NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETINGS All meetings of recognized boards, committees, and commissions of the Borough are open to the public and are held at Borough offices, 350 E. Dahlia Ave., Palmer, AK, unless specified otherwise. Three or more Assembly Members may be present at advertised public meetings of federal, state, and local governments or other entities. Meetings are scheduled as follows: BOARD DATE TIME LOCATION Greater Palmer Consolidated FSA Board 05/10/16 3:30 pm Palmer Fire Training Center of Supervisors South Colony RSA Board of Supervisors 05/10/16 6:00 pm Mat-Su Borough Operations & Maintenance Building Abbreviated Plat 05/11/16 8:30 am Conference Room 110 Board of Equalization 05/11/16 5:30 pm Lower Level Conference Room Caswell FSA Board of Supervisors 05/11/16 6:30 pm Caswell Public Safety Building, Station 13-1 Assembly Special Meeting Re: Budget 05/12/16 6:00 pm Assembly Chambers Deliberations and Possible Adoption – Ordinance Serial No. 16-016 Greater Talkeetna RSA Board of Supervisors 05/12/16 7:00 pm Talkeetna Public Safety Building Willow FSA Board of Supervisors 05/12/16 7:00 pm Willow Public Safety Building, Station 12-6 Assembly Special Meeting Re: Budget 05/13/16 6:00 pm Assembly Chambers Deliberations and Adoption – Ordinance Serial No. 16-016 Port Commission 05/16/16 3:00 pm Lower Level Conference Room Planning Commission 05/16/16 6:00 pm Assembly Chambers Assembly Special Meeting Re: Annual 05/17/16 4:00 pm Assembly Chambers Evaluation of Attorney Board of Equalization 05/17/16 5:30 pm Lower Level Conference Room Assembly Regular Meeting 05/17/16 6:00 pm Assembly Chambers Fairview RSA Board of Supervisors 05/17/16 6:30 pm Snowshoe Elementary School Agriculture Advisory Board 05/18/16 4:30 pm Assembly Chambers Board of Equalization 05/18/16 5:30 pm Lower Level Conference Room Platting Board 05/19/16 1:00 pm Assembly Chambers Board of Equalization 05/19/16 5:30 pm Conference Room 203 Marijuana Advisory Committee Special 05/19/16 6:00 pm Assembly Chambers Meeting Re: Marijuana Advisory Committee Resolution Serial No. 16-02 Regarding Staff & Planning Commission Suggestions to the Assembly Regarding Ordinance Serial No. 16-003 MSB Fish & Wildlife Commission 05/19/16 6:00 pm Lower Level Conference Room Local Road Service Area Advisory Board 05/19/16 6:30 pm West Lakes Public Safety Building, Station 7-3 Library Board 05/21/16 10:00 am Trapper Creek Public Library Parks, Recreation & Trails Advisory Board 05/23/16 5:00 pm Matanuska-Susitna Borough Park Shop Board of Equalization 05/23/16 5:30 pm Conference Room 203 Board of Equalization 05/24/16 5:30 pm Assembly Chambers Talkeetna FSA Board of Supervisors 05/24/16 6:30 pm Upper Susitna Senior Center, 16463 E Helena Ave
If you would like further information on any of these meetings or are interested in serving on any of the advisory boards, please call the Borough Clerk's Office at 861-8683, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Borough Website is: http://www.matsugov.us/publicmeetings. Disabled persons needing reasonable accommodation in order to participate at a Borough Board/ Commission meeting should contact the Borough ADA Coordinator at 861-8432 at least one week in advance of the meeting. The Planning Team meetings scheduled are: (Planning teams consist of Planning staff and members of the public who are appointed by the Planning Commission to work on community comprehensive plans and special land use districts, and community planning meetings.) None The Community Council meetings scheduled are: (Community Councils are not agencies or subgroups of the Borough) Big Lake Community Council 05/10/16 7:00 pm Big Lake Lions Recreational Center, 2942 S Lions Court Butte Community Council 05/11/16 7:00 pm Butte Community Center Chickaloon Community Council 05/11/16 7:00 pm Chickaloon Community Center, Mile 76.2 Glenn Hwy Meadow Lakes Community Council 05/11/16 7:00 pm Birch Creek Villas, 1210 N Kim Drive Fishhook Community Council 05/12/16 7:00 pm Government Peak Chalet Knik-Fairview Community Council Board 05/18/16 6:30 pm Knik Public Safety Building, Meeting Station 6-2 Trapper Creek Community Council 05/19/16 6:30 pm Trapper Creek Community Center, Mile 115.2 Parks Hwy South Knik River Community Council 05/19/16 7:00 pm George E Steffes Public Safety Building, Station 2-2 Publish: May 10, 2016
