sunshine and a break. KLC Principle/Competency: Take care of yourself (Manage Self) Key lyrics: “Clap along if you know what happiness is to you.”

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The Urban League of Kansas recognized organizations and individuals working to empower youth at its 62nd Annual Equal Opportunity Dinner. Keynote speaker, Riccardo Harris, shared an inspiring message at the event, which also featured a special scholarship presentation to several youth.

Photo courtesy of the Wichita Business Journal


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