6 P.M.
thursDAY, MAY 12, 2016
CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION DELIBERATIONS AND POSSIBLE ADOPTION OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2017 BUDGET A. Ordinance Serial No. 16-016: An Ordinance Appropriating Monies From The Central Treasury For The Borough Operating Funds, Enterprise Funds, Education Operating Fund, And Capital Funds; Establishing The Rate Of Levy For All Borough Functions For The Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2016, And Ending June 30, 2017, And Setting The Surcharge Rate For The Wireline And Wireless Enhanced 911 Systems For The Period Of July 1, 2016, Through June 30, 2017. VII. VETO A. Motion To Override Any Possible Mayoral Veto On Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Items (Ordinance Serial No. 16-016) VIII. MAYOR, ASSEMBLY, AND STAFF COMMENTS IX. ADJOURNMENT Disabled Persons Needing Reasonable Accommodation In Order To Participate At An Assembly Meeting Should Contact The Borough ADA Coordinator At 861-8432 At Least One Week In Advance Of The Meeting. 05-13-16
6 P.M.
friDAY, MAY 13, 2016
I. II. III. IV. V. VI.
WASILLA-FISHHOOK INVESTMENTS LTD (owner/petitioner): The request is to divide Lot 7, Cedarwood Addition #1, Plat # 2012-90, into two lots to be known as LOTS 7A & 7B, CEDARWOOD ADDITION #1, containing 11.9 acres +/-. Located within NW ¼ SW ¼ Sec 20, T18N, R01E, S.M. AK, lying east of N. Sorrelwood Street. Community Council: North Lakes, Assembly District: #6: Barbara Doty The Abbreviated Plat Public hearing will convene at 8:30 a.m. on May 18, 2016, in Conference Room 110 of the Dorothy Swanda Jones Building, 350 E. Dahlia Avenue, Palmer, Alaska. If you would like to send comments regarding the proposed action, please mail to MSB, Platting Division, 350 E. Dahlia, Palmer, Alaska 99645 or fax to (907) 861-8407 or e-mail: platting@matsugov.us. Comments received by 3:00 PM one week prior to the meeting will be included in the Platting packet. Comments received from the public up to 4:00 PM one day prior to the meeting will be given to the Platting Officer in a “Hand-Out” packet the day of the meeting. In order to be eligible to file an appeal from a decision of the Platting Officer, a person must be designated an interested party pursuant to MSB 15.39.010. An interested party means (a) the applicant before the Platting Officer; or (b) any person affected by the decision who appeared before the Platting Officer and made oral or written presentation. The procedures governing appeals to the Platting Board are contained in MSB 43.35.003, which is available on the borough Internet home page (www.matsugov.us), or at various libraries within the borough. Publish: May 10, 2016
MATANUSKA-SUSITNA BOROUGH ASSEMBLY PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Matanuska-Susitna Borough Assembly will hold a Regular Assembly meeting on Tuesday, May 17, 2016, 6:00 pm, at the Mat-Su Borough Assembly Chambers, 350 East Dahlia Ave, Palmer. A public hearing will be held on the following items: 1. Ordinance Serial No. 16-053: An Ordinance Accepting And Appropriating September 2012 Southcentral Flood Disaster Relief Monies In The Amount Of $580,609 From The Alaska State Division Of Homeland Security And Emergency Management And The Federal Emergency Management Agency To Fund 445, Project No. 55017. a. Resolution Serial No. 16-043: A Resolution Amending The Budget For The September 2012 Southcentral Flood Disaster Relief Monies, Project No. 55017. (1) IM No. 16-079 2. Ordinance Serial No. 16-054: An Ordinance Approving A Supplemental Appropriation Of $23,690.34 Of Revenues From Public Donations To The Fiscal Year 2016 Animal Care And Regulation Division Operating Budget, To Procure Equipment And Supplies For Animal Care. a. IM No. 16-080 3. Ordinance Serial No. 16-055: An Ordinance Extending The Time Limit For Completion Of Borough Capital Projects. a. IM No. 16-082 4. Ordinance Serial No. 16-056: An Ordinance Reappropriating $80,000 From The Capital Projects Department Fiscal Year 2016 Operating Budget, Fund 100, To Fund 435, For The Fireweed Building Improvements, Project No. 10178. a. Resolution Serial No. 16-044: A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For The Fireweed Building Improvements, Project No. 10178. (1) IM No. 16-083 5. Ordinance Serial No. 16-057: An Ordinance Approving A Supplemental Appropriation Of $42,000 From The Talkeetna Fire Service Area Fund Balance, Fund 254, To The Fiscal Year 2016 Talkeetna Fire Service Area Operating Budget To Cover Wages And Benefits For The Remainder Of Fiscal Year 2016. a. IM No. 16-086 6. Ordinance Serial No. 16-058: An Ordinance Approving A Supplemental Appropriation Of $50,000 From The Butte Fire Service Area Fund Balance, Fund 251, To The Fiscal Year 2016 Butte Fire Service Area Operating Budget To Cover Wages And Benefits For The Remainder Of Fiscal Year 2016. a. IM No. 16-087 7. Ordinance Serial No. 16-059: An Ordinance Accepting And Appropriating Additional Funds For Revision No. 1 In The Amount Of $495,000 From The United States Fish And Wildlife Service To Fund 410, Project No. 30114, For Up To 24 Culvert Replacements As Part Of The Fish Passage Improvements Project, Project No. 30114. a. Resolution Serial No. 16-045: A Resolution Amending The Budget For Revision No. 1 In The Amount Of $495,000 For Replacement Of Up To 24 Culverts For Fish Passage Improvements, Project No. 30114. (1) IM No. 16-089 8. Ordinance Serial No. 16-060: An Ordinance Approving An Appropriation Of $90,000 From Greater Butte Road Service Area No. 26 Fund Balance, Fund 280, To Fund 410, Project No. 30046, For Greater Butte Road Service Area No. 26 Capital Projects. a. IM No. 16-090 9. Ordinance Serial No. 16-061: An Ordinance Approving An Appropriation Of $110,000 From Knik Road Service Area No. 17 Fund Balance, Fund 274, To Fund 410, Project No. 30040, For Knik Road Service Area No. 17 Capital Projects. a. IM No. 16-091 10. Ordinance Serial No. 16-062: An Ordinance Approving An Appropriation Of $46,000 From Alpine Road Service Area No. 31 Fund Balance, Fund 285, To Fund 410, Project No. 30051, For Alpine Road Service Area No. 31 Capital Projects. a. IM No. 16-092 11. Ordinance Serial No. 16-063: An Ordinance Appropriating Up To $1,000,000 From The Land Management Permanent Fund, Fund 203, To Parks And Recreation Shop Upgrades, Fund 440, Project No. 15039. a. Resolution Serial No. 16-046: A Resolution Approving The Amended Budget For Parks And Recreation Shop Upgrades, Fund 440, Project No. 15039. (1) IM No. 16-093 12. Ordinance Serial No. 16-064: An Ordinance Amending MSB Title 25, Election. a. IM No. 16-095 LONNIE R. MCKECHNIE, CMC, Borough Clerk Publish: May 10, 2016
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Publish: May 10, 2016
PLATTING BOARD AGENDA MAY 19, 2016 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum (by Secretary) B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Approval of the Agenda 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. May 5, 2016 3. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. RANDALL MARTIN (owners/petitioners): The request is to revise MARTIN HEIGHTS from a 2-phase to a 3-phase Master Plan to allow the recording and marketing of Lots 1-4 in Phase 1 prior to initiating construction of the cul-de-sacs for the remaining phases. Contains 16.95 acres +/-. This is a re-subdivision of Lot 3, Lone Eagle Estates Add #1, Plat 97-82, into 16 lots and originally received approval on September 6, 2006 under Title 16 with a 5-year extension granted on July 2, 2009. The petitioner is also requesting a 7-year extension from the public hearing date to allow the petitioner time to more effectively market the phases of the proposed revision. Located within W ½ Sec 19, T18N, R01W, S.M. AK, lying south of W. Spruce Lane. Community Council: Meadow Lakes, Assembly District: #7: Randall Kowalke 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION (Three minutes per person, for items not scheduled for public hearing) 6. MISCELLANEOUS A. Work Session on proposed amendments and changes to Title 43. 7. RECONSIDERATIONS/APPEALS 8. PLATTING OFFICER COMMENTS 9. BOARD COMMENTS THE PLATTING BOARD WILL CONVENE AT 1:00 P.M. on May 19, 2016 in the Assembly Chambers of the Dorothy Swanda Jones Building, 350 E. Dahlia Avenue, Palmer, Alaska. If you would like to send comments regarding the proposed action, please mail to MSB, Platting Division, 350 E. Dahlia Ave, Palmer, AK 99645 or fax to 861-8407. Comments received by 3:00 PM one week prior to the meeting will be included in the Platting Board packet. Comments received up to 4:00 PM one day prior to the meeting will be given to the Platting Board in a “Hand Out” packet the day of the meeting.
CALL TO ORDER In order to be eligible to file an appeal from a decision of the Platting Board, a person must be designated an ROLL CALL interested party pursuant to MSB 15.39.010. The procedures governing appeals to the Board of Adjustment APPROVAL OF AGENDA & Appeals are contained in MSB 15.39.010-250, which is available on the borough Internet home page PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE located at (www.matsugov.us), or at various libraries within the borough. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION DELIBERATIONS AND ADOPTION OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2017 BUDGET Vern Halter, Mayor Jim Sykes, #1 Matthew Beck, #2 George McKee, #3Publish: MaySteve Dan Mayfield, #5 Barbara J. Doty, #6 Randall Kowalke,05-17-16 #7 10, Colligan, 2016 #4 A. Ordinance Serial Ordinance Appropriating355-3223 Monies From The Central Treasury 861-8682No. 16-016: An354-6962 373-3630 373-1502 892-7406 746-0460 315-0805 vern.halter@matsugov.us jimsykesdistrict1@gmail.com matthew.beck@matsugov.us george.mckee@matsugov.us stevecolligan@mtaonline.net dan.mayfield@matsugov.us barbara.doty@matsugov.us randall.kowalke@matsugov.us For The Borough Operating Funds, Enterprise Funds, Education Operating Fund, And Capital Brett Memorial Ice Arena Funds; Establishing The Rate Of Levy For Borough Functions Forcommissions, The Fiscal Year To seeAll a complete listing of all boards and please go Beginning to http://www.matsugov.us/boards and scroll to the bottom of the page, and click on membership. July 1, 2016, And Ending June 30, 2017, And Setting The Surcharge Rate For The Wireline And 861-7690 • 746 East Bogard Road, Wasilla Wireless Enhanced 911 Systems For The Period Of July 1, 2016, Through June 30, 2017. Summer Youth Hockey for Fun! VII. VETO A. Motion To Override Any Possible Mayoral Veto On Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Items (Ordinance Serial Registration Now Open No. 16-016) 10-15 minutes warm-up/drills 45 minutes scrimmage time VIII. MAYOR, ASSEMBLY, AND STAFF COMMENTS IX. ADJOURNMENT Starts May 31 for Peewees & Bantams Disabled Persons Needing Reasonable Accommodation In Order To Participate At An Assembly Meeting Starts June 1 for Mites/Mini-mites, Squirts and Midgets (16U & 18U) Cost $130/ Goalies $65 Should Contact The Borough ADA Coordinator At 861-8432 At Least One Week In Advance Of The Meeting. Call #861-7690 for details Visit us on the web: www.matsugov.us Publish: May 10, 2016 05-14-16
Vern Halter, Mayor 861-8682 vern.halter@matsugov.us
Jim Sykes, #1 354-6962 jimsykesdistrict1@gmail.com
Matthew Beck, #2 355-3223 matthew.beck@matsugov.us
George McKee, #3 373-3630 george.mckee@matsugov.us
Steve Colligan, #4 373-1502 stevecolligan@mtaonline.net
Dan Mayfield, #5 892-7406 dan.mayfield@matsugov.us
To see a complete listing of all boards and commissions, please go to http://www.matsugov.us/boards and scroll to the bottom of the page, and click on membership.
Barbara J. Doty, #6 746-0460 barbara.doty@matsugov.us
Randall Kowalke, #7 315-0805 randall.kowalke@matsugov.us